For both men and women, an important aspect is to enjoy intimate life. But many girls complain about the lack of orgasm and lack of satisfaction. There are a large number of theories and opinions about how to satisfy a girl in bed. Not every young person, applying them in practice, achieves the desired result. And all because each representative of the fairer sex is individual. Some people start up almost immediately and have no problems in bed. Others require a special approach.

Why does a girl need to have an orgasm?

To learn how to satisfy your wife or girlfriend in bed, you need to know the nature of orgasm. Why does a girl need him anyway? With the male orgasm, everything is clear - it is required for procreation, the successful conception of offspring. Once upon a time, scientists argued that in the process of pleasure, a woman produces specific hormones that provoke ovulation.

Today it has been proven that orgasm and ovulation are in no way related to each other. But the hormone production remained intact. Thus, in the female body there is a surge in the hormones prolactin, oxytocin, and endorphin. They are necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background and prepare the body for future gestation.

So, from an evolutionary point of view, the female orgasm has no benefit. But, from a psychological point of view, complete satisfaction in bed is the key to a stable psyche and mutual understanding between partners. The following goals of female pleasure can be distinguished:

  • Increased mood;
  • Elimination of stress;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Elimination of headaches;
  • Increased ability to work;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Restoring the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to satisfy a woman: general provisions

To please your beloved and give her pleasure, you should not neglect foreplay. This is especially true for those couples who have been married for many years. Whatever one may say, passion, animal instinct fades away. You can warm up your relationship with the following preludes:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Bath in aromatic oils;
  • Romantic dinner with a glass of champagne;
  • Watching a romantic, erotic film.

These initial actions will help the woman relax and get in the right mood. This significantly increases a man’s chances that his beloved will remain satisfied. Next, the transition to the bedroom can be accompanied by light, relaxing music. It is better to give preference to romantic songs performed by men.

After this attitude, you can get down to business. It all starts with kisses. Explore the female body. Only in this way can you find those zones and points that will bring your passion maximum pleasure. A woman should feel desired and loved. After all, the right emotional and psychological attitude is the key to success.

In order to increase blood flow, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital organs of both women and men, you can take a couple of glasses of red wine or champagne to the bedroom. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately begin close proximity. If a woman is not at the peak of arousal, she will not be able to receive pleasure after penetration. If you know the desires and whims of your wife, you will not have problems in bed.

Since foreplay involves kissing, let's start with that. You need to start from top to bottom. For most women, obvious erogenous points are the earlobes and neck. Next, move on to the shoulders, chest and stomach. This sequence will relax the fairer sex. The main thing is not to rush, do everything systematically, gradually. If the couple has no inhibitions or prejudices, you can resort to oral sex. This ensures that you get the desired result.

The girl will be able to be satisfied if her husband stimulates the clitoris during foreplay. The man will understand that his passion is already at the peak of excitement. Only now can we begin to penetrate. You can also stimulate the clitoris during direct intercourse. It is enough to choose poses that are comfortable for this.

In a fit of passion, you can lightly bite the girl’s nipples, her lips or neck. It's worth experimenting to find out what brings her pleasure. Also, whisper gentle words in her ear, say that she is desired here and now. Don't forget the classic missionary position. In this case, the woman will have the opportunity to kiss you, look into your eyes, which will certainly turn you on.

All women like light touches. A man can lightly run his hand along the inside of his thigh. This zone has a large number of nerve endings, which will allow you to have a wife. There are a number of effective poses that bring maximum pleasure as the G-spot is stimulated:

  • Dogi style;
  • Jockey;
  • Armchair;
  • Soldier;
  • Scorpion;
  • Dawn;
  • Acrobat;
  • Hostage;
  • Picnic.

How to bring pleasure to a woman if her erection is weak?

Sooner or later, all men begin to experience problems in bed. This physiological feature cannot be avoided. In addition, a decrease in potency also occurs in healthy, young people. This is due to banal overwork, stress, fatigue. But what to do if a girl wants to spend an unforgettable night, but her erection fails?

