Heartfelt wishes for the New Year for someone who believes in miracles and loves to hear kind words during the festive hour.

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May the New Year become a reality fairy tale for you. Otherwise, why wait for him for twelve long months?! I just want to wish you not to wait for miracles, but to create them yourself. Act while you have time to change something in your life for the better!

* * *

I wish you to receive in the New Year everything that was not possible before. Be more confident and persistent and fate will smile on you with the most dazzling smile!

In the New Year, wish yourself everything that you need most now, but don’t forget about luck, good friends and loyal allies. Be close to those who believe in you, don’t avoid difficulties - they strengthen you, get to know the successful - it stimulates!

Let everything change for the better with the chimes in your life! I wish you to have abundance in all blessings and a complete lack of negativity and problems!

New Year's wish

In the New Year, I wish you to go straight to happiness on autopilot and avoid all the hardships on this thorny path! Let this happiness be the way you imagined it, because everyone has their own, personal and unique! If you find it, hold it tight. Don’t share with strangers, but don’t be greedy with those who are dear to your heart!

Breathe in the frosty fresh air and enter the New Year with renewed dreams. Let them make you happy that they will come true one after another!

May your career in the New Year pamper you with success and bring you the desired prosperity. So that your family will always be your support, and your home a cozy and calm haven where you can take a breath before your next victory!

May you not have difficult trials, painful experiences and difficult moments in the New Year. I wish you to live and breathe easily, as in the depths of winter in the frost!

Best wishes for the new year

Don't count the years you've lived, count down your victories! May it reach thousands in the New Year! I wish you prosperity to realize all your ideas and order in your thoughts and plans, then the goal will become not illusory, but obvious!

I wish you a joyful and bright holiday! Let New Year's Eve brighten the dark sky with fireworks and decorate your future life with new colors!

As the chimes strike, I wish you to think about what you expect in the new year. It is what you remember first that is most important for your well-being in the future! Live joyfully and as your own heart dictates!

A short wish for the New Year

I wish you satisfied ambitions, right decisions, easily achievable plans! Be with someone who is pleasant, do not react to provocations and achieve heights in everything!

May life become successful in a new way from the new year and show you all the facets of pleasure, fun and happiness!

Starting from the New Year, dare to do what you couldn’t dare to do before. May all your endeavors be crowned with stunning success!

Best wish for the new year

For each of us, the best is what our soul wants more than anything in the world. I want Santa Claus to fulfill your wish the way you personally want it!

I wish you to receive under the Christmas tree the most desired gift that you have ever wanted to have! Keep your dream a secret, and she will repay you by becoming your waking companion!

You probably have your most cherished dream, which you carry with trepidation in your soul. So, I wish that it takes on real shape and brings you untold satisfaction from life!

Comic wishes for the new year

But in the New Year I wish you to meet a handsome Santa Claus who can make all your dreams come true! Let his huge bag be enough for you happiness, health and success, and instead of deer, he will drive a team of cool cars to the house and put a wad of dollars in each sock!

I wish you to meet the sexiest snow maiden in the new year and not freeze next to her, but melt all the snowdrifts together! Under them you will definitely find the expected success and soon you will have joint plans and little heirs!

In the New Year, create your own fairy tale! Let it not have an end, but only a happy continuation and a fascinating plot!

In the new year, don’t rely on anyone but yourself, because you are the main builder of your future, the engine of your successes and the best adviser for your rebellious soul!

There are no things in the world that you cannot wish for or wish for! So go ahead, make your destiny the way you want! No Santa Claus can do this for you.

* * *

Let this winter not freeze your desires at the stage of reflection! Let your actions swirl you in a round dance of success, like snowflakes swirling in the air during a blizzard!

This section presents Happy New Year greetings in prose. Beautiful and kind words of wishes are simply irreplaceable on New Year's Eve. You should congratulate all your friends, relatives and friends on the holiday. Don’t forget about your colleagues with whom you spend your working life side by side. If it is not possible to congratulate everyone at a personal meeting on the eve of the holiday, then it is worth preparing New Year’s greetings in prose and sending them by SMS, email or other convenient way. Unfortunately, due to overloaded mobile and telephone connections in the New Year, it may not be possible to reach everyone on the phone, so it is best to enter the best Happy New Year greetings into your phone in advance and save them in drafts. At the first opportunity, it will be enough just to enter the recipient’s phone number and send a congratulation.

Our site offers a large selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose. You can choose your favorite wish for each special occasion. You will be able to surprise every guest at the festive table with your knowledge of poetry.

