To get beautiful, neat curls, you need to know how to properly curl your hair with curlers. There are several types of curlers and ways to create different curls with them. Small spirals, even curls, large waves - everything will become possible not in the salon, but at home, when you learn how to use curlers correctly and read about the rules and nuances of creating wavy curls.

Types of curlers

The quality of curls is determined by many factors: length, hair type, method of curling. Also, the result directly depends on the chosen curlers. With the same tools you can look new every time.


Environmentally friendly material does not harm the strands. When using such products, your hair should be clean and dry. Wet hair will transfer moisture to the wood, and the process will be delayed. Wooden devices also easily absorb oil from the head, so they quickly get dirty. It is almost impossible to clean them. It is better to replace them with new ones after 5-7 winding procedures.

To make your curls last longer, you should first apply mousse or foam to them. After drying your hair with a hairdryer, after half an hour you can admire the beautiful curls. Usually bobbins are made of wood (straight or spiral), so the curls are small, similar to an African hairstyle.


Apply to damp hair. The mesh structure helps the strands dry faster. Such devices are distinguished by their strength and durability. The size of wavy curls depends on the diameter of the curler: the larger, the more voluminous.

It is not recommended to dry curls on metal products with a hairdryer. When heated, they contribute to hair brittleness. Therefore, it is better to wait until the hairstyle dries naturally in a couple of hours.

Attention! Frequent use of metal curlers provokes split ends. When in contact with metal, the strands become electrified.


Lightweight and comfortable, the devices are hygienic and can be washed regularly. Although this is usually not required, because plastic products do not absorb grease or accumulate dust. They do not damage the structure of the hair shaft and do not electrify the curls.

To secure the devices, you need to use rubber bands, sticks or clamps. The first option is less preferable, since creases may form on the curls.

Styling with plastic curlers takes several hours, especially if the hair is thick and long. The readiness of your hair depends on whether you use a hair dryer (15–20 minutes) or dry your hair without it (1–2 hours). The final result is also influenced by the styling product, which gives elasticity to the curls and prolongs their beauty. Depending on the diameter of the devices, the curls can be more or less large.


Curling hair with rubber curlers has its own characteristics. Due to the unique shape of the products, the curls come out slightly flattened. By choosing the appropriate size, you can get curls of different sizes.

Foam rubber

They are soft, so they are often used at night without interfering with your rest. However, with the wrong curling technology, this plus is transformed into a minus: the curls come out angular, the ends stick out unattractively.

To fix the devices, you need to bend the foam rollers at the desired angle. Another disadvantage follows from this: With frequent use, the products quickly break down.


Attention! It is advisable to curl long hair for at least 8 hours, optimally all night. For this purpose, it is worth choosing soft curlers without hard fastenings (foam rubber, velvet, boomerangs, curlers).

Ways and techniques of winding

Let's look at several ways to curl hair with curlers.


This method is suitable for women who want to make their hair more voluminous and full. Suitable for hair of any length. For the horizontal curling technique, use solid products: plastic, thermo.


  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Gently remove excess moisture with a towel.
  3. If necessary, apply styling product.
  4. Comb your hair carefully.
  5. Divide them into 3 parts: one - on the crown, 2 - in the temple area.
  6. Start the wrapping process from the parietal area. Select a thin strand above your forehead. Its width should be comparable to the width of the curler.
  7. Lift the strand up. The correct position is perpendicular to the crown.
  8. Comb the selected hair and then place the ends in curlers.
  9. Press the strand, twist it in the direction from the forehead to the crown, slightly pulling it towards the face.
  10. Make sure that the future curl is curled to the roots. Then the traces of the clamp (if there is one) will not be noticeable.
  11. Curl the middle part of the parietal zone, from the forehead through the crown and to the back of the head. You should get a kind of path of curlers located parallel to each other. Separate the strands that are not thick.
  12. Curl the hair from the temple areas in the same way.
  13. When everything is ready, put a net or a nylon cap on your head. Dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  14. Wait until the curls cool down after the hot air.
  15. After this, unwind the curls starting from the back of the head, gradually moving upward.
  16. Comb them from ends to roots.

Advice. It is better if the curled curls dry naturally. There is an opinion that because of the hair dryer, the hairstyle does not last long and the curls quickly fall apart.


The technology is optimal for creating falling, flowing curls from top to bottom, but not for adding volume to the hair. In this way, you can curl using bobbins or any other curlers that form a beautiful curl, including soft ones. The vertical method is suitable for hair of any length no shorter than 12 centimeters.