Don't concentrate on the problem. If a man is not confident in his abilities, a woman will not be able to relax and get better. It is necessary to establish visual contact. While caressing, look your partner in the eyes and kiss her on the lips. Arm yourself with all the foreplay techniques, and invent new ones along the way.

Also, during foreplay, it is necessary to establish tactile contact, namely touching:

  • Breasts;
  • Head;
  • Belly;
  • Hips;
  • To my feet.

This can be done either with your hands or with your tongue. It is worth noting that oral sex can give a woman much more pleasure than direct penetration. And if the technique is performed correctly, the partner will receive a full orgasm. Therefore, during good sex, not only the penis is involved.

To ensure your partner never forgets a night with you, here are some helpful tips. For a girl, details are important, not the whole image as a whole. If this is your first relationship with this passion, do everything at the highest level. This applies to the bed. It is better to use silk bed linen. Believe me, the lady will appreciate this gesture.

Aromas are also important. Experts have proven that some smells can increase libido levels and excite. So, the smells of strawberry and cucumber should prevail in the bedroom. A woman will also receive satisfaction when you skillfully increase and decrease the rate of friction. Increase the pace until the moment of practical orgasm, and then reduce it immediately.

There are many books, videos, and free online tutorials that describe in detail how to perform various poses. You can study these manuals yourself or together with your partner. Girls also like these moments:

  • Dry, rough kisses on the lips;
  • Active search on her body;
  • Slow, gradual entrance of the penis;
  • When her partner carries her in his arms to the bed;
  • Clean men's hair;
  • Frank conversations about how sexy she is;
  • Light pulling on the hair.

And no quick sex, no foreplay. Having mastered basic knowledge of female physiology, it will not be difficult for a man to give her maximum pleasure and satisfaction.

When dating a woman or girl for a long time, sooner or later you have to convince her of the sincerity of your feelings and prove your love in practice. Every man faces something similar, and many even have to do it at every opportunity, all he has to do is to offend his beloved a little. To get out of such a situation with dignity and prove to the girl how much she means to you, use a few tips, and your significant other will not doubt that you have the brightest feelings for her.

Remember how it all began

Both the man and the woman remember the special sensations they experienced at the very beginning of the relationship, during the so-called bouquet-candy period. Unfortunately, over time, many couples lose their former passion, everyday problems arise, and relationships move to another level: people get used to each other, get used to it and are no longer ready for all sorts of, often crazy, things that they previously did in order to express their feelings . To revive your former passion and help a girl get rid of the obsessive thought that your love for her has passed, try to do the following:

  • remember what you experienced at first after you met;
  • give these memories to your significant other;
  • tell her about your love and your first impressions of meeting her;
  • visit again the places where your first meetings took place;
  • give her the same flowers and order the same dishes at the restaurant that you ordered on your first date.

In addition, remember that a woman needs your attention, it is important for her to feel needed and loved, so you should not ignore her presence in your life. Try to spend more time together and talk to each other as much as possible.

What to do to please a girl?

To ensure that your girlfriend never doubts that you love her more than anything in the world, help her feel it and prove your love with words and actions. Every man knows exactly how to do this, but a few tips will never hurt:

  • constantly demonstrate your care and tenderness;
  • confess your love to her in a romantic place, avoiding banal phrases and preparations;
  • show her signs of attention and do not forget about flowers;
  • remember all your significant dates, right up to the day you first met your eyes and kissed;
  • Don’t put off visiting her parents and getting to know them.

Remember that all girls, without exception, consider a marriage proposal to be the best proof of feelings. However, you should take this serious step guided by your feelings, but not in order to please the girl.

What not to do to the person you love

  1. Respect your girlfriend, do not insult her and never use physical force against her.
  2. Help her in every possible way and protect the one you love so much.
  3. Try to satisfy all her needs, but not her whims.
  4. Accept her for who she is.
  5. Appreciate her and the time you spend together.
  6. Prove to the girl that she is the center of your life.

If your girlfriend demands every day that you confirm the sincerity of your feelings with expensive gifts and trips to restaurants, perhaps she is playing with you and using you for selfish purposes.

