Once upon a time there lived a family of hares: mom, dad and three wonderful little bunnies. And now the new year was approaching. A wonderful snowball was swirling. The hares brought a Christmas tree from the forest and were going to decorate it. But then suddenly a misfortune happened. The wolf stole all the jewelry. The kids were upset. Then daddy hare decided to go to the snowman and tell him what happened. The snowman in the area was famous as a wise and kind forest dweller.

In addition, the Snowman was also a neighbor of the hares. The hare told about what happened.

Help me, wise neighbor. We're in trouble. The wolf took the Christmas tree decorations, and now my kids will be left without a New Year tree, and the New Year is very soon.

- Don't be sad, neighbor. We'll come up with something. You will have a real New Year's holiday.

The Hare and the Snowman went to the Wolf. Meanwhile, the Wolf is already decorating the Christmas tree with stolen toys.

- Hello, gray robber! Why did you steal toys from the rabbits? How will they celebrate the New Year now? Give them back! - said the Snowman.

- Will not give it back! “I also need a beautiful decorated Christmas tree,” said the Wolf.

Then the wise Snowman suggested that the Wolf and the Hare decorate one Christmas tree together. And so they did. The Hare forgave the Wolf, they together decorated the flattering beauty and cheerfully, joyfully celebrated the New Year!

2 tale about the New Year.

How the intense frost crunches inside me! - said snowman.

- And how the breeze bites! New Year is coming soon, the kids will start having fun, dancing in circles, playing snowballs. It's fun how it will be!

- Why are you staring at me, bug-eyed? Thus, the young snowman turned to the sun, which came out from behind the cloud and smiled sweetly at him.

The snowman had fragments of roofing tiles instead of eyes, and his mouth was a piece of a rake, which means that in addition to a sweet smile, he also had teeth.

His birth was marked by the contented and joyful cry of the children and the ringing of bells.

- How charming he is! - said a young girl who went out into the garden with her boyfriend. They stood near this snowman and enjoyed the beauty of the trees and bushes sparkling in the frost.

“You won’t see such beauty in the summer!” - said the girl, who was filled with joy from what she saw.

- And such a brave fellow too! - said the young man, pointing to the snowman. - He's just adorable!

And the snowman then became interested in this cute couple and asked the tied dog nearby about them. He told him an interesting and long story. Here she is.

— I was born on the night of New Year. Lived with this sweet couple, a very small, fluffy and carefree bundle of happiness. The children loved me and gave me all kinds of goodies. But the most unforgettable and wonderful thing was that they took me in their arms and circled me near the sparkling and festive tree. Then they moved me closer. They gave me a pillow that was so fluffy and soft that I didn’t want to get up from it. In addition, there was a stove there. Ooooh! This is the sweetest and most excellent thing on all earth! I even slept under it. How I miss this warmth, this bright and voracious flame. Soon, I turned one year old. And on another New Year's holiday, I gnawed on the most delicious and wonderful bones in the world. And one of the boys decided to take them from me. Well, I hit the mark and bit him. I was driven by a rule something like “bone for bone.” Then, of course, I regretted it, but it was too late. Now I’m here, in this cold... It’s sad...

“Why is this stove so good,” the snowman asked the dog.

- She looks like me? I don’t understand why I’m so drawn to her...

- No. She doesn’t look like you at all, she’s black as night, has a long neck and a belly made of copper. She is always hungry and eats all the wood put in her. But being next to her is truly bliss! Look, you will see her from the window.

The snowman turned his head and saw the stove. She, as always, ate firewood.

“What is moving so strangely inside me?” said the snowman.

- Can I get to the stove? After all, this is a very simple desire! I really want to not cuddle. Enjoy this warmth! - said the snowman.

“You won’t get there,” the dog answered him.

- And if this happens, then you will simply melt away without seeing the new year.

- Yes, I’ll melt anyway...

The New Year has passed. The weather began to change. The sun shines all day long. The snow began to melt, and the snowman became sadder and sadder. He felt that soon something would change, something would change. He stood and admired the fire in the stove, watching how it ate small chips of firewood. The snowman melted and melted, and then, when streams began to flow across the asphalt, it completely collapsed. And only then did the dog understand why the snowman was so drawn to the stove. The melted snowman contained a core - a poker, which filled him with an incomprehensible craving for fire.

3 tale about the New Year. Tale of a Christmas tree.

