When talking about a healthy lifestyle, one cannot ignore such a topic as the quality of drinking water. This is an important component of health. That is why analysis of water from the tap in an ordinary city apartment or from a well in a personal plot is becoming a fairly common service. Of course, you can invite a specialist to take samples, but if your city does not have such a laboratory, then you can take water samples for analysis yourself. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the mandatory recommendations. We will talk about them in this article.

Water sampling for analysis (both chemical and bacteriological) is carried out in accordance with developed GOST standards. A number of requirements and recommendations are of a general nature, others relate to a specific type of analysis and type of sources.

So, for example, if a sample is taken from one source not only for bacteriological analysis of water, but also for chemical analysis, then samples for microbiology are taken first. Before collecting water samples for analysis, the water must be drained for at least five minutes to obtain objective results. This applies not only to the central water supply, but also to wells and wells in which a pump is installed to supply water.

  • prepare clean containers for sampling (it is not recommended to take bottles that previously contained lemonade, juice, etc.). The bottle must be thoroughly washed, and even sterilized when taking samples for bacteriological analysis.
  • drain the water for 5 minutes
  • place the container under the tap and fill it (you cannot change the water pressure)

How to take a water sample for analysis from a well or well if it is not equipped with a pump? In this case, collecting water samples for analysis becomes somewhat more complicated. Water can be collected using a bucket, ladle, pan (of course, the dishes must be clean) and then poured into the prepared container.

After collection, samples are promptly sent for testing. If the analysis is done for microbiology, then the water should reach the laboratory no later than after 2 - 3 hours. For chemical analysis this time is 6 – 8 hours. To prevent dirt from getting into the water during transportation, the container must be carefully closed. You should also avoid direct exposure to sunlight, especially if the sample is sent in a plastic container.

How to properly take a water sample for microbiological and chemical analysis?

To take samples for bacteriological analysis of water, you must be very careful. Otherwise, foreign bacteria may enter the water and distort the results. The rules for collecting water samples for microbiology analysis are as follows:

  1. To collect a sample, use only sterile containers (sterilize yourself or take specially prepared containers from the laboratory).
  2. Hands must also be disinfected or use sterile gloves.
  3. The tap must be disinfected (with fire or alcohol).
  4. Let the water drain for at least 5 minutes.
  5. The container is opened immediately before water is added to it.
  6. Do not touch the inside of the walls or lid of the pan with your fingers.
  7. The container must be sealed tightly to prevent the entry of contaminants from outside.
  8. The container should not be filled to the very top so that the inside of the lid does not come into contact with the surface of the water.

When taking water samples for chemical analysis, the container must be filled up to the neck. First, the EC must be rinsed several times with the same water that is taken for analysis. When taking samples for microbiology, sterilized containers must not be rinsed.

What to do if water analysis reveals problems?

If they turn out to be disappointing, then you need to act depending on the situation and guided by the advice of specialists. You don't always need an expensive filtration system. For example, carbon filters do an excellent job of removing most chemical pollutants. Including such dangerous substances as phenols.

GOST 31862-2012

Group H08



Sample selection

Drinking water. Sampling

Text Comparison of GOST 31862-2012 with GOST R 51593-2000, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

ISS 13.060.45
TN VED 220100000

Date of introduction 2014-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 PREPARED by Limited Liability Company "Protector"

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 15, 2012 N 42)

The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body


Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Russian Federation




4 This standard is in accordance with the international standard ISO 5667-5:1991* Water quality - Sampling - Part 5: Guidance on sampling drinking water and water used for food and beverage processing and water used in food and beverage production technology).
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned in the text can be obtained by contacting Customer Support. - Database manufacturer's note.

The degree of compliance is nonequivalent (NEQ).

The standard was prepared based on the application of GOST R 51593-2000

5 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 29, 2012 N 1514-st, the interstate standard was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2014.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for sampling drinking water produced and supplied by centralized drinking water supply systems and intended for consumption for drinking and domestic purposes, including used for the production of food and beverages (hereinafter referred to as water), which should guide the development of programs and sampling methods, sample preparation for determination of composition and properties, their transportation and storage.

