Since ancient times, the lily has been considered a symbol of nobility, purity, harmony and innocence. This is one of the most ancient images for body paintings, a strong and beautiful amulet. The sketches are most suitable for girls and are made in various techniques and styles. The original color scheme, theme, size and location of the picture are chosen - all together it becomes a unique and significant decoration.

A little bit of history

In the Christian religion, the lily is considered a symbol of the Virgin Mary; in France, the heraldic image of the flower was available only to the nobility, and in Egypt it was a sign of fertility. In ancient Rome, the lily was minted on gold coins and signified hope. Among Jews, the image of a lily is still considered a sign of belonging to Judaism. Such rich historical significance is widely reflected in contemporary body art. The lily is considered a female tattoo, which can be placed anywhere, depending on the size of the image. This is perhaps a rare case when a tattoo looks great on a girl’s foot, hand or forearm. Panoramic and color designs are good on the back in the center, stomach, waistline or shoulder blade. Young men also put compositions of a lily and a sword on their shoulders, which means masculinity, fidelity to the word and nobility. In prison symbolism, lily tattoos mean gayness or accessibility. A competently and skillfully stuffed flower or branch or bouquet merges with its wearer and always makes him stand out from the crowd.

Lily symbol meaning

The more beautiful the flower, the deeper and stronger the meaning of the tattoo. For example, flowers on a single stem speak of eternal life, and snow-white lilies in the midst of weeds show purity of thoughts and meekness of disposition. The color of the flower is important and conveys the character of the owner:

  • white flowers - purity, purity;
  • yellow - pride, intransigence and capriciousness;
  • brindle - unusualness, originality and unpredictability;
  • pink - delicacy, fragility and youth;
  • dark - passion and emancipation.

The creation of a unique flower arrangement, taking into account the slightest nuances of the image, should be entrusted to an experienced professional. The master will apply a unique design of lilies, which will become your business card and at the same time a stylish decoration.

Today, tattoo culture is so vibrant and diverse that you will no longer surprise anyone with shocking images applied to the body. However, one tattoo will never lose its relevance and popularity among lovers of body art: this is the Lily tattoo, captivating the eye with its tenderness and elegance, bringing beauty and harmony to the world.

Lily next to a butterfly on a girl's shoulder

Lily tattoo: meaning and significance

One can talk a lot about the meaning and meaning of a lily tattoo and say nothing. This is due to the fact that this tattoo has deep historical roots and does not belong to any one culture, therefore the meaning of this tattoo is so rich and multifaceted. In terms of completeness and significance, the lily flower can only be compared with the image of the lotus, revered in eastern countries.

When I first wanted to get a tattoo, I decided that I wanted to put some kind of flower on myself. I looked through a bunch of sketches, listened to a million opinions on this matter, and decided that I would definitely get a lily tattoo. After all, this is not just a flower, but the embodiment of femininity and tenderness!

Nadezhda, Kaliningrad

A colored lily with a frog is located on the back

But, despite such a diverse image, we can cite as an example several very specific and as close as possible to reality, historically the prevailing meanings that a lily tattoo carries:

  • purity;
  • virginity;
  • beauty;
  • modesty;
  • immortality of the soul;
  • rebirth.

Red lily on caviar

The history of the lily as a way to decorate the body

The history of the lily tattoo dates back to ancient times, when there was a cult of the lily flower in Ancient Egypt or Rome, and then the tradition arose of decorating the bodies of young girls with such tattoos due to the fragility of the living lily plant.

Did you know?

In Ancient Egypt, lily flowers were stuffed on the body of a young girl not only for beauty, but also to indicate her purity, innocence and purity, which made the choice very easy for the groom during matchmaking. In addition, the design of a lily was applied to the body and clothes of a young maiden who died a virgin.

Today, the lily tattoo is popular mainly among sophisticated and creative girls, and does not carry a negative meaning, as it did during the heyday of the royal dynasties.

Beautiful lily with the inscription

The main types of lilies applied to the body

Surely, you have more than once seen various tattoos of lily flowers, executed in different manners and strikingly different from each other. However, depending on the composition and color of the flower, several types of lily tattoos can be distinguished:

  • White lily is a symbol of wealth, innocence, modesty;
  • Orange is a symbol of freedom and independence;
  • Yellow is a symbol of inaccessibility and pride;
  • Pink is a symbol of youth and tenderness;
  • Dark lilies are a symbol of passion and charm;
  • Several flowers are a symbol of immortality;
  • A lily among weeds or thorns is a symbol of purity and purity in the midst of the sinfulness of the world.

