Beneficiaries in kindergartenare credited under special conditions determined by law. Beneficiaries who enjoy special rights upon admission to a preschool educational institution are understood to be children who, due to their profession, parents’ incapacity for work, or for other reasons, have an out-of-priority or priority right to admission to a kindergarten. You will learn about the procedure for receiving these benefits and the documentation required to confirm your status as a beneficiary from this article.

Benefits for kindergarten provided at the enrollment stage

Benefits for enrollment in kindergarten are regulated by Art. 55, 65 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ). The following types of benefits are distinguished at the stage of admission to kindergarten:

  1. The right to enrollment in an educational preschool institution out of turn. These benefits are available to:
  • orphans (we are talking about orphans, that is, children who are left without both parents; they can be adopted, live in orphanages or foster families);
  • children of judges;
  • children of prosecutors;
  • children of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • children of fire service workers, penitentiary authorities, counter-terrorism authorities, military personnel who died or became disabled due to the performance of official duties;
  • children of persons who liquidated the Chernobyl accident in 1986 and became disabled or sick due to such activities;
  • children raised in single-parent and/or dysfunctional families.
  • Priority right to enrollment in an educational preschool institution. These benefits are available to:
    • children who are disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3;
    • children of disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3;
    • children from large families (a large family should be understood as a family raising three or more minor children);
    • children of military personnel;
    • children of police officers.
  • Preferential right to enrollment in an educational preschool institution. These benefits are available to:
    • children of teachers working in educational state or municipal institutions of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit;
    • children raised by single mothers.

    This list is approved at the national level, but in the regions additional preferential conditions may be established for enrolling a child in kindergarten. Interested persons can obtain additional information and advice about such benefits from the territorial social protection authority.

    Benefits for paying for keeping a child in kindergarten

    In addition to benefits for enrolling a child in a preschool institution, legislation provides certain categories of citizens with benefits for maintaining a child in such an institution. The categories of persons who can enjoy such benefits are defined in paragraph 3 of Art. 65 of Law No. 273-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2014 No. 862 “On the fee charged to parents for supervision and care.”

    The amount that parents (guardians, adoptive parents, etc.) must pay for maintaining a child in kindergarten is reduced by 50% if such persons are:

    Don't know your rights?

    • disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group;
    • participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
    • military personnel serving under conscription;
    • kindergarten workers;
    • parents with many children (having three or more children).

    The following are completely exempt from fees for keeping a child in a preschool institution:

    • children recognized by the social protection authority as living in a low-income family;
    • children with tuberculosis intoxication;
    • children left without parental care;
    • orphans;
    • disabled children.

    The nuances of providing benefits when enrolling a child in kindergarten

    • Benefits are provided for state or communal preschool institutions; private institutions, as a rule, are fully funded by parents (guardians, trustees of the child) and do not practice priority or other preferential admission.
    • Enrollment is subject to the provision of all documents, including those confirming the right to receive benefits.
    • Applicants should carefully review the applicable benefit laws. Thus, children of migrants, refugees, studying mothers and students were excluded from the list of those eligible for benefits.

    Documents confirming a person’s right to benefits

    When submitting a package of collected documents (common to all applicants), citizens must attach a document confirming their right to benefits. If they forgot or ignored this point, the regional commission for staffing preschool institutions will consider the application without taking into account discounts and benefits. Documents confirming the right to benefits are:

    Today, not every family can afford to pay for the maintenance of a child in a preschool institution. In this regard, the state provides benefits to certain categories of persons. Citizens should familiarize themselves in detail with the above information and current legislation in order to maximally protect their interests when receiving benefits for enrolling their child in kindergarten.

    You need to keep in mind the benefits when entering kindergarten. When enrolling your child in kindergarten, you need to know some laws regarding benefits, both when providing a place and when paying for the care of your baby. Federal benefits approved by the government are valid in all institutions for preschool children, but regions can establish additional benefits for parents. You can find out about them from the head of the kindergarten or the local administration.

    When you get in line to get a place for your child in kindergarten, you need to know that there are benefits by which you can get into kindergarten out of turn, as first priority or by priority right. However, as a rule, the people for whom the benefits are prescribed miraculously take advantage of their opportunities. And why all? Decency and ignorance of one's rights. It is worth exploring the possibilities and taking advantage of them if there are arguments.

