Skin hygiene is the basis of personal hygiene. The importance of skin hygiene is very great: thanks to it, your skin can be ensured that your skin remains beautiful, young and healthy.

In case of inadequate or insufficient nutrition, unsatisfactory working and living conditions, many dermatoses may occur.

To avoid any skin diseases, it is recommended to follow the rules of skin hygiene and, if possible, eliminate harmful household and professional factors.

Human skin hygiene

To maintain good skin condition, it is necessary that the gastrointestinal tract functions normally and that nutrition is adequate. With a lack of vitamins A, B, D, C, PP, the appearance or exacerbation of certain skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema, may occur.

To cleanse your skin of sweat, impurities, sebum, microorganisms and scales, you must regularly follow the rules of skin hygiene. It is recommended to take baths, the duration of which should be no more than 15 minutes, at least once a week. It is advisable to take a shower every day without using soap, and the water should be at room temperature.

No matter what your skin type is, it needs to be moisturized and nourished. When choosing cosmetics, you need to take into account their composition and effect on a specific skin type.

Nourishing creams contain numerous additives that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of cells. Such additives include vitamins, extracts, beeswax, lanolin, plant juices, and kernel oil. Fats and oils that are included in cosmetic preparations, as a rule, are well absorbed; they reduce the release of water from the skin, thereby preventing it from drying out. In addition, they prevent microbes from penetrating the skin and also have a protective effect on the skin from irritating environmental factors.

The importance of skin hygiene is maintaining water balance in skin cells. To do this, you need to regularly use moisturizing lotions and creams. Moisturizing cream is universal, so its use is suitable for both oily and dry skin, especially aging skin, since thanks to it the skin is not only moisturized, but also vitamins, fats, biologically active components and other beneficial substances are added to its layers.

Hygiene of the skin of the face and neck includes washing with warm water. In the case of thin and dry skin, which is sensitive to sunlight and atmospheric influences, it is advisable not to use soap, but to use soft water - boiled, tap or rain, adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water.

To ensure proper skin hygiene, it is useful to take a contrast shower, which helps relieve fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and also improves its blood supply due to the fact that blood vessels periodically narrow and dilate. It is recommended to start taking a shower with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. Then you need to quickly douse yourself with cold water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish with cold or cool water. You should avoid hypothermia and do not use scalding ice water.

Of no small importance is the protection of the skin from injuries, which act as a gateway for pyogenic infection. For this purpose, if necessary, you need to use special clothing, protective paste and special detergents.

While observing the rules of skin hygiene, it is necessary to take into account that the skin has a beneficial effect on moderate exposure to sunlight, fresh air, and water procedures, including sea bathing. With these measures, the skin's resistance to external irritants increases. In addition, it is useful to engage in physical exercise or sports.

Hygieia is the goddess of health, the daughter of the sage and physician Asclepius. The science of Hygiene, which studies the influence of work and life on human health, is named after this goddess.

Gigi'ya was depicted in mythology, and very often on ancient Greek cameos, entwined with a snake, as a symbol of wisdom and holiness, purity and inviolability.

Human hygiene implies cleanliness of life. The snake bites the one who violates the laws of Gigi'i. As the daughter of Asclepius-Aesculapius, who symbolizes medicine for us, Gigi’ya observes the laws of a healthy lifestyle and through hygiene instills healthy habits in her fans, these skills bring health to the body and long life.

Personal hygiene is understood as a set of hygienic rules that help strengthen and preserve human health and increase the duration of his active life. Personal hygiene is an integral part of hygiene, including the rules of hygienic maintenance of the body, oral cavity, genitals, as well as the use of shoes, underwear, clothing, and housing. Issues of rest and work, sleep patterns, nutrition, and mental hygiene are considered.

Increasing the body's resistance to various unfavorable factors and a person's adaptation to the environment is facilitated by proper nutrition, hardening, physical education, regular exercise and other hygienic measures.

Compliance with hygiene rules is one of the conditions that determine human culture.

