If any woman is faced with the choice of one cosmetic product that she cannot do without, she will probably stop at mascara. Mascara is one of the most popular decorative cosmetics. It is able to give expressiveness to the eyes and emphasize their shape.

How to choose such an irreplaceable item for our cosmetic bag as mascara? You won’t find a consensus on which mascara is better, even among professional makeup artists. The best mascara is the one that meets all your requirements. For some it is lengthening and curling, for others it is the thickness and density of eyelashes. To choose the perfect mascara, you need to know a little more about it. Let's try to figure it out.

To understand which mascara is ideal for you, you need to determine exactly what kind of eyelashes you have:

Short and thin eyelashes. Lengthening and volumizing mascara containing resins, with a thin brush and sparse bristles; ideal: two-phase mascara with a white polymer base and color coating.

Long, but thin and sparse eyelashes. Voluminous mascara with spirally arranged and sparse bristles; mascara with curling effect.

Long and thick, but thin eyelashes. Mascara with a curling effect.

Short but thick eyelashes. Lengthening mascara with a thick brush.

Long and thick eyelashes. Mascara with a curling effect. And why do you even need mascara with such natural splendor? :)

What, oh what, is the best mascara made from?

The mascara also contains additional substances that improve the condition of eyelashes, stimulate their growth, increase the length and volume of eyelashes, protect eyelashes from external adverse influences (wind, dry air, frost, high temperature and others).

Protective and nutritional additives.

Keratin is a natural eyelash protein that covers each eyelash with a delicate film and strengthens them.

Melanin - has a beneficial effect, protecting against external factors.

UV blockers - protect against exposure to sunlight.

Lanolin - prevents dryness and brittleness of eyelashes.

Castor oil - has an anti-inflammatory effect, nourishes the roots of eyelashes, strengthens and stimulates their growth.

Panthenol - increases the thickness of eyelashes and improves their condition.

Proteins (usually wheat germ proteins are used) - have a beneficial effect on eyelash growth. Vitamins (A, E, F, provitamin B5) - strengthen, nourish and moisturize eyelashes, stimulate their growth, give elasticity and silkiness.

Preservatives are necessarily added to mascara to prevent the appearance and proliferation of microorganisms (glycerin, small doses of benzalkonium chloride and thimerosal are used as preservatives).

Types of mascara.

Depending on the decorative effect, mascara is divided into the following types:

Regular mascara;

Mascara that lengthens eyelashes;

Mascara that gives volume to eyelashes;

Mascara that curls eyelashes;

Mascara that evenly coats eyelashes.

These properties of mascara are determined not only by its composition, but also by the shape of the brush (for example, the brush of an extending mascara has a spiral shape of bristles).

Regular mascara used for tinting eyelashes and blackening them is practically not produced today. It has given way to combined types of mascara.

Lengthening mascara- it contains special lengthening components (for example, silk fibers, microcrotlin), which increase the length of the eyelashes. These individual small fibers (they can be of either synthetic or organic origin) can crumble and get under them when wearing contact lenses, causing discomfort and a sensation of a foreign body.

Volume mascara serves to “emphasize” the eyes, making eyelashes fluffy. To do this, the mascara contains wax microgranules that envelop each eyelash with a “thickening” film, as a result of which the eyelashes do not stick together and look voluminous and fluffy. In addition, to increase the volume of eyelashes, various additives are used in such mascaras (for example, coal dust or tiny fibers, as in lengthening mascara). Mascara, which belongs to the voluminous class, has a brush with evenly spaced bristles (like a brush), and sometimes a special bending brush.

Curling mascara- the effect of curling eyelashes is achieved through twisting movements and a special curling brush with short bristles. There are mascaras that curl the eyelashes as a result of a special composition (keratin, resins), which form a layer on the surface of the eyelashes that contracts when drying and curls the eyelashes.

The mascara, which evenly coats the eyelashes, has a brush with very thick bristles and bristles of different lengths. Short bristles paint each eyelash, while long bristles evenly distribute mascara over the entire surface of the eyelashes.

Depending on the presence of nutrients and medicinal substances in the composition, mascara with vitamins, mascara for sensitive eyes and medicinal mascara-gel can be divided into separate groups.

Vitaminized and nourishing mascara contains additional amounts of proteins, melanin, keratin, UV filter and others substances that provide gentle care to eyelashes, strengthen and protect them from fragility and external influences.

Mascara for sensitive eyes does not cause irritation and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes and the edge of the eyelid. This mascara contains a minimal amount of preservatives, since most often it is this component of any cosmetic product that turns out to be the most allergenic.

Treatment mascara is a transparent gel. It contains castor oil, vitamins, keratin, proteins, which give eyelashes elasticity and emphasize their natural beauty. The gel does not contain dyes.

In addition to these types, all mascaras can be divided into two large classes: water-soluble and water-resistant.

Waterproof mascara resists water due to the content of resins that form a water-impermeable film on the eyelashes. They prevent the mascara from being washed off when exposed to water. However, it should be borne in mind that waterproof mascara is more aggressive in its composition than regular mascara and can irritate sensitive eyes. In addition, it can only be removed using special means. The color palette of this mascara is limited to black, brown and blue. Let us note the most important thing: this mascara is not suitable for us, since if ablution is broken, it cannot be washed off, so when buying mascara we pass by waterproof mascaras!

Water-soluble mascara is more gentle on eyelashes, dissolves easily in water, and is easily washed off the eyes.

An eyelash curler must be used before applying mascara, otherwise the eyelashes will become brittle.

Among other things, the mascara you choose must still meet certain quality standards. There are several rules that allow you to independently determine how good the product you like is.

Pay attention to the packaging. It must indicate the type of mascara, country and manufacturer, as well as the date of manufacture and composition. And it’s better not to buy mascara from the window: it’s not known how many people have already opened it before you. Now take the tube out of the box and make sure that the color really matches what is written on the package, and also pay attention to the smell. Good mascara does not smell, or has a subtle sweetish smell. The only exception is eyelash gel.

The composition of the mascara should resemble something similar to a cream. If the mascara is too liquid or thick, this means that, most likely, the storage conditions were not met.

To fully ensure the quality of the product, lightly run the brush over your palm: if the line is smooth and no lumps appear, then you can use it calmly.

Sensitive eyes. Mascara for sensitive eyes with a small, thick brush and without eye-irritating ingredients.

But choosing the right mascara is not enough.

It is important to know how to treat her in order to prolong her life, and for you to enjoy communicating with her. Here's what experts recommend:

* No matter how favorite your mascara is, it should be changed every 3-6 months for hygienic reasons and, of course, you should not share it with your girlfriend.

