Here comes a new wave of an entertaining trend among young people - spinning an incomprehensible thing in their hands. What is the name of the spinning thing in your hands and why is it needed? Why is it sold on every corner and how profitable is this business? What are the things you twist in your hands made of and how does it affect the body?

A newfangled toy that replaced chips, yo-yos and hoverboards is called spinner. Some consider it useless children's entertainment, others consider it a “cure for nerves,” and some even find it a way for daily relaxation. More details about everything in the article!

The device of a spinner - where it “came” to us and why it is needed

The device was invented back in the 90s of the last century. At that time, the spinner had no entertainment purpose at all. Scientists from the USA used the “toy” for medical purposes – they were “prescribed” to patients with retarded development and various diseases of the central nervous system.

The simple design helps develop fine motor skills, balance in case of illnesses that cause the effect of “shaky hands”, and simply calm the nerves.

Currently, the spinner is an entertaining toy that has no contraindications. On the contrary, spinning a pinwheel helps to concentrate, distract from negative thoughts, and relieve stress. Should I buy a spinner for my child? Definitely yes! We assure you that the spinner will help you take your mind off computer games and constant use of your smartphone. Considering the price of the item, the purchase should not be a matter of hesitation.

What is a spinner made of and why does it have different prices?

Now on the market you can find spinners of various colors and models. Like any newfangled toys, spinners are made in China. But this does not mean their quality is poor. Durability, alignment and quality are directly affected by the material, assembly, size, quality of bearings and cost of the turntable. For example, a primitive plastic spinner can be bought for 100 rubles, a brass spinner from 1000 rubles.

The “coolness” of the spinner is determined by the duration of the torsion of the blades. The better the material and workmanship, the longer the turntable will spin.

In addition to the basic options, you can find whimsical shapes. For example, Kim Kardashian released a dollar-shaped spinner. It has the inscription “daddy” on it. For such a creation, the author asks only $15.

It should be noted that cheap spinners also perform their functions perfectly. The only disadvantages are fragility and short-term torsion. You can appreciate all the shortcomings of a cheap device only after long-term use. It is unlikely that you or your child will use it for years. Then why spend extra money?

A new trend has come to Ukraine - a spinner or hand spinner. This anti-stress toy turned out to be a real salvation for kinesthetic learners who like to twirl something in their hands. People call this toy differently: spinner, hand spinner, finger spinner, hand spinner, spinner.

Moreover, both children and adults loved this popular toy. figured out why a spinner is needed, why the new anti-stress toy is popular and is it really useful?

What is a spinner?

The spinner is an anti-stress toy that has become incredibly popular in the USA. In the original language, the toy is called Fidget Spinner or simply Spinner.

How it works?

The operating principle of a spinner is similar to a top.

A spinner is a small gadget consisting of several parts: a housing on a bearing, a plug and external bearings. It looks like a flat structure that can be activated by hitting the side of the wing, thereby causing its wings to rotate rapidly.

History of creation

In 1993, the spinner was invented by Florida resident Katherine Hattinger. This happened because she could not play with her little daughter due to myasthenia gravis (a disease whose main symptom is rapid muscle fatigue). It was this toy that allowed her to distract and occupy the child. A little later, the woman sold several thousand devices and received a patent for her invention in 1999.

What is a spinner for?

A spinner can be used for a variety of purposes, but most often the device is used to relieve stress or keep your hands busy. Spinning helps you concentrate and can reduce anxiety or irritability.

The spinner is perfect for people who do monotonous work all day. So it's no surprise that Forbes named this gadget a "must-have office toy for 2017."

The spinner is also a good simulator for the hands - it develops motor skills and increases the sensitivity of the fingers.

The spinner is especially good for children! Thanks to the twister, you can get rid of some bad habits, for example, unlearning to chew a pencil.

What types of spinners are there?

The most popular spinner is with three petals. It spins the longest and is better suited for tricks. But there are other types of spinners.

- rectangular: with two petals instead of three

- glowing: regular, double, or triple spinner that glows

- round: spinner in the form of a wheel

- shuriken: made in the shape of an oriental weapon, a steel throwing star

How much does a spinner cost?

The price of the device depends on the type of spinner. In Ukraine, prices for a spinner start from 80 hryvnia. Although a toy made of expensive metal and light inserts can cost up to $200.

What can and cannot be done with a spinner?

- twirl in your hands

- twirl in hands

- twirl on your feet (for extreme extreme sports enthusiasts - ed.)

- brag to friends

What not to do with a spinner:

- wash in water;

- keep in a closed box out of sight.

Best selling toy of the year

In May of this year, just imagine, about 50 million spinners were sold around the world! They all differ in color, shape and operating principle.

