Tatiana Borisova
Article “Rhythmic mosaic”

“Perhaps the best, most perfect and joyful,

What life has is free movement to music.

And you can learn this from a child.”

I. A. Burenina.

Where else, if not in kindergarten, are there every opportunity to feel like a little artist, singer, dancer. And, even if you don’t succeed, your parents and teachers rejoice at your success and truly applaud you. I give children this opportunity by conducting rhythm classes. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “Rhythmic Mosaic,” because it combines sports exercises, dance elements, and simply fun musical games. “Are we going to rhythmics today?” - I hear this question from children as soon as morning comes in kindergarten.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children is an exciting and fun sport that children perceive as some kind of very interesting game. The physical activity I perform during rhythmics is much more interesting than ordinary classical physical education exercises, and also much more effective. Children's rhythmic gymnastics is a real salvation for those parents who are concerned not only about the time that their child spends on physical activity, but also about the effectiveness of these same activities for the child's health.

It's no secret that nowadays children lead an inactive lifestyle. The younger generation that spends a lot of time watching TV or computers is the vast majority of all children.

As practice shows, children who lead an inactive lifestyle begin to suffer from all sorts of pathologies of the nervous and motor systems after a few years.

Thanks to regular and correctly organized children's rhythmic gymnastics classes, not only the activity of children significantly improves, but also all the most important functions of the young body are improved.

In addition, the great benefit of rhythmics for children is that during exercise the functioning of the joints improves, the respiratory system is strengthened, various muscles in the body are used, and many other organs and systems. All this leads to an increase in the child’s immunity as a whole, as well as the correct formation, development and subsequent improvement of all parts of the body.

It should also be noted that those children who directly participated in rhythmic gymnastics classes have a very strong bone structure, they have more developed coordination of movements, if we compare them with children growing up with a sedentary lifestyle. The psychological factor should also be noted, because children who are instilled with a love for sports in time grow up cheerful and very active.

In the classes of the “Rhythmic Mosaic” circle, I use a system of various means of influence on the child’s body. These are game exercises, which include:

Walking and marching in different directions;

Exercises that regulate muscle tone and develop basic psychomotor qualities;

Rhythmic exercises that promote the formation of rhythmic ability;

Breathing exercises;

Exercises to develop orientation in space;

Games and play exercises without and with musical accompaniment;

All classes are held in a form that is interesting for children - playful. I offer several exercises that I use in my classes to develop rhythmic ability:


Goal: To teach children to observe and highlight pauses, to consolidate the ability to move to music in accordance with its tempo.

Equipment: Plastic steering wheels according to the number of children, phonogram “Rain” by T. Lomov.

Description: First option. The teacher plays the role of a bus driver, he has the steering wheel in his hands, the children are passengers, standing behind each other. The “bus” moves to the music, suddenly the music stops and it makes a “stop”, while all the children crouch down and spread their arms to the sides (the doors open). When the music starts, the movement resumes.

Second option. Each child represents a bus. Children arbitrarily occupy the entire area of ​​the hall. The principle of the game is the same.

Complication: The duration of pauses and musical segments should be different to prevent addiction. Children can be asked to simultaneously pronounce the sound “C” while squatting and spreading their arms to the sides when stopping.


Goal: To learn to correlate the tempo of speech and movements, the tempo of speech and movements with the tempo of the music.

Equipment: Long cord, phonogram “Horses in the stable” by M. Rauchwerger.

Description: First option. Children form a circle and, holding a cord with one hand, the ends of which are tied, begin movements in accordance with the text of the poem:

Barely, barely, barely, barely walking in circles at a slow pace

Carousel spinning, walking in circles at a moderate pace

And then around, around and around walking in a circle at a fast pace

Everybody run, run, run, run in circles

Second option. The principle of the game remains the same, but music acts as a tempo regulator.

Complication: After the children run in a circle 2–3 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement and says “Turn.” The players must turn around, quickly grabbing the cord with their hand, and run in the other direction.


Goal: To teach children to perform movements in accordance with the musical and rhythmic pattern of the melody.

Equipment: Signal flags 2 for each child, phonogram - French folk melody arranged by V. Vitlin.

Description: Children stand in a line facing the teacher, imitating him, performing movements with their hands: alternately moving their hands to the sides conveys the meaning of “long” sounds, a sharp rise of their hands up - “short” sounds.

A more difficult task for children will be motor modeling of rhythmic patterns of children's poems and songs. For example, in the song “Andrey the Sparrow,” they can be asked to do shallow squats on quarter notes, and clap their hands on eighth notes. When performing tasks like this, the main attention should be paid to the accuracy of the coincidence of the rhythmic pattern conveyed by the movement with the musical rhythm.

But I would also like to note that these activities benefit not only the children, but also myself. Cheerful, energetic music, fast pace, and, of course, mischievous lights in the eyes of children, give a boost of energy for the whole day.

Borisova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Teacher at the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten "Bell"

Malaya Vishera town, Novgorod region

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for educators “Rhythmic gymnastics for preschool children” Rhythmic gymnastics for preschoolers

Musical and rhythmic composition “Traffic Light” Musical and rhythmic composition “Traffic Light”. (for children of senior preschool age) Music: Song about traffic rules, “Traffic Light.” (Author of the text.

