Valentine's Day, also known as Valentine's Day, is the most romantic holiday.

And everyone who has a significant other wants to celebrate it in such a way that it will be remembered for the whole year. To create your own interesting scenario for Valentine’s Day, you can look a little into and study how it is customary to celebrate this holiday in other countries.

In France, this is a holiday not only for lovers, but a holiday of love for all family and friends. The French have a tradition of congratulating all relatives with small cards (), in which short wishes and declarations of love are written. On this day they prefer to present precious jewelry to their loved ones.

In Italy, Valentine's Day is usually called Sweet Day, since the main gift on this day was a variety of sweets.

In England, it is customary to give heart-shaped cards to your loved ones. The British have fun by holding a love lottery during the party. The rules of this lottery are that the girls write their names on small pieces of paper and throw them into a hat, and the guys pull them out one at a time. Thus, couples are created, young people call each other Valentin and Valentina throughout the year. The traditional gift for girls on this day is red roses.

In Denmark, men have a tradition of anonymously sending valentines to their crushes. If a girl guesses who sent the message and experiences mutual feelings, she sends her chosen one a chocolate egg for Easter.

In Germany, this is the most unusual holiday, since the Germans consider St. Valentine the patron saint of mentally ill people. Naturally, all the attention on February 14 is directed at such people.

Valentine's Day is celebrated in the most enchanting way in Japan. Girls buy a huge amount of chocolates and give them to all the guys they know. And young people do the same a month later on March 14th. This day is called White Day because the guys give white chocolate.

In the CIS countries, on this day it is customary to go to cafes and restaurants, as well as give flowers, sweets and original gifts to loved ones. On the eve of this holiday, lovers have to go around many stores in search of surprises for their other half. True, thanks to modern communications, it has become possible to buy gifts without leaving home, you just have to look into

Let's go somewhere
And we'll celebrate the holiday together,
And on Valentine's Day
We'll be alone all day.

We'll dance with you,
And we will sing and have fun.
I don’t know how I feel about you, asshole,
I could have fallen head over heels in love.

On Valentine's Day
I wish it to be beautiful
The sun was playing on the snow
And it illuminated with rays.

So that a cheerful ringing laugh
He was always there. Another success.
So that love protects you
And she was illuminated with hope.

The snow has melted and drops can be heard,
The wind moves with the spirit of spring.
On one of the penultimate winter days
Happy Valentine's Day to you.

And, congratulating you on the holiday of love,
I will now give fate out of my hands
Ready for your strong and strong,
But at the same time, a gentle hug.

Take a heart as a sign of love,
And in return I'm waiting for a ring,
I want you to become my husband
I need you very much.

I'll cook cabbage soup for you,
Groom, undead and love,
I will become meek, like a slave,
Happy Valentine's Day!

My beloved, beloved, gentle,
I've been wanting to tell you for a long time
That my love for you is boundless,
I will never tire of drowning in it.

I revel in it with pleasure,
I savor it like nectar,
You are my happiness and inspiration,
Life's most precious gift.

I'll tell you a little secret,
The most beloved man
You have no equal in this world,
Happy Valentine's Day!

Why do we need to quarrel? On this February day
I'll draw a heart on the glass
In your window. Saint Valentine
Not to love as much as I fell in love.

Close your eyes so as not to look to the left,
I will lead you to a carefree Eden.
You are my king and I am like a queen
I command you to love yourself forever.

How wonderful it is on Valentine's Day
Say “I love you” once again.
I always love you, my dear,
I will support and inspire you.

You and I are comfortable together,
There's a lot to talk about.
Without you in this world
It would be lonely to live.

Valentine's Day is coming -
This is very good;
And, of course, inspires
Write you a poem.

My beloved, my good one,
I give myself to you;
And please note, too
I'm waiting for gifts from you:

Ardent declarations of love,
Kisses under the moon
Long fabulous dates,
Passionate thoughts about me.