Happy New Year! I wish that this year all your dreams, even the smallest ones, come true. So that there is more warmth, more opportunities open up, incredible prospects appear, new friends appear, the fire burns in the home, a smile plays on the faces of loved ones. Let your most cherished dreams come true!
I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! In the coming year, I wish you to be surrounded by exclusively positive and friendly people, to experience only pleasant emotions, to enjoy every day you live, to give joy and smiles to those around you. And may this New Year be special for you.
I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! I wish that every day of the year that comes is filled to the brim with bright sunshine, shrouded in the warmth and love of loved ones, bathed in happiness and health, illuminated by the sincere smiles of people dear to the heart. And if there is precipitation, it will only be in the form of gifts, prosperity and joy!
Happy New Year! I wish you good luck, material well-being, a lot of warmth and light, fullness of colors in vivid impressions, pleasant moments, exciting travels, health, love, beauty and success!
Happy New Year! We wish you to find benefit and joy in everything. Let your enemies help you experience the taste of life, and let your friends help you overcome all obstacles. Let troubles give you invaluable experience, and let inspiration help you make your life better. On the New Year, we wish you renewal and purity - in everything and always.
May luck not leave your doorstep in the coming year, but may it invite more of its friends - love and beauty. Together they will help you overcome any troubles and inspire you to do new things. But if this trinity becomes capricious, call me for help. I certainly won’t let them idle!
I wish you to get wet in the dollar rain next year, and may the falling leaves of fortune fall into your hands all next year. Let happiness fall on your home in any season of the year, like New Year’s snowfall. I wish you to enjoy every minute of the coming year.
Happy holiday! Achieve new heights, boldly move forward - you are on the right path! Leave everything unnecessary in the past year, because in the new year, amazing, wonderful events await you that will bring happiness and confidence in the future!
I wish you a Happy New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of firecrackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and endeavors. I wish that everything you wish for will definitely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!
Let me congratulate you on this wonderful and cheerful holiday! After all, according to the Eastern calendar, 2017 will be the year of the Rooster, and he is always the leader!
I wish that in the New Year there would be as many joyful and good events as there are bubbles in your glass of champagne. May all your problems be solved and your cherished dreams come true in the coming 2017.
New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and cheerful holiday. A green decorated Christmas tree with colorful toys, sparkling and shiny, splashes of champagne, general excitement and joy. We wish everyone the same life in the New Year - colorful and sparkling, promising and generous, like the New Year holiday!
I would like the next year to be calm and peaceful. So that a real turnaround in the economy can really begin. And so that we turn the pages of economic, political, social confrontations that our country is tired of.
Let happiness, like a magical snowflake, fall into your palm and never melt. Let its silvery radiance fill your life with a gentle, never-fading light. Let its unique intricate pattern please your eyes. Believe in a miracle, open your heart - and New Year’s Eve will help you make your deepest dreams come true!

Happy New Year greetings

I am happy to wish you a Happy New Year. On this fabulous night, I want to confess my love to you again and wish you all the best. Huge and undying love, boundless luck, a fast-paced career, solid income, interesting work, complete rest. May all doors open for you this year, may your wishes come true, may your plans come true, may your dreams come true.
I sincerely wish you a fabulous New Year! Let the holiday be bright, cheerful and memorable. Let your loved ones, dear to your heart, be nearby, let all the wishes made at midnight come true. May happiness and good luck become your faithful companions in the coming year, may joy live in your soul, and may love warm your heart!
I sincerely wish you today, on New Year’s Eve, to always be in high spirits, smile dazzlingly, and feel joy in your heart. Let love be a faithful companion, let its flame warm. Let your loved ones be healthy, let your work progress. May you be able to meet with friends more often and relax more. Let there be room in your life for hobbies, new acquaintances, and exciting events.
Friends! Happy New Year!
We all know for sure that this is the brightest, most wonderful, mysterious, undoubtedly beloved, warm holiday! Everyone expects, hopes and believes in something different from the New Year. Therefore, I wish you fulfillment of your wishes in the coming year! May all the most secret things that each of us considers a blue dream come true!
The long-awaited and joyful holiday of childhood is coming - New Year's Eve. The smell of orange peel and spruce branch fills us with a touching state of anticipation of a miracle. Look back at the past year, it brought a lot of good things, and may all the achievements and victories of the outgoing calendar multiply in the new year, full of discoveries and celebrations! And the old year will take with it everything that brought disappointment. Ahead are the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires, and your home will be filled with kindness and prosperity. You need to enter the New Year with pure thoughts, transparent as the freshness of frosty days and open to new achievements. Let all the sincere wishes of friends spoken at the festive table come true!
My dears! Congratulations on this wonderful upcoming New Year!
Let it become one of the most successful in your life, bring success and awareness of happiness, more joyful moments in life!
Let your dreams come true - real, unreal - simply because you want it, simply because you deserve it! I wish you love, happiness, prosperity and health in the New Year! Heartily…
Happy New Year!
On this most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish, first of all, that your wishes come true. After all, on what other holiday do we so sincerely believe in miracles and magic?
May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.
Let the news be good, the acquaintances pleasant, the affairs successful, and the troubles minor. Let your home be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!
May all your plans come true, may your health not fail you, and may your loved ones always be there. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I wish you dexterity in money matters, curiosity in everyday work and always a cheerful smile in any life situation!
Happy New Year! May it be better than the previous one: healthier, richer, luckier and calmer. Let there be no place for wars and hatred. And let its brightness and fiery be only in a positive sense!