  1. Wash and lightly pat your hair dry. Apply styling product if necessary.
  2. At the top of your head, gather your curls into a ponytail.
  3. Using a horizontal parting, separate a wide strand at the very bottom, at the back of the head.
  4. Divide it into several thin ones, making vertical partings.
  5. Curl your hair in any direction. Keep the curlers vertical.
  6. Having finished the first horizontal row, proceed to the next one: again separate a wide strand, then make several narrow ones out of it and wind it. And so on until the head is completely curled.
  7. After putting on the mesh, dry your curls with a hairdryer.
  8. Wait until they cool down.
  9. Remove the curlers starting from the bottom.
  10. Gently separate curls with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb.
  11. If necessary, spray your hair with hairspray.

Hair foam is the most suitable product for curling. It does not stick curls together, does not weigh them down and makes them elastic.

Not everyone is naturally blessed with wavy hair, but every girl wants to add playfulness to her look. Boomerang curlers will help you create elastic and beautiful curls at home.

What it is?

An easy and safe way to curl hair has interested women at all times. Once upon a time, beauties used small tubes made of wood or paper as improvised means; rag curlers were also popular. Progress does not stand still, and modern materials make it possible to improve the process of turning straight hair into curly hair. Today's designs make it more comfortable and efficient.

Boomerang curlers have another name. Flirty word "papillotes" known to many. They are called special soft sticks on which strands are wound. The upper part of the tubes is usually made of soft foam rubber. Sometimes flexible rubber is used for this. There is a wire inside. It is thanks to her that the curlers are easily twisted and fixed in any position. Both versions "boomerangs" holds hair perfectly. The devices do not slip and stay securely on the head even with active movements. The only difference is that the foam is softer. These curlers allow you to curl your hair overnight. You can sleep peacefully without feeling any discomfort, and in the morning you can see nice, bouncy curls in the mirror.

Rubber sticks have a denser structure. You won't be able to sleep with them. However, they allow you to get curls that are more defined in shape compared to the results from foam rubber analogues. “Boomerangs” come in different lengths and diameters, and this is no coincidence, because the effect obtained depends on their size. Thin tubes can give your hair elegant small curls. Large ones allow you to get spectacular voluminous curls. From a wide range you can choose the option that suits you.

The color range of products is also varied. Usually these are bright and rich shades that lift your spirits.

Features and Benefits

“Boomerangs” won the hearts of beautiful ladies immediately after their appearance. And until now, interest in them has not diminished. This is explained by the numerous advantages of this type of perm over other methods:

  • Safety.“Boomerangs” do not require exposure to high temperatures to achieve the desired result, unlike thermal products, curling irons and other devices. They do not need to be “torn off” from the hair, like curlers with Velcro, damaging the structure of the curls. Well, and of course, they do not require the application of potent compounds to the strands, as with a salon perm. The result of the procedure lasts 1-2 days, but neither the scalp nor the hair itself are exposed to harmful or dangerous effects.
  • Ease of use. The principle of placing “boomerangs” on the hair is so simple that it does not require special skills. You can easily curl your hair at home the first time, you just need to follow the basic rules for the best result.

Flexible curlers are easily attached to the strands regardless of the direction of curling. It does not require any clamps, elastic bands or other additional devices for fixation.

  • Convenience. The curlers hold securely on the hair, do not fall off, and do not allow the strands to become frayed or tangled. The light weight and softness of the products make it possible to practically not notice their presence on the head, unlike traditional curlers.

You can do any household chores or even go to bed (if the “boomerangs” are made of foam rubber) without worrying about the safety of the structure created on your head and without experiencing discomfort.

  • Excellent result. After removing the elastic tubes from your hair, you will see a stunning effect. Beautiful and natural waves will instantly transform your hairstyle. The safety of boomerangs allows you to use them as often as you want. You can experiment with looks, change the intensity of the curl and the size of the curls. With such products it is easy and pleasant to be different.
  • Affordable price. The low price of curlers allows you to give yourself the opportunity to quickly curl without compromising your budget. If you rarely curl your hair, then you won't mind spending a small amount on curlers that will only be used on occasion. And if you are a big fan of curls, then you can purchase several sets of “boomerangs” of different sizes to achieve different effects.

Papillotes have only one drawback. With frequent use in bend areas, the foam coating may begin to crumble. It also happens that the wire sticks out. However, the low cost allows you to regularly update the kit without significant financial costs.