    You can be provided with a ticket without any queues if you:

    • orphans and are between 18 and 23 years of age;
    • work as a prosecutor, investigator;
    • are a victim of or participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

    Orphans are also admitted to kindergarten without a queue.

    First of all, you will be provided with benefits for kindergarten if you:

    • parent of a large family (from 3 children);
    • one or both of you are disabled;
    • military personnel;
    • you work for the police.

    Disabled children also enjoy this benefit.

    The right of preference over parents who do not have benefits is granted if you:

    • work in a kindergarten;
    • you are a single mother or father;
    • took the child into custody; children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances and refugees enjoy priority.

    In the regions, preferential rights may be granted to other categories of families; you can find out about this when you submit an application to the head of a preschool institution, to the social security authorities or to the administration.

    All benefits must be confirmed by documents (certificates, certificates, etc.) upon first contact with the kindergarten or the education department.

    Beneficiaries receive vouchers through one of those on the waiting list, so that the rights of other children are not violated.

    Benefits when paying for kindergarten

    The amounts that parents now pay for their child’s visits to kindergarten, supervision and care are not very small. Therefore, the state provides benefits and compensation for individual families.

    Children visit the institution free of charge:

    • disabled people;
    • with hearing, speech, vision impairments, nervous diseases;
    • with asthma, diabetes, spinal curvature, tuberculosis.

    In order for your child to attend kindergarten for free, you must bring a certificate of disability or disease that your child suffers from.
    Be careful.
    The fee is halved if you have three or more children. In this case, children who are under 18 years of age are taken into account; if one of the three is an adult, you will not be able to use the benefit. To receive the benefit, copies of the birth certificates of all children are provided to the kindergarten.

    Compensation upon payment

    The Law on Kindergartens states that you will pay the full cost of kindergarten visits on a receipt, but part of this amount will be returned to your account:

    • you have one child – 20% compensation;
    • the second child went to kindergarten - 50%, the same with subsequent ones.

    That is, for the first child the compensation will remain the same, but for the second it will increase.

    Neither benefits nor compensation apply to additional services that the kindergarten will provide you.

    This could be choreography, visual arts, sports section, etc. You will pay in full for these services.

    Collections and charitable assistance

    The fee for kindergarten includes services for supervision, care and nutrition of children. Education, according to the Constitution, is free in our country.

    However, poor budgets often do not make it possible to adequately provide kindergartens with everything necessary for the education and maintenance of our children. Therefore, at parent-teacher meetings the question of purchasing stationery, hygiene items, etc. often comes up.

    Parents, as adults, should understand this.
    On the one hand, the administration can claim that the children have everything they need. On the other hand, the toilet paper that is given out per quarter in a preschool is enough for children to last a week. Parents pay for everything by collecting money or personally buying albums, paints, cleaning supplies, etc.

    Furniture, bedding, and towels tend to age and become unusable. The group's premises require renovation and there are not enough toys. And only parents, who often don’t have extra money in their pockets, can help.

    Of course, if you are asked for a plasma TV, a fancy computer or a refrigerator in the head’s office, you can contact the Department of Economic Crimes, the police or the education department with a complaint about unlawful demands.

    But to help your group, so that the child sleeps on whole sheets, wipes his face with a beautiful and soft towel, paints with good brushes - this is a sad necessity, which in the documents of a preschool institution passes as charitable assistance.

    You have the right to refuse such help and even go to court, but your child in this group will need to study, prepare for school, sit on a rocking chair that has been repaired a hundred times, etc.

    Benefits for admission to kindergarten are provided by federal laws (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool Education Institutions), and the maintenance of preschool children falls on the shoulders of local budgets. Therefore, requests from the parent committee to donate money for toys or repairs to the group are not extortion, but to provide for the needs of children.

    Benefits do not apply to private kindergartens, but you can try to demand compensation.

    When trying to enroll a child in kindergarten, parents face two problems. Firstly, there is a lack of free places in most preschool institutions, and secondly, there are huge queues and high payment costs. This is precisely why the state provides the opportunity to enroll in kindergarten on preferential terms. Let's figure out what's what.

    Benefits when a child enrolls in kindergarten

    In most cases, to enroll a child in kindergarten, you will need to stand in line. However, a child can enter there on a preferential basis. You can take advantage of the following benefits:

    1. Children who have the right to enter any preschool educational institution (DOU) without a queue. These include children whose parents suffer from radiation sickness received during the liquidation of the consequences of a man-made disaster, or orphans and children from disadvantaged families. Children of prosecutors, investigators and judges can apply on preferential terms.
    1. Children with the right to priority admission to kindergarten, but only after children from the first category. This right belongs to children of military personnel, law enforcement officers (including police officers who died in the line of duty), or a child from a large family (i.e. a family with at least three children), provided that the parents have the necessary ID.