Long-term planning of choreography classes according to A. I. Burenina’s “Rhythmic Mosaic” program ATTENTION! THE TEXT OF THE DEVELOPMENT IS PRESENTED IN THE FORM OF A TABLE (DOES NOT INSERT HERE). PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT. Middle group Period Program.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children of the senior group “Sports” Rhythmic gymnastics “Sport” (music by Ricky Martin “Go.”) 1. I. p. - legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt of the head to the right shoulder. 2 - i. p.

Approved by the head of the MDOU

"Combined kindergarten No. 222"


Working programm

on rhythmic plasticity


"Rhythmic mosaic"

Completed by: E.I. Eshcherkina



Intonation, melody, mode, rhythm, harmony reflect the reality around us - nature, the world of human feelings, history, and the future of humanity.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development of the child are laid, and a person’s personality is formed.

In the period from three to seven years, the child grows and develops intensively, movements become his need, therefore physical education is especially important during this age period.

Recently, preschool institutions have increasingly begun to use non-traditional means of physical education for children: rhythmic gymnastics exercises, play stretching, dancing and others. The most popular is rhythmic gymnastics, the origins of which go back to ancient times.

Currently, there are many rhythmoplastic directions, and one of the most accessible, effective and emotional is dance-rhythmic gymnastics.

Availability This type is based on simple general developmental exercises.

Efficiency- in its diverse effects on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of humans.

Emotionality is achieved not only by musical accompaniment and dance elements included in dance-rhythmic gymnastics exercises, but also by figurative exercises and plot compositions that meet the age characteristics of preschoolers who are prone to imitation and copying the actions of humans and animals.

In this regard, the problem of developing a program using non-traditional various forms, means, methods of physical, aesthetic and musical education of children, taking into account FGT, becomes relevant.

The additional education club “Naughty Heels” operates according to A.I. Burenina « Rhythmic mosaic” program on rhythmic plasticity for children 3–7 years old, third edition, revised and expanded in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The program is aimed at the holistic development of the personality of children from 3 to 7 years old. The new edition was developed in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes all the necessary sections: the content of psychological and pedagogical work with children based on musical and rhythmic activities, recommendations for organizing the pedagogical process, planning work and monitoring.

Age of children and duration of the program.

The program course is designed for 1 year - classes are held once a week (total volume - 36 classes per year).

The program is designed for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)

Form of work:

Group work, work with a subgroup/individually.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Program is based on scientific principles its construction, which is taken into account when organizing the educational process:

    principle developmental education, whose goal is the development of the child. The developmental nature of education is realized through the activities of each child in his zone of proximal development;

    combination the principle of scientific validity and practical applicability. The content of the program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy;

    compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency, that is, allowing one to solve set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”;

    unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the process education of preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

    principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education.

Reflection of principle humanization in the educational program means:

    recognition of the uniqueness and uniqueness of each child’s personality;

    recognition of the unlimited possibilities for developing the personal potential of each child;

    respect for the child’s personality on the part of all participants in the educational process.

    Differentiation And individualization education and training ensures the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities. This principle is implemented taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of the child.

    The principle of consistency and systematicity. Consistency in teaching children movements, selection and combination of new material with repetition and consolidation of what has been learned, distribution of physical activity on the child’s body throughout the entire lesson. When selecting certain exercises, one should not only take into account the level of motor skills achieved by children, but also provide for increased requirements for quality indicators of movements. This is necessary in order to constantly improve movements and not delay the development of motor functions. Each new movement should be proposed after a sufficiently strong assimilation of something similar to it, but simpler.

    The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

    When organizing the physical activity of children, their age characteristics should be taken into account. The development of children's motor activity necessarily requires an individual approach. The teacher must focus on the health status of each child. In the process of performing exercises, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of children and vary the content of classes in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child. It is very important to maintain a balance: for example, more complex exercises should be alternated with less complex ones.

    The principle of health-improving orientation, ensuring optimization of children’s motor activity, promotion of health, improvement of physiological and mental functions of the body.

    The principle is a developing effect. This principle requires compliance with the repetition and gradualness of pedagogical influences (repeated implementation of the load both within one lesson and within a system of lessons; gradual increase in developmental and training influences - a systematic increase and updating of tasks in the direction of their complexity, increasing the volume and intensity of the load as the functional capabilities of the body).


child development, formation through music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, and personality traits.

Priority tasks:

development of the ability to expressively, spiritually perform movements, the ability to improvise to unfamiliar music, the formation of adequate assessment and self-esteem.

Main goals:

I. Development of musicality:

    nurturing interest and love for music, the need to listen to familiar and new musical works, move to the music, find out what kind of works they are and who wrote them;

    enriching the listening experience with musical compositions diverse in style and genre;

    development of the ability to express in movement the character of music and its mood, conveying as contrasts, conveying the basic means of musical expressiveness: tempo - varied, as well as acceleration and deceleration; dynamics, meter rhythm.

    development of the ability to distinguish between the genre of a work - dance (waltz, polka, ancient and modern dance); song (song-march, song-dance, etc.), march, different in character, and express this in appropriate movements.

