25 years of family life are behind us, a long-awaited anniversary that needs to be celebrated grandly. The event is called a silver wedding, a worthy feature for every family. On this day, guests are invited, rituals are performed and people have fun with loved ones.

Silver wedding: traditions

The couple have come a long way from chintz to their silver anniversary. Every year the relationship grew stronger and changed, more love and respect appeared. 25 years after the wedding, the bonds between two people have become so strong that they are compared to silver. Feelings shine with a noble light, family is an example to follow. Despite the quarrels and problems encountered along the way, loving hearts managed to maintain warmth and sincerity.

Everyday life and petty quarrels are a thing of the past, giving way to comprehensive harmony. Silver is a symbol of experience and nobility. The metal is under the sign of the moon; it envelops the couple with strength and wisdom, inaccessible to people starting their journey along the road of marriage. The precious material is correlated with the same priceless experience that helped the couple reach their silver jubilee. The husband and wife discovered the secret of a happy family life, the main components of which are love, respect and care.

Rituals that are performed on the day of the silver wedding:

  • The couple exchange silver rings, re-cementing the union created 25 years ago. The wife puts on a wedding dress or other beautiful outfit, the husband puts on a suit. The exchange ceremony can be held at home, witnesses and guests can be invited. Silver rings are worn on top of wedding rings or instead of them. Often the ritual is complemented by a wedding. According to old beliefs, if the weather is sunny and warm on the anniversary day, then the future life of the couple will be just as clear.
  • In the morning, husband and wife kiss each other deeply, putting all the power of their love into the kiss. The ancestors believed that the longer the morning ritual lasts, the happier the subsequent years will be.
  • The traditional action is morning washing. The couple draws water from a clean source and fills a silver jug ​​with it. The wife pours the water into her husband's hands, then hands him a linen towel. The ritual is repeated 3 times: 1 time - the husband becomes younger, 2 times - gets rid of negativity, 3 times - tunes in to a renewed life. Then the wife washes herself. The water remaining in the container must not be poured out. It is placed in the sun. During the evaporation of the liquid, problems and troubles that await in the future go away.
  • Guests begin to be invited 25 days before the silver wedding; it is advisable that the number of guests be at least 25. In addition to the main dishes, a festive loaf of bread and champagne are placed on the table.
  • For one evening, husband and wife switch roles. The man becomes the “mistress” of the house, dresses his wife’s things, the woman turns into the “owner”. The ritual can be turned into a fun performance, or a skit can be performed in front of the guests.
  • When the celebration is over, the spouses start drinking tea, communicate and share their impressions. You need to clear the table together without stopping the conversation.

How to celebrate a silver wedding

There can be many options for holding a celebration, the main thing is to choose a solution to your liking. Spouses and their adult children can reenact the wedding day. For older children, it will be especially interesting to see the beginning of the story, the first step towards creating a strong family. Invite witnesses and guests from the first wedding, arrange a sightseeing tour and a grand banquet, capture moments on camera - every detail will remind the spouses of past moments of happiness. A silver wedding is a great opportunity to fulfill your parents’ dream of traveling the world and giving them a trip for two.

A wonderful addition would be an official wedding ceremony held at the registry office. The couple will be able to once again say a solemn “yes” and feel like newlyweds. What wedding is complete without rings? Silver jewelry is worn on one finger with the wedding finger, instead of it, or on the adjacent middle finger.

Another gift that children or guests can organize is a holiday photo shoot. This can be a separate event or a permanent part of the celebration. Photos in nature, in a beautiful park or near water look especially vivid.

Regardless of whether a silver wedding is celebrated at home or in a restaurant, you need to take care of beautiful decoration of the room. Garlands, balls, silverware, exquisite dishes, flower arrangements in luxurious vases are classic decorative components. Often, spouses prepare a unique scenario for their anniversary, decorating the venue with themed items.

Traditional family dishes are placed on the festive table, and a sweet table is always prepared. Snacks, hot dishes, salads - for your anniversary you can experiment and prove yourself to be an ideal housewife. A majestic cake with several tiers is the king of any anniversary.

How to amuse guests: fun competitions for a silver wedding

In order for the spouses to remember the holiday not as an ordinary feast, it is worth taking care of interesting competitions.

Anniversary entertainment options:

What to give for 25 years of marriage

According to tradition, gifts made of silver, practical items for the home, or things needed by the hero of the day are presented at a silver wedding.

Guests often choose the following elements:

  • caskets;
  • candlesticks;
  • watch;
  • paintings;
  • table sets and services;
  • engraved jugs and vases;
  • silver souvenirs;
  • talismans for the family hearth.

You can surprise the couple with fireworks in their honor, a unique laser show, or the launch of sky lanterns. A thoughtful and planned wedding ceremony will be a pleasant surprise for the spouses, and a romantic trip will give unforgettable moments of happiness. Another option for an original gift is a professional photo shoot.

