• Do you have a custom duvet, pillows or mattress?
  • Are you tired of your laundry hanging around the edges or vice versa - it’s gone and now it’s not enough?
  • Do you want underwear with a fitted sheet?
  • Or maybe you bought a round bed and are now shocked by where to buy bed linen for it!?

You are tired of making compromises and you understand that this is no longer possible!

Sewing bedding to order

Order underwear according to your individual sizes and forget about all the problems!

You can order from us:

Sewing bed linen of any size from 1 set;

Sewing bed linen with fitted sheets;

Sewing sheets with elastic, including for round beds;

Sewing bed linen for round beds;

Tailoring time is 2-3 working days. Factory quality tailoring and only high-quality fabrics.

Don’t even look for those who will make your order faster and better. Don't waste time - call!

We sew bedding to order only from natural fabrics: satin, percale, tencel and bamboo. You can order linen made from different fabrics that can be combined with each other - for example, a blue duvet cover and pink pillowcases. Check with your operator for availability of specific fabric.

How to order individual tailoring of linen?

    Choose your favorite fabric. You can choose fabric from any catalog, if the manufacturer M-Bed is indicated in the linen description (not all linen is on our production website), or in the FABRICS section, all fabrics from this section are in stock - prices are indicated there.

  • Call or write to us, we will calculate the cost of the order and the tailoring time. you also can add items that are close to your size to the cart - and indicate the exact dimensions in the comments to the order - the cost does not change for minor changes in size.
  • Receive your order with delivery to our home, pay. We do not require prepayment for orders from Moscow and Moscow Region, you do not need to travel anywhere.

Delivery of orders

Delivery of sewn orders is carried out at standard rates: free for orders over 3 thousand rubles, up to 3 thousand rubles. - 200 rub. in Moscow. Read more.

Mattress covers with elastic

Sides with elastic

Do you want to see the fabrics in real life?

All fabrics can be viewed in our office at Dubrovka metro station.

We can send a courier to you with fabric samples: the cost of the service in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region is 200 rubles.

We also provide free fabric samples upon request for customers who have ordered ready-made kits. Just indicate when placing an order or tell the operator that you want to see our fabrics and the courier will bring them.

Our prices

The cost of tailoring depends on the chosen fabric, individual sizes, whether you need a regular sheet or a sheet with an elastic band, whether you need decorative “ears” on pillowcases, etc. Focus on the prices for standard sets, your price will be approximately the same - depending on your size. Approximate price level for our products:

1.5-bedroom set: 3000-3500

2-bedroom set: 3400-4000

Euro set: 4000-5000

Family set: 4500-6000

Fitted sheets for round beds: 2000-2800

Mattress covers for round beds: 4300-5500 rub.

The modern frantic pace of life rarely allows you to relax. In this regard, the need for comfortable, complete rest is increasing. Most often, it is possible to relax at home only in the bedroom. Therefore, a well-appointed room with conveniently located furniture, decorated to suit the needs of the resident, plays an important role. A well-equipped sleep area will allow you to relax and drive away the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. To sleep comfortably and comfortably, you need to choose the right bedding.

When choosing a bedding set, you should pay attention to the fabric, color and size

When choosing a kit, you need to understand who it is intended for. There is a huge difference between a set for adults and children, and even more so for babies. Incorrectly selected bedding items can cause poor sleep. Small sheets will roll down, forming folds that interfere with a good night's sleep. A duvet cover that is too large can “swallow” the blanket or bunch it up to one side.

Manufacturers have taken into account all possible options for organizing the sleep area. The presented assortment allows you to choose a bedroom set for a sofa, bed, even a folding bed.

There are classic and stretch sheets, each type has its pros and cons

The market offers a wide range of linen suitable for various formats of beds and sofas. It is possible to purchase a ready-made kit or in parts.

Bed linen sizes from different manufacturers may differ slightly from accepted standards

Ready-made sets differ in size and number of items presented. Also, you should pay close attention to the manufacturer. The length and width of the elements will depend on the country of origin.

