The fashion for such jewelry was introduced by the Canadian actor and model Rick Genest, known as the zombie boy. Images adorn his entire body. The skull tattoo on the face is especially impressive. By searching online for a photo of a face tattoo, you can easily find this extraordinary young man. After his filming in the video of the famous Lady Gaga, tattooed madness consumed the whole world. Now almost everyone knows him, ask anyone on the street about zombieboy, and most likely you will hear something like: “Oh, is that the guy with the tattoo on his face from the Gaga video?” or “I know, it’s that actor with the tattoo on his face.” By the way, much earlier, Mike Tyson decorated his head with an abstract tattoo, which looks extremely harmonious.

General characteristics of the body part

A tattoo is a very bold step for many, let alone people who decorate their faces with drawings! The head is one of the most delicate areas on the body. Given the thinness and sensitivity of the skin, this procedure is incredibly painful. The vessels are close, and therefore, you can never be 100% sure of the result. Not every master will agree to such a complex and risky procedure.

The most popular face tattoos for men

Although such tattoos are rare, men's facial tattoos have a long history. Initially, various decorations on the head were made for the purpose of intimidation, or to boast of victories. One way or another, they had functional value. Nowadays it is considered beautiful, and no one is shocked by a guy or girl with a tattoo on his face walking down the street. This is becoming commonplace, and for some it is generally the height of aesthetics.

So, let's figure out what face tattoos mean? We do not live in prehistoric times, and we no longer try to scare off enemies with a terrifying appearance. Is there any reason? Or is this just a tribute to fashion?

A person with a tattoo on his face subconsciously wants to stand out, become brighter and more original. For some, this is a way of self-defense, an opportunity to isolate themselves from society or identify themselves with any group of people. Often, beautiful facial tattoos can be found among athletes. Various motivations and reminders help you achieve success and not forget about your goal.

Tattoo styles that are popular among men are:

  • tribal,
  • ornamental,
  • blackwork

These tattoos use monochrome images or involving 2-3 colors. Sometimes they draw very colorful scenes or simply disfigure the face with low-quality scribbles.

The most popular face tattoos for girls

Face tattoos for girls are usually done for aesthetic purposes and do not carry any deep meaning. Usually, small tattoos are placed on the face, adding zest to the image or hiding a cosmetic defect. For example, a tattoo of a mole on the face can hide a small scar, or add charm to the “fly” that many people dream of. If nature has not endowed you with moles, the tattoo artist will put a dot where you want.

It is the camouflage of appearance flaws that most often motivates the female half to such an extraordinary act. Scars or birthmarks are not a problem, a few visits to the salon and instead of an annoying misunderstanding, a masterpiece flaunts on your face.

Every year the tattoo industry is gaining more and more popularity. Previously, no one expected bold transformations from girls, and they could even be condemned for it. But now, if a girl got a tattoo on her face, it might be a little surprising. Besides, if the image serves to improve one's appearance, why not?

As children, adults told us: “What tattoo?!” When you grow up, you can at least get a prick on your forehead!” “Big Village” found four Samarans who took it and tattooed it: we find out what kind of pain - physical and mental - the crosses and anchors on the face cause, how loved ones and passers-by react to them, whether a tattoo changes a person and whether you want to erase all this beauty.

Nastya Rosso


At the age of 15, I went to my tattoo artist and said that I wanted to tattoo my face. He answered with one phrase: “No, damn it, you’re too small for this.” I had to persuade him for a long time, and, as you can see now, I succeeded.

I have always been a supporter of such actions, and no one was surprised at my outburst: my friends had already gotten used to it, my relatives reacted calmly - everyone except my grandmother. She always wanted to raise me to be a real lady, and when she saw what happened to my face, she was silent for a long time, and then asked if I was injecting heroin. After the negative answer, however, I calmed down and after a while I got used to it. I already lived separately from my parents and I also tried not to be an eyesore for my grandmother.

For the first six months I flaunted my tattoos. I quickly got used to my reflection and wanted people to pay attention to me more often. But after a year, the constant glances in my direction began to freeze.

Grandmothers on the street periodically crossed themselves, some dropped their grandchildren off on the bus, and also shouted after me so that I wouldn’t breed. They reacted to me like I was a dinosaur.