    Development of motor qualities and skills:

Developing the ability to convey a musical image in plastic using the types of movements listed below.


walking - cheerful, calm, on half toes, on toes, on heels, springing, stomping step, “from the heel”, forward and backward (backwards), with a high rise of the knee (high step), walking on all fours, “goose bump” at a pace, with acceleration and deceleration;

running - light, rhythmic, conveying a different image, as well as high, wide, sharp, springy running;

jumping movements - on one, on two legs in place and with various variations, with forward movement, various types of gallop (straight gallop, lateral gallop), “light” and “strong” jump, etc.;

general developmental exercises

on different muscle groups and different character, method of movement (exercises for smooth movements, swings, springiness); exercises to develop flexibility and plasticity, accuracy and dexterity of movements, coordination of arms and legs;

imitation movements

various figurative and playful movements that reveal an image, mood or state that is understandable to children, the dynamics of moods, as well as feelings of heaviness or lightness, different environments - “in the water”, “in the air”, etc.);

dance movements

elements of folk dances and children's ballroom dance, accessible by coordination, dance exercises, including asymmetry from modern rhythmic dances, as well as multidirectional movements for the arms and legs, complex cyclic types of movements: polka step, variable step, step with stomp, etc.

Sh. Development of creative abilities:

    development of skills to compose simple dance movements and their combinations;

    developing the ability to perform familiar movements in game situations, to different music, to improvise in dramatization, independently creating a plastic image;

    development of imagination, fantasy, the ability to find one’s own, original movements to express the character of music, the ability to evaluate one’s creative manifestations and evaluate other children.

IV. Development and training of mental processes:

    training of mobility (lability) of nervous processes - the ability to change movements in accordance with different tempo, rhythm and form of a musical work - by phrases;

    development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking - based on increasing the complexity of tasks (increasing range of movements, duration of music, variety of combinations of exercises, etc.);

    development of the ability to express various emotions in facial expressions and pantomime: joy, sadness, fear, anxiety, etc., moods of various natures,

V. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual:

    developing the ability to sympathize, empathize with other people and animals, game characters;

    nurturing the need to teach younger children those exercises that have already been mastered; the ability to conduct joint games and activities with younger children;

    developing a sense of tact and the ability to behave in a group during classes;

    fostering cultural habits in the process of group communication with children And adults, follow all the rules without prompting from adults.

Anna Umnova
Club program “Rhythmic mosaic”

MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 "Smile"

Explanatory note

Relevance: Musically rhythmic movements are a synthetic activity, therefore, any program, based on movements to music, will develop both an ear for music and motor abilities, as well as the mental processes that underlie them. However, while doing the same type of activity, you can pursue different goals, for example, focusing on developing feelings rhythm in children, or motor skills, artistic ability.

The main focus of the proposed programs"Rhythmic mosaic"- psychological emancipation of the child through the development of his own body as an expressive ("musical") tool.

Problem: Clumsy and inhibited children in musical and motor terms, who need to be helped to gain a sense of self-confidence and their strengths by selecting individual material for them, which will reveal the child’s hidden capabilities. Lack of attention, will, all types of memory (auditory, visual, motor, thinking, speech - in the ability to express one’s perception in movements, as well as in drawings and verbal instructions.

Target: child development, formation through music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits.


Strengthen mental and physical health by means rhythms in the conditions of preschool education;

Form correct posture and gait;

Reduce psychological stress through relaxation with music;

Develop abilities for expressive, spiritual execution of movements;

Learn to improvise to unfamiliar music;

Form adequate assessment and self-esteem in the process of movement;

Maintain a passion for music and plastic arts;

Develop artistic and creative abilities.

Form of organization: Rhythmic compositions(classes in subgroups).

Number of classes: 1 time per week (Wednesday Friday)

Location: Gym

Implementation period: 1 year

Summing up form: report, photographic material, participation in preschool events.

Used Books:

Burenina A.I. " Rhythmic mosaic: (Rhythmic program plastic surgery for children of preschool and primary school age)"

No. Topic Objectives Deadlines Literature

1. "Jolly Travelers" Develop coordination of arm and leg movements while walking, reaction speed, and the ability to combine movements with music. September 13, 20 Burenina A.I. « Rhythmic mosaic» With. 43

2. "Rybachek"

Development of coordination, precision of movements, expressiveness of plasticity, the ability to listen to words and music, accurately conveying all the nuances of the song in movements. September 27, October 4

3. "Cheburashka" Development of plastic expressiveness, precision and dexterity of movements, and ear for music. October 18

4. "Teddy bear" Development of feeling rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination. Nov. 1

5. "Tumbler Dolls" Development of feeling rhythm, expressiveness, precision and coordination of movements. 15th of November

6. "Game of Color" Development of musical ear, reaction speed, memory, expressiveness of movements; fixing the figurative composition, they become pairs, freely positioning themselves in the hall. December 6

7. "Grasshopper" rhythm, figurative perception of music. 27th of December

8. "Squirrel" Development of softness, smoothness of the hands, formation of the skill of springing the legs during swing movements hands: development of musical ear. January 24

9. “We’re going to visit grandma in the village” Development of precision and dexterity of movements, formation of the skill of springy walking, the ability to coordinate movements with music, development of creative imagination. Consolidating the skill in a free arrangement of the composition - scattered. February 7

10. Game "Birds and Crow" Development of musicality, expressiveness of movements, ability to improvise, imagination and fantasy. 28th of February

11. "Horses" Development of feeling rhythm (around and scattered) March 14th

12. "Piglets" Development of feeling rhythm, coordination of movements, sense of balance, expressiveness of plasticity, ability to rearrange in space (in a circle - scattered) April, 4

13. "Little Dance" Development of feeling rhythm, coordination of movements, sense of balance, expressiveness of plasticity, ability to rearrange in space (in a circle - scattered) Consolidating the skill in a free position in the hall, taking the initial correct position. April 18th

14. "White Boats" Development of softness, smooth hand movements, musicality and expressiveness of movements. 1st of May

