The legal definition of a single mother is extremely simple - a woman who does not have information about the father on her child's birth certificate. This formulation is concise, but not exhaustive. There are a number of subtleties in the procedure for assigning the status of a single mother, which we will talk about in the article.

State assistance to mothers who raise a child alone is expressed in a number of benefits and payments, as well as tax and labor benefits. Some types of benefits have federal status, others are valid only in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation. What benefits and benefits are available to single mothers in 2019?

Definition of a single mother

A single mother is a mother who is raising a child or several children out of wedlock, if the father of the child has not been established in one of two ways - an application from the father and mother to the registry office on paternity has not been submitted or there is no court order recognizing someone as the father of the child.

A single mother is also considered a woman who gave birth to a child during marriage or in the first 300 days after a divorce, if her ex-husband is registered as the father, but his paternity was challenged in court. When a court decision comes into force that the ex-husband is not the biological father of the child, the mother is immediately assigned single status. The same status is given to a woman who is raising an adopted child alone.

A woman is not recognized as a single mother if she:

  • Is divorced from the child’s father (ex-husband) and for some reason does not receive alimony from him;
  • Gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce (or annulment of the marriage) or death of the spouse. In this case, the registry office registers the child in the name of the former spouse, even if he is not the child’s biological father;
  • Is not married and is raising a child whose father is established by the court or voluntarily. It doesn't matter whether she lives with the child's father or not.

Single mother, benefits and allowances

State support for single mothers expressed in a number of monetary payments, which are associated with pregnancy and raising a child and up to 18 years of age. The highest payments await a pregnant single mother if she has a long work history and a high average salary.

What benefits and allowances are we talking about in 2019?

  1. One-time benefits for single mothers during pregnancy and childbirth . If a woman has work experience, then the employer is obliged to pay a one-time cash benefit when the woman goes on maternity leave, the amount of which depends on the average salary for 2 years, but not less than 34,520.55 rubles. The maximum payment in 2019 is 265,827.63 rubles. If the expectant mother is unemployed and registered with the Employment Center, then the amount of maternity pay will be much lower - 613.14 rubles for each month of maternity leave.
  2. Fixed one-time payment at the birth of a child , regardless of the mother’s employment, in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles.
  3. At the birth of their second child, single mothers are given cash certificate (maternity capital) in the amount of 453,026 rubles.
  4. Monthly payments for a child up to 1.5 years old . If a single mother, after 70 days (postpartum maternity leave), decides to take maternity leave for a period of 18 months, then she is entitled to payments from her place of work in the amount of 40% of her average earnings for the last 2 years. If a woman has less than six months of work experience or an average salary less than the federal minimum wage of 7,500 rubles, then she is entitled to a monthly benefit in the amount of 3,065.69 rubles per child. For the second and subsequent children, 6131.37 rubles are given every month.
  5. Child care allowance aged 1.5 to 3 years (if a single mother decided to extend her maternity leave) – 50 rubles. This amount is increased at the expense of regional budgets, but in the end it remains more of a symbolic aid than a real one.
  6. Monthly allowance for the third child (and subsequent) at the age of up to 3 years is paid in 2019 in 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which have a bad demographic situation. These payments are made on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 and they are provided only to low-income families (including single mothers with low income). The amount of the benefit depends on the regional subsistence level.
  7. Monthly payments to low-income single mothers until the child reaches the age of 16 years (18 years - subject to continuing education after school). A single parent is entitled to an allowance, the amount of which in Moscow is 1,600 rubles. This is 2 times higher than the standard support for teenagers from low-income two-parent families (800 rubles).

Labor benefits for single mothers

  1. Protection from dismissal . It is possible to fire a single mother from her job only in certain cases. These are either force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (liquidation of an enterprise, a sharp deterioration in the mother’s health), or multiple violations of labor discipline on the part of the woman.
  2. A single mother has the right work according to your own schedule part-time. Until the child reaches the age of 5 years, the employer does not have the right to involve a woman in work at night, on weekends and holidays, as well as overtime.
  3. When an enterprise is liquidated, its successor is obliged to provide a single mother with work if the child is under 14 years of age. If the child is over 14 years old and is serving in the army on conscription, then the mother is required to remain on staff during job cuts.
  4. Increased child care benefit . The amount of payments for the treatment of a child in a hospital depends on the length of the mother’s work experience. If he was treated on an outpatient basis, then the benefit will be paid within 10 days, after which the benefit will be reduced to 50% of the salary, regardless of the mother’s work experience.
  5. Right to additional leave . It is implemented if a collective agreement has been concluded at work on the possibility of providing additional annual leave without pay. If the child is under 14 years old, the single mother has the right to take additional leave (maximum 2 weeks) at any time. Mothers of disabled children are entitled to an additional 4 paid days off every month.

Tax benefits

Single mothers are entitled to double. What does it mean? A tax deduction is understood as a certain amount of income from which taxes are not withheld, which actually leads to an increase in take-home pay. Tax deductions are provided by the state to each parent for a child under 18 years of age (or up to 23 years of age if he is in full-time education). Single mothers receive double the tax deduction from the amount that is provided to each parent from two-parent families.

The tax deduction amount is standard and unchanged. It does not depend on income or other benefits received. At the beginning of 2019 the numbers are as follows:

  • 2800 rubles – deduction for the first and second child;
  • 6,000 rubles – for the third and subsequent children;
  • 24,000 rubles – for a disabled child.

A tax deduction for singles is provided until the woman’s annual income does not exceed 350 thousand rubles. After this, personal income tax will be withheld from the full amount. Deductions are valid until the single mother gets married.

Other benefits for single mothers in 2019

In addition to labor and tax benefits and benefits, single parents are entitled to, designed to improve their financial situation. The full list depends on the social policy of regional authorities, therefore different for different subjects of the Russian Federation. We list the most important benefits and benefits for single mothers:

  • the opportunity to receive a free voucher for mother and child to a sanatorium every year;
  • the right to refuse to pay for garbage removal and territory cleaning services (for residents of apartment buildings) until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;
  • free dairy kitchen until the child reaches the age of 2 years;
  • free sets of linen for newborns;
  • discounts on tuition fees at art schools (additional education) up to 30%;
  • purchasing some medications with a 50% discount;
  • free medicines and rehabilitation for children with special diseases (up to the age of 3 years);
  • admission of a child to kindergarten out of turn and with a 50% discount;
  • free massage room in the children's clinic;
  • free two meals a day in school canteens.

Single mothers can count on help in improving their living conditions. The specific conditions of this assistance and the availability of special programs must be found in the social protection departments of your region. An example is the special program “ Affordable housing for a young family ", in which single mothers under the age of 35 have the right to participate.

