Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin

Musical audio congratulations on February 23

Congratulations card on February 23

Comic congratulations on February 23rd postcards

Our dear men, our brave and courageous defenders! You are our support, hope and protection! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Dear, beloved, family, thank you for your courage, responsibility and reliability. We appreciate everything you do for us and are very proud of you, because behind your wide backs we are not afraid of anything! We wish you, our brave, caring and beloved men, good health, good luck in everything, strength, patience and masculinity. Always be so strong and brave. We wish you and your families happiness, love, prosperity and, of course, peaceful skies above your heads!

Comic greeting cards for February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!

Photo postcards congratulations on February 23

Happy holiday! On this purely masculine day, I would like to wish you that your heart works like a clock, that is, without interruption. So that your head does not hurt from problems, and there is no end to brilliant ideas. So that the liver does not protest from drinking. And so that your soul always feels good and calm. Be healthy, as this is the main guarantee of a high-quality and long life.

Download a postcard from February 23 with congratulations

Today is a holiday of courage, reliability and strength! Congratulations to everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish that peace and tranquility always reign on our planet. And I would also like to wish you, my dears, good health, more vital energy and only positivity. Let's live together, happily and cheerfully.

Print postcards for February 23 with congratulations

Congratulations on the most patriotic day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! First of all, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and also heroic courage, excellent health and boundless wisdom. Let life be full of great and small deeds!

Congratulations on Army Day February 23 postcards

Congratulations! On this day of courage and heroism, I would like to wish you good health, because a man must be strong. We wish you great patience, because consistency always decorates. Let us wish you material well-being, as this is necessary to build your happiness. Well, the most important wish is a world without tears, without war. A strong family and lots and lots of all-consuming love!

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards

Congratulating you on the Day of True Men, we wish that nothing disturbs the peace and tranquility of your families, may they always welcome and love you. Achieve goals, dream, travel, discover new things, get carried away, be interested, let your life be an example for others and a reason for pride for your children.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to never stop there, constantly strive for excellence, always know what you need from life and how to achieve it, surround yourself with loving people and true friends, act according to your conscience and keep your word of honor.

Congratulations on February 23, postcards with poems

Our dear men! Our wall, our defense and our stronghold! Congratulations on your day. We wish that your courage, determination, dignity and honor become something that you want to imitate and admire. We know that you can protect from everything in the world, but I wish that you didn’t have to protect from anything. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on February 23rd postcards free download

Dear defenders, happy holiday! We wish you peaceful skies above your head so that you don’t have to defend your country. I wish you good health, a heroic mile and an eagle mind.

Congratulations on February 23, funny postcards download

On the day of February 23, I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of courage and bravery - on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to maintain your fighting spirit, excellent mood and good health. May you always be able to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I would like to wish you never to veer off the right road, to constantly replenish your arsenal of health with strong strength and optimism, to always believe in yourself, to find support in loved ones and friends, to stand boldly and confidently against any wind in life.

Congratulations on February 23rd cards and gifs

Happy Defender's Day! May your fortitude and health be heroic. We wish that in life there will always be a place for heroic deeds, that you will always be surrounded by reliable, trusted friends. May everything always work out and your wishes come true.

Congratulations on February 23rd cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to sincerely wish you true courage and good health, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, noble deeds and great goals, excellent luck and brilliant prospects in life.

Congratulations on February 23, free musical cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.

Congratulations on February 23rd to men photo postcards

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish for you.

Free greeting cards for men on February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you respect in any circle of people, understanding of loved ones and support of comrades. May life exclude accidents, may fate ensure success in business, may your strength never dry up, may your heart always remain brave, loving and kind.

Congratulations on February 23, funny cards for women

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you agility and strength, courage and daring, confidence and invulnerability. I wish to be a general in life, and in relation to my destiny, a gallant commander. Success and good luck on all fronts.

Congratulations on February 23 video cards

On this holiday, we wish to preserve the qualities of real men: the ability to protect, give a sense of confidence and security. May your life prosper, be healthy and full of strength.

Congratulations on February 23rd for dads postcards

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be the defenders of your destiny, the guardian of your life, a support for your loved ones and confidence in the future. Peaceful sky and bright sun overhead. Goodness, love, beauty, health, strength, perseverance, good spirits.

Congratulations on February 23 official postcards

Dear men! We wish that the state never needs protection. And you never told how this is done. Let your heroic life consist only of gallant deeds and the conquest of women's souls. And so that instead of weapons you would carry beautiful ladies in your arms.

