Bead weaving is a very fascinating, incredibly beautiful and very useful type of needlework. Finally, we got to this wonderful art, and we will start with the most basic: beadwork for the very beginners is already waiting for you on this page. We'll tell you what tools and materials should be selected for your first beadwork, which figures are easiest to weave, which technique to use and which patterns are the simplest. We will be happy to help you create your first beaded masterpieces!

Beadwork for beginners, of course, begins with the selection of all the necessary materials. For us, at the forefront of everything is, of course, beads. Do you know how many varieties of all kinds of beads exist today?! Modern beads can be classified not only by color and price, but also by other important criteria:

  • to size;
  • by calibration;
  • according to form;
  • by hole size;
  • by quality and place of dyeing;
  • according to the material of manufacture.

It’s worth understanding at least a little about all these subtleties in order to learn how to quickly and efficiently weave the products you need. Then you'll know what beads should be used to weave flowers and trees, what material makes the most beautiful roses, and what beads are best suited for creating jewelry. As the article progresses, we will introduce you to all the nuances of beadwork and the choice of material, so that you get a general impression of this type of needlework.

Bead size

The sizes of beads are small, medium, large and very large. Each type of bead has its own number, which can be used to determine the diameter of the beads. The most common sizes are from 6/0 to 15/0. Moreover, 15/0 is the smallest size (diameter about 1.5 mm), and 6/0 is the largest. These numbers indicate how many beads need to be placed in one line to make a 1 inch long chain. That is, with a size of 6/0 there will be 6 beads in 1 inch, and with a size of 15/0 there will be 15.


High-quality beads must be the same size, that is, they must be calibrated. You can buy already calibrated beads (this will cost more), or you can sort different-sized beads yourself. The quality of your future product will depend on the calibration process. If you are making flowers, the beads should be sorted (maybe not very carefully). But when creating a clasp necklace, you can use regular, uncalibrated beads.


Modern beads are made from various materials, and we will tell you about the most popular types of beads.

  • Beads with bugles. These are small colored tubes made of durable glass. The shape and color of the beads may vary significantly.
  • Chameleon beads, changing colors depending on the lighting.
  • Brocade beads. Transparent glass beads, painted in the middle with silver or gold paint.
  • Pouring (wet beads). Pastel beads with a slightly pronounced shine.
  • Mother of pearl (Ceylon) beads. Slightly transparent beads with a pearl-like finish.
  • Opaque natural beads (regular, matte). Opaque beads without coating or shine.
  • Plastic beads. Suitable for beginners.

Tools for beading: choosing everything you need for creativity

Video tutorials on beading should, of course, begin with the selection of tools and materials. We have already talked a little about the choice of beads. Let's move on to the tools. Beads can be strung on threads, fishing line or wire.

Bead threads can be used in different types:

  • silk– the most reliable threads for beading, but their price is quite high;
  • nylon (nylon) threads– inexpensive and durable, but difficult to tie;
  • cotton threads– not strong enough;
  • rubber threads– great for bead weaving. The best things to make from them are baubles and bracelets.

Selection of wire and fishing line

The wire for weaving with beads should be soft, preferably made of copper. Do not use too thin a wire, otherwise it will break after a few turns. Also, do not take very thick ones so that the products look neat. The fishing line is ideal for weaving voluminous compositions from beads, rigid structures such as flowers, leaves, crosses, etc. For colored beads, colored wires of appropriate shades are available for sale.

The fishing line must also be strong and thin. Beginners can also learn on a fairly thick fishing line with hard tips. Next, you will use more elegant designs. We select the thickness of the fishing line for stringing beads as follows: it should pass through the bead 2-3 times. If the beads are very small and the wire is very thin, we use needles.

Bead needle

Special needles are often used for beading; they are thin and flexible. Their size ranges from 10 to 16. The thinnest needle is No. 16, the thickest is No. 10. The most universal needles are number 12.

To get started, you will also need several useful tools:

  • organizer;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue;
  • pins;
  • clasps and fasteners for jewelry.

Bead weaving for beginners: simple patterns for beginners

Once we have figured out the tools and materials, we can start beading: we have selected very accessible and simple patterns for beginners.