Single mothers are provided with a number of benefits for paying for housing and communal services, including payment for heating, electricity, gas and water. To receive government subsidies, you should contact the housing office at your place of residence.

Documents for receiving benefits for a single mother in 2019

To receive support, a single mother must submit to the appropriate authority (registry office department):

  • application for benefits and allowances;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • a copy and original of the child’s birth certificate;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a notary;
  • certificate of family composition (issued at the MFC);
  • a certificate confirming the assignment of single mother status.

The specified list of documents may be supplemented or shortened in some regions.

Benefits for single mothers upon adoption

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit single mothers and fathers, that is, unmarried persons, from adopting children. In this case, the child will have only one adoptive parent. The adoption procedure is standard, taking into account the minimum age difference between mother and child and some other factors.

The list of benefits and benefits that are available to single mothers who have adopted a child depends on whether she has a job and the length of her work experience, as well as on regional social protection policies. Some benefits may be removed if a woman marries and her spouse also adopts a child .

When placing a child in the care of a single mother, a standard maternity benefit is paid in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles. You can receive this benefit within 6 months after the child is placed in foster care.

Other payments and benefits for single mothers:

  • One-time maternity benefit (), if a child under 3 months is taken into care. equal to 100% of the mother’s average salary for 2 years. You can take the benefit at any time before the baby reaches the age of 3 months;
  • Standard monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years (40% of salary). Paid when a woman goes on vacation or continues to work part-time;
  • Child care allowance from 1.5 to 3 years – 50 rubles plus regional supplement;
  • Benefit for a child under 16 or 18 years of age, if the mother is recognized as low-income.

Let's summarize. Benefits and tax benefits, as well as other privileges for single mothers, are developed by regional authorities, and the federal budget and legislation of the Russian Federation provide general support. To officially obtain the status of a single mother, you must obtain a certificate from the registry office.

All benefits for mothers and current social protection programs can be found at local MFCs or social welfare departments.

There are state and regional programs that support single mothers. But few people know exactly what benefits a single mother can claim in 2019 and what benefits she is entitled to use. In the article we will talk in detail about all the payments that are due to this social category, about the procedure for receiving it, as well as about tax, labor and other social benefits.

Who can get single mother status?

Who is a single mother (SM)? At first glance, the answer is obvious - this is a woman raising a child on her own (without a husband). In fact, not every single mother has status single mothers. In modern legislation there is no official concept of a single mother, but it was in Soviet times. It was first introduced by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 8, 1944, and the final version was formed in paragraph 8 of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 659 dated August 12, 1970. This term is still used today at a generally accepted level. Who is legally considered a single mother and who is not?

The status of a single mother is understood as a woman who has a child, in whose birth certificate there is no information about the father, or the father is recorded according to the mother (that is, without establishing paternity, without the status of a parent - p clause 3 of article 17 of the Federal Law “On acts of civil status”, clause 3 of art. 51 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). Such a woman is assigned a social status and the registry office issues a certificate in form No. 25, according to which she has the opportunity to receive special benefits and enjoy various benefits (tax, labor, etc.).

There are basic criteria by which single women with children receive the status of “single mother”:

  • Your baby was born out of wedlock and paternity has not been established by the court. For example, if you live with your spouse in a civil marriage, but the husband did not recognize himself as the father of the baby, and you did not file a claim in court, then you can receive the status of a single mother;
  • The baby was born 300 calendar days after you divorced your husband (automatic paternity). But at the same time, your ex-husband has challenged paternity, about which there is a corresponding court decision;
  • You have registered an adoption, but you are not officially married. Even if you live with your husband without a signature, you can receive the status of a single mother. This is possible if you carried out the adoption yourself, and your unofficial spouse does not appear in the adoption documents.

Quite common are cases where single mothers try to prove their official status, but are refused by government authorities. Therefore, it is worth separately considering situations when the mother is not recognized as single:

  • You are divorced, you don’t communicate with your ex-husband, you don’t know about his whereabouts, and you don’t receive alimony from him. But in this case, you are not a single mother, since the fact of paternity of your ex-husband has been documented (recorded in the birth certificate). Here we are talking about the ex-husband’s failure to fulfill his parental obligations (evasion of alimony payments, for example);
  • There is a court decision in which your spouse is recognized as the father of the baby. The court may decide to recognize your common-law or former spouse as the father, regardless of whether you live with him or not;
  • There is no paternity in relation to the baby, but the woman is officially married;
  • You divorced your husband (or your marriage was declared invalid), and within 300 calendar days after that you gave birth to a baby. In this case, your ex-husband will be recognized as the father.

Let's consider the last case in more detail. Regardless of the wishes of your ex-spouse, even whether he is the biological father, he will be entered on the birth certificate. It does not change anything if after the divorce you lived in a civil marriage with another person. In order for your common-law husband to be recognized as the baby’s father, you need his decision and a corresponding application to the registry office.

Often the factor of marriage is overlooked to determine status, they say, the child does not have an official father, then the mother will be single in any case (in the situation with this child). So, the latter loses its MO status, although, in fact, it remains the only parent for the child. Some regional laws mention this. So in a bz. 8 clause 1.3. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 973-PP dated November 6, 2007 clearly states that a single mother should not be married.

So, the factors for recognizing you as a single mother are raising a child outside of marriage and the lack of documented paternity. Social status is confirmed by a certificate f. No. 25, which is issued by the civil registry office on the basis of a birth certificate (in the “Father” column there is a dash or the father is written down from the words of the mother).

Sometimes social status is confirmed by a court decision. When a single mother is denied relevant benefits and rights to state support, this status can be established in court.

Previously, the position of the Ministry of Defense was certified by the personal book of a single mother. Currently, such a document is not issued by social security institutions. But if it exists, then it retains its power.

There are cases when in one family, in relation to different children, the same woman can simultaneously be a MO and at the same time not have such status, because a single parent is determined in connection with a specific child.

For example, unmarried citizen Spirina A.A., has three children: a son and two daughters. The daughters were born in a marriage (which is currently dissolved) and paternity is not disputed (the ex-husband pays alimony). And the son was born out of wedlock, without a record of the father in the certificate. So in relation to the son of Spirin A.A. a single mother, but in relation to her daughters, an ordinary mother.

Cash payments: amounts and procedure

Absolutely all mothers (including those raising a baby on their own) have the right to social insurance payments in connection with pregnancy and at the birth of a child, namely:

  • If you are pregnant for up to 12 weeks, you go to the clinic at your place of residence and register, then you are entitled to a one-time payment in the amount of 628.47 rubles;
  • After 30 weeks of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor will issue you a sick leave, according to which payments are calculated at the place of work. Along with the sick leave, there is a birth certificate with a total value of 11,000 rubles. It can be spent on medical services in a antenatal clinic, maternity hospital, children's clinic, as well as on the purchase of medicines;
  • At birth, you receive a state benefit, which is paid one-time in the amount of 16,759.09 rubles. In addition, until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, a monthly allowance is due, the minimum amount of which is 3,142.33 rubles. for the first child for subsequent 6,284.65 rubles. It should be noted that such assistance can only be received by the person who actually cares for the baby, that is, is on maternity leave.