Congratulations on February 23 postcards with humor

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always stay afloat and never retreat from your goal. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may you achieve a brilliant victory every time. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.

Congratulations on February 23 free postcards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this holiday of strength and courage I wish to courageously bear the title of gallant defender of the Motherland and loved ones, my principles and values. I wish your health to be strong, your loved one to be faithful, your luck to be constant, your courage to be unquenchable, and your happiness to be endless.

Congratulations on February 23rd animation postcards

Congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage and bravery. I wish you strength and courage, so that luck and fortune will always be with you. May your life be happy, and the sky above your head cloudless and clear.

Congratulations on February 23rd card with text

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish a real man perseverance, energy, effectiveness and determination! May the power of will and spirit always help you achieve what you want. Always be brave defenders, support and a reliable family man. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 postcard picture

I solemnly congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish truly masculine endurance to the stronger sex, patience and perseverance to beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and safety, determined, cheerful and heroically strong. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

Beautiful greeting cards for men on February 23

Today these congratulations are for you, dear defenders! Thank you for your courage, bravery and bravery. Because we sleep peacefully while you guard our home. Because you are our insurmountable stone wall. God bless you! And gives more strength, health and confidence. May your home love you, be proud of you, and wait for you safe and sound. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues video card

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you strength, courage, courage, patience, peaceful skies above your head and solid ground under your feet! Thank you for your patriotism, for our safety, for the peaceful sleep of our children, you are our protection and support!

Congratulations on February 23rd for children on a postcard

Happy Defender of the Fatherland. I wish you to be a destroyer of problems and a conqueror of success. May you always have enough health and strength to achieve any goal, may every day give your loved ones a reason to be proud of you. Be confident and good looking.

Congratulations on February 23rd on a postcard

Dear defenders! Today is a holiday for every true man. Let me congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our wall, protecting us from all misfortunes and troubles. I wish you to remain as brave, proud and strong. Be the kind of people that your parents and Motherland will be proud of! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the boy on February 23rd card

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish to be a man of my word, brave deeds, noble deeds, sincere respect, true honor, a generous soul and a brave heart. I also wish you to be strong and healthy, absolutely confident in yourself and your success!

Congratulations to boys on February 23rd card

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to be a modern knight, a hero for loved ones, a brave commander by nature and a brave soldier at heart. Don’t lose your strength and confidence, strive for success and boldly conquer the expanses of glory.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23 postcards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I wish you to always be strong, strong, brave and invincible. May it be easy and simple for you to remain a real man in any situation, may it not be difficult for you to achieve great successes and enchanting victories.

Congratulations on February 23rd card with words

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave goals and great victories, confident strength and good health, courage of heart and nobility of soul, true luck and mutual love.

Greeting cards for February 23 with congratulations

Congratulations to our beloved men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. With all our hearts we wish them health, warmth, joy, peaceful skies above their heads, love and happiness. You are our strength, support, protection. May your life be bright and bright, full of pleasant meetings, events and surprises.

Happy February 23rd holiday greeting cards

Dear men! You are an attentive, reasonable and protective half of humanity! It is thanks to you that women know what sound sleep and a calm heart are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Happy February 23rd greeting cards

Congratulations on Defender's Day! I wish you a clear sky and a bright world of peace and equality. May you be surrounded by simple human happiness, reliable friendship, a faithful loving family and open opportunities. Good luck in your business, promotion, useful ideas and eternal positivity.

Postcards from February 23rd to boyfriend with congratulations

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave beginnings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, masculine determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.

Postcards from February 23rd for men with congratulations

Favorite defenders, from February 23. I wish you, no matter what, remain a man with a capital “M”. Family happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

Postcards from February 23rd to your husband with congratulations

Today is a gallant holiday of real heroes, and with all my heart I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you inexhaustible strength to achieve true and good goals, iron endurance, steely health and strong nerves. May every opponent and enemy always be defeated, may you always remain in an optimistic and cheerful mood!

Postcards from February 23 without congratulations

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish from the bottom of my heart strong strength and nerves of steel, gallant luck and great victories, good deeds and nobility of soul, unquenchable happiness and mutual love.

Coloring cards for congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland. May your strength not sleep, may your heart be full of courage and love, may your life be full of opportunities and success. I wish you to be healthy, strong, brave, a real hero and an undoubted winner.