This happened a long time ago, in an ancient magical forest. In one fairy-tale clearing two old trees grew: a maple and a birch. They were real friends. But a magical wind brought a small spruce grain, which fell between the trees. The sun warmed him and watered him. And then one day, one day, the little Christmas tree grew up. She became cheerful, green and so naive. And the lazy animals more and more often tried to grab the Christmas tree by the crown. The nearby birch and maple trees felt sorry for the baby, and they began to take care of her. Soon, thanks to the love and kindness of its neighbors, the small defenseless Christmas tree became truly a real beauty of the forest. Fluffy, green, slender.

Winter has come. On the eve of the New Year, the animals began to think about how to spend it, and most importantly, where to get a beautiful spruce. And so the Bear decided to organize a competition and choose a tree that would become a symbol of winter. Our Christmas tree also took part in it. There were many wonderful, pretty candidates, but still the Christmas tree became Miss Forest. The animals decorated it with cones and berries and had a fun celebration. There were songs, dances, congratulations. And lo and behold! Suddenly, Grandfather Frost rode by on a sleigh with four fast reindeer. He saw the celebration and fun and decided to join the animals. He was surprised to see an elegant Christmas tree, he really liked it, and he took a branch to give to the kids. Since then, every New Year cannot do without an elegant forest beauty.

4 tale about the New Year.

Once upon a time there was a wonderful fluffy and green Christmas tree. She grew up in a magical forest. She stood in one of the clearings, delighting many forest dwellers with her appearance.

But soon winter came. A wonderful fluffy snow showered the spruce, it became more and more beautiful and elegant, giving it a snow-white fur coat. Every day, moose calves, squirrels, titmice, bullfinches had fun and played near the Christmas tree.

One day the animals saw people in the forest and ran away in all directions. It turned out to be parents with two children - a girl and a boy.

- Dad, what a wonderful Christmas tree! This is exactly what we need! – the children shouted joyfully and began to pull their father’s sleeve.

“Exactly, let’s remember the clearing, I’ll take an ax, then we’ll come and cut down this Christmas tree,” said the head of the family. And at home we’ll decorate it, and it will give us a great New Year’s mood!

But then suddenly the girl began to cry and said:

- Daddy, please don’t chop the Christmas tree. After all, it looks so beautiful in the clearing, the animals will be sad.

- My dear, how will we celebrate the New Year without this beauty? - asked the father.

- Daddy, I came up with an idea! Let's go and buy an artificial Christmas tree at the store. Let the beauty grow, and the forest animals will dance around her. After all, they also need a holiday.

The head of the family looked at the baby, thought about it, then smiled.

- Yes, my dear daughter. Let the Christmas tree remain in the forest. After all, in a warm house it will quickly disappear. And in the forest clearing she will delight animals and people for a very long time.

So they decided, and then went home. But the next day footsteps were heard again. The animals were seriously scared. Did people really decide to visit them again and cut down the Christmas tree? The same family came out into the clearing, only in dad’s hands there was not an ax, but a large box in which there were many balls, beads, soft toys, and pine cones. The family began decorating the Christmas tree. They placed a beautiful bright scarlet star on the very top of their head. They put a lot of goodies as gifts for the animals: hay, apples, nuts, and grains, so that the forest animals could celebrate the New Year cheerfully and satisfyingly.

- What a beauty we have! - said dad.

Let's go home, kids. We still need to buy a Christmas tree before the shops close.

When the children and father left, the animals and birds jumped out and flew into the forest clearing and began to eat treats, then danced around the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is so elegant and beautiful, it pleases everyone around. Finally, the feral animals have a real holiday too! Everyone is happy, happy, and most importantly, the Christmas tree is pleasing to the eye.

5 tale about the New Year.

The kids decorated the Christmas tree. She stands smart, beautiful, fluffy. The balls sparkle and sparkle, and a star hangs on the top of the head. It was decided that the next day they would start dancing around her.

And then Petya said from the first floor:

“You can’t leave a Christmas tree alone in the yard, but what if a fox or a wolf comes by and steals it?”

Hooray guys, I figured it out! Let's make a guard for the Christmas tree! - said little Dinochka.

“And who?” the guys asked in unison.

- Snowman! At night he will stand guard and will not let anyone near our beauty,” Dinochka answered.

The kids began to sculpt the Snowman. They brought a carrot for the nose, a scarf, a bucket, and took a broom from the janitor. After all, how will the snowman drive the animals away from the Christmas tree? The snowman turned out to be simply wonderful, so cheerful and mischievous. And then the guys gave him a task:

- Dear Snowman, we give you an assignment - watch the Christmas tree so that no one steals it at night. We really count on you.