    Children whose parents are no longer able to serve due to injuries sustained in the performance of official duties or during combat operations also have the right to priority admission to kindergarten.

    1. Children who have a priority right to enroll in preschool educational institutions. Among them are children raised by single mothers, as well as children whose parents work in educational institutions.

    Preferential rights are also given to those children whose brothers and sisters have already entered the same kindergarten.

    Most regions have programs that provide preferential admission to children:

    • With unemployed parents or an employed parent raising a child alone.
    • Those who took part in the hostilities.
    • Whose parents were military personnel and died in battle.
    • They were forced to move from their previous place of residence.

    They are provided at the expense of the municipal budget. You can find out the full list of benefits from the kindergarten employees or from the local social security authority.

    So, before enrolling in a kindergarten, the administration of the institution must first of all provide places to children belonging to the listed categories, and out of turn.

    In some cases, there is simply no room in preschool educational institutions even for those with benefits. In such a situation, you have the right to monthly compensation (provided as assistance to parents who, instead of working, are forced to stay at home with their children) in the following amounts:

    • If the child is from one and a half to 3 years old - approximately 6,000 rubles.
    • For children from 3 to 6 years old – about 4,000 rubles.

    The following documents will be required:

    • Application and details of the bank account where the funds will be credited.
    • Copies of the child's birth certificate.
    • Identity document of the parent or guardian.
    • A certificate from the preschool educational institution confirming that the child is registered, but there are no places in the institution.
    • Certificate of family composition (at the passport office) and family income for the last 3 months.
    • If the mother was employed, an order is submitted to send her on maternity leave.

    However, these compensations are not fixed at the federal level - they operate only on the basis of legislative acts of a particular subject (for example, payments are provided in Samara, Moscow, and Lipetsk). In addition, low-income families can receive payments. Municipalities independently determine the amount of payment based on their own budget. The indicated amounts are averages.

    Benefits for paying for kindergarten

    The state allows payment for kindergarten services on preferential terms in the following forms:

    1. Full payment for preschool services state for children of military personnel or law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, disabled children, orphans or people from large families - with at least three minor children (in this case, birth certificates of all children are provided). Beneficiaries can also be children - disabled people, children suffering from asthma or diabetes (as well as tuberculosis intoxication), or with various nervous diseases, visual impairment and hearing impairment (parents of such a child will need to bring a certificate from a medical institution). Rights holders are also children whose families have been recognized as low-income.
    2. 75% payment for kindergarten by the state for those children whose parents are conscripted in the army (you will need to submit a certificate from the commissariat).
    3. 50% discount for children of widows and single parents (including divorced people), as well as children of teachers and employees of preschool educational institutions.
    4. 25% discount for families with at least two children enrolled in a preschool educational institution.

    Please note that depending on the region, discounts on preschool education fees may vary (except in cases where the state fully pays for kindergarten services).

    All these preferential payments are provided in the form of a reverse payment. So, parents must first pay for the services of the kindergarten, and after that the state will pay them compensation in the established amount, sending it to a special bank account.

    How to get benefits for kindergarten

    To enroll children in kindergarten and pay for preschool education services on a preferential basis, parents must:

    • Compose and submit an application.
    • Provide an identification document.
    • If the child was born in a complete family (i.e. with a father and mother), a marriage registration certificate is submitted.
    • Submit a certificate indicating your place of residence.
    • Prepare medical certificates confirming that the child meets the conditions established by the institution.

    To receive preferential conditions for being in a kindergarten, parents must additionally submit the following title documents:

    • A certificate confirming that the child is a member of a large family.
    • Certificates from medical institutions according to which the child is recognized as disabled (indicating the category).
    • A certificate establishing the fact of adoption or guardianship of a child (if he is being raised not by his natural parents, but by guardians or trustees).
    • Law enforcement officers, the Investigative Committee and military personnel provide their identification.
    • Parents who are judges or prosecutors simply provide a certificate from their place of employment.
    • A document confirming that the parents actually participated in the liquidation of the man-made disaster. This could be a certificate of evacuation or a certificate of disability due to a man-made disaster.
    • A certificate indicating that the child was forced to move.
    • Orphans and single parents submit appropriate certificates from the guardianship authorities.