Today, there are many different techniques for weaving with beads; a huge number of video lessons have been filmed especially for beginner lovers of beadwork. We will also show you video instructions for beading, but a little later. Now let's look at pictures with simple diagrams.

Before moving on to knitting figurines and other products, it is worth learning how to weave beautiful bead chains. Figures 6 and 7 show so-called “one-thread” chains, which will not be difficult to make, even for children.

  1. For the first chain, we thread 4 beads into the thread.
  2. Pull the thread through the first bead and tighten the ring.
  3. We put on 2 more beads and pull the thread through the second bead of the outermost row.
  4. We pull the thread and add 2 more beads, and pull the thread through the second bead of the previous row.
  5. We continue to weave according to the same pattern until the required size of the product.

Figure 7 also shows a detailed diagram that you can use to weave a chain of flowers.

Master class on weaving beaded bracelets

We present a few more simple diagrams that demonstrate step by step the entire process of weaving beaded jewelry. Detailed and informative instructions with photos will help you create your first masterpieces from beads.

How to weave a bracelet from beads and seed beads: step-by-step master class

Now that you have already learned a little about the basic nuances of beading, we offer you a simple master class on weaving figures. You can weave such a cute dragonfly together with your child, since the technique for creating the product is very simple.

Carefully examine the diagram, prepare everything you need and start weaving this wonderful decoration. After all, the finished dragonfly can be used both as a pendant and as a toy, keychain, accessory or souvenir. As a basis for a future product wire should be used so that the dragonfly holds its shape well and is strong enough. The picture clearly shows where to start working on weaving a dragonfly from beads. But if you still don’t understand something in the diagram, watch the video tutorial on creating a dragonfly, which we added to the site especially for you.

Video tutorials: beading for beginners

Beads are small beads with a slightly flattened shape at their holes. It comes in various diameters - from one to five millimeters. It can also be elongated, with several edges; these beads are called bugles and their diameter also varies - from two to eight millimeters. Bugles with beads come in a wide variety of shades and colors, with a matte and glossy surface. The appearance of your product will depend on these elements if you are going to make bead bracelets with your own hands.

Where did the beads come from?

Many historians claim that glassmaking appeared and successfully developed six thousand years ago. The birthplace of beads is Phenicia, where glass beads were made. At first they were large, but as production developed they became smaller and smaller and finally turned into beads. In our area, the heyday of beadwork and the immediate appearance of beads occurred in the second half of the 18th century. In those days, many different useful items were made from it: wallets, jewelry, covers for household items, decorations for churches. Already in those days, beauties knew how to weave bracelets from beads, and it was also used for embroidering large beautiful paintings and clothes.

In the last century, the most popular beaded jewelry was among hippies. It is worth noting that it was they who began to string beads not on a fishing line, but on a thread.

What beads are needed to make a bracelet?

Like any other activity, weaving beaded bracelets requires a little preparation. First of all, buy a few bags of beads.

You can choose beads:

  • large or small;
  • round, square or any other shape.

It is not at all necessary to use one color of beads while working; patterns for weaving bracelets from beads will come to the aid of your imagination, and there you can choose different patterns, sayings, or weave your name. You can make a thin bracelet or a large and massive one.

The shape of the weaving is also different:

  • openwork;
  • solid;
  • with different inclusions and much more.

It is better to buy beads separately for each bracelet, so it will be easier for you to understand what beads are required and how many of them to buy. It is better for beginning craftswomen to take extra beads.

Example of a bead weaving machine

What needs to be prepared besides beads

If you are planning to weave bead bracelets, you can find patterns for such products on the Internet or in various magazines. You can also buy such patterns in stores that sell beads. Get ready for the fact that for such an activity you will need a lot of free time and perseverance.

You need the following materials and tools:

  • the thinnest fishing line you can find. Very often, designs for beaded bracelets involve stringing beads on a strong thread. Of course, it’s up to you what is more convenient to work with, but the thread may rot or break in the future and your product will be damaged. Therefore, it is best to find fishing line;
  • convenient container. You will pour beads into it and take them from there. You can use a plastic jar lid or something similar. The most important thing is that the beads do not spill out of the vessel;
  • short and very thin needle. Some craftswomen do not use a needle, since the fishing line itself is quite rigid. But if you are new to this business and are interested in how to make a bracelet from beads, prepare a needle;
  • scissors;
  • locks. They are needed only for those bracelets for which the presence of a lock is required by design.