To prevent the mascara from drying out prematurely, each time you need to gently twist and unscrew the brush so that the air enters and exits the bottle evenly. If the mascara has dried out, you can “revive it” by immersing the closed bottle vertically 1/3 in a glass of hot water and holding it there for 2 minutes.

Start applying mascara from the base of the eyelashes, hold the brush there for a few seconds and move easily and smoothly to the ends.

If you want to achieve thick and dark eyelashes, paint them several times, but not immediately, but wait until the first layer has dried. Otherwise, the eyelashes will stick together.

Use a special eyelash comb - it helps a lot in creating a natural and complete look.

Mascara comes in different colors. The most commonly used color is charcoal black, but it is not suitable for everyone. Women with naturally light hair and eyelashes should give preference to brown, anthracite or taupe mascara.

Just like hair brushes, mascara brushes are designed for different occasions. The resulting effect depends on the shape of the brush. For example, a curling mascara will most likely have a curved brush, while a straight brush with thick bristles will allow you to paint your eyelashes evenly and along the entire length. If neatness is not your thing and when tinting your eyelashes you get your upper eyelid dirty, then you should buy a mascara with short bristles on the brush. It is the easiest to control. Read more about how one mascara brush differs from another.

material matters

Many makeup artists are sure that the result of eye makeup depends on the material of which the brush is made. Previously, they were made of plastic, but now more and more often you can find a brush made of silicone or rubber. These brushes are more elastic, with a hard, dense bristle, they perfectly separate the eyelashes and prevent them from sticking together into one big lump. How to choose a mascara that's right for you? You need to experiment with different brushes.

Texture and formula of mascara

A good mascara can be recognized by two factors: composition and texture. Types of mascara are replete with variety. Volumizing mascara contains moisturizing components and enveloping particles, which, when applied to eyelashes, swell and make them fluffier. Curling mascara contains polymers that tighten the eyelashes after drying. It is due to tightening that the twisting effect is created. It can easily be compared to using a curler. The “trick” of lengthening mascara is the small fibers in the composition, which “grow” onto the eyelashes and make them visually longer.

By what criteria do you choose mascara for yourself?

Even if a woman practically does not use decorative cosmetics, she will definitely have mascara in her purse. After all, with its help, in a couple of minutes you can emphasize the beauty of your eyes and make your look more expressive.

The variety of products presented in stores is dizzying. They differ in price, composition and properties, appearance of packaging and brushes for application. How to choose mascara from all the variety? To ensure that the chosen product does not disappoint you in the future, you must understand what exactly you want from the mascara: lengthen your eyelashes, give them volume, or maybe just make them a little more noticeable.

Main types of mascara

There are several types of mascara, each of which allows you to achieve a specific effect. Let's look at the main ones.

  • Lengthening. The composition includes certain components (nylon, viscose, silk fibers), thanks to which the eyelashes become visually longer.
  • Gives volume. Contains wax particles or synthetic fibers. Thanks to these substances, the product completely covers and thickens each eyelash, making them look thick.
  • Twisting. Contains keratins, which after drying give the eyelashes an attractive bend. Such cosmetics will allow you to abandon the use of special curling irons, which often injure the eyelashes.

In addition to regular mascara, there are moisture- and water-resistant products that do not contain moisture-sensitive substances. Such cosmetics can be safely used in rainy weather, as well as before going to the pool or the beach, without fear that the makeup will “blem” after contact with water. This mascara can be easily removed using a special makeup remover. But it is important to know that waterproof mascara is more aggressive than water-soluble mascara. Therefore, it is better not to use it for those with sensitive eyes.

We should also highlight hypoallergenic mascara, which can be bought both at a cosmetics store and at a pharmacy. Its main advantage is the absence of components that can cause irritation. By purchasing this product, you can be sure that your eyes will not water or itch. Often this mascara is chosen by women who wear contact lenses, as well as very young girls who are just starting to use decorative cosmetics.

Color palette

How to choose mascara color

Many of us are accustomed to painting our eyelashes with a classic black color, although the mascara palette is very wide. And don’t think that only bold and extravagant individuals can afford colored mascara. For everyday makeup, it is quite possible to use mascara in a gray, brown or blue shade. It is only important to choose it correctly. Here are some recommendations on this matter.

Green mascara

  • Brown mascara, like black, is considered a classic and suits any eye color. It makes makeup look more natural and natural.
  • Blondes should pay attention to the black-brown shade.
  • Blue mascara will perfectly highlight the depth of brown eyes. Thanks to the pleasant shade, the eyes do not look tired, even at the end of the working day.
  • Dark gray mascara is a great alternative to black for those who are afraid that daytime makeup will look too flashy.
  • But you shouldn’t overuse purple and green shades in daytime makeup, otherwise you risk looking tired or tear-stained.

Pay attention to the brush

Types of mascara wands

It is the brush that largely determines how the mascara “lays” on the eyelashes. They vary in shape, material, number and size of bristles. Let's look at how to choose the right mascara based on the type of brush.

  • Spiral is one of the most popular options, which is suitable for absolutely all eyelashes. During the application of mascara, the brush must be slightly rotated for a more even distribution.
  • A standard brush with even bristles makes soft eyelashes that lack volume more fluffy.
  • Curved - helps create the effect of curled eyelashes.
  • Silicone - as a rule, it is used to separate eyelashes well and create light volume.
  • A plastic brush with fine and thick bristles allows you to create spectacular volume, although a special comb may be required to separate the eyelashes.
  • With short stubble – suitable for those with short eyelashes. It will allow you to paint your eyelashes well along their entire length without staining your eyelids. Also suitable for tinting eyelashes in the corners of the eyes.
  • With thick and long bristles - gives impressive volume to eyelashes, while perfectly separating them. Mascara with such a brush is best used to create an evening look and the effect of eyelash extensions.

Composition and consistency

Depending on the main component, all mascaras can be divided into two types: high wax content and high water content. The first type lies tightly, covers each eyelash, thereby increasing the volume. Typically, this mascara has a thick, creamy consistency. It is great for soft and thin eyelashes. The second type applies a thin layer without blinding the eyelashes. This mascara dries quickly, however, it may crumble. Has a more liquid structure. More suitable for hard eyelashes.

Some manufacturers add various vitamins to mascara, which help maintain the health of eyelashes, improve their condition, or protect them from adverse external influences. But such components are not mandatory; rather, they are a nice bonus. What can be included in mascara?