The size of the boomerangs may vary. The smallest ones have a diameter of 14 mm and a length of 180 mm. The diameter of the largest ones is 22 mm, and the length of such products is 240 mm. The choice of curl curl size should be based on the length of the hairstyle and the desired result. Those with long and thick hair will find it easier to use products of large diameter and length. Girls with short hair will need thin and not too long foam tubes. The last option is also useful for long-haired beauties if they want to create small curls.

How to use it correctly?

At first glance, it may seem that curling strands with curlers is an elementary task. However, not all so simple. To avoid having ugly and uneven “creases” instead of luxurious curls or perky curls, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before you start creating a new hairstyle, you need to rinse hair thoroughly. Then they should be slightly dried. It is better to use wet strands with curlers. Absolutely dry hair may not be curlable. Wet strands will not be able to dry completely in a curled state, even if you sit with curlers all day. As a result, curls can turn out indistinct and quickly lose shape.
  • Apply a special styling product to damp hair. This will help the hairstyle last longer and provide clearer curl definition. The main thing is to observe the measure, otherwise you risk getting the look of stale hair. The best solution would be to apply styling mousse not to the entire length of the strands, but only to the area from the middle part of the hair to the ends. This secret will make your hair lighter, fuller and more natural.

  • Decide what kind of styling you need. For a neat hairstyle, you need a symmetrical mirror arrangement of “boomerangs”. For the effect of slight negligence, it would be appropriate to secure them chaotically.
  • Comb your curls and separate them into sections according to the chosen concept. In this case, take into account the number of papillots available.
  • It is better to start curling from the crown, moving to the occipital area. Then curl the hair at the temples. Lastly, the part from the crown to the face is processed.

Using boomerangs is easy:

  • Before winding, each strand must be rolled into a kind of bundle. The hair is then placed in the middle of a foam stick and curled in one of two ways. The first involves placing the curlers at the very root of the hair. The strand is “wound” around the “boomerang”, which remains motionless. The second method is to place a curling iron at the end of the strand. In this case, the tube rotates itself, twisting the curl towards itself.

  • When the strand is completely wound around the boomerang, its ends are bent towards the center. This will fix the curlers on your hair for the time you need.
  • Wait a few hours ( at least 3).
  • You can let your hair dry yourself or lightly dry them with a hairdryer without removing the curlers.
  • If the perm is done in the evening, you you can safely go to bed. It is recommended to wear a scarf on your head. It will help avoid premature fall of boomerangs and tangling of curls.
  • When the hair is dry and takes the desired shape, The curlers can be carefully removed. Start from the bottom of your hair.
  • If the intensity of the curl suits you, It's better not to comb your hair. Just straighten them with your hands and lightly varnish them. For better hold, first tilt your head down and spray the ends of your curls. Then return to the starting position and repeat the fixation over the styling. If the curls turn out to be too “cool”, go through the hairstyle with a comb with large and sparse teeth.

Hairstyle options

Vertical curls

For this hairstyle, you need two packs of boomerangs, and if your hair is thick and long, then three. You need to wind the strands starting from the crown and towards the back of the head. In this case, each stick must be held vertically. This is the only way when removing the “boomerangs” the curls will curl in the same direction. After putting on all the curlers, you can lightly spray your hair with hairspray. After a few hours, the curlers are removed. Combing is not recommended. You just need to straighten your hair with your hands and slightly stretch the curls to the bottom.

When using thin “boomerangs”, curls become more expressive. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the length of the hair in this case seems much shorter.

Large curls

Large “heavy” curls starting from the middle of the hairstyle are not difficult to obtain. For this you will need large diameter tubes. Here, one package may be enough, because the strands for winding are chosen to be quite wide. The lower part of the hairstyle is separated with a comb. The top hair is secured with a hairpin. Each strand is twisted, starting from the end of the hair and reaching to the middle. With this method of curling it is especially convenient to sleep, because the curlers do not interfere at all.

Maximum naturalness

The effect of natural curly hair can be achieved with the help of “boomerangs”. In this case, curlers of different diameters will be required. You can fasten them chaotically or adhere to symmetry, depending on the degree of “light disorder” that you want to get on your head. You can also experiment with the direction of curling and the placement of curls.


“Boomerangs” can be used not only to obtain expressive curls. They are also useful for adding volume to thin and weak hair. To do this, choose large curlers, and after removing them, simply comb your hair. To obtain this effect, waiting 2 hours is enough.