Parting with you is unearthly torture.
I don't want this at all.
Priceless, like a candle I quietly melt
In your hands. Don't you dare blow me away!

And on Valentine's Day I easily admit,
That I'm not one step away from you anymore.
I love you - and I enjoy it.
I agree with everything! Including marriage.

What does it mean to confess your love?
Just say three cherished words.
They even invented a holiday
To admit it's not so stupid...

But for you on Valentine's Day
I won't just say "I love you"
I will say that the shadow is also beautiful,
What keeps your shell,

What is in your eyes - the mystery of the cosmos,
And the voice makes my chest ache...
That's why, my beloved,
I love you more than you do.

A holiday invented (like March 8th) by chocolate sellers and florists? A stupid Western tradition alien to our culture? Funeral service for a compassionate priest?

You can treat it differently. But no matter how skeptical your mood may be, it will come. And very soon. And deep down, each of us will wait for a romantic gesture from our lover.

If you still haven’t figured out how to congratulate your soulmate on Valentine’s Day, this article is for you.

1. Breakfast tete-a-tete

Isn't it happiness to wake up next to your loved one? But, if you want to make a surprise, get up a little earlier and prepare breakfast for him.

You don't have to be a chef to do this. After all, even from ordinary scrambled eggs you can make a declaration of love.

And if this is not your first time at the stove, then you can create a culinary romantic masterpiece. To prepare lace pancakes you will need 200 ml. milk, 2 eggs, 50 grams of flour, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste. Knead the dough, pour it into a culinary syringe (you can replace it with a thick plastic bag with a cut corner) and... create!

2. Valentine

This is a classic of the genre. And the simplest (and most banal!) thing you can do is buy a ready-made Valentine’s card at the nearest stationery store, grabbing a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne from the next shop.

Of course, such a manifestation of attention will be pleasant. But it’s unlikely to surprise or be remembered.

Another thing is a handmade valentine. Do not rush to disown, demonstrating which end of your hands grows. Often, to make a hand-made card you don’t need anything other than scissors, glue, paper and imagination.

Here are just a few simple ideas.

Is it really easy? But you can still make a sweet Valentine.

Or a surprise valentine. Just glue two paper hearts together and put a couple of candies or a small gift inside.

3. 100 reasons for love

Love is a feeling without cause. It is difficult to explain why we choose this particular woman or this particular man. But what if you try?

Make a jar or box for Valentine's Day - “100 reasons why I love you.” Fill it with small notes with reasons: “... because you wrinkle your forehead funny,” “because you smile at me in the morning.” It is not necessary to write “fundamental” things. Let it be nonsense, but it’s yours, very personal.

Believe me, your significant other will open this jar not only on February 14th - the reasons for Love will be re-read whenever you want tenderness.

4. Romantic coupons

Another idea is romantic coupons. These are a kind of “lottery tickets”. On each of them there is an inscription: “To the cinema for any session”, “Favorite dish”, “Just a kiss” and so on.

This gift could bring you another month (or two) of romantic moments. After all, you can make as many coupons as you like and “use” one every day.

5. SPA treatments

Have you ever taken a shower together? Highly recommend. Lots of pleasant sensations and saved water.

But on Valentine’s Day, it’s better to get into the bathroom with your loved one, not the shower, after turning it into a SPA salon.

Twilight, aromas and sea salt will help create the right atmosphere. Light and arrange beautiful candles. Just please, don’t forget about safety precautions. Remember: this evening only one fire should break out - the flame of your passion. To be on the safe side, you can use small LED candles.

They say a man loves with his eyes. But this is stated only by those who do not know that he has another three-letter love organ. Nose.

The sense of smell is sometimes stronger than sight in awakening our senses. It’s not for nothing that neuromarketers spray the smell of vanilla before entering a confectionery shop.

Fragrances will help you tell you about your feelings without saying a word. The main thing is to choose them correctly: lavender, rose and sandalwood relax and relieve stress, ylang-ylang intoxicates and creates an erotic mood, nutmeg excites the imagination... Drop a few drops of essential oil into the bathroom, or use an aroma lamp to create the right atmosphere.

