General educational lesson on theme "Space" We tried to teach children familiar material about space and new ones in an unusual form of travel, combining this with circle work with salt dough.

During our lesson we set the following goals:

  1. Contribute to the accumulation of children's knowledge about space; introduce new planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
  2. Correction of attention, imagination, memory of children with disabilities.
  3. Cultivate a friendly attitude in the team.
  1. Continue to expand knowledge about constellations.
  2. To foster respect for the profession and work of astronauts.
  3. Generate interest in outer space.
  4. Arouse interest in theatrical activities.
  5. Develop imagination, voluntary attention, and the ability to concentrate as much as possible on what is happening.
  6. Develop speech when answering questions, the ability to freely and clearly express your thoughts.
  7. Create a positive attitude and a sense of success.

Joint entertainment with parents - a game "Lucky case!"

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about literary works, develop interest in Russian folk tales.

  • Develop thinking abilities, memory, attention. Expand your horizons and vocabulary.
  • To cultivate love and respect for loved ones, a friendly attitude towards comrades, a sense of mutual assistance.

Tasks: To contribute to the formation of a single, friendly team, to create a joyful mood in children and parents from the game.

  • Continue to develop your creative imagination. Contribute to the creation of images in a fairy tale, advanced in movements, facial expressions of their characters.

"Good fun"

A comic dramatization for students in grades 1-5 based on their favorite fairy tales. If you approach it creatively, it will be fun. Each performer creates his own image, showing his own imagination. Sisters, stepmother, Cinderella, page, fairy may be similar to famous fairy-tale characters, but may also differ from them. For example, Cinderella - in a miniskirt, plus heels and makeup... Riddles, competitions - at the discretion of the performers, they are easy to find and choose yourself. According to the competition scenario, several teams participate. Throughout the selected route, they receive words that they need to bring to the finish line and collect a proverb. In addition, all sorts of challenges await them on the track. The more players, the better. The action takes place throughout the school. It starts in the assembly hall, where all the teams and fans are present.





With elements of testoplasty

Topic: “Journey into space!”

Teachers: Sycheva Yu.S.

Chapaeva N.A.

year 2012

Lesson topic: "Travel to Space!"

Lesson objectives:

  1. Contribute to the accumulation of children's knowledge about space; introduce new planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
  2. Correction of attention, imagination, memory of children with disabilities.
  3. Cultivate a friendly attitude in the team.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Continue to expand knowledge about constellations.
  2. To foster respect for the profession and work of astronauts.
  3. Generate interest in outer space.
  4. Arouse interest in theatrical activities.
  5. Develop imagination, voluntary attention, and the ability to concentrate as much as possible on what is happening.
  6. Develop speech when answering questions, the ability to freely and clearly express your thoughts.
  7. Create a positive attitude and a sense of success.

Location: art studio.

Lesson duration: 40 minutes

Logistics of the lesson: the art studio is decorated with drawings of comets and planets, stars on a fishing line are attached to the ceiling; laptop, speakers, recordings of space music; volumetric soft modules; salt dough figures prepared in advance: stars, planets, comets, spaceships, dark background for work; colored pencils, blue paper; pebbles and cotton wool for the task “Identify by touch”

Methodological and didactic support for the lesson:handouts for the task “Collect a word”; photographs depicting constellations, comets, planets; image of astronauts' food and various products; riddles about constellations; the hero is an alien.

Type of lesson: Complex lesson with elements of testoplasty.

progress of the lesson:

Creating a positive attitude at work. "If you have a good friend"

Target: Develop the ability to cooperate with adults and friends, to show care and attention to each other.

(Children repeat the movements according to the text)

Mood dropped (hands down)

Things are getting out of hand... (shaking hands)

But all is not lost yet, (they throw up their hands)

If there is a good friend (we turn our faces to each other)

We can handle this together, (they shake hands)

Let's breathe a sigh of relief (take a deep breath and exhale)

Let's lift the mood (bend over and slowly straighten)

And shake off the dust! (shake themselves and their neighbor off)

Educator: P Look at how unusually beautifully our hall is decorated. A star shines above almost each of you, just like a real firmament of stars.

Breathing exercises.(Catch a star, blow, hold your breath)

Let's imagine the night sky... (Calm music sounds)

1 . Task "Identify by touch"

Put your hands back, close your eyes and get ready to touch and describe what I will put in your hands.

Imagine a frosty winter night, and then it seems like the stars are like this (I put a cold pebble in my hand)

How do you feel, tell us about your feelings?

  1. hard
  2. cold
  3. smooth

These are the stars on a frosty winter night. They are cold and shine with their brilliance and themselves look like large silver snowflakes.

And on a warm summer night the stars look like this (I put a cotton ball in my hand)

What do you feel? Tell me what it feels like.

  1. warm
  2. soft
  3. fluffy

In summer the stars are warm and large. They appear larger than in winter.

Educator: Guys, what holiday related to the sky and stars did we celebrate recently? (April 12 - Cosmonautics Day)

Answer me, everyone who can hear me. My spaceship has suffered a disaster and is approaching some unknown planet at great speed. She is big, round, blue and alive. I don’t know who lives on it and what it’s called!

Guys, do you know what planet they are talking about?

Why is she this color?

What shape?

Why alive?

An alien appears.

My name is TOR. I came from the planet SATURN.

Educator: Dear Thor, on earth it is customary for us to say hello when you come to visit.

Alien: What does it mean to say hello?

Guys, let's show how people on earth say hello.

GREETING (in a circle)

Alien : I understand, this is how we greet... (puts his hand to his neighbor’s chest and forehead)

Educator: Let's say hello like they do on Saturn.

Alien: Guys, please help me return to my planet. But my ship broke down.

Educator: We have a spaceship. But it needs to be assembled; there is only a drawn sample.

2. Task "Assemble according to the pattern"

(Children assemble a rocket from soft modules)

Educator : The rocket is ready, but what is needed to reinforce your strength on a long journey?

Of course, nutrition, what kind of nutrition is needed in space?

3. Quest "Cosmonaut's Lunch"

(Children choose what they need from pictures of dishes and food items).

Alien: Only literate and prepared children can go into space.

Educator : Make yourself comfortable, TOP is your place. Let's imagine that we are in a space rocket.


A new rocket is waiting for us

For walks on the planets

Whatever we want

Which one will we fly to?

There's just one secret

There is no place for idiots!

Attention! Get ready for the rocket launch. Count back from 10. START. Our rocket rises high - high up! Be careful! We are observing through the windows!

4. Task "Make a flight route"

(orientation on a sheet of paper)

Alien: To fly, you need to correctly plan the flight route.

Your sheets are blue - this is the sky.

Attention! Grab your pencils and get to work:

In the lower left corner is Earth (label it with a blue circle).

In the upper left corner we see a planet Mars (mark it with a red circle).

In the lower right corner is Moon ( mark it with a yellow circle)

There is a planet in the upper right corner Saturn , we are heading there (mark it with a green circle)

In the center is Sun (label it with an orange circle)

Educator: Now we have a flight map! We will definitely reach our destination.

Educator: To be an astronaut, you need to know a lot. And first of all, have a good understanding of the stars. Now we will try to guess the riddles of the well-known constellations. After all, the stars in the sky are not scattered in disorder. They form combinations called constellations. All constellations have their own names. And names were invented for them back in ancient Greece. The Greeks were excellent navigators, and used the celestial constellations to determine their route when sailing on a ship.

physical minute "Draw a constellation"

Stand in a circle, we will depict the constellations, which I will read out.

(We read riddles, show drawings or diagrams of planets and constellations)

The clear firmament is beautiful

there are many fables about him.

they won't let you lie to me,

as if animals live there.

There is a beast of prey in Russia,

Look - he's in the sky now

glows on a clear night

Big Dipper).

And the bear is with her child,

A kind, nice little bear.

It glows next to mom

Ursa Minor)


Not far away the Dragon became quiet.
He glances sideways at the Bears,
Chews the ends of his mustache.
And the Eagle watched for a long time,
Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere
And bypassed
Constellation Canes Venatici.


The heavenly Lion slept peacefully,
Having opened his terrible snapdragon
(Don't joke with lions!)
The whale swam to Andromeda,
Pegasus galloped swiftly,
And the Swan flew proudly
Along the Milky Way.

And near the Milky Way,
Nowhere to go, no place to go,
A huge Cancer lies.
Lying in cosmic dust
Moves his claws slightly
And everything is watching Hydra

Here the Raven flapped his wings,
From the ashes the Phoenix rose,
The Peacock fluffed its tail,
Here the Snake writhed,
The foxes ran and frolicked,
And Lynx sat, hiding,
The singer was saved by the Dolphin


The giraffe walked like God
Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,
Crane, Chameleon.
And there is a Dove and a Lizard...
No, apparently I can’t count it
All these fabulous creatures
Who inhabits space?