In addition to traditional and original gifts, you can give the couple the necessary things. A set of bed linen, a blanket, towels, small household appliances - the family hearth will be filled with warmth and love.

Husband and wife can exchange beautiful silver jewelry, books, or handmade items. The woman will please her husband with cufflinks or a new tie, the husband will make his wife happy with a beautiful mirror or box.


In verse

In prose

SMS congratulations


You can live to see the silver wedding. If the wife has a golden character.


To make a marriage successful, you need to fall in love with the same person many times.


All my life I have envied only one person - my husband. This is necessary, I’m so lucky with my wife!


We've reached the Silver Festival! Honey, our main anniversaries are still ahead!


We are 25 years old! But we don’t give up, we are heading for gold!

A silver wedding is a celebration of transformation, when experienced spouses turn into “green” newlyweds. The couple plunges into the magical world of romance and magic, transported back to the past to once again relive the most touching moments in life.

A silver wedding is a truly significant event that deserves to be celebrated in a special way.

Just think, the couple was able to carry love through a quarter of a century, not only without spilling a drop along the way, but also adding mutual respect, acceptance and wisdom to the family cup. Such relationships are not easy, but they are worth all the effort.

Silver is a noble metal... Marriage also acquires a noble shine over time. Yesterday's bride and groom have already managed to set up their own hearth, give birth to and raise their beloved children, and, perhaps, even become grandparents.

25 years behind! What were they like: simple or complex, funny or sad, heady or modest? Most likely, married life had enough of everything.
That is why the celebration of a silver wedding should be treated with all honor.

But how to celebrate it?

Among those closest to you - a scenario for celebrating a silver wedding for your home

You can celebrate your silver wedding with your closest loved ones.

Invite children and grandchildren, call your closest friends and arrange a modest celebration in a quiet home environment. After all, only close people can truly be happy for you and appreciate such a significant family anniversary.

Let one of the children or friends of the heroes of the day take on the role of presenter.

We welcome invited guests

Right at the entrance, each guest is given a bag of silver confetti or a cracker.

Arrival of the bride and groom

The host arranges the guests in two rows on each side of the entrance and invites the bride and groom. Solemn music sounds (ideally the Mendelssohn march), the heroes of the occasion enter, the guests sprinkle them with confetti, firecrackers rattle, everyone applauds. The celebrants approach the leader to pronounce their vows.

And again we swear our love

The host congratulates the newlyweds on their 25th anniversary of marriage and invites them to take solemn vows.

The bride and groom take turns swearing their love to each other.

Host: “Your vows are written in the new family charter. But before you sign them, answer us:

Are you ready to love each other two more times for 25 years?
- Are you ready to support each other in any endeavors?
- Are you ready to help your children raise their grandchildren together?
I ask the bride to answer..." (The bride answers)

Host: “I ask the groom to answer.” (Groom answers)

Presenter: “Congratulations! From now on you will live happily ever after. Sign the new family charter."

The bride and groom sign the charter, which already contains their vows.

Exchange of rings

It is customary to give each other silver rings on a silver anniversary.. Now is the time to exchange them. Traditionally, the bride and groom place them on each other's middle finger of their right hand.

We invite everyone to the table

To the stormy applause of the guests, the host calls everyone to the table. By the way, there should definitely be something silver on your table. At the same time, it is not necessary to run to the store for silver tableware; it is enough to put silver napkins or a tablecloth with a silver border.

Also order or bake a cake, on top of which you can put 25 candles - after all, today is the birthday of your strong family.


The host gives the floor to the first guests. Let these be the closest relatives: parents, brothers, sisters or children.

Dance of the young

After the first toasts, you can take a short break for dancing. Let The bride and groom will open the ceremony with the first dance. It is advisable to find the very song that was played at the wedding.

After the break, you can sit down at the table again. For example, call everyone for a “hot meeting”.

And congratulations sound again

The floor is given to all other guests. If you carefully draw up a script for a silver wedding for parents or friends, then you can describe in it the order in which the toastmaster will give the floor for congratulations to the invitees.

Please note that the toastmaster is not always aware of the family and friendly ties of those present.


After the “official” part, the presenter organizes fun competitions. This could be a game of “guess the word” or a lottery with forfeits.

The main thing is that all guests have fun.

As your glasses clink, be sure to remember the past and rejoice in it, sharing your fondest memories with your loved ones. Show your children your family album and tell them some funny stories from their childhood.

And when the guests leave, have a joint tea party, during which you will certainly thank each other for the past years. And then…

Then make a plan for the next 25 years - after all, even at the golden wedding you will have to remember something!

Open air

This option is suitable for the warm season.

Luckily, celebrating outdoors comes with a variety of options.

This could be a regular picnic with barbecue, volleyball and swimming in the nearest river, or a solid outdoor ceremony on the seashore with an orchestra and a representative of the registry office to seal your vows.