Postcards of congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

Dear men! Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! You are our pride, our support. You provide support and come to the rescue in difficult times. We love, appreciate and respect you. We will try to decorate your life, make it brighter and lighter. We wish you optimism, cheerfulness, good mood. Good luck and success to you.

Happy February 23rd! Only life experience, good health, sincere intentions, bright thoughts in the head, and in the soul - kindness and a reliable person. Be a loyal and responsible person, an interesting person and a true friend. Victories, successful results in all achievements, prosperity, home comfort, promising meetings and friendly people nearby.

Postcard congratulations on February 23 in verse

Today is the holiday of those who make our lives reliable and calm. We congratulate our dear defenders, we wish you to show all due courage, strength and endurance at the right time. And may the sky above you be peaceful, bright and clear as often as possible. Happy February 23rd!

February 23 beautiful greeting cards

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I would like to wish you to courageously and confidently continue your life path on this holiday, eliminating any obstacles on the way to your goal. May every day be filled with rays of good mood and personal happiness, may life be famous for good deeds and noble deeds.

February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day postcards congratulations

Congratulations to the strong half of humanity on the wonderful February holiday, designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support to your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate will, endurance and the desire to win in difficult situations. Be healthy, loved and successful!

Video cards for February 23rd for a man

Today I want to congratulate the lovely military women - Happy February 23rd. You are our protectors, our beauties. Keep your family hearth, give men inspiration, rule this world, always remain loved and happy. Postcards congratulations for February 23rd to a woman. Congratulate women on February 23. The most beautiful and bright Defender of the Fatherland Day cards for lovely, beloved women. Our women with tender shoulders wearing military shoulder straps. But today not only men shout “Hurray”, today I congratulate women on February 23rd. Be strong and brave, dexterous and skillful, charming and stunning, loved and desired, girls. Let the ardor of passion and thirst for victory always live in our hearts, our dear brave women.

Congratulations to the most beautiful, but at the same time the strongest half of humanity, which, along with the male sex, despite all the hardships and difficulties, stands in defense of our Motherland. We wish you to have as few worries and as many stars as possible on your shoulders. Let your incomparable beauty become a deadly weapon for any enemy, and let us, thanks to it, conquer the whole world. Happy February 23, our dear ladies! Dear, beloved, your holiday has come on February 23, accept this postcard from February 23 to a woman. , postcard for girlfriend on February 23, postcard for beloved since February 23, postcard for sister since February 23, postcard for Mom since February 23, postcard for daughter since February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. You need to have a lot of courage, endurance, strength and concentration to choose such a difficult path and stand up for the defense of the Fatherland, being a woman. We wish our brave ladies health, respect from colleagues, family support and success in their careers.

On this not only men's holiday of courage, strength and patriotism, I would like to congratulate our wonderful women as well! Happy February 23, our dear mothers, grandmothers and wives! Thank you for your upbringing of your sons, your support and concern for husbands, fathers, for your prayers and hope. We wish you patience, wisdom, strength and good health! Be happy and loved by your loved ones and family defenders. Congratulations to our lovely women who guard our borders! I give you, my gentle woman, a postcard from February 23rd! Hurray for our beautiful, kind, sweet, beloved Women! Hurray to the women defenders of the Motherland on February 23rd! Download pictures with shimmering jewelry for women and girls in the military.

Defenders of the Fatherland are not only men; defenders may well also wear skirts. Congratulations on February 23, dear women. Who else, if not us, inspires men to act and do the right thing, with whom, if not with us, men feel comfort, care and affection. Women give life and illuminate the entire path of life with the light of love. Health to you, dear ones, female happiness, beauty, courage of tender hearts and worthy rewards in life! Musical card for a military woman on her 23rd birthday with a verse.

Today is a holiday of the strong and brave, but we are girls, not timid. And we can handle a horse, even a steel one, and we can disassemble and assemble a hut. And we won’t miss a squirrel in the eye if necessary. And to protect and protect this is in our blood and heart as women. To preserve the family hearth, protect your children and serve the Motherland, protecting the peace of its borders. Animation picture with the words: happy holiday, dear women, happy February 23!

You need to congratulate your beloved men, grandfathers and fathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day in a special way. A handmade postcard will perfectly express love and respect. Some of them will require a mother’s painstaking work, others can be made even by a child. Choose according to your taste!