But young people like my tattoos. I shoot nudes for famous photographers and my photographs are popular. Sometimes my tattoos are covered up because they don’t fit the concept of a photo shoot - in particular, they do this for “before” and “after” collages. But I don’t really like covering them up: face tattoos are a way to forget about a difficult past. When I cover them up, I again remember the pain and powerlessness of the days that today I would like to forget.

However, I recently covered up the tattoo myself in order to meet my boyfriend’s parents. As soon as I got on the subway, I realized that no one was looking at me and I missed it.

At the same time, I never thought about removing my tattoos because others don’t like them. For me it's cool and aesthetically pleasing, and nothing else matters. I didn't make them to wash them. But I don’t know what will happen in the future - people tend to change, and I don’t exclude the possibility that I will want to remove something from my face or body. I just try to live by logic: feel yourself, do what you want, and not what others want from you.

I often had to change jobs. For example, when I worked in an apartment sales company, ten deals out of a hundred ended unsuccessfully: employers and customers were biased towards me - they thought that because of the tattoos on my face I was incompetent or that I was simply too small for such work. I actually studied to be an actor and theater director, but I realized that this was not for me, and I consciously left my studies. In a year I'm going to apply to become an art critic, because art is what I am.

My body is proof of this. It's completely covered in tattoos. They are everywhere: from arms and legs to ribs and pubis. Everything is spontaneous: I never wait several months before a session, but immediately go and hit. Sometimes it hurts like hell, and sometimes I don’t even notice how it goes. It was the same with my face - I never made a sound during all the sessions. But the best thrill is the feeling after. Every time I look at myself in the mirror and see a new tattoo on my face, I swear happily. That's all. This is incomparable to anything.

After such tattoos, not only your appearance changes, but also your inner self - you find yourself in a different caste of people, going beyond what is permitted. When you have a tattoo on your face, you don’t care what kind of makeup you go out with or what sneakers you’re wearing. My motto in life is to simply look for yourself. And it doesn’t matter whether you have drawings on your body or whether you wear a leopard fur coat with striped leggings.

I believe that facial tattoos are a slap in the face to society. It turns out that those around me think more about my life than I think about them.

Pavel Malafeev

Entrepreneur, Harat's employee

At the age of 18, I got my first tattoo on my face - a small anchor. It didn't make much sense, I just liked the nautical theme. I tattooed the word Trust (translated from English as trust) above my eyebrow because I believe that without this quality no relationships in society are possible. The white rabbit is a reference to Alice in Wonderland. He is the coolest character who controls time. The rabbit often tells me, whispers in my ear, what needs to be done. By the way, the sketch came to me in a dream. And my strongest tattoo is a cross on my forehead. It shows my attitude towards religion: I respect the story about Jesus Christ, it is my favorite. From it you can glean something that is not visible on the surface.

I decided to fill my face and realized that there was nothing to lose - my neck and whole body were covered with tattoos. It all started with music: as a child I was a violinist, and then I started playing guitar, drums, opened a recording studio, and organized concerts. I looked at the downtrodden musicians and thought: “I want tattoos too!” I liked being noticed. Everyone in the music community supported me, but passers-by on the street stared and stumbled. Because of this, I felt scared, so I tried not to take public transport, only take a taxi. Buses sucked all the energy out of me. Sometimes the grandmothers turned into girls, flirted, discussed what kind of boys they were now.

There were no difficulties finding a job. I found an informal place - Harat's Pub. There are no strict standards here, no one points a finger at you. Before that I worked at a tattoo parlor called Riverside Tattoo. There was even a “Let’s kill your face for free” campaign. Anyone has used it - from teenagers to old people. At one point I had to leave for another job on business, and when I returned, I was simply amazed: even minors were beaten to death. Schoolchildren left the salon with eyes painted on their foreheads. I told the masters: “What are you doing, really? We will have problems." But no one complained. During the entire time the salon was open, we scored exactly thirty people. We can say that we participated in the birth of a new movement in Samara.