Anna basis

How to behave, what to say to interest a girl you like? Some people think that it is enough to be yourself, but is this really so? We hope that our tips on how to quickly please any girl will help you find the best way for interesting communication.

All girls are different, have different types of character and in order to achieve her attention, it is necessary to choose suitable tactics in accordance with her ideas about life. If you don’t know how to please a girl at school, a girl in a friendly social circle, or how to inspire sympathy in a female colleague, take a closer look at your behavior and actions.

Don't pretend and don’t do something that’s completely out of character for you. To impress a girl, sometimes you need to make a little effort: surprise with an action, adjust your behavior, or do a useful deed.

Marillon Cotillard in the film “Love Me If You Dare” (“Jeux d’enfants”, 2003)

Types of girls

Here we will not touch upon the question of how to arouse the sympathy of a girl, if you are a girl - as a rule, representatives of the fairer sex are more sensitive than men and solve these kinds of life problems without any problems. Below classification of female types focused on male perception:

  • "Warrior"– fearless, energetic girls. They prefer to conquer and command, to argue, to stand by their opinions. If she has won a man, he should be hers only. She trusts her significant other, but “keeps her finger on the pulse”: she checks, controls;
  • "Muse"– versatile, creative girls who talk a lot but do little. A man with a weak character next to her will become the same dreamer;
  • "Mistress". The main thing for such a girl is the arrangement of the surrounding space. She is reserved, loves order and is guided by rationalism and logic;
  • "Present"– a woman or girl puts emotions and feelings at the head. She loves surprises and gifts. She feels great with a man who shows signs of attention to a greater extent than others.

These are the characteristics of the main types of girls who rarely found in their pure form. But they are still easy to identify. Knowing the typology, you can develop tactics that will help the girl you like to like you.

How to please a girl who doesn't like you or is indifferent to you?

Before taking active steps to win a girl, evaluate yourself from the outside. For girls and women, appearance, cleanliness of clothes and skin are important. Think about what she will see before she discovers your rich inner world: untidiness, greasy hair, wrinkled clothes? Let your external qualities be appreciated by creating a pleasant impression with an excellent appearance.

  • Hygiene– take care of yourself, your oral cavity, shave and shower on time, use deodorant, cut your nails and get modern haircuts.
  • How should you dress to please girls? Cloth does not have to be expensive, but it must correspond to age, size, build. Things must be clean and ironed. Try to dress to highlight your external strengths or hide your shortcomings.
  • Often your own complexes interfere with such possible happiness... But how can a girl like you if you are fat? The principles of hygiene and attractive clothing have not been canceled here either, and additional emphasis should be placed on intelligence and sense of humor: in fact, not all women are in awe of handsome, athletic men - many young ladies will appreciate an interesting conversation and pleasant jokes.

If you are confident in your appearance, you can proceed to further actions. How to please girls, girls, women? First you need to at least talk to the object of your attention. remember, that female representatives love with their ears. Say compliments, nice words, be courteous and polite. Make a girl smile. According to surveys, this is the best way to get a girl to like you.

The more positive emotions a girl receives from you, the more she will want to communicate with you.

Don't know what to talk about? Remember popular comedy films or TV series. If during the conversation she laughed, be sure that you have won over the girl by 50%. In a conversation, find out where your interests coincide and what you have. This will allow the conversation to develop and give a chance for a new meeting.

Have you set out to be liked and fall in love with yourself? Become a friend, spend more time with the girl. If you study or work in the same institution, unobtrusively wave your hand when you meet, smile, say hello, calling them by name. Main - don't overdo it so as not to appear intrusive. If you want your relationship to become close, be patient, get people to trust you.

Use a proven flirting method. Remind the girl that you are not just a friend, but also a great guy. When you meet, make eye contact, smile, and start a playful conversation. Girls feel body language and emotions, so calm yourself down. Don't be afraid to make a bad joke, and if it happens, laugh. Make them feel easy to communicate with.

Give compliments. Leave the standard set of phrases. Pay attention to hairstyle, clothes, nail polish. If something has changed in your appearance, say it in a positive way. Compliment your character, sense of humor, and other qualities. Let her know that you notice the changes happening to her.

