Every person remembers how and when he came up with his signature. Usually the search for a suitable autograph begins at school. No one limits your imagination in this. But some choose a clear pen stroke with capital initials, others don’t think for a long time and sign their last name with a squiggle at the end. Particular attention should be paid to those who come up with a signature that can compete with the masterpieces of calligraphic art. Everything depends only on the person’s imagination and those properties that are dominant in his character. Just by looking at the signature, you can learn a lot about a person and his character traits.

The science that studies the dependence of a person’s signature on his character is graphology

Character of a person by signature - examples

  1. The stroke at the end of the signature, which almost every person puts, is the first thing you need to pay attention to.

— If the stroke is directed upward, then you have the signature of an optimist. This is an energetic person who strives to set goals and achieves their fulfillment. Such people never despair and quickly forget about troubles. Ideas and plans are always swarming in their heads. This type of stroke is typical for creative people.

- The stroke is directed straight. These are dual natures, whose character and personality development directly depends on the influence of the surrounding reality on them. These are people who are highly susceptible to the influence of others.

— The signature ends with a downward stroke. This is the signature of a pessimist. For the most part, these are weak-willed and apathetic people. They lack creativity and never trust anyone. There are several risk factors that people with this signature ending are exposed to: poor resistance to alcohol addiction, a tendency to chronic diseases of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract and nervous breakdowns.

  1. You can also determine a person’s character by the length of their signature.

- If a person signs with a long signature, this means that calmness and stubbornness prevail in his character. These are serious people who do not like haste and perform all duties assigned to them accurately and on time. Negative qualities include tediousness and pickiness about little things. Such people make good managers or office workers. These people belong to the category of those who should pay attention to the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

— A short signature is considered a sign that a person is always in a hurry. These people do not pay attention to little things, trying to immediately grab the rational grain from everything that is offered to them. They treat any task assigned to them superficially, without delving into the depth of the problem. These are people who will not do complex, monotonous work. Their attention quickly switches from one problem to another. They can do several things at once, but none of them will be completed.

  1. How the signature begins and ends.

Look at the signature and draw a vertical line dividing it into two halves. The first part can talk about how a person starts any event. It can also be used to judge the intellectual development of the owner of the autograph. However, the end of the signature indicates how capable a person is of completing his work.

What dominates a person’s character—a penchant for theoretical sciences or testing any situation through one’s own experience—can also be determined by comparing the two halves of the signature.

— The signature begins with capital letters. For example, the first letter of the first name, last name, and sometimes patronymic is written, followed by a series of small letters. These are people who are prone to paperwork. Often these are senior managers.

— One capital letter and a falling flow of lowercase letters. This signature is typical for clerks and employees. People are used to working and following orders from their leaders.

— It happens that a person’s signature begins with lowercase letters (small), and ends with capital letters. This characterizes a person as a manual worker.

  1. Letter size.

The first letter in the signature stands out from the rest. This indicates that the person is demanding of others. He is prone to whims and hysterics

The first letter in the signature is no different from the subsequent ones. This suggests that this is a modest, shy person. His views on life are liberal, and he never has any complaints about people.

If you see a signature in front of you with small letters that look like a line of a cardiogram, this means that the owner of the autograph is a miser. His mind works clearly, snatching only the moments he needs from reality. He lives extremely frugally; such a person never has an extra penny. They are all necessary and hidden in the far corner.

Volumetric (large) letters in the signature indicate that this person has not yet completely emerged from the state of a child. He is naive, absent-minded and overly impressionable. However, it happens that in front of you is the signature of a person who really wants to become independent. Its weak points in the body are usually the liver and gall bladder.

  1. Round or sharp.

Everything is very clear here. Just like a signature, you can judge a person’s character. If he writes in round, soft letters, then this is a soft, balanced person. If the letters in the signature are angular and sharp, then the character of the owner of the autograph is dominated by harshness, aggression and a tendency towards commanding notes.

It is this characteristic of the signature that can show you a possible pattern for the development of a relationship with this person. If the signature begins with round letters, then this person easily makes an acquaintance and is happy to engage in conversation. However, if at the end of the signature there are sharp lines depicting individual letters, then it is typical for the owner of the autograph to tear off the contacts, sometimes without even warning the opponent about it.

The same, only in reverse order, can be said about those who have angular letters at the beginning of the signature, and towards the end they are smoothed out.

  1. Together or apart.

If the signature “flows” in an even line, all the letters go one after another without spaces, this means that you have the signature of a person guided by logic and common sense. His thoughts are conservative and his views on life are stable. These people do not understand everything new well; for this they need time to comprehend and understand the situation.