Features of application

The result of use depends on the length of the hair:

  • For long hair. Long-haired beauties can afford any style. And large curls, and small flirty curls, and soft waves - any effect is possible on such hair. It all depends on what technique you use to curl your strands. The main thing is to choose boomerangs that are long enough so that they fit securely on your head.
  • To medium. Medium length hair can also be curled using all of the above methods. It is worth remembering that the thinner the strands on which the curlers are wound, the more magnificent the hairstyle will be.
  • For short ones. For girls with short hair, it is better to choose short curl curlers. Otherwise, the curlers will fall off and create discomfort. When it comes to hairstyles, it is important to curl the strands all the way to the root. The option with curls from the middle of the hair is not suitable here. On short hair, both small vertical curls created by the thinnest “boomerangs” and light waves obtained from medium-diameter curlers look great. For a natural effect, you can perm not all over your head, but selectively in some areas.

How to consolidate the result for a long time?

To keep your curls as long as possible, you need to use styling products. Before winding, each strand must be treated with fixing foam or mousse. After removing the boomerangs, the hairstyle should be secured again with hairspray.

It is also important to remember that very large and very small curls develop faster. For a long-lasting effect, choose curlers of medium diameter.

Magic Leverage curlers are a useful invention for girls with straight hair. These interesting devices are made in the form of spiral tubes made of soft material - elastic nylon fiber. Their surface looks like a dense mesh that does not impede the passage of air. It holds its shape perfectly and creates a flawless curl, allowing it to dry quickly. At the ends there are durable silicone tips that securely and carefully fix the strands.

Suitable for independent use and allow you to do flawless styling with minimal time and effort. They successfully curl coarse and unruly hair, as well as strands of different lengths in a cascading haircut. Such hairdressing devices can be worn at night and allow you to create different types of curls - from small curls to large waves or the effect of additional volume.

Spiral curlers are simple and easy to use. They allow you to create bouncy, natural-looking curls by pulling the strands into an elastic tube using a special hook. After this, the tube smoothly twists and takes the shape of a spiral, and the hair turns into beautiful curls. Step-by-step instructions for using Magic Leverage spiral curlers are given below.

How to use flexible curlers Magic Leverage⬆

To get elastic and well-curled curls using Magic Leverage spirals, you need:

Advantages and disadvantages of Magic Leverage tape curlers⬆

These miracle curlers combine a lot of advantages. They are easy to use and do not harm the hair - unlike hot rollers and hot curling irons, which damage the hair structure. Using soft spiral curlers is a gentle and effective curling method that allows you to achieve perfect styling without much effort and sleepless nights.

Among other advantages, the girls note:

Among the disadvantages of Magic Leverage flexible spiral curlers, customers note the insufficient strength of the hook supplied. If you apply a lot of force, the hook breaks, especially for girls with thick hair who are trying to push a wide strand into the tube. To solve this problem, you can use a hairpin or make a hook from a thin stem of an artificial flower. To do this, you need to bend the edge of the stem and carefully tie it with electrical tape. Also, when curling a large volume of hair, the drying time can be significantly delayed. To speed up this process, you will have to use a hairdryer.

Choosing the right Magic Leverage curlers⬆

These curlers are supplied in various sets, most often of 18 or 20 multi-colored spirals. Depending on the length of your hair, you can choose products of the appropriate size:

  • for short hair - any length of flexible ribbon curlers is suitable, from 15 to 55 cm, but it is more convenient to use shorter models;
  • for hair of moderate length - buy spiral curlers 30–55 cm long;
  • for long hair – products with a length of 45–58 cm are intended.

These curlers also differ in the diameter of the spiral tubes. For larger curls, models with a diameter of 3 cm are recommended, for small ones - 2 cm, and for creating soft curls and the effect of a voluminous hairstyle, the widest spirals are intended - with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

Tips for using flexible spiral curlers⬆

To get gorgeous curls the first time, consider the following tips:

  • Before using Magic Leverage magic curlers, dry your hair well - it should not be wet, but slightly damp, otherwise drying it will be problematic;
  • Pre-treat thin and unruly hair with mousse or other soft styling product;
  • there is no need to twist your hair into ribbons - to form curls, use the included hook, with which the separated strands are threaded inside the spiral tubes;
  • for coarse hair, it is recommended to use the “Japanese” variety of spiral curlers;
  • for long and thick hair, buy several sets to get approximately 48 curlers;
  • choose the right curler tubes depending on the length of the strands;
  • do not push too thick strands through the tubes;
  • when curling hair along the entire length, hook the separated strands closer to the root zone;
  • Keep the spiral ribbons on your hair for at least 20 minutes until the strands are completely dry.