Educator : Guys, it seems that we are in zero gravity and important words are mixed up.

5. Task "Collect the word"

Each person is given a word or several words, according to difficulty level.

Words: Gagarin, Korolev, Tereshkova, April 12, Belka, Strelka, Spacesuit, Vostok. After completing the task, children must briefly explain what these words mean.

Educator : A lot to know, that's not all. An astronaut must be in good health, enjoy sports and do morning exercises every day.

But now we will check how dexterous and skillful the guys are. Attention, attention, I'm announcing a competition!

Outdoor game "Rockets to launch!"

Educator: Look through the windows to see what it is:

Curving its fiery tail, something rushes between the stars!

(Comet, show illustration)

Alien: Look, we approaching the planet Mars . It is red-orange in color, there is no water and permafrost, there are extinct volcanoes, mountains like on the moon, a lot of iron dust and no air.

Next Jupiter - it is considered the largest. The planet is a magnet, attracts many satellites to itself, these are the stripes visible to the eye on it.

And my planet is Saturn . You will certainly recognize him by sight - he is surrounded by a large ring. It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes: once upon a time, water froze there, and Saturn’s rings are made of snow and ice.

Here I am at home! Thank you guys, and as a gift to you, an image of my planet Saturn. Goodbye!

Educator Get ready, we're heading back! Count back from 10.

We land here and we are home! Did you enjoy the trip? What did each of you like best? What new planets have you learned about? Let's show off our journey with prepared salt dough figurines!

Collective work from testoplasty "Journey into space!"


State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities« Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 7 of the VIII type»


"Good fun"



Teachers: Sycheva Yu.S.

Chapaeva N.A.


"Good fun"

competitive program for junior level.

A comic dramatization for students in grades 1-5 based on their favorite fairy tales. If you approach it creatively, it will be fun. Each performer creates his own image, showing his own imagination. Sisters, stepmother, Cinderella, page, fairy may be similar to famous fairy-tale characters, but may also differ from them. For example, Cinderella - in a miniskirt, plus heels and makeup... Riddles, competitions - at the discretion of the performers, they are easy to find and choose yourself.

According to the scenario, several teams participate in the competition. Throughout the selected route, they receive words that they need to bring to the finish line and collect a proverb. In addition, all sorts of challenges await them on the track. The more players, the better.

The action takes place throughout the school. It starts in the assembly hall, where all the teams and fans are present.

STORYTELLER: Three maidens by the window

We stayed late in the evening.

The seeds clicked together

Yes, they hummed quietly.

(The girls sing the song “Oh frost, frost.”)

1st SISTER: If only I were rich...

STORYTELLER : After yawning sweetly,

Unwashed in the morning

My sister spoke first.

1st SISTER: I would have done such things!

I'd buy it first

I am a ticket to a foreign land.

They say Egypt is paradise

2nd SISTER: I'm not up to it yet.

If only I could pump up,

Do bodybuilding

The muscles are all as if they were selected,

Well folded into a pattern.

I'd probably be alone

I brought two logs.

(2nd sister performs exercises with dumbbells or a barbell to the music of Lyube’s group “Dusya-aggregate”.)

STORYTELLER: Well, the third sister,

The youngest girl herself

I would look at everything in the mirror.

3rd SISTER (looking in the mirror): Two logs? Well, I wanted to!

And I found something to dream about.

If only I could become curly,

Tired of curlers.

2nd SISTER: Go to the barber

Shave your skull bald.

3rd SISTER : Don't make people laugh, sister.

1st SISTER: And then - any wig...

Here's the latest fashion cry...

(The 1st sister takes out the wig and gives it to the 3rd sister.)

3rd SISTER (trying on a wig): Great! You can also shave...

Give me, sister, to vilify,

Beautiful, just creepy!

It's just a little hot in there.

(Stepmother enters.)

STEPMOTHER: My little ones, get up

Drink your coffee quickly

Let's go for a walk in the forest with you,

We'll pick snowdrops there,

It's spring on the calendar.

2nd SISTER: Just, mom, where is she?

3rd SISTER: Today March is already in the yard,

And the frost is like in January.

1st SISTER: And the snow doesn't melt at all.

3rd SISTER : I miss the warmth so much.

Apparently, mama, it’s Spring

On the way I got lost.

2nd SISTER: Has she changed her mind?

3rd SISTER: Or did something happen to her?

1st SISTER: We need to call Cinderella

Send her for Spring.

(The sisters call Cinderella.)

STEPMOTHER: Hello, Cinderella, my light,

Look, there is no Spring.

CINDERELLA : Well, what is my fault?

You sisters, it's too early

They wanted to take off their fur coats.

SISTERS (in unison): We don’t want to know anything!

You, go, find Spring,

Bring him to our village.

Look, try!

Don't come back without Spring.

(The sisters run away.)

CINDERELLA: What should I do, what should I do?

We need to ask the children, can you help us find spring!? (children: YES!)

You decided to look for spring, so have a good trip,

the pages will show you where to go!

Pages accompanying the number of teams come out and give their team a waybill with a task indicating the route. Each team must go through all the tasks in turn, the last one being completed by everyone together.

tasks for teams No. 1

1st Buffoon:

“Sasha, Tanya and Vali -

Everyone raised their hands together.

Vladiki everyone, Kolya, Olya -

They screamed loudly and loudly!

Lena, Sveta and Seryozha -

We all clap our hands.

2nd Buffoon:

It’s not good for peacocks to stand -

We all stomp our feet.

Dima, Yura and Larisa -

Together, they whistled loudly!

Natasha, Nadya and Oksana-

Hurry up and everyone sit down!

1st Buffoon:

Katya, Dasha and Nastyona-

Come on, meow!

Igori, all Alexei-

Come on, everyone, grunt!


Who we didn't talk about

And today they were silent,

Like one family

Together, let's shout loudly: “I am.”

Hello, good people! The hour of “Well done fun” has come! Good fellows and beautiful maidens, come and hurry! We invite you to take part in our fun. So, friends, we are starting!

1st Buffoon:

We have a large supply of ideas,

And all of them, friends, are for you!

And now, without delay

Let's start the competition!

2nd Buffoon:

Let's start, friends

From the competition - running together.

Let's deftly tie the couple's legs,

Let's go on our way!

The first one to come to the line,

He will take that gift.

The competition “Running on Three Legs” is taking place. Participants are divided into pairs. The right leg of one and the left leg of the other are tied with a skipping rope. At the signal, the pairs run to the finish line.

1st Buffoon:

Let's start a snow duel

Who will hit the target with snowballs?

He will be the main winner.

Who wants it first? Come out.

2nd Buffoon:

Our law of the game is this:

Make ten snowballs,

Now you will throw,

The "Snow Duel" competition is taking place.

1st Buffoon:

Daring, fast,

The guys are dexterous.

Show us the agility of your legs,

Yes, dance, or dance.

The “Walking Boots” competition is taking place.Participants cover the distance from the “start” to the “finish”.

The buffoons give each team a part of the letters for the proverb.

assignments for teams№2

BABA YAGA (taking out a poker): Wait, passerby, who’s coming?

Loading the machine gun...

accompanying page: Hello, Grandma Yaga.

Where did you see the enemy?

BABA YAGA : And where are we all going together at this early hour?

Accompanying : We are going to look for Spring.

BABA YAGA: I don't understand you.

accompanying : What is there not to understand?

We are going to look for spring.

Where is spring, Yagusya, do you know?

Speak if you don't shoot.

BABA YAGA: Izh, what business.

It’s immediately obvious that it’s from Russia.

Let's say I know what's going on with Spring.

accompanying : Well, tell us the secret.

BABA YAGA: No, first you guys

You will guess the riddles.

1. Waking up early in the morning

Together with the rosy suns,

I make the bed myself

I quickly do... (exercise).

2. Not offended, but inflated.

They lead him across the field.

And they’ll hit me - no matter

Can't keep up with... (Ball).

3. On the ice platform there is a cry,

A student rushes to the gate -

Everyone shouts: Puck! Hockey stick! Hit!

A fun game... (hockey).

4. I can’t feel my legs from joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (skis).

5. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones... (skates).

6. I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with planks,

Give me snow. Ready... (sleigh).

Musical exercise

BABA YAGA : Oh yes, smart guys,

We solved all the riddles.

I promised I would help,

Know Babushka Yaga.

Go straight over there

Quiet, don't wake up the Blizzard.

It's been raging all week,

I dozed off for a minute...

Baba Yaga gives each team a part of the letters for the proverb.

accompanying person (hugging Yaga):

Well, thank you, Yagusha,

Smack, smack, darling!

Children (shout loudly): Goodbye, Yaga!

assignments for teams№ 3

SNOWSTORM (waking up): A snowstorm is starting.

