One of the most favorite categories of toys for children of all ages is toys based on fairy tales. You need to approach the issue of choosing a toy from fairy tales constructively and carefully so as not to disappoint your child. Cinderella with golden curls is, of course, wonderful. But if the child’s favorite fairy tale is “Puss in Boots,” then no glass slippers and lace skirts will help. All you need is him - mustachioed, tailed, with a sword and luxurious boots. Fairy-tale themes are not only toys and fairy-tale characters; it could be puzzles, construction sets - whatever. What exactly should you choose so that it’s both useful and “for the soul”?

Kids love children's programs, so it is not surprising that those about Luntik, Smesharikov, Masha and the Bear, and Cheburashka are permanent sales leaders. Children especially like the fact that the toys exactly repeat their favorite characters, and even can pronounce them in their voices in several phrases. And moms and dads like that Masha and the Bears are made of safe and high-quality materials, are easy to clean and can withstand any test: from feeding with jam to bathing in the bath.

2. Children's toys that tell stories themselves

It is only at first glance that the era of Pushkin’s cat, who walks on a chain and tells fairy tales, has sunk into oblivion. The cat just transformed a little and acquired batteries. If you press the foot, the toy storyteller will tell your favorite fairy tale, and you can also adjust the sound or press pause. This is what he is, a good modern storyteller!

3. Fairytale performances

Fairy tales and games are necessary conditions for the full development of personality. But when children's toys and fairy tales are combined and transformed into a single whole, when a fairy tale can not only be told, but also shown, the effectiveness of such a symbiosis increases many times over. The development of creativity, the ability to model a situation, and the work of imagination are involved here.

Puppet theater with glove puppets

The figurines of fairy-tale characters in the form of gloves are very easy to handle; even three-year-old kids will be able to act out their favorite fairy tales. The glove doll can bow its head, gesture, and take objects.

If the glove is too large for a child’s hand, but you want to take part in the performance, you can give your child finger puppets. There are sets for very young children (recommended for children over one year old). With them you can not only act out skits, but also learn to count, develop fine motor skills, and all mothers know that the development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of speech, logic and memory.

A luxurious, “like a real” performance can be arranged if you purchase the appropriate props. The choice of screen is determined only by budget; An inexpensive and convenient option is table screens. But there are also real theaters, with a window stage, a real curtain, and a set of scenery. These are not children's toys, everything is adult.

It's fun to play with these construction sets! As a rule, they are figurines of fairy-tale characters, elements and details that allow you to “build” a fairy tale. Game with such a constructor
develops imagination, logic, coordination, makes it easy to remember the names of colors and geometric shapes. And - of course, it allows you to act out the fairy tale again, to “construct” the plot not in words, but in reality.

5. Fairytale nesting dolls

A traditional nesting doll contains from five to ten painted dolls, differing only in size. An excellent tool for developing motor skills, the concept of volume, characteristics of more and less, higher and lower. Matryoshka toys of fairy-tale characters are a relatively new phenomenon, combining classical advantages with the ability to act out fairy tales and invent role-playing games.

6. Puzzles - fairy tales

Everyone likes puzzles; their advantages (both entertaining and educational) are difficult to overestimate.
Puzzles develop intelligence, spatial-figurative and logical thinking, cultivate perseverance, patience, concentration, and teach you to finish what you start. And all this in an entertaining and playful way. And if the picture on the puzzle is your favorite fairy tale, then putting it together is even more interesting: the familiar plot both helps and complicates the task, making it more exciting.

7. Fairytale cubes/mosaic

The usual cubes, a set of only nine pieces, allow you to assemble six different pictures-plots from your favorite fairy tales. An excellent opportunity for the little ones to learn the concept of “whole” and “part”, to collect a picture about Kolobok or Luntik. The older the child, the more difficult the task, the greater the number of units in the set.

Fairy tales can be shown using figurines of fairy-tale characters in the game. Or you can become a fairy-tale character yourself! Will turn into Little Red Riding Hood, Little Cat or Gray Wolf. Even to Kolobok or Repka.
How? – wear a knitted hat with ears, nose or tail. By the way, character hats can be an excellent addition to a fancy dress costume, or even replace it.