We can distinguish six standard “adult” types, differing in length and width, based on which it is possible to easily select a suitable set:

Name Elements
Duvet cover Sheet Pillowcases
Quantity Size (cm.) Quantity Size (cm.) Quantity Size (cm.)
Single 1 135x200 1 110x200 1 50x70; 70x70
One-and-a-half-sleeper 1 143×210; 160x230 1 145x200 1-2 50x70; 70x70
Double Russian 1 175x210; 180x220 1 175x210 2 50x70; 70x70
Double Euro 1 200x220; 215x220 1 200x215 2 50x70; 70x70
Royal 1-2 220x240; 240x260 1 220x240 4 50x70; 70x70

(two duvet covers)

2 143x210; 160x230 1 175x210; 260x270 2-4 50x70; 70x70

Types, sizes and equipment of bed linen

All presented variations have pillowcases of the same size. They can be presented in a square or rectangular shape. You should pay attention to this, and, in order to avoid possible discomfort, choose a set that matches the pillows used at home. Family and royal sets can be equipped with the same or different shaped pillowcases.

Single-bed options are the least popular among consumers, which is why they are quite rare. More often they are presented in the line of children's bedding.

Single set consists of a sheet, duvet cover and 1 pillowcase

One-and-a-half-bed sets have rightfully won their niche in the market. They are convenient to use both for sleeping for 1 person and on wider beds.

The one-and-a-half set consists of a duvet cover, a sheet and two pillowcases and is suitable for single and one-and-a-half beds

Double rooms are intended for couples who prefer to sleep under a shared blanket. The components of Russian and foreign production are similar in composition, differing only in parameters.

A double option for a sofa or bed where two adults sleep under one blanket, consists of a duvet cover, a sheet, two or four pillowcases

European ones are represented by greater width and length. Due to this, they are more convenient to use and fit a wider range of sleeping places. Due to the enlarged sheets, they are well fixed under the bed mattress, even without elastic around the edges of the product. It is worth noting that when choosing a “euro” kit, you must carefully read the indicated dimensions of the elements. Depending on the country of origin, bed linen sizes will vary greatly.

The Euro set has the same equipment as a double set, but the dimensions are slightly larger, so it is suitable for large beds with an orthopedic mattress and wide sofas

The “family” option is ideal for those who love their “own” blanket. The set contains two single-size duvet covers, which adds additional comfort if someone likes to “take away” the duvet.

The family set consists of two duvet covers, a sheet and two or four pillowcases, suitable for those couples who prefer to sleep on the same bed, but under different blankets

The “royal” version has the largest dimensions of the elements. This is due to the family traditions of Europe. Initially, it was accepted that a married couple should have large-sized bedroom furniture with, of course, a wide matrimonial bed. The number of duvet covers can vary from 1 to 2. The couple can choose the desired option themselves, focusing on their preferences regarding comfortable sleep.

Beautiful king size satin bedding set for a huge bed

Children's sleepwear.

When choosing children's bedding, you should take into account the age of the child to whom the set is reassigned.

Bedding sizes for newborns depend on standard crib sizes

For newborn babies, it fits completely under the crib. Typically, the sheet can be an enlarged rectangular shape for good fixation under the mattress. Modern models, for ease of use, offer a choice of elastic models. A pillowcase is a small rectangle in which a special pillow for the little ones should be located. Duvet covers are, on average, 10 centimeters smaller than sheets. Also, the sets can be supplemented with special soft sides on the walls of the crib.

Bright colorful set of baby clothes

When choosing children, preschoolers and teenagers should focus on the parameters of the sleeping place and the age of the child. The pillow, just like for babies, is presented only in a rectangular shape.

Bed set for a girl's bedroom with her favorite princesses

Teenage sets are quite close in size to single and one-and-a-half-bed “adult” sets.

Bedding set for a teenage boy

Standard formats can be found below.

Choosing the right one

To decide which type of set you should choose, you need to measure the sleeping area. Armed with a tape measure, measure the width and length of the mattress, pillows, and blankets. To the results obtained for the width of the mattress we add 80-100 centimeters, and for the duvet cover – 5-6 to the data of the blanket.

The size of the bedding set is selected depending on the main parameters of the mattress

The size of the duvet cover should match the size of your blanket or be slightly larger

For a bed of large non-standard dimensions, with two mattresses, you can consider the option of using two single-bed sets.

For a double bed with two mattresses, you can purchase a family set or 2 identical single-and-a-half mattresses

Designation options

The packages indicate the generally accepted names and sizes of bed linen, which makes it easy to select a suitable set. But unusual designations on foreign-made products are also possible. Below are options for common designations.

Video: How to choose the size of bed linen?