  • Keratin – covers the hairs with a thin film and strengthens them.
  • Lanolin – prevents drying and brittleness.
  • Melanin - protects eyelashes from the negative effects of the environment: wind, low temperatures, dry air, heat.
  • UV blockers – protect eyelashes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Cosmetics with this component are perfect for summer makeup.
  • Panthenol - improves the general condition of eyelashes and also makes them thicker.
  • Castor oil – has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on the roots of eyelashes, nourishing and strengthening them.
  • Vitamins A, E, F, B5 - strengthen and nourish eyelashes, and also make them more silky and elastic.

You should not be afraid of preservatives in cosmetics. They prevent the appearance and development of microorganisms, thanks to which the mascara retains its properties for several months.

So, if you have decided which mascara you want to see in your cosmetic bag, you can proceed directly to purchase. What should you pay attention to in the store in order to choose a good mascara that will not ruin your makeup or harm your eye health?

When you pick up cosmetics, the first thing you notice is the packaging. It must contain information about the type of carcass, country of origin, composition, date of manufacture and expiration date. All drawings and inscriptions must be clear and legible. After the ink has been printed, it is recommended to use it for no more than 3-6 months, after which various bacteria begin to develop in it. That is why it is not recommended to choose a product from a display case, where it may have already been opened several times. It is better to give preference to a sealed copy.

Be sure to use a tester, but it is better not to apply it to your eyelashes. To assess the consistency of the mascara, run the brush over your hand. An important point is the smell of cosmetics. High-quality mascara should have a subtle scent. If you feel the smell is too strong or unpleasant, it is better to refuse the purchase.

You won’t find a consensus on which mascara is the best, even among professionals. But by following these simple recommendations, you can easily choose a high-quality mascara that is ideal for you.

Mascara is a very indispensable item in almost every girl's makeup bag. It curls your eyelashes, making them visually thicker and longer.

Each type of eyelash needs its own mascara, and any professional makeup artist will confirm this. Therefore, the issue of choosing this decorative product must be approached with special care, otherwise problems with eyelashes cannot be avoided.

Classifications of carcasses by composition.

The modern range of decorative cosmetics for the eyes is huge, especially for mascara. Manufacturers offer not only decorative mascara, but also caring mascara.
Depending on the composition and the brush used, you can achieve incredible results, turning eyelashes of modest length and volume into seductive “fans”.

Based on their composition, the following types of mascara can be distinguished:

  • Creamy with a high degree of fat and wax content. This type includes mascara with a volumizing effect. More oily, it lies tightly on the eyelashes, enveloping and increasing their volume. An excellent option for hair with soft texture.
  • Mascara that contains a high percentage of water. This type has a more viscous consistency. It lays on the eyelashes in a thin layer without sticking them together. This mascara dries quickly, but may fall off during the day. Great for hard eyelashes.

When choosing mascara, the first thing you should pay attention to is its composition. It must contain:

  • water;
  • soap;
  • soot;
  • sealing resins;
  • coloring pigments;
  • preservatives;
  • waxy components.

In addition to these components, cosmetic products also contain other nutrients:

  • keratin - this component envelops each eyelash and forms a thin film on it. The film strengthens and protects from external factors;
  • castor oil accelerates eyelash growth and, in addition, strengthens, nourishes eyelashes and relieves inflammation;
  • lanolin, this substance nourishes hairs and resists their fragility;
  • wheat germ proteins, these components stimulate eyelash growth;
  • melanin protects hairs from the influence of negative external conditions;
  • vitamins - A, B, E, F, these components strengthen the structure of eyelashes, moisturize them, make them soft and silky;
  • Due to ultraviolet filters, there is a protective effect and neutralization of the negative effects of solar radiation.

Classification of mascara by type of brush.

In addition to the composition, when choosing mascara, you must also consider the shape of the brush. After all, it is she who helps achieve the desired effect.

  • Classic brush with bristles of equal length ensures uniform distribution of the product. It does not add length or volume to the eyelashes, but only colors them, making them silky. Great for highlighting the natural beauty of the eyes.
  • A brush with bristles arranged in a spiral, designed for coloring and separating hard eyelashes.
  • Silicone brush- This is a unique design with which you can increase the length, volume and ensure perfect hair coloring.
  • Conical brush with dense bristles traditionally used in volumizing mascara. The non-standard shape of the brush ensures perfect coloring and separation of eyelashes. The thicker the hairs on it, the more thoroughly the eyelashes will be painted and the more voluminous the look.

Brushes differ not only in shape, but also in the length of the bristles. Options with long bristles color eyelashes well and increase their volume. Short bristles are necessary for ideal coloring of small hairs located in the corners of the eyes.

A brush that combines short and long bristles has a double effect. Traditionally, curling mascara is equipped with similar options. With this option it is easy to create the ideal volume and curl of absolutely all eyelashes.

Comparative characteristics of various brushes.

Type of brushBasic properties
Straightinstantly highlights the look, suitable for any type of eyelashes
Oval with fluffy bristlespicks up a lot of mascara, makes eyelashes thicker and thicker
With ball tipIt’s easy to create a “wide eye” effect and paint even the shortest eyelashes from root to tip
With silicone bristlesoptimal amount of mascara, easier to color eyelashes
Curvedfollows the natural curve of eyelashes and curls them
Figure-8 tasselsuitable for layering; curls, lengthens and curls eyelashes
With sparse bristlesColors eyelashes from root to tip, ideal for creating natural makeup

Cosmetic effect of mascara.

The choice of mascara must also be made depending on the effect that can be achieved with its help.

  • If your priority is to increase the length of your eyelashes, then you can’t do without an option with a lengthening effect. It consists of the finest silicone or nylon fibers, which during application stick to the hairs, increasing their length. The downside of this type is that if applied excessively, the fibers stick together, making the eyelashes very heavy.
  • Incredibly popular mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. Lengthening and enlarging the eyelashes, it gives them a beautiful curve, which can only be achieved with the help of special curling curlers. The effect of false eyelashes can be achieved by the presence of oils, wax and microfibers in the mascara, as well as brushes with bristles of various lengths.
  • Waterproof mascara is an ideal option for those who want to remain fully armed even on the beach or in the pool. The mascara contains special waterproof pigments that allow eyelashes to remain beautiful and voluminous even in extreme conditions. The only downside of this type is that it can only be washed off using special cosmetics for waterproof cosmetics.
  • Mascara with a volumizing effect will help increase the thickness and length of eyelashes. The silicone fibers and wax included in its composition tightly envelop the eyelashes, making them shiny and elastic. A brush with thick bristles helps create additional volume.

Mascara with special care.