About the benefits of fairy-tale toys

Outstanding teacher Sukhomlinsky V.A. said: “A fairy tale is a seed from which a child’s emotional assessment of life’s phenomena grows.” A fairy tale read or told (especially with expression) has a huge impact on the intellectual, moral and emotional development of a child. Fairy-tale toys represent their defining role in this process:
  • Child psychologists have proven that visual images (figurines of fairy-tale characters, pictures in books) are the basis for tracing events, strengthen and deepen the influence of a fairy tale.

  • Toys from fairy tales allow you to simulate various situations, act them out and serve as “fairytale therapy.” For example, they allow you to get rid of fears, cowardice, etc.

  • Puppet shows, acting out costumed fairy tales, games that use toys and fairy-tale characters allow the child to expand his vocabulary, teach him to formulate and express thoughts, and develop creativity.

A fairy tale is the world that most captivates growing adventurers. Through a fairy tale, children cultivate the best qualities in themselves, with it they have fun, with its help they learn about the world, with a fairy tale they grow and develop. Therefore, no one doubts how important a fairy tale is in the formation of a child’s full-fledged personality as a future adult. And fairy-tale characters have always served as an example for children. So, all parents remember what an indelible impression they made on them heroes of Russian fairy tales. Buy in Moscow toys that model your favorite characters are not a problem today. Another thing is how high quality and valuable they are in terms of the child’s development.

Where toy fairy tale characters are sold in Moscow

You will find such toys at any retail outlet. But not everywhere the quality of the product meets the requirements for a children's toy. But here it is extremely important that the same epic hero be:

  • made from quality material
  • coated with non-toxic durable dye
  • did not contain fragile, falling off parts in its design
  • did not have piercing or other types of wounding elements.

This list can be continued for a very long time. And it is very difficult for an ordinary person to determine to what extent all these requirements are met in a given toy. Therefore, it is better to immediately start choosing from the trading platform. So, in our online store we sell only the highest quality figurines - heroes of Russian folk tales, price which at the same time is completely democratic. In their production, only harmless materials and paints were used, and the entire production process fully complied with the most stringent modern standards and technological requirements. This is confirmed by the presence of all appropriate certificates. They are necessarily provided by toy manufacturing companies, which are selected by us so that they are only generally recognized leaders in their field. They do not allow violations of technology, and even more so, the deliberate use of low-quality materials.

How toys - fairy-tale characters are selected: price, quality, appearance, design

When choosing toys based on fairy tales, you need to take into account a number of fundamental criteria. One of the key ones is the age of the child. After all, if just Bunny and Kolobok are suitable for very tiny children, then for older children we need more impressive Russian fairy tale heroes. You can buy them in Moscow through our website, where the catalog filter will help you determine for what age which character is most suitable.

In order not to disappoint your baby, you need to carefully select such a toy for him. After all, he may have long grown out of the fairy tale about the little mansion, and you will happily deliver the whole set to him without receiving the same emotion in return. To do this, communicate with your child in order to be well versed in his tastes. For example, he may like the heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales. In Moscow, as throughout the country, children are very positive about the work of this poet, despite how many generations have already grown up with them.

When analyzing the assortment of the site, you need to take a closer look at the functionality of the toys. After all, if a girl likes Snow White, then she is unlikely to attract a boy to play with. Bogatyrs, soldiers and other courageous heroes are more suitable for him. You can also choose:

  • Cartoon and anime characters
  • Toys that tell stories on their own
  • Fabulous theaters and performances
  • Puppet and finger theaters
  • Construction sets based on fairy tales
  • Different models of fairy-tale nesting dolls
  • Fairytale puzzles, mosaics and cubes.

The choices can be endless. And at the same time, the main thing is not to forget whether the toy has a developmental meaning, which is extremely important for the child.

Cartoon character toys are a welcome gift for children. On this page you will find representatives of Soviet masterpieces (“Well, wait a minute!”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Mowgli”, “Dunno”, “Umka”, “Kitten Woof”, “About the Lion Cub and the Turtle”, “The Monkey and the Baby Elephant”, “Prostokvashino”, “Parrot Kesha”) and modern (“Masha and the Bear”, “Luntik”, “Smeshariki”, “Maya the Bee”, “Ice Age”, “Fixies”). Nolik and Simka dolls have various interactive effects: they make sounds, their heads glow and sway, and their limbs move.

In order for a growing person to become a full-fledged harmonious personality, cartoons alone are not enough; he must be familiar with folklore. That's why we have a wide range of figurines from fairy tales.