A collection of New Year's greetings and toasts from the editors of the Alkofan website in verse and prose. Our selection will be useful for any occasion: congratulations to family or friends, corporate events for colleagues, lovers of jokes, funny and short toasts. Most individual holiday wishes and phrases fit into a standard phone SMS.

Every New Year is like a fairy tale,
Like the birth of a dream.
New joy comes
To our world, full of beauty.
Happy New Year
And I wish you well,
Lots of happiness and good luck,
And warmth!

To the sound of fireworks,
Champagne splash,
In the first minute of the year
May it give you happiness
Your eyes shine,
There is a crunch of currency in wallets.
Good luck, prosperity,
So that my darling is the boss.
Fate does not spare the colors.
Any fancy
Complex issue,
Find a hundred best endings.

May the New Year be happy,
And so that he passes joyfully,
Let those who love be near you
And those with whom it’s very good!

I raise my glass and congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Always do good and give love,
Despite the years and weather!

The glasses are poured, and again,
Following the minute hand,
We are waiting for the New Year's word.
So let's drink to happiness, friends!
Happy New Year!

I want to wish you happiness
On this holiday, on New Year,
Mountains of money, sea of ​​passion
And love is a cycle.
Let friends not upset you
And my colleagues take care of me.
Let your relatives give you
Kindness, warmth, comfort.

In Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys, there is a glorious tradition of seeing off the old year. On the eve of the holiday, residents of this country throw out of their windows all the things that they do not need or have become tired of over the past year. Of course, we are not wasteful Brazilians, but economical Russians. Therefore, I propose to throw out old grievances, bad thoughts, sadness, and disappointment from your soul. And let's raise our glasses so that 2017 will be lived no worse, but better than the previous one!

Happy New Year,
Let him give you
Only what you want
Well, let him take the trash.
All hopes and dreams
Must come true
On New Year's Day already at dawn
Your dreams will come true!

On New Year's Eve outside the window
The snow is falling quietly
Let at your table,
There will be joy and laughter!
Let enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And he will enter without hindrance
Happiness to your bright home!

Upcoming New Year
Let the agreement bring
And with friends, and with the weather,
Both with work and with nature.
Who lives in harmony
He will find happiness in life.

On New Year's Day, so without sadness,
We left the old one,
May the holiday be brilliant,
Well, let life become sweeter!
To make things easier,
And my health was stronger.
So that without troubles and without adversity
We made it through this year!

May you have a happy New Year
He will come to us with a lot of joy,
And let him bring with him
Friends, health, life take off.
Let work be passion
Family is a rest for the soul,
And let all bad weather disappear
And all the sharp turns.

The New Year tells us today again
Count losses and finds.
I propose to drink to love,
Which is as intoxicating as vodka!

Let nothing upset us:
The heart will be calm, the mind will be playful.
I raise my glass to
To be joyful, but sober all year round!

Everything comes back. Life is like a boomerang. Good will come back good. Tenderness and care - tenderness and care. Respect will be returned by respect. And evil will return evil. The more you give, the more you will receive of what you gave. Let's remember in these passing minutes of the year what we did good and bad in the past year. What more will come back to us. And in the new year we will try to correct our mistakes with good deeds and actions. And then we will get more good things. Happy New Year to you, friends!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night stars fall
There's a knock on our window.
On this moonlit night
You can't live without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

All the best to you, all the best,
Good luck in everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant
And let only work bring joy.
Let the New Year not bring grief,
I wish you a great mood!

May the coming year
New successes will come,
Good luck in everything
And all problems will be resolved.
And so that this coming year
I was happier than the previous one!

Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

May all bad things be erased in the New Year,
How an eraser erases a stroke we don’t need!
May the best smile on you
And let every moment of the year be bright!
Health, success and a lot of luck,
Prosperity and blessings in the coming year!
Great ideas and always inspiration!
All the best for your destiny!