In any case, think in advance where guests will sit and what snacks are most relevant. Fresh air whets your appetite so much! These can be simple blankets with picnic baskets or folding tables with a variety of different foods. Take care of sun protection: a large awning or several umbrellas will come in handy.

If you are organizing a silver wedding celebration yourself, then you can use the previous scenario, adapting it to new opportunities, making it more fun thanks to competitions, games and new opportunities for an open-air celebration.

After signing the family charter and exchanging rings, let the heroes of the occasion wash each other from a silver jug. This needs to be done three times: the first time, the sorrows of the past are washed away, the second time, the problems of the present, and the third time, the worries of the future. Then the jug is placed in the sun. Drops of water dry up, and with them all family troubles evaporate.

Now the family is not afraid of anything!

  • Buffet or picnic.
    Invite everyone to the table. Next, you can give each guest the floor according to the previous scenario, and also take breaks for dances and competitions.
    Luckily, there are many more opportunities outdoors.
  • It is also worth considering entertainment for guests.
    Ball games, badminton, table tennis or even mini golf are popular at any picnic.
    Arrange competitions between guests! Include cool relay races, dances and songs in the comic silver wedding scenario that will certainly delight everyone present.
  • At the end of the holiday hand out sky lanterns to your guests and invite them to write wishes for the celebrants.
    Their launch into the sky will be a wonderful end to the evening.

And in the restaurant, and in the restaurant...

If you decide to celebrate your silver wedding in a restaurant, you can invite a toastmaster or entrust the organization of the banquet to some well-known company.

Or you can arrange everything yourself.

Start with invitations, which should be sent out 25 days before the ceremony.. Let it be silver cards or small leaflets printed on silver paper.

It is better to decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, some of which should be painted with silver spray paint.

It is better not to make the whole room gray. A combination of blue, red or green with silver looks more advantageous. Or you can simply add some silver notes as a reminder of an important date.

Find your wedding photos and make a poster out of them.

As an option, the whole family life is in the photographs: here you met, here you got married, here you picked up your child from the maternity hospital, and here you are already taking him to school. Surely, over a quarter of a century, a huge number of such photographs have been collected.

Sample celebration scenario:

  • As when celebrating with a close circle, you can greet the newlyweds with confetti, rose petals and applause.
  • If there are witnesses at the celebration who were at the wedding, include them in the ceremony. Let the presenter, after saying the vows and signing the family charter, ask the witnesses if they are ready to confirm that this marriage has really existed for 25 years.
  • Next is the exchange of rings and consolidation of the union with wine drunk from one silver cup. And, of course, the first kiss.
  • Dance your first wedding dance and invite everyone to the table.
  • Restaurant competitions and entertainment can begin immediately after congratulations are said. This could be dancing on a newspaper, relay races or competitions, for example, who can burst a balloon faster and louder.
    Be sure to prepare small souvenirs for the winners.
  • The end of the holiday can be celebrated with fireworks. Remember, your love is still as strong as it was 25 years ago.

Let the volleys of multi-colored fireworks announce this to the whole world!

And everything will be unusual with us

If you still have a sense of adventure, plan a special celebration for your 25th anniversary.

  • For example, a banquet on a boat cruising through the picturesque places of your region... Let your guests admire the views and enjoy the festive atmosphere with you. Decorate the deck with white roses tied with silver ribbons.
  • Another option is to celebrate your wedding anniversary on rails or even in a hot air balloon. Yes Yes! And let your guests remember your day for a long time!
    Just don’t overdo it, so as not to sacrifice coziness and comfort to extreme sensations.
  • Or arrange a holiday for yourself. Can go to the sea, wander through the streets of a European city or enjoy the silence somewhere in the forest by the river or in the mountains. After all, you've earned it for a quarter of a century.

And be sure to tell each other: “Thank you for being in my life!”

Be happy!

But children can give this clip to their parents.

25th wedding anniversary is the first serious anniversary for any couple. The two people spent a quarter of a century together and maintained love and respect for each other. This day is simply a must to celebrate! Let's take a closer look at how you can congratulate the happy “young people,” and also consider a detailed scenario for a silver wedding.

A special event like this requires a special celebration. Choose a banquet hall that suits your taste and budget. Traditionally, designate a separate table for the celebrants. The wall behind the “young ones” can be decorated with paper balls hanging at different heights. Cover each ball with silver glitter (use spray paint or glue glitter onto hairspray).
On the table of the “newlyweds” there are lit elegant candles, shimmering in silver, and in thin vases there are irises on each side of the table. The iris is the symbolic flower of the 25th anniversary and at the same time signifies harmony and tranquility in the family.
You can also place a so-called “photo-drying room” in the room. On a string lowered from the ceiling and weighted with bags of sand, photographs of the “newlyweds” are hung, attached to clothespins. Let these be the best moments of their life together, funny, touching photos full of joy and love.

