On this page we have collected for you popular videos that will easily and naturally teach adults and children how to make origami claws out of paper. Someone wants to collect wolverine claws, to someone Dragon claw. Let's be honest, we don't know how the claws of all these animals differ. But our videos definitely have them all. Almost everything is subject to the art of origami, and we will definitely teach you how to make original, spectacular and very similar to real origami claws.

Warning for parents - despite the fact that all crafts are made of paper, warn children to be careful when playing and not to push the sharp edges of their claws into each other's eyes.

Simple paper claws for babies

In this video, two little Chinese children, under the guidance of their mother, assemble very simple, but very cute paper claws. It’s probably impossible to imagine anything simpler than this craft. Small square pieces of paper just need to be rolled up, glued with a piece of tape and cut with scissors. The last operation is best performed under the guidance of parents. In this simple way, children can very quickly make their own claws and start playing. The video is in English, but there will be no difficulties in understanding. Everything is very simple.

To assemble, you will need square pieces of paper, tape, and scissors.

How to make an origami paper claw in 1 minute

And this simple craft is already for independent work. Any primary school student can assemble these origami paper claws. They are very simple and can be done in just one minute. In the video, a boy will teach you all the subtleties. The assembly is made from the most popular material at hand for students - a sheet of paper torn from a notebook. It’s not the most impressive craft, but it will be just the thing for a small child to get started on their own.

To assemble, you will need a notebook sheet of paper or a rectangular sheet of A4 paper.

How to make origami claws out of paper wolverines(dragon)

This video shows the most spectacular, most amazing and even a little frightening craft with its realism. These paper claws could belong to a dragon, a wolverine, or some mythical sorcerer from children's fairy tales. Magnificent work of an origami master. This is the most popular claw assembly video in the whole world!

Already in the first frames of this video, the child will see how outstanding the result can be if he shows a little perseverance and patience. And don’t let the English language of this instruction scare you. In addition to the assembly process itself, you are also shown a detailed diagram explaining how to bend the sheet correctly. Literally a minute and a half of work and you have a real claw!

To assemble wolverine claws (or is it a dragon claw?) you will need a rectangular sheet of paper (A4 size).

Original paper reverse claws

The boy in this video collects very original, sort of “reverse” paper claws. Their “reverse” is that the long tips of each claw do not go in the direction where our nails grow, but in the opposite direction - towards the back of the hand. It turns out very original and impressive, especially when all five claws are worn on the hand. Externally, the model resembles the previous claw, but dressed in reverse.

Unfortunately, the young experimenter did not dare to record his voice, so he will have to learn to assemble this model without sound. And one more subtlety - to assemble these original claws you will need ordinary paper glue.

For assembly you will need an A4 sheet of paper and glue.

How to make a very long claw out of paper

This video will teach you how to make long paper claws. This craft is a development of the most popular model, which we have already described above. The boy improved the development of origami masters. It turned out, I must admit, a little creepy. But kids will definitely love it.

The whole secret of this craft lies in the simple fastening of two claws using tape or glue. If you succeed, then you can go outside to scare your friends at school. And if you assemble such a claw from black or foil paper, it will turn out especially impressive. Real dragon claw! Koschey the immortal is resting :)

The video is in English, but everything is clear without words.

For assembly you will need A4 paper, narrow tape or glue.

On this page we have collected the best videos on how to make origami wolverine claws or dragon claws out of paper with your own hands! The best DIY paper crafts - the most detailed instructions in Russian and English!

Have a nice day, Gentlemen! After watching the movie "Wolverine" I wanted to make the same claws as the main character. I did not make them metal, but decided to make them from wooden sticks and syringes. This will make the claws retractable hydraulically. Enjoy watching everyone!

Testing and production can be seen in the video:

Necessary materials:
- ice cream sticks
- 6 syringes (1 ml.)
- dropper
- fishing line
- wire
- Velcro

Step 1: First of all, cut out one stick in the form of a claw, as shown in the photo. Next, we glue two sticks onto one stick; these will be guides for the claw that we made earlier. We cut off the excess with a stationery knife.

Step 2: Divide the sticks into two parts. We glue one part to the blank that we made earlier, and the second to the new stick. We perform the same procedure again. And we get the blank, as shown in the photo. (Easier to understand from a photo or video)

Step 3: Glue two sticks together, this will be the base. Next, we glue the guides that we did in step 2 to them.

Step 4: Glue the stick pieces as shown in the photo. Then glue the syringe. We make three such blanks.

Step 5: We make small “ears” from the wire and stretch the fishing line. This is necessary for the claw to extend.

Step 6: Connect the three pieces using other sticks. We glue Velcro to keep the claws on the hand.