In addition to options with a decorative effect, there is also a medicinal mascara that combines health-improving and decorative qualities. Depending on what components are included in the composition, the following types can be distinguished.

  • Strengthening. The formula of this mascara is enriched with natural oils, extracts from medicinal herbs, protein, lanolin, natural wax and carotene. The use of the product allows you to make eyelashes stronger, longer and smoother.
  • Mascara with vitamins. The name speaks for itself - the product contains vitamins, protein, keratin, melanin, as well as substances that provide UV protection for eyelashes. Mascara provides gentle care and protection of eyelashes from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Hypoallergenic. An excellent option for people who are allergic to decorative cosmetics and their components. Mascara for sensitive eyes does not contain preservatives that cause allergies, redness, itching and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The advantage of cosmetics with a therapeutic effect is that it is suitable for women with sensitive skin, prone to allergies, as well as for those who use contact lenses. The use of such products can become part of a comprehensive treatment for mascara allergies.

Choosing mascara depending on the type of eyelashes.

Of course, there are a huge number of different types of mascara on the market. However, there are still certain criteria for choosing mascara depending on the type of eyelashes.

Long eyelashes.

You should choose mascaras that curl the eyelashes, and the same curved brushes (for example, like Maybelline Volume Express Curved Mascara) to make your own eyelashes more raised, curled and give them a lifting effect. When painting your eyelashes, you should hold the brush in a vertical position and pull them towards your temples: this way you can create “cat” makeup even without arrows drawn with eyeliner. In addition, make-up artists recommend that girls with long eyelashes properly paint over those located at the outer corners of the eyes.

Short eyelashes.

You should choose thin brushes with closely spaced bristles to paint both short and long eyelashes (you can pay attention to Hypnôse mascara from Lancôme). They, among other things, should not be too plastic, but rather hard and elastic: this will allow, firstly, to easily and evenly apply the pigment, and secondly, to lengthen the eyelashes and fix the result.

Straight, but not curled eyelashes.

To curl your eyelashes, you must use a curler to give them the desired effect. Mascaras should be chosen that curl (for example, Volume Million Lashes Feline from L’Oréal Paris is suitable) and applied with the same movements, giving them a bend. After there is no pigment left on the brush, use your fingers to give the eyelashes a vertical, curled position and hold for some time so that the effect remains that way throughout the day.

Eyelashes with hairs of different lengths.

Continuous use of serums, boosters and other cosmetic products on eyelashes can damage them. When the job has already been done, but you don’t want to give up mascara at all, formulas with a large number of natural ingredients in the composition will help correct the situation (the list of ingredients should also include phytokeratins and panthenol, which promote eyelash growth), as well as mascaras with the effect of false eyelashes and large cone-shaped brushes. You can take note, for example, of YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils mascara.

Determining the suitability of mascara in a cosmetics store.

To check the suitability of the mascara, you need to do a small test in the store: make a sweeping stroke with a brush on the back of your hand. If the smear turns out smooth without crumbs and clots, this is a quality product that will help create a charming look.

What should you choose in favor of? Beauty blogger Irina will tell you:

Excellently proven mascaras on the Russian market.

Mascara for high price segment.

Lancome Grandiose Extreme.

The new Lancome Grandiôse Extrême mascara guarantees a deep look thanks to its advanced formula with adhesive polymers and a thick, creamy texture. At first glance, the legendary brush in the shape of a “swan neck” has remained unchanged, but its design has also changed somewhat - now the bristles are arranged in pairs in a checkerboard pattern, which allows you to evenly paint the eyelashes from the very roots, creating a dizzying volume.

Lancome Grandiose Extreme mascara


  • improved formula and brush;
  • creates incredible volume, but gluing eyelashes.


  • Some people may find the swan neck brush uncomfortable;
  • By the end of the day it may fall off from the eyelashes.

Average price: 2800 rubles.

YSL Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils.

Thanks to its convenient brush, YSL Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils allows you to sculpt perfectly shaped elastic eyelashes - they look curled, separated and do not stick together. In addition, a special vitamin complex in the composition cares for the cuticle, activating the growth of eyelashes, and the improved Lash Care formula creates a dramatic effect with additional layering of the product.

YSL Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils


  • convenient brush.


  • The gold plating on the bottle peels off over time, leaving behind the usual black packaging.

Average price: 2500 rubles.

Guerlain Cils D'Enfer So Volume.

Guerlain Cils d'Enfer So Volume sculpting mascara will give you flawless coverage and intense black color. An amazing feature of the product is that it suits everyone without exception. The cone-shaped brush of the mascara does not stick the eyelashes together; on the contrary, it qualitatively separates and curls them, providing a beautiful bend and incredible density.

Guerlain Cils D'Enfer So Volume mascara


  • can be used on any type of eyelashes;
  • does not crumble.


  • mascara dries quickly;
  • The bottle is too thick.

Video review of this mascara and another popular product from Guerlain:

Average price: 2600 rubles.

Helena Rubinshtein Mascara Lash Queen.

Helena Rubinstein Mascara Lash Queen Wonder Blacks is a work of art in its purest form. Everything about it is perfect - a luxurious gold case with black glossy embossing, a curved tassel and the right shade of black. The mascara gives unprecedented volume, curling rather than curling hairs, allowing lashes to look perfect all day long.

Helena Rubinshtein Mascara Lash Queen


  • aesthetic bottle;
  • large volume of carcass.


  • too viscous consistency;

Average price: 2000 rubles.

Clarins Mascara Supra Volume.

As the name suggests, Clarins Mascara Supra Volume is a story about unprecedented eyelash volume. What’s nice is that the manufacturers’ promises about XXL eyelashes turn out to be true - incredible lengthening and volume is provided by a new formula that not only increases the thickness of the eyelashes, but also takes care of them day after day. The product contains carnauba wax and cassia flower wax, which envelop each eyelash, creating an instant effect of dizzying volume.

Clarins Mascara Supra Volume mascara


  • the presence of two types of wax in the composition;
  • really creates volume.


  • the brush can often break or bend;
  • creates the effect of “spider legs”.

Average price: 1100 rubles.

Lancome Hypnose.

Luxurious medium thickness mascara. A tetrahedral brush with well-defined bristles. Increases the length of eyelashes and gives expressiveness to the eyes. According to reviews from many customers, this is the best luxury mascara for sensitive eyes.

Lancome Hypnose mascara


  • convenient brush;
  • gives rich color;
  • easily colors the corners of the eyes;
  • contains valuable caring oils and vitamins;
  • does not stick eyelashes together and does not form lumps;
  • adds volume, curls, lengthens from the first application;
  • dries slowly.