If there is a gap between the letters in the signature, this means that the person is receptive to modernity, loves everything interesting and tries to harmonize the world. He is bright, unpredictable and dreamy. These people always try to remain visible; they enjoy attention and admiration.

  1. Persuasiveness.

How self-confident a person is can be judged by the persuasiveness (confidence) of his pen stroke. The clarity with which he signs will allow you to recognize the character of a person by his signature. If the signature is clumsy and uncertain, this suggests that one of the character traits of these people is self-doubt and confusion.

  1. Monograms.

To determine the character of a person by his signature with monograms, one word is enough - braggart! With the help of curls and dashes, he tries to embellish his signature, and therefore his significance. The more ornate the signature, the less truthful the person.

A decent and serious person has a logical and simple signature.

However, florid signatures are very common among people of art. This characterizes their creative nature and rich imagination.

If you see in front of you an extremely simple, uncomplicated signature, which contains 1-2 letters and a stroke, then this is a fussy and unreliable person. He is characterized by rigidity of views and short-sighted thinking.

  1. Signature width.

The breadth (sweeping) of the signature speaks about the person from the point of view of how the person is used to thinking. A clear little signature speaks of logic and a tactical mindset.

Managers or creative people have a broad signature

  1. Gaps between characters.

How to determine a person’s character by a signature in which the distance between the letters is large? Just! Here is the signature of a wasteful and generous man.

If the letters are crumpled into one ball and creep on top of each other, this indicates that the person is extremely “stingy” and stingy.

You can also tell how sensitive a person is by looking at the spaces between signs and letters. If at the very beginning of the signature the distance is large, then the owner of the signature is generous in showing feelings. Otherwise, this is a closed and uncommunicative individual.

  1. Pressure force on the rod.

The force with which a person “presses” the pen when writing an autograph speaks of his moral stability and determines his type of character. Strong pressure on the pen indicates that you are an extrovert.

Introverts sign with light strokes. In some cases, the lines may even disappear. These are active people who love socially useful work and they are good at it.

How strong the pressure is on the rod can be used to judge the self-control and confidence of one’s nature.

If a person signs in such a way that the paper is literally pressed under the rod, you are looking at a person who is looking for profit in everything. His desire for material wealth always prevails over opportunities.

The intermittent signature characterizes the owner as a flighty person. These people are bad performers. It is difficult for them to stay in one place for a long time and perform monotonous work.

A mixed signature indicates that the person is extremely sexual. There are so many contradictory nuances in his character that he himself gets confused in his manifestations of feelings and emotions.

A light, as if ghostly, signature is characteristic of those who suffer from self-doubt, Samoyeds, and are prone to neurasthenia.

  1. Ponytails and strokes.

— Underlining the signature at the bottom. This is what self-loving and suspicious people do. They are highly influenced by public opinion and extremely impressionable.

- A stroke from above. This type of line indicates that this is the signature of a vain and self-confident person. He always strives to stand out and be the first in everything.

The length of these lines determines how you can recognize a person’s character by his signature. A long, clear line indicates that his nature is dominated by intolerance and speed in decision-making. These people do not tolerate criticism and do not remain in debt to their offenders. These are cautious and prudent people who are accustomed to acting from a position of cold calculation.

It happens that a stroke crosses out the entire signature or a piece of it. These are people with a dual nature who are always looking for flaws in themselves and are indecisive in their judgments, conclusions and actions.

  1. Vertical signature.

If you look at a person’s signature, you can easily determine in which projection its main turns are located.

— Vertical. A person mentally puts barriers to his mental and physical development. If there are vertical lines at the very beginning of the autograph - a lack of imagination and sense of humor. In the center is slowness. Completion of the signature is a driven person who definitely needs control of his actions.

  1. Clumsy signature.

People who are emotionally unstable, uncontrollable and unbalanced usually sign with a clumsy signature, where each subsequent letter is higher or lower than the previous one. These are hypertensive patients and people who often suffer from migraines and headaches.

A clear, even signature characterizes a person as extremely self-confident, calm and reserved.

  1. Punctuation marks.

Sometimes you can see that a person puts a period at the end of the signature. Such people can be characterized as responsible workers who strictly adhere to the discipline established in the team. They bring every task to its logical conclusion.

  1. Illogical, strange signature

Intricate and complex monograms that people depict in signatures. This indicates that they create many problems for themselves, which they then try to resolve. This is typical for neurasthenics.

A simple and clear signature, which includes only one or two letters, indicates that a person always has peace in his soul and does not “gnaw” himself for mythical shortcomings and problems.

  1. Use of foreign characters in signatures.

If a person signs using foreign symbols, this may mean the following:

— Firstly, these can be people who live or work in another country;

- Secondly, a person tries to stand out from the “masses” in this way. He has not yet found other ways to assert himself.