15. "March" Development of coordination of movements of arms and legs during walking, development rhythmic hearing(feelings of the downbeat, dexterity and precision of movements. May 22

16. "Chicks" Development of musicality, the ability to coordinate movements with music. June 13

17. "Chunga-changa" Development of accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements, speed of reaction, feeling rhythm, ability to improvise. 27th of June

18. "Little Red Riding Hood" Development of coordination of movements, feelings rhythm, the ability to transfer body weight from foot to foot, creative imagination, attention and memory, speed of reaction. July 18

19. Game "Goats and the Wolf" Development of creative imagination, ear for music, expressiveness of movements. Consolidating the skill of moving to the beat of music, the initial position of the arms and legs August 8

The rhythmic plasticity program, aimed at the holistic development of the personality of children from 3 to 9 years old, is an integral part of the comprehensive program “Harmony of Development” (D. I. Vorobyova St. Petersburg, 1996).

The leading idea is the use of musical-rhythmic movements as musical-rhythmic psychotraining for children and teachers, a means of psychological emancipation, self-expression of the child through mastering his body, developing mental processes: attention, will, memory, thinking, as well as musicality, emotionality, creative imagination , imagination, moral and communicative qualities, the ability to improvise in movement to music, which requires free and conscious control of the body.

The authors also consider the program as a kind of “pre-note” period in the process of musical-motor education of children, which helps to “tune the instrument” (body), teach him to hear music and express his vision of a musical work in plastic improvisation.

The program highlights tasks to improve the skills of teachers.

For each age period (3 - 4, 4-5, 5-7, 7-9 years):

· the main content is considered;

· indicators of the level of development are highlighted;

At the same time, requirements for the selection of music and selection of movements are proposed, and criteria for the availability of compositions are determined.

The system of work involves variable game forms of organizing the pedagogical process based on cooperation between a child and an adult.

The program contains methodological recommendations that reveal the path of children's development - from imitation to independence and creativity, practical material - 100 various musical and rhythmic compositions and a “Set of Videos”, which reveals the features of the organization of the pedagogical process, the nature of the relationship between children and the teacher.

Program “Top-clap, kids”

The program is a system of musical and rhythmic education of children aged 2 - 3 years old based on the use of playful musical and rhythmic exercises associated with physical and musical education programs.

The program formulates the goals and objectives of musical and rhythmic education:

· develop emotional responsiveness to music;

· develop musical sensory abilities;

· develop auditory attention, motor sphere, expressiveness of movements;

· develop sociability;

· develop spatial orientation skills, etc. An important place in the program is occupied by the child’s adaptation to the team. Attention is drawn to the need to unite the efforts of parents and teachers in raising children, in preparing holidays that act not as a show of children and a demonstration of the successes of educators, but as a common holiday.

The proposed repertoire consists of songs, the texts of which are accompanied by appropriate movements. At the same time, play exercises are systematized in strict sequence and adapted for working with children 2 - 3 years old.

The main method of musical and rhythmic education of children is an “involving demonstration” (S. D. Rudneva) of motor exercises, as well as playful interaction with an adult.

For the convenience of teachers and parents who do not have a musical education, the program comes with a soundtrack of all the melodies, specially recorded at the desired tempo and in the required sequence.

A health and development program for dance and play gymnastics (the name is made up of the names of the developers), the goal of which is to promote the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler from 3 to 7 years old through dance and play gymnastics. The content of the program is interconnected with programs for physical and musical education of preschool children.

Main objectives of the program:

· improve health;

· develop psychomotor and creative abilities, thinking, imagination and cognitive activity;

· expand your horizons;

· to develop skills of emotional expression of movements to music, freedom and creativity in movements;

· develop leadership, initiative, sense of camaraderie and hard work.

Main sections of the program:

· dance-rhythmic gymnastics: igrorhythmics; play gymnastics; game dances;

· non-traditional types of exercises: igroplasty; finger gymnastics; play self-massage; musical imitative games; travel games;

· creative gymnastics.

The program presents characteristics of each section, content in accordance with the year of study, notes of lessons and subject lessons. All sections of the program are united by the game method of conducting classes. Methodological recommendations for its application are given, requirements for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities are reflected.

Program “In the world of ballroom dance”

Designed for two years of education for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the program:

· introduce the child to the world of dance;

· to form plasticity, culture, expressiveness of movements;

· promote the development of creative manifestations.

Program objectives:

· promote the physical development of the child;

· to form an emotional and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world through music and movement;

· learn to understand the language of music and express it in dance;

· develop the ability to apply elements of ballroom dance in improvisation;

· teach the basics of etiquette.

The program consists of two sections corresponding to the content of the 1st and 2nd years of study, taking into account the dynamics of the development of children's dance capabilities. Each section provides a list of the necessary elements of ballroom dance and their description, formulas for modern dances, approximate lesson notes, and sketches for dance improvisations.

The program is included in the manual “Folklore - Music and Theater” (edited by S. I. Merzlyakova), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Program “Travel to the country “Choreography”” Av torus A. A. Matyashina

It is aimed at developing the creative abilities of preschoolers through the means of choreographic art, at expressing themselves through plastic arts, introduces them to the world of choreography, and through games introduces them to its genres, types, and styles.

Purpose of the program:

· instill an interest in choreographic art;

· develop children's creative abilities through dance art.

Program objectives:

· master the basics of classical exercise;

· familiarize children with the history of the development of dance;

· remove muscular and psychological inhibition.