  • may leak in hot weather or in the pool;
  • high price.

Average price: 1700 rubles.

Clinique Lash Power Mascara.

Lash Power Mascara from the American brand Clinique contains innovative components that make it moisture resistant. The manufacturer promises that with this mascara, girls are not afraid of the sun, rain, snow, gym classes, or water in the pool. At the same time, it is easily washed off with a sponge moistened with ordinary hot water. Blogger Tsova Shahbazyan called Lash Power Mascara her favorite and the best among all mascaras in the luxury segment.

The product is available in two shades - brown and black. The mascara has a small rounded brush, which is very convenient for painting eyelashes. Lash Power Mascara is ophthalmologically tested and safe for the eyes. It does not imprint on the eyelids, does not flow, does not crumble, holds well, has a lengthening effect, and separates the eyelashes well. Suitable even for oily eyelid skin.

Clinique Lash Power Mascara


  • hypoallergenic;
  • moisture resistance;
  • presence of two shades.


  • the inscriptions on the packaging wear off over time;
  • small volume (6 ml).

Average price: 2100 rubles.

Christian Dior Diorshow Iconic.

Mascara with the effect of volume, curling, lengthening. Produced in France. Moderately viscous and thick. The fluffy curved brush allows you to get voluminous eyelashes - soft, elastic.

This summer, the iconic Diorshow mascara came out in three new colors: grey, blue and burgundy. Bright shades will look especially impressive when applied over the advanced Diorshow Maximizer 3D base, which not only makes eyelashes longer and more voluminous, but also cares for them thanks to a serum of oils in the composition.

Christian Dior Diorshow Iconic mascara


  • curls and lengthens;
  • easy to apply, without lumps;
  • does not irritate, does not cause allergies;
  • persistent;
  • does not crumble;
  • washes off well.


  • dries quickly in the tube;
  • Makes eyelashes stick together a little.

Video review about using the product:

Average price: 1800 rubles.

Black Ecstasy 01 Giorgio Armani.

Black Ecstasy mascara from Giorgio Armani can cover all eyelashes from root to tip, lengthen and add curl. The shape of the brush with bristles of different directions helps to paint even the shortest eyelashes, and the four types of wax in the composition are responsible for quick, easy application and volume. The color will be a rich black thanks to a special polymer that enhances its depth.

Black Ecstasy mascara 01 Giorgio Armani


  • intense black color;
  • ergonomic brush.


  • leaves marks on the upper eyelid;
  • dries quickly.

Average price: 1450 rubles.

Make Up For Ever Excessive Lash.

The long-awaited new product from Make Up For Ever - Excessive Lash mascara to give eyelashes a panoramic effect and unrealistic volume, as it turns out, is equipped with a very modest brush. Miniature, with only two types of bristles with varying degrees of elasticity and rigidity, it creates such chic eyelashes that can be seen from afar and which literally “hold” the image. In addition, the mascara amazes with its enviable durability (it lasts and does not fall off for up to a record 12 hours), as well as perfect glide and flawless coverage.

Make Up For Ever Excessive Lash mascara


  • lasts a long time;
  • does not crumble;
  • does not create the effect of “spider legs”.


  • the manufacturer's inscriptions are quickly erased from the bottle;
  • Lumps may remain on the eyelashes.

Average price: 1000 rubles.

Helena Rubinstein Lash Queen Sexy Blacks.

The mascara is liquid and applies well. The brush is natural, pear-shaped. Suitable for contact lens wearers. One of the best luxury waterproof mascaras.

Helena Rubinstein Lash Queen Sexy Blacks mascara


  • a beautiful bottle with an elegant pattern;
  • dries instantly;
  • paints well;
  • persistent;
  • has no smell;
  • distinct black color.


  • you need to get used to the brush;
  • crumbles when washed off.

Average price: 2400 rubles.

By Terry Terrybly Mascara Growth Booster.

Terrybly Mascara Growth Booster mascara will be primarily appreciated by those with thin and weak eyelashes. And the point here is not only in the colossal lengthening and volume that the product guarantees, but in the unique caring serum in the composition, which stimulates growth and increases hair density. The formula is also based on moisturizing hyaluronic acid, restoring collagen and strengthening proteins, which together with the coloring pigment create perfectly sculpted eyelashes without lumps or creases.

By Terry Terrybly Mascara Growth Booster


  • suitable for those with weak eyelashes;
  • the presence of a caring serum in the composition.


  • somewhat inconvenient brush;
  • starts to fall asleep towards the end of the day.

Average price: 1100 rubles.

Urban Decay Perception.

Urban Decay Perversion mascara to create a dramatic effect in the spirit of Brigitte Bardot is suitable for lovers of bold beauty experiments. The product gives eyelashes incredible volume, lengthening, and not just black, but super black color. In addition, the mascara has a pleasant creamy texture that allows you to layer the product, adding more expressiveness to your look.

Urban Decay Pervension mascara


  • when layered, the mascara does not fall off;
  • Gives noticeable volume to eyelashes.


  • small bottle volume;
  • leaves marks on the upper eyelid.

Average price: 900 rubles.

Smashbox Indecrnt Exposure.

The unique brush of Smashbox Indecent Exposure mascara allows you to accurately paint eyelashes even in the most difficult to reach places, for example, in the inner corners of the eyes. The secret lies in the miniature spiral tip and the special arrangement of bristles that perfectly separate, lengthen and sculpt flexible lashes. Also, this mascara will provide a beautiful curl and increase the density of the eyelashes - it will seem that there are more of them.

Smashbox Indecrnt Exposure mascara


  • ergonomic brush.


  • the unusual tip of the brush rod deteriorates over time;
  • dries quickly.

Average price: 1100 rubles.

Kiko Milano Extra Sculpt Volume Mascara.

Another voluminous mascara for creating lush eyelashes with a panoramic effect is Kiko Milano Extra Sculpt Volume Mascara. Despite the fairly dense texture, the product is easy to apply, leaving no lumps, creases or sticky hairs. A brush with a square tip allows you to paint over the shortest eyelashes in the corners of the eyes, and a special wax-based formula nourishes eyelashes from the inside, preventing them from falling out.

Kiko Milano Extra Sculpt Volume Mascara


  • the presence of caring components in the composition;
  • ergonomic brush.


  • if applied incorrectly, lumps may remain due to the density of the texture;
  • crumbles when layered.

Average price: 1000 rubles.

Holika-Holika Transformer Mascara.