Here you will buy a complete kit for creating a puppet theater, which boys and girls love so much. There are miniature fun for the little ones. For example, a tiny Kolobok, which fits perfectly in the palms of a toddler and will serve as an excellent initial toy, and toy characters from the most instructive works, such as: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Cat’s House”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Emelya”, " Little Red Riding Hood", "About the Fisherman and the Fish".

Attention: some of the products are made at Russian enterprises from high-quality raw materials, painted with non-toxic paints, and can be recommended for use by children from zero to six years old. The quality of each product strictly meets all the requirements for items for babies. To the touch, the rubber sets of the Voronezh PFC are softer (easily wrinkled) than the plastisol samples from the Ogonyok plant, and the “hardest” ones are from the Vesna factory. Products of the Zateiniki and Let's Play Together trademarks are produced in China by order of Russian developers. They have been successfully sold for a long time, there have been no complaints or scandals about them, but we recommend that parents of tiny children and allergy sufferers first of all turn their attention to domestic products!

Models perfectly contribute to the socialization of a child in that their positive properties are projected onto themselves, and good deeds and deeds are imitated. These pets play an important role in the intellectual (as illustrative material when reading books, in games with repetition of plots) and emotional development of the baby, helping to overcome crises and moments of loneliness. They often become talismans and “friends in your pocket” and you can always take them with you:

+ in the crib under the pillow:

+ for a walk;

+ to kindergarten;

+ to the sea (or just to the bath);

+ to a medical institution.

They are actively used as aids in methodological classes and for the formation of oral speech in preschool institutions.


Ø activation of cognitive interest;

Ø development of communication;

Ø creating conditions for creative self-expression;

Ø development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention;

Ø formation of leadership qualities, organizational skills, mastering the roles of presenter, assistant, dispatcher, jury member, etc.;

Ø constructive communication within a social group;

Ø creating a positive psychological climate in the team.



Educator: Grishchenko E.S.

Games and exercises with fairy tales.


  • activation of cognitive interest;
  • development of communication;
  • creating conditions for creative self-expression;
  • development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention;
  • formation of leadership qualities, organizational skills, mastering the roles of presenter, assistant, dispatcher, jury member, etc.;
  • constructive communication within a social group;
  • creating a positive psychological climate in the team.

"Guess the name of the fairy tale"

All participants take turns throwing the ball to each other and calling out the first syllable or word of the intended fairy tale. The one who caught the ball pronounces the full name of the fairy tale: Sivka…….Horse…….Frost……Geese…….Red…….

« Name a fairy-tale hero with an unusual appearance"

Serpent Gorynych (fire-breathing head)

Cheburashka (large flattened ears)

Little Mermaid (tail instead of legs)

Malvina (blue hair)

"What's extra"
The presenter names several words that are found in the intended fairy tale, one of which does not relate to its content.
Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster. "The Fox and the Hare"
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, turnip, cucumber. "Turnip"

“Recognize a fairy-tale hero by facial expressions and gestures”

“Represent a fairy tale with a symbol”
Each participant conceives a fairy tale and depicts it graphically on a piece of paper.
- “Two greedy little bears”;

- "Three Bears";

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"Fairy Tale Nonsense"
Having agreed on the choice of a fairy tale, the game participants distribute roles among themselves. Each character is assigned a duty phrase, which he utters every time during the telling of the tale.
Turnip - “Wow!”
Grandfather - “I’ll show you!”
Grandma - “To hell with you!”
Granddaughter - “Cool!”
Zhuchka - “I’ll sing now!”
Cat – “Buble gumm!”
Mouse – “Come out, you sneaky coward”
The narrator begins to tell the tale, gradually increasing the pace.

Decipher the names of fairy tales and books.
1. Fox and six chickens - “Wolf and seven kids”
2.The King Under the Bean – “The Princess and the Pea”
3. Dog's wreck - "Cat's House"
4. Turkey ducks - “Geese - swans”
5.Clothed servant – “The Naked King”
6.The Falling Wooden General – “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”
7. A dog without sandals - “Puss in Boots”
8.Seven skinny women - “Three fat men”
9.Valyukha - “Teremok”, etc.