This standard is used when assessing the stability of water treatment technological processes, monitoring individual operations of water treatment technological processes, assessing the quality of water before entering the distribution network, in the distribution network, including internal water supply networks of houses, and searching for causes of network contamination.

The requirements of this standard can be used to control water contamination by corrosion products; assessing the impact of materials in contact with water on its quality; water quality control carried out at various stages of technological processes in the production of food and beverages.

This standard does not apply to sampling water from underground water sources, surface reservoirs and watercourses, as well as springs.

Sampling requirements are included as part of operational programs for industrial water quality control.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2874-82* Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control
GOST R 51232-98 SanPiN

GOST 18300-87 * Rectified technical ethyl alcohol. Specifications
* In the Russian Federation, ethyl alcohol is also used in accordance with GOST R 51652-2000 "Rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials. Technical conditions."

GOST 23268.0-91 Mineral drinking waters for medicinal, medicinal table and natural table waters. Acceptance rules and sampling methods

GOST 31861-2012 Water. General sampling requirements

GOST 31942-2012 (ISO 19458:2006) Water. Sampling for microbiological analysis

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information reference index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Requirements for sampling equipment

General requirements for sampling equipment and materials used for the construction of equipment components in contact with a water sample must comply with GOST 31861, GOST 31942.

General requirements for the preparation of containers (devices) for sampling must comply with GOST 31861, GOST 31942.

4 Sampling requirements

4.1 General requirements

The location and time of sampling are determined depending on the purpose of the analysis at the most characteristic points of the water supply system: before the water enters the distribution network, those furthest from the pumping station, at elevated and dead-end sections of the network, as well as at points where the quality of the water is in doubt.

Water samples from the distribution network are taken during periods of highest water flow.

Requirements for choosing a sampling location and ensuring the representativeness of sampling must comply with GOST 2874*.
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51232-98 “Drinking water. General requirements for organization and control methods” is in force.

Before sampling, in accordance with the sampling program, a nomenclature of indicators (characteristics) of the composition and properties of water is determined, which are subject to analysis immediately after sampling at the sampling site. Indicators (characteristics) to be analyzed at the sampling site must be specified in the regulatory documents (ND) for the method of determining the indicator.

Methods of selection, preparation for determining the composition and properties, transportation and storage of water samples must ensure that the composition of the samples remains unchanged in the time interval between sampling and their analysis.

When sampling at the same point for different purposes, samples are taken first for bacteriological analysis.

4.1.1 Tank sampling

Water samples are taken from the reservoir before entering the distribution network through special samplers from taps on the water pipelines through which water is supplied from the reservoir.

Samples are taken in places located as close as possible to the tank. Before sampling, stagnant water should be drained for at least 10 minutes. In technically justifiable cases, the volume of water that needs to be drained before sampling should be determined by determining (approximately) the time required for the volume of water to flow at the existing flow rate and then setting a time equal to five times the time of flow of this volume.

4.1.2 Sampling when monitoring the stability of water treatment processes

To monitor the various stages of water treatment, sampling should be carried out before and after the relevant stage (for example, coagulation, filtration). Sampling to control water quality at various stages of water treatment (including at the inlet and outlet of water treatment devices) is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations for the water treatment process.

4.1.3 Sampling during disinfection control

Samples of water supplied for disinfection should be taken from a tap on the water supply line located at the entrance to the disinfection installation. Samples of water leaving the disinfection installation are taken at the outlet of the installation after the duration of contact between the water and the disinfectant established in the RD. It is allowed (in technically justified cases) to assess the stability of the water disinfection process, to take samples of treated water from the distribution network or directly from the disinfection installation. In this case, the sampling method should exclude the possibility of introducing polluting components into the water; the equipment used must be sterilized before sampling.

4.1.4 Sampling from the main distribution network

Sampling from the main distribution network is carried out at the outlet of water treatment facilities, from street water distribution facilities, at the most elevated and dead-end areas, after storage tanks, at the entrances before water flows to the consumer.

When taking samples from hydrants, the surfaces of the hydrant that come into contact with water should be cleaned, disinfected, and rinsed repeatedly with the test water to exclude the presence of a disinfectant in the sample.