The program consists of three sections corresponding to the age periods of preschool age (4 - 5, 5 - 6, 6 - 7 years), taking into account the peculiarities of the dynamics of the development of the child's annual cycle and pursuing first an educational goal, and then the development of creative abilities.

For each age group, the tasks are clarified, the content of the work and musical accompaniment are proposed, and methodological instructions are given.

Classes are conducted in a playful way. The application provides music material and games.

The program is included in the manual “Folklore Music - Theater” (edited by S. I. Merzlyakova), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Program “In the world of musical dramaturgy” Author T. F. Koreneva.

Purpose of the program:

· to form an active perception of musical art in preschoolers aged 3 - 7 years through awareness of the dramaturgy of a musical work;

· to cultivate a desire to convey musical images by means of rhythmoplasty.

Program objectives:

· develop the foundations of musical culture, musical abilities, the ability to aesthetically experience music and convey musical images in movements;

· know the simplest musical concepts;

· form expressiveness and plasticity of movements, develop creative abilities, etc.

The program consists of four sections according to age groups of children.

The entire repertoire is presented on the following topics:

· the nature of music, means of musical expression;

· musical form;

· rhythmic gymnastics complexes;

· dance compositions, games and exercises with objects;

· historical and everyday dance, paired compositions, elements of ballroom, folk and modern dance;

· playful dance creativity;

· dramatization of songs;

· staging rhythmic performances.

The program contains approximate notes for rhythm lessons, as well as a script for a rhythmic performance proposed for production at the end of the year.

The program is included in the manual “Traditions of Folk Culture in the Musical Education of Children,” approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


A program to develop creativity in dance in children aged 5-7 years. Its main goal is to teach children to creatively comprehend and embody figurative content in dance through mastering the language of expressive movements.

Children become familiar with the generalized figurative “meanings” of pantomimic and dance movements, with the help of which they learn to meaningfully and expressively convey various moods, attitudes, etc.

Features of the methodology: from teaching the language of expressive movements to performing and then to “compositional” creativity in dance.

The program reveals the theoretical foundations and principles of methods for developing creativity in dance in preschoolers. Methods of working with specific dance exercises, etudes and extended performances are described. Plans and notes for activities with children are provided.

The set of manuals “From Gesture to Dance” consists of three books. The first is a presentation of the methodology, and the second (musical repertoire) and third (dictionary of pantomimic and dance movements); - applications to the first.



According to psychologists, a preschool child is at the stage of sensorimotor development, therefore one of the main areas of developmental work in preschool childhood is its motor and sensory development.

In accordance with this, an important task in the musical education of preschool children is musical-sensory development, since this age is favorable for the development of musical sensory, without which the sensory development of the child as a whole will be impaired. In addition, musical sensory helps the development of the child’s intellectual abilities, since in the process of examining various expressive relationships of musical sounds, the child has to listen to them, compare, highlight, and generalize their properties.

There is great potential for both motor and sensory development in elementary instrumental music playing, as the child is given the opportunity to experiment with sounds. It is manipulation, playing with sounds, including musical ones as objects of cognition, that helps a child to sensory understand the world around him, begin to navigate the nature of music, and accumulate initial musical experience. Mastering musical instruments contributes to the development of motor skills (especially fine motor skills).

That is why in the practice of modern musical education there is a fairly large number of programs based on this type of musical activity, such as playing children's musical instruments and instruments.

Program “Sound Wizard” 1

An educational program for the musical education of older preschoolers, which provides for the study of musical and musical sounds, ways of distributing them through simple experiments and didactic games. The program includes children making homemade toys-instruments and learning to play them.

The goal of the program: to develop interest in the aesthetic side of children's needs for creative self-expression, initiative and independence in the embodiment of artistic ideas.

Program objectives:

· create conditions for the child to experiment with sound;

· expand the circle! Shore;

· develop creative self-expression, desire for improvisation, etc.

The course lasts 1 year and is divided into four stages.

Program “Elementary music playing with preschoolers”

The program was developed based on the combination of creative improvisational music-making by the Austrian composer Carl Orff with the achievements of domestic children's music pedagogy. The program is designed for two years of classes with children of the senior and preparatory groups.

The program is based on elementary music-making, combining singing, rhythmic speech, playing children's musical instruments, dancing, improvised movement to music, voicing poems and fairy tales, pantomime, and improvised theatrical performances.

Goal of the program:

· to instill initial skills in creative ensemble music-making based on the development of improvisational thinking and primary modeling of creative processes;

· develop the child’s natural abilities.

Program objectives:

· help children enter the world of music through aesthetic play; experience it sensually;

· cultivate the need for music playing;;


