You have been living in the world for thirty years,
There is a family - wife and children,
I have an apartment and a car,
We know what to wish for you:
To go on vacation
To resorts abroad,
So that there is love in the family
And over the years it hasn’t left,
So that your health is strong,
The flame of the heart has not cooled down!

You're thirty - that's cool!
A great reason to buzz.
You didn't live in vain,
Friends, beloved - everything is there.
Let things go well.
Let life, work - everything go.
May good luck be a fast train
He'll come to your station soon.
You're only 30 years old
You are still a young man.
And there are a lot of victories behind,
But there are still peaks ahead,
We want to conquer them
Without failures and disappointments.
And live many bright days.
We kiss you deeply, happy birthday!
You are an exemplary man
By the time I was thirty I had achieved everything.
May you fly high.
I was surrounded by love.
And he was smart, like a professor,
And rich, handsome, strong.
So that your family appreciates you,
So that there is a spiritual upsurge,
Life rang and seethed.
Happy birthday - happy your day!
For a man “30 years old” -
The age of exploits and victories.
I can handle any task,
And there is no denying anything!
Happy birthday to you
We congratulate you lovingly
And we wish that in life
You didn't waste your time!
Of all the things planned
I had time to do everything.
And so that your success
The limit has not yet been reached!
When a man is 30 years old,
He instantly becomes respectable,
Successful, mature, strong, prominent,
Having an answer to everything.
May this important anniversary
It will bring you success, luck,
Best wishes come true,
And only real friends.
We also want to wish you
So that you do not encounter trouble,
So that everything can and works out,
Make every moment happy.
You are still only 30,
But there is already something to be proud of.
And the wife gives tenderness.
Children charge with laughter,
Optimism continues.
What do you wish for today?
What else does your heart desire?
Confessions to you at work.
So that there are plans, goals,
So that they don’t sit still.
Let's move forward towards our cherished dreams -
And fair wind to you.
Life is beautiful, without a doubt, -
Happy birthday!
Now you're already thirty,
You are successful, young.
You're lucky, of course
With a smart, bright head.
I wish you victories
In business, hobbies and family.
May luck be favorable
She will be daring towards you.
In a strong and healthy body,
I wish the bird happiness
Rather, find
Forget about all the bad weather,
Live and don't be sad.
Let new spaces
They will open up to you
And there will be changes
Only for the better in fate.
This is the date - thirty,
And we want to wish -
Live, love, create, work,
And not just like that - “five”.
Let your wallet be fat,
And adrenaline in the blood,
And in my career there is only growth,
And reciprocity in love.
At 30 years old we want to say,
That we want to be like this
So that everyone around can go crazy,
To be looked at
There was everything in your life
What is given to the chosen ones:
Fame, money, laughter and whiskey
Your name is on every list
May you be as healthy as a bull
And I believed in this verse!
Happy 30th birthday to you
We want to congratulate you.
You have always been the brightest
That's why we love it.
You have been faithful to your friendship for many years.
Our union is indestructible!
In matters more perky than you, there is no one.
Are you ready to start?
You have achieved a lot in life,
We will confirm this.
And he is great in his skill,
We will not replace anyone.
On the 30th anniversary
We want to tell you:
“We swear our allegiance,
We need you!”
What does a threesome look like, friend?
Looks like a woman's breasts
And zero is that very tight circle:
Your circle, which we all belong to;
We are not in a hurry to wish for something -
In these wonderful moments
All wishes are good!
Let's drink to you! Happy 30th birthday!
You are 30 years old today.
You look very fashionable.
We congratulate you,
Pour some wine quickly!
To have a great life,
Don't let yourself fall into a stupor,
Have fun and laugh
Stay forever young!
And love you with all my heart,
And it’s always cool to be a pepper,
Just to get a kick out of life,
Fill the whole mattress with money!
30 years! Friend, forget about the crises,
Just adjust the helicopter and let's go for a walk!
We're not some kind of narcissist,
We invite girls to fly too!
Now look - students and bosses
They roll their eyes at you!
All because you are smart, strong, successful,
Handsome and young - more than ever!
Now old age has arrived...
After all, it’s already 30 years!
Remembering everything that happened
We send our friendly greetings!
30 years is not old at all!
Don't be bored in silence.
Let sincere joy
He will knock on your house!
We wish you many grandchildren -
Why isn't the cunning devil joking?
May your path be
Smooth as ice in winter!
Thirty years - that's cool!
Anniversary? Can't be!
So every minute
It needs to be put to good use!
Beer, vodka, cola, whiskey...
And forget the word “no”!
Shish kebab, bowls with salad -
Be beautiful and happy
What is appointed will come.
30 years is a living miracle,
A new path and a new takeoff!
I join in the congratulations
And I wish you happiness ocean!
Let them not become the main entertainment
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures lead you,
Brilliant, variety of ideas
And every birthday passes
Fun, always with friends!
On your 30th anniversary,
Look at life more cheerfully.
There's no reason to worry
Be a real man.
Thirty year anniversary -
It’s a solid milestone for life,
Many good days await you,
And happiness - you are a prominent guy!
What do I wish for when I'm thirty?
To live five more times this amount -
Beautiful, joyful, without troubles,
To both benefit and effectively!
When a man is only 30 years old -
He is a romantic, a real poet!
Loves everyone like a March cat.
Four girlfriends at once? - Doesn't count!
I could move mountains,
Yes, but the path has not been chosen.
When he is drawn to the hearth and home,
He will choose a woman for himself, only one.
And he will be her man forever,
And then he will begin to value his family.
Anniversary, today is 30 years.
It's time to run to the buffet,
And the beep still doesn’t sound,
And the part sticks out in the machine.
Young workshop foreman
With an unusual beard,
Looks wary
Fidgets anxiously.
Let, in the dining room, "ladle"
He'll give it to you. Add a spoon,
Bread, cutlet and compote,
He won’t greedily contribute to the bill.
And when you come home,
You'll make a big feast.
And a wife, for 30 years,
He will make you an omelet.
You are 30 years old today,
You are as beautiful as Apollo
You look very fashionable
We can’t hold back this groan,
Happy Birthday to you,
Be a young man all your life
And glasses with a ringing knock,
We will support this idea
May everyone appreciate you very much
And let there be good luck,
Let the holidays replace everyday life,
Sadness goes away from the heart!
Youth rushed by headlong.
Childhood and youth are behind us!
Happiness is all in the past...
Don't expect any more joy!
Only adult concerns
And boring things
I have an apartment and a car,
Notorious job
Took away all my freedom!
To go on vacation
To resorts abroad,
Thirty years is certainly a long time!
A third of life's journey.
And over the years it hasn’t left,
So that your health is strong,
Let along the path of life

It'll be fun to go!

You turned 30 today,
Everything is a family - wife and children,
In general, your life is a raspberry!
We don't know what to want?

So that you fly like a bird,
So that there is love in the family,
The flame of the heart has not cooled down!
Happy anniversary to a man for 30 years

30 years is a turning point
For a man. Don't be too strict!
Let the clear sun shine
The sand warms under your feet.

Let the stormy sea of ​​life
It will be completely calm for you.
You deserve great happiness.
Happy anniversary, our glorious man!

Thirty years! So many accomplishments
You still have a long way to go.
Enjoy every moment
Live richly and brightly!

You can also have a daughter and a son...
And plant trees in the park.
You are a real man for us.
For you it's just a trifle!

Achieve your wildest dreams
Conqueror of the triumph of the rock,
I believe your expectations are coming soon
The praise will be justified!

Nice man, happy anniversary
Friends gathered to congratulate!
At your age love is riper,
Your whole life is filled with delight!

You are single and promising!
You are only thirty years old!
Your natural assets
They will show you the right trail of happiness!

Discover underwater caves
Of your shining soul,
Break the obstacles to the wall goals,
Find your luck!

And we will support you in everything,
We will always encourage you with advice...
There is a strong core in your soul,
We value them immensely!