Transforming mascara - hardly anyone has heard of this. The sensational Transformer Mascara product with two types of brushes was invented by resourceful Koreans from the Holika Holika company. Rotating the moving part of the case transforms the applicator, lengthening and shortening the brush, adapting it to different types of eyelashes and eyes. Also among the obvious bonuses of the mascara are its water resistance, a strengthening formula based on herbal ingredients in the composition and impeccable separation of hairs to create the effect of false eyelashes.

Holika-Holika Transformer Mascara


  • false eyelash effect;
  • innovative packaging;
  • water resistance;
  • suitable for all types of eyelashes;
  • the presence of caring components in the composition.


  • can't be found everywhere;
  • If applied incorrectly, “spider legs” will form.

Average price: 950 rubles.

Mid-price mascara.

Falsies PushUp Angel Maybelline New York.

The new mascara from Maybelline NY will appeal to those who are looking for the perfect product with the effect of false eyelashes. She models the shape of the eyelashes - adds volume, curls and lengthens - and then fixes the result. The mascara brush, shaped like a wing, helps to coat the entire length of the eyelashes: short bristles “grab” the eyelashes from the growth line and add volume, while long bristles curl them at the outer corners of the eyes. To make the effect more noticeable, you should hold the brush at the roots and lift the eyelashes.

Falsies PushUp Angel Maybelline New York mascara


  • gives noticeable volume;
  • incredibly beautiful packaging.


  • a pink silicone brush may lose its appearance and shape;
  • When layering, the mascara falls off.

Test drive of the mascara - in the video:

Average price: 700 rubles.

Maybelline Lash Sensational.

Lash Sensational mascara from the American brand Maybelline is equipped with an innovative silicone brush, which is called a fan. It has a slightly curved shape and six types of bristles, varying in length. This brush can paint over even the smallest and most inconspicuous hairs and make your eyes open and magnetic. The official makeup artist of the brand in Russia, Yuri Stolyarov, advises when working with this mascara to paint over the eyes slowly and carefully - then the brush will lengthen the eyelashes as much as possible and separate the hairs well. Many beauty bloggers, including Anna Sokolova and Marina Marmaka, called this mascara one of the best.

Lash Sensational comes in one black shade. The mascara gives a curling effect that lasts a long time. It does not smudge, does not crumble or flow, it can be layered. Mascara is quite persistent, so it is better to wash it off with waterproof cosmetics remover or hydrophilic oil.

Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara


  • stays firmly on eyelashes;
  • economically used;
  • has an acceptable cost.


  • a couple of months after starting use it may leave lumps;
  • wide dispenser.

Average price: 440 rubles.

Bourjois Twist Up the Volume.

Bourjois mascara is famous primarily for its unique two-in-one silicone brush. With a slight twist of the cap, it can completely change its appearance and turn from a lengthening brush to a volumizing brush and vice versa. The mascara itself is based on an ultra-black formula that can make the look as expressive as possible. Also among the ingredients are jojoba oil, beeswax and carnauba wax, which gently care for eyelashes. Thanks to these qualities, Twist Up The Volume mascara has gained many fans and has become the best for thousands of women around the world.

The product is offered in one shade - charcoal black. The mascara does not fall off or smudge, stays firmly on the eyelashes throughout the day, does not irritate the eyes, does not stain the eyelids, and does not stick in lumps. Wash off with regular makeup remover. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with layering - the eyelashes may stick together.

Bourjois Twist Up the Volume mascara


  • Available in regular and waterproof versions;
  • has an unusual transforming brush;
  • ophthalmologically tested and suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • contains caring components;
  • lasts a long time.


  • When applied in multiple layers, it can cause eyelashes to stick together.

Video review of the mascara:

Average price: 800 rubles.

MaxFactor Masterpiece Max High Volume.

It was Masterpiece Max high volume definition mascara from Max Factor that became the official mascara at Milan Fashion Week. It is equipped with a revolutionary IFX brush, which allows you to quadruple the natural volume, thickness and fullness of eyelashes for a truly hypnotic look. The product is available in three bright glossy shades - black, dark brown and blue.

Masterpiece Max has a silicone brush, not hard, slightly curved, with frequent bristles. The mascara does not smear, does not clump, has a curling effect, and perfectly lifts the eyelashes. Does not leave marks on the eyelids, stays on well, and is easy to layer. But its dispenser is slightly wide, so the brush often gets more mascara than needed.

MaxFactor Masterpiece Max High Volume mascara


  • Available in three colors;
  • suitable for girls with contact lenses;
  • lasts all day.


  • Not a very well thought out dispenser.

Average price: 610 rubles.

MaxFactor False Lash Effect.

Very expressive, voluminous, clear eyelashes without clumps are masterfully achieved with the help of Max Factor False Lash Effect - one of the best-selling mascaras in the world. Its secret is a unique silicone brush that paints even the smallest eyelashes. That rare case when an affordable product is not inferior to a luxury one in terms of quality.


  • gorgeous matte packaging;
  • unique silicone brush;
  • deep black color.


  • may cause eyelashes to stick together if applied incorrectly;
  • Lumps form.

Average price: 600 rubles.

Sleek MakeUp Full Far Lash Mascara.


  • paints eyelashes in the most difficult to reach places;
  • helps create the effect of almond-shaped eyes.


  • glues eyelashes together;
  • somewhat inconvenient brush.

Average price: 500 rubles.

Essence Rock'N'Doll.

Full Fat Lash Mascara from Sleek MakeUp to create extreme volume evenly colors eyelashes from the roots, without curling or weighing down the ends. It's all about a unique brush with an extended tip, with which it is convenient to adjust the intensity of density and color, as well as draw the corners of the eyes, thus visually stretching them.


  • bright packaging;
  • intense black color.


  • glues eyelashes together;
  • dries quickly.

Average price: 270 rubles.

Bourjois Volume Glamor ULTRA CARE.

Mascara with a creamy consistency. Suitable for women of any age with any experience, including beginners. Allows you to create sophisticated makeup for every day. The best mascara suitable for sensitive eyes.


  • easy to apply;
  • looks good in 1 or 2 layers;
  • paints evenly;
  • does not irritate the eyes;
  • does not crumble


  • does not provide noticeable volume.

Average price: 430 rubles.

L'OREAL Volume Million Lashes Extra-Black.

Liquid mascara. The best affordable mascara for those who love natural eyelashes. Not suitable for those who want bright “false” eyelashes.


  • comfortable brush, does not pick up excess mascara;
  • lengthens well;
  • does not stick together;
  • no lumps;
  • gives a rich black color;
  • lasts well all day;
  • washes off easily.