A postcard in the form of a men's suit, shirt, tie is a classic option that is suitable for congratulating the father of the family not only on February 23, but also on his birthday and any other holiday.

You can make a complicated card with many details that your imagination suggests. Or you can limit yourself to a simple scheme that children can handle quite well under the guidance of an adult. So, let's stock up on colored paper - and get to work!

You can put a congratulation inside the card on a separate sheet, or write it on the card itself.

A shirt made using the origami technique can be glued onto a regular postcard.

The simplest option for making a shirt postcard: make cuts on the sides and fold the edges of the “collar” towards the middle.

It is somewhat more difficult to make a postcard in the shape of a man's jacket. Below is a diagram of how to fold the paper.

Another folding pattern - this time you will end up with a shirt-shaped envelope. You can put your own baked cookies inside.

A real man looks great in a tie. Here is a diagram for folding a tie from colored paper.

The tie can be secured under the collar of a paper shirt.

The green shirt makes one think of a military uniform. After all, the holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland!

The symbolism of the holiday on February 23 suggests a military theme. Therefore, stars, ribbons, weapons and military equipment would be appropriate. Khaki color and colorful camouflage will complete the look.

With the help of the proposed scan it will be easier to make this spectacular postcard.

Postcards that gain volume when opened look interesting. Hidden inside this postcard is a ship rushing across the waves straight towards the viewer. The main difficulty in manufacturing is to correctly glue the three-dimensional elements so that the postcard can fold and open; Therefore, before gluing, check the functionality of the elements. Rubber glue is good for this purpose, because... it allows you to adjust the position of the glued parts without damaging the paper.

Invite your child to decorate the card with the sun, clouds, and flying seagulls. It would be useful to equip the ship with an anchor and a life preserver!

This card using the through-cutting technique () can be done by more experienced needlewomen, but it is very impressive and will decorate dad’s desk!

Below is a template for cutting out a postcard with a sailboat.

The vytynankas look very good against a contrasting background. You can make such a card together with your child: the mother will cut out the thin details, and let the child stick on the letters and numbers.

A white backing sheet is glued in so that the protrusions are perceived against a smooth, contrasting background. And on the next page you can place a congratulation.

The popular quilling technique can also become the basis of a postcard. Look how fun the congratulation looks against the backdrop of festive fireworks!

Silhouettes cut out of paper (colored or white) can be pasted onto a contrasting background to create an original postcard.

Cutting templates can be chosen according to your mood. For example, in a serious style.

Or in a humorous way.

Or even historical.

Military equipment can also be used.

If these pictures seem too complicated for you to use as cutting templates, then simply print them out (most pictures will be larger than they appear on the screen when saved) and offer them to your child as a coloring book. Colored drawings can be pasted onto a postcard and given to dad or grandfather.

Every man will be pleased to receive beautiful pictures with congratulatory inscriptions on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, we have selected different postcards for February 23, 2018 for our readers. Cute and touching images are perfect for congratulating your friend and husband. But dad and grandfather will certainly like Soviet retro postcards. You can complement the cool images with your own congratulations or holiday poems. Or you can immediately select ready-made postcards with texts and download them for free for subsequent forwarding to men you know. Among our examples are children's cards for teenagers and boys. Kind and warm congratulations will give future defenders maximum positivity.

Soviet cards for February 23, 2018 - pictures for congratulating dad and grandfather

Original Soviet postcards have a special charm. Laconic pictures with congratulations are perfect for sending to all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, for our readers we have selected the best Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018. They can be sent to both dad and grandfather.

A selection of Soviet postcards to congratulate dad and grandfather on the holiday of February 23, 2018

Original retro cards with inscriptions and congratulations will certainly please every recipient. The following collection will help our readers find such Soviet postcards for February 23rd.

How to download children's cards for February 23 for free - a selection of pictures for boys

Not only adult men, but also teenagers and boys should be congratulated on February 23rd. After all, in the future they will become real defenders of their family and friends. You can download cool cards for February 23rd to congratulate boys for free by clicking on the following link.

Free selection of children's cards for boys in honor of February 23

The following selection will help our readers find beautiful children's cards and postcards for teenagers for the holiday on February 23. It includes colorful beautiful pictures with original inscriptions and congratulations.

Funny cards for February 23 with inscriptions - free selection of images

Even a small inscription on a postcard is enough to express attention, respect and admiration. In our next collection of pictures you can choose original images with sincere wishes. You can send such postcards on February 23 without any additions.