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a man in verse

Today you are only 30 years old,
You're still a groovy man.
You are still a young man.
And there are a lot of victories behind,
We want to conquer them
Without failures and sorrows,
And live many bright days,
We kiss you deeply, happy birthday!

There is a saying: “I didn’t get married at 30 -
You should walk around as a bachelor,”
Our hero of the day was in no hurry -
But his choice is AH!
Your age is wonderful, believe me,
This is the heyday for all men,
There is priceless experience behind
And a lot of happiness lies ahead!
At thirty years old, you are as handsome as Apollo,
The entire female sex admires you,
You kindly invited us to visit you,
To celebrate the anniversary at this hour.
Take a glass, let the champagne splash,
We wish you to live a comfortable life,
Let there be only beautiful moments
Let good luck and luck be nearby.
Today we have exactly three dozen behind us,
Celebrate this glorious anniversary with your friends,
We are all glad to see you in good health,
The house is cozy, the wife and children are nearby.
Let us sincerely congratulate you,
So that you live every day, like today,
Let all misfortunes pass by,
May there be peace, love and happiness in your home.
We would like to congratulate you on an important date,
Today is your thirtieth birthday!
Slightly embarrassed by our warm congratulations,
Let there be a lot of better impressions.
We wish to always be the favorite of women,
Let there be less unnecessary things in life,
Let's raise a glass of wine in your honor,
May fate reward you in full.
All your friends, wife and children will congratulate you,
Let the wishes sound good and happiness,
To be cheerful, to smile,
So that your anniversary remains in memory.
What does thirty years mean to a man?
Today we will give you an answer to your question,
Thirty years is a wonderful anniversary,
A reason to set the table, invite guests,
This is the time of your first achievements,
This is the time for only informed decisions,
To have authority among people,
To have a family, raise children.
You are thirty years old today, you are the hero of the day,
Let this date be like a fee,
Let her carry all the best in herself,
May your birthday last a whole year.
So that you have enough strength for work and family,
May every day bring you success,
Let there be peace, comfort and beauty in the house,
And be healthy, everything else is vanity.
You are thirty years old today, a wonderful age,
Good-looking, has strength, vigor,
You are confident in yourself, you are a delight for women,
We congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday.
Today we sincerely wish that
Everything you did was top notch
Be honest with people, be fair with friends,
And in your personal life, be always happy.
I want to say that I would never give thirty,
I didn't expect this from you.
I wish health to the hero of the day,
Yes, look no older than yesterday.
The river of time flows inexorably,
And you are like a rose that grows on the shore,
Always fresh, loved by people,
I can talk about you for a long time.
Always be beautiful and warm with your eyes!
Relatives continued to appreciate and adore!
Good luck to you as you flutter like a butterfly!
Today is my birthday
The whole family is in trouble.
Gifts, congratulations,
Friends are rushing to see you!
Not a little and not a lot,
You are already 30 years old.
Live long in the world
Favorite person!
30 years is the beginning of a bright life,
This is an important anniversary in fate,
When happiness met you,
As life gets older, wiser!
At 30 years old, let success come in a row
It winds through life, giving hope!
Let love fly like a white bird,
By setting eternal anchors only!
30 is a solar date!
30 – a bright anniversary!
Everything I ever dreamed of
Let it come true soon!
You are in your prime! And that means
You just need a little bit,
Just a little bit of luck
And everything will be within your reach!
You are 30 years old today!
What an amazing date!
May all your dreams come true from now on,
Everything you ever dreamed of will come true!
You have already achieved a lot in life,
All victories are worthy of admiration,
Long journey through life!
Thirty years is a round date!
You have achieved a lot in life!
It doesn’t matter that you’re in your fourth decade
You changed it in an instant!
You have experience behind you!
An ardent heart beats in my chest!
You are not old - neither in mind nor in years!
This means your whole life is ahead!
No need to shed bitter tears
Just thirty anniversary
You just spite your friends
Young and good.
Let us choke with anger
From your energy
And we envy the hairstyle
Here to the tips of the nails.
So that you bathe sweetly in love
Was provided
To get more from life
What did that life give to others?
Three decades is your anniversary!
Accept congratulations quickly:
Let love give a sea of ​​warmth,
Anything goes well,
The bank account is filling up,
And luck leads to the heights,
Troubles will only make you laugh,
And the soul soars as if on wings!
Thirty years is always the beginning
For anyone who lived
Who's crazy this holiday
Yes, I survived the banquet.
With congratulations from loved ones,
From superiors and colleagues
With stupid gifts
What are needed, like the last snow.
Yes with a big night party
So that your city remembers
Who is celebrating today?
This holiday is not easy.
I wish you to remember
Thirty years since you lived
And forward to the table
So that you accumulate strength.
30 years seems like a long time!
It's just like three and zero.
And there is an opinion among the people,

That misfortune is a moth.

On your birthday we wish
A butterfly is a dream to catch.
Happy anniversary,
Let's hope you don't get bored!
Happy birthday greetings to a man who turns 30
Any man at 30
I have achieved a lot in life.
And if something is missing -
This is what they wish for their anniversary.
Dacha - only in the Canary Islands,

Wife and mother-in-law - culinary specialists,
We kiss you deeply, happy birthday!
Let the car be a Ferrari,
You are an exemplary man
And the suit is always gorgeous.
By the time I was thirty I had achieved everything.
May you fly high.
I was surrounded by love.
And he was smart, like a professor,
And rich, handsome, strong.
So that your family appreciates you,
And remember, 30 years -

This is the prime of youth.
You are an exemplary man
Be happy! Good luck to the new ones,
So that you don’t know adversity and stress,
Happy birthday - happy your day!
Happy anniversary! Thirty years!
The holiday is not quite ordinary,
And the years seem to be gone:

You're young and cute.
There are only achievements ahead
And success in all matters.
Happy Birthday.
Be happy and have money!
This date is thirty years!
Wonderful age, the most juice,
After all, there are so many victories ahead,

A flow of joyful emotions!
May success await you in everything,
Personally everything will be fine
So that you do not encounter trouble,
So that everything can and works out,
Make every moment happy.
You are still only 30,
Let your career fly upward
May you always live in abundance!
And the wife gives tenderness.
Children charge with laughter,
Optimism continues.
You are still only 30,
What else does your heart desire?
But there is already something to be proud of:
There is a family - a native fortress,

What else does your heart desire?
May all your wishes come true,
As a boy in the yard,
It's almost like that now!
No, of course you have matured
Reached heights and all successes.
But there is something to remember for all friends
And discuss with a cheerful laugh.
We wish you well
Good luck at home and at work.
Let there be a loving family,
May you be in comfort and in honor.
There's still so much to come
And let the best happen.
And may the highest of mountains
You will succeed!

Congratulations to the hero of the day!
30 is the age of daring.
Your life is in full swing -
All paths are before you.
If you want, feel free to build a career
Or replenish the gene pool,
Climb the Cordillera
Show off like James Bond.
You can select everything at once -
It's all in your hands.
Let your mind be cold
Plus thinking scope.
Let the heart be warm,
And let the soul sing.
May luck follow
And he doesn’t lag behind all his life.

Here you are already “thirty”.
You are successful, young.
Let's move forward towards our cherished dreams -
And fair wind to you.
I wish you victories
Happy birthday!
May luck be favorable
She will, daring one, come to you.
In a strong and healthy body
With a smart, bright head.
Happiness bright moments
The year thirty will bring.

What is 30 years?
This is your best bloom
This is a world in tune with the soul,
It's you, you're so lucky.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We respect, love, appreciate,
Conquer mountains, rivers,
Smile and dream.
May Fate give you
There's a piece of heaven here somewhere,
The entire palette of watercolors,
And steps to your goal.

You're thirty today
May luck be favorable
She will be daring towards you.
In a strong and healthy body,
I wish the bird happiness
Rather, find
Forget about all the bad weather,
Live and don't be sad.
Let new spaces
They will open up to you
And there will be changes
Only for the better in fate.