Human skin is the outer covering that protects the body from various environmental influences. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs such functions as regulation of heat generation and heat transfer, breathing, absorption, perception of external stimuli, etc. Its condition is influenced by climatic influences and working conditions. The skin is closely connected with the vital functions of the whole organism.

Skin care involves following some rules:

  • wash every day with warm water using special products (soap, gel, etc.);
  • change underwear, stockings, socks, tights, knee socks;
  • do not squeeze pimples, this can lead to inflammation;
  • try to consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, this will provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, which will contribute to smooth and clean skin;
  • in the cold season it is necessary to protect the skin from frostbite;
  • Don't wear clothes that irritate your skin.

Facial skin care comes down to three points: cleansing, nutrition, protection. To properly care for your skin, you need to know its type (normal, dry or oily).

In adults, normal skin is rare. This skin has a pink-beige tint, it is moderately matte, without acne, smooth and elastic, has sufficient moisture and fat lubrication, and good tension.

Normal skin requires less care than oily or dry skin. Cold water strengthens and refreshes the skin. Hot - washes away sebum, cleanses well, but with regular use of hot water, blood vessels can dilate, sagging and dullness of the skin appears, so you need to wash your face with water at room temperature or alternately pour cold and hot water on your face. After washing, wipe the skin dry.

Oily skin is grayish-yellow in color and has enlarged pores. Most often it occurs in the middle parts of the back and in the middle part of the face (forehead, nose, chin). This skin type can be characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum expands the openings of the sebaceous glands, clogging them, as a result of which comedones - blackheads - can form. Oily skin is less susceptible to irritation and easily tolerates various environmental influences. With such skin, you can wash your face daily with warm, but not hot, water and soap. If your skin is excessively oily, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day. You should periodically clean your face in a beauty salon if your facial skin is significantly contaminated.

Dry skin has a yellow-pinkish color, it is thinner, more vulnerable and delicate. Dilated capillaries are visible through the thin epidermis. This type of skin is easily irritated by wind, sun, water, frost, soap, reacting to their action with redness, painful tension and exfoliation of the epidermis. In youth, caring for dry skin comes down to cleansing it of impurities and softening it with liquid cream, but care should be taken regularly and very carefully, since such skin tends to premature aging.

At home, the main skin care products are masks and creams. Masks can be medicinal (they should only be done in a beauty salon), whitening and cosmetic. You can use masks two to three times a week.

Most modern creams nourish and protect the skin, supplying it with all the necessary substances. To cleanse and soften the skin, emulsions and liquid creams are used; they are recommended under powder and for wiping the skin instead of washing.

To nourish the skin, there are special creams for dry, oily and normal skin; they are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin. Face creams should be used daily, but you must remember that the skin gets used to the same cream and its active effect does not last long, so you should change the cream periodically. Apply and remove the cream in the direction of the skin lines with light finger touches so as not to displace or injure the skin.

It is also necessary to take care of the skin of your hands. It is recommended to wash your hands with mild toilet soap, which contains various additives, dry them thoroughly with a towel and, if necessary, lubricate them with an emollient cream. You should also lubricate your hands with cream before doing housework. To slow down the aging process of the skin of the hands, creams with elastin, collagen and vitamins E and A are used, which restore the epidermis, making the skin smooth and elastic. You need to rub the cream from your fingertips to your wrist, massaging each finger in turn, then the entire palm.

Foot baths are used to care for the skin of the feet; they improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue. If there are abrasions or small cracks on the skin of your feet, then it is useful to take a bath with calendula (1 tablespoon of calendula per 1 liter of water). To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to wipe the skin of your feet with table vinegar or a special lotion 2-3 times a week. It is also advisable to use softening gels and foot creams, which significantly improve the condition of the skin of the feet.

The condition of teeth is of great importance for human health, which is why it is so important to take care of the oral cavity. Proper dental care can help prevent infections in the mouth. They should be cleaned daily using a toothbrush and toothpaste, and special mouthwash solutions should also be used. After eating, you need to clean the spaces between your teeth using toothpicks or special floss. At the first signs of dental and gum disease, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Proper oral and dental care, timely treatment of dental diseases, preventive measures recommended by a doctor and treatment prescribed by a dentist will help keep your teeth in good condition.