The sampling point and its location are determined depending on the purpose specified in the program.

If the purpose of sampling is to assess the impact of materials in contact with water on water quality, to assess the fouling of materials by microorganisms, or to assess the quality of stagnant water in dead-end sections of the network, then samples should be taken from the first portion of water drainage, and the drainage time should be minimal ( approximately 5-10 s).

If it is necessary to take samples from dead-end sections of the pipeline, the time for draining stagnant water can reach 30 minutes.

The length of the conduit supplying water to the sampling tap should be as short as possible.

4.1.5 Taking water samples from the indoor distribution network

Water sampling is carried out at the outlet of the taps of the internal water supply networks of houses.

When sampling from a tap, the time to drain the water before sampling depends on the purpose of sampling. If the purpose of sampling is to assess the effect of materials in contact with water on water quality, then samples should be collected without first draining the water. For other purposes, 2-3 minutes of draining the water is sufficient to establish equilibrium conditions before sampling. When taking samples to determine microbiological parameters, metal taps should be pre-sterilized by burning with a burning swab moistened with a 96% solution of ethyl alcohol, and plastic taps should be disinfected by treating with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol, and drain the water for at least 10 minutes with the tap fully open.

4.1.6 Taking water samples from the consumer’s tap

Water sampling from the consumer's tap is carried out, if necessary, in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.5.

When determining the quality of water from a consumer's tap during outbreaks of infectious diseases, to identify the source of microbial contamination of water, sampling is carried out taking into account the contamination of the external surface of the tap, as well as all fixtures and devices used by the consumer. All fixtures and fittings should be left in place.

In this case it is not allowed:

- disinfect the tap, as well as fixtures and devices before sampling;

- carry out preliminary drainage of water from the tap before sampling.

4.1.7 Sampling of water packaged in containers, as well as poured into large containers intended for storage on trains, planes, ships

Sampling of water packaged in containers is carried out in accordance with GOST 23268.0.

Water sampling from containers is carried out in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.1. Sampling from the container is carried out from a tap intended for sampling drinking water, after its preliminary disinfection, as specified in 4.1.5.

4.1.8 Sampling of water used for food and beverage preparation

Food and beverage manufacturing processes that include one or more water treatment units that provide a number of special water requirements (e.g., softening) must be capable of collecting water samples before and after each water treatment step.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.2.

4.2 Frequency and frequency of sampling

The frequency and frequency of water sampling are established in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2874*, depending on the purpose of sampling and the following factors:
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51232-98 “Drinking water. General requirements for organization and methods of control” and Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Control” are in force. quality. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems."

- number of consumers served;

- volume of water distributed;

- quality of raw water;

- identified deviations from the quality of raw water;

- presence of identified content of polluting components hazardous to health;

- method of water purification;

- complexity and specific features of the distribution system;

- features of the determined indicators.

4.3 Statistical processing of sampling data is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2874*.
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51232-98 “Drinking water. General requirements for organization and methods of control” and Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Control” are in force. quality. Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems."

5 Sampling depending on the type of analysis performed

5.1 Sampling for chemical-analytical and radiological monitoring of water quality

Samples are taken in containers made of chemically resistant glass with ground-in stoppers or polymer materials approved for contact with water. Cork or polyethylene plugs may be used.

Samples intended to determine the content of organic substances in water are taken only in glass containers.

Requirements for the preparation of containers for sampling and (or) storage of samples must comply with the requirements of GOST 31861 and standards for the method of determining the indicator.

Before taking a sample, sampling containers, if they do not contain preservatives or are not disposable, are rinsed at least twice with the water to be analyzed and the container is filled to the top with it. When taking samples to be stored, before closing the container with a stopper, the top layer of water is drained so that a layer of air remains under the stopper and the stopper is not wetted during transportation, unless otherwise provided by the applicable standard for the method of determining (method of analysis) the composition and properties of water samples.

To determine oxygen or other dissolved gases in a sample during sampling, it is necessary to use a hose attached to a tap or pump outlet and reaching the bottom of the sample container to avoid contact of the water sample with atmospheric air. Water should flow slowly into the container through the hose.