To get to know a person, you don’t have to eat a ton of salt with him. You just need to ask him to sign. Each person's autograph is original and unique. But you can find common features in the signatures of different people. According to psychologists, a signature stroke of a pen can tell much more about a person than is commonly believed.

Therefore, we decided to turn to the experience of the famous American psychologist James Raskin, whose research on this topic was published in one of the American publications.

It turned out that the conclusions of the American psychologist are quite relevant. The characteristics of famous politicians, artists and other VIPs, compiled on the basis of his research, hit the mark. You can see this for yourself.

1) What does Putin’s signature say?

The long signature characterizes him as a person capable of delving into the essence of the matter, but at the same time somewhat picky and boring.

GDP writes in a sweeping manner, and this is typical for people who think globally and systemically. But the illegibility of the stroke speaks of selfishness, which is carefully disguised.

If, having written some part, a person goes back along some line and adds something, then in life he is often dissatisfied with what he has done and constantly strives to improve what has been achieved. Vladimir Vladimirovich values ​​​​reliability. This is evidenced by symmetrical elements.

2) The famous surgeon has a rich imagination

Muldashev's original autograph reminds some of a clenched fist, while others are sure that it is a self-portrait. The doctor himself agrees that “some similarities with the original are observed.”

This is how people who tend to embellish reality describe themselves. But first of all, the signature-drawing indicates that its owner is a creative person with a rich imagination. And in this, Ernst Rifgatovich will give anyone a head start. Judge for yourself: how many practicing surgeons do you know who not only write books, but also travel, finding traces of alien civilizations all over the world? Now Muldashev is on another expedition: he is exploring the pyramids in Egypt, and from there he plans to rush to the stone idols of Easter Island.

At the same time, the signature of a traveling surgeon is very compact, and this is typical for people whose minds are occupied with specific types of activities. The circle containing Muldashev's autograph. means that by nature he is secretive, independent and fixated on some problems and ideas. And the repeating elements in the signature of the famous surgeon indicate constancy.

Muldashev's unusual signature is evidence that its owner is a great original. He has enormous creative potential and a constant desire to add variety to life.

3) The President of Bashkiria is careful and prudent

Murtaza Rakhimov has a very short signature, which indicates his ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Murtaza Gubaydullovich is clearly annoyed by slow people - those who work in his team should remember this.

The large difference between capital and small letters indicates that the president is very demanding of those around him. And also that monotonous work is simply contraindicated for him.

Judging by the length of the “tail” at the end of the signature, Murtaza Rakhimov is intolerant of decrees and comments addressed to him. As they say, he will not dance to someone else’s tune, which he has demonstrated more than once. In addition, a very long “tail” indicates caution and prudence.

4) Pavel Kachkaev is not lacking in discretion

The even signature of the Ufa mayor Pavel Kachkaev speaks of restraint, self-control, and prudence of its owner. Notice how two letters are connected: “P” (first name) and “K” (last name) - through a common detail. The author of such signatures tries to optimize his activities and do several things at the same time.

The traditional tilt of the letters to the right indicates the balanced character of Pavel Rurikovich, and the beauty and completeness of the signature indicate a developed intellect.

But, despite the strengths of his character, the Ufa mayor is often dissatisfied with himself. This is indicated by the crossed out signature - this is a sign of a self-critical nature. It would be worse if Kachkaev drew a line above the signature. Is this what your mayor does? This means he is very vain.

And, finally, the even amplitude of Pavel Kachkaev’s signature indicates efficiency and a tendency towards stability in personal relationships.

5) Yuri Shevchuk does not compromise

The famous rocker's signature is angular, which is usually the case with harsh, intolerant, even irritable people. The owners of such autographs do not compromise.

Angular letters indicate a desire for independence, a critical mind, stubbornness, ambition, and a tendency toward self-respect and leadership. All of the above, to a greater or lesser extent, are inherent in Shevchuk. Remember his “jihad”, which he declared against the “plywood workers” and hated pop music, about the showdown inflicted on the king of pop Philip Kirkorov in this regard. Even Shevchuk’s Ufa relatives, father and sister Natalya, unanimously claim that “Yurka is very stubborn.”

The letters in the DDT leader’s signature “jump,” which means Shevchuk is an emotional and often unrestrained person. The long “tail” of the signature is a sign that Shevchuk is nipping in the bud attempts to interfere in his affairs.

James Raskin identifies more than forty features for signature analysis. For convenience, we have highlighted the main ones to make it easier to find out “who is who”.

1. Signature size:

a) sweeping - global systems thinking;

b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. Signature length:

a) long - the ability to delve deeply into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and tediousness;

b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to do monotonous work.