Silver wedding scenario

Guests arrive at the hall a little earlier. Everyone takes a glass of champagne and arranges a corridor along which the “star couple” will pass. You can also place a vase with silver confetti on a tray; everyone comes up and takes a handful.

Leading:(to gentle music) Dear guests! Please bear witness! According to an ancient custom, the wedding crown turns into a precious tiara! (The wife takes off her white veil, and the presenter puts a silver jewelry on her head to the accompaniment of solemn music).
Let two silver rings
They will sparkle with their unity.
For you they mean
Hours of love that never end.

During Mendelssohn's waltz, the “young people” are served silver rings on a white pillow. They are worn on the middle finger or replace the previous wedding rings on the ring finger.

Leading: I look at you and I know for sure
Love lives among people.
Your marriage has been strong for a quarter of a century,
And the closeness of souls is even stronger!
And your house is a clean bright room,
Open to family and friends!
You can safely be proud
Here’s to wonderful grandchildren and children!”
I invite the children (names) of our anniversaries to the microphone.

Children (grandchildren) give gifts to their parents and congratulate them.
Break, pleasant music sounds.

Leading: You've been collecting for years
By silver star.
You studied, you tried
To be together, hand in hand.
You scolded, you made peace
It varies, we know.
You have become wiser, you have become closer.
Your love is fragrant.
And the minutes swirl in a whirlwind,
And the rhythm calls us to the floor.
Dance a waltz, heroes of the day!
The past years don't count!

The couple goes out onto the dance floor and performs a waltz to their favorite tune. Everyone is welcome to join them.

Table and dance break.

Leading: Sometimes it was difficult for you too.
You have conquered every peak
Those rocks that life has brought up boringly.
Each of you is great now!
And today we will wash away the years,
Stream of silver water
Takes away all the troubles in life,
All patient labors.
Let's perform the oldest symbolic ritual of ablution. Please bring in a silver vessel.

Water is brought to the central table in a silver bowl. The ritual consists of washing each other's hands in the supplied water, and then drying the hands with a towel.

Leading: Here comes the fast river
Took years away from them.
We wish you a happy life,
Treasure each other too
At least another half century.
Close to a loved one.
So let's drink it all down
For these wise words!

Musical break.

Leading: Dear friends! According to the old wonderful tradition, it’s time to congratulate the family (surname of the spouses) on their birthday. Let's give the brilliant couple a wedding "Loaf" on their 25th wedding anniversary!

The guests dance in a circle, the heroes of the day are in the center and hold hands. The leader leads the round dance and shows along the way, the guests pick up.

Leading: For a ringing wedding
Honest people gathered
And the bride is naughty
She takes her husband's hand.
Lots of delicious jam
And enjoyment from life
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
So that goodness takes root in the house,
And my health was good
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
May the house be full of prosperity,
May my grandchildren be born there
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
Your union attracted money
To make your wallet grow
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
And when guests come to you,
Just let them carry the gift
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
Protects you through the years
That lucky star
This is the width
That's how tall it is.
Presenter: Let's raise our glasses,
Wine overflowing.
Pie - loaf
Give it to the “young ones!”

They bring out the festive loaf. The guests return to their seats and drink to the heroes of the day.

Leading: Loaf, loaf,
Choose whoever you want!
Choose a larger piece
Make your wish come true!”

The cake is decorated with foil roses, each wrapped with a task. The couple cuts the loaf according to the number of roses and goes around the guests. The one who accepts the piece is ready to complete the task. The presenter with a microphone approaches this person, the guest unfolds the card and does what is written.

Tasks (10 pcs.)

  1. - You only have two fingers to break a match at this very moment.
    (break the match using only two fingers)
  2. - Here's a tongue twister for you,
    We bet you can handle it deftly?!
    (tongue twister: A cloned crocodile was crowned at the carnival)
  3. - Kiss the neighbor (neighbor) on the right,
    Just without cheating.
  4. - Eat, try, without groaning,
    Three slices from a lemon!
  5. - Take a squat
    Or do 5 push-ups.
  6. — Give a toast to all the guests,
    To make us envious!
  7. - Amuse us from your heart,
    Tell us a joke.
  8. - Show courage, friend,
    Tell me a poem like that, all of a sudden!
  9. — A silent wedding guest is intolerable.
    Give us a rollicking ditty!
  10. - We would like to hear a general toast,
    Let each guest say something.

Leading: Let's raise a glass to our cheerful guest artists!

Table and musical break. Those who wish take to the dance floor. 3-4 songs are played.
Medieval ceremonial music sounds, in it you can hear the clatter of hooves and the jingle of a sword.

Leading: What is this clatter, what is this commotion?
Our guests are arriving!
From far away, from behind the mountains
This is the knights' watch!
Their armor is burning with fire,
And the silver sword shines!
Cross the knights' swords,
Let the vow sound here.”