Water must be analyzed on the day of sampling. If this is not possible, the collected sample is cooled and (or) preserved.

Requirements for the preservation and storage of samples must comply with those established in GOST 31861 and (or) the applicable standard for the method for determining the composition and properties of water samples.

5.3 Sampling for microbiological control of water quality

The sample is taken directly from the sampling tap. Hoses, water distribution nets, nozzles, etc. are not allowed.

When sampling, water should flow freely from the sampling valve and fill the sampling container in a stream.

To prevent secondary contamination of the water sample, the sampling tap is pre-cleaned and disinfected by firing, as specified in GOST 31942. Before sampling, water is drained from a sterilized tap for at least 10 minutes with the tap fully open. When taking a sample, the water pressure may be reduced.

For sampling, use glass containers with a capacity of at least 500 cm3 with tightly closing stoppers on the ground or with screw caps (glass, silicone or other materials that do not affect the life of microorganisms) and can withstand sterilization. The neck of the container must be protected with a protective cap made of aluminum foil or thick paper. Sterilization of containers is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31942. The shelf life of sterile containers is no more than 10 days.

It is allowed to use disposable sterile containers.

The sample is collected in sterile containers. The container is opened immediately before sampling, removing the stopper along with the sterile cap. During sampling, avoid contamination of the container neck and cap. Containers should not be rinsed.

If there is a constant flow of water through the sampling tap, sampling is carried out without preliminary sterilization of the tap, without changing the water pressure and the existing design of the tap.

If water is taken after disinfection with chemicals, then to neutralize the residual amount of disinfectant, sodium thiosulfate in the form of crystals is added to the container intended for sampling before sterilization at the rate of 10 mg per 500 cm3 of water or a solution with a mass concentration of 18 mg/dm.

After filling, close the container with a sterile stopper and cap.

When filling containers, there must be space between the stopper and the surface of the water so that the stopper does not become wet during transportation.

Sample analysis in the laboratory must be carried out as quickly as possible from the moment of collection.

Samples are transported in refrigerated containers at a temperature of 4 °C - 10 °C. During the cold season, containers must be equipped with thermal insulating linings to protect samples from freezing. If the specified conditions are met, the duration from the moment of sampling to the start of testing should not exceed 6 hours.

If samples cannot be refrigerated, they should be analyzed within 2 hours after collection.

5.4 Sampling for sanitary-virological testing of water

To take water samples, use sterile disposable or reusable containers specially designed for sanitary and virological research, made of materials that do not have an inactivating effect on viruses, with a capacity of 5,000 to 10,000 cm3. Containers must be equipped with tightly closing stoppers.

Sampling from the tap is carried out in accordance with the requirements of 5.3.

Transportation of samples - no more than 6 hours.

Concentration of viruses from water samples is carried out immediately after the samples are received by the laboratory according to the ND for the method approved for use.

When carrying out concentration at the sampling site, used adsorbents or filters are placed in sterile plastic bags or Petri dishes and transported in refrigerator containers at a temperature of 4 ° C - 10 ° C in the shortest possible time, but not more than 24 hours. When concentrated samples arrive in The laboratory must immediately begin eluting the viruses. The resulting sterile sample eluates are subjected to virological testing within one day.

At a temperature of minus (20±2) °C, eluates can be stored for no more than one year.

5.5 Features of the sampling procedure according to 5.1-5.4 are established in the RD for the method for determining the indicator; all deviations from the procedure must be indicated in the sampling report.

6 Requirements for the volume of samples, their preparation for transportation and storage

6.1 Sample volume

The sample volume is determined depending on the number of indicators being determined and the type of analysis in accordance with the ND for the method of determining the indicator.

6.2 Preparation of samples for transportation and storage

To minimize changes in the composition of water samples during the time required to collect, prepare, package, transport and store samples, these procedures should be performed as quickly as possible.

If contact of the sample with air is to be avoided, the container must be filled completely with water and then immediately sealed.

If the sample needs to be vigorously mixed before taking a portion for analysis, the container should not be filled completely.