Let's drink so that in the new year you will always have someone to share any mood with.

May we have as many good and joyful events next year, as many good and wonderful deeds as there are lights in our New Year’s garland!

Let the blizzard last for a whole year
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your talents growth,
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

They say that the Rooster dispels the darkness with its crow and awakens the sun. So may the darkness of sorrows and adversity not fall on us for a whole year, and may the bright sun shine on us all, warming us with joy and success!

Let all the flowers fall at your feet,
Let the stars turn into emeralds,
Let grief and sorrow go away,
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

May we preserve this year as fate
From all adversities, sorrows and misfortunes.
Let it give to everyone around and to you and me
Hope and dreams, love and happiness!

May fate save everyone from adversity
And he will allow you to relax in the Canaries.
Let's drink to the New Year
And for friends - reliable, dear, old!

Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year our festive table will be more and more bursting with food, the phone will ring more and more with congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts!

May the New Year deliver us all
From problems, from debts and hassles,
May it add health
And the finances will improve,
And he will pour a full cup of all the blessings.
Let them come with the clink of glasses
Peace, happiness, comfort in the house.
For good luck - sold out!
Let it always be like this
Only the chimes will strike twelve.

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us... but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

Let it be like a rooster's tail
There will be our career growth.
Let it suddenly become colorful and bright
Life will delight you with a gift!
We can’t guess what will happen there,
Let's drink to surprises!

Let's take a look at Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! I personally envy them. They are never bothered by illness, they do not grow old, and, most importantly, they always have money for gifts! Let's drink to being like them!

Let the frost turn powdery silver,
Noticing any trouble,
I wish you only the best
In the coming New Year!

My dear beloved man!
For the New Year I want to wish you
To finally buy a car,
To take me around Paris.
And so that your salary is increased
For gifts to your beloved,
After all, I really want to please you:
Always be beautiful for you.

Let it on an icy tray
On New Year's Day, Santa Claus
He will place the diamond cup,
It will pour golden health to the brim,
Adds more fun to the appetizer!

If trouble knocks on your door on New Year's Eve, then let happiness open it and answer: “No one is home”!

May the New Year bring you good luck
And happiness will also be overflowing.
May good health follow you closely,
Well, let there be eternal May in your soul.
I also wish you prosperity in everything
And sweet life, so that you can say:
"Life is good." Or maybe even modestly
It’s like caviar to write this down.

We wish you in the coming year
Don't know worries, don't measure money,
Love, hope and believe!

May everyone have a successful New Year
For money and a career,
The sea will bring you success
And no grief will come to you.

We wish Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health.
Second bag of laughter
And let the third be a success!

May the New Year bring good things
And it will open the door to a fairy tale.
And he will certainly bring
Take all the best with you.

I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun ringing like ice,
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.
May this year be a lucky star
It will fit into your family comfort.
Hastily with the old year
Let the troubles all go away.

May the New Year not let you down,
May it only bring happiness.
And if he risks upsetting,
That's because you're too lucky.
Let friends not forget
They invite you to visit more often,
They give you a glass to drink,
But the main thing is not to get drunk during the year!

I want to get wet in a big downpour,
But not rain, but dollar,
And let your house be filled with a big heap:
Not snow, but happiness - and with all your might!
And so that you step in with your foot
To that world where comfort and peace reign.
All year long let leaf fall reign and sweep -
Good luck with leaf fall and good salaries!
Weep for joy, drown in love,
And break your glasses for luck,
Party all night, have fun with the people,
I wish you a great New Year!

May joy and luck
They knock on every house!
It shouldn't be otherwise
In the year we are waiting for.
So that all your plans come true
Dreams came true
May you be lucky in big and small
Let's raise our glasses.

I wish you happiness and better meetings!
More songs, happiness and laugh!
Yes, so many that they couldn’t count everything
Until the end of the next century.

May it be with you next year
Such a miracle will happen
I won’t tell you what,
So as not to tempt fate!

Life has limits, it is short, but dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along the road, but your dream is already at home. You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You yourself live at this hour, but your dream flies away many years into the future. She flies further than the line where life ends in darkness. She flies into the centuries.
So let's drink to making all our dreams come true in the new year!

May success come to us with the New Year
And the days and nights will flow nicely.
Let's drink to us all,
So that you don’t get lost in life alone!

Life is beautiful even when tears are flowing down your cheeks. So let’s raise our glasses and drink to the fact that tears of happiness will flow down our cheeks more often in the coming year!

I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Wishing you a New Year
Pinch off a piece of happiness
And good luck tearing it off.
And steal more love,
So that there is enough for two,
And health is endless,
So much money for seven!