There are also additional payments and benefits for mothers of many children, such as maternity capital, benefits until the child reaches 3 years old, etc. Maternity capital is due to the mother at the birth of her second, third and subsequent children. Its size is fixed by law and in 2017 is 453,026 rubles. Regional maternity capital for 3 children can be received not only by a single mother, but also by mothers raising children in two-parent families.

As for the additional payments that single mothers are entitled to, their size and procedure for receiving them are under the control of regional authorities. The amount of payments varies depending on the average family income (above or below the subsistence level). Often single mothers are entitled to standard payments (like other mothers), but at an increased rate. The question often arises of how long a single mother can receive benefits. The answer is individual in each specific case and depends on the number of children in the family, the average per capita income per family member/total family income, the status of the child (disabled/healthy), as well as the social policy of local authorities. In most regions of the Russian Federation, single mothers receive the following types of financial assistance:

  • additional benefit (one-time) for the birth of a child (this is practiced in the Volgograd region);
  • bonus monthly social assistance for a single mother (for example, in Voronezh its amount is 514.80 rubles, in Novosibirsk 478.31 rubles);
  • monthly payments for child care up to 3 years old;
  • benefit for the 3rd child, which is paid monthly until he reaches 3 years of age;
  • assistance for a mother raising a disabled child (can be paid until the child reaches 18 years of age);
  • targeted targeted monetary assistance (for example, in Bashkortostan, from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles are allocated for vocational training, for running a private farm, business, etc.);
  • compensation for parental fees for non-attendance at kindergartens (applied in the Ulyanovsk region);
  • long-term payments for children of single mothers from 0 to 16/18 years (appointed, for example, in the Leningrad region);
  • other cases.

In general, the status of a municipal organization implies the receipt of standard benefits, additional payments to benefits (increased amount), separate social assistance (targeted for the municipal organization) in cash and in kind, benefits (social plan), guarantees (in medical, labor relations) and various benefits in various spheres of life.

To find out what benefits are available to single mothers in your area, contact your local social security office.

Amount of benefits in Moscow

In order to understand the procedure for providing financial assistance to single mothers, let’s consider the situation with social payments in Moscow.

The amount of payments directly depends on the average family income, namely on whether the income exceeds the subsistence level or not. If a family consists of 2 people (mother and baby), then the minimum is 31,065 rubles. per month (mother 17,624 rubles + child 13,441 rubles). If you live in Moscow and your income is below this indicator, then you can count on:

  • payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of living in Moscow. This assistance is paid monthly until the child turns 16 years old (for schoolchildren, university students, technical schools and other full-time educational institutions - up to 18 years old). Amount of assistance – 750 rubles/month;
  • allowance in the amount of 2,500 rubles. It is received monthly by mothers of children under 1.5 years old, as well as from 3 to 18 years old;
  • assistance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, which is paid on a monthly basis to mothers of children from 1.5 to 3 years old.

If your income is above the subsistence level, you will not receive the above assistance. But at the same time you have the right to:

  • compensation payment in the amount of 300 rubles. monthly. Paid until the child reaches 16 years of age (for full-time students - 18 years of age);
  • compensation for rising food prices (675 rubles monthly for children under 3 years old). Mothers receive the same assistance in cases where the ex-husband evades paying alimony;
  • assistance in caring for a disabled child of groups 1 and 2 or disabled since childhood (6,000 rubles monthly). The mother receives payments until her son/daughter turns 18 and only if the child does not work, and if the child has been disabled since childhood - until the age of 23.

Also, the Moscow authorities have appointed a benefit for the second child, which is paid one-time in the amount of 14,500 rubles. All mothers can count on this help, regardless of whether they have the status of a single mother or not.

The amount of social assistance for single mothers in Moscow is considered quite high compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, which in turn is associated with the high level of consumer prices in the capital.

Example No. 1.
Moscow resident Samsonova E.D. independently raises two children - daughter Samsonova S.V. (schoolgirl, 15 years old) and son Samsonov V.V. (4 years). Average monthly income of Samsonova E.D. – 41,610 rub. The cost of living for a family is 44,506 rubles. (mother 17.624 + son 13.441 + daughter 13.441). Let's calculate the amount of financial assistance to which the Samsonov family is entitled. Since the Samsonovs’ income is below the subsistence level established in Moscow, the Samsonovs can claim:

  • 2,500 rubles each. for daughter Samsonova S.V. and son Samsonov V.V., total 5,000 monthly;
  • compensation payments taking into account the difference in consumer prices, 750 rubles. for a son and daughter, a total of 1,500 monthly;
  • one-time assistance for the son of Samsonov V.V. – 14.500.

Thus, the Samsonov family will receive 14,500 one-time and 6,500 monthly (5,000 + 1,5000).

How to get benefits

For payments, you need to contact the social security authority at your place of residence, having first collected the necessary documents:

  • child's birth certificate (copy);
  • a certificate from the registry office, which indicates that information about the father was recorded from the words of the mother (if such a fact occurred);
  • a certificate from the Criminal Code with information about the composition of the family (confirms that the son/daughter lives with the mother);
  • Form No. 25, confirming the status of a single mother (the document can be obtained from the registry office when registering a birth certificate).

If the status of a single mother is assigned due to the fact that the ex-husband has challenged paternity of a son/daughter born in marriage, then along with the above documents, a copy of the court decision must be submitted to Social Security.

Payment of benefits is assigned from the month when the documents were transferred to Social Security, so it is in your interests to take care of providing the papers as soon as possible. Assistance is transferred until the child reaches a certain age, within which payments are assigned.

Labor guarantees

Labor legislation provides single mothers with social protection during employment, in the workplace, and also in case of dismissal. What labor benefits are available to a single mother?

  • when hiring, there is a privilege compared to other candidates for the position (although this is more of a moral side of the issue). But in any case, refusal of employment cannot be based on the fact that you are raising a child alone. The employer is obliged to provide a justified reason for not approving your candidacy for the vacant position;
  • if you are officially employed, then you have the right to demand that your employer establish a part-time working day (if your son/daughter is under 14 years old);
  • If the baby is under 5 years old, then you can refuse overtime work, night shifts, work on weekends and holidays. Management has no right to force or apply any disciplinary action;
  • As a single mother, you are entitled to child care benefits in case of illness. Its amount depends on your work experience and salary, as well as on whether the child is treated as an inpatient or outpatient.