(Blizzard dances (runs in circles) to the music “Flight of the Bumblebee.”)

SNOWSTORM (very angry): You won’t find spring.

accompanying page: I wonder why?

SNOWSTORM: Why? I decided!

First I will test your strength.

Competition - game: “Interesting snowman”

game “Knock off the cap of parsley”

game “Tie a scarf on the ball”

Game with Blizzard: go out onto the meadow and stand in a circle

Whoever gets caught in a blizzard will now go home!

Run away - where the blizzard should catch up with you!

Vyuga gives each team a part of the letters for the proverb.

Accompanying page:We've been completely late, it's time for us to go!

tasks for teams No. 4

the last task where all the teams get together.

(They approach the fire, where forest musicians are singing to the tune “They say we are byaks, beeches.”)

Song of the forest musicians

We are forest gems.

We love to sing and dance.

We sing, we shout,

We don’t give everyone peace.

We knock, we strum,

Eh, ma!

1st MUSICIAN: Well, where are you going?

CINDERELLA: We want to find Spring,

We've already covered the whole country,

And there was no trace of Spring.

Can cards give advice?

2nd MUSICIAN: We don't scare passers-by

No way, never.

If necessary, we'll tell you fortunes,

You're on the cards, gentlemen.

Do the “fortune telling task”, remember and arrange according to the pattern

Guess by ear game

last task: Collect a proverb about spring from the letters brought by each team.

Forest musicians show the way to where spring is.

The final action takes place in the gym, all the teams and heroes gather there.

(Cinderella and the Page approach the clearing, where Winter and Blizzard on one side and Spring on the other side are pulling a rope.)

WINTER: I am frosty, blizzardy winter,

Friendly with icy winds.

SPRING: And I am a warm, gentle spring,

Isn't it time for you, snowy sister,

Going to the far north?

WINTER: I won't leave, let's compete.

PAGE: Cinderella, now it’s clear to me

That we did not come in vain.

We need to do something

Drive away the fierce winter.

1st MUSICIAN: Oh you, Zimushka-winter,

How can you not see it yourself?

It's high time to leave.

Get out of the yard, you cheat!

WINTER: I'll leave, but not now.

Maybe one of you

Will he sing a winter song?

2nd MUSICIAN : Well, you'll have to work hard.

Hey guys, come out.

Have fun this winter!

A song about winter is sung.

(winter rejoices and sings along.)

1st MUSICIAN : But Winter still doesn’t give up.

There's nothing to do, you have to

We can help Spring a little.

Anyone who wants it, come to me!

(Invites all spectators to take Vesna’s side, everyone helps Vesna to pull the rope.)

SPRING: That's it - the end of Winter!

Friends, you helped me.

I know they are waiting for me everywhere, everyone in the world needs me

I bring joy to people, and my name is spring!

Get up quickly in a round dance, my cheerful people!

Children perform round dance: “Like ours at the gate”

Page: And now the kids are Russiangame - round dance: “Burn, burn clearly!”

Cinderella: Braid the wattle fence in spring, the children will have fun all day long!

Game "wattle fence"

Spring : The ruddy sun is rising in the sky, and the spring stream is singing merrily!

Game "Stream"

All heroes: Let the spring be red and bring us warmth, let our fun not end, we treat everyone with pancakes!


State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 7 of the VIII type”


"Lucky case!"

Teachers: Sycheva Yu.S.

Chapaeva N.A.


Joint entertainment with parents - a game

"Lucky case!"

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about literary works, develop interest in Russian folk tales.

  1. Develop thinking abilities, memory, attention. Expand your horizons and vocabulary.
  2. To cultivate love and respect for loved ones, a friendly attitude towards comrades, a sense of mutual assistance.

Tasks: To contribute to the formation of a single, friendly team, to create a joyful mood in children and parents from the game.

  1. Continue to develop your creative imagination. Contribute to the creation of images in a fairy tale, advanced in movements, facial expressions of their characters.


The name of the game from individual letters is “Lucky Chance”


Hourglass - Game cube (description in the text)

6 multi-colored Kinder Surprise barrels or capsules with question numbers

Cards with questions

Prizes for participants and winners

Medals for winners and participants

Recording a piece of music

Game duration: 35-40 minutes.

Between games, music from the television game “Lucky Chance” plays, the hall is decorated with balls and stars.

First game questions:

1. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).

2. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
3. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
4. In what fairy tale does a girl go to buy flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
5. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge).
6. What two notes grow in the garden? (beans).
7. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
8. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow).
9. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (“Yeralash”).
10. What terrible beast is greedy for raspberries? (bear).
11. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
12. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
13. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
14. Underground Railroad? (metro).

Second game questions:

1. With the help of this item, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).
2. She came to us from Andersen’s fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).
3. Which fairy tale features animated fruits and vegetables? (“The Adventures of Cippolino”).
4. What were the names of the main characters in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” 5. With the help of this item you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the terrible hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).
6. What was Cinderella’s carriage made of? 7. At what time did Cinderella need to leave the ball. 8. List Thumbelina’s failed suitors. 9.What got into Kai’s eye in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”

Game 3 “Dark Horse” for spectators.

The presenter divides the hall into 2 teams and explains that he wished for one famous piece. And in order to guess it, he will give clues to it. There will be five such tips. If any team recognizes the work after the first hint, then it will receive 5 points, after the second hint it will already receive 4 points, and so on in descending order. The team that raises its hand the fastest begins to answer. The ball goes to the assigned team.


  1. The main character of this work suddenly became rich.
    2. She made many friends, for whom receptions began to be held.
    3. They tried to kidnap her, but a young daredevil suddenly appeared and saved her.
    4. The matter ended with a wedding.
    5. The most valuable asset of the main character was the samovar.
    Answer: (Tsokotukha fly).

The lights go out. Taking out attributes.

Children's performance, excerpt from the work "Fly - Tsokotukha"

Exit of the Fly - Tsokotukhi.

Fly - Tsokotukha plays a game with the viewer.

Game with the audience: “Say a word”

Instead of a hat on the go

He put on... (frying pan).

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

“A chicken pecked me in... (nose).

Mucha went to the market

And I bought... (samovar).

The bears were driving

On... (bicycle).

Briefs and shirt

Lying on the sand

Nobody's floating

Along a dangerous... (river).

Look into the tub

And you will see there... (frog).

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned... (truck).

The little frogs came running,

They watered from (the tub).


Game 4 “You for me, I for you”

Teams ask each other questions prepared at home. Parents read out.

Questions for Team No. 1

1. Is the fox the companion of the cat Basilio? (Alice.)

2. Baba Yaga's home? (A hut on chicken legs.)

3. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife? (Frog.)

4. The device on which Baba Yaga flies? (Mortar.)

5. Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda? (Deer.)

Questions for Team No. 2

1. Cheerful onion man? (Cipollino.)

2. The organ grinder who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo.)

3. The old woman’s rat Shapoklyak? (Lariska.)

4. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella.)

5. Who did the ugly duckling become? (Swan.)

(Musical pause)

Questions for the first team:

1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. “Measure seven times, once...” - Cut.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. Northern capital of Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
6. Which city flies? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. A car that counts other people's money? - Taxi.
9. Boy with a wooden nose? - Pinocchio.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Is water in a gaseous state? - Steam.
14. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? - Into the swan.
15. . The fruit that poisoned the princess? - Apple.
16. Boxing ground? - Boxing ring
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.

18. Is there an orange sea in the world? - No

19. What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.

20. In Italian it’s “tartufel”, but in Russian...? - Potato.

Questions for the second team:

1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat.
6. Who said the magic words: “Sim, Sim, open!”? - Ali Baba..
7. . Chocolate covered ice cream? - Eskimo.
8. What goes on without moving? - Time.
9. Does he show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
10. What key did Buratino receive from Tortila the turtle? - Gold.
11. A rectangle with equal sides is called... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which note is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Horse symbol of good luck? - Horseshoe.

15. Place for a circus performance? - Arena.
16. Talking bird? - Parrot.
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
20. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? - Cabbage.

(Musical break with audience)

Summarizing. Team awards.

  1. Form children's ideas about space.
  2. Teach children to establish simple connections between phenomena and objects and make generalizations.

Developmental :

  1. Develop the ability to correlate words with actions;
  2. Develop children’s ideas about themselves and their bodies;

Educational tasks:

  1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each child and children towards each other.
  2. Develop the ability to express positive emotions from the results of activities.

Educational areas:

Priority: Cognitive development.

Types of children's activities: Gaming.


  1. Portraits of "aliens"
  2. Game “Lay out body parts for a person”
  3. Poster. Human internal organs.
  4. Pencils, empty “masks” with rubber bands.
  5. Plastic bottles, cups, containers, foil, glue, plasticine, scissors, colored paper.
  6. Music by the Space group “tango in space”, “magic flight”, light music for physical exercise.
  7. Posters showing planet Earth from space.