    Both originals and copies of all listed documents are provided.

    Parents and legal representatives of the child will be required to provide a certificate from the bank, which indicates the details of their personal account, where compensation will need to be transferred.

    To obtain a place in a kindergarten on preferential terms, documents are submitted to the local department of social protection of the population or to multifunctional centers, from where the documents will be forwarded to this service. You can also submit a package of documents on the government services portal (you can also view the progress of documents there).

    Sample application for kindergarten:

    Benefits for food in kindergarten

    For this, a standard set of documents is submitted. A certificate of income for each family member is required (at least for the past 3 months), on the basis of which the benefit is calculated. Depending on the age of the child, preferential meals are valid for a period from 3 months to six months.

    At the same time, nutrition in preschool educational institutions is regulated on the basis of the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the country on the work of preschool organizations. Everything is calculated taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of children of kindergarten age. So, the Resolution states:

    • Products that are approved for use in kindergartens.
    • Mandatory food set for each child, designed for the whole day.
    • List of products that should be on the establishment's menu for the week.

    Therefore, parents must obtain a certificate from a medical institution stating that the child can eat according to the established conditions. However, only parents who were exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl accident are entitled to the benefit.

    The benefit is also provided in the form of a refundable cash compensation, so the child's parents or guardians will be required to provide their bank details. However, compensation for days missed by the child is not provided.

    Benefits for kindergarten teachers

    Children of kindergarten employees can also get into a preschool educational institution on a preferential basis, having a preferential right to enroll in a kindergarten. To do this, the parent must provide a certificate from their place of employment. The right to the benefit is given only to employees of urban and rural settlements, both working and retired.

    The state also provides kindergarten employees with benefits for housing and communal services, mortgages, as well as the right to increased vacation, wages and bonuses.

    Educators can receive child support benefits if they are provided at the local level.

    So, anyone who wants their child to be enrolled in a kindergarten on preferential terms must belong to one of the above categories entitled to benefits. You will also need to submit the appropriate documentation so that the administration and the state can establish your status, right to preferential admission and receive compensation payments. By applying for benefits at a kindergarten, you can avoid problems with queues and payments.

    Parents begin enrolling their child in kindergarten immediately after his birth. Those who are entitled to a preferential queue for kindergarten find themselves in a better position than others.

    Who is entitled to a preferential queue for kindergarten?

    Children of citizens with special status were included in the privileged list:

    Those who have the right to join the preferential queue for kindergarten can either immediately bring their child to the group, or do so after a short time.

    Legislative regulation of the issue

    The nationwide preferential list is enshrined in the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 55, 65.

    Privileges for individual families are prescribed in legal acts: “On the status of military personnel”, “On the police”, “”.

    Special provisions and bills of regional authorities have taken additional measures for preferential admission to preschool institutions.

    What benefits can you expect when enrolling in a kindergarten?

    After making sure that there is an opportunity to get a place in a preschool educational institution, you should correlate your social status with the right to preferential enrollment:

    • bypassing the general queue;
    • priority appointment;
    • preferential enrollment.

    On a note! State assistance is not limited to preferential admission to preschool educational institutions. Discounts are provided for the maintenance of preschoolers: from free attendance to 25% of payment.

    How to get your child into kindergarten without waiting in line

    Overcrowding in kindergartens should not worry those who know how to get a child into kindergarten without waiting in line. People with difficult life circumstances or a certain profession have chances. These include young citizens with difficult destinies, who have lost their parents, are being raised by foster parents, or have been adopted.

    If the mother is an orphan, then at the age of 18-23 she has the right to take the child to kindergarten without waiting in line.

    The priority list includes children of participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The children have grown up long ago, but preferential enrollment can be used for the grandchildren of the liquidator.

    Justice and law enforcement officials - judges, investigators of the Investigative Committee were also included in this group.

    A child from a dysfunctional family, upon the referral of the commission on juvenile affairs, is required to be admitted to a preschool educational institution without a queue.

    An adopted child will be accepted into kindergarten without a queue

    Who has priority for admission to kindergarten?

    After using the list of benefits for privileged children when enrolling in a kindergarten, the following sequence occurs:

    • police officers and former employees who were injured or died in the line of duty;
    • contract employees in the Russian army;
    • parents or children are disabled;
    • large family with 3 or more children.