3. Signature type:

a) round - softness, kindness, balance;

b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Letter spacing:

a) significant - generosity, squandering;

b) “dense” signature - economy, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

5. Presence of various elements in the signature:

a) circle - fixation on problems and ideas;

b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

c) drawings - creative thinking;

d) combining elements - the desire to optimize one’s activities.

6. Signature slant:

a) to the left - waywardness, pronounced individualism;

b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;

c) direct slope - restraint, straightforwardness, intelligence;

d) different types of inclination - secrecy, insincerity;

e) “lying” letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

a) up - optimism;

b) down - a tendency towards pessimism;

c) straight - balanced character;

8. Signature tail length

The longer the “tail,” the more intolerant a person is of other people’s opinions. This is also a sign of caution and caution. The shorter the “tail,” the more carefree the person.

9. Signature Underlining:

a) from below - pride, touchiness, dependence on the opinions of others;

b) from above - pride, vanity;

c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry:

a) symmetrical - reliability;

b) asymmetrical - unstable character, mood swings.

c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity:

a) simple - a person lives according to the principle of “no problems”;

b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make mountains out of molehills”;

c) original - great creative potential.

12. Legibility

The more clear the signature, the more open the person is.

a) excessive - aggressiveness;

b) weak - secrecy;

c) strong - confidence.

Everything that can be learned from a person’s signature. Basics of graphology and calligraphy for beginners.
Below are the basic characteristics of a person that can be calculated based on his handwriting and signature.
1. Signature size (What can be determined by the signature size):

  • a) sweeping - global systems thinking;
  • b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. Signature length (as indicated by the length of the signature):

  • a) long - the ability to delve deeply into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and tediousness;
  • b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to do monotonous work.

3. Signature type (How to determine character type by handwriting):

  • a) round - softness, kindness, balance;
  • b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Distance between letters (Character features that can be determined based on the signature):

  • a) significant - generosity, squandering;
  • b) “dense” signature - economy, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

5. The presence of various elements in the signature (Here's how to determine a person's character by his handwriting):

  • a) circle - fixation on problems and ideas;
  • b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

  • c) drawings - creative thinking;
  • d) combining elements - the desire to optimize one’s activities.

6. Signature Slant (What does slant mean):

  • a) to the left - waywardness, pronounced individualism;
  • b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;

  • c) direct slope - restraint, straightforwardness, intelligence;
  • d) different types of inclination - secrecy, insincerity;
  • e) “lying” letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. Direction of the finishing touch (What else can be learned from the letter):

  • a) up – optimism;
  • b) down - a tendency towards pessimism;

  • c) straight - balanced character;
  • 8. Length of the “tail” of the signature.
The longer the “tail,” the more intolerant a person is of other people’s opinions. This is also a sign of caution and caution. The shorter the “tail,” the more carefree the person.

9. Underlining the signature (What does it mean if the signature is underlined):

  • a) from below - pride, touchiness, dependence on the opinions of others;
  • b) from above - pride, vanity;

  • c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry (how to interpret a person’s signature):

  • a) symmetrical - reliability;
  • b) asymmetrical - unstable character, mood swings.

  • c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity (As can be seen from the person’s signature):

  • a) simple - a person lives according to the principle of “no problems”;
  • b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make mountains out of molehills”;

  • c) original - great creative potential.

12. Legibility (If the signature is readable and not readable)

  • The more clear the signature, the more open the person is.

13. Pressure (Which means the degree of pressure on the pen when writing):

  • a) excessive – aggressiveness;
  • b) weak – secrecy;

  • c) strong – confidence
Knowing these simple features, you can easily create a psychological portrait of a person only based on his signature on the contract.

Handwriting is connected with the whole being of a person,
with the conditions of his life, work, with his nervous system,
therefore, our manner of writing bears the same undoubted stamp
individuality, like everything we come into contact with.


In our computer age, people write with pen less and less, but they still sign documents, statements and other places. However, you should not neglect the knowledge of how to determine character by signature.

A signature is a particularly clearly developed conditioned reflex movement, which remains unchanged even with some organic lesions of the brain, as a result of which the entire handwriting suffers. A signature is a kind of reflection of a bunch of everything that is in a person, his natural seal, expressing all of nature.

As a rule, a person has several signature options - a primary, or “front” signature, which is used for particularly important documents (for example, for business contracts or a registry office), and a secondary one.

The ceremonial version of the signature is of greatest interest for graphological analysis.

How to determine a person's character by signature

So let's start with measurements. Pay attention to the overall length of the person's signature and compare it with the length of his own surname written in his handwriting.

If the length of the signature significantly (by one third or more) exceeds the length of the surname written under the same conditions, then we can say that this person has an inflated self-esteem and level of ambition. In addition, in this case we may be talking about the presence of such a quality as hidden disdain towards other people, especially those who occupy a lower social and material position.