Cool congratulations to my husband on his 30th birthday

I want that for any of my dreams
All my life you were the only border,
I want in the book that you are reading,
Be the first and last page.
I want from all your worries and thoughts
Steal at least half
I want it to suddenly occur to you,
That you are happy - and I am to blame for this!
I don’t want to give you peace,
Be strong and remain weak
I want to call you my love -
After all, I couldn’t live any other way!
I want to be music so that you get used to it
And he couldn’t live even an hour without her.
I want you to silently, where the tongue is weak,
I could reach out from heart to heart.
I want that, no matter how steep our path may be,
He led us not through the desert, but through the garden,
I want twins - love and work
They lived next to us all their lives.
Be happy and don't change:
Stay as you are.
Among life's adversities and obstacles
You are the most important to me.
Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Happy 30th birthday to a man in prose

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary! I wish to remain real
a man until his very old age. I wish you material wealth and
peace of mind, beauty of the inner and outer world. Let you
loved by those whom you love very much! Much success in your work to you and
warmth of relationships with loved ones! Let your career grow, and with it
material well-being! Happiness and health, love and joy!

The kindest, most attentive, decent and courageous,
I want to congratulate a real man on his 30th birthday with all my heart! Let
carefree childhood left only a trace in memories, and the years
Your youth has already passed - your whole life is still ahead! How many dreams and desires
still destined to come true! I wish you determination, good luck in any endeavor,
victories, happy and unforgettable moments, family well-being,
good health and boundless love.

For a man, 30 years old is like the stage of final maturation and
serious goals, it’s time for a stable position and high status.
I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and I want to wish you to sincerely cherish each
moment of happiness and love, achieve victorious heights and conquer
incredible heights, take care of loved ones and surround yourself with reliable

Congratulations on the anniversary! Let this holiday become a magical day, and
your health will become 30 times stronger, luck now comes at 30
times more often, your wife will love you 30 times more, and the amount in your
wallet will increase exactly 30 times.

The very dawn of strength is what they say about men at 30 years old. For you
and you can see it! Anyone would envy such optimism and cheerfulness
young. I wish you not to lose all the qualities that you have acquired over the years.
these years: intelligence, justice, honor and dignity, kindness and
understanding is everything that a real Man should have. With day

Happy 30th birthday to a wonderful and wonderful man. Let
any task will be possible, any goal will be successfully achieved,
let every day be rich and happy, let your heart live
love, and the soul flies towards the main dream of life.

Happy 30th birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you complete
flourishing of strength and happiness in life, stability in prosperity and success in business,
constancy in luck and luck, sincere feelings in love affairs and
just a great mood.

Congratulations on your anniversary and I want to wish you everything your heart desires
wishes. At 30 years old I wish you Siberian health, warm and sincere
love, high achievements and life's flights. May fortune always
smiles. Let your dreams become reality. I wish not to know failures and
grievances and always maintain your peace of mind.

Of course, the years fly by very quickly, but thirty years is absolutely
a little, all the interesting things are still ahead of you! Let it reign in your soul
love and tenderness, live easily and without problems. Until sunset
life will be rich in happiness and luck!

Happy 30th birthday to a charming and gorgeous man.
May life be full of happiness and beauty, may all things be successful
come to an end, may there be good luck along the way, may your heart never
doesn't get upset.

Thirty years is the prime age for a man. He managed to experience the vicissitudes of fate, discover his capabilities, and decide on a direction. At this age, experience and energy are ideally combined. You have more than enough strength for future victories, and the events you have experienced help you avoid pitfalls. Congratulations on a man’s 30th birthday result in wishes for even greater success, realization of one’s own potential and endless positivity for many years to come.

This date becomes the starting point. All frivolity and irresponsibility should remain a thing of the past. A man gains confidence, sums up his personal results, sets goals for the future and decides on the means of achievement.

A man reaches a certain status by the age of 30. For him, career growth is an indicator of his own success. Every representative of the strong half of humanity wants to be appreciated.

By this age, many people have families. The combination of personal and public benefits is the highest indicator of wealth. When congratulating a loved one, it is important to note his achievements, overlook the areas in which there are gaps, and highlight what he does best. To wish him in the future to master his fate, to catch the Bird of Happiness and to walk with the right step along with fortune.

Encouraging words from loved ones are the best incentive to move to new heights. The support of others gives a person self-confidence and the desire to win.

  1. This date is thirty years!
    Wonderful age, the most juice,
    After all, there are so many victories ahead,
    A flow of joyful emotions!
    May success await you in everything,
    Personally everything will be fine
    Let your career fly upward
    After all, there are so many victories ahead,
  2. You are still only 30, But you already have something to be proud of: There is a family - a native fortress, And your wife gives tenderness. Children charge with laughter, Optimism does not fade. What do you wish for today? What else does your heart desire? May all your wishes come true, Confessions to you at work. So that there are plans, goals, So that they don’t sit still. Let's move forward towards our cherished dreams. And fair wind to you. Life is wonderful, no doubt about it. Happy birthday!
  3. What is 30 years? This is your best blossoming, This is a world in tune with your soul, This is you, so lucky. Congratulations on your anniversary, We respect, love, appreciate, Conquer mountains, rivers, Smile and dream. May Fate give you a piece of heaven somewhere here, the entire palette of watercolors, and steps to your goal.
  4. You are thirty today, today is your anniversary! Hope will be embodied in your reality of days. I wish you to find the Bird of happiness as soon as possible, to forget about all the bad weather, to live and not to be discouraged. Let new spaces open up to you And there will be changes Only for the better in fate.
  5. 30 years is a turning point for a man. Don't be too strict! It's not too late in your life to cross the threshold of success. There will be many victories, achievements, persistently walk towards your goal. The most faithful decisions to you And reliable friends along the way.
  6. Thirty years is a wonderful anniversary, For a man - true juice. Let the clear sun shine, Let the sand warm under your feet. Let the stormy sea of ​​life be completely calm for you. You deserve great happiness. Happy anniversary, our glorious man!
  7. 30 years is the age of discoveries, The best, most pleasant events, This is a time of other trials, This is a milestone of beautiful wanderings. May life spoil you with bliss, May there always be a clear sky, May there be beauty and smiles around, May everything that is in postcards come true, May your wishes become clear, May everyone stop complaining, May everything only pleasant nearby please you with a sweet look!

Touching and sincere congratulations on your anniversary

Men are sensitive and vulnerable creatures. But they do not tolerate discussing their experiences publicly. The stronger sex sincerely trusts only a sympathetic person.

Touching birthday messages can only be written by a truly dedicated loved one. The one who knows all the experiences of the hero of the day is a true friend and soul mate.

Wish the birthday person strength to forget about failures, not to regret lost time, not to look back, to make plans for the future, to strive to realize desires and to look forward with optimism.

The young man perceives every loss, every failure as a personal tragedy. The faith of loved ones encourages and adds strength, does not allow one to lose heart, and helps one switch from the past to the future.