    Extraordinary benefit

    Guarantees are provided for parents who raise children alone. Without a long wait, they issue a voucher to kindergarten workers.

    Important! Distribution to preschool educational institutions is carried out by a special commission. The waiting list is strictly regulated and controlled by the education department.

    Rules for registration and list of documents for beneficiaries

    Admission to kindergarten under priority conditions begins with the preparation of papers and the appropriate application.


    It is necessary to indicate the reasons for extraordinary enrollment, supporting this with certificates. The application must contain information about the identity of the child and parent, contacts, and the desired date of entry into kindergarten.

    Confirmation of benefits

    Each group of beneficiaries provides various documents:

    Where to apply

    You should contact the education department or directly the kindergarten. Modern means of communication allow you to send an application via the Internet on the State Services website. You can come to the multifunctional center with a package of documents.

    Note! After processing the application, a message with a registration number is sent to your phone or email.

    Benefits for paying for kindergarten

    After enrollment in kindergarten, an additional expense item opens in the family budget. The load is reduced by state programs for preferential maintenance in preschool educational institutions. Legislative initiatives are provided for in 273-FZ, Art. 65, as well as departmental decrees. Since 2014, the Ministry of Defense has been regulating payments for preschoolers under Order 862 “On fees charged to parents for supervision and care.”

    Free visit

    The state fully bears the costs for disabled children and orphans. Helps the needy in the same way. If a child is diagnosed with tuberculosis intoxication, preschool fees are not charged.

    Types of compensation

    Benefits for paying for kindergarten are provided in a certain amount: 50% - those with many children, parents with disabilities of the first and second groups, “Chernobyl survivors” serving in the army under contract.

    Local benefits

    Regional programs provide preferences for local residents: 75% is paid from the budget for children of conscripts. 25% - a family with two preschoolers.

    Large families are entitled to benefits

    50% of kindergarten expenses are compensated from the budget of the Moscow region to the following parents:

    • widow;
    • divorced;
    • teacher of a state institution and a non-state institution (has state accreditation).

    When moving to another region, the terms of support change according to local legal acts.

    Additional subsidies

    If it is not possible to enroll your child in kindergarten, even if you have preferential status, you should apply for financial assistance. Na, mother on maternity leave, correspondence student.

    Note! The mother must prove with documents why she is not working. Without a valid reason, the subsidy will be denied.

    Social support is regulated by the regional government in the equivalent of the average salary and amounts to:

    • 20% - first child;
    • 50% - second child;
    • 70% and above - for the third child.


    On a note! A refund of income tax on the amount paid for kindergarten is included in the compensation measures. A return must be submitted to the tax office with the appropriate statement.

    Where to apply for compensation

    The bureaucratic procedure for obtaining subsidies frightens parents with a host of requirements. However, everything can be done with patience.

    The following documents should be provided to the social protection authority or the MFC:

    • on personal identification;
    • about birth, adoption;
    • an extract from the registry office on family composition;
    • confirmation of the waiting list status at the preschool educational institution:
    • child care certificate from work;
    • medical insurance;
    • statement.

    The shortage of available places in kindergartens is solved by establishing a priority order. Fair regulation of the queue allows parents to quickly identify a child and go to work.

    It is not uncommon for parents to encounter a lack of places in kindergarten groups. Many families with children wait in line until school time comes. However, some children can get into kindergarten and stay there on preferential terms.

    Who gets priority when entering kindergarten?

    The legislation of the Russian Federation states that children on benefits are enrolled in kindergarten on a first-come, first-served basis. For such children, reserve free places are provided in each institution.

      orphans or wards (law “On Education”);

      for children with disabilities (Presidential Decree No. 1157);

      from families with dysfunctional parents registered with the KDN (Federal Law No. 124-FZ);

      military personnel who became disabled or died as a result of hostilities in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and the Caucasus (decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 936, No. 65, No. 587);

      victims of the tragedy at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (RF Law No. 1244-1);

      employees of the Investigative State Committee (Federal Law No. 403);

      employees of courts and prosecutors' offices (Law of the Russian Federation No. 3132-1, No. 2202-1).

      teachers of a specific kindergarten (presidential decree No. 431);

      children whose brother or sister already attends this kindergarten (Presidential Decree No. 431);

      children single mothers, however benefits single mothers for kindergarten are provided if no surname is indicated in the “father of the child” section. If the father is registered, but the woman is raising the baby alone, such a mother does not have single status (presidential decree No. 431).