A single mother cannot be fired in the event of a reduction in staff (similar to pregnant women), a change in management, or in the civil service - when access to state secrets is terminated.

But an employer can fire a woman during the liquidation of an enterprise (for example, due to bankruptcy), but at the same time he is assigned financial obligations in connection with the upcoming employment of the dismissed woman.

Tax benefits

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother has the right to a reduced tax burden in the form of a deduction when calculating personal income tax. If, as a standard, each parent is provided with a deduction in the amount of 1,400 rubles, then a single woman has the right to a double rate of 2,800 rubles. Compensation is provided for each child under 18 years of age. If the son/daughter is a full-time student at a university, technical school, or is a resident, cadet, or graduate student, then the tax refund for the mother remains until they reach 24 years of age. When raising a disabled child, the mother receives a deduction of 6,000 rubles.

Compensation is provided to the mother on a monthly basis. To do this, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the status of a single mother to the place of work: form No. 25 or a certificate from the registry office, if information about the father is indicated according to the mother. Based on these documents, the accounting department recalculates personal income tax on a monthly basis: the tax is calculated based on total income minus deductions.

Example No. 2.
Sviridova S.D. independently raises two children - the son of Sviridov G.P. (25 years old, resident) and daughter Sviridov E.P. (21 years old, full-time student at a university). Average monthly income of Sviridova S.D. is 14,820 rubles. Let's calculate the amount of tax compensation for each child:

  • despite the fact that the son of Sviridov G.P. is a resident, a deduction cannot be issued for him. This is due to the fact that the son is over 24 years old;
  • for daughter Sviridova E.P. You can apply for compensation, since she is under 24 years old and is a full-time student. Compensation for a daughter is provided in the standard amount - 2,800 rubles.

In general, Sviridova S.D. pays personal income tax from monthly income:

14.820 * 13% = 1.927

After registration of the deduction, the tax will be calculated as follows:

(14.820 – 2.800) * 13% = 1.563

Thus, for the Sviridov family the monthly savings are:

1.927 – 1.563 = 364 rubles.

In addition to providing a deduction, tax legislation exempts single mothers from paying property taxes. True, at the municipal level, that is, at the discretion of legislators of a particular locality (for example, in Norilsk). There are no benefits at the federal level (universally).

The situation is similar with land and transport taxes.

Fringe benefits

There are other social benefits for single mothers, the provision of which is guaranteed by municipal legislation (that is, not in all regions and localities):

  • a set of free baby clothes for your baby;
  • provision of food in the children's dairy kitchen for children under 2 years of age;
  • free massage for children in the clinic (if this service is paid for everyone);
  • benefits for admission to kindergarten (children of single mothers enter preschool institutions out of turn);
  • free vouchers to children's health resorts.

Regional authorities may provide additional social support. For example, single mothers in Moscow are entitled to benefits in the form of free two meals a day for schoolchildren. If the child is studying at an art school, then, according to the Resolution of the Culture Committee, a single mother pays for tuition with a 30% discount.

In order to clearly understand which benefits are available to single mothers and which are not, let’s look at the table.

Availability of benefits General grounds
Labor benefits
  • Privilege when hiring;
  • the right to part-time work (if the son/daughter is under 14 years old);
  • the right to refuse night and overtime work (if the son/daughter is under 5 years old);
  • maintaining a job when staffing is reduced.
  • reduction is possible upon liquidation of the enterprise;
  • if the child is over 7 years old, then sick leave after the 15th day of illness is not paid at 100% (payment is made in the general manner according to length of service)
Tax benefits
  • exemption from property tax;
  • the right to a tax deduction (RUB 2,800 for each child).
if the son/daughter is over 24 years old, then no tax deduction is provided (even if the child is a full-time student)
Social benefits Regional/municipal benefits:
  • free sets of linen for newborns;
  • free food (dairy kitchen for newborns, two meals a day for schoolchildren);
  • priority in the queue for admission to kindergarten.

Regional benefits:

  • discount when paying for tuition at art schools, sports clubs, etc.;
  • full provision in a preschool institution.

To clarify information about benefits and the procedure for applying for them, a single mother must contact the social protection authorities at her place of residence.

How does the loss of MO status affect the receipt of benefits, benefits, etc.

When a mother loses her single status (gets married, adopts a child, etc.), the question often arises about the fate of government assistance.

If we are talking about a one-time benefit, then previously received payments are inviolable; they are not subject to return, recalculation, offset, etc.

As for monthly state/regional benefits, the recipient of assistance (MO) must report changes in their life situation within the nearest reasonable time (to the same place where they applied for benefits) before the next payment is received. Otherwise, a recalculation is possible, and if this information is deliberately concealed for a long time, the police may become interested in this fact (upon a statement from the payer of state/regulatory assistance about fraud).

Benefits and allowances in certain regions

To fully realize your financial rights, it is useful to know what payments a single mother is entitled to in her region of residence.

Below is information about benefits and benefits in individual regions of the Federation.

Moscow region

Name periodization size
child benefit single mother's income is no more than the subsistence level monthly

up to 1.5 years - 4456 rub.

from 1.5 to 3 years - 6476 rub.

from 3 to 7 years - 2228 rub.

from 7 and older - 1114 rub.

allowance for a disabled child a single mother has a disabled child of any group under 18 years of age monthly 7901 rub.
student family benefit single mother is a student monthly 4000 rub.
cash payment for the third and subsequent child low-income single mother monthly the cost of living in the Moscow region
providing rest and health improvement for children a single mother is the only parent in a large family annually provided in kind (vouchers, courses, etc.)
free medicine provision by doctor's prescription upon issuance of a prescription

up to 3 years of age of the child;

for mothers with many children up to 6 years of age

1 time per month every child
free travel on city public transport for a single mother with 3 or more children daily a child who is no more than 7 years old
free food for children of a single mother according to a doctor’s conclusion constantly until 3 years of age in kind

Saint Petersburg

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
for children of single mothers aged 0 to 1.5 years monthly

for the first - 3552 rubles;

for the second and subsequent ones - 4058 rubles.

allowance for the purchase of children's goods and baby food products for children of a single mother aged 1.5 to 7 years monthly 1318 rub.
allowance for a child from 7 to 16 years old (or until graduation from an educational organization of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, but not older than 18 years) monthly 1225 rub. for each child
allowance for a disabled child under 18 years of age for the purchase of children's (teenage) goods, baby food products, special dairy products single mother is disabled of groups I and (or) II monthly 8641 rub.
compensation payment for children studying in educational organizations of primary, basic, secondary general education and secondary vocational education under training programs for skilled workers (employees), but not older than 18 years single mother with three or more children monthly 4058 rub.
reimbursement of utilities (heating, water, sewerage, gas, electricity) within the limits of utility consumption standards mother is the only parent raising a large family monthly

30% – if there are 3 children;

40% - from 4 to 7 children;

50% - 8 or more children.

discount on parental fees for childcare and supervision in the state. preschool and other state educational institutions The average per capita family income is below two times the cost of living in St. Petersburg monthly 40% of the parental fee for each child,
compensation payment at the birth of a child (adoption under the age of six months) for the purchase of baby items and baby food products at one time

RUB 28,257 at the birth of the first child;

RUB 37,678 - second child;

RUB 47,096 - third and subsequent children

compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to increased cost of living children from a large family receiving a survivor's pension monthly 3767 rub. for each child
social benefits for student mothers training at a university, college monthly 3457 rub.