Guys, look in our group, some strange portraits have appeared on the walls, on the tables with some kind of squiggles. What kind of portraits do you think these are and who could have sent them to us?

The children express the opinion that it might be aliens who want to communicate.

We look at portraits and letters with the children, try to read the word “ fly in »

Guys, we are invited to visit. But look at the portraits of aliens, don’t you think they are somehow strange? Tell us what strange body parts they have. (children make up a story based on the pictures).

Now let's tell you what parts of the body people are made of.

Game “disassemble the body parts of a person”(children lay out the body parts they made from salt dough onto the silhouette of a person drawn on whatman paper).

To fly into space you need to be in good health. Do you agree with me? What organs should a person have to be healthy? Children come up to the poster and name and talk about the internal organs of a person. (The most important organs are the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen)

A human astronaut must have strong and pumped up muscles in his arms and legs. Let's check if our muscles are strong. Children stand in two columns; children do physical exercises to the accompaniment of light music.

(squats, bends, exercises with dumbbells).

Well done guys, all strong and dexterous. When meeting aliens, so that neither they nor we are afraid of each other, I propose to draw a face from geometric shapes on empty masks.

So that we don’t go astray and know which constellations we will fly past, let’s connect the stars in the indicated order. Each child connects the stars on their sheet of paper and names their constellation.

And now the most important thing is that we need to make space rockets.

Children choose their own materials (prepared on the tables) and come up with their own aircraft. During the work, the music “magic flight” by the group Space plays.

At the end of the work, the children look at the “spacecraft”. Each child takes his rocket in his hands - get ready to fly. Children start counting down 10,9.8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Start…..

To the music of “tango in space” by the Space group, they put on their masks made of geometric shapes, dance and look at posters showing the view of the earth from space.

After the dance, the children express their guesses that the aliens themselves did not come to the meeting, but showed how beautiful our earth is from space. Let's tell you what is shown on these posters.

Aliens also like our Earth and they would probably like to be friends with us. Let's think about what kind of letter we should send to aliens with words of friendship. Let's think about it...

Topic: Kids about stars and planets

Target: enriching ideas about the world around us.

Tasks: introduce students to the nearest planets;

develop cognitive activity, enrich vocabulary;

cultivate the ability to see and understand beauty.

Equipment: geometric figures (for each student), portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, photographs of the planets: Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, illustrations from the book “The World and Man.”

Progress of the lesson

I . Org. moment

Corrective and developmental exercise for the development of imaginative thinking.

Today we have to make an unusual journey. We'll take flight. To fly, we need a spaceship. Let's use the drawings that Dunno made.

Dunno came up with an interplanetary ship,

Drew drawings in a secret environment;

So that Vintik and Shpuntik don’t find out the secret.

I drew all the details on separate sheets.

And look at all his drawings

And put together a complete drawing from the details.

Everything must be noticed, everything must be taken into account,

Perhaps there are unnecessary, superfluous ones?

Children are asked to make rockets using geometric shapes according to the pattern.

II . Main part

1) Introduction to the topic.

To strive for unknown distances,

To subjugate the cosmos,

You have to work hard and study a lot,

We must live honestly, according to our conscience.

Everyone wants, friends,

Rise closer to the stars today

And in the heavenly regions

Meet old lady Luna!

Don't forget one thing

Reflecting on the star map,

What a space path

It starts at school at the desk!

These poems are dedicated to cosmonaut number one - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Do you know when his first space flight took place?

2) Night sky (preliminary observation of the stars and the Moon).

You and I watched the night sky.

Tell us what you were able to see and notice?

What was the moon like?

In ancient times, travelers and sailors used the stars to find their way to their native shore. The most important star, called Polaris, helped them in this.

3) Our close neighbors are the Moon, Mars, Venus.

Our spaceship lands on the Moon. This is the closest celestial body to Earth. The moon is also called many-sided, since it slowly changes its appearance all the time. The Moon revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth - it is the Earth's natural satellite. There are seas on the Moon, but there is no water in them. There is no air there either.

Our ship is heading to the beautiful Venus. It is also called the "Morning Star" because it is visible at dawn. This is the planet closest to us.

The last planet on our way will be Mars. It is almost half the size of the Earth. This entire planet is covered with red sand. Very strong winds blow on Mars. Scientists have studied Mars and even descended to its surface. There are mountains and even gorges on this planet, but you can’t live on Mars either because of the gas that surrounds it.

Our journey is over, but as real astronauts we have one more job to do. All astronauts record and photograph everything they saw and noticed. And we will draw with you.

4) Star kaleidoscope (drawing from observations).

III . Bottom line. Exhibition of children's drawings.

The people of Isilkul sacredly remember that the history of the Great Patriotic War is the history of a national feat. 11,600 people were mobilized to the front from our region, not all returned. 5883 people died on the battlefields. Of these, 2,515 people were missing.

MAOU "Secondary school No. 2"

Nurlat city of the Republic of Tatarstan

Travel game for primary school children


school librarian

Kozina Svetlana Alekseevna

Year of Russian Cosmonautics in honor of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight

Explanatory note.

Patriotic education at school is a multifaceted process. Story

Russia presents worthy examples of service to the Fatherland, on which young citizens should be brought up. Such a bright page in our history is the exploration of space.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2008 “On the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space,” 2011 was declared the Year of Russian Cosmonautics in the Russian Federation.

In order to enhance the patriotic education of students and generate interest in the history of the country, I dedicated my author’s development to the topic of astronautics, which I presented in the form of a travel game. My event is designed for children of primary school age and is called

“We are preparing to be astronauts.” The purpose of my event is deepening students' knowledge in the field of space exploration and introduction to the profession of astronaut.

At the same time, I envision solving the following problems:

1) educational: to cultivate patriotism, a sense of pride in the achievements of the human mind and in the achievements of Soviet science and the people; cultivate the will to win using historical examples.

2) developing: develop interest in technology and national history; attention and memory.

To activate knowledge and increase student interest, the event uses methods and techniques such as lecture; blitz survey; role-playing games; chains of riddles; outdoor games for dexterity, cohesion, and speed of reaction. During the travel game, musical accompaniment is used.

Technical support

It is necessary to prepare the premises for the event: allocate a place for outdoor games; 2 hoops; 2 oranges, tennis balls.

During the event, I paid special attention to the most important historical event for our people: the 50th anniversary of man’s flight into space, acquaintance with the history of the development of astronautics.

The event consists of several blocks.

The first block is devoted to the profession of an astronaut, the qualities that a person must have in order to become one. For this purpose, a blitz survey is used.

The second block is devoted to fiction, in particular fairy-tale characters who used various aircraft. To do this, an association game is played with the children.

The third block is devoted to historical events that took place in the domestic astronautics. At the beginning of this block, the myth of Icarus and Daedalus is voiced. Then the children get acquainted with the founders of astronautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Korolev, the designer of Soviet rockets. They also look at slides depicting Baikonur and the first artificial satellite of the Earth; Below are photos of the first animals to be in space - the dog Laika and Belka and Strelka, who returned safely. The following slides are dedicated to the first cosmonaut of the planet Yu.A. Gagarin, the first female cosmonaut V.V. Tereshkova and the first cosmonaut to be in outer space - A.A. Leonov.

Between blocks there is more play with the children. This is solving a chain of riddles and outdoor games.

The fourth block is reflection, which allows you to finish the event on a high emotional high. The reflection was based on a song about a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut, which, thanks to efforts, diligence, hard work, and determination, was able to come true.

Subject: " Getting ready to be astronauts"

Target:introduce primary school children to the history of astronautics.


    educational: to cultivate patriotism, a sense of pride in the achievements of the human mind and in the achievements of Soviet science and the people; cultivate the will to win using historical examples.

    developing: develop interest in technology and national history; develop attention and memory.

Form: educational and sports game-travel.

Methods and techniques:


    Role-playing game

    Multimedia presentation

    Outdoor games

Technical support: computer, projector, screen.

It is necessary to prepare the premises for the event: allocate a place for outdoor games; 2 hoops; dumbbells, 2 oranges, tennis balls.

Event plan:


    Main part

a) blitz survey

b) association game

c) presentation “Getting ready to be cosmonauts”

d) a chain of riddles

d) outdoor games


PROGRESS OF THE EVENT Good afternoon dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to this cozy room. Congratulations Happy Year of Cosmonautics to everyone! Do you know why I congratulated you on such a holiday?(answer)

Guys, who knows why this year is named like that? (answers)

Right! In honor of the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight.

Tell me, guys, have any of you dreamed of becoming an astronaut? But the boys of the 60s and 70s all dreamed of being astronauts. It was the most romantic, most heroic profession of that time.