I'll make a toast to the New Year!
Let the toast be extremely simple:
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!

Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year go in full,
And let's forget all our bad weather!
For him, for the New Year, to the bottom!

For the New Year, for wild fun,
Here's to a celebration without quarrels and without a hangover!
So that we don’t part with those who are dear to us,
And all dreams and plans came true!

Guys, let's now drink to our team, a team of professionals capable of doing everything and a little more to achieve their goals! I’m glad that it’s people like all of you that I call colleagues. For us!

We make our first toast to the old year!
And even though we didn’t grab stars from the sky,
But there was a lot of happiness and joy in him,
The Monkey helped us with this.
The Rooster is already in a hurry to replace her
At full speed, with all the fighting spirit!
Without waiting for the hour to strike,
Glass to the bottom! Here's to the old New Year!

I want to drink to our close-knit team! Let our allergy to work be more often treated by a significant increase in the dose of salary. Let our superiors consider us outstanding wizards, and not failed storytellers. For our team!

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year.
To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

Happy New Year
All those sitting here cordially
And with all my heart I wish
Spend it carelessly.
May misfortunes pass you by
May trouble pass you by.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Happy new life, gentlemen!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were not in use
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
That's the point. And we will be alive -
We'll get the rest:
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.
Smile, keep your nose up!
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support - and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!

Let bad weather pass you by,
Laughter flows like a stream
Let it fill your whole house,
Happiness jumps with him to boot,
Luck will follow them
And wealth at the same time
It will fly through the window!

Schemer, blackmailer,
The bully and the artist
We say goodbye to you
Our dear guest!
We pour, drink,
Let's see off the monkey
We say thank you to her
For the whole year of continuous adventures!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
So that there is no bad weather,
Life seemed like honey to you -
Fragrant, tasty, sweet.
With a new episode in life -
Very loud, bright, hot!
Everything I've dreamed of for a long time,
In the new year, so that it happens,
And lucky star
Always lit the way!

Each of us represents half of humanity, which is always looking for the other, said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live in hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half to definitely find it in the new year!

The New Year's blizzard is flying,
Sparkling, conjuring, trumpeting:
Device for a belated friend
Let's put it on our table.
And next to it, filling to the brim
A cheerful cup of wine,
So that, playing in sparks and stars,
She was ready.
So a higher New Year's glass!
Let's get up, guys, be brave.
For everyone who is not with us today,
For our good friends!

According to popular belief, there are moments when wishes expressed out loud come true. These are the first minutes of the new year, when we look into the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, may we gain strength and get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for everything good, inspiring and beautiful! For our happy future! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Dear family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rooster. I hope that this proud bird will reward us with love for our neighbors, the ability to defend our interests and fighting spirit. I wish you the confidence of a rooster, the homeliness of a chicken, the tenderness of a chicken, the impeccable harmony of forms and contents that an egg, a symbol of life, can boast of.

God save us from hardships and adversities
And let me come to the noisy feast in new clothes.
I drink to exactly one year from now
Raise a glass in the same environment!

A mother asks her adult daughter:
– What do you expect from the New Year?
– I don’t really know myself. I want something... Either seeds, or getting married! Let's drink to everyone having everything in the new year, including seeds!

The clocks are rushing, the old year is passing,
Its last pages are rustling.
Let the best that happened not pass away,
Let the worst never happen again!

I would like to wish women of any age to be as irresistible in the new year as they were in the old year. Dear women, be charming, attractive and loved!

Not promising complete success,
I hope it's New Year
Will save us all from sorrows
And unexpected worries.
I still hope for something else
And I believe this fervently:
That such happiness awaits us all,
Which has never happened before.

We raise a toast today
For everyone who is far from home,
For those who are on New Year's Eve
Leads ships to lighthouses.

The New Year is already knocking on the door.
Don't regret your desires -
Fill the glass with champagne
And still wish, wish, wish!
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
May everything you ask come true.

The ball on the Christmas tree is glowing,
And the globe is still spinning...
May everyone this New Year
Meet new happiness.
May all good things come true
What is prophesied by the stars
All wishes will come true
And everything will be as you want!

So let's drink so that when we go to the New Year's tree late at night, we will be attacked by money. And we fought them off and fought them off, but we could not fight them off.

Fill your glasses with happiness
And drink it down.
Love, joy, luck
May your life be full.

Traditional Irish toast. In the new year, may your hand always be extended to shake hands with a friend and never for alms!

Fill the glasses with fizzy drink,
Invite your closest people to the table.
The miracle night is coming - the New Year will be the best,
Time to believe in your dream and bring good news!