Rules for weaving bracelets

To make your work satisfying and comfortable, and to make beautiful beaded bracelets, try to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • do not take a very long starting thread or fishing line. You can easily get confused in it and all previously completed work will go down the drain;
  • When stringing beads onto a fishing line, look at how they lay down. The beads should not be pressed tightly against each other, but the beads should not hang too much either. In this case, the shape of the product will not come out clear, or vice versa - it will wrinkle and curl under great tension. Therefore, you should find the best option;
  • We do not advise beginners in this business to immediately take on complex patterns of weaving beaded bracelets. They will not be able to do this and nothing meaningful will come of it. First you need to practice on simple products, and only then do something more complicated. By the way, the most difficult thing will not always be beautiful. Many simple bead bracelets turn out to be much more original and beautiful than those products that were made according to complex patterns.

Simple models of beaded bracelets

If you use the main beading techniques, you can make openwork, patterned, single-color or multi-colored jewelry and their technology does not seem too abstruse. But first you need to learn how to make simple models, get better at it, and over time you will learn to make more unique and complex bracelets. Therefore, first we will tell you how to make beaded bracelets for beginners.

Bracelet "Flower"

This is a very easy product to make. Take beads of two contrasting colors. A very good combination - black and white, such bracelets are always relevant. Take more white beads, they are needed for the petals of the flower, and we will use black beads to make its core. And if you are interested in how to make a bracelet from beads, your steps are as follows:

The finished bracelet can be secured with a lock, or you can simply tie the ends of the fishing line. As you can see, the patterns for beaded bracelets are very simple; making such a product is very easy and quick.


This beaded product is also very easy to make. The bracelet you will make will have good stretch, and it will seem like it is made with an elastic band. But you need to buy a lot of beads for it, since the bead bracelet of this model is woven in a circle.

First, take beads of the same color and get to work:

  1. secure the tip of the fishing line and leave a tail;
  2. collect seven beads;
  3. now you need to make a ring, thread the needle through the first bead;
  4. hold the future bracelet and put one bead on the needle, then thread the fishing line through one bead into the third bead. Of course, this requires a lot of patience, but you want to know how to make a bracelet from beads;
  5. take another bead and thread this bead through one into the one that was the fifth;
  6. All that remains is to tie the ends of the bracelet together.

Bracelet weaving pattern

You can make such a bracelet from beads for beginners and from beads of different colors. In general, everything is up to your imagination.

Multi-strand bracelet

Bracelet "Gift"

Take a fishing line and string four beads on it in a row. Thread the end of the fishing line into the first bead, and a ring should form. Then you need to collect two more beads on the fishing line and pass its end through the previously collected second bead. It will be on the side of the beaded ring. Next, you should put two more beads on the fishing line and thread it through the sixth bead. Repeat these simple steps until you have a thread of the required length.

Complex models of beaded bracelets

We have dealt with simple products and now we will try to make bracelets using more complex patterns. But don’t worry, you will certainly succeed in making these products too. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. You can come up with patterns for products yourself. It’s best to first put the designed design on paper and paint the beads there with the desired color, and you will see whether the selected colors are combined correctly. This pattern of a beaded bracelet will help you not get confused while working and do everything correctly.

Name bracelet

Your loved one will like this gift, because everyone is pleased to receive something made by the donor himself. For a name bracelet you will need beads of two different colors. The weaving pattern is called “Mosaic” or “Brick”. Using this type, you can make decorations of any thickness and any design, not just with a name. The bracelet will be thick, like a good strap. And if you are still interested in how to weave a beaded bracelet with a name, then your course of action is as follows:

Want something interesting?

  1. make a diagram of the product on paper. Paint over the beads with the name, the width of the product is ten beads;
  2. secure the tip of the line. String ten beads on it;
  3. from the last bead, return to the ninth bead through the top and now the line should point down;
  4. through the bottom, thread the end back through the last bead. You have made the first row of the bracelet;
  5. continue to weave the product to the end using this technique: take the first bead, thread the fishing line through the top into the eighth bead, into the 11th (last) bead through the bottom, and so on.