A signature that is shorter than the last name indicates a lack of self-esteem, an underestimation of one’s skills and achievements. In addition, a short signature may indicate a weakened physical condition, excessive modesty, sometimes reaching the point of timidity.

However, everything said above regarding a short signature does not apply to people whose capital letter, symbolizing the first letter of their surname or initials, has a disproportionately increased vertical size. If the height of a capital letter is 2.5 or more times greater than the height of an ordinary lowercase letter, then we are talking about the presence of such qualities as inflated ambition, organizational skills, sometimes despotism, and reluctance to delve into the intricacies of problems. People whose signature consists of one or two tall letters, without a long stroke, have, as a rule, learned to give guidelines, but do not know and do not want to know how and at what cost this instruction can be carried out (Fig. 1).

Picture 1.

Consider a signature option that has a normal length and consists of the following elements:

    1) initials - one or more letters indicating the first letter of the last name, first name, patronymic;

    2) letters, elements, signs that are letters of a real surname or simply reflect them;

    3) final stroke or stroke;

    4) additional elements.

Measure the height of the capital letters and compare it to the height of the lowercase letters in your signature.

If the height of capital letters is two times or more higher than the height of lowercase letters (Fig. 5.2), then the owner of the signature is an ambitious, self-confident person, and to some extent can be difficult in an argument, since he considers his opinion to be the only correct one. He must have well-developed communication skills, the ability to organize work and be responsible for its implementation.

But at the same time, such a person is concerned about the problems of his environment or subordinates only in those cases when he is financially dependent on them or he needs executors of his ideas. Individuals with this signature option are, as a rule, active, energetic and selfish natures who do not want to put up with everyday life, often self-centered. A stroke returning from below to the beginning of the signature can also speak of selfishness and distrust of others.

Figure 2.

Capital letters that are too small, approximately the same height as lowercase ones, or even smaller, indicate low self-esteem, often lack of self-confidence, and some mental weaknesses.

Normally, the capital letters of a signature should be approximately one third larger than the lowercase letters.

The second part of the signature can be the capital letters of the surname, part of these letters, or some repeating elements that replace them (Fig. 3).

Figure 3.

If there are many such repeating elements, they have sufficient amplitude, equal to the height of the lowercase letter, and are written with medium or strong pressure, then the author of the signature has good mental and physical energy, as a rule, is physically and mentally resilient, can work for a long time and productively in an atmosphere of increased nervous tension. Such people have good logical thinking, are active, and have the ability to see the future in all its diversity.

If this repeating element consists of several small zigzags (Fig. 5.4) and is written with weak pressure (it would be better if this element did not exist at all), then we need to pay attention to the reduced level of a person’s resistance to stressful situations, a weak reserve of physical strength and, possibly, , nervous exhaustion.

An element such as a stroke says a lot about a person in his signature.

The great Russian graphologist D.M. Zuev-Insarov at the beginning of the 20th century. wrote that a signature that does not have a stroke, as a rule, belongs to a cultured person who has good taste. French graphologist A. Varinard in the 20s of the XX century. drew attention to the fact that out of forty members of the French Academy of Sciences, thirty-nine have a very simple signature, some without a stroke at all. L. Tolstoy, V. Solovyov, N. Bekhterev and many other scientists and writers had a similar simple signature.

A signature that ends with a stroke falling at an angle of approximately 90 degrees (Fig. 5.3) may belong to a person who knows how to make tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. If this is the signature of the boss, then it can be argued that he is rarely interested in the cost of achieving the result.

On the other hand, individuals whose signatures end with such a stroke are energetic, active, decisive and courageous.

Uzbek graphologist Hayk Nadzh (Oybek Kadyrovich Nadzhimov) in his book “How to recognize a person by his signature, or Practical graphology” writes that vertical strokes at the end of the signature indicate the inability to independently complete the task, the need for control and support from the outside.

Figure 4.

A wavy stroke (Fig. 5) may indicate a person’s diplomacy, ability to find reasonable compromises, and desire to smooth out conflicts. At the same time, if such strokes have a pronounced horizontal amplitude, then we can talk about a tendency to please, to fawn over the boss and more socially significant people. You probably know people who “live near management” in order to run for vodka and cut sausage. Look at their signatures, it is likely that some of them end with just such falling wavy lines. However, such people are often quite active, mobile, and have a cheerful disposition. They sometimes approach issues superficially.

Figure 5.

The stroke is straight, clear, horizontal (Fig. 6) belongs to people who do not like to let strangers into their inner world unnecessarily. They are more secretive than open. At the same time, they do not give the impression of closed, uncommunicative personalities.