Let's make something like this. And we connect the syringes with tubes from the dropper and fill them with liquid.

Many Halloween costumes and theme parties would be incomplete without an accessory such as claws. This includes Freddy Krueger, the superhero Wolverine, Lynx, and ordinary animals. Stores sell ready-made elements for costumes, but they are quite expensive and are only useful once. Fortunately, you can do it without investments. Moreover, you yourself will be able to create exactly the element of the costume that you want and will not depend on the assortment in the store. Stock up on paper and see how to make cool claws in our selection.

How to make Freddy Krueger's claws out of paper

To make Freddy Krueger's claws out of paper for your fingers, prepare thick and plain A4 paper, a glue gun, scissors, paint and unnecessary gloves.

  1. Make templates from plain paper. To do this, measure the circumference of your finger. The resulting size is the length of the base of the triangle. Measure the desired length of the claws and mark a dot exactly in the middle of the lower segment. Connect the edges of the triangle and cut out what you get.
  2. Attach the template to the cardboard and trace. Make 10 triangles in this way.
  3. Roll each triangle into a tube along its entire length and glue the edges with a glue gun.
  4. Cut the claws into 3 parts at an obtuse angle. Insert the elements into each other so that the claws are curved. Glue it.
  5. Now attach the claws to the gloves. To do this, apply glue to the fingers of the gloves and inside the claws. Attach the paper using your fingers or a pencil by squeezing the fabric with the paper.
  6. Paint the claws a realistic color and make bruises.

How to make Wolverine's claws out of paper

To make Wolverine's claws out of paper, watch the video, or use these instructions. Prepare 12 sheets of A4 paper, thin tape, scissors and electrical tape.

  1. Fold a piece of paper in half and draw something hard along the fold line to make the line more visible.
  2. We also bend the lower part in half so that half a centimeter remains to the fold line.
  3. Unfold the sheet again and bend the bottom part exactly in the middle.
  4. Fold the bottom, tucking the paper along all the folds.
  5. Repeat all steps with the second half of the paper.
  6. Fold the top corners inward to create two triangles. We bend the inner triangles again.
  7. We cut the paper along the upper fold lines and fold the edges again.
  8. Tape the bottom and cut edges together.
  9. We repeat all steps 5 more times to make the remaining claws.
  10. Now take a regular sheet of paper, bend one corner and roll it into a thin tube. Secure one edge with tape.
  11. Wrap the other end of the tube in 5 layers to make a roll. Secure with tape.
  12. Make 5 more tubes.
  13. We fasten the tubes with tape across the width of our fingers so that it is comfortable to hold and wrap the structure several times to strengthen it.
  14. Connect the tubes with the “blades” and secure everything with tape.

How to make Lynx claws out of paper

Lynx claws can be made from paper using the origami technique. For this we need square sheets of paper. The accessory is created without glue, tape or other devices.

  1. We bend the sheet diagonally and draw along the fold line 4-5 times so that the line becomes more distinct.
  2. Unfold the paper and fold the edges of the sheet towards the center fold to form a triangle. That is, we bring both upper edges to the center.
  3. Fold it along the fold line. You should get a thin triangle.
  4. Bend it along the longest side perpendicular to the straight edge.
  5. We wrap the curved edge around the bottom of the triangle. We tuck the tip inward.
  6. Straighten the finished claw and put it on your finger.

The simplest claws

To make a paper claw, look at the diagram. This option is the simplest. It does not require any additional equipment, just take 10 A4 sheets or origami paper.

  1. Take a square sheet of paper or make it from standard A4. Fold the sheet diagonally twice.
  2. Fold the triangle a third time from the top point to the long edge.
  3. Place the triangle so that the acute angle is on the left.
  4. We bend the smaller angle to the middle of the base.
  5. The finished claw is put on the finger; no additional manipulations with it are required.

Short claws

Take a square piece of paper. Fold it in half. Fold the resulting rectangle in half again so that it becomes a square again.

  1. Fold the square diagonally. You should get a triangle.
  2. We press the fold and unbend it.
  3. Bend the left corner so that the edge of the paper coincides with the fold.
  4. We bend the lower part of the figure in the opposite direction.
  5. Bend the triangular side towards the center fold line.
  6. We insert the right corner into the opening created in the opposite part of the workpiece and straighten the finished claw.

This option is less beautiful, but quick and simple. Finished claws can be painted or left white.

If you are a fan of hero films, horror films, or love comics, and are planning to get used to these roles in theatrical productions or other events, then this article will be useful to you. You'll understand how to make paper claws to best suit your chosen look. Also, you can use paper props to play wild animals with your child - fun and maximum realism.