Knights cross swords to the music.

Leading: Happy couple!
Please, stand under the swords
The oath will illuminate you with rays!
You will repeat the words after me,
Strengthen your union for centuries!

Husband's oath
- Do you swear, today on the day of your 25th wedding anniversary, to continue to take care of your love, take care of your spouse, support her in everything and come to her aid? (I SWEAR)
— Do you swear to continue to fall together and rise together on all the hills of life? (I SWEAR)
— Do you swear to remain an exemplary husband, protector and faithful friend? (I SWEAR)
— Do you swear in front of your friends and family to continue to share your sorrows and joys in half? (I SWEAR)

Wife's oath
- Do you swear to cherish your feelings and show care for your spouse in the same way as you have done all these years? (I SWEAR)
- Do you swear to forget trifles, to sweep away insults from the house with a broom? (I SWEAR)
- Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often, pour some tea with love and make the bed softly? (I SWEAR)
— Do you swear all your life to be known as (the groom’s surname), affectionate and patient? (I SWEAR)

Leading:“Friends, I ask you to stand up,
Fill your glasses.
May I wish you well
Three times “hurray” sounds!”

The guests rise from their seats and chant: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!".

1st knight: Once upon a time we fought a lot in battles,
They threw themselves into the fire for our ladies.
2nd knight: Your feast is too calm.
Now we will organize a tournament!

Leading: The brave and daredevils are invited to the center of the hall. Whoever survives three rounds of the competition will receive the desired prize - a kiss from the beautiful “bride” and a glass of nectar!

1st round: Large inflatable silver balloons are hung. Goal: Hit the ball with a dart. If there are many knights or not enough balls, divide the guests into groups; whoever bursts the ball first in the group wins. The others return to the table.
Round 2: Tell the best compliment to the beautiful lady - the hero of the day. She selects 3 knights she likes.
Round 3: The three remaining are each given a “daring horse” - chairs. The task is to saddle the “horse” and gallop to the table where there are three scarves (yes, of course, silver ones). Grab the handkerchief, go back and do it first.

Leading: The beautiful lady gives the winner a kiss to the triumphant fanfare.

The host also gives him a bottle of alcohol as a prize.

1st knight: It was a great tournament!
For the amusement of the honest people, for the joy of the silver couple!
2nd knight: Let us raise our cups for the health and honor of the heroes of the day!
Let's wish you a friendly, sunny and sublime life!

The general light is dimmed, a spotlight is directed onto the central table, simulating white falling lights or stars. Quiet, pleasant music is playing.

Leading: The silver bell is ringing!
And precious stars are raining down on you from the sky.
Each star is a moment of your life.
Minutes of well-being, good luck, success.
Each star promises you even more warmth,
Even more understanding, even more mutual support.
You smile at each other.
You have your own wonderful secret,
Your magic secret to success!
It’s not for nothing that you are together, connected and entangled by these mystical bonds!
Let the years fly over you like birds, but you, holding hands courageously and happily, will meet each new round of life, pass it with dignity and grace.
We are glad today to share moments of joy with you, to join in your love, to become at least a little like you.

Guests light sparklers, which were lying on the tables along with lighters throughout the holiday. The anniversaries kiss.
The general lights and energetic holiday music are turned on.

Leading: Attention everyone! Another guest of honor has arrived - the anniversary cake!
The cake is taken out to the middle of the hall. Next to the cake there is a silver bucket with melted chocolate and two brushes.
Host: There are a lot of surprises today,
After all, your family has matured.
Take your brushes in your hands
And with a bold stroke on the cake
Put your initials on it
Thus completing its decor.
The couple decorates the cake and cuts it into pieces, the guests approach the cake for pieces. Pause for tea.
Host: Thank you warmly for the lovely holiday!
For a good climate and a joyful mood!
Now the melody is even more varied
Let it sound like a new spring!
Soul to soul flies so reverently,
Soul speaks quietly to soul.
Let love still be without words
Your eyes sparkle with delight.
Happy silver date!
Fly high together
On the wings of rich Love!
May you be comfortable and drunk!
See you at the sparkling gold wedding!

Props for the wedding:

In order to decorate the celebration, you will need

  1. Silver confetti and a vase for it
  2. Silver cups (glasses)
  3. Bouquet for wife
  4. Silver tiara
  5. Silver rings on a white pillow
  6. Silver vase with water and towels
  7. Wedding loaf decorated with foil roses
  8. Notes with tasks for guests
  9. Costumes of medieval knights and swords with a silver sheen
  10. Silver balloons and darts
  11. Three chairs and three silver scarves
  12. Sparklers according to the number of guests and lighters

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Silver wedding traditions

What to give to husband and wife?

The twenty-fifth anniversary of family life is called the silver wedding. This is the first wedding anniversary to reach the precious metal. It is no coincidence that twenty-five years of married life are crowned with silver. Live together in wealth and poverty, in sorrow and in joy, in sickness and in health. Needless to say, not all couples are destined to celebrate their silver anniversary together. This anniversary means that the couple managed to save and preserve the silver of their love.