In my tattoo parlor they tattooed others, but I noticed that I myself was missing something. The cross on the forehead filled this void, and everything fell into place. It's cool that I'm not one of those guys who dream and don't dare. I'm the one who took it and did it. In addition, such actions helped me become more self-confident and overcome modesty - I consider this quality unnecessary in our world.

Denya Kolchanov

Tattoo master

My girlfriend forbade me to get tattoos on my face, but I dared. Secretly from her, I came to the salon and asked the master to make my dream come true. At home, of course, I was a little upset, but then I thought more about how to explain my choice to my parents. They live in other cities, and I decided to just send a photo. Mom reacted calmly: she worked as a tattoo artist for a long time - and by the way, she gave me my first tattoo at the age of 13. Dad looked at the seal of Lucifer on my temple and asked: “What is this, a drink?” I was most ashamed in front of my grandparents, but they simply remained silent.

In general, no one has caused scandals for me at home, this won’t surprise anyone on the street - every second person is downtrodden, and it’s difficult to impress clients - I work in a tattoo parlor. True, after a while I still began to regret that I had gotten a tattoo on my face and thought about removing it - I began to develop real social phobia. It’s good that my friends convinced me to leave everything as it was: they said that it was part of me, and without it I would be different.

Recently I was thinking that there is a place near my cheek where I would like to stuff my knife hand. Or a crown of thorns on the forehead. But this is still in my thoughts, my face is pitiful. In general, I began to notice that getting a new tattoo for me is like buying sneakers: you wear them carefully for a couple of days, try not to get them dirty, and then you feel comfortable and forget about them until the next passer-by starts openly yelling at you stare. When you have 57 tattoos all over your body, it's hard to hide it.

I have one cool tattoo, although not on my face. My ex-girlfriend had a chubby friend, and I laughed at her all the time. One day, to hook her even more, he stuffed a plump woman in an ice cream cone on his leg, wrote her name and threw it to her. The girl didn’t appreciate the joke, but I still really like this tattoo, it reminds me of that friend and fun times.

Problems with law enforcement agencies arise constantly. Every time I travel by train I am searched by the police. They think I'm driving drugs. For them, a tattoo with a spider on their hands is something from the zone. Because of this, I am often labeled as a person who has served time. Recently I was riding the metro near Zvezda. The female police officer gave me a real interrogation and threatened to take me to the police station. I looked at the photographs of criminals on the wall and said that I looked like one of them - simply because I also had dark hair. When she got tired of looking for leads, she let her go, but didn’t explain anything - and didn’t even apologize for the inconvenience. Over time, people on the street stop bothering you: headphones in your ears are a good thing. Grown-up women and men are increasingly coming up and saying: “Beautiful!” I am sure that if you are a closed person and treat the comments of passers-by with aggression, then they will treat you the same. I'm open-minded, so I've never been told that tattoos on my face look ugly.

Almost all of my face tattoos have no meaning. I have a cobweb on my head with a butterfly and a spider, near my temples there is a razor and a knife - American old school. It feels like getting a tattoo on your head is like going to a dentist for a session, only it’s as if they’re treating your brain, not your teeth. And also this sound, when the needle taps on the bone... I could barely restrain myself - just so as not to interfere with the master doing the work. At one point he suggested splitting the session into two parts. But it hurt so much that I replied: “No way!” I can’t stand this again.”

In this matter, it is important to catch the line and understand when to stop. I won't get any more tattoos on my face. Every person has natural beauty, and if you fill your whole face with ink, it will disappear and you will become faceless.

A tattoo on the face is a serious step that not everyone can decide to take. However, in the modern world, it is difficult for young people to stand out from the crowd and express themselves, which is why the most daring and radical solutions are used, such as facial tattoos.

You really can't surprise someone with a small tattoo, but if it is located on the face, the effect will be achieved. That is why face tattoos have rapidly become fashionable.

In our selection you will find sketches of facial tattoos for the brightest and most determined men and girls!

Men's Face Tattoos - Face Tattoo Sketches for Men

Facial tattoos for men are popular. It was the artists of this style who made radically bright tattoos so fashionable. The representatives of hip-hop themselves adopted almost the entire tattoo culture from gangsters and gangs, although today many are accustomed to thinking that this is the style of rappers.