"Add name"

"Answer in one word"
Baba Yagi's method of movement is stupa.
In fairy tales this is what they call a fox - a gossip.
The pride of Marya beauty is her braid
Ivanushka's sister - Alyonushka

"Russian tales"

1st option

1. Ivan tried to wake up his brothers with this object - R ukavitsa
2. This bird sometimes turned into a crooked girl -
U dot
3. On which river did Ivan fight the miracle? -
WITH Morodina
4.Name of the fairy horse -
5. Many fairy tales cannot do without this animal -
TO he
6. Baba Yaga's home -
AND zbushka
7.Name of the fairy-tale hero -
E grinding
2nd option
1.The object thanks to which the prince found his wife? –
WITH trill
2.What did the bear wear when carrying the girl with the pies? -
TO box
3. Ivanushka’s sister -
A Lenushka
4. The cockerel choked on this -
Z ernyshko
5. The dishes from which the crane fed the fox? -
TO jug
6.Male name in fairy tales -
I van

"Amazing Transformations"
INWho did fairy-tale heroes turn into or bewitch?
- Prince Guidon from the fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee.
- The giant in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” - into a lion, a mouse.
- The eleven brothers - princes in "Wild Swans" - are swans.
- The monster in “The Scarlet Flower” - The prince.

"Extraordinary Journeys"
On whom or what did fairy-tale heroes make extraordinary journeys?
Winnie the Pooh for honey? - on the air balloon.
To Africa Doctor Aibolit? - On the ship.
On the roof The Kid is on Carlson.

« Fairytale spells"
Who spoke such fabulous words?
At the behest of the pike, at my will. (Emelya)
One, two, three, pot, cook. (Girl)
Sim, sim, open the door! (Ali - Baba)

"Who is who"
Moidodyr – washbasin; Uncle Fedor is a boy; Kaa – boa constrictor; Scarecrow - straw effigy, etc.

« Multi-colored answers"
What word should be put instead of the ellipsis?
Little Red Riding Hood
Blue Beard
Blue... Bird

"Friends and Girlfriends"
Which literary characters were friends?
Cards: Mowgli; Cipollino; Baby; Winnie the Pooh; Gerda; Crocodile Gena; Marquis Barabas; Ellie; Dunno; Olya.
1. Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa (Mowgli).
2. Cherry, Radish (The Adventures of Cipollino).
4. Piglet, Eeyore – Eeyore, Rabbit.
5. Kai.
6. Cheburashka, Galya.
7. Puss in Boots.
8. Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion.
9. Gunka, Znayka, Grumpy, Silent, Avoska, Neboska, Vintik, Shpuntik, Rasteryaika, Tube, Pilyulkin, Donut, Syrupchik, Toropyzhka.
10. Yalo.

« With and without a hint"
for the correct answer – 3 points
with one hint – 2 points
with two – 1 point
1. To have a good lunch, this vile deceiver pretended to be a kind old lady:
- in his cap, glasses and under the blanket it was difficult to recognize him;
- the girl was surprised why her grandmother had such big teeth.
2. The good girl had to lie to break free:
- the one who did not let her in, himself brought her home, suspecting nothing;
- if he had known that he was not carrying pies, the dogs in the village would not have beaten him.
3. Small traders - liars - said that their goods were magical:
- even the king believed in it;
- but if I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t have appeared before the people in the funniest form imaginable.
4. This deceiver knows many ways to get her way, one of them is flattery:
- stupid bird, believed her;
- wasting your cheese is a shame.
5. These treacherous women deceived the king, saying something that is scary to imagine:
- that’s why he saw his son for the first time many years later;
- they themselves should be tarred in a barrel and allowed to float on the sea - the ocean.
6. This liar helped his master a lot by coming up with a new name for him:
- having obtained the owner a real castle and good clothes, he turned him into a worthy groom for the princess;
- but the fact that he walked in boots greatly surprised passers-by.
7. To turn her life into a fairy tale, this deceiver declared that the unusual crystal product belonged to her:
- but it could not possibly belong to her, because it does not fit her in size;
- the hostess dropped this crystal thing when she ran home.
8. This cunning deceiver was able to change his voice:
- the children did not immediately believe that their mother had come;
- Of the seven children, there was only one left, who told the goat what happened.
9. This deceiver came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be deaf:
- the stupid little round one sang songs to her;
- when he sat on her tongue, all that was left was to swallow it.
10. The two sisters wished only the best for the third, so they set the clocks back an hour:
- they didn’t know that the sister was not at all afraid of the monster;
- but if she had asked her father to bring her new clothes, she would not have found her prince.
11. This little liar took credit for a whole invention:
- he himself didn’t know anything, so he always ended up in funny stories;
- Later everyone found out that he wasn’t the one who invented the hot air balloon.