  1. You are 30 years old today, and who guessed this? As I was a boy in the yard, I remain almost the same now! No, of course, you have matured, You have reached heights and all the successes. But there is something to remember for all friends and discuss with cheerful laughter. We wish you well, success at home and at work. May your family be loving, may you be in comfort and respect. There is still so much to come, And let the best happen. And may the highest of the mountains successfully submit to You!
  2. The years flew by quickly... Childhood, carefree youth. A new stage of eternal youth begins in life. You will remember your stupid actions and every accidental puncture, and you will never step on a rake twice in the future. Time to reveal your talents, enjoy life to the fullest, accumulate capital little by little, and increase in the family!
  3. A decent age is thirty years old, and you have something to be proud of: Family, friends, work and success. Let your life sparkle with luck! I wish you bright happiness, good health as a reward. Let your loved ones not leave you in trouble, let your family be with you! I'll tell you, it's no secret, That thirty years is just the beginning. May your friends be faithful in your destiny, May there be a lot of success in your destiny!
  4. At thirty, all roads are open, And therefore I want to wish you, So that you leave your worries behind, And go forward to conquer the peaks! I wish you success all around, So that everything you undertake in life turns out perfectly, without flaws, Let your cherished dreams come true! I wish you many clear, bright days, To greet a new day with a bright smile, Good health, and loyal friends, And a lot of money, so that you get tired of counting them!
  5. They say that anniversaries are special numbers, Rubicons are steps in an invisible destiny. 30 years is a beautiful and pure age, when you can handle everything in this life! I wish you health, warmth and good luck, Conquer Everests of any height. Only blessings and prosperity in everything, nothing else! Let your dreams come true!
  6. Thirty years is not much and not little. Thirty is an island of life. On your birthday, I sincerely wish you Happiness and easy paths in life. Good health, strength, patience, loyal comrades and friends. In life, personal joy, luck, little heirs, children. Friend, let everything in life work out, Let your dreams come true. May the flow of love never stop, You are fully worthy of it.
  7. Let there be a sea of ​​happiness, Always prosperity in the house, Love and understanding, Support and attention. You are 30 today! There is a reason to have fun, to forget about all the troubles, to take a break from work. Let the music play, Let the jokes never stop, Let the fun flow like a river, Your soul laughs. You have achieved a lot: Worked and studied. Let your career rush upward, and let happiness knock on the door.

How to congratulate a man on his birthday in your own words

Men have a warm attitude towards both poetry and prose. Write a few lines in simple words. Convey your attitude in your statements. Remember the hopes of the hero of the day himself. Wish him what he would sincerely want.

Speaking from the heart is not that difficult. To do this, you need to truly love the recipient, make friends with him, and be attentive to his statements.

Men are happy to accept and keep postcards. You can sign one of them to have a reminder before your eyes and not get lost in words at a touching moment.

Even the most beautiful poems cannot be compared with your own wishes. A couple of lines poured out from the heart on paper is the most pleasant congratulation and the best way to show a real attitude.

Let our sketches become the basis for your creativity. We are confident that after reading a few examples, you will be able to put your thoughts into words. Wish the hero of the day not to look at the past years, believe in his lucky star and step by step approach the pinnacle of his career and personal well-being.

  1. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary! I wish you to remain a real man until your very old age. I wish you material wealth and peace of mind, beauty of the inner and outer world. Let those whom you love very much love you! I wish you great success in your work and warm relationships with your loved ones! Let your career grow, and with it your material well-being! Happiness and health, love and joy!
  2. Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary, 30 years is a time of success, self-improvement, implementation of plans and conquering heights. We wish you inspiration, confidence in your decisions, reliable and loving people nearby. May a lucky star always guide you through life.
  3. For a man, 30 years old is like a stage of final maturation and serious goals, a time of stable position and high status. I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and want to wish you to sincerely cherish every minute of happiness and love, achieve victorious heights and conquer incredible heights, take care of loved ones and surround yourself with reliable friends.
  4. Congratulations on the anniversary! Let this holiday become a magical day, and your health will become 30 times stronger, luck now comes 30 times more often, your wife will love you 30 times more, and the amount in your wallet will increase exactly 30 times.
  5. Congratulations on your anniversary and I want to wish you everything your heart desires. At the age of 30, I wish you Siberian health, warm sincere love, high achievements and life's flights. May fortune always smile. Let your dreams become reality. I wish you not to know failures and insults and always maintain your peace of mind.
  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! Let them multiply over the years: wisdom, kindness, luck, courage, courage, success, beauty, strength, prosperity, family happiness, personal achievements, victories. Let 30 years be a stepping stone to new adventures, impressions, and emotions on the long road of life.
  7. Congratulations on your 30th birthday, you wonderful and wonderful man. I wish you to maintain peace of mind in any situation, never give in, always stay strong, be sure to achieve all your goals, always remain a man of your word with a kind heart and an inspired soul.
  8. Wonderful, magnificent and irresistible man, I congratulate you on your 30th birthday. May a new horizon of success appear in your life, may only prosperity and well-being await you, may your heart always know how to love and receive true love in return, may your character and nature provide you with true friends and indispensable happiness in life.

Short congratulations and short poems

Short poetic forms are suitable for sending as electronic greetings. They are also often read at the table during wild celebrations, when there is no time or desire to listen to long speeches.

Or maybe your birthday boy just doesn’t like a lot of attention? He likes it when everything is clear and to the point, without unnecessary distractions. Then he will definitely like something from our selection.

  1. Congratulations on your thirtieth anniversary! Let this date inspire you to new exploits and achievements in your career, in your family and in this world in general. I wish you to be a good example for others and remain a real man, even if the sky collapses and the earth disappears!
  2. 30 years is a wonderful time for the beginning of wisdom, formation and awareness of oneself as an individual. On your birthday, we wish you fulfillment of your plans, happiness in your personal life, confident climb up the career ladder, may good luck, prosperity and prosperity come to your home.
  3. Happy 30th birthday to a charming man. I wish you to be forever young, healthy and successful, desired, happy and purposeful. May life go on the right path, and may there always be loving people and good luck nearby.
  4. 30 years is a wonderful age! It's not too late. Let life fulfill your dreams, fill your heart with joy.
  5. 30 years, a wonderful day, I wish you on your anniversary - Happiness, peace, kindness, Dreams come true.
  6. You are thirty years old today - Happy, draw your ticket, So that your dreams come true, So that everything is as you want!
  7. Let everything be beautiful, tempting and unique at 30. Strive, conquer peaks and never retreat!
  8. 30 years is such a date! You are at the peak of your powers. May fate give you everything you ask for.
  9. You are 30 years old today! There is no more beautiful anniversary! After all, this is a start, because this is a takeoff! To victories, to joy - forward!

Cool and funny congratulations on your 30th birthday

Joy knows no age limits. Humor helps you return to childhood and smoothes out rough edges. Life is more fun and easier with him.

If you want to congratulate a man on his anniversary not with hackneyed phrases, but with original poems with a dose of humor and irony, check out our collection. Choose something that suits your hero of the day.

Lift the spirits of everyone gathered on this day. Your funny congratulations can become a real discovery. They will start the fun during a feast or party. They will awaken emotions and drive away boredom.

  1. Congratulations to the hero of the day!
    30 is the age of daring.
    Your life is in full swing -
    All paths are before you.
    If you want, feel free to build a career
    Or replenish the gene pool,
    Climb the Cordillera
    Show off like James Bond.
    You can select everything at once -
    It's all in your hands.
    Let your mind be cold
    Plus thinking scope.
    Let the heart be warm,
    And let the soul sing.
    May luck follow
    And he doesn’t lag behind all his life.
  2. Here you are already “thirty”. You are successful, young. You are lucky, of course, With a smart, bright head. I wish you victories in business, hobbies and family. May luck be favorable to you, daring one. Let a healthy spirit live in a strong and healthy body. The year thirty will bring bright moments of happiness.
  3. For a man, “30 years old” is the age of exploits and victories. I can handle any task, And there is no refusal in anything! We congratulate you on this date with love and wish you not to waste time in vain! Of all the things planned, I managed to do everything. And so that your success never reaches a limit!
  4. Wonderful time, Wonderful date. You were afraid of this number - I’ll become old, they say, someday. Look at the world with a smile From the heights of your days, And spit on all your sorrows from the thirtieth floors!
  5. Old man, today is 30 years old, How you smoke the universe With the smoke of fried cutlets And the taste of foamy beer. Leave imperishable things. Ordinary life comes. Forget about naked bodies and indecent jokes. Take reality by the hand, Return to the sinful earth And accept eternal friendship, My heartfelt love.
  6. Oh, my God, you’re already thirty - A serious, important anniversary! There is a reason to get completely drunk in the circle of trusted friends. I wish to frantically rush after a daring dream. Let the soul, as well as the body, bathe in great love. Lady Luck will help you live with an eternally fat wallet. And so that in life definitely From now on everything will be a bundle!
  7. Happy birthday! 30 years is not a joke at all... You'll soon change forty - Don't stand in the minibus! 50 - and hello, dacha! 60 - dentures, Then 70 - everyone is crying, And then - they fall into childhood. Without wasting time, Never on anything, To make childhood play - We will celebrate right away - 100!