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
allowance for a child under 16 years of age monthly 728 rub.
payment to mother of many children having 3 or more children monthly 365 rub.
benefits for the birth of 3 children and subsequent children at one time 7795 rub.
compensation for school uniforms a single mother has 3 or more children annually 1040 rub. for each child
compensation for utility expenses single mother has a disabled child monthly 50% of the cost of utilities

Voronezh region

Altai region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
child birth benefit at one time

50,000 rub. – second child;

7000 rub. – third and subsequent ones;

20,000 rub. - at the birth of twins

allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years monthly 522 rub.
payment at the birth of a third child the income for each family member of a single mother does not exceed the subsistence level established in the Altai Territory monthly 5490 rub.
student allowance (uniform and supplies) annually

7500 rub. for a first grader;

5000 rub. - student of other classes

single mother has 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription delivery in kind
compensation for travel costs for children on public transport single mother has 3 or more children monthly travel document
compensation for meals for children in educational institutions under 18 years of age single mother has 3 or more children monthly

Sverdlovsk region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
child benefit a single mother has an income no higher than the subsistence level in the Sverdlovsk region monthly 941 rub.
payment for 3 and subsequent children at one time RUB 10,672
compensation for school uniform expenses a single mother with 3 or more children with an income below the subsistence level in the Sverdlovsk region 1 time every 2 years 2000 rub. for each student
compensation for a child's travel on public transport single mother with many children monthly 433 rub.
free prescription medications up to 6 years of age single mother has 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription delivery in kind
discount on utility costs single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% cost
free school breakfast or lunch for children of a single mother with many children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
child support allowance single mother has a disabled child monthly 1265 rub.

Irkutsk region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
allowance for a child under 16 years of age monthly 624 rub.
payment for the purchase of school uniforms single mother with many children and low income 1 time every 2 years 1000 rub. for each student
compensation payment to compensate for the increase in food costs for children under 3 years old monthly 675 rub.
compensation payment for a child of a disabled person of group I or II up to 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age for a disabled person since childhood) disabled child monthly 12,000 rub.
single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
additional payment at birth one-time 5000 rub.
free prescription drugs upon presentation of a prescription until the child is 3 years old delivery in kind

Tambov Region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
additional benefit for the birth of a child single mother age no more than 25 years one-time 3000 rub.
child benefit monthly 356 rub.
payment for the third child and subsequent child low-income single mother monthly 7,025 rub.
compensation for child care fees in kindergartens monthly

20% of the amount for the first child;

50% - for the second;

70% - for the third.

payment for 3 children average per capita family income is less than the subsistence level monthly 8436 rub.
compensation for utility costs single mother has 3 or more children monthly 30% of the cost
free prescription medications up to 6 years of age single mother has 3 or more children upon presentation of a prescription delivery in kind
free school breakfast and lunch on weekdays (during the educational process) entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free travel for children on public transport monthly travel document
payment for the purchase of school and sports uniforms Once every 3 years at prices approved by municipalities
free entry to museums, exhibitions, cultural and recreational parks 1 time per month every child

Yaroslavl region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
Governor's benefit for the birth of a child one-time

4258 rub. - for the first child; 5677 rub. - on the second;

7096 rub. - for the third and subsequent children,

42720 rub. - when two or more children are born at the same time

compensation for failure to provide kindergarten to a child per child aged 3 to 7 years monthly 4925 rub.
social pension for a disabled child monthly 7616.10 rub.
regional payment for a disabled child the child's only parent is disabled group I or II monthly 2000 rub.
payment to a single mother with schoolchildren to prepare for the start of the school year low-income family annually 1277 rub.
discount on school meals on school days 50%
food payment for a nursing single mother monthly until the child is 6 months old 284 rub.

Perm region

Name Special appointment conditions periodization size
child benefits monthly RUB 323.30
additional benefit for single mother low-income parent monthly 2822 rub.
payment for a nursing single mother one-time 1996 rub.
compensation payments within the framework of the “Mom’s Choice” project for non-attendance at kindergarten monthly

6091.95 rub. - from 1.5 to 3 years;

5172.41 rub. - from 3 to 5 years.

child benefit single mother classified as low-income monthly 274 rub. for each child
compensation for caring for a disabled child a single mother does not work, is not registered on unemployment, does not receive a pension and is not an individual entrepreneur monthly 5500 rub.
first grader's allowance poor single mother one-time 5000 rub.
compensation for each family member for utilities single mother has 3 or more children monthly RUB 246.75
compensation to parents for paying for music, art and sports schools monthly 50%
provision of school and sports uniforms for schoolchildren low-income single mother with 3 or more children annually RUB 2,496 per year for a boy and 2,474 rubles. per year for a girl
free prescription medications up to 6 years of age with a doctor's prescription for outpatient treatment upon presentation of a prescription delivery in kind
free meals for schoolchildren on weekdays low-income single mother with 3 or more children entry into the register, issuance of a certificate
free prescription medications up to 6 years of age with a doctor's prescription for outpatient treatment upon presentation of a prescription delivery in kind

More detailed information about child benefits for a single mother of regional importance should be found in any territorial department of social security of the corresponding region.

Question answer

A woman is raising her son on her own due to the fact that the father is deprived of parental rights. Can a woman obtain single mother status?

No, since the ex-husband is actually the father, as documented (birth certificate). Single mother status can only be obtained if information about the father is not documented.

A woman is raising a daughter who is disabled group 2. At the age of 17, the daughter was officially employed. How much benefit can a mother expect?

Payments in the amount of 6,000 rubles. are transferred to the mother monthly until her daughter’s employment. The assistance ends in the month when the daughter returns to work. Social and tax benefits remain in full, regardless of whether the daughter works or not.

A woman who cares for and raises children without the participation of his father or due to the absence of one is recognized as a single mother. At the state level, such a woman is not entitled to separate support, but she has the right to use all types of subsidies entitled to other mothers. Let's consider how much benefits a single mother is entitled to in 2017, their sizes and conditions for receiving them.