Three lily flowers on the back

It is believed that the lighter the paint used to apply the lily tattoo, the more positive and sublime the meaning will have a pattern and the more energy its owner will be charged with.

The plot and composition of such a tattoo is quite simple: they usually depict either one or three lilies, sometimes adding other plants (roses, rosehips, lotuses) or various insects - bees or butterflies. Also, the images may contain religious themes: flowers are depicted with the faces of saints, dragons or birds. Mostly, paints of calmer, natural shades are used; less often, artists, at the request of customers, use flashy tones in tattoos of this type.

I was destined to get a tattoo of a lily flower. As soon as I turned 18, I immediately fulfilled my dream. For several years now, my side and part of my thigh have been decorated with an elegant and sensual design of a lily. I am glad that, thanks to my tattoo artist, I can now admire this magnificent, my favorite flower all my life. Now you don’t even have to go to the flower shop)

Lilia, Moscow

Black and white lily on the leg

The cult of lily tattoos in different cultures

The lily has been revered at different times and in different cultures, so it has a certain meaning. Here are some of them:

  • In Rome and Greece, the lily, a symbol of hope and innocence, was often depicted on coins and the robes of virgin goddesses.
  • Among the Sumerians and Semites, as well as in Egypt, the lily was a symbol of fertility and fertility.
  • Among the Jews it symbolizes the nobility of Christ and appears on the emblem of Judas.
  • For Christians, the lily personifies the purity of the Virgin Mary and symbolizes meekness, modesty and humility.
  • In medieval Germany, the lily flower was considered the home of the elves.
  • On the island of Crete and in medieval France, the lily design was often depicted on the coats of arms of aristocratic families and served as a symbol of prosperity, nobility and respect.

For many thousands of years, the lily flower has been used to decorate the body, and over time it has not lost its true meaning, remaining the same relevant image for a tattoo for girls. Today, more and more young people prefer to stuff something feminine and delicate, such as a lily or rose flower, into aggressive and flashy images.

Video: drawing a sketch of a lily tattoo

Lily tattoo designs

The most common meaning of a lily tattoo is innocence, purity, tranquility, peace, nobility, as well as pride and glory. Such qualities were attributed to the flower in ancient times. In terms of importance for Western cultures, the lily can only be compared with the lotus, a symbol of the East. This is especially true for the white lily, which is in no way inferior in beauty to the white rose, and in some ways even surpasses it.

Lily tattoo designs are always beautiful with their delicate flowers. Very rarely this drawing is done using only black paint, there is no point in this. The tattoo is applied to different parts of the body: arm, shoulder, shoulder blade, thigh, etc.

Being a primordially feminine symbol, in Christianity the lily is the personification of the Virgin Mary, which means holiness, innocence, humility and the immaculate conception. In addition, in different countries there were, and still exist, all kinds of beliefs associated with this amazing flower.

So, the Germans thought that elves lived in lilies. The Egyptians believed that they gave fertility and wealth. The Greeks and Romans considered the flower an integral attribute of chaste goddesses. And the French admired the lily so much that they even made it a symbol of royal power.

A lily tattoo can be depicted on the body in the form of one flower, or in the form of several. The lighter the color of the flower, the lighter, lighter and more sublime the energies that control it. Thus, the white lily symbolizes sinlessness, purity of thoughts and motives, fragility, tenderness and chastity. Several flowers on one stem are associated with rebirth or immortality.

Dark lilies carry slightly different information; they no longer contain the innocence and angelic purity characteristic of white flowers. Flowers with a dark color are associated with the fragrance of the night, passion, ardent beauty and an unsolved mystery.

So, the special meaning of the lily tattoo lies precisely in its color design. The yellow lily has been a symbol of pride since ancient times. The color pink is associated with tenderness and youth, and sometimes with sensuality. Orange or brindle coloration indicates passion, originality and independence.

The design of tattoos using this flower is most often quite simple - one or several lilies, made in one manner or another; The color scheme is different, but more inclined towards natural shades. Often tattoos on this topic are associated with religious symbolism.