Still from the film “Love me if you dare” (“Jeux d’enfants”, 2003)

Tactile contact. Girls feel touch, so the first gentle touches are an important way to get a girl to like you. Here are tips on how to transition to touch:

  • help put on outerwear;
  • give your hand if she comes down the steps to enter the room;
  • take your hand if you need to quickly cross a crowd or run into public transport;
  • give her a hug if she trips.

Be polite, do not frighten with your obsession. If you can see with the naked eye that the girl you like is feeling uncomfortable, you should stop and act more carefully.

Once you feel mutual attraction, hint at your interest. If a girl or woman behaves easily, at ease, and answers with ambiguous phrases, you are acting correctly. Pay attention to the views, facing you. You see interest, a special look, make it clear that it is mutual: smile slightly in response, looking eye to eye.

How to get a girl to like you on the first date?

Sometimes you shouldn’t stay up at night and wrestle with the question: what should a guy be like to attract a girl? If you want to understand that a girl is really attracted to you, invite her to go somewhere. First, make sure that it is interesting to both of you: a film premiere, a concert or an exhibition. If you haven’t gotten to know each other enough yet, visit a cafe or restaurant. Be generous, but not wasteful. Don't cater to every whim, but if you present a bouquet of flowers or pay in a cafe, the girl will definitely give you a plus.

It is important for a woman to feel important in a man’s life

Talk more during casual conversation specific information about yourself so that she feels that you are serious. Pay attention to interests.

Find out what can make her happy what are her desires and fantasies?. The girl will definitely notice if you remember what she said, and then the question of how to please the girl will not arise.


It doesn’t matter whether you’re thinking about how to please the girl next door or charm a girl or a work colleague, you need to know a few basic principles of pleasant communication. Facial expressions and charm, well-groomed behavior and correct speech, common interests and sincere interest in the object of one’s attention will become the basis for a promising acquaintance.

And remember: for a girl or woman of any age attention and feeling needed by a man are important– the causeless disappearance of a fan for a week or two can nullify all his previous efforts. You will either have to start all over again, or abandon this idea altogether: a self-respecting lady, most likely, will not want to communicate anymore. Figuring out how to get your ex-girlfriend's attention again will be very difficult.

26 January 2014, 16:27

How to please a woman

Difficulties in relationships

How to please a woman

There is an opinion among men that it is easier to chop wood with your bare hands and conquer Everest without equipment than to please a woman and gain her praise. And in part, this male position is confirmed by numerous stories, rumors and tales. But as soon as a man asks himself the question: “How can I please my woman?” - he can immediately raise the white flag and go to the slaughter.

A far-sighted man will never do anything extraordinary to conquer his girlfriend and get her affection and care. Since a far-sighted man knows that, having done something grandiose at least once, the girl will expect a repetition next time. And when a man doesn’t do this, because not all of us have money for an everyday show, then the girl will coldly and dryly tell him: “You disappointed me, I expected more.” And all the work, effort and money that was spent on something beyond ordinary will turn into dust.

This is the reason why women so love and respect egoists who do absolutely nothing, only occasionally give one flower or a trip to some cheap cafe, and then take theirs in full at night.

What you need to know to please a woman

Almost all magazines, articles and shows inspire us that a woman should be extolled, madly loved and “killed” for her at work. And then in the evening, when you come home from work tired and lie down on the sofa for one minute, she will kindly and tenderly say: “Get up, lazy person, you’re completely lazy, all you can do is lie down and run to the toilet.” And just one question comes to mind: “Why kill for such a woman?” Because, really, there's no point. Therefore, guys, let’s listen and remember the simple rules.

You don't do anything until you are offered good conditions. As soon as you start giving away your time “for free”, it will no longer be valued. And when your actions are not appreciated, then you will no longer be able to “please” your wife with their help. Therefore, we remember the market, where everything can always be agreed upon, and we begin to discuss all the “ideas and proposals” with my wife. Of course, you shouldn’t get hysterical, otherwise your wife will start doing everything herself, and she won’t need you anymore.