Benefits for single mothers for childbirth

If a woman is employed, already in the first stages you can request a small amount from your employer for pregnancy. To do this you should proceed in this order:

  • Visit a antenatal clinic or medical facility.
  • Find out the gestational age. If it is less than 12 weeks, you can continue processing.
  • Receive a certificate indicating the relevant characteristics.
  • Submit the received document to the accounting department.
  • Receive transfer.

According to the law, in 2017 the amount of the subsidy is 581.73 rubles. The amount is insignificant, but if you wish, you can count on it.

Benefit for a single mother during childbirth

A more substantial benefit for single mothers in 2017, the amount of which depends on the salary, is issued at the time of childbirth. When an employee goes on leave due to maternity (childbirth), the employer is obliged to treat it as regular sick leave. In view of this, he pays it in the amount of his mother’s salary.

Read interesting material about the birth certificate in our article at the link.

The calculation is made in more detail according to the following criteria:

  • All the employee’s income is summed up: salary, bonuses, incl. unscheduled, disability payments, compensation for advanced training.
  • Information is taken for 24 months.
  • The total size is divided by 730.
  • The resulting value is multiplied by 30.4.

Amount of benefits for single mothers in 2017

The calculated average amount is payable in favor of the employee, and the prerequisite is a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave). Maternity leave is 140 days (by law). If complications arise during childbirth, it is permissible to extend it for another 16 days. If the mother gave birth to twins or more children, the leave from the date of birth is 110 days. Payment is due for the entire period. If the month is incomplete, the average daily rate is determined from the average salary and multiplied by the number of vacation days.

If the employee’s salary is small, the state has provided limits below which she will not receive - 28,555 thousand rubles. If the birth took place with complications, the amount will be 31,818 thousand rubles, if twins or more were born - 39,569 thousand rubles. The maximum for these subsidies is also limited - 248, 276 and 343 thousand rubles, respectively.

A woman who does not work cannot receive these payments, because... payment is made by the employer at the expense of social payments previously paid to the budget from the employee’s salary. Only a student will receive a subsidy in the amount of her scholarship if she is a full-time student. The specialization and level of the educational institution in this case does not matter.

Registration of state assistance for birth

After the baby is born, each mother receives one-time assistance from the state. The workers are paid by the company, and the rest are paid by the social body protecting the population. The amount of benefit for a single mother increased in 2017 and is 15,512 rubles.

For registration you will need supporting documents:

  • passport;
  • data on the birth of the baby from the registry office (certificate);
  • confirmation of single mother status.

In the absence of the latter, the mother is not recognized as single and additional information about the father and confirmation that he did not receive this financial assistance are required.

Employed mother

The status is verified by a certificate issued for the baby, where there is no information in the “father” column. If the father is not involved in parenting due to divorce, supporting information will be required.

This package of documents is transferred to the employer, who is obliged, after the expiration of the sick leave (maternity leave), to transfer to the employee the specified amount corresponding to the amount of the benefit for a single mother.

Stay-at-home mother

A non-working mother or student carries out registration through the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the place of registration of the newborn. The same papers are needed, and in addition a copy of the ore document, because... information about the date of dismissal and place of work is required. The application includes the following fields to fill out:

  • applicant data: personal, passport, registration;
  • family status;
  • characteristics of the newborn;
  • information about other minor children;
  • date of dismissal and place of work.

The standard procedure involves transferring to an employee of the social security agency. protection of an application from the mother or other person (guardian) with a package of documents. After 10 days, during which the application is considered, payments are assigned in favor of the mother.

Payments for child care

In 2017, child benefits are accrued to single mothers after the birth of the baby and up to 1.5 years. Registration takes place through the following institutions, according to the category of the mother:

  • a company where a woman works;
  • University, technical school or other institution where the mother is studying;
  • Through the social security authority, if the woman is unemployed.
  • The package of documents contains complete information:
  • Applicant's passport.
  • Certificate of registration of the child from the registry office.
  • Similar certificates for all children, including adopted ones.
  • Other confirmation of the status of a single mother, if this information is not contained in the child’s certificate.
  • Certificate of completion of a full-time course. Provided by the institution itself if the applicant is a student.
  • Information about the previous employer, if the woman is not currently performing work duties.

Amount of monthly benefit

The minimum amount of state assistance for a single mother in 2017 is provided for unemployed women, these include students and workers whose enterprises were liquidated while they were on sick leave during childbirth. It is about 2.9 thousand rubles. If the newborn is not the first child in the family, the amount increases to 5.8 thousand rubles. The mother receives this amount once a month after approval from the Social Insurance Fund and until the baby is one and a half years old.

The monthly benefit for a single mother in 2017 will be many times greater if she is officially employed. In this case, the size calculation is individual according to her income. Thus, the average level of profit is determined, which includes all receipts to the employee’s account for two years, including compensation and bonuses. 40% is calculated from the average parameter. This is exactly the amount a working woman is entitled to for caring for a newborn.

A prerequisite is that she is on vacation based on a pre-submitted application. The order for it must indicate the reason - providing care for a child under 1.5 years old. They begin to transfer money to the employee’s account upon completion of sick leave for childbirth. The subsidy is limited in the area of ​​maximum size - up to 21,554 thousand rubles.

Force majeure situations and their solutions

While on vacation and receiving child benefits, an unforeseen situation may occur, for example, the liquidation of a company. In this case, you should not worry, but act in this order:

  • Obtain from the employer a copy of the order on leave to provide care for the baby.
  • Request a certificate from the employer indicating the dates and amounts of transfers of this type of assistance.
  • Prepare a certificate of the child, other children (if any) and a work book.
  • Visit the protection authority (FSS), fill out an application and submit the papers.
  • Wait for approval.
  • Receive payments from this body in the previously calculated amount (40% of the salary).

Additional benefits and opportunities for single mothers

In addition to general conditions and benefits, single mothers may receive additional ones, if provided in a particular region. Local governments independently form their budgets and have the opportunity to increase some expenditure items. Likewise, the benefit for a single mother in 2017 may differ significantly in the regions. In some, they can be paid for a longer period - up to 3 years (instead of one and a half), up to 6, or until adulthood. In some areas there are programs to help unemployed single mothers. Benefits are provided for children reaching 14, 16 or 18 years of age. They can range from 150 to 1500 rubles in various areas. These criteria should be clarified in advance with the relevant structures.

Non-material benefits

In addition to monetary assistance, a single mother receives additional guarantees for her child:

  • Registration for preschool institutions without the need for prior registration (no queue).
  • Free meals at school (two meals a day).
  • Providing school and office supplies free of charge.