Like the porcelain wedding, this anniversary is called the silver wedding in different countries around the world.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Like any wedding anniversary, a silver anniversary can be successfully celebrated in the peaceful atmosphere of a home celebration, without unnecessary fuss. But hiding an event of this magnitude from family and friends is simply unfair. In the end, the heroes of the day deserved a real holiday in their honor, and 25 years lived in love and harmony is the main confirmation of this.

The best option for a holiday would be to invite guests to a cozy restaurant or cafe. It is advisable to invite everyone who was at the wedding 25 years ago to the anniversary, but at least twenty-five people - this is a tradition. By the way, invitations to guests for the silver anniversary also need to be sent out no less than 25 days before the holiday.

To ensure that the family celebration is held at the highest level, it is worth inviting a professional toastmaster and photographer. Silver anniversary photography is a separate item in the wedding program. Should you miss the opportunity when all your friends and relatives gather?

Silver wedding traditions

This date has many of its own ancient traditions. The spouses should start the holiday morning with a kiss, which means that their feelings not only have not faded away, but can flare up with renewed vigor. This is followed by the ritual of washing, when the husband and wife fill a silver jug ​​with water and help each other wash. Moreover, the washing itself occurs in three stages. The first ablution washes away the bygone years, and the couple becomes a quarter of a century younger; the second - washes away all old sorrows and anxieties. And for the third time, the couple wash themselves, welcoming the dawn and new life. After washing, there should be a few drops of water left in the jug, which, evaporating in the sun, will take away all the old problems.

The most important ritual of a silver wedding is the exchange of rings. As a sign of eternal love, spouses put silver rings on each other. This ritual was usually performed at noon in the presence of the parents of the "groom" and "bride". It’s good if the sun is shining at this moment - this is considered a good omen for the spouses.

This ritual should be performed with the participation of friends who were witnesses at the wedding 25 years ago. For greater solemnity, the “bride” can wear her wedding dress, and the “groom” can present a beautiful wedding bouquet. Previously, a priest was invited to this ceremony, who again married the “newlyweds”, conducting the ceremony according to all the rules. So if the spouses have not gotten married, but are thinking about it, it is difficult to imagine a more suitable occasion than a silver wedding. If you wish, you can also arrange a second wedding at the registry office, and then time will turn back.

Some married couples take off their gold rings on this day in order to wear silver ones for the whole year. In this case, the parents of the celebrants put the rings in a special box and give them to the “young people” with parting words to preserve their happiness and these rings. Other couples choose to wear new silver rings over gold rings. And some people prefer to wear new silver rings on the middle finger, next to the gold ones.

And finally, the last ancient ritual of the silver jubilee was the evening tea party of the “newlyweds”. After the guests had left, when the festive table had not yet been cleared, the wife treated her husband to aromatic tea, after which they set about cleaning together.

What to give for a silver wedding

The best gift on this day, of course, is silver. In the end, the heroes of the day deserved expensive gifts: silverware, dishes, figurines and silver candlesticks. To emphasize family ties, it is customary to give celebrants not six cutlery, but a pair, for example, two silver spoons. A wonderful gift for a silver wedding is a watch as a symbol of time, past and future. It is very symbolic to present the celebrants with a silver cup as a prize for a long married life.

The nobility of silver can best be conveyed by jewelry. If this gift is given by a man, then it must be given to both spouses. However, it is better to present identical paired rings, pendants, medallions or bracelets to the celebrants of the day. By the way, they can be supplemented with a commemorative engraving in honor of the anniversary.

For a silver wedding, it is also customary to give white flowers - roses, orchids, peonies or lilies. You can give more original flowers, for example, anthrinium, protea or craspedia.

Any household appliance can be a practical and quite appropriate anniversary gift, especially if it has a silver shine. An original gift for two could be a paid table in a restaurant, tickets to the theater or opera, or maybe a trip abroad. You can please the celebrants with a beautiful album for family photos.

Lovers of symbolic gifts can solemnly present the heroes of the occasion with a silver medal for their services in building a friendly family, but there should also be two medals. Upon delivery, you can read a comic congratulatory telegram on behalf of the president of the country.

“Dear anniversaries! I and my entourage, on behalf of the entire people, congratulate you on your twenty-five years of fruitful cooperation.

25 years ago you created a strong unit of our society. You have managed to harmoniously combine personal interests, the interests of family and society: having received an unexpected increase in your salary, you immediately invest it in the income of stores, which will then pay (maybe) taxes. My people and I thank you for implementing the state’s demographic policy; you helped increase the population by as much as two people, and we hope that you will not continue to ignore this issue.

Therefore, dear (names of spouses), live in hope, love each other and pay taxes. And my friends and I will do everything to make your life and work easier with joyful surprises! Your duly elected President."