We bring to your attention another interesting article - about

Beautiful flowing curls are the dream of most girls. And there are various ways to create them. One of the oldest is styling with curlers.

Now some girls believe that this method is outdated and prefer to use curling irons or visit beauty salons to create a perm.

However curlers are a safe way to create curls without damaging the hair structure. But this requires a long amount of time and it is not very comfortable to sleep on them. However, now there are many varieties of them, and every girl will be able to choose the right option for herself.

You can choose them depending on the material, their diameter in order to create perfect curls. But no matter which ones you choose, they are easy to style at home.


Using these curlers can be a real adventure for your hair. Because they are made from scrap materials.

Most often used for this purpose pieces of fabric and paper. How to make papillot curlers?

  1. The hair is wound onto paper strips.
  2. Secure the papillots with pieces of fabric.

The size of the curls will depend on how wide you make the paper strips. The hair will need to be untwisted carefully so as not to damage the strands. Treat the resulting curls with styling products.

Boomerang curlers: how to use

Boomerang curlers are shaped like a long roller made of foam rubber or rubberized material with a thin wire inside the curlers. Boomerangs bend well and therefore hold the strands well in the desired position.

Curls created using such flexible curlers retain their original appearance for a long time. They are easy to use: wrap the strands around the product and connect the ends of the boomerang.

The thickness and thickness of the curls depends on the number of boomerang curlers used. But their main advantage is that they are soft and It's nice to sleep in them. Therefore, many girls prefer this option because of the pleasant material and durability of the curls.

Important! It's best to choose soft curl curlers made from rubberized foam because it's a more durable material and the smooth finish minimizes the risk of your hair getting tangled.

Magic curlers

Girls want their curls not to lose their shape for a long time, to look natural, and the structure of the hair should not be damaged. Magic leverage meets all of the above criteria. This product recently appeared on the market and immediately won the sympathy of girls and women.

These are spirals of bright colors, made from thin silicone. There is no wire frame inside it. The set also includes a special hook with which you pick up a strand and thread it through. Magic curlers differ in diameter and length. This allows you to create beautiful curls on hair of any length.

Advantages of magic curlers:

  • ease of use;
  • hair injury during winding is minimal;
  • reliable fixation;
  • do not leave any creases - curls look natural;
  • curls retain their shape for a long time.

But you don’t need to think that this magical device doesn’t damage your hair at all. Due to stretching and threading the strands through the hook, they still receive a negative impact.

But Compared to other types of curlers, they occupy one of the first places in terms of safe use. It is uncomfortable to sleep with them because the coils are suspended. But all this is compensated by the listed advantages.

Velcro curlers

Almost every girl has Velcro curlers. They are easy to use and compact. It’s easy to create a voluminous hairstyle with their help; curls are obtained without creases.

These are cylinders with a “spiky” surface, thanks to which clamps are not required to fix them.

Important! This type of curler is suitable only for those with healthy hair of short and medium length.

Because long hair can get very tangled - therefore, no beautiful styling will work. Also Velcro should not be left overnight– due to the lack of a clamp (if you need curls without creases), they can unwind.

With the help of such curlers a girl can create voluminous styling in a short time, and owners of curly hair will be able to make their curls more even and manageable.

Therefore, if you have healthy curls of suitable length and you need to create a beautiful hairstyle in a short time, then you should take a closer look at Velcro curlers.

Electric curlers

Electric curlers are a modern and practical way to create beautiful curls. Heating occurs due to electric current. A heating element is built into a special housing. The curlers have a metal side that conducts heat inside to melt the wax.

Electric curlers come in different diameters, allowing you to create curls of different sizes.

Which electric hair curlers are better?

  1. Ceramic is the most expensive material for electric curlers. The high cost is due to the fact that ceramics prevent overheating. That's why they are also called gentle.
  2. Ionic coating helps prevent hair tangling.
  3. The velor coating ensures stable fixation of the electric curlers in the desired position.

Important! It is best to use products to create curls with a velvet coating. They are able to retain heat longer and do not dry out the hair.

Electric curlers are a great opportunity to create curls using modern technology.

This is another type of curler that using heat to create curls. The difference from electric ones is that they need to be immersed in boiling water or hot water.

They have a wax rod inside, which heats up simultaneously with the heating of the curlers.

When the wax cools, it begins to transfer heat to the hair, thus creating curls.

How to curl your hair with hot rollers? Nothing complicated: the curling steps are the same as when using conventional products.