Figure 6.

Owners of such a finishing touch, especially if it is not strictly horizontal, but directed somewhat upward, almost always finish the job they have started. If a straight horizontal stroke at the end turns down and to the left, then this is evidence of stubbornness in achieving goals, especially personally significant ones, as well as quite pronounced egoism. A stroke in the form of horizontal zigzags may belong to an energetic and active person.

Quite rarely there is a stroke that has the shape of a semicircle, turned up and to the left (Fig. 7). We can say that such a person is a dreamer. This is not connected with a tendency to deceive, it is a kind of desire to get into children's fairy tales...

Figure 7.

An analysis of its general direction plays a major role in interpreting a signature.

Thus, a signature rising upward (centrifugal), in which the beginning is visually lower on the sheet than its end (Fig. 8), is evidence of such qualities as optimism, vitality, energy, ambition, and good mood.

Figure 8.

But if the signature is too directed upward, and the angle of inclination exceeds 40 degrees from the horizontal axis, then we can talk about a superficial attitude to important problems, disorganization, self-confidence, and an increased level of egoism.

A signature directed downwards (falling down) objectively indicates a depressive nature, the weakness of its nervous and mental energy, the inability at times to defend one’s point of view, pessimism and dissatisfaction.

If such a signature is also made with weak pressure, we may be talking about a weakened immune system or some kind of somatic disease, usually associated with dysfunction of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. When writing with different types or uneven pressure, we can talk about problems of the cardiovascular system.

A strictly horizontal signature characterizes a balanced person, constant in his affections. Such people are restrained, consistent, with good self-control.

Many people add final additional touches or elements to their signature that are not connected by lines to the signature itself.

For example, a signature ending with a period is an indicator of a person’s tendency towards introspection (Fig. 5.8). He evaluates his actions from the point of view of the rules and norms established by himself and (or) society. Accordingly, he makes amendments and adjustments to his behavior. As a rule, such people do not repeat the same mistake twice.

Ike Naj, whom we mentioned, believes that the period at the end of the signature is a positive sign. Its presence testifies to discipline and the ability to complete the work started.

However, if after the dot some other signs appear, for example a dash and another dot (Fig. 9), then this indicates distrust, suspicion, and excessive caution.

Figure 9.

An increase in the number of such signs in the signature indicates abnormal personality development, an increase in the listed negative qualities, which take on a painful nature. In addition, people who put several dots, dashes and other signs after the signature itself often develop obsessive ideas and states.

Underlining the signature at the bottom (Fig. 8), as D.M. Zuev-Insarov wrote, is found in the signatures of English lords and is an indicator of the presence of self-esteem.

In the case where there are two, three or more such traits, we can talk about painful ambition, sometimes wounded, negative personality development, and strong resentment.

In some cases, the signature is covered by a bar at the top (Fig. 10). What character emerges from the signature in this case? This option may indicate a person’s desire to find peace of mind and some inner balance. In most cases, this concerns personal life.

Figure 10.

In addition, individuals who sign this way are proud, strive for great achievements, and have good taste. Sometimes they are vain. If such people become bosses, they should be afraid of flattery, because those who flatter can easily gain trust with bad intentions.

In the case when a person crosses out his signature (Fig. 11), we can talk about his lack of self-confidence, constant doubts, and sometimes a tendency towards neuroses.

Figure 11.

There are also very sophisticated signatures (Fig. 12). They are decorated with all sorts of curls, arcs, titles, which harmoniously fit into the signature, visually make it more beautiful, but at the same time are superfluous. The more such decorations, the more demonstrative and sometimes hysterical qualities a person has, superficial and ostentatious in behavior. Such people are usually selfish and require increased, unjustified attention. External forms are important to them. As a rule, they never delve into the depths of the problem, but know a lot superficially. Owners of such signatures also have well-developed communication skills. At the same time, their whole nature is aimed at gaining recognition from others. In addition, the more additional elements in the signature, the more the author has imagination, artistic taste, resourcefulness and resourcefulness, loves narcissism to the detriment of business, is easily distracted, is susceptible to suggestion and is fickle.

Figure 12.

When analyzing a signature, you need to pay attention to the spelling of the initial letters.

If the initial letter of the signature corresponds to the initial letter of the surname, then we can talk about simplicity, perhaps about the modesty of a person, about the correspondence of his requests to real possibilities.

If the initial letter is intricate, representing a combination of initials (including favorite persons), it means isolation, secrecy. Such people are distrustful and selective in friendship.

Mikhail Storozhev argues that a florid, overly decorated signature speaks of extravagance and ardor; simple - about prudence and courage; zigzag - about energy; cobweb - about dexterity in business and isolation; similar to a corkscrew - about observation and cunning.