What to give to husband and wife?

A silver wedding is a great opportunity to give each other a nice gift. For such an important anniversary, you can present a silver souvenir or engraved jewelry. You can also order paired silver bracelets from a jeweler.

You should give your husband a silver chain, cufflinks, an ashtray or a good watch. People who have lived together for a quarter of a century are not prone to superstition. If your husband collects something, he will be pleased if you show interest in his hobby. Gifts may include collectible coins, rare editions of books, or a musical instrument from a famous company.

You can present your wife with a silver box, a beautiful mirror, a picture in a silver frame, a photo frame or a set of jewelry. The gift can be silver, for example, a set of bed linen or a telephone.

How to celebrate your silver wedding?

First of all, there is an option with wedding dresses for the bride and groom. What could be nicer than feeling like newlyweds again? Although the wedding theme can be fully supported with special accessories, for example, hair decorations or boutonnieres made of fresh flowers. You can choose a hat with a white veil that imitates a veil.

In any case, the outfit of the spouses must correspond to the name of the holiday. For an anniversary, a wife can wear a silver-gray dress, made of plain satin or embroidered with sparkling sequins. You can give a more festive look to a modest outfit by adding silver jewelry - a clutch or shoes. The husband will suit the occasion in a classic dark suit, complemented with silver cufflinks.

What to cook for a silver wedding?

At this holiday, guests are treated to an anniversary loaf, which the spouses cut like a wedding cake. The table should have a variety of cold appetizers and several unusual salads. Julienne can be served as a hot appetizer. The main dish can be chicken baked with paprika, or veal roll with meat filling. Among alcoholic drinks, it is better to give preference to red wine and champagne - a drink that no wedding can do without.

Don't forget about the decoration of the festive banquet. It is better to decorate the table with silver dishes and large white flowers. And to leave the best memories of the anniversary, you can order fireworks in honor of the heroes of the day.

As a dessert, guests can be offered a spectacular wedding cake with an airy creamy layer between the biscuits. It can be entirely covered with silver mastic or be snow-white with silver ribbons. The cake can be originally served in the form of cupcakes on a multi-tiered stand, with cakes at the bottom and a small cake on top, which will be cut at the end of the banquet.

A silver wedding is not just a silver-whitened anniversary of married life - it is just half the way to a golden wedding. So let all the troubles and problems be left behind, and on the path to happiness you will find the most important thing - love, which becomes stronger every year!

Such questions plague silver wedding guests. The anniversary of 25 years of marriage is an important, solemn event. On such a day, spouses try to surround each other with care and attention. Reviving romance in a relationship is the best gift a husband and wife can give on their anniversary.

"Precious" wedding anniversary

A silver wedding is a serious family anniversary. For the first time in all anniversaries, its name contains a precious metal. For a family, such a holiday symbolizes a great experience of living together - a quarter of a century. Silver wedding - how many years have you lived together? 25 years of marriage, adult children and, perhaps, grandchildren - a lot has been experienced over the years.

Silver is a noble metal, a symbol of the “precious” experience of the spouses. Over the years they have lived together, the family goes through a considerable amount of financial instability, housing problems, and raising children. By the time of the silver wedding, many spouses already have their own family unit and adult children.

25 years of marriage is a considerable period of time, which not all couples can do. A family celebrating its silver anniversary can be proud of the wisdom of its relationships.

Psychological features of the anniversary

Couples celebrating their silver jubilee deserve admiration. They lived for a quarter of a century under the same roof, steadfastly withstood family troubles, and adapted to each other’s characters and habits.

But it is during this period that another crisis begins - the midlife crisis. When revaluation of values ​​occurs. When people who have established themselves in the profession can suddenly change course in the other direction.

By this time, children grow up and leave their parents' home. Therefore, spouses who lived together only for the sake of children will have no reason to continue living together. Relationships on the side - both between husband and wife - can also become a reason to break off family relationships.

Therefore, you should take care of a joint vacation - a change of scenery will help revive the smoldering relationship between the spouses. Diversify your sex life, find a new hobby - any mutual interests will help prevent a brewing conflict in a relationship.

Silver wedding - how many years did the couple spend together? 25 years is a significant period and there may be a lull in the relationship. In order to start a new round, you need to add a note of romance to

Anniversary traditions

Silver anniversary traditions can leave a lasting mark on a relationship. Years later, spouses, their children and grandchildren will admire photographs, videos and ask: “How long have you been together? When is the silver wedding celebrated? How many years?" Anniversary photos can be taken in the morning. The customs and traditions of a silver wedding begin with the awakening of the spouses.

In ancient times, on their anniversary, a husband and wife had to fill a silver jug ​​early in the morning with spring or well water. For modern realities, it is enough to prepare simple tap water. But it must be in a silver vessel (jug).