Finally, use sea salt, bath bombs, and bubble baths. They will help you relax and give you pleasure.

No matter how you feel about Valentine's Day, do not forget to pay attention to those closest and dearest. As you can see, this is not difficult, and February 14 is still a good reason to be romantic.

Gift idea number 43. Let's make a big heart box with the author's filling!
The idea is similar to that described in the article Let life be like a box of chocolates! (I recommend checking it out if you don’t already know!)

Depending on what your loved one loves and is interested in, then it is used for a gift

For example, various candies and sweets, which are usually sold by weight in supermarkets. Each type is poured into paper cupcake (or muffin) cups, which can be purchased in the dish department. It turns out very elegant! You can add something else. Some cosmetics, essential or massage oils, a keychain for your mobile phone and other useful little things

You can add nuts and dried fruits - it will also be useful!

Or put something big! For example, lace panties rolled into roses (there will be a separate article about them!)

If your loved one is interested in needlework, on the advice of her girlfriends or someone simply knowledgeable in this area, select skeins of thread, or scrapbooking kits, or a set of embroidery threads, or something else

How to make such a box, see the slideshow here (after the text)
or on video (in the left column under the picture)
another lesson on making a heart-shaped box

By the way, if you are embarrassed by the banal gift of candy, buy crumpled paper in a florist shop and ribbons in the sewing accessories department, and pack each candy in new designer clothes!

It seems like nothing special, but it turns out very cute and elegant!
By the way, under the wrapper you can put a piece of paper with a declaration of love or a quote

You can do this: put a gift in one box and leave the other empty.
And say: “Darling, in one box I give you a small gift, and in the other - my heart”

When your loved one opens the box (supposedly with a heart) then he will see at the bottom inscription on behalf ofof your heart: “I have belonged to you for a long time, (name of my beloved), so I cannot be given as a gift!”

And the signature (for example):"Misha's Heart"

Photo found

By the way, the box can be made in the form of a musical instrument (honestly, I don’t know which one in this case)

You can download the printable template or

Gift idea number 44. Sandwich with a heart. Cut two pieces of delicious bread. We spread one with butter, and cut a hole in the other using a mold.

Place them together and sprinkle with powdered sugar. This one is sold in the form of balls, and in the form of stars, and in the form of hearts))


Gift idea number 45. A cupcake (muffin) pierced by an arrow as a sign that your heart has been conquered!
What’s interesting about this gift is that you can bake a cupcake yourself, showing off your culinary skills (and the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!)

You can download the blank for arrows


Gift idea number 46. The already mentioned idea is to buy chocolates and turn

You can download the box template here: top and bottom
other ideas for congratulations on playing with chocolate

Gift idea number 47. Make a CD of songs you like to listen to together. Record your audio greeting among the songs))

You can just say a few phrases, or you can do something more creative. for example as described in this article
Get a musical gift with a surprise!
You can hide a gift (if you live together) and, after giving the disc, ask to be sure to listen to it in the near future. And between the songs, write down instructions in the audio greeting. where to look for a gift. Read on this topic about the quest gift, maybe it will inspire you to even greater feats!

You can download cover templates

Gift idea number 48. If you already have a gift and it is related to clothing, you can give it in this design:

Gift idea number 49. A great idea for a simple Valentine's card. The holes are made with an awl or a gypsy needle. Looks like footprints in the snow!

Photo found

Photo found

Gift idea number 51. Here is an idea for a bouquet, which is somewhat similar to the idea with balloons
I think it’s clear in the photo how this is implemented)) Imagine, your beloved wakes up, and you say: “I have a bouquet prepared for you! It’s a little unusual, though. And it’s here, in this room. From the place where you’re lying, you can see him!"

What a surprise!