The Snowman stood, stood, and then suddenly dozed off at his post. Woke up from noise. He sees that the Seroman is pulling a Christmas tree into the forest.

The snowman got scared and let's chase the wolf. But he has no legs, he rolls from side to side, groaning.

And then an idea came to the Snowman’s head, and he turned to the sky:

Dear sky, let the snow fall on the ground, stop the gray Wolf, who stole the children’s Christmas tree.

It began to snow, but it did not stop the wolf. The snowman asks the wind:

- Wind, Wind, help me, blow stronger, stop the villain Wolf!

The snow began to sculpt the Wolf's eyes, the wind knocked him off his feet. The wolf could not withstand such pressure and threw the Christmas tree and ran away into the dense forest. The snowman is happy! He picked up the Christmas tree, said words of gratitude to the snow and wind, and returned the beauty to its place.

The snowman stands and rejoices that he turned out to be such a good guard. I decided that I would never sleep on night duty again. The next morning the children woke up, ate and immediately ran into the yard to look at the snow-covered and beautiful Christmas tree. They joyfully began to dance in circles and sing songs.

- Thank you, dear Mr. Snowman, we are grateful to you for saving our Christmas tree. And on New Year's Eve, the guys showered the Christmas tree with streamers, hung up candy, and their joy was endless! And the Christmas tree stood and only smiled mysteriously...

In one unusual winter forest, local residents, fabulous animals, were preparing to celebrate the New Year. A bear named Toptyzhka decorated his den with balls and garlands. The mother fox, whom everyone in the forest called “Mama Fox,” decorated her burrow with fluffy spruce branches: this cute branch is for the little ones, and this one, with the cones, is for the older fox cubs. By decorating the house, Chanterelle invited guests into a festive mood.

The whole forest was working! The restless squirrels wrapped the nuts in bright candy wrappers: it would be a tasty treat for the guests! The busy titmice baked gingerbread and cookies. Even lazy crows worked tirelessly on the holiday, clearing forest paths. What if some distant guest comes but can’t get through? Snowdrifts are higher than a human nose. Everyone in the forest was busy with important and urgent matters. There were only a few hours left until the New Year.

There was also plenty to worry about in the ice palace. A large Christmas tree was decorated in the main throne room. The curvaceous beauty was dressed with magic glass balls, singing and blinking lights and sweet toys; The top of the head was decorated with a burning talking Star, and gifts for children and adults were placed under the lower branches.

Suddenly, Santa Claus, standing under the decorated Christmas tree, realized whether he had accidentally offended anyone. What if you don't remember someone? There are many animals in the magical forest! Birds - at least a thousand! Excitedly counting the gifts that lay under the tree, Santa Claus muttered:

I didn’t forget about the bunny, I remembered about the raccoon, and about the bear, and about the mouse...

Oh! Oh! - Star interrupted him. She jumped from the top of the tree. - You’re worrying again, grandpa! And the smart doctor prescribed for you: frosty days, fluffy snow, blue ice and - no worries!

The whole point is that the Star was punished. Last New Year, she caused a huge commotion at people's holidays. In the midst of the fun, the Star - to everyone’s amazement - spoke in human language, importantly ordering someone’s uncle: “Take away all the gifts from the capricious boy!” The parents were scared, the children were happy: Santa Claus is real! The star is talking! Then Grandfather Frost urgently had to hit the floor three times with his magic staff. People instantly forgot about both the talking star and the real Santa Claus. And general confusion again gave way to general joy.

Just think, - Star grumbled, returning to her place. “You can talk for hours, but I can’t,” she whined. The Star loved to chat!

Indeed, the Clock lived in the throne room. Magic Clock, smart! They also knew how to talk, but, unlike the talkative Star, they spoke only once a year. By striking the chimes they warned Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the forest animals that the New Year was approaching. Mr. New Year came unseen and silently, and only the Magic Clock heard his quiet steps. Minute by minute, accurate to the second, at the very moment when the New Year entered the magical forest, the Clock announced in a solemn voice: “Happy New Year, friends!” It has always been like this, every year...

While animals, birds, magical toys, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were busy with pleasant chores, Baba Yaga did not waste time, but gathered a military council in her house. It was attended by the Leshy, the Black Cat and the witch's Broom, which flew wherever it wanted. There was one question on the agenda: how to ruin a holiday in a fairytale forest?

Baba Yaga was sad: not a single amazing disgusting thing entered her shaggy head. She wanted to come up with something new! New Year's! Something that would bring the kids from the fairytale forest to bitter tears. And the Snow Maiden!