Character by signature: typology

One of the modern graphologists, Viktor Garanin, provides a unique typology of characters by signature.

Egoist-altruist. The signature is clear and the letters that make it up can be read. The author is capable of self-sacrifice and subconsciously strives to be understood by others. And vice versa: an illegible signature characterizes an egoist who is not bothered by the opinions of others.

A miser and a spender. The degree of generosity can be determined by the distance between the letters. If it is significant, then you have a spendthrift. If the letters in the signature “overlap” each other, then this indicates economy, and even stinginess. You can also find out when a person is more generous: immediately after receiving money or later. It depends on in which part of the signature the distance between letters is greater - at the beginning or at the end.

Theorist-practitioner. Mentally divide the signature in half. The first half shows a tendency towards mental activity, the second towards practical (physical). If there are two or three capital letters at the beginning of the signature, in the absence of large formations in the second part, we can say with confidence that the person gives preference to mental work. If it’s the other way around, you have a pure practitioner in front of you.

Freedom-loving-dependent. By the length of the tails (strokes) at the end of the signature, one can judge how a person reacts to attempts to interfere in his affairs. The longer the stroke, the more intolerant the author is to orders and comments addressed to him. Short ponytails are characteristic of the signature of obedient, easily influenced people.

Kind angry. Kind, calm people have more rounded letters in their signatures than hot-tempered and irritable people. Angular letters speak of a desire for independence, aggression, leadership, and ambition.

Idealist-pragmatist. Small letters characterize a rational, down-to-earth and petty person. Capital letters - dreamy, naive, trusting.

Tactician-strategist. The owners of the sweeping signature are strategists; they think globally, combinatorially, systematically, without going into details. These are often major leaders and public figures. A compact, small signature is usually reserved for tacticians whose minds are occupied with specific types of activities, i.e. "workhorses".

Secretive and talkative. If at the beginning of the signature the letters are large and then decline or turn into a wavy line, it means that its author is secretive and diplomatic. For those who do not know how to keep secrets, on the contrary, the signature begins with small letters, and towards the end of the signature they increase.

I think that the reader will be of some interest in the information about the signature as the quintessence of handwriting, which Ike Naj provides.

  • A long signature characterizes a non-fuss, meticulous and even boring type. Short - impatient and superficial.
  • If the first half of the autograph is more intense than the second, the author of the signature is prone to mental work; he is a theorist, not a practitioner. And vice versa. In general, a complex, loaded autograph is a sign that a person is complicating everything, making mountains out of molehills.
  • The larger the letter that begins the signature (in comparison with others), the more capricious and vain the author.
  • A small signature is a sign of rationality, selfishness and stinginess. Large is characteristic of a person who is impractical, gullible, naive, but at the same time independent. In addition, the more compact the autograph, the more specific its author thinks. Dreamers and strategists sign up in a big way.
  • Roundness indicates softness of nature and balance. Angular, sharp elements indicate irritability, hot temper, intolerance, stubbornness and the desire to assert oneself.
  • Letters connected to each other are characteristic of a consistent, logical, but conservative type. Gaps in the signature indicate unpredictability and loyalty to everything new.
  • An ordinary person has a simple signature. And curls and vignettes are “symptoms” of a creative nature, artistic taste, but sometimes also boastfulness, selfishness, and the desire to appear better than one is. Overly elaborate signatures are typical for schizophrenics.
  • The more the letters are spaced apart (no matter whether they are connected or not), the more generous the person is.
  • Bold lines and blots are evidence of confidence, strength, characteristic of extroverts. And on the contrary, the thinner the lines, the more sophisticated, insecure, and withdrawn the person is.
  • The longer the stroke at the end of the signature, the more independent the person is and the more intolerant of advice. A stroke in the form of a zigzag or wave is a sign of a cheerful, active character, while a straight and abrupt stroke is evidence of energy, courage and even toughness. Well-mannered, cultured, but somewhat infantile people sign without a flourish.
  • Elements that look like vertical lines at the beginning of the signature mean a lack of imagination and intellect. The vertical line in the middle of the autograph indicates slowness in the transition to the implementation of the idea. At the end - difficulties in completing things.
  • “Jumping” signatures are characteristic of people who are emotional to the point of being uncontrollable. Smooth - reserved.
  • Secretive, capricious and independent types sign by “looping”, drawing ovals and circles.
  • The dot in the signature is a sign of discipline. If a person puts it after the first initial, he is one of those who measures seven times and only then cuts. If the dot is placed at the end of the autograph, the person is efficient and responsible, he brings the work he has started to the end.
  • If the signature contains identical, symmetrical elements (for example, it ends the same way it begins), its author is a harmonious person who knows how to make compromises and does not get tired of monotonous work. However, he is very susceptible to obsessions and thoughts, he is full of all sorts of habits, including bad ones, musical melodies constantly cling to him, etc.
  • Latin letters in signatures are used by eccentric originals, as well as “Westerners” and teenagers who have watched enough of MTV.
  • If a person, having written some part of the signature, goes back and adds something else, in life he is inclined to return to the past, delve into it, analyze, try to correct something. He is dissatisfied with what he has done and time after time strives to reach the limit of perfection.
  • If a person combines two or three initials into one, he manages his affairs in the same way - he does two or three at a time.
  • The presence of initials in both a first and last name indicates efficiency, responsibility, and thoughtfulness. If only the “family” initial is present, the person is modest, he does not have inflated demands, he does not stick out his “I”.
  • The numbers in the signature are a rare element, revealing an extremely suspicious, cautious, distrustful type, prone to neuropsychic illnesses.
  • And finally, the talk of the town - the signature is illegible! This is exactly what it is like among egoists and daredevils who do not care how others perceive their actions.