Personal hygiene also includes hair care. You should wash your hair with warm water; if the water is hard, you can soften it with baking soda (add 0.5 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water). The frequency of washing your hair depends on your hair type.

If you have oily hair, washing your hair too often can increase sebum production. Frequent washing is also contraindicated for dry hair due to its fragility and fragility. For this hair, it is useful to periodically use egg yolk or curdled milk. Long hair should be combed starting from the ends, and short hair should be combed from the root. Dry hair requires especially careful combing. The comb should not have sharp teeth, it should be sparse. A brush is suitable for normal hair; its use will cleanse the hair, evenly distribute the oil along the entire length of the hair, and improve blood circulation in the scalp. The brush should not be prickly, but hard. It is unacceptable to use someone else's comb.

Strong twisting, pulling, and constant tight weaving of hair can cause hair breakage and loss. Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust, etc. makes hair brittle and dull. Hair loss can be aggravated by wearing tight or heavy hats, which put pressure on the skin and make it difficult for air to reach the hair.

As for a person’s clothing, it must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment and the nature of the work. It is preferable to wear shoes made of genuine leather, and their cut should fully take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the foot.

One of the important factors contributing to the preservation of health and related to personal hygiene is internal hygiene.

It is more expedient to include this section of the science of Hygiene in food hygiene because the internal cleanliness of the organs of the physical body contributes to better absorption of nutrients, vital elements of air, water, food, but not only this. Knowledge of internal hygiene could be included as an aid in some areas of medicine. After all, hygiene has been a branch of medical science since ancient times, and only much later than the times of Ancient Greece, from where its name came, did it become an independent branch of science, and this is exactly what happened in the second half of the 19th century. When caring for your outer coverings, you often forget that the stomach, intestines, lungs, trachea, nasopharynx and other body cavities need to be cleansed just like the skin, hair, nails or teeth.

A person uses the apparatus of his body throughout his life, sometimes centuries. If you did not clean the pan in which you cook dinner during its entire service life just because it is used for cooking, you would probably be considered lazy and dirty, a bad housewife. But how do you feel about your digestive tract, which is the same food cauldron that you have been using not for a year or two, but for 80-100 years? Hygiene of the digestive tract and hygiene of the respiratory tract are two points that need to be added to the general section of personal hygiene in order to prevent many diseases that occur due to the impurity of these channels of perception of the environment.

Psychohygiene- This is a section related to personal hygiene and social hygiene. Psychological aspects in hygiene relate to the purity and health of emotions, imagination and thoughts - all this is determined by the concept of the soul, or Psyche in ancient Greek. Psyche manifests itself through the human neuroendocrine and nervous system, as a result of which certain substances are produced: crystals of psychic energy and hormones that regulate the activity of the human physical apparatus.

Personal hygiene also implies the health and strength of the endocrine glands, because the ectoplasm that is secreted by them creates auric radiations that saturate a person’s clothing, all surrounding objects, the atmosphere of the home, affect our social environment, etc., being an indicator of health or ill health person.

The rules for maintaining and improving health are dealt with by science - hygiene, which includes many areas. Among them, human hygiene and skin hygiene are distinguished as separate sections.

The narrower concept of hygiene includes a set of requirements for the hygienic maintenance of the body, personal and household items. Thus, the hygiene of a person living in society creates a healthy environment for his normal life. Violation of these rules may affect the deterioration of public hygiene of large groups of people.

Skin and its hygiene

Skin is our citadel. No wonder its main function is considered protective. The epithelial cover, maintaining the health and vital functions of the body, performs a number of functions:

  • thermoregulatory;
  • secretory;
  • resorption;
  • respiratory.

It participates in the general metabolic process and serves as a sensory organ. Therefore, it is so important to follow simple rules of skin hygiene.

Skin hygiene procedures

The epithelium of the skin is often the first to signal a disorder in human health, so keeping the skin clean is the starting point in a set of measures that are defined as skin hygiene.