Today, tattoos on the face of men, in most cases, are either. The inscription should be as short and succinct as possible; as a rule, it is made in a beautiful complex font (for example, Gothic or handwritten).

Women's Face Tattoos - Face Tattoo Sketches for Girls

Girls keep up with the most fashionable trends and also decide to take very bold steps. Face tattoos are not suitable for any image; this is the choice of women free from stereotypes, most often they already have piercings. Women's face tattoos are not fundamentally different from men's: they are small drawings or patterns.

Face Tattoo Meaning

On the face it depends on the sketch, not on the location. A tattoo on the face can only mean that this is a person who does not care about the opinion of society, this is a person free from boundaries who knows how to surprise.

Face Tattoo Lettering

It should be as short as possible, but at the same time very capacious. Basically, some moral values ​​are tattooed on the face, for example words "True"(Truth), "Freedom"(freedom) or "Blessed"(blessed). Also, the inscription can be the initials of the person himself or someone close. The letters are made in a complex handwritten or Gothic style.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your face?

Yes it hurts! The face is a sensitive area. There are many nerve endings on the face and no fat layer. However, due to the fact that the tattoo on the face is small, you will not have to endure the pain for very long. You can find out more about the methods in our materials.

Face tattoos are kind of fun not for everyone. It is difficult to imagine that they could gain much popularity even in our modern democratic society. Face tattoos are still rare, unique and unusual. You will only see photos on the Internet of a small number of people with such tattoos.

Ancient people used various designs on their faces, which meant something common or even sacred to their tribes. Nowadays people simply decorate their bodies and even their faces with the help of various symbols, ornaments and signs.

First of all, you must understand that a tattoo on the face is the very idea of ​​risk. You can't hide your face if your tattoo is terrible or just doesn't suit your needs. This is not the place for hiding or deleting. If you are going to get a tattoo of your face, you must be sure of the skill and beauty of your design.

Also, keep in mind that you live in a society and not all people will view this type of self-expression in a positive light. Tattoos on the face can become an obstacle when looking for work or contacts with people.

You can only create small images to tattoo your face. Your sketch is unlikely to embody your ideas. However, there are some exceptions.

Facial tattoos are also sensitive to age-related changes. Every crease can distort your tattoo.

As well as the benefits of facial tattoos, they are also interesting in the aspect of body decoration like all other tattoos. Only a courageous and self-sufficient person did not dare to decorate his face with a tattoo. They always attract attention and are in the center of people's views.

How painful were the tattoos?

The process of getting a face tattoo is painful. However, there are several factors that determine the range of soreness. One of them is psychological attitude. A good mood is the best way to save the situation.

Every person carries the pain that accompanies the process of tattooing, otherwise. It's hard to predict how you will tolerate this tattoo.

The meaning of a face tattoo

Although you might be surprised, facial tattoos are a historical phenomenon. In ancient cultures, they were used not only as a decorative element, but also as a sign of belonging to a particular caste, religion, cult or tribe. In those days, facial tattooing was the hallmark of warriors.

Today we live in relatively peaceful times where tattoos are a staple of personal style. People with face tattoos are creative, bold, attention-grabbing and goal-oriented. They are independent and are not afraid of criticism.

Face tattoo prices

It is difficult to list all the popular objects depicted on the most exposed part of our body. This is not a list of popular face tattoos. Each case is individual and unique, and there are not a large number of people involved.

Among the face, tattoos are dominated by patterns, letters, hieroglyphs, quotes, and some thematic images.

Some facial tattoos:
daggers and knives. The main meanings of tattoos with daggers and knives are strength, dexterity, revenge, betrayal and loneliness, a symbol of military service, wit and determination, impeccable clarity and precision in actions, freedom, protection and perseverance. This image is common to both men and women.

Stars. Stars are universal symbols and have many different meanings for different people. They are generally a symbol of prosperity, success and the sky.

Anchor. An anchor tattoo means hope, salvation, safety, strength, devotion and care. They often signify an endless love of swimming.

Butterfly. The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, Renaissance and resurrection. This means the ability to convert and make changes.

Such images are universal for both girls and boys. There are not any man or woman restrictions. It all depends on the style and design of the sketch. The most important thing is that this painting is valuable and special to you. This will be the best solution.