Now the profession of an astronaut has become almost common. But astronauts are trained in a special way. Do you know how astronauts are trained? (answers)

What needs to be done for this? (answers) Of course, first of all, study. Please list which What character traits are necessary for astronauts and what should they be? Answers: intelligence, honesty, firmness, speed of reaction, endurance, determination, etc.

C small and determined Healthy ! and sports

smart resourceful

Why? (Children's answers)

Absolutely right! Smart in order to know and control the rocket well; courageous and determined in order to overcome the fear of leaving the ground and finding oneself in a confined space. You need to have exceptional health to overcome all the stress; and of course, resourcefulness and speed of reaction, so as not to get confused in extreme situations. After all, this is space, and this is the unknown... Since ancient times, man has dreamed of rising into the sky, soaring above the clouds, and flying to the stars.

And now gra in association.

1. An elderly woman. The first woman astronaut. Developer and tester of the oldest aircraft. The engine is a broom.

Right!Baba Yaga

2 . Ancient aircraft. With unknown thrust without engine. Who is bigger? (Walking boots; flying carpet; mortar, broom) That's right, well done!

3 . The most famous pilot is a tester of lightweight aircraft. He had no fixed place of residence. Swedish by origin. Favorite saying: “Trifles, everyday matters.” (Carlson)

4 . A young man of scandalous reputation. Often creates emergency situations. An inventor and a deceiver. Great traveler. Flew in a hot air balloon. Missile hijacker. (Dunno)

We remembered our favorite fairy-tale characters. Well done!

But man has always strived to make a fairy tale come true. And now life without space is simply impossible. My friends, we keep talking about astronautics, but what is it for? Are we somehow connected to her? Think and answer.

Yes, right. Almost each of you has a computer and Internet access; there are telephones; and every day we listen to the weather forecast. What follows from this? Of course, all signals go through satellites. (Practical lesson - calling each other)

You see, we are talking while we are nearby, and our communication is via satellite. Great? Where else is satellite communication used? (navigators-ships, airplanes)

Despite the fact that hundreds of rockets and thousands of satellites are now being launched, the universe has not yet been explored. But every self-respecting person should know the history of the origins of astronautics.

Did you know? Translated from Greek, the word “Cosmonautics” means “ship navigation”.

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. Man has always dreamed of rising to the stars, to the sun. He was drawn to the mystery of the universe, space.

And now I want to introduce you to the myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus.

They were held captive on the island of Crete, and in order to fly to their homeland in Athens, Daedalus made wings from bird feathers. And so they took to the air.

But Icarus forgot his father’s warnings - not to approach the sun. He soared high and the rays of the sun melted the wax that held the feathers together. Icarus fell from a great height into the sea, and Daedalus flew to his homeland.

But the sky beckons, and in 1783 the French Montgolfier brothers were the first to take to the air in a hot air balloon.

Just recently, space flight was talked about as science fiction. So how did the road to space begin, who was at the origins?

The first person to be inspired by the idea of ​​flying to other planets was our Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

And the inventor of the first Soviet spacecraft was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. From 1946 until the end of his life, he remained the chief designer of our astronautics.

Who knows what Baikonur is? That's right, this is a cosmodrome - a launch site for rockets, it is located in Kazakhstan.

On October 4, 1957, the first Soviet artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. A new era has begun - the era of space exploration.

And already on November 3, 1957, a living creature was flying over the world in a special satellite container - the dog Laika. She was about 2 years old, weighing about 6 kg.

On August 20, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka (real nicknames Albina and Marquise) flew after Laika and returned safely to Earth. Guinea pigs, parrots, mice, and rabbits flew along with the dogs.

And finally it happened - on April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the first cosmonaut of the planet flew on the Vostok spacecraft. He was our citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Despite the short duration - 108 minutes, it was proven that a person can live and work in space. He became the most famous person on Earth.

This was followed by a series of Soviet records and discoveries: the flight into space of the first woman, V.V. Tereshkova, and the spacewalk of A.A. Leonov. By the way, Leonov showed exceptional courage by releasing excess pressure from his swollen spacesuit in order to get into the spaceship.

Of the many thousands of professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is quite a feat. A feat of scientific, technical, but, above all, human feat.

And we continue our journey! Do you agree? I offer you a space game. Today you are not just spectators, you are all astronauts. We have to visit an endless galaxy, and how quickly we return to Earth depends on your answers. Now we will have crash courses in flight preparation. Does an astronaut have to be smart? Yes!

So, pay attention, listen and answer in unison!

In space

Chain of riddles for children

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

Need a powerful...

Telescope hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle...

Astronomer- he is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full...

Before Moon the bird can't

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly...

U rockets there is a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: “Astronaut”;

And in Russian: ….

Astronaut sitting in a rocket

Cursing everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it


UFO flies to a neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Angry green...

Humanoid lost my way,

Lost in three planets,

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​won't help...

Light flies the fastest

Doesn't count kilometers.

The sun gives life to the planets,

We are warm, tails are….

All comet o flew,

I looked at everything in the sky.

Sees a hole in space -

This is black...

In black holes darkness

She's busy with something dark.

There he ended his flight


Starship– steel bird,

He runs faster than light,

Learns in practice


A galaxies flying

In loose form, as they wish.

Very hefty

This whole….


Well done! Ready to fly!

Should an astronaut be strong and agile? Yes!

Agility test!

We divide into 2 teams. I offer you the names of the teams: “Altair” and “Vega”.

Competition 1.

The most united team.

2 hoops are laid on the floor. Members of the teams stand in the hoops one after another in as many numbers as possible. At the same time, no one should climb outside the hoop.

Competition 2

Fastest team

One representative per team is selected, and the distance is set. You need to quickly cover the distance:

    Backward forward;

    Pressing an orange with your cheek to your shoulder;

    In boots with tied laces.

Competition 3

The smartest team

There are tennis balls (more than 10) on the table. One representative per team is selected. It is necessary to pick up as many objects as possible without the help of strangers.

Well, what can I say? Well done! You can be launched into space right now! And our journey game is over, we can return to Earth!


There lived a boy on the edge of Moscow

Maybe someone like you and me

Maybe a little wider at the shoulders,

Maybe be more restrained in speech

And there is more blue in the eyes...

Night will come and everyone will fall asleep in the garden

The stars sleep in a silver pond

And for the umpteenth time

The boy dreams of Mars

He firmly believes in his dream!

And I wish you to have your own dream, and for it to come true.

You can learn about space flights, cosmonauts, their biographies and a lot of new things in scientific books and encyclopedias. I'm waiting for you in the library.

List of used literature:

    Gorkov V.L., Avdeev Yu.F.

“Cosmic ABC” / Scientific and artistic publication for senior preschool and primary school age. - Moscow: “Children’s Literature”, 1990.-176 p.

    Zhitomirsky S.V., Italianskaya E.G. and etc.

Astronomy: Encyclopedia / Popular science publication for children. - Moscow: ZAO ROSMEN-PRESS, 2006. - 128 p.

Lesson summary: “This mysterious space”

Target: introduce the symbolism of the constellations, arouse interest in outer space; expand children’s understanding of the astronaut profession, cultivate respect for this profession; develop imagination and fantasy.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, do you like to look at the sky at night?

What can you see in the sky? (Stars, Moon.)

- How many stars are there in the sky?

There are countless of them. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They appear to be small sparkling dots because they are very far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. The stars have their own names: Polaris, Sirius, Vega, etc. The stars connect into constellations, which also have their own names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Space has always interested man. Is there air on other planets? Is there life?

And so scientists, under the leadership of designer S. Korolev, invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it, and launched it into outer space. The flight was successful. Scientists decided to repeat the flight, but with living creatures on board - these were two husky dogs: Belka and Strelka, who returned safely to Earth. And then scientists decided to fulfill their cherished dream - to send a man into space.

On April 12, 1961, this dream came true. For the first time in the world, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. This was a huge joyful event not only for our country, but for all humanity. All the people of our planet joyfully welcomed the first cosmonaut.

Soon, Gagarin’s feat was repeated by the second cosmonaut, G. Titov. And then the astronaut crews began to increase. 2-3 cosmonauts began to go on space flights. But another interesting event awaited us: the world’s first female cosmonaut, V. Tereshkova, went on a space flight. And then the second female cosmonaut - S. Savitskaya. Many cosmonauts looked at our Earth from space, and among them our fellow countryman Konstantin Feoktistov. During the flight, astronauts see and observe a lot of interesting things and work a lot. They conduct medical and technical observations, study the Earth's surface and report to Earth about places where minerals have been discovered, report the approach of hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, fires in the taiga, clarify the weather forecast, and provide space radio and television communications . This is how complex and interesting the work of astronauts is.

At home with a book and in kindergarten

Boys dream, girls dream

Fly to the moon.

They persistently dream about the moon

And they even fly... but only in their dreams.