Common procedures to keep your skin clean include:

Properly caring for your hair improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Hygiene rules for preschoolers

Young children are susceptible to a variety of skin conditions, from simple irritations to allergic reactions. Some of their skin functions are not coherent, so skin hygiene is very important for a preschooler.

Parents must take care of creating the necessary conditions for the proper development and preservation of the child’s health.

Personal hygiene rules are best explained to preschool children using pictures or riddles on the topic. For example, pictures and riddles about personal hygiene items. With their help, the child can talk about the purpose of objects and why, by using them, he takes care of his health.

Children gradually learn the basic rules of hygiene and know that:

  • hands are soaped for a minute and then washed off with water;
  • nails must be trimmed first with help, and later independently;
  • brush your teeth 2 times a day and rinse your mouth after eating;
  • The child must have personal care items: toothbrush, comb, soap, towel.

During the learning process, invite your child to solve simple riddles with bright illustrations and clues, as well as using visual objects. For an exciting activity, you can choose any riddles. For example, riddles about a bathtub and a mirror, or riddles about toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Example - riddles about the bath:

  1. Guess, remember what kind of sea is in the room.
  2. A warm wave splashes on the cast iron shores.

Correctly selected riddles will help children consolidate their knowledge of hygiene rules.

Hygienic care for boys

Personal hygiene of boys is very important starting from the first year of life. From practice it follows that mothers experience difficulties in caring for boys. But the child still has to be taught how to take care of himself.

The process of caring for boys is determined by the basic rules:

  • regular washing. In winter, 1 time per day is enough, and in summer - 2 times;
  • timely change of linen.

A boy should be gradually taught to wash himself independently, starting from the third year of life. During this period, the child needs to clearly understand that hygiene is the key to good health for life.

Food worker hygiene

Any person employed in the food industry, in addition to personal hygiene, must observe the rules of hygiene in society. The well-being of many people depends on his attitude to cleanliness and his own health.

Cooks working in catering establishments are required to undergo medical examinations not only upon entering work, but also at scheduled times according to the schedule of professional examinations.

All cooks must have a spare set of sanitary clothing made of white material. It needs to be changed at least 2-3 times a week. A sanitary certificate is issued for each cook at the enterprise.

The cooks wear berets or headscarves and keep their hands clean and their nails neat. Food workers should wash their hands after every break and transition to clean work.

General hygiene of athletes and tourists

People involved in sports or active recreation should be familiar with the basic requirements of not only personal, but also public hygiene for groups participating in competitions or hiking.

Sports hygiene

A person engaged in physical exercise knows that the basis of hygiene is:

  • adherence to a rational regimen (proper alternation of classes with exercises and rest);
  • body care (skin, teeth, hair);
  • maintaining hygiene when wearing clothes and shoes.

Excessive sweating occurs during exercise, so take a shower with hot water and soap after exercise. Daily dousing with cool water followed by rubbing with a towel is very beneficial for health.

In the morning, before physical exercise, you need to wash your face with cold water to boost your energy and mood. Hardening procedures have a beneficial effect on the body of an athlete or sportsperson.

Bath procedures will cleanse the skin and improve its respiratory functions. As a result, fatigue caused by physical overload goes away.

Contact between the bodies of wrestlers or boxers during training sessions and competitions can lead to skin injuries. To prevent wounds from becoming infected, they need to be treated.

Effective physical exercise is facilitated by the correct selection of clothing and shoes. Clothes and shoes should not restrict freedom of movement, thereby eliminating the occurrence of abrasions or skin irritations.

Hygiene during hiking trips

During a hike, ordinary hygiene measures: washing hands and feet, brushing teeth and doing laundry, become especially important, since in natural conditions you need to closely monitor your health.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  2. When preparing for meals, you need to use a tablecloth for food so as not to put it on the ground.
  3. After eating, you need to wash the dishes and other kitchen items.
  4. A set of clean bed linen is required. Dirty, sweaty clothes cause skin irritation, which is not easy to deal with in hiking conditions.
  5. Before going to bed, do not be lazy to wash your feet and socks. The biggest enemy of tourists is sore feet.
  6. Don't forget to ventilate your sleeping bag. Use sunny days to wash your clothes at rest stops, and once every 5 days you need to wash completely.