Thirty years is the beginning of a new life. A period of maturity and meaningfulness begins. Youth is still in full swing. These two properties will help you move mountains and reach previously unconquered peaks.

A birthday, and especially an anniversary, is an important event. A day when a person needs to be surrounded by care and attention.

A moment of renewal, a point of retreat from past failures, beyond which there is no way back, but only aspiration forward. On this day it is important to receive congratulations and recognition.

Turning 30 is a very special date for a man. He is worried about his own future, he is tormented by doubts about the correctness of his chosen path. He takes stock and looks for support from others. Celebrate this day with your loved ones and friends, those who will not reproach you, but will always be able to encourage you.

You have been living in the world for thirty years,
There is a family - wife and children,
I have an apartment and a car,
In general, your life is a raspberry!
We know what to wish for you:
To go on vacation
To resorts abroad,
So that you fly like a bird,
So that there is love in the family
And over the years it hasn’t left,
So that your health is strong,
The flame of the heart has not cooled down!

Any man at 30
I have achieved a lot in life.
And if something is missing -
This is what they wish for their anniversary.

Dacha - only in the Canary Islands,
Wife and mother-in-law - culinary specialists,
Let the car be a Ferrari,
And the suit is always gorgeous.

And remember, 30 years -
This is the prime of youth.

Thirty is a glorious number!
You are energetic and full of strength.
Well, I also wish you
To live in love and prosperity.

Day by day I only grew younger,
So that the money flows,
So that all your relatives
I've always been proud of you.

Like horses fast years
They fly without delay, and lo,
Already together with the zero three
A well-dressed woman is coming to visit.
Greet your guests more boldly -
They bring you joy
And with her: good luck, health
And there is peace and comfort in the house.
Stay as you are today
For another tens of years,
After all, the age is better than this,
Life probably doesn’t!

Thirty years is the beginning of the journey,
There is still a whole century ahead.
Life tested my strength,
What kind of person are you?
Things have happened before
But from now on there will be a takeoff!
I wish them to come true
All dreams are in vain.
So that there is enough energy,
Definitely lucky.
Be a successful tycoon
Don't rush to dry your paddle.
Be persistent, firm in your decisions,
Witty, kind, healthy.
Happy Birthday!
Get ready for a long life!

Beautiful congratulations on the 30th anniversary of a man

Man, you're thirty today,
You are not some young man!
You have the right to get drunk
Finally fall asleep in a salad
Succumb to the stripper's charms
And you can’t call your mother-in-law mom.
For all this, we are the hero of the day
Today we will congratulate!

Well, here you are thirty! Great anniversary!
Let happiness flow quickly!
Let things happen and dreams multiply,
Misfortunes will evaporate under the pressure of kindness!

Health is only getting stronger, fun is in full swing!
And he happily greets you with success at the gate!

You're only 30 years old
You are still a young man.
And there are a lot of victories behind,
But there are still peaks ahead,
We want to conquer them
Without failures and sorrows,
And live many bright days,
We kiss you deeply, happy birthday!

30th - glorious anniversary!
Welcome, brother, guests!
Today you need to wish:
May you live a long, bright, friendly life!
We also wish our brother
Presidential salary
Let the family be strong
And reliable - friends!

30 years is a serious milestone,
What should I wish for you?
Be a real man
So that no one dares to interfere.

I wish you joy, success,
I'll say banal words.
Let everything happen during this lifetime
Love, hearth, children's health.

Reach the right heights
To be happy like a cat.
So that you never suffer
And I knew only joy in life.

You can love new girls
Start a family if you wish,
Or be a free man!
The whole world is opening up today,
After all, you are only 30 years old!
May everything work out for you!
I wish you every victory!

Well, old man, it's time to grow up!
You are 30 today!
This is ten years ago
Could you have dreamed?
It’s not so scary, tell me?
And life hasn't changed...
I wish you to be happy
You are like nothing I ever dreamed of!

Happy 30th birthday to you
We want to congratulate you.
You have always been the brightest
That's why we love it.

You have been faithful to your friendship for many years.
Our union is indestructible!
In matters more perky than you, there is no one.
Are you ready to start?

You have achieved a lot in life,
We will confirm this.
And he is great in his skill,
We will not replace anyone.

On the 30th anniversary
We want to tell you:
"We swear our allegiance,
We need you!"

At the age of 30 everything is just beginning -
And it's not too late to start again -
Hook up with some beauty
Or just take a bright walk!
You have your whole life ahead, you're only thirty,
The whole world lies before you.
You can get married a couple more times,
You are a cool and young man!

I recently started shaving,
It seemed that he had just served.
Are you really 30?
Apparently I missed something.
But there is gunpowder in the flasks
And I see your cheerful look.
After all, thirty is not forty
Or worse - fifty!
And I believe, let time rush by,
But you will always be like this
Like in these young thirty -
Healthy, strong, mischievous!

Congratulating a man on his 30th birthday is beautiful

Name, you are thirty today,
Now you've definitely become an adult.
You have the right to get drunk
Command like a general
Sing a song and fall asleep in a salad,
Demand a super striptease.
The wife is obliged, buddy,
To fulfill your every whim.
And since such a respectable age
I accidentally overtook you
I'll say it quite seriously now
Appreciate every moment in life!

Anniversary, relatives,
Everyone is at the festive table.
For your crazy thirty
We'll pour some champagne.
Let's drink to you, buddy,
For your adult anniversary.
I wish you a thousand
Zero to personal account.

An anniversary is a special holiday,
He is the brightest and most joyful,
We wish you a happy birthday
Solemn clinking of glasses!
Let's wish to pluck a star from the sky,
Survive all the blows of fate.
Thirty years - the beginning of achievements,
Thirty years - still ahead!

On your anniversary, on your 30th birthday
I wish your hopes come true!
Let there be many treasured wallets,
There are a lot of beautiful women and clothes!
So that one does not interfere with the other,
May life be like an oil mine!
So that money sticks to you by itself,
And to the health of the fabulous flower garden!

Waking up early in the morning,
You have become a year older
Today you gather us,
For a super anniversary!

I've been through a lot already,
And I understood what was happening.
And I was able to find myself a long time ago,
Yes, and my love.

I sincerely wish you at thirty,
To have a simply amazing life.
Let the obstacles on the way melt away,
What was planned to come true in an instant.
So that everything turns out easy and simple,
The man strove only to rise upward.
So that happiness in his life does not end,
May life be long and carefree.
So that you look simply fantastic,
And your life has always been like paradise.
Your health was excellent,
Congratulations poured out overflowing. ©

I wish you fabulous success in life,
It was shining so that a smile would appear on your lips.
So that there is more laughter every day,
He took off into the clouds with happiness.
A man to enjoy life
Adversity passed by.
To remain courageous and honest,
I just dove headfirst into luck.
I wish you luck at thirty,
Didn't worry about anything.
Spent a lovely birthday,
And the man was the best in everything. ©

Happy anniversary
I'm from the heart today!
And at your 30s I wish,
Reach the desired peaks!

So that dreams come true,
You need to be strong!
The main thing is that all doors open!
And forget about troubles!

Think only about good things
The right key is positivity!
If fate is challenged
And the exact motive is used! ©

You are an exemplary man,
By the age of 30 I had achieved everything.
Be happy! Good luck to the new ones,
May you fly high.

So that you don’t know adversity and stress,
I was surrounded by love.
And he was smart, like a professor,
And rich, handsome, strong.

So that your family appreciates you,
So that there is a spiritual uplift,
Life rang and seethed.
Happy birthday - happy your day!

Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul has not aged over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
So that the table is wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To make your wife love you more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May luck not leave you!

At 30 it all starts
There is no need to rush to live,
At 30 years old it is not forbidden
The guy is getting married for the first time.

Extravagance is encouraged
The mood is drunk,
Pranks are forgiven
And boyishness is dashing.

30 is not a solid date,
It will fly by and you won’t notice.
There's a long road ahead,
There are many more dates to celebrate.

At 30, a man is young,
Juicy, fresh and so beautiful.
He hears a whisper behind him,
Long-legged marvelous divas.
So let your wealth
Attractiveness, success and beauty,
Reaches only constancy with age,
And let not the soul be empty.

A decent age is thirty years,
And there is something for you to be proud of:
Family, friends, work and success.
Let your life sparkle with luck!

I wish you bright happiness,
Heroic health as a reward.
Let your loved ones not leave you in trouble,
Let your family be with you!

I'll tell you, it's no secret,
That thirty years is just the beginning.
May your friends be faithful in your destiny,
May there be a lot of luck in your destiny!

In a man aged 30
There are plenty of victories ahead.
Youth is left behind
Maturity has knocked on the door.

May fate laugh at you
Whatever you want, you can do it.
They love money, but their wife
She will be faithful to you forever.

May your career delight you
Let the mother-in-law take care of her soul,
Smile more cheerfully.
Congratulations on the anniversary!

Nice man, happy anniversary
Friends gathered to congratulate!
At your age love is riper,
Your whole life is filled with delight!
You are single and promising!
You are only thirty years old!
Your natural assets
They will show you the right trail of happiness!...

Today is your 30th birthday!
Mood, calls and congratulations...
For a man, this date is just a flourishing,
And therefore I wish you inspiration!
Inspiration to develop and create,
Make any secret desire come true,
Live beautifully, be loved and love,
And of course, all the merits of your recognition!

Like horses fast years
They fly without delay, and lo,
Already together with the zero three
A well-dressed woman is coming to visit.
Greet your guests more boldly -
They bring you joy
And with her: good luck, health
And there is peace and comfort in the house.
Stay as you are today
For another tens of years,
After all, the age is better than this,
Life probably doesn’t!

Thirty years is a wonderful age,
Everything is literally within your reach!
Don't go for as long as possible
To the local doctor!
Don't be bored in this world,
Don't worry and don't be sad!
Everyone who is guilty of something,
Be sure to forgive!
Let the smile be clear
And the lovers will look!
Let everything in life be great
And the nerves are not naughty!!!

At 30 we wish:
Win a convertible
Receive so much money
To upset the bosses;
Women's attention
They were jealous so that their husbands;
And bathe in that wine
What a sommelier only dreams of;
To spite your rivals,
I was always lucky in preference;
And the fishermen saw
How full are your gardens!

Let everything be as in your dreams!
Let happiness live in your eyes,
Let bliss dwell in your heart,
Fills the soul with positivity.
May your health never fail you
My wonderful, kind man
You will live long and prosperously
Congratulations dear you on your thirtieth birthday.

The thirtieth anniversary has arrived,
What do I do to you (man, boy, Sergei, Andrey), and congratulate you.
Health, strength and lots of rubles
On this holiday, I sincerely wish.
Let love live in your soul,
And happiness dwells in the house forever.
Let your bank account grow endlessly
Live beautifully, interestingly and carefree!

I wish you at thirty
Achievements and victories,
Stay strong for a long time
Young, cool, active.
Happiness and prosperity to you,
Change cars like gloves.
Let your career go up
But tension is the opposite.

Thirty fell into your pocket,
You are rich in life,
Let everything you dream about come true
May you be recognized as the best!

Now you are already 30 years old,
A quarter of my life is already behind me.
A lot of joy, a lot of troubles,
You have passed through this capricious world.

Let happiness flow to you like a river,
Joy splashes like an ocean,
And let fate not be hard,
And in life to be a captain.

By your 30th birthday
There is more skill:
I was always with a twinkle,
Busy and brave.

And today is my birthday
Please accept my congratulations
From colleagues, friends
On your serious anniversary!

You're three dozen today
Changed it without looking.
You're not a boy anymore
Quite an adult uncle.

Bold look and cool look,
Not a man - a macho.
Let everything be with you -
Yacht, house and dacha.

On the anniversary
May your dreams
To have everything in life
What you want.

You have been living in the world for thirty years,
There is a family - wife and children,
I have an apartment and a car,
In general, your life is a raspberry!
We know what to wish for you:
To go on vacation
To resorts abroad,
So that you fly like a bird,
So that there is love in the family
And over the years it hasn’t left,
So that your health is strong,
The flame of the heart has not cooled down!

You're young and cute.
Wonderful age, the most juice,
After all, there are so many victories ahead,
A flow of joyful emotions!
May success await you in everything,
Personally everything will be fine
Let your career fly upward
May you always live in abundance!

A flow of joyful emotions!
But there is already something to be proud of:
There is a family - a native fortress,
And the wife gives tenderness.
Children charge with laughter,
Optimism continues.
What do you wish for today?
What else does your heart desire?
May all your wishes come true,
Confessions to you at work.
So that there are plans, goals,
So that they don’t sit still.
Let's move forward towards our cherished dreams.
And fair wind to you.
Life is wonderful, no doubt about it.
Happy birthday!

What else does your heart desire?
Who guessed this?
As a boy in the yard,
It's almost like that now!
No, of course you have matured
Reached heights and all successes.
But there is something to remember for all friends
And discuss with a cheerful laugh.
We wish you well
Good luck at home and at work.
Let there be a loving family,
May you be in comfort and in honor.
There's still so much to come
And let the best happen.
And may the highest of mountains
You will succeed!

Congratulations to the hero of the day!
30 is the age of daring.
Your life is in full swing -
All paths are before you.
If you want, feel free to build a career
Or replenish the gene pool,
Climb the Cordillera
Show off like James Bond.
You can select everything at once -
It's all in your hands.
Let your mind be cold
Plus thinking scope.
Let the heart be warm,
And let the soul sing.
May luck follow
And he doesn’t lag behind all his life.

You're only 30 years old
You are still a young man.
And there are a lot of victories behind,
But there are still peaks ahead,
We want to conquer them
Without failures and sorrows,
And live many bright days,
We kiss you deeply, happy birthday!

30th - glorious anniversary!
Welcome, brother, guests!
Today you need to wish:
May you live a long, bright, friendly life!
We also wish our brother
Presidential salary
Let the family be strong
And reliable - friends!

30 years is a serious milestone,
What should I wish for you?
Be a real man
So that no one dares to interfere.

I wish you joy, success,
I'll say banal words.
Let everything happen during this lifetime
Love, hearth, children's health.

Reach the right heights
To be happy like a cat.
So that you never suffer
And I knew only joy in life.

Today you meet your dawn,
The dawn of love and bright youth.
He's been waiting for you for 30 years
And prepared wonderful gifts!
May all fairy tales and dreams come true,
In which you always believe.
Believe me, you are the best man on earth.
Not only on earth! In the whole universe!

Congratulations to a man on his 30th birthday from the bottom of my heart

Let there be a sea of ​​happiness
There is always prosperity in the house,
Love and understanding
Support and attention.

You are 30 today!
There's a reason to have fun
Forget about all the troubles
Take a break from work.

Let the music play
Let the jokes never stop
Fun flows like a river,
Your soul laughs.

You have achieved a lot:
Worked and studied.
Let your career soar upward
And happiness is knocking on the door.

In a man aged 30
There are plenty of victories ahead.
Youth is left behind
Maturity has knocked on the door.

May fate laugh at you
Whatever you want, you can do it.
They love money, but their wife
She will be faithful to you forever.

May your career delight you
Let the mother-in-law take care of her soul,
Smile more cheerfully.
Congratulations on the anniversary!