An equally important question: how long to keep the hot rollers on your hair? On average 15-20 minutes, you need to remove them when they have completely cooled down to get beautiful curls.

Important! Perms with hot curlers should be done on dry strands.


Curlers with a velvet or velor coating deserve special love.

Made from this soft material, they do not injure or tangle the hair at all, which makes them safest to use.

A large number of through holes allows you to use chopsticks to securely fix the strands in the desired position.


This is one of the oldest varieties of curlers. In appearance, they resemble Velcro, only made of metal.

They consist of two parts: a metal body and a rubber clip for fixing hair.

But removing such curlers is not easy: for this you will need a special stick, which can be purchased separately or together with the curlers.

If you decide to create curls using metal curlers, then you will need a lot of time.

These products should be wrapped with damp hair. Strands can take a long time to dry, so they are more often used in salons where it is possible to dry hair with a professional hairdryer.

Attention! At home, avoid using a hair dryer to quickly dry your hair. Hot air heats up the metal shell faster, causing the strands to heat up more.

Therefore, it is better to let your hair dry naturally or use such curlers in beauty salons.

These curlers are hollow cylinders with spikes, thanks to which the curled strands do not move. The kit also includes fastenings - plastic mesh, in the shape of a semicircle (or just an elastic band), which are worn over the curlers. The curls made with their help retain their shape for quite a long time.

A significant disadvantage is that you can't sleep in them. The fixers also leave creases, which make the curls not seem natural. Such curlers must be removed carefully, making sure that the hair does not get tangled on the spikes and protrusions.

Additional hair curlers

In addition to curlers, there are other devices for creating perfect curls. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing them.

  1. Curling iron.
  2. Create volume using a hairdryer and a round brush.

How to curl your hair with curlers

There are different curling methods for strands of any length. In addition to the curlers themselves, you will need a comb and a styling product.

Horizontal installation

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • Thermo curlers.

Important! Styling with hot rollers and electric rollers is done on dry hair!

Below are step-by-step instructions for performing horizontal curling.

  1. Apply styling product to freshly washed strands.
  2. The hair needs to be divided into several parts: the parietal part and two lateral parts.
  3. Curling should begin from the parietal part. Take a strand from the top of your head.
  4. Place it vertically so that it is perpendicular to the crown of the head, comb it.
  5. Start twisting the strands in the direction from the forehead to the crown.
  6. The strands should be twisted with equal force to the very roots - this way, there will be no creases left on the resulting curls.
  7. Curl the middle part from the forehead to the neck so that there is one line of curlers.
  8. Next, proceed to the strands of the temporal part.
  9. When all your hair is curled in curlers, blow dry it if you used a styling product.
  10. Start untwisting the strands after they have cooled completely from blow-drying.
  11. You need to untwist your hair from bottom to top. You need to start combing your curls from the ends, gradually moving up to the roots.

Vertical curl

With this technique, the strands begin to be wound from the lower hairline at the neck.

  1. Create a ponytail on top of your head.
  2. Use a horizontal line to separate a wide strand at the back of the head.
  3. Divide it into narrow strands.
  4. Wind them onto curlers in a vertical direction.
  5. Rows of curlers should be horizontal. The remaining steps are similar to horizontal curling.


Spiral curlers, magic curlers or curlers are suitable for this technique.

  1. Divide your hair into four wide strands: parietal, occipital and temporal.
  2. Additionally, divide them into thinner ones.
  3. Twist the strands into a spiral.

General rules for curling with curlers

To make your curls beautiful, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Curls on damp hair are more durable, so moisturize your hair before curling. There is no need to moisturize your strands if you use hot rollers and electric ones.
  2. The thinner the hair, the thinner the strands you need to use for curling.
  3. You should not leave the curlers on for longer than an hour - this harms the hair structure.
  4. Untwist the strands only after they are completely dry, sorting out the curls with your hands. You just need to do it carefully.
  5. Do not pull the strands too tightly while curling.

Some hairdressers believe that curlers should not be used on wet hair, but everyone agrees that hair that has just been washed should be curled. Most professionals use styling products before wrapping, as in this video:

How to curl hair of different lengths

To make the curls appear natural, you need to use products with different diameters. To get perfect curls, you need to take into account the length of your hair when curling.