1 PROGRAM A.I. Burenina “Rhythmic mosaic” Program “Rhythmic mosaic” A.I. Burenina supplements the content of the main part due to the fact that the priority direction of the preschool educational institution is “Artistic and aesthetic development of children.” Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundation of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development of the child is laid, and the child’s personality is formed. The child grows and develops rapidly, movement becomes his need, so physical education is especially important. In our socially oriented times, when a person’s life has begun to be assessed by the measure of success, recognition and achievement of specific goals, the comprehensive development of a child through the means of music and rhythmic movements plays an important role in the development of a child’s creative and harmoniously successful personality. Rhythmic exercises promote physical education and strengthen the child’s body. In the process of working on movements to music, children’s artistic taste is formed and their creative abilities develop. Features of the “Rhythmic Mosaic” Program Focus not only on the development of children, but also on improving the professionalism of the teacher himself in the field of rhythmic movements, identifying an individual style of activity and, in connection with this, correcting the content of work “for oneself”, “for oneself in interaction with children” This is the first distinctive feature of this program. The second feature is the use as musical accompaniment, as a rule, of entire works in recordings and during direct, “live” performance (and not excerpts of 8, 16 bars, as is customary in traditional musical-rhythmic exercises). A holistic musical image is conveyed by a variety of plastic means, requiring both free control of the body and a keen ear for music, rich imagination and fantasy, and a deeper comprehension of the content of music. Going from simple to complex, from children's songs to symphonic works of classical composers (M. Mussorgsky, P. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg, C. Saint-Saens, etc.), the child gradually becomes familiar with the world of beauty, passing, as it were, “through yourself" music, the complex world of feelings and images, playing with your body the musical fabric of the work, its mood and content, and at the same time comprehending at the physical, visual and emotional levels the specific language of the means of musical expressiveness. The third feature of this program is the emphasis of teachers not so much on the external side of teaching children musical rhythmic movements (that is, the formation of motor skills), but on the analysis of those internal processes that are the regulating basis of movement to music. These are primarily sensory, mental, emotional processes, as well as their mobility. Movement is, as it were, a visible iceberg of deep mental processes, and based on the motor reaction to music, it is possible to diagnose both the musical and psychomotor development of a child with a sufficient degree of reliability. In other words, this program is a musical-rhythmic psychotraining for children and teachers, developing attention, will, memory,

2 mobility and flexibility of thought processes, also aimed at developing musicality and emotionality, creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise in movement to music, which requires free and conscious control of the body.. This program is focused not only on the development of children, but also to improve the professionalism of the teacher himself in the field of rhythmoplastic movements, identifying an individual style of activity. Rhythmoplasty classes are conducted in all groups. The goal of the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program is the development of the child, the formation, through music and rhythmic movements, of various skills, abilities, and personality traits. And, as we know, the sooner we give children a range of diverse impressions, sensory experiences, the more harmonious, natural and successful the child’s further development and the formation of his personality will be in this type of activity, such as moving to music. And, perhaps, our children will have fewer problems with the development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, the formation of beautiful posture... In other words, the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program is aimed at general, harmonious mental, spiritual and physical development, and its content and forms of work can be specified depending on the capabilities of the children and the leading goals of their upbringing (for example, correctional)*. The rhythmic plasticity program helps solve the following tasks of teaching and raising children: - development of musicality: feel the mood, character of music, develop a sense of rhythm, musical memory; - development of motor qualities and skills: coordination of movements, flexibility, plasticity, beautiful posture, ability to navigate in space; - development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movements to music. It is important to remember that the main goal of the program is the psychological emancipation of the child through mastering his own body as an expressive instrument. All these tasks are realized in the process of creative communication with children: in educational activities, in circle work, in free games, dramatization games, in preparing and holding holidays and entertainment, individual communication with a child, family holidays. Based on the repertoire from the “Rhythmic Mosaic” I conduct invigorating gymnastics and morning exercises. For morning exercises, compositions are selected with a gradual increase in the intensity of physical activity with movements (“Cheerful Travelers”, “Fisherman”, “Ball”). And in invigorating gymnastics I use exercises of a playful nature, with creative tasks and calm in tempo (“Cheburashka”, “Squirrel”, “Bear”). Many rhythmic compositions have a vivid artistic image, so the teacher, together with the children, comes up with and prepares paraphernalia for more effective and expressive performance. The very process of learning musically rhythmic compositions is based on the cooperation of children and adults. Playful communication with children helps to establish a warm, friendly atmosphere in classes, remove psychological complexes and feelings of insecurity. Children's attention is activated by performing demonstration movements, children's creative activity is stimulated, figurative comparisons are selected that characterize the play image. Important: the process of studying itself should bring joy to children!

3 Expected result: Children’s plasticity and coordination of movements have improved, creative activity has intensified, self-esteem and self-confidence have increased, and preschoolers’ posture has improved. Rhythmoplasty creates a feeling of joy, freedom of movement, causes a joyful response to music, and imparts a brighter perception of life. CONTENT OF WORK ON THE A.I. PROGRAM Burenina “RHYTHMIC MOSAIC” In connection with the interdependence of music and movement, as well as the goals of this program, the tasks of teaching and raising children are formulated. 1. Development of musicality: - development of the ability to perceive music, that is, to feel its mood and character, to understand its content; - development of special musical abilities: musical ear (melodic, harmonic, timbre), sense of rhythm; - development of musical memory. 2. Development of motor qualities and skills: - development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements; development of flexibility and plasticity; - education of endurance, development of strength; - formation of correct posture and beautiful gait; - development of the ability to navigate in space; 3. Development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music: - development of creative imagination and fantasy; - development of the ability to improvise: in movement, in visual activity, in words. 4. Development and training of mental processes: - development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime; - training of mobility (lability) of nervous processes; development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking. 5. Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual: - nurturing the ability to empathize with other people and animals; - developing the ability to behave in a group while moving, developing a sense of tact and cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults. CONTENT BY AGE GROUPS 2 3 years Young children are extremely spontaneous and emotional. Movement, especially to music, brings them great joy. However, age-related features of the body structure (short legs and arms, large head, short torso), the course of nervous processes and their maturity affect motor capabilities. The movements of babies are not yet precise and coordinated enough, the sense of balance is poorly developed, so the volume and variety of motor exercises are small and they are all, as a rule, of a playful nature.