Free selection of funny cards with inscriptions for February 23

In our next selection you can find both modern and retro postcards with inscriptions. You can send original pictures to your husband, friend or work colleague.

Cute cards with congratulations on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day - a selection of pictures

Postcards sent for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be not only beautiful, but also cute. Original inscriptions combined with touching pictures are perfect for wishing real men happiness, success and health. For our readers, we have selected such postcards with congratulations for the holiday of February 23.

A selection of cute cards with congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

The following selection of cards can be used to congratulate your dad, grandfather or brother. Beautiful pictures with sweet wishes will certainly please the recipients and give them wonderful emotions.

Original cards with congratulations for February 23rd for men - a selection of pictures

Cool postcards with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day should be sent not only to close friends, but also to colleagues and good acquaintances. Such pictures with inscriptions do not need to be supplemented: they include beautiful poems for wishing health, success and achieving your goals. You can find cool postcards with congratulations for February 23rd for men you know in the following selection.

A selection of original cards for men with congratulations in honor of February 23

You can find good cards for Defender of the Fatherland Day in our next collection. It includes the best greeting cards for real men.

Funny and funny postcards from February 23rd for male friends - a selection of images

Our funny cards will help our readers please a true friend and charge him with positivity for the whole day on February 23. Cool pictures with simple inscriptions and wishes can be sent along with stickers or emoticons. Or you can print them out and use them for festive decoration of offices and work rooms. The following selection will help readers get acquainted with examples of such cool postcards for February 23rd.

A selection of cool and funny postcards for male friends for February 23

You can send funny and cool pictures to your friend for any occasion. And February 23 is no exception. On this day, you can send original pictures or drawings with humor to men you know. The recipient will certainly appreciate the postcard received and will be grateful for the attention paid to him.

Interesting postcards from February 23 with humor - a selection of pictures and video greetings

Funny cards with humor are great to send to close male friends. Funny pictures will definitely give the recipient maximum positivity. Our next selection will help readers choose such humorous postcards to send to friends on February 23rd.

A selection of interesting postcards with humor for the holiday of February 23

You can send funny and cool pictures on Defender of the Fatherland Day to both your husband and a close friend. They will definitely appreciate original postcards with humor and unusual inscriptions and drawings.

Video cards with humor for congratulating men on February 23

You can surprise your beloved men not only with cool pictures. For fans of funny congratulations, we have selected unusual video cards.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day don’t have to be just beautiful or cute. They can be cool, funny, and supplemented with humorous inscriptions. For our readers, we have selected original images to suit every taste. They can be supplemented with inscriptions or congratulations, or can be a thematic image. For example, we have created a collection of Soviet retro postcards that dad or grandfather will like. Cute children's pictures with wishes are suitable for congratulating teenagers and little boys. The collections also feature cool postcards for February 23, 2018 with animations. Unusual congratulations with humor will help you in an original way to congratulate your husband, friend or just a good acquaintance on this real men's holiday.

Good day everyone! Following February 14 comes another holiday, which is celebrated in our country annually on February 23. Last time we talked about what, and also did with the children

Today we continue and will, together with the children, congratulate our defenders and make them interesting and original cards.

This type of work is the most common for school students or kindergarten students. Because it is not so difficult to make such a miracle, you just need to listen to the teacher’s instructions and everything will work out.

So, if you haven’t yet decided to do this and give it as a gift, then perhaps you will stop at this option.

On this day, all mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and indeed the entire female half of the population congratulate the male half on this celebration. It is so customary that the symbols of this holiday are state flags, military equipment and other vehicles, as well as stars on shoulder straps.

Therefore, all drawings or pictures are directly related to this. I suggest making the first option out of paper - a tie, using the origami technique.

I also really liked the idea with a dollar bill, or you can take our rubles and roll them up, like this, it looks pretty cool, and as they say, a small stash at hand.

For the smallest craftsmen of the second youngest group of kindergarten, you can make work from plasticine.

Now we will make a postcard with a car depicted on it. You can make such a charming and funny creation with children in the senior and preparatory groups, or use it in primary school.

Stages of work:

1. Prepare everything you need for work, this is paper, glue, scissors and pictures of cars.

2. Cut out the necessary details to complete the plot.

3. Then, to make the machine seem three-dimensional, make a cut, while folding the sheet of paper in half.

4. This is such an interesting and cute plot.

5. You can decorate the outside as you wish, using various decorations and decors.

6. You can either make an applique or simply draw with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Cool design using scrapbooking technique

I’m giving you a few ideas that impressed me, you can take them as the basis for your work and create your own plot. See how bright you can make a star.