Photo found

Gift idea number 52. An idea somewhat related to the album idea, but different!
What it consists of: make up questions that you and your significant other would be interested in talking about and finding out each other’s opinions. + add compliment questions.
Cover your answers with pieces of paper.
Questions could be:

Question:“How often do you think I think about you during the day?”
Answer:"At least 10 times a day!"

Question:"How would you like to spend time together? Do you have any secret desires in this regard?"
In response tell us about YOUR secret and tender desires))


You don't have to make a whole album in this style! You can make just one spread and add a beautiful cover. This is the kind of thing you’ll get instead of a standard Valentine’s card!

Gift idea number 53. And a couple of ideas with hearts! You can buy skewers for baking kebabs and string felt or simply multi-colored fabric hearts onto them.
Place it on a shelf, add a piece of paper or a card with congratulations and it will be beautiful! How to make felt hearts

Photo found

A bouquet can also be made from paper hearts. How to make such a heart
You will need wire for the stem; you can use polystyrene foam or clay or plasticine as a solid base for the bouquet.

Photo found

Another option: with candy inside! See how to do it

Gift idea number 54. Here's another deliciously wonderful idea - cloud hearts. We made something like this - it was very tasty! The guests fell in love with her instantly))

Gift idea number 55. This is a gift giving idea. Print out a piece of a Shakespearean sonnet or other meaningful text about love and wrap it as a gift.
You can make beads with letters yourself from plastic or salt dough.

Source Martha Stewart

Gift idea number 56. Here's an idea for a Valentine's card. It's somewhat similar to this idea
Just write your congratulations not in a straight line. And this is already unusual and interesting!
By the way, you can make pictures from words. Look,

1. Decorate your home in Valentine's Day style. Blow up heart-shaped balloons, arrange scented candles, put out the name of your loved one and a heart with an arrow from rose petals. In such a romantic setting, the holiday cannot pass unnoticed. Only then give a gift prepared in advance.

2. A few days before the holiday, compose a poem for your loved one with congratulations on Valentine's Day. Take your creation to a photo studio, where craftsmen can beautifully design your gift on photo paper. In order to once again emphasize the fact that you love a person, you can arrange a photo gift with a verse, where your common photo will be used.

3. You can congratulate your loved one by preparing something delicious. Even if you are a man, this does not mean that this method of congratulations is not suitable for you. On the contrary, if you have never practiced culinary skills before, your girlfriend will certainly appreciate such an unusual way of congratulations.

4. So that your loved one can fully experience the holiday atmosphere, place small Valentine gifts with confessions throughout the house. At the end of the day, you can give a real gift by tying yourself with a scarlet or pink ribbon as the most important gift on this day.

5. Treat your loved one on Valentine's Day by dressing up as a waiter, a stripper (if you're a man), a nurse, a teacher, or just some nice new underwear (if you're a girl). You can appear this way in the morning, bringing your loved one coffee or breakfast in bed.

6. Congratulate your loved one by giving him a “Book of Love”, designed by you yourself. You can paste your common photo on the front of the first chapter. Invite your lover to become the author of the first lines and agree that from now on you will write down all the pleasant moments in your life in this book.

7. You can give your loved one a star named after him. It is best to present the corresponding certificate in a romantic setting, placing candles and bringing it to the window from which that same star will be visible.

8. Among the variety of unusual congratulations, one of the most memorable will be your trip to the spa with your loved one. This will be the perfect preparation for a romantic dinner.

9. Give an unusual gift for your loved one by giving him all the best words that you want to say to him. To do this, you can use balloons (preferably in the shape of a heart). Write on each balloon something like: “I love you because you are the kindest (kindest)” or “You are the best (best)” and give this bouquet to your loved one.

10. Valentine's Day is one of those holidays on which we all expect unusual gifts from our loved ones, and fireworks from live butterflies can be one of such gifts. Fortunately, today there are many companies that provide the opportunity to give such original gifts. Butterflies will help maintain a romantic atmosphere and remind you both of the warm summer.