Don’t forget to weave beads of a different color into the product according to the pattern that you chose for the name. You will get a very beautiful beaded bracelet that your loved one or friend will undoubtedly like.

Bracelet "Lace"

This product is a very wide woven strip, which we will decorate with a complex pattern in the form of interesting flowers-crosses and multi-colored oblique stripes. Using a similar arrangement of parts and using the same pattern, you can make other types of bracelets, but we will figure out how to make lace bracelets from beads.

Use this action plan:

  1. put 11 beads on a working thread or fishing line. Take 9 pink beads and 2 red beads;
  2. pass a needle through the hole in the 5th bead and tighten the loop;
  3. put 3 purple beads on the needle and pass a fishing line through the first bead;
  4. to form the second link of the bracelet, put 4 beads on the working thread: 3 red and one purple;
  5. then pass the needle through the middle bead in the top row;
  6. Now you need to put 2 red beads and one purple bead on a thread and thread it through hole 10 beads.

If you are interested in how to weave a bracelet from beads, then perform all further steps according to a similar pattern, starting from the very first point, and change the selected colors of the beads.

Bracelet "Crystal Drops"

To make this bracelet model, you will need, in addition to small beads, larger faceted beads - 4-8 mm in diameter. This decoration looks very original if you take faceted beads of various colors, and small beads should be one color. You also need to prepare a thin needle, fishing line or nylon thread, scissors and a clasp for the future bracelet. And if you are interested in how to weave a bracelet with the romantic name “Crystal Drops” from beads, your steps are as follows:

  1. cut a thread about a meter long with scissors;
  2. At the end of the thread, fix one bead by pulling the thread through it twice, and then tighten it;
  3. string 6 beads and 1 large bead. Now we pull the thread through six beads one more time. They will eventually wrap around the faceted bead on one side;
  4. let's collect three more beads and 1 bead and now you need to pull the thread through 4,5 and 6 beads;
  5. Then you pull the thread through the beads that you collected last, and tighten everything.

Continue weaving the decoration links in the same way until you get the required size. At the end of the work, fasten the thread, attach fasteners to both sides of the product, and cut off the excess ends.

Now you know how to make bracelets from beads. There is nothing complicated here, you have convinced yourself of this, the most important thing is patience and passion for this business, and then you will get original and beautiful beaded bracelets that you will not be ashamed to give to friends and relatives.

How to make a bracelet from beads? Weaving all kinds of beautiful jewelry is a fascinating, interesting activity that has won over many craftswomen thanks to the unique opportunity to realize their creative potential. Using the master classes and video lessons for beginners in this article, you will learn several options for creating original, stylish, bright jewelry for the wrist.

Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving a beaded bracelet

A bracelet is one of the most popular women's jewelry, which the fair sex enjoys experimenting with. Despite the fashion and current trends that glossy publications dictate to us, hand-made products have always been highly valued. Beaded bracelets are inexpensive accessories, but they are not inferior in beauty to modern jewelry. Do not mistakenly believe that such jewelry is only suitable for children and teenagers. Real needlewomen are capable of creating such masterpieces that at first glance it is difficult to understand what material was used.

If you want to learn the skill of creating beaded bracelets, then the master classes and video lessons below will help you. With their help, you will master basic weaving techniques that will allow you to create a masterpiece: it may even be the lightest version of intertwined bottoms with beads, but it looks gentle, weightless, and is suitable for any occasion, even for an evening out.

Before starting work, you should stock up on enough materials so as not to be distracted from the process. Choose high-quality Czech or Japanese beads, where each bead is the same size, because the final appearance of the product depends on this. The Chinese material is uneven, so the bracelet will look ugly and untidy. If you have no experience in weaving at all, you can practice on cheap beads, making a rough version of the decoration, and for the final one, purchase good material.

It is better to immediately choose different colors, shapes and sizes of beads and bugles. This is necessary if during the process you need to add any elements to the product, you want to modify the design, bring in your own developments, which will give the product an original style. In addition, you need to stock up on smooth, strong, carefully twisted threads that are slightly slippery to the touch (nylon, lavsan, polyester). Don’t forget about fishing line, special thin needles, clasps, carabiners for thin and thick bracelets.