Women love to be directed. If you give a fool a machine gun, he will shoot everyone around him. If you give a fool a machine gun and point it at enemies, then either there will be no enemies or there will be no fool, which is good in any case. Therefore, you should never take a woman’s words as some kind of 100% requirement. You can always find something simpler, easier and more understandable. Or even completely delegate some of the tasks to the wife, and then fairly praise her for a job well done.

You are a real hero. If early in the morning you had to go to the garage, dig out the doors and start the car, then you should not be silent about it. You, like a real Arctic wolf, made your way through the blizzard and bad weather, then with your own hands you dug up snow and frozen ice, breaking your hands into blood, then you went around all the men to open the door together, which was frozen by the frost, and then, like Julius Caesar, you returned to car for his empress.

Let the woman see that your affairs are complicated and difficult. Let her understand that you are a real hero who took the Bastille, and if at the same moment he does not receive the reward, then his wife’s head will fly off her shoulders.

How to behave with a woman to please her

A man should be a real tornado, who starts with half a turn and also cools down easily. Let the woman know that for her every whim she will receive a lightning-fast rebuff. But when she is kind and affectionate, then there will be a good and decent family man next to her.

Of course, you will say that this will not happen with all girls; some would rather send it than listen to this. But you know that with a strong masculine principle, even the most hysterical girl can be calmed down by resorting to passion. So go ahead.

Golden Rule: “How to please a woman”

To please a woman, a man must do only one thing - be a stern man who minds his own business and does not really interfere in any of the petty affairs of his wife. But when a problem appears on the horizon, a man must solve it as quickly as possible, and then demand, indeed demand, a reward from his wife. As long as the man does things and demands an answer from the woman, she will be happy and the man will be calm.

And those who wipe their wife’s snot, kneel in front of her and listen to hysterics can be called men who are confused and turned into servants! You can not do it this way!

Every decent man wants to charm girls. But, many guys don’t know how to become attractive to women. This article discusses a few tips to help a guy get a girl to like you.

How to please a girl?

Let's look at them in more detail:

1. Don't try hard to get her to like you.

Of course, there should be a little intrigue, but there is no need to hide your feelings for her. You need the girl to understand that you are interested in her, but do not humiliate yourself in front of her, trying to fulfill any of her feminine desires. You should remember the fact that most girls lose interest in guys who are ready to do anything to please her.

It is because of this that when giving compliments or attention to a girl you like, you need to do it in such a way that she herself shows a desire to date you. Become for her the kind of person with whom she would feel very good and comfortable in any company. At the same time, let her know clearly that you will not give up all your important activities. To rush for many kilometers because of her every whim, just to please her.

2. Don't try to seem like a prince on a white horse.

If you don’t have money to take a girl to restaurants, for gifts and bouquets of flowers, you should refuse this from the very first day. Count only on the amount of money that you can easily spend at your next meetings. After all, you can’t get a girl to like you by trying to seem like someone you’re not. Understand that if you try to impress your girlfriend on the first date this way, you may run into big problems in the future.

For example, if you take your beloved girl to expensive restaurants a couple of times and give a lot of flowers, you may turn out to be the prince from a fairy tale for her, whom she has always dreamed of. Your beloved may think that the same fabulous life awaits her in the future. But, of course, you won’t be able to afford such expensive meetings all the time; no doubt, in a few weeks she will understand everything. She will regard this behavior as an attempt on your part to make her fall in love with you and have fun. We can say with confidence that she will leave you. You will be left without money and without a girl.

3. Don't give up...

What kind of manners, after a short time of acquaintance, rush to hug a girl, take her hand, while she makes it clear that this is unpleasant for her. Remember that smart girls are very outraged if they are touched, groped and groped. Such actions simply infuriate them; they want to hit such an impudent guy with something very heavy. Because of this, if you don’t want trouble and rudeness from the girl, then refrain from such actions.

Even if she moves away at first, tries to laugh it off or removes your hand, then understand that it is not that she is flirting with you. It just means she doesn't want to be rude to you. But her patience will someday end, and then you will see an angry woman in front of you.