“If only I could stain the Snow Maiden in ash! - Yaga dreamed on New Year's Eve, - or steal Grandfather's staff. No staff - no peace in the forest!

Only such dreams are not destined to come true, so Yaga turned to Leshy:

What can you tell me, green bum?

Drag the little fox out of the hole! - Leshy responded.

Little fox! - the old woman was indignant.

Mother Fox has a good nose, which means she will quickly find the baby. And such fun will not last long. I wish I could come up with something mysteriously terrible!..

Meow, I know how to do something bad! - Black Cat suddenly said. - It is necessary that the New Year does not come to the Christmas tree.

The goblin laughed. He had never heard a stupider proposal in his entire fabulous life. New Year is all the stronger! And no one can tell him.

Listen up, forest villains! “This is an amazing plan,” Black Cat continued. - I’ll make my way into the palace, get close to the Clock and move the hands. It's clear?

Wonderful! Wonderful! - Yaga perked up. - The kids will cry, the adults will be upset. How fun it will be!..

At this time, the final preparations for the New Year were completed in the ice palace, and the Snow Maiden, taking the conductor’s baton in her hands, invited the musicians to play a magical melody. The ball has begun! Animals came to visit Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and birds flew in. They sang and danced until... The clock struck midnight:

Bom-bom, bom-bom, the clock struck without saying a word.

The animals were confused. The birds got scared. The kids burst into tears. The New Year did not come to the Christmas tree! Where to look for it now?

Dejection crept into the magical palace. In the bitter silence that followed, an ominous croak was heard.

Grief has come to the forest! - Crow croaked. - Misfortune has visited the ice palace! I always knew that this fairy tale would end badly! Farewell, animals and birds of the fairy forest! Great things await me! I flew to the city!

Pulling a woolen cap over her head, Crow flew headlong out the window, and was the only one seen.

Santa Claus also began to get ready for the journey. Putting on a warm sheepskin coat and taking the staff in his hands, he said to his granddaughter Snow Maiden, the birds and animals:

I will find the New Year! And happiness will return to our forest!

I can't be silent! - the Star decorating the top of the Christmas tree suddenly shouted. - But I was forbidden to speak!

Tell me, Star, if you know anything! - ordered Santa Claus.

There is a Black Cat sitting under the Christmas tree!

Ah, that's the thing! Now everything is clear.

And Santa Claus took out the Black Cat from under the tree.

With her tail tucked in fear, the Black Cat meowed pitifully:

I will no longer serve Yaga.

On that warm New Year's evening, the Cat, of course, was forgiven and given milk to drink. Staying in the palace, she saw how animals and birds knew how to have fun. How they dance and sing. How to celebrate the New Year!

But the fairy tale is not over yet. In the midst of the fun, the Crow returned to the ice palace. She flew through the window, took off her cap and croaked in a hoarse voice:

I always knew that our fairy tale would end well! And it’s cold in the city in winter!

Enough of his worries for the evening. It's time for a fairy tale. A fairy tale in which there is a place for the New Year holiday. And he brings everyone hope for the best, bright, joyful. "Once upon a time there was a hare and a snowman..."

New Year's fairy tale “About the hare and the snowman”

Once upon a time there lived a hare Pavlik and a snowman Mag. Winter was their favorite season. Pavlik the hare was finally able to put on his white, fluffy fur coat, and most importantly, he could play hockey. And even though he had an ordinary stick instead of a stick, the main thing is that he had the enthusiasm of a real hockey player.

And for the Snowman Magician, winter is not just his favorite time of year, but the only time when he was cheerful and brave. All other periods of the year, the Snowman was somewhere far away. Where? Nobody really knew.

Everyone was preparing for the New Year. Pavlik and Mag were also preparing. Pavlik the hare decided to send his grandmother his own portrait for the New Year. Grandmother lived in the Distant Forest and really missed her grandson.

The snowman volunteered to draw a portrait of Pavlik. And not just Pavlik the hare, but a hockey hare. Pavlik picked up his stick, which served as his hockey stick, and swung it like a real hockey player.

Snowman Magician showed his imagination and drew a portrait. When the hare saw him, he was very surprised. Pavlik stood not with just any stick, but with a real hockey stick. He was wearing a suit; There was a helmet on his head. The hare was sure that the grandmother would be delighted with this appearance of her grandson.

A large hare family celebrated the New Year together. Snowman Magician was with them.