Some of them can light up and make sounds, with the help of others you can perform tricks and make popular blogs about it on YouTube, instantly gaining thousands of views.

Is the toy dangerous for children?

Despite the worldwide popularity of the toy, there are also critics of the spinner who believe that the toy is dangerous. The main danger is that a child may swallow parts of the device.

A spinner, spinner, fidget spinner, hand spinner (fidget spinner, hand spinner) is a fashionable anti-stress toy today. It is a real salvation for kinesthetic learners who like to twirl something in their hands.

What is a spinner toy?

In the center of the spinner there is a bearing made of ceramic or metal; on the sides of it there are several blades or weights. Finger spinner is made from various materials: plastic, brass, titanium, stainless steel, copper.

A hand spinner is a kind of gadget that consists of the following main parts: a housing on a bearing, a plug and external bearings. The spinner looks like a flat structure that is activated by hitting the side of the wing, causing the wings to rotate quickly.

That is, to spin the toy, you need to hold the middle bearing between your thumb and index finger, and spin the wing with your second hand or middle finger.

The spinner was invented back in the 1990s, but only became popular in 2017. Now its popularity is growing, especially among schoolchildren who have learned to perform various tricks with it. Today, the spinner is very often presented as a toy that brings health benefits. It is interesting that in some US schools it is forbidden to bring fidget spinners because they distract from studying, and in some schools, on the contrary, they are recommended to help students concentrate.

The spinner is an effective tool for self-regulation. It is used to calm and relieve anxiety, to reduce anxiety and stress. In addition, the fidget toy helps develop fine motor skills of the fingers and increase tactile sensitivity, and this promotes concentration, strengthens memory, and develops intellectual abilities.

According to Money magazine, the popularity of these fidget spinner toys began to grow in April 2017, during which time the number of Google searches for the phrase “fidget spinner” sharply increased.

On April 27, 2017, the New York Post wrote that “so-called fidget spinners are a passing fad that is sweeping the country with its scale, and stores cannot keep up with the demand for them.”

In May, spinners topped Amazon's list of 20 best-selling toys.

Today, hand spinners amaze with their diversity. As mentioned above, they differ in the materials from which they are made (metal, wood, plastic, etc.), sizes, colors, rotation speed, weight, size of cut-out holes and edging.

Health effects of spinner toys

Money magazine published an article saying fidget spinners were "originally created and marketed as a calming aid that could be used to help stay focused." On Amazon, fidget toys were advertised as “anti-stress.”

There is a well-known teacher who used fidget spinners when working with autistic children, and they actually helped calm the kids.

But expert opinions are mixed. Some agree that fidget spinners are beneficial for people with ADHD and autism, while others argue that fidget spinners are more of a distraction than an aid to concentration.

Those experts who are in favor of fidget spinners say that they are not only a stylish anti-stress toy, but also a simulator that helps keep your fingers and hands toned. In the process of interacting with the hand twister, stress, fear, anxiety decreases, concentration improves, the level of irritability decreases, and the emotional state returns to normal.

This toy is suitable for people with monotonous or stressful work; it helps to relax, relieve stress, and redirect attention.

Thanks to the spinner, you can get rid of some bad habits: tapping a pen on the table, twirling your hair with your finger, biting a pencil, nails, and performing other meaningless actions.

In addition, with the help of a spinner toy, you can learn to perform interesting tricks, film them and post them for everyone to see.

A hand spinner is an original gift for both adults and children.

You can clearly see what a fidget spinner toy is in the video:

In the 90s, in many offices there was a so-called “anger sheet”: an A4 sheet of paper with instructions instructing you to rip it off the wall in a stressful situation, crumple it up and throw it in a corner. Today we have a thousand and one opportunities to calm our nerves in more effective and less demonstrative ways. The site's editors dived into the depths of Aliexpress and put together a selection of the best relaxation toys for you.

The tangle is an invention of the American sculptor Richard Zavitz. While studying Eastern philosophy, he discovered the Buddha's Eternal Knot - 12 links symbolizing the cyclical nature of all things. This symbol inspired Zavitz to create the sculpture “Infinity”: a closed system of 18 sectors rotating around an axis.

A little later, the sculptor recreated the reduced creation in plastic and in 1981 released it for sale under the Tangle brand. Since then, more than 60 million people have purchased this simple puzzle - as it turns out, the tangle perfectly calms the nerves, increases concentration and helps in trying to quit bad habits.

Buy for 160 rub.

Positive tactile sensations are important for quickly relieving stress. Our palms contain nerve endings, massage of which helps to instantly calm down, and with constant exposure also improves blood circulation.