4. Show that you are interesting to communicate with

Your most important goal is for her to pay attention to you. Once your communication has begun, there is no need to invent something unusual and witty to charm the girl. Understand that smart, and not “stupid” female representatives like confident, sincere and calm guys, and not arrogant and show-off guys. Based on this, show yourself as an interesting and intelligent interlocutor during communication. If you are like this, you can be sure that you will impress her and she will be very interested in you.

5. Don’t let anyone make fun of you

Well, what kind of girl would like a man who is humiliated by everyone? This behavior shows her that the guy does not respect himself if he tolerates all this. By allowing sharp jokes and remarks towards himself, the guy shows the girl that he is a doormat. After all, a man who has self-esteem will not allow anyone to throw evil, sarcastic jokes and humiliating jokes at himself.

If a girl likes to joke with guys, then explain to her in a stern manner that this will not work with you. Understand, an adequate girl will even be impressed by this, she will not be offended. Because a guy who knows how to defend his honor will be able to defend the honor of his beloved girl.

6. Be clean

Seriously, when a guy smells really bad, it's best not to try to please the female gender. Understand that nothing will help such a guy if there is dirt on his clothes, greasy hair, and dirty shoes. After all, everyone knows that girls evaluate all these details and, based on this, build their feelings. Therefore, you should look like a real man: neat clothes, clean combed hair, fresh breath. In this case, any girl will not have the intention of humiliating you.

7. Don't praise yourself too much

Talking for hours about your achievements, wanting to surprise or make a girl fall in love with you, means showing yourself to the girl as a braggart and talker. Understand that guys’ speeches about how wonderful and cool they are are not interesting to girls. Don’t think that if a lady hears these stories, she will start running after you. On the contrary, she will understand what an empty and stupid braggart is standing in front of her.

It has long been clear to all female representatives that an adequate and normal guy, as a rule, does not talk much about himself and maintains a little intrigue. Only a guy who is deprived of female attention will speak loudly about his merits. The girls even have a favorite saying: “Behind the beautiful peacock tails there is always a small and nasty butt hiding.” Most likely, if you want to make a girl fall in love with you, you don’t want to become such a peacock in her eyes.

8. Ditch the pickup truck.

The more a guy tries to get acquainted and impress, the less interested the girl is in him. Pick-up artists consider themselves “thinners of women’s hearts.” But they are mistaken in believing that ladies are so stupid that they will certainly “fall” into the trap of pick-up artists. “Empty girls” will most likely get caught, but adequate ones will never, since pick-up artists for them are frivolous guys, they have only one thing on their mind.

A decent guy knows how to be popular with women without using a pickup truck.

A lot of ladies immediately recognize pick-up artists, which makes it difficult for them to impress a girl.

9. Control what you say

Never call a girl you recently met the following words: bunny, kitten, beloved, chicken, dear. Of course, if you have known each other for a very short time, do not admit that you love her and do not propose your hand and heart to her. Ladies immediately see “lies” in such words, so the man is mistaken for a “chatterbox and a liar.”

When such words are easily spoken, it means that they are meaningless, they are simply empty. This looks, at the very least, stupid, since a decent guy doesn’t just throw around these words. If he really experiences any feelings, then such words are very difficult to get out of him.

10. Give up the habit of complaining

You are tormented by the following question: “How to please a lady?” Then understand this fact: it is very difficult for a loser to please a girl, since women like strong men who are able to overcome any difficulties. Because of this, first of all, don't show a girl that someone has a bad attitude towards you. Secondly, do not talk about how you suffered during your school years because of the bad attitude of your peers.

Stop whining and complaining: about bad parents, about the fact that when buying a phone you were deceived and sold a defective product. Do not present yourself as a sufferer in front of her, causing her pity. So she won't like you. Understand that you are successful and lucky, everyone loves you and is happy to see you. Suggest this to yourself, because suggestion really helps. You need to develop your self-confidence, only then will girls like you.

15 life hacks: video

These simple tips will help you please the girl you like. Just find out what she likes and what irritates her. Then, try to match her ideas. Then any girl will like you one hundred percent.