  1. What kind of curlers are needed? for long curls? Spirals are ideal. If you use cylindrical curlers, you will need additional clamps for fixation. It is better to do a spiral perm.
  2. Which curlers are better for medium hair? Almost all types of curlers are suitable for this length. It is better to choose products of medium diameter. Curling should be done vertically.
  3. For short length Velcro curlers, curlers and boomerangs are suitable for hair. Products should be chosen with a small diameter. You won't get curls at that length. Curlers for short hair help add volume to your haircut. Curling is done horizontally.

Knowing the intricacies of curling hair with curlers, you can create beautiful and spectacular curls.

Do you dream of curls that will “drive you crazy” and even know how to masterfully shape them with a curling iron? But curlers are better, more environmentally friendly and safer! If you know how to curl your hair correctly, a whole universe of curly possibilities will open up before you... Intrigued?

The art of creating curls has been known not only to your grandmothers, but almost from the time when a woman looked at her reflection in the water and decided: “No, that won’t work.” Wooden sticks, wax blocks, metal rods and simply pieces of fabric were used. Today, curlers are very popular because, unlike curling irons, most of them do not injure the hair at all.

The general rules are the same for everyone!

You once tried to make Hollywood curls using curlers and it turned out... nothing? So you're missing something! Here are the basic principles of curly hairstyle:

  • Select the diameter of the curler according to the length of your hair and your expectations. That is, do you want bouncy curls? Then don’t expect them from Velcro of gigantic sizes, because they primarily provide volume. But, for example, spirals give you a mega-curly hairstyle.
  • The smaller the diameter of the round assistants, the smaller the curls will be. And the thinner the strand you take, the neater the curl will be.
  • Twist wet strands. An exception is if the curlers are electric or thermal. Then the hair should be dry.
  • Don't neglect thermal protection. Future curls must be sprayed with a special spray if your curlers are “hot”.
  • When washing your hair, use shampoo without silicone in the composition, as it has straightening properties.
  • Foams and mousses will give your curls a long life. Better yet, buy a spray to create curls - sprinkle it on already curled curls.

Whoosh! Curly! How to properly curl hair with curlers: instructions for different lengths

You can manage to curl any length using curlers. To begin with, a general recommendation for everyone.

  • It is better to curl clean hair, because even slightly stale curls will not hold the style well.
  • Dry your hair thoroughly with a towel to dry your strands. Wet ones will not be able to dry well and will not curl.
  • Apply a little foam or mousse to the strands (especially for long and unruly ones) and comb thoroughly.
  • Almost always, in addition to a set of curlers, you also need hairdressing clips.

For long hair

For thick hair you will need a large number of large curlers. The length below the shoulder blades will additionally require the use of various clamps - plastic, rubber, metal. Foam balls and spiral curlers work well for long hair.

For medium hair

Medium-length hair can be easily curled using curlers, plastic, or medium-diameter hot rollers.

For short hair

Velcro curlers are better suited for them. Metal, wooden, plastic curlers with clips are chosen with a small diameter. At this length, the hair is curled to give the haircut volume.

Now - the process of creating curls...

How to curl hair with plastic and metal curlers

This type is suitable for any length, just choose the correct diameter. They are a classic plastic or metal cylinder with holes, and an elastic band or plastic clip prevents the curls from unraveling. Metal “oldfags” are not favored by those who value the health of their hair, because they electrify the strands and also cause split ends. But the plastic ones are very light and safe.

There is no difference between Soviet curlers and modern ones, so if your mom has a dozen lying around, you can safely use them.

  1. Part your hair and separate a small part so that its width is slightly smaller than the curler.
  2. Wrap the end of the strand around the cylinder and twist it along its entire length.
  3. When you reach the roots, place a plastic clip on top.
  4. If your hair dries out during the process, dampen it with a spray bottle.
  5. Remove the curl paper carefully. First, open the clip, then release the curl without straightening it. Just let it slide off and you'll be left with a perfect curl.

The video tutorial will show the whole process in detail:

How to properly curl your hair with Velcro curlers

Velcro is convenient because it does not require additional attributes such as clips. The surface of the soft cylinders is studded with hooks, and the hair clings to them when twisted. First of all, they provide root volume, so you don’t have to dream about textured curls.

This type will not cope with very long and thick curls, since the weightless Velcro will not hold the rigid structure. And it will be problematic to remove them; long hair can get tightly tangled in the hooks. But for the volume of thin and short haircuts, Velcro is best suited.