Weaving a simple bracelet for beginners

For beginners, weaving bracelets with beads may seem like a complicated, time-consuming task. However, you should not rush to conclusions, because you need to start with the easiest schemes, as in this master class. Gradually you will master this skill and be able to share your experience with like-minded people. The presented pattern is called a monastic or cross pattern, which anyone can easily master. Prepare a needle, multi-colored or plain beads, fishing line, thread or monofilament. Step-by-step instructions on how to weave baubles from threads and beads.

  • We collect four beads, close them in a ring, inserting the needle into the first, second and third. A cross has formed.
  • We string three more, insert the needle into the fourth of the previous link. This is how the next cross is formed.

  • We bring the needle to the top of the link.
  • We weave until we get the desired size.

  • It turns out to be a chain of crosses, but it looks uneven. To fix this, we go back along the chain to the beginning.

  • Next, insert the needle into the side bead of the first link.

  • We dial three, insert the needle into the side of the first link, forming a cross.
  • We bring the needle into the upper bead of the last cross.
  • We dial two, insert them into the side of the second link and the top of the previous one, as in the photo.

  • We bring the needle through the side and top of the newly formed cross, the side of the third link.
  • We continue to weave to the required length. We return along the second row to its beginning to align the weaving. We fasten the clasp.

How to weave a bracelet with a name

This method of weaving bracelets is very popular due to its simplicity and the ability to create a fabric with different inscriptions and pictures. Different-sized beads are not used here, but the flat, classic texture is compensated by the ability to create unique patterns. This dense beaded ribbon emphasizes the elegance of the wrist and is suitable for women. In addition to the name, the product may contain animal figures, plant or ethnic ornaments, and signs. You can purchase a loom or make it yourself. Step-by-step instructions:

  • We wind the threads on the machine, of which there should be one more than in the diagram.
  • We thread the needle and tie it to the first one on the machine.

  • String the required number of beads.
  • We push the needle under the threads so that each bead falls between the threads of the machine.

  • We stretch the needle over the threads of the machine with beads, tighten. It was the second row.
  • We continue to weave according to the pattern with your name.

We weave an openwork bracelet from beads and beads

Fans of beadwork should not stop at basic patterns. There are many interesting, more complex patterns that you can use to make an openwork bracelet. In the given lesson, large beads are intertwined with small beads and here you can also play with a variety of options: choose pearls, smooth large ones, faceted ones, on which rays of light will play beautifully. The main thing is to choose colors harmoniously: contrasting or two similar shades. To work, you may need a lock, pearl beads, beads, bicone, needle, nylon thread. Step by step instructions:

  • We will work with a thread in two folds for reliability, so that the product does not tear. First, we attach the lock to the loop with a sewing knot. We string two large ones as a base. We collect 6 beads, a bicone, again 6 beads.
  • We pass the needle through two large ones and tighten them.

  • We do the same on the other side.
  • We collect one large, six small, bicone, six small. We pass the needle through the previous one and the newly threaded one.

  • We do the same on the other side.
  • We continue to weave to the desired size, at the end we attach the second part of the lock.

Volumetric beaded bracelet

Looking at exquisite jewelry for a woman’s wrist, it is sometimes difficult to guess that these products were made by hand. A voluminous bracelet looks complicated only at first glance, but in fact the manufacturing technique is very simple, as you will see for yourself. An accessory with a harmonious color transition is suitable for an evening out. For work you will need: round nose pliers, pliers, beads, jewelry cable, caps for beads, end caps, crimps. Step by step instructions:

  • Cut off 20 cm of the cable. We string a small crimp, retreat 6 cm from the edge. Clamp it with pliers. We string the blue color along the length required for the bracelet. We string a small crimp onto the second edge and clamp it.
  • In a similar way we string 4 more pieces of other shades.
  • Through the holes of the end switches we string three blanks by one edge onto the ring and close them. Next, we shape the bracelet: you can braid it, or gather three pieces together and twist them.
  • We string a carabiner onto the second ring, close the edges of the blanks. Twist the bracelet and fasten it.
  • Video tutorials on weaving a beaded bracelet

    Over the entire period of its popularity, many girls, young women, and women have become involved in beadwork, and some have achieved great success in this matter. Skillfully made, complex, original beaded jewelry is equal in beauty to jewelry, and for craftswomen this needlework brings income and satisfaction from the realization of their creative abilities.