The spouses perform ablution three times, helping each other. This ritual has deep symbolic meaning.

  • The first ablution will help wash away the years and restore youth to the spouses.
  • Secondly, it will eliminate family troubles and sorrows.
  • The third ablution promises new happiness and a long life together.

After washing, the spouses dry themselves and place the jug in the fresh air (balcony). This is done so that the remaining water evaporates faster and takes away the sorrows of the spouses. According to an old superstition, a quickly drying bottom of a jug will quickly bring happiness to the family.

Silver wedding... How many years later is the anniversary celebrated? After 25 years, the spouses exchange them on their anniversary. They can be worn without wedding bands or with them. Silver rings are a symbol of a new stage in life.

In some areas of the country there is an interesting ritual for the silver anniversary - “women's revenge”. As a joke, the mother-in-law and wife can “beat” the head of the family, voicing all the troubles they have caused.

Official celebration

The twenty-fifth anniversary can be celebrated at the registry office. To prepare an official celebration, you should agree with the employees of the institution. Then the exchange of rings can be timed to coincide with the ceremony at the registry office.

Such an event will help break up the routine of everyday life and create the feeling of a real wedding. Will help spouses remember their first celebration together. For the ceremony, the wife can wear her wedding dress - this is the best for the anniversary. The dress can be slightly widened or recut.

After the official ceremony, you can go to a cafe, restaurant or have a home gathering. If possible, the same guests as on the wedding day are invited.

How to spend the holiday?

To revive the romance in your relationship, you can arrange a holiday together. Rent a double house by the sea or have a candlelit dinner.

Traditionally, 25 guests or more are invited to a silver wedding. Invitation cards must be sent out in advance. You can prepare a film compiled from videos and photos from different years. Take care of the cake, each piece of which will bring good luck to the heroes of the day and guests.

You can start the celebration with a dance between the spouses. The anniversary celebration takes place according to the principle of the first (green) wedding. To make the event fun and dynamic, you should invite a toastmaster. He organizes guests and holds fun competitions.

Don't forget about champagne. Sparkling wine creates a festive atmosphere and a reason for the first toast. On this day, the husband always gives his wife a bouquet of flowers - those that his other half loves. It can be presented after a morning kiss. “The first kiss” is one of the anniversary traditions. Spouses kiss after waking up - the longer the kiss, the longer the family life will last.

A silver wedding is not complete without gifts. How many years did congratulations sound to the family? Each anniversary is celebrated more or less magnificently. For the silver anniversary, gifts and congratulations are selected in a certain color scheme.

Holiday decoration

Silver wedding... How many years have we lived together, how many roads have been traveled. The precious metal is intended to emphasize the status of the event. Therefore, the color scheme of the design should correspond to the name of the anniversary.

Even invitation cards should be chosen with silver monograms. Balloons, there must be at least 25 of them, ribbons, garlands - all decorations must be white and silver. For contrast, you can add blue tablecloths or other decorative elements in blue tones - they will highlight the silver tones.

Garlands, flower arches, and floral arrangements will add elegance to the room.

Guest gifts

Silver wedding - how many years, gifts - all these questions concern the guests of the event. The most popular anniversary gifts are cutlery sets: knives, spoons, forks, glasses, trays made of silver (or plated with silver). For originality, you can engrave the names of the heroes of the day on the gift.

Practical sugar bowls, milk jugs, coffee pots, jugs, candlesticks - silverware is famous for its disinfecting properties.

Gifts from spouses to each other

A silver wedding is not complete without gifts to each other. How many years have we been together... What should I give my husband or wife after such a long period of marriage? The couple exchange silver rings in a formal ceremony.

Later, during the anniversary celebration, you can present your husband with silver cufflinks, a cigarette case, a flask, and a tie pin. For the wife - jewelry, a silver powder compact or a mirror.

Neutral gifts

Silver wedding - how many years? What to give to silver anniversaries? You can present neutral gifts for your anniversary. In order for them to look in the general style, you need to wrap them in silver wrapping paper or attach a symbolic number - “25”.

  1. Small pillows, blankets, bedding sets - textile gifts will please everyone and will always be in demand.
  2. Washing machine, freezer, stove, oven, microwave - large gifts can be selected in silver.
  3. Wicker furniture, a swimming pool - gifts for a summer house or private home will delight you with their practicality and sophistication.

Now we know what a silver wedding is, how old the family is, what gifts to give for the holiday. But it is not at all necessary to get hung up on things when choosing a gift. All kinds of gift certificates remain relevant. Certificate for a spa salon, jewelry or gun store. You can present the celebrants with a voucher or a reserved table for two in a cozy cafe.

If the celebration takes place at home, then an important tradition of a silver wedding is evening tea. Before starting cleaning, the couple drink tea and talk, remembering the funny and sad moments of the celebration. After tea, the husband and wife clean up the apartment. Such a ritual symbolizes the strength, harmony and unity of the union.