What is 30 years?
This is your best bloom
This is a world in tune with the soul,
It's you, you're so lucky.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We respect, love, appreciate,
Conquer mountains, rivers,
Smile and dream.
May Fate give you
There's a piece of heaven here somewhere,
The entire palette of watercolors,
And steps to your goal.

You're thirty today
Today is the anniversary!
Hope will come true
Into your reality of days.
I wish the bird happiness
Rather, find
Forget about all the bad weather,
Live and don't be sad.
Let new spaces
They will open up to you
And there will be changes
Only for the better in fate.

30 years - life is good!
For a man this is a holiday:

And he’s still a prankster at heart!
Let everything you want
You succeeded right away
Let the girls make eyes
And you lived like in a fairy tale!

And therefore I wish you inspiration!

Thirty years is always the beginning
For anyone who lived
Who's crazy this holiday
Yes, I survived the banquet.
With congratulations from loved ones,
From superiors and colleagues
With stupid gifts
What are needed, like the last snow.
Yes with a big night party
So that your city remembers
Who is celebrating today?
This holiday is not easy.
I wish you to remember
Thirty years since you lived
And forward to the table
So that you accumulate strength.

My favorite person
“Exchanged” 30 today!
I wish you
Don't rush anywhere
Enjoy your life -
Everything will get better over the years!
Let your dreams come true
And whatever you want, it works!

Well, old man, it's time to grow up!
You are 30 today!
This is ten years ago
Could you have dreamed?
It’s not so scary, tell me?
And life hasn't changed...
I wish you to be happy
You are like nothing I ever dreamed of!

Happy 30th birthday to you
We want to congratulate you.
You have always been the brightest
That's why we love it.

You have been faithful to your friendship for many years.
Our union is indestructible!
In matters more perky than you, there is no one.
Are you ready to start?

You have achieved a lot in life,
We will confirm this.
And he is great in his skill,
We will not replace anyone.

On the 30th anniversary
We want to tell you:
"We swear our allegiance,
We need you!"

This is the date - “thirty”,
And we want to wish
Live, love, create, work.
And not just like that - “five”.
Let your wallet be fat,
Let the fire burn in your blood.
And in my career there is only growth,
And reciprocity in love.

And there is something for you to be proud of:

I wish you bright happiness,

I'll tell you, it's no secret,

At thirty, all roads are open,
And that’s why I want to wish you,
So that you leave your worries behind,
And he went forward to conquer the peaks!
I wish you success all around,
So that everything you undertake in life,
It turned out perfect, without flaws,
Let your cherished dreams come true!
I wish you many clear, bright days,
Greet the new day with a bright smile,
Good health and loyal friends,
And there’s so much money that you’re tired of counting it!

Beautiful toasts to a man on his 30th birthday in the company of friends

You are 30 years old today,
A very important anniversary
You are getting younger at heart
Don't regret anything!

Be successful and healthy,
Start a new stage,
With a clean, clear head,
Let fear not disturb you!

And today, on this holiday,
I drink to the bottom for you,
Although an adult, he is a prankster,
Be happy always!

I would like to drink to the birthday boy who crossed that border of childishness. Now you are a real man, in the prime of your life! I want to drink to your successful thirty years, and may your next thirty years be just as happy and productive!

30 years old is an amazing age. It can be compared to spring: the dawn of strength, the arrival of wisdom and inspiration. But for some reason many are afraid of this date. 30 years draws the line between youth and maturity. You could say this is the “golden mean”. Therefore, we congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to achieve everything you dreamed of. We'll empty the glasses for you!

A man is judged by how his wife looks. After all, a woman is a flower, and a man is a gardener. Look at the wife of our hero of the day - she is beautiful, she glows and she “blooms”! So let's drink to our hero of the day, to the hardworking gardener who makes everyone around him happy.

Thirty years is not youth, but it is not old either. Thirty years is no longer study, but it’s not retirement either. Thirty is a wonderful age. Our dear hero of the day! I propose to raise a glass to you growing and maturing in accordance with your years. And so that life helps you, and that you always have a lot of positive things!

Few people know, but in ancient times a man under 30 years of age was considered a youth. And youth came precisely at the age of 30. Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to our young hero of the day, to his long and happy life!

I wish you fairy tales in your life. So that you kiss the frog, and she is a beautiful wife, but just be careful not to mix it up and do the opposite.
Usually money is hidden in books so that strangers or the wife do not accidentally find the stash, so for your 30th birthday, I give you this thick book and wish that in a year or two, you will hardly be able to find it among the stacks of money in a tightly packed bookstore closet
And, of course, a sea of ​​cognac and a full pool of beer with pickled salmon! Happy anniversary!

Today my best friend turns 30 years old.
Understanding the solemnity and importance of the date, I want to note that everything in his life is going according to exactly the plan.
He is a responsible worker, a good comrade, a loving husband and father, and, most importantly, a loyal friend with whom you can go on reconnaissance, through thick and thin!
We are connected by many years of communication and I, with full responsibility, guarantee his further success and well-deserved fortune with a figure in which plus or minus one million does not really matter.
For this I propose to raise a glass. Happy holiday!

My friend, you are thirty today.
I wish you to change.
Become rich and famous
And open to communication.
Although it's easy to communicate with you,
But I still wish only to change for the better.
I'll drink to make sure everything works out for you
And may your happiness last long!

I can rely on you, my friend,
You were able to distinguish yourself among other friends.
You never leave me in trouble.
And you can help me always and everywhere.
So we’ll drink to you, pour your glass full.
I wish you many happy days in your life.
I wish 30 was the main milestone.
I wish that happiness does not seem like a mirage!

My friend, I don’t know any disagreement with you.
It's always easy to communicate with you,
I don't dare doubt you.
I wish you to find happiness.
My friend, never be sad.
At thirty you are even more respectable.
Let everything become more offensive to the enemies.
I drink to you and congratulate you lovingly!

It's good to have friends
You can also fly with them on vacation.
You can drink beer with them,
With friends, life is rich and beautiful.
After all, a friend like you won’t leave you in trouble.
And he won’t ask for too much.
I'll drink to you and your thirty years.
Please accept my gratitude and my greetings!

Happy 30th birthday wishes to your beloved man from a woman

A decent age is thirty years,
And there is something for you to be proud of:
Family, friends, work and success.
Let your life sparkle with luck!

I wish you bright happiness,
Heroic health as a reward.
Let your loved ones not leave you in trouble,
Let your family be with you!

I'll tell you, it's no secret,
That thirty years is just the beginning.
May your friends be faithful in your destiny,
May there be a lot of luck in your destiny!

Thirty years! So many accomplishments
You still have a long way to go.
Enjoy every moment
Live richly and brightly!
You can also have a daughter and a son...
And plant trees in the park.
You are a real man for us.
For you it's just a trifle!

Achieve your wildest dreams
Conqueror of the triumph of the rock,
I believe your expectations are coming soon
The praise will be justified!

Nice man, happy anniversary
Friends gathered to congratulate!
At your age love is riper,
Your whole life is filled with delight!
You are single and promising!
You are only thirty years old!
Your natural assets
They will show you the right trail of happiness!

Discover underwater caves
Of your shining soul,
Break the obstacles to the wall goals,
Find your luck!

And we will support you in everything,
We will always encourage you with advice...
There is a strong core in your soul,
We value them immensely!

Today is your 30th birthday!
Mood, calls and congratulations...
For a man, this date is just a flourishing,
And therefore I wish you inspiration!
Inspiration to develop and create,
Make any secret desire come true,
Live beautifully, be loved and love,
And of course, all the merits of your recognition!

Happy Birthday,

And I present congratulations,
And a bouquet of beautiful words.
Happiness comes to the house,
And love always blooms
And it won’t reduce your health,
Every next year.

Thirty years for every man
How good the road to maturity is!
For friends - a great reason
I wish you with all my heart
Walk straight through this life,
Achieving happiness and victories!
Be tough, persistent, stubborn,
So that you have enough strength for a hundred years!