On the most difficult hike, these rules must be followed by all members of the group.

Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept that covers almost all aspects of people's lives. The word hygiene comes from the Greek hygieno s, which means "bringing health" There are a lot of definitions of Hygiene, but perhaps they all mean one thing: hygiene is the science of human improvement and preservation.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as: hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, personal hygiene, municipal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. Since the topic of the site is completely included in the concept of “Hygiene”, for ease of understanding in this section of the site we will cover only the topic of Personal Hygiene.

Personal hygiene - a set of rules of human behavior in everyday life and at work. In a narrow sense, hygiene is the hygienic maintenance of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of personal hygiene requirements can affect the health of both one person and very large groups of people (enterprise teams, families, members of various communities, and even residents of entire regions).


1. Body hygiene. Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Keeping the skin clean is extremely important, because in addition to its protective function, it performs the following functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

  • Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the human skin per week. To ensure that the protective properties of the skin are not impaired, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  • It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, sauna) at least once a week.
  • Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed skin areas are especially susceptible to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from your hands into your mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before using the toilet and always after using the toilet, before and after eating, and after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some germs.
  • Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces sweating.

2. Hair hygiene. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Therefore, the hair washing procedure must be taken responsibly.

  • The hair must be washed as soon as it gets dirty. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. The frequency of hair washing depends on various factors: hair length, hair and scalp type, nature of work, time of year, etc. In winter, as a rule, you wash your hair more often, because a hat does not allow the scalp to breathe, which is why much more sebum is released than usual.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. Hair can become very oily as hot water activates the sebaceous glands. In addition, such water helps detergents (soaps and shampoos) settle on the hair in the form of a gray coating that is difficult to wash off.
  • Be careful when choosing hair care products (shampoos, balms, lotions, etc.). Hair absorbs water very well, and with it substances that can harm the hair, scalp and the body as a whole.
  • After rinsing, it is useful to rinse your hair with cool water.
  • It is advisable to dry your hair after washing with a warm towel, and then let your hair air dry. It is not advisable to use a hairdryer because it dries your hair very much.
  • When combing your hair, it is unacceptable to use other people's combs.

3. Oral hygiene. Proper oral care helps keep teeth in good condition for many years, and also helps prevent many diseases of internal organs.

  • You need to brush your teeth every morning and evening.
  • It is unacceptable to take advantage of another person.
  • After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  • If you notice the first signs of tooth or gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.

4. Hygiene of underwear, clothing and shoes. The cleanliness of our clothes plays an important role in personal hygiene. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insects, and so on.

  • Underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e. every day.
  • Socks, knee socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.
  • Clothes must be washed regularly.
  • It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes
  • Clothing and shoes must match the climatic conditions.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and shoes made from natural materials.
  • The cut of clothing and shoes must take into account anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

5. Bed hygiene.

  • Each family member should have their own towel and their own bed.
  • Bed linen must be changed weekly.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to change your underwear to a nightgown or pajamas.
  • Try not to allow pets on the bed.

And a little more about hygiene:

Skin is the outer covering of the human body, which protects us from a wide range of external influences, including pathogenic microorganisms, synthesizes vitamin D, participates in inhalation, thermoregulation, metabolic and many other processes. The skin is an excretory organ; a large amount of hazardous substances are removed through the pores of the body.

The total surface area of ​​human skin reaches 1.5 m², the weight of adults is about 18%, and that of newborns is about 20% of the weight of the entire body. The skin consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat fiber.

Throughout a person's life, the skin changes. As a child, it is thin, tender, easily vulnerable, and is supplied with blood more abundantly; subcutaneous fatty tissue is thicker than in adults; thermoregulation and sweating are imperfect. By the age of 6-8 years, children’s skin in structure and function approaches that of an adult.

With aging, the skin gradually fades: its filling with blood decreases, the functions of the sebaceous glands are weakened, and they partially atrophy. Thin skin in places resembles tissue paper and loses elasticity. Subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner and in some places completely disappears. Dry, unevenly pigmented skin develops keratinized areas, becomes covered with fine and deep wrinkles, and skin restoration processes worsen.