4 Priority tasks: nurturing interest, the need for movement to music; development of auditory attention, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the nature and tempo of the music; enrichment of listening and motor experience, the ability to meaningfully use expressive movements in accordance with the musical and playful image. Development indicators. The most important indicator of the level of musical and rhythmic development of a child at this age is interest in the very process of movement to music, expressiveness of movements and the ability to convey the character of music and a playful image in plastic. With insufficient coordination, dexterity and precision of movements (which is quite common at this age), the expressiveness of children's plasticity reveals creative talent and musicality. The variety of movements performed, their correspondence to the tempo, rhythm, and form of the musical work indicate a high level of musical and motor development of the child. Planning the content of work on rhythmoplasty Thematic and thematic characteristics of the repertoire of the program "Rhythmic mosaic" "World of toys" Tumblers", "Doll", "Dollland", "Dance of Dolls and Bears", "Cats and Mice", "Dance of the Bells", etc. Favorite cartoon characters “Cheburashka”, “Crocodile Gena”, “Dance of the Dwarfs”, “Grasshopper”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Antoshka”, etc. Nature and animals “Exercise with autumn leaves”, “Children and nature”, “White” boats”, “Squirrel”, “Aquarium”, “Blue Water”, etc. Travel “We’re going to visit grandma in the village”, “Merry travelers”, “It’s fun to walk together”, etc. Favorite songs of kids, as well as their mothers and grandmothers “Cheerful Travelers”, “Chickens”, etc. Pair dances “Little Dance”, “Polka”, “Quarrel-Made Up”, “Dance with Moms”, etc. Compositions for physical education Plastic sketches to the music of A. Petrov, “The Mischief-makers”, “Cat and Mouse” and others. Games and sketches “Where are our hands?”, “Collect leaves”, “ball game”, “Find yourself a mate”, “Birds and Crows” Calendar planning Period Program content Repertoire of material. September, October Developing the ability to listen to music, begin and end movements with the music, move in accordance with the tempo of the music. Form a positive emotional “Ladushki”, “Where are our hands”, “Teddy bear”, “Rope”, “Cheerful travelers”,

5 November, December January, February March, April May perception. Developing the ability to move in accordance with the character of the music and its temperament. Develop the ability to perform simple movements as demonstrated. Develop the ability to jump on two legs from a place, clap your hands, rotate your hands, jump on two legs in place, moving forward, stamp your foot, spin in pairs, squat and half-squat. Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned “Autumn leaves”, “Roll the ball” “Who is taller”, “Show the bear”, “We walk beautifully”, “Ruler”, “Snowflakes”, “Dwarves”, “Horse”, “Pass the boat” “Bunnies” in the clearing”, “Queered and made peace”, “Handkerchiefs”, “Gather a circle”, “High knees” “Jolly travelers”, “Ducklings”, “Butterflies”, “Matryoshka dolls”, “Birds”, “Let’s run, jump”, “Polechka” Repetition of the completed repertoire For the content and planning of work in middle, older and preparatory age, see the book: A.I. Burenin "Rhythmic mosaic".

Explanatory note The main focus of the “Dance Mosaic” program offered to your attention, which, in our opinion, is universal, is the psychological emancipation of the child through

EXPLANATORY NOTE The additional general educational program for preschool education with an artistic and aesthetic orientation “Rhythmic mosaic” was developed on the basis of the program for rhythmic

ADDITIONAL GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM “Rhythmic mosaic” Art orientation Basic level Designed for children from 5 to 7 years Implementation period (total number of hours)

Clause 2.2. The description of variable forms, methods, and methods of implementing the Program should be supplemented with the following content: 1. Bekina S.I. etc. Music and movement: (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6 years old). From experience

St. Petersburg 2013 Explanatory note The purpose of the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program is the development of the child, the formation, through music and rhythmic movements, of various skills, abilities, and personality traits.

Contents of the educational program First year of study 4-5 years For children of 1 year of study, the duration of classes is 30 minutes, the number of lessons per week is 2 times. Total - 64 hours per year. Priority tasks:

ABSTRACT TO THE ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM “RHYTHMIC MOSAIC” for children from 3 to 5 years old Perhaps the best, most perfect and joyful thing in life is free movement under

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ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "CHILDREN'S RHYTHMICS" DSHO 796 GBOU Gymnasiums 1507 The educational program "Children's Rhythmics" is based on the program of A.I. Burenina “Rhythmic mosaic” for

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Software and methodological support for the educational process of preschool educational institutions At the present stage, pedagogical activity requires the music director to turn to new forms that would allow the formation

1 “Kindergarten” in Kingisepp Contents 1. explanatory note. 3 2. thematic planning of classes according to the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program... 6 3. long-term plan... 7 4. conclusion... 19 5. bibliography...

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1 Contents 1. Explanatory note 3 Purpose of the Program Objectives of the Program Forms of work Expected results 2. Thematic planning of classes in the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program... 6 3. Long-term plan.