Features after care

Taking good care of your face tattoo is very important as it is the most exposed part of the body and every wrong step after care will be noticeable. The wound should be washed periodically and treated only with the necessary cream. Heat and dust are extremely unfavorable for such tattoos.

Famous tattoo face

Michael Tyson with a face painting. According to various tabloids and press reports, the tattoo design on Mike Tyson's face refers to the traditional image of the Maori tribe.

Gucci Mane. Mane has a tattoo on his face in the shape of an ice cream cone. Mane stated that he got this tattoo to show how he lives his life, “cold as ice.”

Rick Genest. Canadian model from Montreal who is better known as Zombie Boy because of his cool tattoo of a human skeleton. His face is covered with a skull tattoo.

There are many photographs of a woman named “Ruslan” on the Internet. This girl tattooed her lover's name on her face the day after she met him.

15 Crazy Face Tattoos!

With the help of a tattoo, a man not only attracts the admiring glances of women, but also shows his individuality and image. Despite the prevalence and peak popularity of body designs, not many people decide to get facial tattoos for men. The responsibility of such an experiment is too high, just like aesthetics.

Mostly small sketches are depicted on the face so that they do not look flashy and too pretentious. What could it be? These are Polynesian patterns, Gothic and subcultural skulls, inscriptions in all kinds of fonts, Orthodox crosses, and stars. More information about the pros and cons of such an experiment, the degree of pain and tips for application can be found in the article below.

The meaning of a tattoo on a man’s face depends more on the sketch itself, and not on the exact location. That is, if the Yin-Yang symbol is tattooed on the face or on the leg, its interpretation and understanding will not change in any way. But one thing is for sure, the drawing on the face will be done by the person who does not depend on the opinion of society, the framework of society is alien to him, where he likes to surprise and attract attention.

The following popular picture ideas can cope with such tasks:

Polynesian pattern– it was from the Maori tribes of Polynesia that the tradition of decorating the face with tattoos came. This is an abstract theme, as a sign of high social status, and some patterns work as amulets against evil and dark forces.

Scull– with the help of such a drawing, a man says that he is aware of the transience of existence, he is not afraid of death and is always ready to meet it. Sometimes such motives act as amulets against risks that pose a danger to life.

Inscriptions– the meaning of such a tattoo will depend on the words and semantic message that the man puts into it. The inscriptions can be in modern languages ​​- Russian, English, German, French, etc., or in ancient mysterious languages ​​- Latin, Hebrew, Arabic script.

Cross- a symbol of religiosity and belonging to a particular church denomination. It is also believed that a man honors the sacrifice made by Christ, strives to be under the protection of God, and demonstrates his loyalty to him. In this regard, the cross can serve as a talisman against evil and temptation.

Stars– first of all, this is an association with space and sky. Previously, priests and shamans who had a connection with heaven were marked in this way. It is also believed that with the help of such a pattern on the face, the owner emphasizes his status, self-confidence and even somewhat inflated self-esteem.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

If you persistently want to decorate your face with a tattoo, even if it is a small and simple sketch, be prepared for the fact that not every person in your environment will share your opinion about its aesthetics and appropriateness. It is even possible that someone will point a finger in your direction, get scared, or, on the contrary, show increased interest in you.

Pros and cons of facial tattoos for men

Only one thing can be said for sure – tattoos on guys’ faces will always be the center of attention. And you can decide whether it’s worth taking such a bold step or not if you carefully consider all the pros and cons. The undoubted advantages of body art on the face include several points:

  • spectacular look– the owners of such works always stand out from the crowd, and sometimes even cause incredible surprise among others;
  • individuality– a correctly selected sketch will demonstrate the originality and individuality of the owner, characterize him as a brave, creative person who does not depend on the opinions of others;
  • the ability to hide scars and defects - a tattoo will easily help cover existing imperfections on the skin, which in most cases becomes the reason to get a tattoo.