    There are many techniques and weaving patterns, which are described in the YouTube videos below. Thanks to an accessible explanation and clarity of the process, even a novice needlewoman will be able to create her first unforgettable bauble. In addition, an experienced master will be able to find ideas for himself in these lessons. Weaving beaded bracelets is a fun, interesting, calming activity that will help diversify your wardrobe with interesting jewelry. Start by mastering simple techniques, and then move on to more complex ones, honing your beading skills.

    Lesson on weaving with beads and floss threads

    How to weave a wide bracelet on a machine

    How to make a bracelet from beads and fishing line

    We make a bracelet using memory wire and beads

    Bracelet made of beads and pins

    Bead weaving is a popular form of needlework. This activity is fun and does not require large financial costs. Many girls create bracelets not only for themselves, but also for sale.

    Beading is a painstaking craft that requires attention and perseverance. But designer bead jewelry made with your own hands will always be noticed by others.

    First, let's figure out what beads are? Beads- small beads, slightly flattened at the hole. The diameter varies, but mostly up to 5 mm. Beads can also be elongated, such material is called bugles. Bugles vary in diameter, occurring up to 9 mm. The color, shade, surface of beads and glass beads are varied. The future appearance of the bracelet depends on these signs.

    It is not difficult to weave a bead bracelet for girls according to a pattern from the Internet under your mother’s guidance even for the first time, if the pattern is well chosen and your mother can help and correct the work. An interesting hobby can develop into a profitable one - beaded jewelry, for example, cords and gerdans, are very popular; they are gladly ordered from craftswomen for themselves and as gifts. It is more convenient to weave both round strands and flat gerdans on a special machine, but if you have no opportunity to either purchase or make them, you can do without it. You can admire pictures of finished works on the Internet. By the way, please note that the patterns for weaving gerdans are very similar to the patterns for cross stitch, where instead of one counted cross there is a bead.

    Bead crafts

    The material looks simple and discreet, but it can be made from amazingly beautiful jewelry. Beads are often used to create embroidery and panels. Skilled needlewomen create voluminous toys from it. Trees and flowers made of beads look very elegant. But the main direction in bead weaving is the creation of costume jewelry.

    Many novice craftswomen are concerned with the question of how to weave a bracelet from beads? Practice shows that weaving a bracelet is not particularly complex. Having seen a bracelet made with your own hands at least once, you will probably want to create the same one.

    Gallery: beaded bracelet (25 photos)

    To get started, you need to select a material. As a rule, there are no restrictions in the choice of beads. For future decoration, you can give preference to both small and large materials. If you like beads of a non-standard shape, then you can safely make weaving from them. The final choice is up to the craftswoman. To weave a bracelet, not only beads are used, but also glass beads and cutting. These are decorative elements that represent various sticks. The cut is a little smaller.

    Experienced needlewomen prefer to make products made from large beads. They often use sequins and cabochons in jewelry. Cabochon– a semi-precious and precious stone that has undergone special processing.

    Choosing a bracelet to make

    Everyone chooses the final version of the bracelet shape themselves. More easy option- This is a thin chain of beads in one row. Or you can create a wide bracelet that will consist of several rows of beads. When choosing, you need to start only from your preferences. If you think that beads can be used to make jewelry only for women, you are mistaken. A stylish men's bracelet can also be made using this technique from this material - the main thing is to choose the color and pattern.

    The weaving of the future decoration is also selected individually. It can be light openwork or solid, with different techniques. The main thing in choosing a weave is the complexity of the laying pattern. But with persistence, any complex scheme will not be so difficult.

    When weaving a bracelet from beads, it is advisable not to use material of the same color range. Decoration with an ornament and pattern looks impressive on the hand. It won’t be difficult to put certain words on the bracelet either.

    Tools for work

    To make a beaded bracelet you will need the following tools:

    The process of making beaded jewelry is long, so you should have a lot of free time. Patience and perseverance also allow you to quickly and efficiently produce jewelry.