If the sample is subject to filtration immediately after its collection (to prevent any possible changes in the composition of the sample), filtration methods are used, which must comply with the ND on the method for determining the indicator. In this case, avoid contamination of the container neck and cap.

In case of preservation of water samples, a note about the method of preservation is made in the test report.

For delivery to the laboratory, sample containers are packaged in clean containers to ensure their safety and protect them from sudden temperature changes.

The packaging of the collected samples must comply with the transportation conditions.

Requirements for water sample packaging must comply with GOST 31861

Storage conditions should prevent exposure of water samples to light and elevated temperatures. Joint storage of water samples and chemical substances is not allowed.

The conditions and periods of storage of samples must comply with GOST 31861 and ND on the method for determining the composition and properties of a water sample.

7 Requirements for recording sampling results

7.1 Requirements for recording sampling results must comply with GOST 31861.

7.2 Information that must be indicated in the sampling report is given in Appendix A.

Appendix A (recommended). Information that must be indicated in the sampling report

The sampling report must contain the following information:

Purpose of sampling

Location and name of sampling site

Selection date

Time (start and end) of sampling

Environmental climatic conditions at the sampling site (if necessary):

air temperature

water temperature

Water treatment stage (if sampling is carried out to control water treatment stages):




other types of processing

Determinations made at the sampling site:

Preservation method (if necessary)

Features of sample collection and storage

Equipment used for sampling

Sampling containers (material)

Position, surname, name, patronymic of the person who took the sample, and his signature.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2013

Modern water sources and underground lakes are polluted due to mass industrial production and soil contamination. Due to the fact that large amounts of toxic and hazardous substances to human health are constantly released into the soil and air, even the most environmentally friendly and green areas may contain water sources with high concentrations of harmful impurities and metals. In order to protect people from poisoning and other problems that develop due to the use of poor-quality water, any new development or purchase of a new home should be accompanied by specialized water sampling for thorough study in a specialized laboratory.

It is worth saying that it is necessary to carry out two main ones. According to the rules for collecting water samples for analysis, one check should be carried out before purchasing filtering units and treatment facilities. The second stage of the examination should be carried out after purchasing the filter. Such comprehensive analytics will help to find out how effective the filter element is, whether the water is purified in accordance with all regulated standards and whether it is safe for widespread domestic and industrial use.

It is important to note that modern filters and water purifiers do not have a universal testing function. Each of these structures is made with a built-in purification function for strictly defined groups of substances. The method of water sampling showed that some filters are effective when they filter out excess metal impurities from water, others when their work is aimed at bactericidal purification of water, etc. It is impossible to buy a filter to remove all pathogenic impurities. For this reason, it is very important to follow the instructions for sampling water, conduct analytics and test water quality before purchasing a purifier, in order to know exactly what type of pathogenic substances need to be filtered.

Taking water samples for analysis requires compliance with a number of rules when collecting liquid into containers. It is important to remember that simply drawing water from a tap or well will be a rash act, which will most likely negatively affect the results of the research and will not allow obtaining reliable data. Given the nature of the test, sampling of drinking water is carried out according to a number of basic regulated rules. The rules for water sampling are drawn up and certified by state standards under the identifiers R 51592-2000 and R 53415-2009.

Basic requirements for the procedure for collecting water for examination

First of all, it is worth remembering that there are two methods for collecting water samples:
  1. Microbiological, which allows you to determine the content of foreign microorganisms in water;
  2. Chemical, which allows you to determine the amount of foreign impurities and elements contained in the liquid.
Both types of testing can be carried out simultaneously, however, regardless of the price of testing a water sample, samples for both must be collected in accordance with a set of rules and regulations:
  • If water samples are taken from the same source, biological material is first collected for microbiological testing. The water that will be tested for its chemical composition is collected last.
  • Depending on the depth of the water sampling site and the purpose of the test, water from any source should be collected without prior ebb of stagnant water or with a low tide of 5 minutes. It is worth noting that most modern examinations require first draining water from a tap or well before taking samples of natural waters, since stagnant water in pipes can have many impurities and metal particles that affect the final test results.
  • When taking water samples for analysis from a tap, you need to remember that the liquid should flow in a thin stream along the walls of the collection container. This method will prevent large amounts of air from entering the vessel and causing pathogenic chemical reactions. It is worth remembering that any water pumping installation must be equipped with a high-quality metal tap from which water is delivered.
  • If the sampling points do not have a tap and a special water supply connection, water samples for laboratory research are taken by using clean improvised materials such as buckets, cans or bottles. However, in the process of draining water into containers, it is important to remember to minimize the ingress of air and the accumulation of excess impurities and bacteria.