  • dries quickly in the tube;
  • very demanding on application technique.

Average price: 650 rubles.

L'OREAL Telescopic.

A good lengthening mascara at a reasonable price. The brush has an unusual shape, but covers paint well. Mascara is suitable for sensitive eyes.


  • easy to apply;
  • holds up well;
  • does not crumble;
  • noticeably lengthens;
  • separates well;
  • saturated color;
  • easy to remove;
  • It doesn't dry out at all in the tube.


  • the inscriptions on the tube are easily erased and lose their appearance;
  • does not give volume.

Average price: 670 rubles.

Rimmel Extra Super Lash.

A good mascara for evening makeup, to create a dramatically wide-open look. The brush is fluffy and has a spiral shape. The mascara lasts well and dries fairly quickly.


  • comfortable brush;
  • separates eyelashes;
  • noticeable volume of eyelashes;
  • does not dry out during storage;
  • washes off easily.


  • may crumble if applied awkwardly.

Average price: 230 rubles.

Relouis "XXXL Extreme Exciting Exclusive Luxury".

Mascara from the Belarusian brand Relouis promises to give eyelashes lengthening, volume and curling effect while providing light and natural eye makeup. In a fairly short time, XXXL Extreme Exciting Exclusive Luxury managed to steal the hearts of hundreds of girls in our country - many called this mascara ideal in terms of price and quality and are happy to use it for daily make-up.

This mascara is available in one color – classic black. It is equipped with a small plastic brush with frequent short bristles, which allows you to carefully paint each hair along its entire length. The mascara noticeably lifts the eyelashes and gives them a beautiful bend, lays down evenly, leaves no lumps, and holds well. If desired, you can layer it, but it is better to apply the next layer only after the previous one has dried.


  • affordable price;
  • quite economical consumption;
  • good durability;
  • Suitable for those who wear lenses.


  • by the end of the day it may begin to crumble a little;
  • Makes eyelashes stick together a little.

Average price: 200 rubles.

Divage 90-60-90.

The best inexpensive mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. Moderately thick. A brush with soft fluffy bristles, equal in length and short at the end. Not suitable for lovers of natural makeup, as it makes the eyelashes look like dolls.


  • bright pink packaging design;
  • long lasting rich color;
  • easy and quick to apply;
  • does not crumble;
  • does not flow;
  • holds its shape well;
  • gives visible volume and length;
  • easy to remove.


  • dries quickly;
  • sticks eyelashes together if not applied carefully.

Review of the mascara - in the video:

Average price: 300 rubles.

Belita-Vitex Luxury Royal volume.

Belarusian mascara with argan oil from the Belita-Vitex brand is designed to give royal volume and the effect of multiplying eyelashes. The manufacturer assures that the special composition of the product with vegetable waxes will strengthen the hairs and provide them with deep nutrition. In order to see the maximum capabilities of this mascara, the company’s makeup artists advise applying Luxury Royal Volume first to the ends of the eyelashes, and then painting over their entire length.

The mascara is sold in a single calm black shade. The brush is silicone, with multi-level bristles that separate the lashes well. Thanks to its creamy texture, the mascara is easy to apply and layers perfectly, laying down evenly. Suitable for both natural daytime and dramatic evening makeup. Doesn't weigh down or stick eyelashes together and doesn't fall out. Lasts all day long.


  • large bottle volume (12 ml);
  • acceptable price;
  • very economical consumption;
  • sustainability;
  • nutritional components included.


  • The tube quickly loses its presentation as the paint peels off.

Average price: 350 rubles.

Vivienne Sabo Cabaret.

Cabaret mascara has become a bestseller for Vivienne Sabo. The company's laboratory staff managed to combine natural waxes and oils in its composition, thanks to which the mascara carefully cares for the eyelashes, nourishing them, and lasts well. To achieve the sensational effect of stage volume, Vivienne Sabo makeup artists recommend carefully layering mascara with slow movements. It was Cabaret that could be seen on Ksenia Sobchak’s Instagram, in a photo with the star’s favorite cosmetics, who called this mascara her exclusive find.

It is presented in one shade - rich black. Suitable for both daytime and evening makeup, it all depends on how many layers you apply to the eyelashes. This is both a voluminous and lengthening mascara that separates hairs well, does not fall off and does not leave marks on the eyelids. The brush is small, silicone, with short dense bristles.


  • inexpensive;
  • very economical to use;
  • stays on eyelashes for a long time;
  • has caring properties.


  • Some people find the brush too small and not very comfortable.

Test drive of the mascara - in the video:

Average price: 240 rubles.

What should you choose?

Mascara is an important component of every modern woman's makeup. Without it, not a single representative of the fair sex will be able to create a complete day or evening look, because long, expressive and gracefully arched eyelashes always make a woman’s look more attractive. When choosing one of the most important elements of a woman's cosmetic bag, first of all you need to pay attention to its quality, since this not only affects the appearance of eyelashes, but also affects the health of the eyes and skin.

How to choose the right mascara and use it, as well as the optimal composition of mascara components and eyelash brushes.

No girl can imagine makeup without mascara. But sometimes the wrong mascara can ruin all your efforts, or bring a completely different effect than expected. In addition, mascara determines how expressive a girl’s eyes will become. This happens for the reason that the selection of mascara is not approached quite correctly. You need to take into account all the points and know some secrets that will make your eyelashes look irresistible.

What kind of mascara is there?

The choice of mascara is really very large, and this applies not only to manufacturers, the variety of brushes, composition, action and even color. Of course, every moment can affect the result, so you need to take into account all the components, only then the mascara will really bring maximum results.

If we talk about what kind of mascara there is, it is usually divided into types:

Extension. Due to the fact that the composition includes components such as silk fibers or microcrotlin, they are able to slightly lengthen the eyelashes.

Volumetric. This type of mascara contains small wax granules; this component is able to envelop each eyelash, resulting in a thickening effect.

Twisting. This mascara comes in two versions. In the first, the effect is achieved thanks to the composition, which contains components such as keratin and resins. After applying mascara, these components, when dry, tighten the eyelashes, thereby causing a curling effect. This effect can also be achieved using a special brush and movements during application; it should be curved and have short bristles.

These types indicate the effect that mascara can bring to eyelashes. In addition, mascara can have additional properties. She may be:

Waterproof. This is a mascara that is often used while playing sports or going to the pool. It is able to resist water and stay on eyelashes for a long time, but it is worth considering that it is quite aggressive. It is not recommended to use it frequently as it may cause irritation.