  • 1.5 sleeping bedding

    (duvet cover 215 * 143, sheet 214 * 145, pillowcases 2 pcs. 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).
  • 2 bedroom bed linen, with Euro standard sheet
    2 bedroom - Dimensions of double-extended bed linen:
    (duvet cover 215 * 175(180), sheet 220 * 240, pillowcases 2 pcs. 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).
  • 2 bd. with standard sheet
    2 bedroom - Double bed linen sizes:
    (duvet cover 215 * 175(180), sheet 195 * 220, pillowcases 2 pcs. 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).

  • EURO SIZE (200x220) bed linen
    Sizes of bed linen "Euro-Maxi" (european size):
    (duvet cover - 200*220; sheet - 220 * 240 (240*270); pillowcase (2 pcs.) - 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).
  • MAXI (220x240) bed linen
    Sizes of bed linen "Euro-Maxi" (king size):
    (duvet cover - 220*240; sheet - 220 * 240 (240*270); pillowcase (2 pcs.) - 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).
  • Family (Duet) bedding
    Family size bed linen, 5 pieces:
    (duvet cover: (2 pcs.)- 215 * 143; sheet - 220 * 240; pillowcase (2 pcs.) - 50 * 70 or 70 * 70).
  • Bed linen for a newborn (in a crib)
    Sizes of children's bedding for a child in a crib, from 0 to 3 years:
    (duvet cover 147*112, bed sheet 150*100, pillowcase 40*60)

These days, the most common types of bedding are single-size, double, European standard, as well as family sizes - check out our extensive online catalog, or see the full list of bedding sets, grouped by size, by clicking on the links ABOVE. Please note that the exact size depends on the bedding set you choose, but each set is compatible with all duvets and pillows in our catalog within a specific size. For example, a blanket marked "EURO" is compatible with any set also marked "EURO". A blanket marked "2 sleeper" is compatible with bedding in sizes "2 sleeper" and "2 sleeper extended", etc.

  • Sizes of children's bedding for a child in a crib, from 0 to 3 years:
    (duvet cover 147 * 112, sheet 150 * 100, pillowcase 40 * 60) - (Sets for newborns, calico 0-3)
  • Sizes of bed linen 1.5 sleeping (One and a half sleeping set):
    (duvet cover 215 * 143, sheet 214 * 145, pillowcases 2pcs. 50 * 70 or 70 * 70) - (

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Sleeping sets that are incorrectly selected according to the dimensions of the bed cause inconvenience both during sleep and when servicing the resting place. Measurements must be taken taking into account the fabric, the length and width of pillows and blankets, and the height of the mattress. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is worth buying sets with a small margin.

Sizes of bed linen sets

The range of textile sleep sets is huge, as is the choice of size ranges. They depend on what mattress the set is intended for and how many people will sleep on it. There are standard sizes of bed linen and non-standard ones. The complete set may be different, it also depends on the size.

Be sure to pay attention to the product label. Thus, the sizes of double bed linen are indicated as “double”, “full”, “2-bed”, and one-and-a-half bed linen - “extra-long single” or “1.5-bed”. Size options are shown in the table:

Size type, features

Duvet cover, cm

Bed sheet, cm

Pillowcases, cm

Single, all elements in 1 copy

One and a half, 1 or 2 pillowcases

150x210, 150x215

160x210, 160x220

Double, 2 or 4 pillowcases

175x210, 175x215

180x210, 180x215

175x210, 175x215,

180x210, 180x215

210x230, 215x240

220x215, 220x240

Euro, for a large bed

200x220, 200x230 (standard)

220x240, 225x245 (maxi)

220x270, 215x240

230x250, 220x250

240x260, 240x280

Queen size, comparable to Euro

King size, for a “3-bed” (wide) bed

Family, 2-4 pillowcases, 2 duvet covers

150x210, 150x215, 150x220

240x260, 240x280

Children's bedding sizes

Children's underwear should be chosen especially carefully, because a small child will not be able to tell whether it is comfortable for him to sleep or not. To do this, you need to select a set with a margin of at least 4-5 cm, so that during sleep the sheet does not get knocked out from under the mattress, and the pillow does not bunch up. The classification is as follows.