    Beaded Bracelets for Beginners

    In order to create openwork, patterned, multi-colored and voluminous jewelry, you need to learn how to make simple models. Creating simple bracelets from beads will allow you to “fill your hand.” And only after this can you easily begin to create more complex and unique products.

    Bracelet "Flower"

    Making this bracelet is very simple. Let's take beads of two different colors. A combination of black and white will look very nice. Petals are formed from white beads, and flower cores are formed from black beads. Therefore, we take more white. Weaving stages:

    We continue these manipulations until the end. We fasten the finished bracelet with a lock or simply tie the ends of the fishing line.

    Bracelet "Tourniquet"

    This bracelet is shaped like a rope and will stretch when pulled. But this product will require a lot of beads, since weaving will be done in a circle. To get started you only need plain beads. Let's start making:

    Slowly but surely we complete the work and tie the ends of the bracelet together.

    Master class on weaving complex bead bracelets

    Having mastered the technique of making light products, you can proceed to more complex beadwork options.

    Personalized bracelet

    This decoration is an ideal gift for a loved one. Required beads of two colors. The pattern of this weaving is called "Mosaic", according to the instructions, you can make jewelry of different lengths and with different patterns. The bracelet is wide and thick. Subsequent manufacturing steps:

    Bracelet "Lace"

    The product is very beautiful and wide. The bracelet is decorated with woven patterns in the form of flowers and multi-colored oblique lines. When working we use the following scheme:

    According to this scheme, we continue to assemble the bracelet until the end. The selected colors do not change.

    Bracelet "Crystal Drops"

    To make the product you will need two types of beads– small and slightly larger (5–8 mm in diameter). The decoration looks very beautiful if the small beads are the same color and the large ones are different. In addition to the above tools, you will need a nylon thread. Weaving pattern:

    We continue weaving according to the instructions until we get the desired size. We fix the ends of the bracelet with a clasp.

    Choosing a clasp

    Beautiful design of the lock is half the success in creating a bracelet. A carefully secured and correctly selected clasp will make the product beautiful and complete. Let's look at the most common locks:

    Beaded bracelets: photo

    Beaded jewelry is a special type of accessory that you can create with your own hands. Having mastered the beading technique thoroughly, you can create real works of art. However, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on training. In this article we will share with you the simplest techniques weaving beaded bracelets with photos. With their help, literally in one evening you can create jewelry for yourself to suit any look.

    The ancient Phoenicians were the first to start weaving beads. They made glass beads themselves and created interior decorations from them. Of course, then they did not call their invention beads.

    The word beads came into use only in the 18th century in Europe. Glass beads were already smaller in shape, they were painted in different colors and used for sewing clothes, wallets and bags. Only wealthy people could afford such things; the poor could only admire the luxurious outfits of noble people.

    In the twentieth century, beads became available to everyone. Representatives of the “hippie” subculture began to use it to weave bracelets and other bright jewelry.

    How to work with beads?

    Today, beads are small flattened beads with small holes. It can be selected according to the following characteristics:

    • by diameter (it can be 1-5 mm)
    • in shape (beads can be elongated, with granules)
    • by shine (beads can be glossy or matte)

    Based on what kind of product you are planning to create, you need to select beads and other auxiliary materials.

    For example, to weave a beaded bracelet with your own hands, in addition to the main material, you will need:

    • strong, but thin line
    • a convenient plastic container in which you can store beads
    • a special needle (it must be short and very thin)
    • stationery scissors and accessories (locks)

    If you have never worked with beads in your life, then you should not try to weave complex products right away. Start with simple patterns for weaving bead bracelets which we have collected for you in this article.

    Weaving wide bracelets from beads

    Wide bracelets look very beautiful, but at the same time catchy. For romantic and sophisticated girls, this is not the best option. But if you love sports style or simply prefer to wear things that attract attention in life, then we offer you weave this beaded tapestry bracelet with your own hands:

    We present you with detailed instructions on how to do this:

    1. Gather the necessary materials for work. You will need everything that we listed above and 5 types of beads in one color shade:

    1. Then you should prepare a weaving pattern. You can draw the pattern you want to weave yourself, or you can use the one below:

    1. Start weaving in this order:
    • First, thread a fishing line through one bead as shown in the photo:

    • In exactly the same way we type a whole row:

    • We begin to dial the second row according to the scheme given below:

    • Next you need to bring the beads of the second row into the first:

    • We weave the entire second row in exactly the same way:

    • We continue to weave the product until you end up with a bracelet like this:

    You just need to attach a lock to it, and then use it for its intended purpose.