And on New Year’s Eve, the Snowman artist made another portrait of the entire huge hare family.

What a success the portrait was!

Questions for the New Year's tale about a hare, a snowman and hockey

What time of year did the hare and snowman like best?

Why did the snowman feel cheerful and brave in winter?

What gift did the hare Pavlik decide to give his grandmother?

What sport did the hare like most?

Who was the artist in our fairy tale?

Where did Pavlik the hare's grandmother live?

Why was Pavlik the hare surprised by his own portrait?

Christmas story

In the distant fairytale taiga there lived friends: Arrogant Bunny, Grumpy Hedgehog and a very Brave Little Wolf.
One New Year's Eve, friends were very bored. The holiday had not yet begun and all the adults were busy with final preparations. And the sad friends thought that the fairy tale would never happen. And then the Bunny suggested:
- Let's go to the hill, ride and play snowballs!
“It’s already late, it’s dark outside, they won’t let us,” Hedgehog began to grumble.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! I am brave and strong! And I will protect you,” said the Wolf Cub.
And the three friends, without saying anything to anyone, slowly ran away into the street.
They had a lot of fun there, they rolled, tumbled and threw snowballs along with other animals.
And when they were tired and it became completely dark, the friends realized that they were lost! The animals didn’t even notice how they climbed far into the forest.
Everyone became very scared and only the brave Wolf Cub, who was not afraid of anyone, began to encourage his friends:
- Let's retrace our steps and we'll go to the house!
But the tracks were already covered with snow and it was completely impossible to see where to go. And the animals wandered off at random.
Suddenly, behind a large beautiful spruce tree, a small hut appeared with a light burning in the window.
Friends knocked and Santa Claus himself came out to them!
Santa Claus gave everyone sweet tea with very tasty candies and listened carefully to the story of how the animals got lost. He did not scold them, because everyone already understood how wrong they had acted.
The friends felt very ashamed and promised to always obey their parents.
And when everyone was warmed up and cheerful, Grandfather Frost put everyone in a sleigh, grabbed a bag of gifts and harnessed a white horse.
Santa Claus's team is magical. The sleigh with the animals flew straight through the air, and the fabulous taiga stretched below.
The friends had a lot of fun, they were literally breathtaking with pleasure!
So they flew home, where their excited parents were waiting for them.
And then there was a fun holiday!
The animals sang and danced, and organized funny pranks and competitions. And, of course, Santa Claus gave everyone gifts.
This is how a fairy tale turned out!

How the Hares celebrated the New Year.


In the morning, sticking his nose out of the hole, the red bunny closed his eyes tightly. Everything in the forest shone and sparkled - the first snow fell.

Snow... Beautiful... Winter has come... New Year is coming!!! - the hare said, or maybe he thought to himself, and rushed as fast as he could to the clearing to discuss this good news with his friends.

In the clearing, all the hares were already vigorously discussing the upcoming holiday.
The orange one was having fun and sprinkled snow on everyone; when she saw the red one, she rushed to him and started babbling:

Today we will celebrate the New Year! This is my favorite holiday. I’ve been waiting for him for a whole year, I’ve already given him gifts, but he still hasn’t come and hasn’t come. And finally...
- Yes-ah... - Violet pulled out, not taking his eyes off the snowflake that fell on his paw, - This is a mystical day. In the darkest time of the year, in the coldest weather, the biggest and most magical holiday comes, on this day...
- I don’t see anything mystical in this day. - Little Blue Zaya interrupted him, - Previously, the New Year was generally celebrated on September 1st. O-sen-yu! Immediately after harvest.

Red and Orange stopped jumping and looked questioningly at Blue.

How is autumn? Where did they get the snow for the Christmas tree?

Wow! Yes, what kind of snow? Previously, they didn’t even decorate the Christmas tree. It was all invented later.

Blue was a very smart bunny, and could talk about the history of the holiday for a long time, but then Yellow intervened in the conversation and firmly stated:

We are now - not before! We will celebrate in winter! And we just need a Christmas tree! I suggest Violet go into the forest to get a Christmas tree.

Everyone looked at Violet, who continued to look at the snowflakes and did not hear what Yellow said.

No, boys, it won't work that way. - Green Zayushka intervened, - He alone will not drag her down, and will not cut her down. You all go together.

Yellow tried never to contradict Zelenka and reluctantly agreed:

Okay, guys. Let's go find a good tree for our bunnies in the forest. In the meantime, girls, figure out how to decorate it.

Red, Purple and Yellow took a saw and walked along the path towards the forest.