May all our bright dreams come true,
May we all be lucky in the most difficult matters.
Believe in the fairy tale, friends! Even Santa Claus!
And fate will bestow eternal happiness in full.

The old year is passing, and a new one is on its way
Let's drink to those who are on the road now.
May happiness smile on them in the New Year,
May you find a good companion along the way

Boss: teacher, mentor,
And sometimes a formidable boss, -
Today we want to congratulate
We wish you a Happy New Year.
We honor and respect you,
Your work is not easy.
We appreciate and understand
We wish you love and warmth,
Great achievements in work,
And let there be good in life,
Health, victories and achievements!
And know, we are together with you!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives.” Let's drink to the coming year bringing us real wealth!

Our festive New Year's table is full of treats. Let everyone sitting at this table in the New Year have no reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And I wish you as many sweet moments and thrills as possible. Live with style in the coming year every day!

The owner of the year is thrifty,
Calculating, but not greedy.
So give us, Cockerel,
Increase in salary!
And we'll drink to that
Sparkling wine.
Will you promise bonuses?
So in one gulp and to the bottom!

New Year is a special holiday,
Time for fairy tales and magic.
Even an adult will suddenly believe
That miracles happen.
Always gloomy, angry boss
Will smile friendly.
And career growth is pleasant
It will start unexpectedly.
This year is health, happiness
Let everyone bring it.
And let the wallet be in volume
Everything gets fatter and grows.

New Year is a holiday of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home there are sparkling lights, fun, warmth, a decorated Christmas tree, a festive table, a close circle of friends behind it. May the new year, no matter how the winds and hurricanes rage around you, be light and warm in your home and soul. For fulfilling your wishes!

What can I wish to everyone sitting at this table? All the girls should get married, and the boys should find brides! And further. You probably know the New Year's wish of Russian cosmonauts:
To eat and drink,
I wish I could!
So that next year
It was with whom and it was where!

New Year is a time of miracles,
Magic and mysterious fairy tales.
Fulfillment of bright hopes
And sleds sliding through the snow.
Let the snowflakes circle outside the window,
Lifting everyone's spirits.
Glasses clinked, ding-dong,
I wish you all health and happiness!

What do you wish for the New Year?
So that there is no hassle,
To be healthy and loved,
For friends - irreplaceable.
May Santa Claus be under the tree
A lot of happiness will leave you.
And yet, in addition to it,
Joy, fairy tale and good luck!

I am the kindest of grandfathers
I dedicate a toast!
May it bring us victory
And career growth!

The monkey was escorted
Petya was invited to visit.
Let one grain at a time all year
He brings wealth to the house,
Singing attracts happiness
Protects from trouble!
And for this you, friends,
I offer you a drink!

I'm not a sorceress, I'm just learning.
I know the basics of miracles by heart.
Do you want your eyes to sparkle with friendship?
Be your own comrade, always a friend.
Do you want things to be more fun?
Share your smile yourself.
Do you want beautiful miracles, magic?
Read more and study beyond the B level.
I'm not a sorceress, but on New Year's
I'll cast a spell: you all will be lucky!

One sage said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, but as his life passes, he is not upset.” Let's drink to make every day bright and useful
new Year.

I drink to Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health!
Distributed fun to everyone,
He brought a glass of champagne,
I took the illness and melancholy into the bag
And hid it somewhere in the forest!

One day three wanderers were walking. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened it for them and asked:
- Who you are?
– Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.
- It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.
The sick mother said:
- Let's let Health in.
The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

Traditionally, on New Year's Day we raise a glass of champagne. So let our life in the New Year be like this drink - light, exciting, sparkling, beautiful and overflowing.

To the chime of the clock, to the sounds of the waltz,
We wish you again for the New Year
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

There is an ancient statue called "Opportunity". It depicts a man standing on tiptoe, which symbolizes the brevity of the moment of opportunity. He has wings on his legs, meaning that a person can fly using opportunity. He has long hair - a symbol of benefit gained through opportunity, and a bald spot on the back of his head - a symbol of loss when opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go. So let's drink so that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!

Let the New Year caress you,
Will bring happiness in life.
Let hope warm you
Let fate protect you!

May the New Year be generous,
Let him not skimp on happiness,
Let the stars light up on time,
May all your wishes come true.

I'll raise a glass of wine
Over the past year,
Last year.
And I'll drain it to the bottom
For the New Year,
For the joy of the day
And for your big soul!