The cutie is very talented, even the flower is not at all out of place.

Wow, a message or a little surprise).

In general, it looks wonderful and not primitive.

So, create for the joy of everyone!

And surprise, in general, act.

I also offer you step-by-step instructions that you can take for your creative work in the scrapbooking style, here:

Original ideas for greeting cards for schoolchildren on February 23rd with templates

I would like to make and decorate a card in a special way, I know that many are interested in options for volumetric products, because they look great and amazing. Moreover, if there are step-by-step instructions, then you and your children at school can do such a miracle.

Or you can create this creation at home, and then your son or daughter will give it to dad.

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you will need to find double-sided cardboard, preferably blue or light blue, this will be the background of the sea. Then fold the blue sheet in half and glue a boat-shaped base to it.

2. Accordingly, in order to glue the base from the ship, you first need to make it, to do this, find an image of the ship or ask me for a template, I will send it to you for free by email. So, print it out on A4 sheet and cut out the desired image along the contours using a stationery knife.

4. Carefully glue the white one to the blue base.

5. This is how it should work out for you.

6. Looks simply fantastically beautiful and charming.

You can make a simple applique from colored paper and geometric shapes; to do this, draw templates and glue the composition using them.

You can take another simple route, print this sample and then color it or applique it.

I liked another type of postcard, I’m happy to show it to you.

We will need:

  • colored paper or cardboard
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Draw templates, approximately how you should get it, I showed you in this picture, it’s nothing difficult, even a beginner can handle it. But decide for yourself what color to make for each workpiece; this is a creative work that can be done in a craft lesson.

2. For the base, it is best to take colored cardboard, either double-sided or plain. Fold the sheet in half and cut a circle on one part.

3. Now all that remains is to design the product. Find a suitable text or write your own by hand.

4. Glue the greeting inside the card.

6. And the front side will look like this. It's like a ship floating on the waves.

I also saw this cute guy yesterday, I suggest you build him too.

To create such beauty, cut out the blanks with scissors.

Glue everything you have planned onto the background you need. The flag can be made from satin ribbons and a match, or use a cotton swab instead of a stick.

If you really want a masterpiece, take a look here, it’s stylish and a very cool idea for children of any age.

We make cards with children in kindergarten from paper for dad and grandfather

An excellent option would be a fairly simple postcard with a picture of a bear cub in military uniform. You need to make such a background on a sheet of paper using a printer.

Cut out the stencils according to the sample.

Then glue them onto the background.

And on the reverse side write or print a congratulation.

Well, I also found such a simple idea for very small young talents.

We will need:

  • multi-colored cardboard with embossing
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • ruler

Stages of work:

1. Print the stars on A4 sheet, or make stencils, and then draw them on colored paper and cut them out.

2. Fold a sheet of embossed cardstock in half. Cut two strips from colored paper and glue them overlapping. And also decorate with a star.

3. Such a very beautiful and sweet result, write your wishes on the other side.

Unusual gift in quilling style Tank

It will be really cool if you make a postcard and, in addition to everything else, give it a small souvenir in the form

Anyone familiar with this technique will easily create any plot).

And for those who are not familiar yet, I found a video from which you will learn how to do this:

You can deviate from the topic and make it out of numbers, but in the same style.

Master class on how to make a shirt with a jacket

The easiest option can be a souvenir using the origami technique; use colored double-sided paper or a white A4 sheet.

It turned out to be a small shirt with a tie.

In addition, since this is a postcard, you will need to come up with a poem or congratulation and read it with expression.

Or you can go another way by first making a tie from a blue or light blue sheet, and decorating it with all kinds of stickers, sequins, rhinestones, etc.

And then glue it and you get the simplest gift option.

And if you want to do something more serious, then use these instructions.

It is necessary to make a mock-up of the product as shown in the figure.

Then use a ruler to fold along these lines. Of course, draw the lines with a pencil, not a felt-tip pen; a felt-tip pen is shown here to make it easier to see.

This is how the jacket looks like.

All that remains is to make the collar, make it according to the diagram.

Then cut and roll.

Finish the work by gluing on the necessary finishing touches, a tie made of satin ribbon or paper and a poem.

You can also make a postcard with a little secret.