We can confidently say that it is the skin that is the mirror of a person’s health, his habits, age, diet, and lifestyle. To keep her healthy, you need to take good care of her and strictly follow the rules of hygiene. After all, microorganisms literally die on clean skin, but on dirty skin they live and multiply perfectly, provoking various diseases and undermining our immunity. On one square centimeter of the human epidermis, and a healthy one at that, there are simultaneously from 100 thousand to 3 million microorganisms! At the same time, if you place bacteria on previously cleansed skin of your hands, their number will decrease by 85% literally after 10 minutes.

Hygiene skills should be instilled in childhood, reinforced during the school years and firmly introduced into the daily routine during working life. The importance of skin hygiene is very great: thanks to it, it is possible to ensure that the skin remains beautiful, young and healthy.
Skin hygiene is of great importance for the prevention of not only skin diseases, but also a number of others, especially gastrointestinal, diseases.

Hygiene rules

There are not many basic hygiene rules. Their essence boils down to cleaning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. In order for the skin to successfully perform its many functions, the following rules must be observed:
- wash yourself every day with warm water using special products (toilet or baby soap, gel, etc.);
— change your underwear, socks, stockings, tights or stockings as often as possible;
- if the skin is dry or itchy, lubricate it with cream or ointment;
- do not squeeze pimples, do not try to open ulcers: inflammation may begin in their place;
- if you notice a rash on your body, immediately contact a medical facility;
- eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, milk; If you get enough vitamins and minerals from food, your skin will be clean and smooth;
- avoid foods that cause you an allergic reaction;
- in cold weather, protect your skin from frostbite;
— in the forest or field, do not touch unfamiliar plants, as some of them may be poisonous and cause skin irritation;
- if you accidentally spill acid or another chemical on yourself, immediately wash it off with running water;
- if clothing made of synthetic fabrics or any other materials causes irritation to your skin, do not wear it;
- watch your hands carefully, they must be washed with water at room temperature: when you come home, after visiting the toilet, before eating, after playing with animals. After washing your hands, it is recommended to use a cream to keep them dry and prevent them from cracking. Cosmetic soap is better for dry skin, neutral soap for oily skin;
- daily foot care.

Useful tips

First of all, the skin needs to be cleansed daily of sweat, sebum, microorganisms and various impurities. It is recommended to take baths, the duration of which should be 15-20 minutes, at least 1-2 times a week at a water temperature of 35-40 ° C.

It is advisable to take a shower every day without using soap, and the water should be at room temperature. To care for a child’s skin, it is necessary to have special baths for bathing, soft washcloths, baby soap, solutions manganese acid potassium iboric acid, sterile vaseline or sunflower oil, cotton wool sticks, gauze swabs, small scissors, etc. It is not recommended to use powders, because they roll into lumps,
they themselves often cause irritation. Regardless of the type of skin, it needs to be moisturized and nourished. When choosing cosmetic products, it is necessary to take into account their composition and effect on a specific skin type.

Nourishing creams contain numerous additives (vitamins, extracts, beeswax, lanolin, plant juices, kernel oil) that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of cells. Fats and oils, which are included in cosmetic preparations, are, as a rule, well absorbed; they reduce the release of water from the skin, thereby preventing it from drying out. In addition, they prevent microbes from penetrating the skin, and also have a protective effect on the skin against irritating environmental factors.

The importance of skin hygiene is maintaining the water balance in the skin cells. To do this, you need to regularly use moisturizing lotions and creams. Moisturizing cream is universal, so its use is suitable for oily skin, dry skin, especially aging skin, since thanks to it the skin is not only moisturized, but vitamins, fats, biologically active components and other beneficial substances are added.

Hygiene of the skin of the face and neck includes washing with warm water. In any case, both after washing and after a bath or shower, it is useful to rinse your face with cold water. It should be remembered that hot water degreases the skin, and very cold water dries it out.