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The liquid, which is intended for delivery to the laboratory for examination, must be pre-cooled to 3-5 degrees Celsius. You can cool the container by keeping it in a refrigerator or using special cooling units. The method of collecting water samples for chemical analysis determines that during the transportation of samples for examination, a lot of air, by-products, impurities and sun should not enter the liquid, since chemical reactions carried out in the collected liquid during transportation can affect the final results of the examination - distort data.

The maximum permissible storage period for a water sample, after which the liquid becomes unsuitable for testing, is 48 hours. The frequency of sampling drinking water is twice or thrice a year, taking into account the type of analysis. The ideal option would be to transport the liquid to the laboratory on the day of sample collection. After water samples have been taken, the liquid can be stored in the laboratory for 6-8 hours, after which the biological material is considered unsuitable for testing and requires re-sampling.

Water for microbiological studies

Depending on the specific testing purposes, principles and methods of water sampling, containers and liquid for collection must comply with some basic regulated standards:
  1. Microbiological analysis of water is carried out using equipment for sampling water under conditions close to sterile, in order to avoid side impurities of bacteria and microorganisms from the outside, the presence of which may affect the quality of the test. Liquid intake should be carried out after pre-treatment of the tap with a bactericidal agent, alcohol or fire.
  2. Taking water samples should be carried out in containers washed under running water, wearing sterile medical gloves, avoiding touching the neck of the bottle.
  3. Water collected for microbiological laboratory testing must be protected from dust and impurities.
  4. The lid of the container must be sterile and prevent air from entering the sample taken for examination.

Taking water samples for chemical testing

Chemical analysis has several distinctive features that affect the rules for collecting water and transporting biological material for examination.
  1. Devices for sampling water and containers where water is collected for chemicals. research must be as pure as possible and intended for food use. The container must be filled to the very top, avoiding getting a large amount of air into the sample liquid.
  2. After collecting the liquid, you need to squeeze the bottle slightly in order to eliminate the last remaining air and then tightly close the lid. Considering the specifics of the test and the importance of correctly determining the composition of the water, the container for collection should be washed several times immediately before collecting liquid and should not contain any impurities or microelements on its walls.
  3. It is worth storing the liquid for chemical testing for no more than 48 hours. If it is not possible to transport the water on the same day when the collection was made, the container can be stored in a dark, cold place, having first eliminated the presence of side factors that may affect the composition or quality of the liquid during its storage.

The EcoTestExpress laboratory offers modern services for conducting examination of the chemical and microbiological type of water. Regardless of the customer’s requirements and the specifics of the test, we guarantee a minimum amount of errors in measurements and high-quality advice upon completion of the work. Many years of experience give us the opportunity to keep up with the times and be the best in the field of microbiological testing and examination of water of any type and nature.

When taking water samples from a surface reservoir or a mine well, its temperature is measured using a special thermometer (Fig. 16.1.) or a conventional chemical thermometer, the reservoir of which is wrapped in several layers of gauze bandage. The temperature is determined directly at the water source. The thermometer is lowered into the water for 5-8 minutes, then quickly pulled out and the water temperature is taken.

Rice. 16.1. Thermometer for measuring water temperature in reservoirs, wells (a), bathometers for taking water samples for analysis (b).

Sampling of water from surface reservoirs and wells is carried out using bottles of various designs, which are provided with double twine: for lowering the device to a given depth and for opening the plug of the vessel at this depth (Fig. 16.1-b).

To take water samples from flowing reservoirs (rivers, streams), a bottlemeter with a stabilizer is designed, which directs the neck of the vessel against the flow.