30 years - life is good!
For a man this is a holiday:
In the body - strength, status, passion,
And he’s still a prankster at heart!
Let everything you want
You succeeded right away
Let the girls make eyes
And you lived like in a fairy tale!

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary,
We wish you good health and good luck,
Let all your plans come true,
May everything be perfect in fate.
Always be confident in yourself
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil,
New achievements and victories for you,
Long and happy years.

Today is your 30th birthday,
Accept congratulations quickly,
With luck, always be on first name terms,
Let all your cherished dreams come true.
Let things not allow you to get bored,
Let reliable friends surround you,
Always remain yourself
May God and fate protect you.

All congratulations and flowers for you,
You are the hero of the occasion today,
Be healthy, be happy always,
Let there be only a white streak in life.
Today is your 30th birthday,
Let the festive mood reign,
Let all worries pass by,
Be the luckiest and happiest.

The time for the anniversary has come
And I want to congratulate you between the lines
Poems from the heart now to you,
A little reverently and a little lovingly!
I want to wish you at thirty
Reach great heights in your career!
It's great to be a man and a father.
And to be a most wonderful husband!

May your life be happy, long,
I wish I could get my other half!
Not fit for a man of thirty
Cook your own lunch!
In honor of the anniversary, let everything come true!
May this year bring good luck!
May you be able to allow a lot
And you can show your feelings more often!

You always build your destiny yourself
And in this, so to speak, you succeed!
You grow in your career simply by the hour.
And on your anniversary you generously treat!
You are so beautiful in soul and face,
That you, believe me, have no equal!
You caught the joyful motive of life
And therefore you live easily and gloriously!
I want to wish you at thirty years old,
So that you can do what you love!
May happiness be in your destiny
And so that I can part with my problems!

What can you wish for such a person?
Is there someone who has everything you need?
I wish to take care of happiness,
May it be the best reward!
I wish to remain the same
And roam all earthly spaces!
I wish not to part with my dreams,
To achieve them quickly from now on!
Thirty years may not be too much,
But a great reason for fun!
I wish you a smooth road in life
And there is a lot of inspiration in life!

There is no age more beautiful than thirty.
All horizons and expanses are in front of you,
You can cross any sea up to your knees,
And you can handle any mountains!

We wish you on this glorious anniversary
We feel the immeasurable strength of spirit.
And find a life partner for many years
Beautiful, caring, faithful.

Tender words in prose for a man’s 30th birthday

Well, here you are thirty! Great anniversary!
Let happiness flow quickly!
Let things happen and dreams multiply,
Misfortunes will evaporate under the pressure of kindness!
Health is only getting stronger, fun is in full swing!
And he happily greets you with success at the gate!
Author: Tanya Larina
30 years for a man is the age
When he drives women crazy
The look becomes strong, serious,
And in the soul there is turmoil of youth.
So take advantage of your moment to the fullest,
Be cheerful and breathe happiness.
May luck not pass you by,
Heartiest congratulations!

Ready for struggle and trials,

It will happen and God will help you.

My husband is exactly 30 years old,
And he is handsome and an athlete!
I love him, I give myself
And happy anniversary - I say!
I'm so proud of you, my love!
You are the main element in life
Today I am for you, my dear
She gave me the best compliment!

You are an exemplary man,
By the age of 30 I had achieved everything.
Be happy! Good luck to the new ones,
May you fly high.

So that you don’t know adversity and stress,
I was surrounded by love.
And he was smart, like a professor,
And rich, handsome, strong.

So that your family appreciates you,
So that there is a spiritual uplift,
Life rang and seethed.
Happy birthday - happy your day!

Remember, hero of the day, at 30 there is no time to look back at the past, because the pursuit of a better future is in full swing. So don’t stop to look at what has already passed, but rather strive for what can still be. Don't miss your firebird, catch luck by the tail, cling to it tightly and be happy.

Happy birthday! Today is your great anniversary - thirty years old! And I want to sincerely wish that every tenth day brings you the most important gifts for a man: health, love and success! And let them triple every day, as they do today, we are all triple pleased to share with you the joy of your birthday!

Your age is the best of all ages!
You are full of strength and have already experienced life.
Ready for struggle and trials,
You have reached a new important milestone.

Let everything you plan to do
It will happen and God will help you.
We wish you to live your destiny like this,
So that you couldn’t blame yourself!

You are a successful person and you are still very, very young. Life experience is harmoniously combined in you with strength, activity and activity. We are happy to congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary and wish you everything that you will achieve (success, wealth, happiness in life). But let our congratulations help make it at least a little faster.

Date 30 - caught up...
I didn't want to, but I waited.
Even though it's small,
But it's important for sure.

Youth, youth - and now
Suddenly respectability - a raid,
New status, different style,
Thirty years - and the demand is different!

And throw away your worries!
These are just feelings.
Everything will remain as it is
This is the truth, not flattery.

Look at yourself in the dressing table:
You are still quite young!
Look into your soul too,
You're quite a girl there!

Dear hero of the day, accept congratulations,
You have a great gift -
After all, all your days are filled with love,
You are not alone, you are not sick, you are not pitiful.
On this day of celebration, be the happiest of all,
You have gathered all your friends in this place.
Let there be only success in your life,
Only happiness, love, like a song!
We wish you to live a hundred years,
Not regretting what I left.
There are no more barriers for you in this life,
There are no more prohibitions and no rules.
Just the way ahead, just the wind in my ears,
Just complete freedom in life.
Let nothing be able to stop you,
The goal is close, you will achieve it, you are young!

Happy birthday greetings to a 30 year old man

At 30 it all starts
There is no need to rush to live,
At 30 years old it is not forbidden
The guy is getting married for the first time.

Extravagance is encouraged
The mood is drunk,
Pranks are forgiven
And boyishness is dashing.

30 is not a solid date,
It will fly by and you won’t notice.
There's a long road ahead,
There are many more dates to celebrate.

At 30, a man is young,
Juicy, fresh and so beautiful.
He hears a whisper behind him,
Long-legged marvelous divas.
So let your wealth
Attractiveness, success and beauty,
Reaches only constancy with age,
And let not the soul be empty.

Wonderful age 30 years.
When there's one answer to everything,
When the joy never ends
And everything in life works out!
Build yourself a house and a dacha,
You will catch luck by the tail,
May all nights be blue
The girls are smart and beautiful!

On your 30th anniversary,
Look at life more cheerfully.
There's no reason to worry
Be a real man.

Happy Birthday,
A glorious holiday - thirty years.
And I present congratulations,
And a bouquet of beautiful words.
Happiness comes to the house,
And love always blooms
And it won’t reduce your health,
Every next year.

The main celebration in your life is
30th glorious anniversary,
I wish that all the bad things go away from you forever,
So that there are successful changes in your life.
I wish you good health, happiness,
May life last long with your participation,
Believe in your cherished dream,
May the Lord protect your destiny.

We are happy to congratulate you with all our hearts,
Happy anniversary,
30 years have flown by so quickly,
A lot of good things have happened in your life.
We wish you much, much happiness,
May worries leave you forever,
Let the green light burn on your path,
And your wishes will certainly come true.

On your 30th birthday,
Accept congratulations from your friends,
We wish you great success, victories,
Long and happy years.
Always be in great shape
All the best to you, peace and goodness,
Good health to you, good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot.

When a man is thirty years old -
He is romantic, he is a poet!
As loving as a March cat.
Four girlfriends at once? - Doesn't count!
I could move mountains,
Yes, but the path has not been chosen.
When he is drawn to the hearth and home,
He will choose a woman for himself, only one.
And he will be her man forever,
And then he will begin to value his family.

Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday!
Let your eyes sparkle.
And youth burns in the heart
Another sixty years.

Congratulations, thirty years -
The best age for a man.
I have no doubts
That you are smart, brave, strong.
You will ascend to Olympus more than once
In the future you will be one hundred percent
And you'll win a big jackpot
Friends applaud.