Paper claws for fingers

This method is the easiest to implement. To do this, we will turn to a paper folding technique called “origami.” Before starting work, prepare your work area - it should be flat - and take 5 thick square sheets of paper so that the claws keep their shape.

  1. Fold one of the leaves diagonally in half and return to its original position;
  2. Make folds on both sides of the ends of the paper towards the center of the sheet. The bend angle should be 45 degrees;
  3. Fold the resulting triangular shape in half;
  4. Place a mark in the center at the base of the triangle and fold the bottom of the figure, as in Fig. 4;
  5. Circle the protruding main part of the workpiece twice with the bottom piece and push the ends inside (see Fig. 5-8 in the diagram);
  6. Straighten the claw you made and place it on your finger.

Make the next claws on the remaining fingers using the same principle.

Wolverine's claws made of paper

Of course, many guys are fans of the mutant from the comics by Len Wayne and John Romitoya. And little men are, of course, attracted to the hero’s strength, ability to regenerate, fearlessness, agility and endurance. In appearance, Wolverine resembles a man, but his skeleton is not quite ordinary - long and razor-sharp claws extend on his upper limbs. There are 3 on each side. Let's get a little closer to the image of Wolverine and make his main “feature” - claws.

Prepare the following:

  • thick paper up to 10 sheets, A4 size;
  • ruler;
  • an object that will help make folds.

Let's get started:

To do the job more accurately, watch the video tutorial for making Wolverine’s claws:

Predator Claws

Such claws are universal when creating the image of a wild predatory animal. They can be made in any color, and can also be designed to be worn on gloves. In addition, the terrible Freddy Krueger had exactly the same claws.

Before you get started, gather some materials and tools:

  • thick paper (thermoplastic is possible);
  • black gloves;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • thermoplastic hair dryer;
  • simple pencil;
  • spray paint or regular acrylic paint.

Let's start creating super claws:

Video instructions

Watching a video on a topic always increases your chances of doing what you set out to do correctly. We offer you the following video tutorials.

How to make tiger claws from paper:

How to make claws of a predatory animal:

Wolverine Claws:

Simple paper claws:

Many characters in modern and older films have various iron claws on their hands, such as Freddy Krueger or Wolverine. And many of the children would be glad to have such claws for their games. Of course, no one is suggesting making metal accessories for them to play with; such attributes can be made from safer materials. In this article we will try to figure out how to make paper claws.

How to make paper claws like Wolverine from the X-Men

Take a landscape sheet of A4 format.

Fold the paper as if you want to make a square out of it.

Now we bend the resulting corner to the left to make a triangle.

Fold the lower right corner towards the center.

Bend the left corner in the same way.

Fold the piece in half to form a triangle.

Now fold the resulting figure in half again and then straighten it.

The left edge of the workpiece must be bent towards the center as shown in the photo.

Fold the same part of the workpiece in half again.

And for the third time.

In the upper part of the workpiece you need to make a recess and insert a free corner there, you should get a part like in the picture.

Now there, in the upper part of the workpiece, spread the paper and make a recess.

Make 4 or 9 more of these shapes, put them on your fingers , and now wolverine claws appear on your hands.

Claws like a lynx

Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally.

Unfold the sheet and bend the lower left corner to the fold line.

A triangle has formed at the top of the part, bend it back.

Now bend the left triangle to the right again.

Bend the right triangle to the left, and place its edge in the pocket.

Open the claw and put it on, everything is ready.

The scheme of such a craft is not at all complicated, and if you do everything step by step, the result will be wonderful.

These two methods of creating claws from paper are the most common, the first option is perfect for the image of a wolverine, and this craft would be quite suitable for Freddy Krueger’s claws, they are long enough for this. Such claws can be made from colored paper, gray, or metallic. They can also be painted using gouache of the appropriate color for greater realism. And also stick foil on the finished claws. This addition to your Halloween costume will look amazing.

The second version of the claws looks like those of a cat or lynx. This option is also perfect for a carnival costume. The claws can be made from white paper and then painted in the desired color, or immediately use colored paper.

Carefully follow the order in which the crafts are created, this is necessary so that they move and look like real ones. If you want your craft to last longer than one day and be quite rigid, then it is better to use thicker paper; office sheets will not work in this case. You can also make the claws even longer if you put another one on the first one, but in this case it will be better to fasten them together with glue.

Long paper claws:

Lynx claws made of paper:

Paper claws like Wolverine:

You can make such crafts with your own hands in many ways, the main thing is patience and your imagination, use various techniques and elements to strengthen and give the finished products a more natural look. Guided by these simple rules, you can create excellent layouts for games or themed parties, and you will not go unnoticed.