Thus, by analyzing a person’s signature, you can obtain a fairly wide range of information about him and you can influence this person in the interests of a joint cause, for example, not hiring someone whose psychological qualities do not correspond to the norms defined in the team.

However, it should be noted that it is possible to determine character from a signature, but such an analysis provides a negligibly small amount of information about a person compared to what can be obtained by conducting a study of handwriting as a whole.

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Each of us comes up with a signature for ourselves, thereby revealing our true essence to others. It would seem, what could be hidden behind an ordinary stroke? It turns out that by reading a signature you can learn a lot of useful information about a person’s character, his preferences and lifestyle. We don’t really think about it when we leave our “autograph” on paper. But this is a confirmation of our personality in every sense. Let's try to uncover the secrets of graphology and find out how a signature determines our character.

There is a whole algorithm by which a personal psychological portrait of a person is compiled based on his signature. We will not delve too deeply into graphology and will only touch on the most important aspects of signature writing, by which personality traits are determined.

By signature size one can judge a person's thinking. If the signature is sweeping, this is a sign of a flexible mind. The owner of such a signature always thinks big, looks at the situation from different angles and always tries to come to an objective conclusion. If the signature is quite compact, this means that its owner thinks concretely and often does not try to understand the essence of events.

Long signature indicates depth of thinking, patience and even tediousness. Such a person likes to delve into details. A short signature is a sign of quick thinking and quick wits. Such people absorb only the information they need and do not like to delve into the essence.

Letter writing type can also tell a lot of interesting things about the essence of a person. If the letters in the signature are round, this is a sign of an open nature, sociability, kindness and peace of mind. Angular letters are a sign of an irritable character, stubbornness and lack of tact.

Letter spacing can tell you information about your attitude towards money. A long distance indicates extravagance. If all the letters are pressed tightly against each other, then this can mean greed, frugality, economy.

Signature slant- This is one of the most important criteria for characterizing a person. A tilt to the left reveals a person’s willfulness and desire for independence. Tilt to the right is a sign of balance and adequate perception of yourself and the world around you. If all the letters in the signature are written straight, that is, they do not have a slope, then this is a sign of self-control, high intelligence and straightforwardness. If all the letters in the signature have a different slant, then this is a sign of insincerity and deceit. If the letters have a very strong slant, no matter in which direction, then its owner has serious psychological problems.

Some signatures are also characterized by elements decorating it. If there are loops in it, then this is a sign of caution. Circle – anxiety and fixation on problems. Curls and other non-standard elements in the signature indicate a creative nature.

Finishing touch the signature indicates the worldview and mood of its owner. If the stroke is directed upward, it is a sign of optimism. Down is a sign of a pessimistic nature. If the stroke goes straight, then the owner of the signature is a balanced person who can be sad and have fun.

By the nature of the underline signatures can determine a person’s attitude towards himself. If the signature is underlined at the top, it is a sign of ambition and vanity. Below – increased pride, egocentrism and dependence on someone else’s point of view. If the signature is crossed out in the middle, then this indicates low self-esteem.

The last thing you can pay attention to is signature complexity and legibility. The clearer the signature, the more open he is to communication. If the signature is too simple, then this reveals excessive carelessness in the person. If it consists of many complex elements and is difficult to decipher, then its owner is a restless, tense and suspicious person. The original signature indicates a creative person.

A person's signature, like his handwriting, is the key to his essence. It is not without reason that many American personnel services have introduced a new test into the interview system, which reveals the character and personal qualities of a person based on his signature and handwriting. This is a great way to learn more about yourself and the people around you. If you found this information useful, click on and

24.08.2013 13:00

It's no secret that the Zodiac Sign leaves its mark on a person. People related...