New Year's feasts are never complete without wishes and praises to friends and family. Sometimes even guests organize secret competitions in eloquence! Do you want to amaze your hosts with your witty jokes? Words chosen from the heart, but with meaning, kindness and a dose of humor, will definitely be appreciated by those present. In order not to re-read wishes in postcards and not waste time searching on the Internet, we have made for you a selection of original and funny Happy New Year greetings - we welcome 2019 the Year of the Pig with humor and a smile.

I would like to wish Santa Claus good health for those I love in the New Year. And riches are for those who love me!

The New Year holiday has arrived! Now everyone is happy, everyone is full, a little drunk and overly pleased... But no one can sleep: look more cheerful and cheerful! We welcome the coming year and close the old one. I wish you everything in the new year. As long as it's within the law!

In the year of the Pig I wish you
Withstand any attack.
Let everything be within your grasp,
And the troubles will pass.

Let the family be healthy
Luck accompanies business.
Let the burden of anxiety disappear,
Finances never cry!

I wish you to get wet in the dollar rain next year, and may the falling leaves of good fortune fall into your hands all next year. Let happiness fall on our (your) home in any season of the year, as if it were New Year’s snowfall. I wish you to enjoy every minute of the coming year.

I wish everyone to stumble, fall and cry in 2019....
But they tripped over money, fell into arms, cried with happiness!

Our festive New Year's table is bursting with all sorts of treats. I want all the guests at such a table in the New Year not to have a single reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And there were tons of sweet moments and thrills! Live with style in the New Year and every day after that!

Every time on New Year's Eve we wish each other new happiness. But many have heard the expression: “There is no happy life, there are only happy days.” So, I wish you all 365 happy days in the coming 2019.

Cool Happy New Year greetings to a friend

The Year of the Pig has come, my friend,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
May success find you
Happiness will rush to your home.

Let everything be smooth in the family,
Your dreams will come to life.
And problems without looking back
Let them run away from you!

In the coming New Year, I want to wish you to be happy. Delicious life, dear: bread and salt and caviar, gold reserves, pleasant weekends, and everyday life such that the bosses can only carry it in their arms! I wish you to fall in love, but at the same time maintain independence and smile endlessly!

Friend! So we made it to the fateful and best New Year! In the coming year, eat sweetly, sleep on feathers, count your profits and wear silk! Remember who runs the show in your life and graciously accept all the good things! Do what you have long dreamed of, and don’t forget to love until you lose your head and smile!

You and I have a lot to worry about during the New Year holidays. You need to try all the treats, have time to drag the cat away, don’t forget to make a wish and freeze for a long time on the street while everyone sets off fireworks! In a word, the holiday is taking its course, so the time has come to wish you endurance! May your happiness be magnificent and very personal.

Let's hug, friends, and greet the elderly red-nosed man, his relative and a crowd of deer with dignity - the New Year is coming to us!

Comic Happy New Year greetings for a friend

Always be loved
I wish you vigor and strength,
And so that in the new year
The Lord gave me luck!

Girlfriend! Happy New Year! May the New Year bring you new adventures... no, not just in one place! New meetings for you, promising acquaintances, pure victories, bright impressions, sincere achievements! Oh, I almost forgot - new huge stores with huge sales! And so that you don’t rack your brains about how to buy everything you want and how to transport it all!

Cheerful congratulations to colleagues

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

Colleagues! I don’t know how old the Snow Maiden is, but Santa Claus is definitely a little old! But, nevertheless, he is cheerful, cheerful and still able to give gifts!

Let the old man present you with modern surprises and entertainment that will make you so wildly delighted that you will forget to go to work! This will encourage you to quit and find a new job! Give me a new job in the new year! With new happiness!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest. Happy New Year!

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only work success
Let Santa Claus carry it in his sack,
And humor, joy, laughter
And only the salary in earnest!

Happy New Year to those with whom I share the joys and sorrows of the entire working week - our close-knit team! Let there be many times more joys, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

It is no coincidence that it is customary to express the most heartfelt and sincere wishes. The custom of doing this precisely on these almost fabulous days, when everything desired comes true, is firmly rooted in our consciousness.

On New Year's Eve you need to wish absolutely everything - useful, desirable, unusual!

The tradition of reinforcing what was said with a raised glass has become an integral attribute of the holidays. And in many countries it is customary to send personally signed postcards to relatives and friends by mail.

The Internet is the Internet, but fantastically fabulous winter landscapes on paper, with soulful text on the reverse side, will put anyone in a lyrical mood. A card signed with love with good wishes for the New Year is a ready-made gift. The most dear and sincere! Why not revive this lovely tradition? And here are examples of congratulations on the coming year in prose.

In contact with

Happy New Year greetings to parents

Often our mothers and fathers pay more attention to words than anyone else. For them you need to write something reverent and real, like the very feelings for your dearest people. You can write your wishes on a beautiful card, or even better, say congratulations in person.