A working single mother also has a number of privileges:

  • An employer cannot fire an employee in this category. The only reason can be the liquidation of the company. But even in such a situation, he is obliged to provide assistance in finding employment. The rule applies until children reach 14 years of age.
  • Sick leave for an employee necessary to care for a sick baby is paid at 100% of the salary.
  • It is unacceptable to send an employee on a business trip (only with her written consent).
  • She is not supposed to be assigned night shift.

Different situations require different design of benefits for single mothers, and the amounts of payments also vary depending on the mother’s employment.

There are single mothers all over the world. Some choose this status out of their own convictions, while others have to take it for granted. Nevertheless, it is difficult for a woman to raise a child alone, without government help. When she receives single mother status, benefits and additional payments, benefits help make her life easier.


Before you apply for benefits and benefits, you need to know who is assigned the status of a single mother. In a legal context, this status is defined as “a woman raising a child without a father and having no information about him.”

The following citizens are recognized as single mothers:

  • Those who gave birth and are raising one or more children out of wedlock. Provided that paternity has not been properly established. That is, the registry office does not have an application with information about the second parent.
  • Those who gave birth to a child in a legal marriage. Provided that the current or former husband is not the father of the baby, and this is established by the court (proven legally).
  • Women who have adopted a child. Provided that such women are not married and the child does not officially have a father.

Who is not legally recognized as a single mother?

According to the law, a woman is not recognized as a single mother if she:

  • He is divorced and does not receive alimony from his ex-spouse, who is listed as the father of the child(ren).
  • Gave birth within 300 days after the death of her husband or divorce. Then the registry office registers the ex-spouse as the father of the child(ren). Even if the ex-husband was not actually the biological father of the children.
  • Not married, but it has been proven in court that the child has a father. Even if the man and this woman do not live together.
  • Widow.

Certificate from the registry office

To receive a monthly allowance for a single mother, as well as other payments and benefits provided by law, you must submit a corresponding certificate from the registry office. To complete it correctly, a woman must contact the staff of this institution. In this case, a dash is placed in the column about the second parent. And along with the certificate, the woman is given a certificate in form 25, which proves that the citizen is a single mother.

State payments and benefits that a single mother is entitled to receive

The benefit and some payments and benefits for it are identical to those that full-fledged families have. The difference exists in the amount of money received. For single mothers it is slightly higher. Benefits:

  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • one-time at the birth of a baby;
  • care for children under 1.5 and 3 years old;
  • monthly (double amount) up to 16-18 years.

It must be remembered that in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to annually submit documents confirming that the woman is a single mother to the USZN. If changes have occurred over the past year (her child was adopted, his paternity was established, etc.), then payments stop.

Child benefits

For all parents, without exception, including single mothers, there are federal benefits for the birth of a child. Payments can be one-time, monthly and additional (maternity capital, certificates: patrimonial and for the purchase of housing). In addition, there are a number of benefits (free travel, etc.). In this case, the number of children born or adopted is important.

Child care payments are provided to everyone without exception. But there is also an additional benefit for single mothers in Russia, which is assigned regionally, by order of local government. In order to find out exactly what kind of payments exist and in what amount, you need to contact your local USZN.

The procedure and features of payments and benefits at the birth of a child

What other help can a single mother expect? A one-time benefit for those registered early during pregnancy is issued for women who contacted an antenatal clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During its course, the woman needs vitamins and some medications (if necessary). Some of them can be obtained free of charge, on a preferential basis.

It must be remembered that child care benefits for single mothers (otherwise known as maternity payments) are received only by officially employed women in a “position” who have an insurance policy. Such expectant mothers can simultaneously receive a lump sum benefit if they register in the early stages of pregnancy. As well as maternity benefits.

After the 30th week of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic issues a certificate of incapacity for work. It must be taken to work for subsequent deductions of maternity benefits, which must be at least 100% of average earnings. The benefit is issued within 10 days after submitting all documents. The benefit amount for single mothers is paid in full on the first day of salary payment.

The amount of a one-time payment for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy is 515 rubles. A certificate of this is submitted along with all documents to receive a monthly allowance.

Along with the certificate of incapacity for work, the antenatal clinic issues a birth certificate consisting of three coupons. The first remains in the antenatal clinic, the second is sent to the maternity hospital, and the third to the children's clinic.

Benefits and payments after the birth of a child

The amount of the one-time benefit is almost 15 thousand rubles. Monthly care payments for up to 1.5 years are paid at the rate of 40% of earnings for the previous 2 years (before pregnancy). A single mother also has the right to them. Benefit:

  • for the first child - 2718 rubles;
  • for the second - 5436 rubles;
  • the maximum is almost 20 thousand rubles.

After the birth of their second and subsequent children, women are given maternity capital, which can only be received by those who gave birth before the age of 35. The state is allowed to spend this money only on the child, and for certain purposes established by law. In some regions of Russia, additional maternity capital is issued.

If a family is considered to have many children, then a number of benefits and benefits apply. And for the third and subsequent children, an additional benefit is paid until they reach the age of 3.

Tariffs for the capital are slightly different. Benefits for single mothers (Moscow) are as follows:

  • One-time payment for the first child - 5,500 rubles; for the second - 14,500 rubles.
  • Additional benefit. It is paid to mothers who gave birth before the age of 30 in the amount of 34,500 rubles.
  • After the birth of a third or more children, 50 thousand rubles are paid. At the same time, other benefits and benefits are not reduced or cancelled.

Labor guarantees

Single women raising children on their own, without a spouse, are provided with child benefits. At the birth of even one child, a single mother has the right to count not only on cash payments, but also on labor guarantees that protect her rights and provide additional benefits (after the woman returns from maternity leave, or when getting a job):

Benefits when teaching a child

There are a number of government benefits when educating a child. Single mothers are entitled to a 50% discount on the cost of children in kindergartens. For such women, a 30% discount is provided for a child’s education in state sports and cultural institutions. Children of single mothers have priority when entering school and are enrolled out of turn. They are provided with two free meals a day.

Housing benefits

Single mothers have the right to receive housing (in case of need) in the first place, just as single mothers are included in a separate list of beneficiaries. The procedure for providing housing is in accordance with the law.

If a single mother with minor children is evicted from service housing, they must be provided with other housing. Without this condition, a single mother with children is not subject to eviction.

Compensation is provided if such a woman lives in a rented apartment. But to receive such payments, you must have a rental agreement in hand. The monthly compensation amount is 6,400 rubles.

Additional social benefits for single mothers

In addition to the above benefits, single mothers have the right:

Increased monthly benefit

Increased monthly child benefits for single mothers are established independently by local authorities for each region of Russia. For example, with a basic payment of 500 rubles, this figure can be 1,500 rubles.

Most often, such payments exist only until reaching adulthood. But in the case of single mothers, they can be extended until the child is 24 years old, provided that he is studying full-time at one of the universities. All payments are processed at the USZN (Department of Social Protection of the Population).