Would you guys like to become astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? (Healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, hardy, persistent, etc.)

Listen, I’ll tell you about the tests that astronauts must go through on Earth in order to cope with similar loads in space.

Imagine if one of you were placed in a huge ball, and a huge giant began to throw it from one hand to the other. How does this make you feel? (children's answers)

And here’s another test: the astronaut is put in a chair, fastened with belts, and the machine begins to circle this chair with terrible speed: up, down, this way, that way.

And here's another thing: when the rocket takes off, it shakes a lot. To get used to this, the astronaut is put into a vibrator machine, and the shaking begins so much that you can’t hit a tooth.

The tests are very serious, but all astronauts cope with them easily. Why do you think? (Because astronauts are healthy, strong, trained, and play sports.)

All cosmonauts are masters of sports. They run, jump, and play various sports every day.

Guys, after my story, you will probably be afraid to join the cosmonaut corps? To be ready for the flight, we will also conduct this training.

An outdoor game for attention “Do this and don’t do that...”

Well done! Everyone succeeded, everyone is enlisted in the cosmonaut corps. Now we need to decide what the astronaut needs during the flight.

Game “What objects will the astronaut take on flight.”

So, we went through the training and took the necessary things. What else are we missing? (Rockets.)

We will build the rocket according to this plan. We will build from chairs. (Children build a rocket and sit down.)

Children, sit down comfortably, soon you will take off, and I will remain on Earth and will monitor your flight.

Children count from ten to one and with the command “Start!” take off...

The rocket soared into the sky

And at that very moment she rushed off.

Only a stripe in the blue sky,

It remained white like snow.

Goodbye guys, have a nice trip!

Role-playing game "Cosmonauts"

(Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes in the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Educational and methodological manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005 p.-162)


Ships fly to the mysterious stars.

Let's imagine: we dreamed a little -

And everyone became astronauts!

On the streets, in the parks - they are everywhere

There are only astronauts on the beach.

They get on the bus - but it doesn’t go:

There is no driver - he is getting ready to take off.

The astronauts are in a hurry to walk to lunch,

But there is no lunch, no cook:

And he was going to be an astronaut...

And he was left without lunch.

Thanks to the cow - she gave me milk.

(She hasn't become an astronaut yet.)

And who is the astronaut, while he is growing,

Will he tell you a fairy tale or read a book?

And who will teach an astronaut to dream?

Who will calculate the flight of the rocket?

And who will come to the factory to make it?

Who will write brightly on it, for example,

Simple and proud: “USSR”?

If we all become astronauts,

Will the rocket take off on time?

At the estimated time, starting from Earth,

Ships fly to mysterious stars,

Confirming by my flight:

Any work is honorable!

What phrase do you think contains the main idea of ​​the poem? Do you agree with its author?

Follow up work: The teacher invites the children to choose items that need to be sent to Dunno, finish drawing them, and color them. Children need to complete work on a rocket that will quickly bring the necessary things to the would-be astronaut.

You also need to solve the code - a hint on how to control the rocket. Using the hint, determine what kind of Moon it is today: full, aging or waxing.

(Timofeeva L.L., Uman A.I. Complex developmental classes in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006- p. 80)

Physical education minute

- Guys, you said that the sun is a hot ball. Why did you decide this? How can you prove this? (When the sun is shining, it is warm outside.)

- In winter, the sun also shines, but there is no heat from it. The children are confused and cannot find an answer.

- Come to the window and see how beautiful, bright the sun is today.

- So we proved it. The sun is so hot that it is impossible to look at it without special instruments. What do you need to have to look at the sun? (You can wear sunglasses. You can look through a special telescope. You can just look into colored, dark glass.).

- What do we get from the sun? (We receive light and heat from the sun.)

- What would happen if there was no sun? (If there were no sun, then there would always be night on earth. Trees would not grow, because they cannot grow without light. Only those animals, birds and insects that live without light would live on earth. Man would build closed cities where there would be only artificial lighting. Without the sun it would be very bad for everyone.)

- Guess the riddle and write the answer on your cards.

The field is not measured (Sky.),

Sheep are not counted (Stars.)

A the shepherd is horned. (Month.)

- Why is the sky compared to a field? (Because it's as big as a field.)

- Why are stars compared to sheep? (Because there are as many of them as there are white sheep that are scattered throughout the field.)

- Why is the month compared to a shepherd and a horned one at that? (The shepherd is always alone, and there is only one month in the sky. When the month is not full, it seems that it has horns.)

- You have worked well today, and the sun is giving you little sunshine.

Yellow circles are heard.

- Draw a starry sky at home. Ask your parents how stars differ from planets.

(Falkovich T.A., Barylkina L.P. Development of speech, preparation for mastering writing. - M.: VAKO, 2005 - p. 169)

Lesson summary: “Earth as a planet”

Target: Familiarization with the surrounding world.

Tasks: Introduce children to planet Earth. Learn to carry out experimental work. Develop learning skills. Foster love for planet Earth.

Material: candle; tennis ball or ball; the sun and the Earth - a planar image; drawings confirming the rotation of the Earth around the sun.

Progress of the lesson

- Look, guys, what on our board is familiar to you, and what you see for the first time. (The sun is on the board. We saw it in the last lesson.)

- What is the sun? (The sun is a big hot ball.)

- What color is the sun? (The sun is red-yellow-orange.)

What is this blue circle on the board?

Children express their guess. The teacher listens to all the children's answers. The teacher reads a poem:

Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

Just look around:

Here is a river, there is a green meadow.

You can't get through the dense forest,

You won't find water in the desert!

And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,

And somewhere it’s hot in winter...

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas -

Everything is called Earth!

And if you fly into space,

You're from the rocket window

You will see our blue ball,

Favorite planet!

- So you understand what the blue circle on our board means. (This is our Earth.)

- Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

- Think and tell me why our Earth is blue? (Children's answers.)

- It was hard for you to guess. I'll give you a hint. There is a lot of water on our land. It was she who gave this color to our planet.

- The earth revolves around the sun and at the same time around itself. As a result of this, seasons and parts of the day change on Earth.

Let's look at the drawings. Let's do an experiment with a globe and a candle. We determine where it will be day and where it will be night.

Light a real candle. This is the Sun. We rotate the ball (or a tennis ball) around the candle. This is a model of the Earth. We determine which side will be winter, which side will be summer, which side will be autumn and spring.

We draw the children's attention to the fact that when the rays from the “sun” fall directly, it is warm on the earth, and it is summer. If the sun's rays fall at an angle, then it is autumn or spring on Earth. The further we move the ball from the candle, the less light falls on it.

Children perform the experiment themselves under the supervision of a teacher.

The earth revolves around the sun as you waltz around the Christmas tree.

Physical education minute

Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center.

Children depict planet Earth. The teacher is the sun.

Children turn around themselves and spin in a circle.

At the teacher's signal, the children stop.

The teacher asks: “Who is it summer now?”, “Who is it day now?”, “Who is it night now?”

Children determine their position in relation to the teacher and answer this question.

- There is enough light and heat on Earth, as well as enough water and air. All this creates favorable conditions for life on Earth.

Questions for children:

1. What is more on our planet - water or land?

2. What revolves - the Earth around the sun or the sun around the Earth?

3. What color is our planet when viewed from space?

4. What geometric figure does our planet resemble?

- At home, talk to your parents about what our planet is like. Look at the night sky and find the Earth's only satellite. Ask your parents what it's called.

- Tell me, did you like the image of the Earth? Do you like our planet? If you were offered to fly from planet Earth to another planet now, would you agree? (We wouldn’t leave anywhere, because our home is on Earth. Our loved ones are on Earth, and our friends are also on Earth.)

The teacher reads a poem by L. Daineko:

There's a huge house on earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native Earth

This house is called.

(Falkovich T.A., Barylkina L.P. Development of speech, preparation for mastering writing. - M.: VAKO, 2005 - p. 171)

Progress of the lesson

Children look at illustrations in books, pictures, children's drawings on the theme “Space”.

Blue, round

Floats in the sky

We all live on it.

What's her name?

That's right - this is planet Earth. What other planets do you know? (Children's answers.)

Guess the riddles:

White flowers bloom in the evening,

And in the morning they fade.


Among the blue field -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

It goes around Mother Earth,

There's a cheerful light shining in the window,

Well, of course it's...


Is the sun a star or a planet? (Children's answers.)

Yes, this is a star, big and hot. Which star is the coldest and brightest? (Polar.)

- What constellations do you know? Who will make the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and the constellation Cancer out of the stars on the flannelgraph?

Children lay out constellations on a flannelgraph.

How many stars are in the constellations Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Cancer? In what constellation is the North Star located? What is it like? (Seventh.)

- Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.)

- Name the first woman astronaut (Valentina Tereshkova.)

- Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov.)