Adequate sleep is very important for the well-being of adults and the proper development of children. For sound, deep and healthy sleep, you need a comfortable and convenient sleeping place. For a healthy sleep you need: a good-quality bed, a comfortable mattress and suitable bed linen made of natural fabric. On beautiful bed linen made of high-quality natural fabric, your sleep will always be sound and your morning awakening pleasant. Below we will tell you what size bed linen comes in and what to look for when choosing it.

Bed linen sizes

The sizes and number of pillowcases and duvet covers included in the set may vary. Linen should be selected based on the parameters of the bed and bedding. It is also worth focusing on who exactly will sleep in the bed: a child or an adult, one person or a married couple, partners who like to fall asleep under two blankets or under one.

1. Nursery

This bedding set is designed for babies and children up to three years old. For the health and well-being of children, it is very important to purchase high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics. The set includes a pillowcase, sheet and duvet cover. The crib linen fits perfectly into a small crib or cradle.

  • Pillowcase: 30x30, 45x45 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 100x150 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 110x140, 110x150 cm.

2. Children's

Children's sets are available in a wide variety of colors and options. You can often find underwear with images of famous cartoon characters. The set includes a sheet, pillowcase, and duvet cover. This bed is perfect for sleeping children from 5 to 15 years old.

  • Pillowcase: 40x60, 50x70, 70x70 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 120x160, 120x180, 150x210 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 120x150, 120x170, 150x210 cm.

3. One and a half

Such sets are called one-and-a-half sets, as they are designed for beds one and a half meters wide. The name single is also often found because the linen is used for one teenager or adult. The bed is suitable for children's, teenage and adult beds. The set includes a sheet, two pillowcases and a duvet cover.

  • Pillowcase: 60x60, 70x70, 50x70 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 150x220, 180x215 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 150x215 cm.

4. Double

This bedding set is best suited for two adults to sleep comfortably on a standard double bed. Among the wide range you can choose beautiful lingerie made from percale, satin and other natural materials. The set includes a sheet, duvet cover, two or four pillowcases. This bed is designed for couples who like to sleep under the same blanket.

  • Pillowcase: 50x70, 60x60, 70x70 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 200x220, 220x240, 240x260 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 175x210, 180x215 cm.

5. Euro

Linen made according to European standards differs from Russian sets. The parameters of this bed are a little larger. Therefore, sets marked Euro should be chosen by those partners who like spacious beds. Currently, Euro standard underwear is produced by both foreign and many Russian manufacturers. The set includes a sheet, duvet cover, two or four pillowcases.

  • Pillowcase: 50x70, 70x70 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 220x240, 240x260, 240x280 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 200x220, 220x240 cm.

6. Family

Family sets are created specifically for spouses who like to fall asleep and wake up together, but do not like to share a blanket. In this case, a couple can use two single blankets and feel great while sleeping on the same bed. The set includes a large sheet, two duvet covers, two or four pillowcases.

  • Pillowcase: 50x70, 70x70 cm.
  • Bed sheet: 220x240, 240x260, 260x280 cm.
  • Duvet cover: 145x210, 150x215, 160x220 cm.

How to choose underwear size?

If the linen does not fit the size of the blanket, pillows and bed parameters, this can cause discomfort and inconvenience during sleep. It will either slide to the floor or gather like an accordion, which will make sleep restless and will not allow you to rest fully.

To do this, before purchasing a new set, you need to take a tape measure and take simple measurements:

  • Length and width of the mattress;
  • Blankets;
  • Pillows.

At the same time, it is worth considering some rules, the observance of which ensures that the bedding fits perfectly into the sleeping place:

  • An ordinary sheet should be about 80 centimeters wider than the mattress and 60 centimeters longer;
  • A sheet with an elastic band must exactly match the size of the sleeping area;
  • It is better to take a duvet cover 5-10 centimeters larger than the duvet itself.

Rules for purchasing quality underwear

    The linen must exactly match the size of the sleeping area and bedding. We described above how to choose a bed of the right size.

    Only high-quality products from a trusted manufacturer will retain their original appearance, whiteness and brightness of shades for a long time.

    Linen should be made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen or silk. Only in such a bed can you feel truly comfortable.

    The product, made of breathable, hygroscopic materials, is very pleasant to the touch. Such materials include calico, satin, ranfors, percale, poplin and other types of natural fabrics.

Online store “O,matras!” offers a range of proven bed linen manufacturers. The variety of colors and sizes will not leave anyone indifferent.