A bright anti-stress ball made of elastic polyurethane foam that quickly restores its shape will replace an acupuncture massage, stabilize your well-being and lift your spirits.

Buy for 200 rub.

The invention of Japanese designer Makiko Yoshida is not an ordinary anti-stress ball. Made in the shape of a human face, the toy will demonstrate to the owner the whole range of feelings: make her smile, frown, scream or be surprised. With every grimace you will move further and further away from everyday worries.

Buy for 280 rub.

The fidget spinner, also known as the spinner or fidget spinner, was patented in the early 90s by chemist Katherine Hettinger, who invented this toy for her daughter, who had myasthenia gravis.

We only remembered it in 2016, but already at the beginning of 2017 this simple anti-stress made it into the top best-selling products on the Internet. The spinner fascinates with its rapid rotation, calms and, as many parents claim, helps curb children's hyperactivity.

There are several colors to choose from, including glow in the dark.

Buy for 165 rub.

Instead of a classic fidget spinner, you can twirl in your hand a spinner, stylized as attributes of heroes of popular films or anime: Sasuke's sharingan or Naruto's rasengan, Captain America's shield or Batman's shuriken. The children will be delighted!

Buy for 330 rub.

No matter how much you love your job, sometimes it literally drives you crazy. A magnetic transformable pen will help you survive difficult office routines. Its rod can be disassembled into 13 cylindrical neodymium magnets. Using the included magnetic balls (12 pieces) and your imagination, you can brighten up your work environment and imagine yourself as a virtuoso sculptor-inventor. In the package you will also find two replaceable tips made of conductive rubber for working with touch gadgets.

Buy for 660 rub.

If you've broken more than one pen during boring meetings or lectures, try out the magnetic Think Ink Pen. It bends and clicks silently without irritating others. The steel body is difficult to break or chew. An arc with neodymium magnets at the ends is attached to the side, which can be “driven” over the entire surface of the handle.

Buy for 360 rub.

A compact roller massager is an indispensable accessory for supporters of a healthy lifestyle. It effectively relieves fatigue and muscle pain after training. With regular use, the roller helps fight cellulite and makes the skin tightened and elastic.

Buy for 410 rub.

When you're really stressed out, squeeze the toy dinosaur and it's red-veined eyes will bulge out in a funny way. In quiet times, it will delight your eyes with soothing pastel colors. The toy is made of safe rubber, pleasant to the touch.

Buy for 270 rub.

A simple but effective “breaker” will help you out in a stressful situation. When pressed, a plastic gel mass hidden in a mesh passes through the cells, vaguely reminiscent of a bunch of grapes. The toy restores nerves and improves fine motor skills, which is useful for both adults and children.

If you try to record how much time a schoolchild spends in his hands with a smartphone, you may turn gray. You cannot take away your cell phone - the child must always be in touch for his own safety, and it is also impossible to control the time - parents are not always with their children. But it seems that a contraption has appeared that can pull modern children out of virtual reality.

The other day, showman Ivan Urgant appeared on television with a strange thing in his hands and said that the spinner (that’s what this thing is called) is at this stage a symbol of childhood. We decided to tell our readers what a spinner is and why it is so necessary for modern children.

So, let’s say right away that there is no SPECIAL meaning that adults are looking for in this toy. Three rings, and in the middle there is a bearing. The spinet rotates around its own axis. Spins for a very long time. You spin and have fun. ALL!

After the appearance of this toy on the Internet, there was immediately a stir - from rave reviews to perplexed “what is this for?” So what is this?" But for children it doesn’t matter at all - for them, owning these gizmos is a matter of “misfortune and happiness.” You can find them on the Internet in online stores at prices ranging from 350 to 3000 rubles (from the most arrogant sellers). By the way, on Aliexpress you can buy a bucket of spinners for this amount. But not everyone is ready to wait.

Sellers claim that fidget spinners help children with autism. This, of course, is complete nonsense. But one thing is undeniable - children really like these “restless spinners”.

Perhaps all parents who have schoolchildren have seen how modern children behave during recess. Most of them, leaving the office, take smartphones and headphones out of their pockets and wander into the corners. When schoolchildren have spinners, immersion in virtual reality no longer arouses such interest. After all, playing with several spinners is always more interesting: you can, for example, build a tower out of them and spin them all at the same time, or just launch several at once and see whose spinner moves longer.

To be fair, it is worth noting that in the childhood of today’s parents there was something similar - many carried bearings to school. But the modern entertainment industry responds to the needs of children more quickly. And that's great! The only important thing is that modern children like fidget spinners. And it's really cool!

And in continuation of the topic, a story about.