There are also disadvantages, namely:

  • 1) Soreness– the face has the most sensitive skin, so the work will be unpleasant. It is even possible that the master will have to use an anesthetic if the sketch is more than the minimum.
  • 2) Search for a professional master – the risks of ruining your face are too high, and given that it is now extremely difficult to find an experienced specialist, this will complicate the process. To be 100% satisfied with the final result, it is important not to skimp on the service.
  • 3) Temporary changes– as a man gets older, wrinkles and even depressions may appear on his face, which can negatively affect the aesthetics and shape of the tattoo. Today, the alternative is henna or foil tattoos, which will soon disappear on their own, but will look just as impressive as permanent work.
  • 4) Restrictions on choosing a profession - Many companies and enterprises that employ men generally do not hire people who have visible tattoos. Therefore, such an experiment can cost a good job and even a career.

Are there people in your close circle with facial tattoos?


Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your face?

The most important question that arises when thinking about whether to get a tattoo on your face or not is whether it hurts. It is worth noting that the degree of sensitivity of the procedure depends on several factors:

  • skin thickness;
  • presence of adipose tissue;
  • presence of muscles;
  • number of nerve endings;
  • proximity of the bone;
  • human pain threshold;
  • where exactly the tattoo is located - above the eyebrow, behind the ear, on the temple, on the chin or lips.

In general, we can definitely say that the master’s work will be painful. This is especially true for those with thin skin with many blood vessels. There is no fat or muscle here, and the skin is thinner than in other places. An anesthetic that reduces sensitivity can help.

Styles and colors of facial tattoos for men

Now that you have decided whether to get a tattoo on your face, have selected the desired sketch and indicated the meaning of the design, it is worth considering the style of its execution. Today, masters have a huge number of trends, but only a few of them are relevant for small drawings on the face:

tribal– Polynesian motifs, which are distinguished by patterns and compositions with contours, pointed lines and geometric shapes;

new school– youth style, in which cartoonish and funny pictures, graffiti, executed in bright colors prevail;

3 d– a drawing with an optical illusion achieved through the competent use of colors and light and shade;

graphic arts– the perfect balance of simplicity and elegance when the design is done with shading;

minimalism– simplified execution of the picture without unnecessary details and lines;

Chicano– gangster pictures, namely religious subjects, weapons, money;

blackwork– brutal style, accepting only black paint and rough design motifs;

linework– laconic execution of the drawing using lines and dashes;

finishing touches– adding paint in dots that form a pattern.

If he is an adult man with a courageous and brutal image, monochrome sketches in black and white colors will suit him. Young and creative guys are more inclined to color options.

The decision to get a tattoo should be carefully considered and balanced so as not to regret it later. We recommend that you consider the following questions in advance:

  • what kind of design you want to apply to your face, sketch out an approximate version of the sketch, you can discuss the details at an appointment with the master;
  • what meaning each element in the sketch implies, how exactly the tattoo will “work”;
  • where exactly on the face do you want to see the master’s work?– on the temple, above the eyebrow, on the chin or lips;
  • how large and rich the tattoo should be in relation to the area of ​​skin on the face;
  • in what style the master should perform the work, what shades are welcome, what is comparable to your image and appearance.

Important! Find in advance a highly qualified and experienced craftsman who has already performed similar work more than once. Evaluate his competence based on photographs of completed orders. Do not skimp on such a service, as this is fraught with consequences.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Despite the abundance of cool ideas on how you can decorate your face, ideas that definitely need to be abandoned require special attention. For example:

  • signs of subcultures– many of them activate negative energy and can repel;
  • names– sooner or later such a body design will lose its relevance;
  • scenes from cinema, fantasy– as men grow older, they will become irrelevant, and sometimes even ridiculous;
  • prison motives– if a man is not related to the zone, there will be demand from him, which will lead to conflict;
  • love theme - perpetuating the temporary impulses of the soul is also inappropriate.

Only the idea that will always be relevant will be a win-win option, since its removal is painful, traumatic for the skin and costly financially.


A tattoo on the face is undoubtedly a bold step, which not every man is capable of, but only those who are confident in themselves and do not depend on the opinion of society. Most often, such experiments are typical for young and creative guys; they choose Polynesian patterns, skulls, inscriptions, crosses and stars. Judging by the photos with examples, subject to cooperation with an experienced craftsman, the experiment is justified.