- Imagine that you are astronauts and are ready to fly. I will be the flight director. Various animals will fly with us. Do you remember which animal was the first to fly into space? (Dogs: Laika, then Belka and Strelka.)

- I wonder who will fly with us? Oh, look, you can see either paws or legs in the porthole. Who do you think it could be: a bird or an animal? (Shows the rocket.)

The didactic game “Guess Who” is being played.

Very good, you are ready to fly! Please take your seats on the ship!

Each child has a sheet of paper, two circles (green and yellow), and a set of geometric shapes on the table.

Attention! We got ready to launch the rocket. Place a number line from zero to ten on the control panel. (Children lay it out.) We begin the countdown. All together: zero - start! (Music sounds.)

Be careful, we are observing space objects and bodies: in the upper left corner of the window we see the Sun. (Children take a yellow circle and complete the task on the sheet.)

A planet appeared in the lower right corner. And in the middle there are some strange figures. Who could it be? It's aliens! Lay out the alien from geometric shapes.

Children make aliens out of geometric shapes.

In my window, an alien from outer space is giving distress signals and asking for help. He is given the task of going to the ninth planet of the solar system, but he can only count to five. How many planets does he still have left to pass?

Who will come to the board and lay out the rest of the planets? (The child completes the task.)

The alien is very pleased and wants to make contact with us. Let's read him poems and ask riddles.

Children read poetry and dance. A physical education lesson is held, then a didactic game “What could be of this shape?”

Now it's time to return to Earth: ten meters, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero! We've landed!

(Selikhova L.G. Integrated classes: familiarization with the outside world and speech development. For work with children of senior preschool age (5-7 years). - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005 - p. 31)

Lesson summary: “Cosmonauts”

Program content. Foster children's interest in astronauts; teach them to admire their heroic work, to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian. Expand children's ideas about space flight.

Material. Pictures and photographs on the topic.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin

Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first person to fly into space. He rose high, high above the Earth in a spaceship. People who fly into space are called cosmonauts. We are proud that a Russian was the first to fly into space.

The teacher reads the story “First in Space.”

"First in Space"

The body suddenly became incredibly heavy. Arms, legs, every finger became not our own, as if cast from cast iron. Only a minute of flight passed, but it seemed to Gagarin that he had been flying for an hour. My chest felt tight and it became difficult to breathe.

And from Earth on the radio they are already asking: “How are you feeling?” You have to answer, but saying even one word is also not easy. It's hard to even open your mouth. And yet Gagarin found strength in himself: it was not for nothing that he trained so much before the flight.

“I’m fine, everything’s fine,” he said, “I’m flying normally.” I feel good.

The rocket was shaking. She seemed to be in a hurry to fly to the height that the scientists had indicated to her.

And suddenly it became quiet - the engine stopped working. But the ship was moving at great speed. The cabin no longer shook, and there was less and less pressure on the seat. Suddenly, Yuri felt that he was lifted above the chair and his body weighed nothing. He raised his hand - it remained raised, he raised his leg - it did not fall.

Gagarin wanted to write down his observations in a journal, he looked, but the pencil was not there, it was floating around the cabin. He tossed the magazine and it hung in the air.

Gagarin didn’t want to eat or drink yet, but he had to try. After all, food in space also weighs nothing, and who knows if he will be able to swallow it? What if it gets stuck in your throat? On the ground I tried to eat upside down while standing on my hands. It worked. And here?

Gagarin’s food was special, “cosmic”. From a tube, the kind that toothpaste usually comes in, he squeezed the meat puree directly into his mouth. Swallowed it. Then I squeezed out fruit jam from another tube, and then currant juice. I swallowed everything. It was only when he was drinking juice that he accidentally spilled a few drops, and they floated through the air like black berries...

V. Borozdin

Then the children look at illustrations of a spaceship.

Being an astronaut is not only honorable, but also very difficult. You must be brave, decisive, persistent, kind, and sympathetic. Yuri Alekseevich cultivated these qualities in himself from childhood. Listen to a story about Yuri Gagarin's childhood. It is called “The Sad Story of the Foundling,” written by Yuri’s older brother, Valentin Gagarin.

"The Sad Story of a Foundling"

Somehow the rain caught us in the forest. With baskets full of mushrooms, we took refuge under the crowns of an old mighty oak tree... We sat with our backs pressed against the rough bark of the trunk, chewed soggy bread and looked anxiously at the sky: clouds - harbingers of the coming autumn - covered it from end to end, not leaving a tiny window. And although the night was still very far away, it was getting dark quickly...

Suddenly Borka screamed in fear, jumped to his feet, and knocked over the basket of mushrooms.


I was about to strike a match, but the matches were hopelessly damp and would not light. Yura fearlessly extended his hand to the place where Boris had just been sitting and rummaged for something there.

Look, a hare.

It was not a hare, a bunny. He must have fallen behind his mother or gotten lost, and a fierce downpour drove him under the same oak tree where we tried in vain to hide. Wet and weak, he curled up into a ball in Yura's hands. I stroked him and heard his heart beating sharply under my palm.

“Let’s take it home,” Boris suggested...

Of course we'll take it...

The downpour did not subside - apparently, it would not be possible to wait out it. However, we have nothing to lose, everyone is still completely wet. So we went home - in streams of water falling from above, bubbling on the ground.

Yura carried the little hare in his bosom. At home, the guys built a slanting cage from an old box, covered it with green grass, brought carrots and cabbage; pea pods. The cat, who showed increased interest in the bunny, was so scared by Yura that she did not appear in the hut the next day.

What should we call it? - Boris asked.

Yura didn’t think twice:

So let's call it: Foundling.

He brought everyone into awe, this tiny long-eared animal. His father tickled him somewhere behind the neck with a stoned finger and said meaningfully:

Also a living being...

Mom warmed the milk in the stove and poured it into a saucer. Yura and Borka vied with each other to thrust taller blades of grass at the Foundling:

Eat, please eat...

The fur on the little hare had dried - gray, short fur with a sheen, he warmed up and perked up, apparently, when no one was looking at him, when it was quiet in the hut, he tried to gnaw carrots and cabbage. As soon as one of us approached his home, he immediately hid in a corner and looked out from there with frightened eyes, in which green sparks ran through.

By the end of the week, however. The foundling completely stopped touching the greenery. The fur matted on him, and even the faint sparkles in his eyes went out.

Then, by chance, Pavel Ivanovich came to see us one evening. Yura immediately dragged him to the Foundling: after all, he was a specialist, a paramedic.

It's a bad thing, even if he survives - only in the forest. As they say, homesickness. This happens to people too,” Uncle Pasha concluded.

Yura perked up.

Boris, get dressed. Now we will take him to the forest.

Well, yes, I won't go. It's too late.

Then I'm alone.

Sit at home. Look how smart he is at night. “You’ll have time in the morning,” said the father.

There is no use arguing with your father. Yura became quiet. At night we settled down as always. Yura, taking the little bunny, without dressing, climbed out of the house through the window, untied Tobik from the chain and, accompanied by him, went into the forest. He returned in the morning - his mother was just driving the cow out to the herd. I opened the gate and Yurka stood there: naked to the waist, his bare feet whipped with wet grass, chilled. The tooth does not touch the tooth. Mom shook her finger at him. He lowered his head: “I put him down on the grass...”. “You shouldn’t have gone into the forest and wasted the night.” Yura stubbornly shook his head:

No, it was worth it.

V. Gagarin

Why did Yuri go into the forest at night? Did he do the right thing?

(Selikhova L.G. Integrated classes: familiarization with the outside world and speech development. For work with children of senior preschool age (5-7 years). - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005 - p. 34)

Additional material

"Steps over the Planet"

Many flew into space more than once and worked there for several months. The labor exploits of the cosmonaut pilots were appreciated by the country - they were awarded high awards from the Motherland. Their flights are admired not only by Soviet people, but also by foreign friends.

The universe is an open ocean.

I approached the chairman and members of the State Commission:

Cosmonaut Tereshkova is ready to fly on the Vostok-6 satellite.

While the final preparations were underway on the rocket, I was already conducting pre-launch communications from the ship’s cabin; both the Chief Designer and the Chairman of the State Commission approached the microphone. The music was turned on several times. I sang several songs. Time flew by quickly. But Gagarin warned:

Five minutes ready...

I closed my helmet and put on gloves,” I reported, taking the position required for the start.

Time seemed to stand still. The most agonizing, last seconds dragged on for a long, long time. Having gathered myself internally, I watched as the second hand jumped from one mark on the dial to another. So she made one circle... Another... She went on a third...

Key to start! - the command given in the bunker sounded particularly loudly in the headset.

Climb! - The clock showed 12 hours 30 minutes.