Vitaminized. These mascaras contain useful substances, which provide proper care for the eyelashes. This protects them from fragility, and they are not so susceptible to the negative influence of external factors.

Medical. The main difference between this mascara is that it is absolutely colorless and comes in the form of a gel. It contains only useful components that can care for eyelashes, and if they are severely damaged, it will speed up the process of their restoration.

For sensitive eyes. These mascaras are designed for sensitive skin and for those who may have an allergic reaction to regular mascaras. It contains no components that usually cause allergies, and aggressive substances are reduced to minimal proportions.

Water soluble. These mascaras are softer, they do not stay on the eyelashes for so long and wash off well with water. The main advantage of such mascaras is that they are not so harmful to the eyes and cannot cause irritation.

What to look for when choosing mascara

How to choose a good lengthening mascara

As already mentioned, mascara can bring a certain effect. But it is worth considering that each eyelash is suitable for a certain mascara and brush.

If your eyelashes are long but rather sparse, the best option would be voluminous mascara, which can add thickness to each eyelash separately.

When the eyelashes are thick and short, lengthening mascara is suitable for them, since it will not add unnecessary volume, but will add the necessary length.

But the curling effect will add expressiveness to the look. But here it is worth noting that if the length is quite short, it is better to avoid such mascaras.

If you want to achieve maximum effect, add volume and lengthen, you should not buy 2 mascaras, since now you can purchase several effects in one bottle.

No less important is the color of mascara, the choice of which is now quite large. It is always worth considering that the color should be selected solely according to your own parameters, since fashion trends do not always suit the individual.

If we talk about the color blue, it really suits everyone and can add expressiveness to the look. But the green color will be appropriate only on brown-eyed and green-eyed girls. Red-haired girls may prefer purple, especially if they have brown or green eyes.

A rather dangerous red color, you should be careful when using it. For girls with light eyes, it can really bring an extraordinary radiant look, but if applied incorrectly, you can achieve the effect of tear-stained eyes.

Yellow is also a good color for red-haired girls. If we talk about white color, it will be appropriate for themed parties and New Year's holidays.

How to choose a mascara brush

Despite the fact that the composition plays a major role in the effect the eyelashes will have, the brush is no less important.

If a brush of a regular shape has even bristles, then it will make the eyelashes fluffy.
When the bristles are arranged in a spiral, they can curl hard eyelashes well, but this brush is not suitable for thin ones.

In cases where the brush has long bristles, they paint well and add volume to the eyelashes, and short bristles are convenient for applying mascara in the corners of the eyes.

There are brushes that have combined bristles; it can be long at the edges, and the middle of the brush can have short bristles. These brushes are considered the most comfortable and cover every eyelash well.

An option such as a silicone brush is not suitable for volume and lengthening, but it will separate the eyelashes very well.

In cases where the eyelashes are naturally long and thick, it is better to give preference to a rubber brush, since only it can emphasize the natural beauty.

If the brush is plastic with fairly thick bristles, it is better to use it for volume and separation of eyelashes. When the bristles are sparse, they will curl the eyelashes well.

How to choose mascara and not make a mistake

If you are going to buy mascara, you must follow some rules.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the packaging, namely it should indicate:
  • Manufacturer and country;
  • Compound;
  • Date of.
  1. It should be taken into account that mascara has a shelf life of 3 months, but if the mascara is dry, its shelf life is six months.
  2. Be sure to open the box and check the color match, as the box may indicate the presence of a completely different product.
  3. If the mascara is of good quality and has not expired, it will have no odor, or it will be barely perceptible with a sweetish tint.
  4. The first sign that mascara is spoiled and cannot be used is its liquid or, on the contrary, thick consistency. When stored properly, it should resemble a cream in composition.
  5. The most correct and sure way to check mascara is to run a brush over your wrist.

You can use mascara that leaves an even mark and does not contain lumps.

Optimal composition of mascara components

You should always pay attention to the composition of the product you are purchasing. If you know which component has a particular effect, you can protect yourself from making the wrong purchase. All mascaras have the same composition, a base, so to speak, to which they add different components, adding mascaras of a certain effect. In any composition you can find:

  • Water;
  • Soap;
  • Soot;
  • Coloring pigment;
  • Resins;
  • Preservatives;
  • Supplements, including nutritional ones.

If the composition contains keratin, it is able to strengthen the eyelashes, acting on each eyelash separately, it covers it with a film. Melanin also works well, protecting against the negative influence of external factors. The composition may contain components such as ultraviolet blockers that protect against exposure to sunlight.

Many people are familiar with the condition of eyelashes such as fragility and dryness; in such cases, you should choose mascara that contains lanolin, which protects against drying out. A very useful component is castor oil, which can nourish the roots of eyelashes and have a beneficial effect on their growth. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you need to improve the condition of your eyelashes and increase their thickness, you should pay attention to a component such as panthenol.

Vitamins are very important in the composition, as they help nourish the eyelashes and stimulate their growth, and they also affect their appearance. In addition to vitamins, growth is also affected by a component such as protein, which must be present in the composition. Of course, preservatives are also important; only they can prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

You should definitely pay attention to useful components that can nourish the eyelashes and protect them from negative effects.

How to use mascara and paint eyelashes correctly

It is always worth remembering that mascara has an expiration date and after it has expired you need to get rid of it so as not to expose your eyes and the skin around the eyes to negative effects. You should not use someone else's mascara or lend your own.

After each use of the mascara, the bottle must be tightly closed to prevent air from getting in, as it helps the mascara dry out. In cases where mascara gets on the neck or thread of the bottle, it must be removed and only then closed the bottle.

You cannot buy mascara that is on display, since no one will tell you how long it has been there or how many times it has been opened.

The procedure for applying mascara itself is no less important. Points to pay attention to:

  • You need to paint the eyelashes from the bottom up, reaching to the very tips;
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of an eyelash comb; it can be used to easily distribute mascara evenly, while avoiding sticking of eyelashes and the formation of lumps;
  • For maximum effect, application movements should be zigzag;
  • If curling irons are used, the procedure should be done only before applying mascara;
  • You can powder your lower eyelid; if mascara gets on it during the process, it will be easy to get rid of;
  • You need to apply mascara in two layers, but before applying the second layer, the first one must dry completely;
  • Use hair balm to lengthen your eyelashes as much as possible. This procedure should be gradual, after applying the balm it should dry, after which the eyelashes should be combed well, only then apply mascara;
  • Be sure to remove makeup and mascara before going to bed.

If you know what points to pay attention to when choosing mascara, you can protect yourself from the wrong purchase. With some tips, you can achieve a wonderful effect and have an irresistible look.