It could be the Virgin Mary with a bouquet of lilies in her hands; a cross entwined with several flowers; lilies at the feet of the saint, etc. Sometimes birds, animals or dragons are depicted with lilies protruding from their mouths. A lily tattoo can consist of several flowers tightly entwined with barbed wire.

The world of tattoos using the lily in their design is truly diverse. This is an extraordinary flower with its own special character, which is undoubtedly a wonderful decoration for the female body. Be sure to ask the artist to draw an individual sketch of a lily tattoo for you. And below you can see photos of tattoos with the image of a lily from different artists.

Tattoos are permanent images applied to the skin by traumatization with the introduction of multi-colored dyes under the skin. The design that is applied to the skin is chosen only by the customer and most often remains with him for life.

Each image has its own hidden meaning. The meaning of a tattoo depends on the design applied and on the meaning of this symbol in different ancient cultures and religions.

Therefore, not all drawings may suit every person. If a tattoo does not suit a person, then there is some discomfort and a desire to get rid of it. And of course, some drawings may not be suitable for men or women in their semantic meaning. It’s rare that a man would want to regularly see a flower or a butterfly on his skin, but women, on the contrary, would be happy about this. Flowers on a woman's body are like identifying the beauty of a woman's body with nature.

In general, tattoos that contain images of flowers can have a rather deep meaning, much greater than just drawings on the body. Flowers are the embodiment of nature, a manifestation of its mystery and beauty. The meaning of flower images varies across different countries and cultures. The most famous are lotus, rose, lily, sakura. It is very important what color the design is made in; it can seriously influence the meaning of the tattoo.

The lily is the most common ancient symbol of peace, purity, nobility, glory, greatness, tranquility, pride and innocence. In terms of importance in countries, the lily is comparable only to the lotus, although their meanings are largely similar. The lily is often considered a feminine symbol, so it can mean youth, resurrection and, in rare cases, early death. Thanks to some beliefs, the white lily occupies a rather honorable place among flowers, personifying wealth.

In Christianity, the lily symbolizes the Virgin Mary and, therefore, modesty, purity, innocence, humility. In the culture of many nations, the meaning of the Lily tattoo was fertility. In Germany they believed that elves lived in these wonderful flowers. In France, the lily was the sign of kings.

The most important meaning of the Lily tattoo is nobility. And then this tattoo can be understood as fragility, tenderness, innocence, that is, directly as female symbolism, the personification of female beauty. If this flower is surrounded by thorns or herbs, it means the sinlessness of the soul. Several flowers on one stem are considered a sign of immortality or rebirth. A yellow lily means arrogance and pride, a tiger lily means eccentricity, a white one means purity, and a pink one means youth. If light-colored lilies are associated with day and purity, then dark-colored flowers are associated with passion and the beauty of the night. In the Middle Ages, designs in the form of lilies were made for women of easy virtue, and because of this, some interpretations of such tattoos are still unclear.

In general, lilies belong to women's tattoos because of their beauty and meaning. Although not all girls think about the hidden meaning of the drawings. In general, depending on the color of the applied design, what the owner wants to get in the end also depends. It is impossible to clearly name certain types of girls who will definitely get such tattoos; usually any tattoo is done by an independent and determined person who does not care about other people’s opinions, and this tattoo is unlikely to be an exception.

Tattoos with floral motifs are becoming increasingly popular. Each image has its own story, symbolism and meaning. This time we will try to figure out what the meaning of the lily tattoo is.

The history of the origin of the lily symbol

Lilies are one of the most unusual and beautiful flowers. At different times and in different cultures, they could have dual or even opposite meanings, because each people had their own idea of ​​the symbolism of plants. Therefore, in order to find out what the lily tattoo means, we will turn to the traditions, legends and tales of our ancestors.

There is a version that the name of these flowers comes from the ancient Gallic language and means “snow-white”. In ancient Egypt they were a symbol of the transience of life. They decorated the bodies and clothes of innocent young girls who left the world of the living, so this flower also began to personify purity, purity and hope.

During the time of ancient Persia, an entire city was dedicated to flowers. The inhabitants of the empire decided to call it “Susa”, which means “city of lilies”. There was a place for these representatives of the flora in German culture. According to legend, lilies were magical, and it was believed that in each of them there lived an elf who was born and died with the flower.