How many times have I witnessed how the impossible became possible. Hearing the last command, I gathered myself internally and tensed my muscles. The rocket slowly rose above the launch pad and, shaking everything around with the roar of powerful engines, uncontrollably accelerating, rushed and began to press me to the seat, the overloads increased, breathing became difficult, then it began to let go, it became easier and easier.

There was a slight crack as the head fairing of the ship separated. The bright rays of the sun hit my eyes painfully. I clung to the “Gaze”, saw the Earth far, far below and immediately transmitted:

I am "Seagull"! The mood is cheerful, the state of health is excellent! I see the horizon. Blue, blue stripe... This is earth! How beautiful she is! Gagarin's voice came in response.

I agree, it’s beautiful... The car drives great...

And below, on Earth, landscapes opened up. One is more beautiful than the other. A dark golden piece of desert flashed by, and it was immediately replaced by giant quadrangles of state farm fields, dark green patches of forests lit up, and drops of lakes flashed like scattered mercury. I looked out the other porthole; there, on the black, very black velvet of the sky, lay handfuls of unblinking constellations.

V. Tereshkova

"Man went into outer space"

The calm, perhaps even very calm, voice of cosmonaut Pavel Belyaev, commander of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft, was heard above the planet. And although he spoke about the most important event in the history of astronautics simply, in an everyday businesslike manner, in an instant the whole world learned about it. Millions of television viewers watched on their screens as the fearless son of the Earth, Alexei Leonov, soared in low-Earth orbit for the first time. Soared, not afraid of the scorching rays of the sun.

A man went into outer space.

Alexey Leonov, the man who was the first earthling to take a walk in outer space, has told more than once how it all happened.

Having dressed for space, we boarded the bus and sat in special chairs. Sitting nearby were Yura Gagarin, Volodya Komarov and Boris Egorov. According to tradition, they sang a song. Is it possible without her?

The bus stopped at the launch pad not far from the rocket. On the rocket, on the service farms - caps of fluffy snow...

I was the first to rise. Here is the entrance hatch. Engineer Zhenya, a wonderful specialist of the same age, helped me sit in a chair. Hands rested on the armrests, feet on special supports. The straps pinned me to the chair. The engineer went to meet Pavel Belyaev...

Now the entrance hatch of the Voskhod-2 ship is tightly, hermetically sealed. After a while, people will leave the service area, and we will be left alone on top of the space rocket.

I am “Zarya”, can you hear me? - was heard in the cabin.

“I am Almaz,” Belyaev answered, “I can hear you well.”

Start checking your devices.

You are understood.

As provided by the program, before the start we checked the operation of the systems again and reported that everything was normal.

We hear the five-minute readiness announcement on the radio. There are only 5 minutes left before the start. I can not wait. And the minutes drag on and drag on... The minutes seem like miles.

I am Zarya. “Everything is fine with us,” the confident, calm voice of Academician Korolev can be heard. How are you feeling, your mood?

“I’m Almaz,” Belyaev answered, “I’m in a great mood.” Ready for the start.

“Thank you,” the scientist answered simply. Have a good trip. See you on earth.

We thanked. Without saying a word, we looked at the clock. The second hand was approaching 10 Moscow time. We closed the transparent visors of our pressure helmets and got ready...

Key to start! - the command is given.

They looked at each other. Pavel's eyes were stern and concentrated.

There was a dull hum. And we felt the ship, trembling, go up. At the same moment, a weight began to fall on us. She pressed herself tightly into the chair.

Have a nice trip, friends! - Gagarin wishes us.

“Everything is going fine,” Pavel Belyaev reports to Earth. - Overloads are growing. Vibration is negligible.

The ship rises higher and higher. So he passed the clouds. The sun's rays burst into the porthole.

The commander carefully monitors the instruments, occasionally showing me with signs that everything is going strictly according to schedule. We feel how one stage of the launch vehicle fires after another. We are waiting for the most crucial moment - the inclusion of the last stage. We know that people at the cosmodrome are waiting for this moment. The last stage will not work - you will have to return to Earth without a meal.

It worked! - Belyaev shouted. - I am Almaz. The last step is gone. Everything is fine. We're in orbit.

Pavel's face shone with joy. We shook hands. The Voskhod 2 flight has begun. Our most cherished dream has come true. We're in space.

Well, Lesha, shall we begin?

They began to prepare for my spacewalk, which was to take place on the second orbit.

I unhooked the straps of the chair I was sitting in and stood up. Pavel Belyaev helped me put on a back pack with a supply of oxygen and connect it to the spacesuit.

I heard the cabin hatch close tightly behind me. I touched the halyard connecting me to the ship with my hands. It also had an additional significance: telephone wires ran through it to communicate with the ship’s commander and with the Earth. Pavel Belyaev relieved the pressure in the chamber and opened the exit hatch. And at that same second, the bright light of the sun, similar to electric welding, hit the camera and my eyes. But the sun did not blind me: the light filter on the pressure helmet protected me.

He slowly began to get out of the airlock. A second - and I'm in the cosmic abyss. And only a thin halyard connects me to Voskhod-2, the small earthly world in which my friend works.

And at that moment Belyaev announced to the world: “Man has entered outer space!”

I look around. Straight ahead - black, black sky. The stars are bright, but do not glow, do not twinkle. And the sun is not earthly, without a halo.

Far, far below is the Earth. I agree with other astronauts - our Earth is beautiful, very beautiful. I looked and admired her. And when did you work? Everything I did was work. He went out into the vastness of space and first made a movement with one hand, then with the other, and moved his leg. Fine! Everything is fine.

You would know how fantastic Voskhod 2 looks in space! I looked at him from a distance of 5 meters. The portholes are like huge eyes, and the antennas are like giant tentacles. I felt great, my mood was cheerful, I didn’t want to part with free space... I spent a total of 24 minutes in space conditions. But it took about an hour and a half to write down everything I saw and what work I did. I wrote everything down in my logbook.

So, it’s good in space, but it’s still better in a ship. The ship is my home, and in the cockpit is my friend Pavel Belyaev.

As soon as I was “home”, the first thing I said was:

Hello commander!

And he responded:

Well done!

A. Leonov

(Selikhova L.G. Integrated classes: familiarization with the outside world and speech development. For work with children of senior preschool age (5-7 years). - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005 - p. 37)

Creation of the "Sunplane"

While talking, the children find out that the car or rocket in which they will go to the sun must be fast, because the sun is far away; heat-resistant - so that the sun does not burn it, but must also leave room for external viewing. The children invent a corresponding machine, after which the teacher suggests making a drawing, that is, drawing it all together on a piece of Whatman paper. The car is then modeled by the children themselves. Children depict walls, passengers, etc., a pilot is selected, and the “Sunplane” sets off towards the Sun.

Space trip

Attention! Is the crew of the “Sunset” ready for space travel?
Pilot: Ready!

On your marks!

Ready to start!

Three, two, one, go!

There is a start! Goodbye, Earth!

Have a good flight!

Imitating the noise of engines, to the appropriate “space” music (suitable computer music is selected), children move around the group. They stop in the place where the sun's rays fall. The Sun (teacher or parent) appears.

Sun: Hello guys! Why did you come?

- We know that you are hot, bright, affectionate, warm, but maybe there is something we don’t know about you?

Sun: Then let's get acquainted. My name is the Sun. How about you? Who do you live with?

- And I have a family, here is a photo of it. My family is called the solar system. This is me - the Sun. And these are my children - the planets, they always revolve around me. This one is called Mercury - he is the hottest, he is closest to me. And this is Venus - a big modest one, there are a lot of gases in its atmosphere, and it is wrapped in haze, like a scarf. But you probably know this daughter. Learned? Who is this? Yes, Earth is a blue planet. And this is Mars - his character is warlike, that’s why he’s all red. And then Jupiter is the largest planet. Then Saturn, a big fashionista, girded himself with rings. Well, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune are farthest from me.

- Yes, Sunny, you have a big family! And do you love them all equally?

Sun: Of course I love! After all, they are my children, despite the fact that some of them are warmer, others colder.

- Guys, why do you think some planets are colder and others are warmer? (Children make assumptions.)

Sun: Guys, is there anything else you want to ask me? Ask!

Children ask questions to the sun; If a question is not asked, the teacher asks it.

Sunny, do you have any grandchildren?

Sun: Of course there are, and a lot. But you definitely know one granddaughter. Who is this?

- And the Moon is a planet, what do you think? Why? Can the Moon revolve around the Sun?

Sun: And not only. The Moon revolves around the Earth, just as the Earth revolves around the Sun. (The story is accompanied by a demonstration of the action on the model.)

The children thank the sun for the story and say goodbye to him.

Sun: Have a nice trip, guys, and as a souvenir, I will give you a “photo” of my family. (Gives an image of the solar system.)

And I will always give you the warmth of my rays, warming the forests, flowers, birds, you, my dears, all the wonderful places