Who is Santa Claus? And the Snow Maiden?

Our dear parents! Father Frost and Snow Maiden always gave us gifts for the New Year when we were children, but now we have grown up and understand that it was the work of your hands!
It turns out that you are these fairy-tale heroes?!
We congratulate you on the upcoming favorite winter holiday and wish that YOUR dreams will now come true. We will help in any way we can!
For starters, you have our love and support.
Your son and daughter.

Desires are different...

We would like to wish our dear parents to make as many wishes as possible on New Year’s Eve, so that they all come true throughout the year.
If you run out of options, we can offer our own: we wish you a delicious feast, frequent meetings with true friends, so that you forget the word “boredom” and accept great love and little joys into your life for permanent residence!

A short New Year's greeting to parents:

Dear mommy and daddy! Thank you for raising us to be real people! Happy New Year! Let all your plans come true! Good health to you and more joyful events in the coming year! We love you. Your children.

New Year's wishes in prose for friends

Friends should want the best for themselves. They often occupy an important place in a person’s life. Along with the wishes for emotional bright sensations in the coming year, you can also remember about material wealth, since financial well-being provides a sea of ​​opportunities!

Holidays are more fun with friends:

Good friends - a lot of happiness:

Dear friends! This year I will ask one thing from Grandfather Frost: may your deepest wishes come true, because you have been with me all year and have not left me!
And if grandfather is not in the mood, I will explain everything to the Snow Maiden. All the same: you can’t avoid happiness in the coming year! And more money! Our own, not strangers, are saved. Happy holiday!!!

Who is a friend?

A true friend is the most honorable title addressed to a person. And I wish my best friend on the New Year what will not be superfluous every 365 days: love, luck, money, determination, success and harmony with everyone and yourself!

I love you and... New Year's holiday! Congratulations to loved ones.

The beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to add new, bright colors to your relationships with your loved ones. It would be organic to remind your loved one of the important place he occupies in your heart.

To the beloved... and the beautiful:

Darling, you are handsome to me! May the upcoming holiday leave you with your charisma, and may the new year only add gloss and consistency, like good New Year’s champagne!

Darling, I'm with you!

Darling, when I’m not around during these New Year and Christmas holidays, let Santa Claus’ fur coat and active squats in the cold warm you. This is useful. The rest of the time, I am your guardian angel! Happy New Year, my dear!

Who do I love?

I love cold weather because it forces us to stay at home together. I love the New Year because it gives me the expectation of a happy future. But more than anything in the world I love you!
On this holiday, I will wish that all YOUR wishes come true! My joy is your smile! Have a good mood, dear, in the New Year!

To my favorite ladies:

When congratulating your beloved woman on the New Year, do not skimp on wishes, beautiful words and bright epithets.

I'm not a sorcerer, but...

I wish you, my treasure, to shine and sparkle like New Year's snow!
So that I can save up for a fur coat like the Snow Maiden’s!
So that pleasant surprises do not end, like gifts from Santa Claus!
I’ll start small: I’ll wash the dishes on January 1st and cook you breakfast in the morning.
I may not be a magician, but my love is like a magic wand! I give it to you for the whole year! Ask for what you want! In love with you...

Dear Snow Maiden:

On this New Year's Eve, I would like to wish my dearest girl to always remain so attractive, sweet, and tender. Darling, you are magic itself. I am grateful to you that you will not disappear with the chimes, but are always nearby. You are the real miracle in my life! Happy holiday to you, my Snow Maiden with a warm heart!

New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleagues can be presented with congratulations in prose not only in writing, but also orally. Wishes spoken from the bottom of the heart will lift the spirits of fellow workers.

To colleagues about an extra day in the year:

Dear colleagues, this is happiness! A leap year is approaching, which means that we will have to work one more day.
I would like to congratulate you and wish that this 366th day becomes another weekend, Sunday or vacation day! Let dreams come true! Happy New Year!

Good wishes:

Dear colleagues, comrades, comrades-in-arms! You and I spend more time at work than at home. Therefore, on New Year’s Eve, I want to wish, like my family, everything with a “D”: kindness, sincerity, money, friendliness, prosperity, trust! Happy New Year!

A wish as a toast:

Colleagues, happy winter holidays to all of you!
If you imagine our life in the form of a New Year's glass of champagne, then let it be full!
Let all emotions be fully present in life, but... I wish you less sick leave, more bonuses.
Fewer problems with public transport, more horsepower in your car.
Fewer drafts, more ready-made ideas! May the coming year give you everything you dream of!