Also in Germany, these extraordinary flowers were a symbol of the afterlife and atonement for sins. Catholics consider them to be an attribute of the Virgin Mary, because according to legend, it was the lily that was in his hand when he brought the good news to the Mother of God. Therefore, in Catholicism, girls go to their first communion with a wreath of these beautiful flowers. The monarchs of France chose the lily as an emblem for their coats of arms. The fleur-de-lis was a symbol of justice, compassion, mercy and greatness. Also among the aristocracy of Europe there was a tradition according to which every morning the groom had to give his bride a bouquet with these flowers, thereby proving the sincerity and authenticity of his feelings. Well, during the Renaissance, the royal lily was a mark for traitors, enemies of the crown, criminals and fallen women. In this regard, later in Europe the custom arose of bringing these flowers to funerals.

The teachings of Feng Shui also attribute special properties to these plants. It is generally accepted that they bring harmony, abundance and love into the home, and are also capable of helping a lonely heart find happiness.

It is very important to mention that these flowers of extraordinary beauty were a powerful amulet for women among the Slavs; they were often used in embroidery. Such a talisman gives its owner vitality and protected from diseases and troubles, kept from adultery.

The lily is considered a primordial symbol of women, so a tattoo in the form of a lily is usually chosen by representatives of the fair sex. Let's figure out what lily tattoos mean for girls. Most often, probably, such drawings are chosen not because of their meaning, but because of beauty, tenderness, and grace. After all, not every young beauty, when choosing a picture she likes, will become interested, for example, in what a lily tattoo on her leg means. However, any floral motif with which we decorate our body, one way or another, carries some meaning that is closest to us.

The color of the petals plays an important role in what a lily tattoo means. White flowers symbolize naivety, purity, purity, modesty and bashfulness, but yellow flowers symbolize pride, arrogance, inaccessibility and the fact that its owner is extremely little interested in the opinions of strangers. Pink color reflects youth, tenderness and lovely. If a black lily is depicted on the body, then it will carry the energy of the night, in which there is always a place for beauty, passion and desires, and no place for shyness, innocence and humility. Well, since the girl chose a tiger lily tattoo for herself, then she clearly wants to show her independence, originality and unconventional way of thinking.

Often on the body of lovely ladies there is also a water lily, which usually shows daydreaming, faith in a bright future and the fulfillment of desires. A tattoo of a skull with lilies can express the desire to stand out from the crowd, to prove one’s individuality and specialness, and sometimes even a challenge to society and its obsessive stereotypes.

Thanks to such a short excursion into the past, we were able to lift the veil of mystery of symbolism and learn a little about what a lily tattoo means for a girl.

Choosing a subject and style in a tattoo

As already mentioned, the image of lilies is more suitable for girls, because they are associated with feminine energy. A dotwork style drawing will look interesting and unusual. The style is interesting because it is based on a precise technique for performing work. The history of this trend dates back to ancient times: images of people with similar patterns on their bodies were found in African caves. Tattoos in this style are practically never in color; mostly black is used, less often red, and the saturation and contrast of the design are regulated by the density of the dots. In addition, such works are often quite large, because small pictures made in finishing work can look awkward and blurry. It is very important for a master working in this direction not only to carefully think through the sketch, but also to correctly calculate all the proportions, maintain symmetry in the image. An excellent option for a tattoo would be a lily on the shoulder in a dotwork style.

Sketches of flowers in watercolor style look unusually colorful, interesting and attractive. This is an incredibly expressive, bright, emotional and exciting direction in tattoo art. Looking at such works, you might think that they were really painted using watercolor paints and brushes. All the elegance, charm and poetry of such drawings lies in thin, almost imperceptible lines, soft halftones, careless strokes, droplets and drips, which allow you to create pictures of extraordinary beauty on the human body. A watercolor lily will become a real decoration for its owner, emphasizing her creative nature, originality and beauty.

When choosing a sketch for yourself, do not forget to take into account several important nuances regarding the size of the image and its location on the body. Large drawings with a plot are most often placed on the back or hips. And, for example, a lily tattoo on the lower back or leg will look most harmonious in a composition with other floral motifs and patterns. For vertically elongated sketches, it is better to choose a place on the forearm or lower leg. Small lilies look great on the wrist or top of the foot.