So, let's get down to business:

  1. Start with a strand from the forehead. Separate it and pull it tightly.
  2. Apply the “hedgehog” to the ends and, with strong tension, twist the strand on the curlers and secure with a clip.
  3. Next, wrap the parietal and occipital zones. The hair on the sides dries very quickly, so tackle them last.
  4. For powerful volume, leave the Velcro on for about an hour. If you use a hairdryer, the time will speed up.
  5. Remove the “hedgehogs” first from the sides of the head, and then from the top.

Stylish styling using Velcro is shown in this video:

How to curl your hair with boomerang curlers (curlers)

Boomerangs, also known as papillots. A flexible metal or plastic rod is wrapped in soft foam. Having twisted a strand around it, you can pinch it at the ends and go to bed peacefully. The curls turn out a little flattened, but if the hair is thick and heavy, this is not a problem.

Papillots open up several possibilities at once. If you curl them close to the scalp, you will see cute doll curls. And by twisting them to the middle of the length, you will get a fashionable hairstyle.

The process is elementary: you need to separate the strands, wind them onto a boomerang stick and then bend the ends, thereby fixing the future curl.

When removing boomerangs, carefully unbend them and release the already curled strand.

Another clear example is here:

How to curl your hair into hard spirals

Spirals. They come in wood, plastic or in the form of soft cases. With the first two, which are also called bobbins, you will have to tinker, because screwing a curl onto a kind of “screw” with grooves requires effort!

Wooden ones look like thin cylinders, the main part of which has a spiral cut. The curls will turn out small, it is better not to comb them. Plastic spiral curlers are almost an analogue of wooden ones; they differ in material and in that, for convenience, they have a small hook at the end, which will fix the tip of the strand at the very beginning of the curling process. The action scheme is the same:

  1. Divide the hair on your head into four zones: parietal, occipital and temporal.
  2. Separate a thin strand from one area.
  3. Bring the curler to the end of the strand and carefully place it in the spiral grooves.
  4. Everything is fixed with an attached elastic band, which is stretched over the entire length of the curlers.
  5. Next, the hair is dried with a hairdryer or naturally, and the strands are carefully untwisted, removing them from the spiral.

How to use Magic Leverage soft spiral curlers

Now for something interesting. The soft coils, known as Magic Leverage, are easy to use and incredibly comfortable. They curl any length very well, especially suitable for a chic thick mane, which not every classic type of curler can tame.

Modern bobbins can be confusing at first. Soft stripes and a long hook - what to do with them?! But it turns out that using them is very simple.

  1. Straighten one of the strips and insert the hook inside.
  2. Separate a small strand, hook it with a hook and insert it inside the case, removing the hook. When you release the strip, it will twist into a spiral, and so will the curl inside.
  3. Proceed in the same way with the rest of the mass.
  4. You need to remove the bobbins when you are sure that their contents are dry.
  5. The advantage is that the multi-colored stripes in the set each curl in their own direction, which means a more natural look for the hairstyle.

“Magic” video lesson:

How to properly curl your hair with hot rollers

Hot rollers are heated before curling. This is the fastest way to get bouncy curls, but it's not much different from a flat iron or curling iron, so don't overuse the heat.

  • For hot rollers to “work”, place them in a deep container, fill them with water, and put them on fire. When the water boils, the wax inside will also heat up and the curlers will be ready for use.
  • Hot rollers are used only on dry hair.
  • Divide your hair into sectors and, taking the curlers out of the hot water, wind the strands around them, securing them with a plastic “mesh”.
  • You need to keep these devices for a maximum of 10-15 minutes, then remove them. The curls will be natural and voluminous.

This thermal video describes the entire process in detail:

How to use electric curlers

The principle of operation is similar to thermo, but you don’t need to heat them yourself. The device itself will do everything; you just need to plug the cord into an outlet.

The winding circuit for electric assistants is the same as for hot rollers, and they save time. The curlers heat up in a special bed in a couple of minutes without any fuss with saucepans.

How to curl hair with foam balls

Foam round rollers look like pasta cookies. Ideal for long hair and, due to its softness, provide a lot of advantages.

Insanely cute “macarons” are suitable for natural curls. You can sleep in them, because they are so soft and cozy!

  • Curl as always on damp and mousse-treated hair.
  • Separate one strand, thread it into the “cookie” and wind it around the base from roots to ends.
  • And so on until the whole head is covered with balls.
  • When you are sure that the future curls have dried, you can remove the “cookies”. Just spread the edges a little and pull out the strand, or pull the foam through the hair ring.

Here is a video describing the work:

African curls, Hollywood curls and gentle waves... If you know how to use curlers correctly, you have plenty of options to change your look! Choose your faithful assistants and be a charming curly princess!