Explanatory note The “Fidgets” program was developed on the basis of the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program (author A.I. Burenina), which was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a program

Explanatory note This program is intended for organizing rhythm classes for preschool children. It is based on the “Rhythmic Mosaic” program developed by A.I. Burenina and

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Explanatory note Dance is a means of educating and developing a child’s personality, which can create fertile ground for revealing the potential of a young person. Harmonious

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The role of musical and rhythmic movements in the all-round development of a preschool child. The process of modernization of the education system is accompanied by a rethinking of domestic and foreign educational theory and practice,

Consultation for parents Musical directors: Drygina L.B., Luchkina O.V. Freedom of movement is lightness and joy. “Dancing - developing the mind” It’s no secret that people love to move to music, but

Abstract to the general education (general developmental) program of additional education “Rhythmoplasty” Rhythmoplasty is rhythmic movements to music, and it is precisely this that is the initial stage of mastering

Contents Explanatory note. Goals and objectives of the Program. 4 Stages of program implementation. 5 Features of the age group of children.. 6 Expected results 7 Structure of classes 8 Repertoire 8 Funds required

EXPLANATORY NOTE Perhaps the best, most perfect and joyful thing in life is free movement to music. And you can learn this from a child. A.I.Burenina. Preschool age one

Contents: 1. Explanatory note. 2. The purpose and objectives of the program. 3. Criteria for assessing the level of motor development of a child.. Curriculum of the “Rhythmic Gymnastics” program for older children

Program for working with children 4-5 years old. "Rhythmic mosaic". Explanatory note Dance and rhythmic gymnastics are very popular. Rhythmic gymnastics exercises for your motor skills

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CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The essence of rhythm 3. Explanatory note: 3.1. Program goals and program objectives. Methods and forms of program implementation 5. Educational and thematic plan: 5.1. Educational and thematic plan

ADOPTED at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the MBDOU CRR 7 protocol 1 dated August 09, 2018. APPROVED by order of the head of the MBDOU CRR children's cafta 7 Romashka" WORK PROGRAM of additional education

Explanatory note Age 6-7 years Dance art has enormous power in nurturing a creative, comprehensively developed personality. Choreography classes introduce the child to the world of beauty, educate

Curriculum for kindergarten 2 of Russian Railways JSC for the additional educational program “Rhythmoplasty” from 09/01/2016 to 08/31/2017 The curriculum was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 12/29/2012

Preschool education Choreography Senior group (5-7 years old) Work program Moscow Additional educational program in choreography is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards Teaching methods used in work,

Sections of the work program 1. Introduction 2. Explanatory note 3. Thematic plan 4. Contents of the program 5. Conditions for the implementation of the program. 6. Predicted result of the program implementation. 7. Bibliography

Weeks Musical repertoire Goals, objectives of the lesson 1. 1 week 1 2 2. 2 week 3 4 3. 3 week 5 6 4. 4 week 7 8 5. 5 week 9 10 6 6 week 11 12 September October 1. Teach to perceive and transmit V

Abstract to the work program of the music director. The musical development of preschool children in modern pedagogical theory and practice is one of the best ways to reveal individual

Contents: Section I “Main characteristics”...3.. Scope and content...3..planned results...6.Section II “Organizational pedagogical conditions”...7..curriculum...7 . Calendar training schedule...8.3.working


Explanatory note The additional general education development program “Sports Ballroom Dancing” was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated February 29, 202.

Additional general developmental program of physical education and sports “Rhythmic Steps” using step platforms for children of senior preschool age in general developmental, compensatory groups

Explanatory note Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical are laid.

Autonomous institution "Educational institution of additional education for children "CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS" of the municipal formation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra urban district Raduzhny city

EXPLANATORY NOTE. Musical-rhythmic movements are a synthetic type of activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will also develop an ear for music

I. PURPOSE SECTION 1.1. Explanatory note The purpose of the program is the holistic development of the child’s personality in various types of musical activities: musical-rhythmic movements, singing, playing musical instruments,

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Abstract to the work programs of music directors The main idea of ​​the work program is humanization, the priority of educating universal human values: goodness, beauty, truth, self-worth of preschool childhood.

Explanatory note The focus of the program is artistic and aesthetic, correctional. To optimize the correctional pedagogical process, it is advisable and promising to use musical rhythms

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The choreography program promotes the harmonious development of children, teaches them the beauty and expressiveness of movements, shapes their figure, develops physical strength, endurance, and agility.

Explanatory note. The program is designed for preschool children from 19 to 20 years of age. The work program for additional education is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational

Department of Education of the Snezhinsk City Administration Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type 3” Additional educational program of artistic and aesthetic

Work program for choreography For students in grades 1-4 Implementation period 1 year EXPLANATORY NOTE. The choreography program promotes the harmonious development of children, teaches them beauty and expressiveness

The main goal of the program is to promote the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler through dance and play gymnastics. It is assumed that mastering the main sections of the program will help natural

Thematic planning of the content of work on musical and rhythmic education of children 6-7 years old month Topic of the lesson Goals and objectives, summary of the lesson Repertoire October Week of rains Development of figurative

Explanatory note. The choreography program is designed for 57 hours per year (2 hours per week), contains 3 sections: - rhythmic and gymnastic exercises, - dance etudes - improvisation of movements based on musical

SCHEME for developing the content of psychological and pedagogical work in the educational field for the middle age group Completed by: Educator Lyutko L.A. Odintsovo 2016 Contents of psychological and pedagogical

Explanatory note Musical and choreographic art are indispensable means of aesthetic education and artistic development, which can deeply influence the spiritual world of a child.

Dance studio "Caramel" Explanatory note. The program is designed for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old. The work program for additional education is compiled taking into account the Federal

Municipal Educational Institution "Childhood Center" City Methodological Association for Teachers of Senior Groups Message on the topic: "Story-role rhythmic gymnastics as a means of integrating motor and cognitive

The focus of the program Explanatory note is artistic and aesthetic, correctional. To optimize the correctional pedagogical process, it is advisable and promising to use choreography and rhythms