    Beaded bracelets: mosaic weaving

    There is one more an easy way to weave a beaded bracelet. It uses mosaic technique. We suggest you make this simple accessory with your own hands from single-color beads (although you can use as many shades as you like):

    1. We prepare a pattern for weaving an accessory. We suggest you use the one below:

    1. We take a thin fishing line and string one large stop bead onto it:

    1. Next, string 24 beads in a row into one chain:

    1. Take a thin wire (0.3 mm). If you have a jewelry cord at your disposal, use it:

    1. Using this cable you need to create a second row. To do this, you need to thread it through one bead in the chain of the first row:

    1. As a result of the previous step you should have the following:

    1. We do all subsequent rows in exactly the same way until we get a solid bracelet.

    Bead weaving: name bracelets

    A hand-woven beaded bracelet with a name can be a special gift for the person you love. You can take any diagram given above as a basis. You just need to weave your name into it:

    Let's talk step by step how to weave a name bracelet from beads:

    1. First, draw a diagram of your future product on a regular piece of checkered paper. Paint the cells that will represent the name with one color. Please note that the width of the bracelet should be approximately 10 squares.
    2. Choose any weaving technique (in this case, mosaic is perfect):
    • attach a stop bead to the fishing line
    • thread 24 beads into one chain
    • thread a jewelry cane through the first row of the chain to create the second row
    • in the same sequence weave the bracelet to the end

    Bead weaving: strand bracelets

    Modern girls enjoy wearing bracelets woven from beads. Such products look very beautiful. From the outside it seems as if they are made with elastic. However, before you start weaving a bracelet from beads using this technique, you need to know that you will have to use a large amount of material on it.

    We tell you in detail how to weave such an original bracelet:

    1. We select a weaving pattern. As a rule, it is always the same when it comes to a bracelet-harness. We have attached one of the diagram options for you below:

    1. We string a stop bead onto the fishing line, attach it well, and then thread 7 beads of the same color.
    2. From this row we knit a ring. We thread the fishing line through the stop bead to secure the pattern.
    3. Next, string the next bead onto the fishing line (you can have a different color), thread the fishing line through the third bead of the ring formed before, collect 6 more beads and form the ring again. This is a rather painstaking process, but the result is worth it.
    4. We continue to weave in this way until a bracelet is formed, similar to the one shown in the photo below:

    Beaded bracelets: brick weaving

    Very You can make beautiful beaded bracelets by weaving them using the Comanche technique. Simply put, this technique is called "brickwork." In fact, it is not much different from the mosaic technique. Its main advantage and difference is that products made using the “Comanche” technique are flexible. In addition, they are not easy to unravel.

    We will share with you the main points that everyone needs to know for beginners who decided to weave a bracelet from beads using the brickwork technique:

    1. Prepare a fishing line two meters long. Measure 15 cm on one side (you will not use this “tail” anywhere). Thread two beads to the measured point, passing the fishing line through them twice.
    2. Add the next bead so that a loop is formed: you need to thread the fishing line through the hole of the bead located on the left.
    3. Form the entire first row in this way. For clarity, we have presented you with a detailed diagram of how this should ideally look:

    1. Then start weaving the second row. It is created in exactly the same way as the first one, but here you need to form loops not only on the sides, but also on the bottom so that the beads fit snugly against each other.
    2. Weave all the rows that you have in mind (the width of the future product depends on their number) according to the pattern presented below:

    Beads can be used to weave not only original bracelets. You can create necklaces, earrings and other jewelry in exactly the same way. Any of the schemes we presented in this article is suitable for such purposes. When you get the hang of it, you will be able to make more complex accessories that will help you not only develop your inner creative potential, but also create a real, very profitable business. After all, today handmade products are very highly valued!

    Just don’t forget that you can’t do beadwork without labor and patience. You can achieve good results, create beautiful jewelry and reach a professional level only by focusing on the result. We wish you good luck in this creative endeavor and inspiration!

    Video: “Weaving beaded bracelets”