    In some regions of the country there are also benefits for twins, for families of internally displaced persons, for low-income or single-parent families, full-time students, unemployed parents, and veterans of various military operations. They have a priority right to admission.

    Local authorities of the region have the right to establish the list of these benefits. More accurate information about possible benefits can be obtained from the social security office at your place of residence.

    Required documents

    To take a place, you need to register your child with the education department at your place of residence or on the official website for the provision of municipal services - to register in the electronic children's queue.

    Upon admission, parents will be required to provide a set of documents, including: The main thing is a certificate that confirms the special status of the family or child. This rule is general, and recipients of kindergarten benefits must take it into account. If such a document is not provided to the enrollment commission, its members have the right to refuse the child. Thus, he will end up in the general queue.

    There is a standard list of documents, approved by Government Decree No. 305, required for the admission of a child:

      Application requesting admission of a child to kindergarten;

      Birth certificate of the baby;

      A medical certificate describing the child's health status. It is issued by a pediatrician or local doctor after the results of tests and examination of the baby by specialized specialists;

      After registering in the electronic queue, you need to print out the registration card, which will confirm the possibility of enrollment in the kindergarten.

    For families hoping for benefits when enrolling in kindergarten, you will additionally need to collect the following documents:

      for disabled children, as well as children whose parents suffered in hostilities - a medical report describing deviations in the health of the child or his parents;

      documents certifying the status of liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster at the nuclear power plant;

      for orphans - a certificate from the guardianship authorities confirming that the child is being raised without natural parents;

      for children whose parents occupy certain vacancies - an extract from work with information about the position held;

      for large or single-parent families - a certificate of family composition from the social protection department;

      if there is a benefit for kindergarten for military personnel, provide confirmation from the military unit or local commissariat;

      for low-income families - documents from the social security service confirming the status, as well as certificates of income from the work of each parent.

    Benefits for paying for kindergarten

    The second problem after enrolling in a kindergarten is the fee for the institution’s services. In order to financially relieve some families, Russian Government Regulation No. 907 identifies four categories of persons for whom state assistance is available. Beneficiaries in kindergarten can count on certain discounts.

    1.100% discount. In other words, free admission to kindergarten. This assistance applies to:

      disabled children;

    • a child who is sick with tuberculosis;

      a child whose parent died in the line of duty;

      children whose parents are students of universities or other educational institutions;

      a child from a large family with more than 3 children.

    2. 75% discount for preschool education services. They can count on it:

      children conscripts except for the officers.

    3. 50% discount. This benefit is provided for:

      widow's child;

      a child who is raised by only one of the parents;

      a child whose parents are divorced;

      coming from a family of teachers, including a family of preschool employees.

    4. 25% discount for kindergarten services:

      for families where two or more children attend kindergarten;

      for internally displaced persons.

    In addition, there is a monthly compensation for meals for children in all state preschool institutions. It applies to those children who suffered from radiation after the Chernobyl disaster. This issue is regulated by the Russian law “On social protection of victims of accidents.”

    All listed benefits are accrued to citizens according to the usual reverse payment scheme.

    Thus, the family first independently pays for kindergarten services in full, and then receives state compensation in a bank account opened specifically for these purposes.

    Discounts are valid only in state preschool educational institutions. If the kindergarten is privately owned, it can set its own criteria for admitting children and the amount to pay for its services.

    How to apply for financial benefits?

    To enjoy preferential discounts for kindergarten services, you should prepare in advance a package of documents confirming your rights to privileges. These include:

      certificate of composition of a large family;

      certificate of a forced migrant;

      a decree on adoption or guardianship of a child without parents;

      medical certificate confirming the child’s disability;

      certificate of service of one of the parents in the Armed Forces of Russia, in the Investigative Committee or in law enforcement agencies;

      a certificate confirming the participation of the child’s parents in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster.

    Documents are attached to the application for admission to kindergarten.

    It is mandatory to submit a bank certificate with all documents with the exact details of the parents’ personal account, for the monthly receipt of compensation funds for keeping the child in kindergarten.

    So, families of preschool children should carefully study Russian legislation to learn about their options. Perhaps these are benefits for admission to kindergarten or for maintaining children in this institution.

    Benefits will help you overcome the long queue at kindergarten or save on paying for services and food.