A water sample from a water tap or equipped drainage system is taken:

    for bacteriological analysis, after preliminary burning the outlet of the tap or captage with an alcohol torch, draining water from the tap for at least 10 minutes, into a sterile bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, with a cotton-gauze stopper, wrapped on top with a paper cap. In order not to soak the cotton-gauze stopper, fill the bottle about three-quarters full so that 5-6 cm of air space remains under the stopper.

    Dishes with a cotton-gauze stopper are sterilized in advance in an oven at 160 0 C for an hour;

for a short sanitary-chemical analysis (organoleptic indicators, basic indicators of chemical composition and indicators of water pollution), up to one liter is taken into a chemically clean container, after rinsing it with the sampled water (for a complete sanitary-chemical analysis, 3-5 liters of water are taken).

Samples are delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible. Bacteriological studies should begin within 2 hours after sampling or, if stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 1-8°C, no later than 6 hours. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out within 4 hours after taking the sample or, if stored in a refrigerator at 1-8°C, no later than 48 hours. If it is impossible to conduct research within the specified time frame, the samples must be preserved (except for samples for physical, organoleptic and bacteriological studies, as well as BOD determination, which must be carried out within the above time frame). The samples are preserved with a 25% solution of H 2 SO 4 at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water or in another way, depending on the indicators that will be determined.

An accompanying form is attached to the selected sample, which indicates the address, type of water source where the sample is sent, the purpose of the analysis, the date and time of sampling, and the signature of the official who took the sample.

When taking water samples from a surface reservoir or a mine well, its temperature is measured using a special thermometer (Fig. 16.1.) or a conventional chemical thermometer, the reservoir of which is wrapped in several layers of gauze bandage. The temperature is determined directly at the water source. The thermometer is lowered into the water for 5-8 minutes, then quickly pulled out and the water temperature is taken.

Rice. 16.1. Thermometer for measuring water temperature in reservoirs, wells (a), bathometers for taking water samples for analysis (b).

Sampling of water from surface reservoirs and wells is carried out using bottles of various designs, which are provided with double twine: for lowering the device to a given depth and for opening the plug of the vessel at this depth (Fig. 16.1-b).

To take water samples from flowing reservoirs (rivers, streams), a bottlemeter with a stabilizer is designed, which directs the neck of the vessel against the flow.

A water sample from a water tap or equipped drainage system is taken:

For bacteriological analysis, after preliminary burning the outlet of the tap or captage with an alcohol torch, draining the water from the tap for at least 10 minutes, into a sterile bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, with a cotton-gauze stopper, wrapped on top with a paper cap. In order not to soak the cotton-gauze stopper, fill the bottle about three-quarters full so that 5-6 cm of air space remains under the stopper. Dishes with a cotton-gauze stopper are sterilized in advance in an oven at 160 0 C for an hour;

For a short sanitary-chemical analysis (organoleptic indicators, basic indicators of chemical composition and indicators of water pollution), up to one liter is taken into a chemically clean container, after rinsing it with the sampled water (for a complete sanitary-chemical analysis, 3-5 liters of water are taken).

During sampling, a covering letter is drawn up, in which they note: the type, name, location, address of the water source (surface reservoir, artesian borehole, mine well, captage, water tap, standpipe); its brief description; weather conditions at the time of sampling and during the previous 10 days; the reason and purpose of sampling (routine examination, unfavorable epidemic situation, population complaints about the deterioration of the organoleptic properties of water); the laboratory where the sample is sent; the required amount of research is noted (short, full sanitary-chemical analysis, bacteriological analysis, identification of pathogenic microorganisms); date and time of sample collection; results of studies performed during sample collection (temperature); who took the sample (name, position, institution); signature of the official who took the sample.

Samples are delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible. Bacteriological studies should begin within 2 hours after sampling or, if stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 1-8°C, no later than 6 hours. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out within 4 hours after taking the sample or, if stored in a refrigerator at 1-8°C, no later than 48 hours. If it is impossible to conduct research within the specified time frame, the samples must be preserved (except for samples for physical, organoleptic and bacteriological studies, as well as BOD determination, which must be carried out within the above time frame). The samples are preserved with a 25% solution of H 2 SO 4 at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water or in another way, depending on the indicators that will be determined.