“Blitz competition “Trick Questions”
1. Is Cinderella’s shoe simple or golden?
2. How many people pulled the turnip? - three
3. Did the bun have a bow or tie around its neck?
4. How many kids did the wolf eat in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”?
5. Masha said: “I sit high, I look far away.” Where did she climb: onto a tall tree or onto the roof of a house?
6. For what reason did Mukha Tsokotukha gather guests: a name day or a wedding?
7. What did Cinderella’s carriage turn into: a pumpkin or a rutabaga?
8. Is Malvina a blonde or a brunette?
9. What did the old man ask the goldfish when he caught it for the first time?
10. Did Little Red Riding Hood wear a wreath of daisies or dandelions?
11. Did the balloon that Piglet gave Donkey look like a ball or the sun?
12. What does the clock show when it strikes 13 times? - time for repairs
13. What did the Cluttering Fly find when it walked across the field: a samovar or a teapot?
14. How many grains did Thumbelina eat a day when she lived with the mole?
15. Whose daughter did Morozko give as a dowry: the old man’s or the old woman’s?
17. When Pinocchio received the golden key, did Barmaley try to take it away?
18. How did Emelya carry wood on the stove: in bundles or scattered?
19. Who did Shapoklyak lead on a string - a cat or a dog?
20. Where did the cone hit the clumsy bear?

"The box is a mystery"
1. Are there hidden objects in the box that the girl brought from the forest in winter to please the wayward princess and her stepmother and her daughter? - Snowdrops.
2. Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. - Washcloth.
3. Using this item you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a villain. - Needle.
4. With the help of this item, the main character found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched - Arrow.
5. A toy that was given a very funny name because it fell off the table. - Cheburashka.
6. In the box is something that shows the way - the path not only for Ivan the prince, but also for one mythical hero of Ancient Greece. - A ball of threads or Ariadne’s thread.

Materials: Large sheet of paper, paint, glass of water.
“There is an unusual city in a magical land. Dragon Be Afraid - The fight turned all the residents of the city into multi-colored clouds. From time to time it rains in the city, and droplets of different colors fall to the ground. We need to “revive these droplets.” Children are invited to put more paint on the brush and drop it onto the sheet. “The shapeless spot needs to be completed so that it is clear what it looks like.”

“Composing a fairy tale using individual words”
Material:a set of words or their symbols (for example: sun, river, wind, rain)

"Game "Colored Fairy Tales"
Come up with a pink or green fairy tale.

" If…"
Children are invited to fantasize on a wide variety of topics: “If I became invisible” - what would I use this property for? “If suddenly the toys come to life and speak” - what can they talk about?

It is based on the method of focal objects, the essence of which is to transfer the qualities of various objects to the initially selected object. For example: you need to come up with an unusual chair. Children are asked to name two or three words that have absolutely nothing to do with the chair, for example, “cat” and “Book,” for which they need to select 3-5 qualitative characteristics. The cat is affectionate, fluffy, colorful; The book is an interesting adventure book, thick.
Then they begin the main part of the game - inventing a new chair.

Based on the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” “The Hut on Chicken Legs”
Use counting sticks to build a hut on chicken legs according to the model or from memory.

The goose is drawn in cells. Draw the same one.

« Kiselnye shores"
In the fairy tale, a milk river flowed among the banks of jelly. What kind of jelly can be made from berries and fruits? From raspberries? Cherry?
Fill the jar (draw) with jelly: do the shading as shown by the arrows. Color all the berries and fruits you drew.

"Dress the children correctly"
Select pictures with clothes, shoes, hats.
Assignment: what clothes, shoes, hats are the children wearing?

"Portrait of Baba Yaga"
Pictures with fragments: faces; Hair; eyes and eyebrows; noses.
Describe the portrait of Baba Yaga according to the diagram: what kind of face? What kind of hair? What eyes? What nose?


  1. M.S. Kogan “Game Pantry” - 3rd ed., - Novosibirsk: Sibirsk. Univ. Publishing house, 2007 – 238s.
  2. Games, puzzles, riddles for preschoolers. popular manual for parents and teachers/comp. T. I. Lingo - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2003. – 208 p.