Before shaving, it is better to wash your face with hot water, and after shaving, wipe your skin with 0.5-1% salicylic alcohol.

To ensure proper skin hygiene, it is useful to take a contrast shower, which helps relieve fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and also helps improve its blood supply. It is recommended to start taking a shower with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. Then you need to quickly douse yourself with cold water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish with cold or cool water. Hypothermia should be avoided and scalding ice water should not be used.
While observing the rules of skin hygiene, it is necessary to take into account that the skin has a beneficial effect from the sun's rays in case of moderate exposure, fresh air, and water procedures, including sea bathing.

Features of care

In adults, normal skin is rare. This skin has a pink-beige tint, it is moderately matte, without acne, smooth and elastic, has sufficient moisture and grease, and good tension.

Normal skin requires less care than oily or dry skin. Cold water strengthens and refreshes the skin. Hot - washes away sebum, cleanses well, but with regular use of hot water, blood vessels can dilate, sagging and dull skin appear, so you need to wash your face with water at room temperature or alternately pour cold and hot water over your face. After washing, wipe the skin dry.

Oily skin has a grayish-yellow color and enlarged pores are visible. Most often it occurs in the middle parts of the back and the middle part of the face (forehead, nose, chin). This skin type can be characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum expands the openings of the sebaceous glands, clogging them, as a result of which comedones - blackheads - can form. Oily skin is less susceptible to irritation and easily tolerates various environmental influences. With such skin, you can wash your face daily with warm, but not hot water. If your skin is excessively oily, it is recommended to wash your face 2 times a day. You should periodically clean your face in a beauty salon if your facial skin is significantly contaminated.

Dry skin has a yellow-pinkish color, it is thinner, more vulnerable and tender. Dilated capillaries are visible through the thin epidermis. This type of skin is easily irritated by wind, sun, water, frost, soap, reacting to their action with redness, painful tension and peeling of the epidermis. In youth, caring for dry skin comes down to cleansing it of impurities and softening it with liquid cream, but care should be taken regularly and very carefully, since such skin tends to age prematurely. In case of thin and dry skin that is sensitive to the sun
rays and atmospheric influences, it is advisable not to use soap, but to use soft water - boiled, tap or rain, adding 1 water / teaspoon of baking soda.
At home, the main skin care products are caviar masks. There are medicinal masks (they should only be done in a beauty salon), whitening and cosmetic masks. You can use masks two to three times a week. Most modern creams nourish and protect the skin, supplying it with all the necessary substances. To cleanse and soften the skin, emulsions and liquid creams are used; they are recommended under powder and for wiping the skin instead of washing.

To nourish the skin, there are special creams for dry, oily and normal skin; they are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin. Face creams should be used daily, but you must remember that the skin gets used to the same cream and its active effect does not last long, so you should change the cream periodically. Apply and remove the cream in the direction of the skin lines with light finger touches so as not to displace or injure the skin.

It is necessary to take care of the skin of your hands. It is recommended to wash your hands with mild toilet soap, which contains various additives, dry them thoroughly with a towel and, if necessary, lubricate them with an emollient cream. You should also lubricate your hands with cream before doing housework. To slow down the aging process of the skin of the hands, creams with selastin, collagen and vitamins E and A are used, which restore the epidermis, making the skin smooth and elastic. You need to rub the cream from your fingertips, ending with your wrist, massaging each finger in turn, then the entire palm.

Foot baths are used to care for the skin of the feet; they improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue. If the skin of your feet has abrasions or small cracks, it is useful to take a bath with calendula (1 tablespoon of calendula per 1 liter of water). To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the feet with a special lotion 2-3 times a week.

It is also advisable to use softening gels and caviar for the feet, which significantly improve the condition of the skin of the feet.

As for a person’s clothing, it must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment and the nature of the work. It is preferable to wear shoes made of genuine leather; the cut should be fully taken into account anatomical and physiological features of the foot.

Unfortunately, we do not always pay due attention to these issues, in vain. After all, complete and correct skin hygiene is the key not only to our external beauty and attractiveness, but also to good immunity, and therefore the quality and duration of our lives.