What documents are needed to receive benefits?

To receive child benefit, single mothers must initially provide the following documents to the local regional SZZN:

  • application for additional social benefits or benefits;
  • original and photocopy of passport (necessarily with the page where registration is indicated);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certified certificate about the number of people in the family and the age of the children;
  • a document that indicates that the woman is not married.

Social guarantees for single mothers in Moscow

What benefits are available to single mothers? As was already said above, they are almost the same everywhere, but they differ in the amounts of payments, depending on the region, which has the right to set a larger amount of payments or assign additional ones.

For example, in Moscow, some benefits can only be issued if the woman’s income is below the subsistence level established by law:

  • Monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years for single mothers with dependent small children. Moreover, the same payments are provided if the children’s age is 3-18 years. The amount is 1,600 rubles for each child in the family.
  • Every month a single mother is paid 3,200 rubles if her children are between one and a half to three years old.

Moreover, if such a woman gets married, but her husband does not adopt a child, then all his income will not be taken into account when calculating the cash benefit.

What other benefit does a single mother receive? Payments that do not depend on family income:

  • Every month, such women are compensated for the increased cost of living. If the child is not yet 16 years old or if he is a student - then until his 18th birthday. The amount of compensation payment is 750 rubles.
  • Single mothers are paid a monthly amount to compensate for rising food prices, provided that the child is no more than three years old. The amount of compensation is 675 rubles.

To receive payments, you must submit a personal income tax certificate for the previous three months to the regional department of social protection of the population. It is best to choose a time to submit it when the income stated in it does not include maternity payments.

Compensation for single mothers raising disabled children

What is the amount of benefit for a single mother in Russia with a dependent disabled child? If he has group 1 (and a child over 3 years of age), then every month his parent is paid an amount of 6 thousand rubles (it may vary depending on the increase in the cost of living, inflation and the characteristics of the social security of the region). But the payment is made only until the child reaches 18 years of age. If children are disabled from birth, then the period of such payments increases to 24 years. But only on the condition that the child does not officially work.

What benefit does a single mother with a large family receive? Such women can receive additional payments for each child. If there are 3 to 4 children in a family, then the amount will be 600 rubles for each. If from 5 or more, then 750 rubles.

Tax deductions

For single mothers, a standard double deduction is provided, which is provided for each child separately. In other words, this is a tax-free amount. For the first and second child - 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 6000 rubles. These amounts are not taxed until the children turn 18. After this age - only if they study at a university. Then the period of double tax deduction is extended until the children reach the age of 24.

You need to know that such a benefit can be provided to single mothers only before their marriage.

** If a child belongs to several categories, only one monthly compensation payment is assigned to cover expenses due to the increased cost of living.

3. How to apply for a payment to reimburse the increased cost of food?

A monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food to certain categories of citizens is paid for children:

  • single mothers (fathers);
  • military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription;
  • from families in which one of the parents evades paying child support;
  • from large families;
  • from student families;
  • who are disabled*.

The payment can be made by a parent, adoptive parent, stepfather or stepmother (for large families), guardian or trustee of the child. Both the legal representative of the child and the child for whom the payment is made must live together and have permanent registration in Moscow. Citizenship doesn't matter.

Paid for each child from the month of his birth until he reaches 3 years of age, provided that the application for payment was submitted no later than 6 months from the month in which the child was born.

To process the payment you will need:

  • on the assignment of benefits;
  • identification documents of the applicant and the second parent (if available), If the passport does not contain a mark on the place of residence, you can provide another document confirming the place of residence and a copy of it.">containing information about the place of residence in Moscow;
  • a document certifying the identity of the authorized representative and a notarized power of attorney - upon application by the authorized representative;
  • ">birth certificates of children for whom the payment is made;
  • documents confirming that the children for whom the payment is being made are permanently registered in Moscow;
  • certificate of establishment of paternity - for those who have established paternity, presented upon request;
  • a court decision on the adoption of a child that has entered into legal force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner), or a certificate of adoption - for adoptive parents, is presented at will;
  • decision (extract from the decision) on establishing guardianship (trusteeship) over a child - for guardians or trustees;
  • It may not be provided if the registration of the civil status act was carried out by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after January 1, 1990.">a document confirming the change in last name, first name or patronymic - if the full name has been changed;
  • For a single mother (father)

    one of the documents confirming the absence of the second parent:

    • birth certificate in form No. 2*;
    • death certificate of the second parent*;
    • a court decision recognizing the second parent as missing or declaring him dead, which has entered into legal force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner).

    For the family of a serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription

    one of the documents confirming service:

    • a certificate from the military commissariat about the conscription of the child's father for military service;
    • a certificate from a military professional educational organization or a military educational organization of higher education about the child’s father studying there.

    For a family in which one of the parents evades paying child support

    one of the documents confirming the non-payment of child support by the second parent:

    • a message from the internal affairs bodies or a certificate from the Federal Bailiff Service stating that the location of the wanted debtor has not been established within a month;
    • a message from the authorized federal executive body about the non-execution of a court decision (court order) on the collection of alimony if the debtor lives in a foreign state with which the Russian Federation has concluded an agreement on legal assistance;
    • a certificate from the court about the reasons for non-execution of the court decision (court order) on the collection of alimony.

    For a large family in which the spouse’s children, born in a previous marriage or born out of wedlock, actually live

    Documents confirming that the child is being raised in the applicant’s family:

    • marriage certificate (if the child was born out of wedlock)*;
    • death certificate of the second parent (if available)*;
    • certificate of divorce*;
    • a court decision to transfer the child to the applicant for upbringing, which has entered into legal force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner);
    • a certificate of the child’s education in an educational organization, issued no later than 30 calendar days before the day of application for the provision of a public service (if the child is studying);
    • a certificate of observation of the child in a medical organization, issued no later than 30 calendar days before the day of application for the provision of public services (if the child is observed in a medical organization).

    For a student family

    • certificate of parental education in full-time study at a professional educational organization or educational organization of higher education.

    For a family raising a disabled child:

    • an extract from the examination report at the federal state medical and social examination institution recognizing the child for whom the payment is being made as a disabled child.

    * If the registration of a civil status act was carried out in Moscow after January 1, 1990, the document does not need to be submitted.

    , confirming the right to receive payment;
  • details of the credit institution and current account where the payment will be transferred.

You can make a payment:

  • in person at the public services center;
  • Please note: on the official website of the Moscow Mayor, a site has been created for a constructor of city payments for families with children. By going to the service page and using this service, you can fill out one application for most of the city payments due to you.">online on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. Please note that requests in electronic form are not accepted from guardians, trustees and authorized representatives.

The decision to grant benefits is made within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application and submission of all necessary documents.

The current payment amount can be found on the website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection.