Shoes made from genuine leather are of good quality because they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, which allows you to feel comfortable in any weather conditions. Boots or shoes will last a long time, provided that the owner takes care of them and cleans them properly. To properly care for leather products, you need to know and understand what leather treatment methods exist.

Types of leather

There are several types of leather products:

  • without finishing;
  • with finishing;
  • varnished;
  • suede products;
  • white;
  • colored.

Rules of care

Observations show that only a few people know how to properly clean leather shoes at home. Boots need not only regular cleaning, but also protection from the negative effects of precipitation and dirt. To properly care for leather products, you need to consider its type:

Shoes that are well cleaned and shiny are the main highlight of a bright look.. Polished to a shine, it will make a wonderful impression on others.

Let's talk about how to properly clean shoes with cream. To give your boots a good polish, you will need shoe polish, a shoe brush and a piece of soft cloth. Leather care products can be in the form of wax and cream. It should be noted that creams nourish the leather, and wax makes shoes more resistant to moisture, so use both products in turn each time you clean your shoes.

Before applying shoe polish, the product must be thoroughly cleaned. This is an important condition because dirt residues from polishing can leave scratches on the leather. To achieve the best results, shoes should be washed with a leather cleaner and softener. Using a brush, apply a thin layer of cream to the shoe. Rub it in circular motions over the entire surface of the leather product. When walking, the toe and heel are more exposed to the environment, so apply more cream to them. After you have treated your leather items with the first layer, leave them for 15 minutes to allow the product to be absorbed into the entire surface.

The next step is necessary to remove excess cream. To do this, it is better to use a horsehair brush. Using single short strokes, vigorously rub the entire surface of the boot, and it is very important that the movement comes from the brush and not from the elbow.

The last stage includes the final polishing of the shoes: use a piece of soft cloth to buff the product with vigorous movements from side to side. This manipulation is easier to carry out when you are wearing shoes. In clean and treated boots you will feel much more confident and comfortable.

Wash leather shoes

In winter, city roads are treated with chemicals that have a very negative effect on our shoes. To ensure that the reagents do not act so aggressively on leather products, they must be washed using special products (gel and soap) designed specifically for this purpose. They carefully care for the skin and effectively remove impurities. So, how to wash your shoes:

  • Leather - warm water (never hot) and a brush. Dust and water marks should be wiped with a damp, but not wet, cloth.
  • Lacquered cannot be washed in water. For this purpose, use wet sponges to clean the products with light movements. After this procedure, patent leather shoes are polished with a piece of velvet cloth.
  • Suede needs special care. It is better to clean suede products with a cleaning foam and a special brush.

Manufacturers of high-quality shoes strictly prohibit washing their products in a washing machine, but if you still decide to do this, then you must follow the following rules:

  • Leather products must be washed in special laundry bags;
  • the mode should be gentle, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, spinning and drying are excluded;
  • Leather and patent leather items should absolutely not be machine washed.

Follow the rules for caring for your shoes, and they will last you a long time and look like new!

Attention, TODAY only!

Shoes are one of the most essential elements of our everyday style. She, like clothes, needs appropriate care. If you take care of your shoes, boots or sandals, then they will serve you for a very long time and will please your eyes every day. This rule especially applies to shoes made of natural material. How to clean leather shoes at home, what is needed for this - we will find out today.

What should you avoid when wearing leather shoes?

Every person tries to purchase high-quality models made from natural materials. Despite the inflated cost, compared to lower-quality products, leather goods have a number of advantages and only show their advantages during wear.

However, before you buy such products, you need to know what to avoid during care:

  • If your shoes are wet, it is strictly forbidden to dry them using various types of heating elements. Do not use electric dryers or place products on a hot radiator. It is best to leave these wardrobe items at room temperature to dry on their own. You can put paper inside.
  • Do not place your boots in a damp place or wear a wet pair. Leather wardrobe items are susceptible to high humidity. With such careless use, they will stretch, become deformed, then dry out or become moldy and lose their appearance.
  • Substances such as acetone, gasoline and bleach should not be used in the regular care of shoes, boots or sandals. They have a detrimental effect on the material.

Important! When deciding how to properly clean leather shoes, it is worth considering the fact that if you buy boots for the rainy season, it will take about 24 hours for them to dry naturally. Therefore, you should think about buying two pairs of similar wardrobe items.

How to properly care for leather shoes?

The rules for cleaning and caring for leather shoes have remained unchanged for centuries. In order for such products to serve you as long as possible, they require daily care, cleaning and storage. If these three principles are observed, these products will serve you for a very long time.

Rules for caring for leather shoes:

  • Cleaning your leather shoes should not be put off. If you were outside and got your shoes dirty, then when you get home you should immediately clean them of dirt.
  • Products intended for cleaning leather shoes must be rubbed in 3-4 hours before going outside. You can do this procedure at night. This is due to the fact that they must be absorbed into the material.
  • After using leather shoes, they must be properly packed and stored until the next season. For this purpose, the product is placed in a dry cardboard box. Before this, all leather surfaces are coated with a special product, and a lot of paper is placed inside the boot - old and unnecessary newspapers are best suited for this purpose.

Important! Leather shoes are hypoallergenic, do not rub, do not cause discomfort when worn, and feet in shoes, even with high heels, do not get tired. Skin products are suitable not only for healthy people, but also for patients with orthopedic problems.

Daily stages of caring for products made from natural materials:

  • cleaning;
  • drying;
  • coating surfaces with special means;
  • if necessary, minor repairs.

Shoe cleaning

Cleaning shoes made of leather takes much less hassle than similar products made of nubuck or suede:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to clean all dust and dirt from the material, and only then proceed to the next steps. Here you can wash the material with soapy water.
  2. The next step is rubbing all surfaces. If you don’t have special tools, then you can simply use a banana skin. The white part should be rubbed onto all leather surfaces. After this, the remnants of the sweet fruit are removed with a napkin made of any material.

Depending on the color of the skin, a product for rubbing surfaces is selected:

  • If your boots are white, then you should mix copper sulfate and purified gasoline in equal proportions. In this case, the fuel and lubricant does not harm, but benefits the shoes.
  • Products made of soft leather of any shade can be rubbed with Vaseline.
  • To care for light brown and beige boots, you can use ordinary cow's milk.

Important! All stains of unknown origin that have formed on shoes can be eliminated using ordinary onion and lemon juice mixed in equal proportions.

One of the most important nuances when wearing shoes made from natural materials is proper storage between seasons. If you pack your wardrobe items incorrectly, the outside of your shoes may become moldy. However, you can get rid of it:

  1. First, mix kerosene, water and vinegar in equal proportions and rub the surfaces with it.
  2. After this, generously lubricate the entire surface with Vaseline or castor oil.

There will be no trace of mold left!

Taking care of smooth skin

When deciding how to wash leather shoes, you should pay attention to their outer surface. If the surface of your shoes or boots is smooth, then it is not afraid of short-term exposure to moisture. That is why you can wash products made from natural materials with soapy water.

Important! If you have chosen shoes made of genuine leather and they have a smooth surface, then it is recommended to apply a water-repellent agent to them once every 5-6 days.

Caring for nubuck and suede products

Caring for nubuck and suede products is slightly different from cleaning leather shoes:

  • Cleaning surfaces of dust and dirt from this material is carried out after complete drying.
  • Drying should also occur naturally - it is recommended to put paper inside the boot.
  • Household chemical stores sell special brushes and attachments for caring for and cleaning shoes made of suede or nubuck. They clean the pile and lift it, smoothing it in one direction.
  • When choosing a water-repellent product, you should purchase the substance in the form of a spray and apply it after each shoe cleaning, a couple of hours before going outside.

Important! If you need to remove stains from pile material, you can use purified gasoline, milk, peroxide, bread crumbs, coffee grounds,

Cleaning is necessary for any shoe. Dust and pollution constantly settle on the surface, the skin becomes hard and loses its properties. And the accumulated dirt in the welts further spoils the bottom of boots and shoes.

Leather shoes are cleaned in several stages. This takes a maximum of 5-10 minutes. Cleansing should be done daily if it is used regularly. Then, before putting it away for storage, the shoes should be treated.

How to clean leather

Daily care is as follows:

  • Remove dried dirt, dust, and stains from the surface of the shoe using a soft brush. This should be done without using cleaning agents until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Then thoroughly wipe the surface of the leather with a piece of dry cloth, then moisten the cloth a little and wipe the shoes again. It is not recommended to use water. You can use a special shampoo or glass cleaner.

This is how shoes whose material has undergone finishing treatment are cleaned.

If the leather is untreated, it should be cleaned using saddle soap.

A cloth is moistened with water, soaped, and the surface is wiped with it. Then the foam is washed off. It should also be lubricated regularly with oil, which will keep the skin in good condition.

Drying leather shoes

Shoes should be dried until completely dry in a room with good ventilation. Do not dry leather shoes in the sun or near heating devices, otherwise the leather will become damaged and fade.

Cleaning leather shoes

The next stage is surface treatment. You can use mink fat, it helps protect leather shoes from moisture. Next, wait until it is absorbed.

Then you need to treat the shoes with cream. New shoes do not require a color update, so you can use the colorless option. Over time, it is worth choosing a cream tone that is slightly lighter than the tone of the skin itself.

You need to try the cream on the back of the shoe so that it is not noticeable if there is a mistake with the color. Then, using gentle movements, apply the cream to the entire remaining surface. It is necessary to lubricate the sides of the welt, the top of the sole, and sometimes the tongue.

The final stage of caring for leather shoes is polishing them. To do this you will need a horse hair brush. Dried shoes are polished using back-and-forth movements, without pressure, until a glossy effect is achieved.

The final touch will be wiping the cleaned shoes with a piece of velvet cloth. Proper cleaning will be indicated by the magnificent shine of your leather pair.

Skin care nuances

If the shoes have dried out and the leather has become very hard, castor oil or fish oil can correct the situation. New shoes should also be treated this way to soften the leather and protect it from water.

After a few hours, the shoes should be treated with cream as usual.

Once a week, the skin should be smeared with fat or lard, the excess of which is removed with a napkin.

For a brown pair, you can make a mixture of turpentine and milk, 1:3. Wipe the skin with it, and then proceed to applying the cream.

You don't know how to properly care for leather shoes? If this is not done, the products will lose their beautiful appearance, and their service life will be significantly reduced. To prevent this from happening, I will tell you how and with what to clean leather shoes.

Features of shoe care

Before cleaning leather shoes, you should remember that the material can be:

  • with finishing;
  • without processing;
  • white;
  • colored;
  • varnished.

Each of them needs special care.

Information about the material from which the shoes are made can be found on their box or checked with a consultant in the store.

Preliminary preparation

Cleaning leather shoes begins with pre-treatment. With these steps we will remove any remaining dirt from the surface and prepare the shoes for proper care. The action plan is as follows:

  • Use a soft bristle brush, use it to remove any remaining accumulated dirt from the surface.
  • Use a dry cloth to remove any remaining particles. dust accumulated while walking.
  • Use a slightly damp sponge to treat stubborn stains..
  • Wait until your shoes or boots are completely dry. Place your shoes away from direct sunlight, radiators or heaters.

With the preliminary preparation everything has been clarified, now I will tell you how to properly clean shoes depending on the leather treatment.

Cleaning 5 types of shoes

It would seem that there is nothing particularly complicated about the question of how to clean leather shoes. But you still need to follow clear instructions and recommendations:

Illustration Instructions

Type 1. With finishing
  • Apply a small amount of special cream that matches the shade of the shoes on a soft cloth.
  • Carefully treat the surface of the product, not missing a single place.
  • Wait for the cream to dry completely.
  • Use a soft brush to polish your shoes.
  • Drip some water onto the surface of the shoes.
  • Re-polish.

To ensure that your shoes, shoes or boots retain their original appearance, do not be lazy, repeat this procedure daily.

Type 2. Without treatment

Cleaning shoes without finishing is in many ways similar to the procedure for caring for products that have undergone it. But there is a slight difference.

After you have used the cream, apply a couple of drops of mink oil to a soft cloth and rub it over the surface of the product.

Type 3. White skin

Taking care of white skin is actually simple. It is necessary to resort to special dyes at home only in case of scuff marks or cracks.

To protect leather products from damage, use water-repellent sprays, aerosols or creams.

colored skin

Bright shoes, as in the photo, are no different in their properties from ordinary leather ones. This means that she needs appropriate care (I wrote about it above).

The only difficulty that may arise in the process is the need to accurately guess the shade of shoe polish.

Type 4. Patent leather shoes

The main tool for caring for such products is velvet fabric. Patent leather shoes will look even more shiny:

  • Soak the sponge in water.
  • Using light, gentle movements, walk it over the surface of the shoe. Be extremely careful - small particles of sand or dust can scratch the material.
  • Rub the product thoroughly with a piece of velvet cloth.

To protect leather products and maintain their neat appearance, it is not at all necessary to use specialized products, the price of which can reach astronomical heights. I know of several much more accessible means:

Image The product and method of its use

Vegetable or castor oil

It can be used if the leather on your shoes is dry. The oil will perfectly soften the material and restore its natural shine.

Linseed oil

Lubricate the surface of the shoes along the seams with it several times. This will make them practically waterproof.

Coffee grounds

It can be used if you need to clean dark leather shoes.


Have your shoes become hard after the rain? Lubricate it with Vaseline, it will solve the problem.


It is used to remove greasy stains on leather products. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.

Treat the contaminated area with a homemade solution until foam forms. Remove any remaining baking soda with a clean cloth.


Now you know not only how to clean this or that type of leather shoes, but also how to replace special cleaning products if they are unavailable. With the information you receive, you can extend the life of your boots and keep them looking their best.


Bootbleker, machine gun or your own cleaner? The profession of shoe shiner (bootbleaker), widespread in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, has completely disappeared today. In Afghanistan, India, and Latin American countries you can still find teenagers who earn their living by shining shoes. Thanks to Hollywood films, the image of the bootblack boy, the future "slumdog millionaire", and the image of an elegant gentleman in polished shoes have become a cultural stereotype. In the ancient cities of Europe you can also find a street shoe shiner; a conservative European enjoys the process itself. A real master at work will have time to talk about city news, tell you how to properly clean shoes, or remain silent if the client is not in the mood for a conversation. You can freshen your shoes outside the home in shoe shine machines that are installed in shopping centers, hotels, and high-speed trains. Experts do not advise frequently using machine cleaning services: cream from a machine may not be suitable for shoes; synthetic brushes are probably used. Since there are almost no live cleaners in the city, and automatic cleaning does not take into account the type of shoes, it is better to do this business yourself.

Shoe cosmetics and brush set

For high-quality shoe care at home, it is not necessary to have an arsenal of all kinds of brushes and shoe polish, cooked according to a secret recipe. Modern industry produces all kinds of brushes and shoe cosmetics in a wide range, you just need to choose the right one. In your home kit of tools and shoe care products, it is enough to have:

  • A set of brushes (to match the color of the shoes), a stiff polishing brush (ideally made from horsehair), a figure-of-eight brush for suede, a toothbrush;
  • Spreading block
  • Soft rag, piece of velvet fabric, sponge, sponge;
  • Mink oil, wax, water-repellent spray;
  • Emulsion shoe cream (according to the color shade of the shoes);
  • Soap, shoe shampoo.

Buying leather shoes is half the battle, it’s important to know how to care for them

Shoes made of genuine leather belong to the category of goods in the expensive segment and require careful handling. Only with proper care will expensive leather shoes remain an expensive wardrobe item for a long time. Careless wear and improper care instantly affect the appearance of the shoes. To avoid deformation, prevent cracks and tarnishing, you need to know how to properly clean leather shoes and strictly adhere to the rules. Shoes can be made from different types of leather, each type has certain qualities:

The first step is to prepare your shoes for cleaning.

Remembering how the old shoe cleaners did their work can help you understand how to properly clean shoes with cream. Firstly, the client did not remove the shoes from his feet; it was easier for the master to clean and polish the “elastic shoe”. Secondly, no water was used, the dirt was cleaned off with a rag. First you need to prepare the shoes: remove the laces, insert wooden spacers or fill the inside with crumpled newspaper. Use a soft cloth to remove dirt from your shoes; if the dirt is heavily soiled, the cloth can be moistened; An old toothbrush is used to clean hard-to-reach areas. The shoes must dry, after which they are wiped again with a clean cloth.

Cleaning with cream

The cream is applied to the shoes in a circular motion and rubbed into the skin with a cloth. When the product is applied evenly, the surface of the shoe becomes matte. For better penetration of the cream into the shoes, you should give it a ten-minute “break.” Polishing is done with a horsehair brush: movements with the brush should be sharp, in a straight line, from side to side. When polished correctly, the surface becomes shiny. Final polishing is performed with a slightly damp cotton cloth wrapped around two fingers (index and middle). Using smooth circular movements, you need to walk over the entire surface, paying attention to the side edges, decorative stitches and perforation elements.

Shoe polish - chic, shine, beauty!

Shoe polish is applied to the surface to be treated after the emulsion cream; the wax base of the shoe polish forms a protective layer on the skin. The hard consistency of wax acts as an excellent finishing polish. For a street cleaner who respects himself and his profession, shoe polish occupied the most honorable place in his work drawer. Aerobatics - glacage is obtained if he knows how to properly clean shoes with shoe polish. The wax should be applied in two or three layers; the hard consistency of the wax acts as an excellent finishing polish. Thorough polishing with a soft cloth and treatment of hard-to-reach places with a small brush and the toe of the boot acquires a mirror shine (glasage).

Suede is not as “scary” as it is painted to be

Many people want to buy beautiful and comfortable suede shoes, but they are afraid of the difficulty of caring for this type of leather. Indeed, suede requires a responsible approach and the use of special products. If you figure out how to properly clean suede shoes, you can enjoy the comfort and status of this very important element of your wardrobe for a long time. Here are some simple rules and recommendations for caring for “capricious” suede:

  • Owners of suede shoes need to understand that these are more of a dress shoe and should only be worn in dry weather.
  • If new shoes are immediately treated with a water-repellent spray, a long service life and preservation of visual appeal are ensured.
  • The spray must be sprayed until the suede is lightly moistened, without touching the surface with your hands, and dry the shoes at room temperature for 10-12 hours.
  • Delicate suede does not tolerate cleaning; any mechanical impact causes the pile to become wrinkled and a “balding” effect appears.
  • The last rule: wear suede in the summer and take care of it in the winter. Shoes are dipped into loose snow and quickly shaken off, then wiped with a flannel cloth and dried away from heating devices.

Resuscitation for suede shoes

If, after all, suede shoes have lost their attractiveness, then there are ways to help restore their appearance:

How to tint suede shoes correctly?

Suede does not like sunlight; under the influence of UF rays, the color of the shoe acquires an ugly bluish-greenish tint. In such cases, do not be discouraged, as modern shoe cosmetics allow you to restore brightness and restore the color of suede shoes. Aerosol foam cleaner fights dirt and dull suede color. The foam is applied to a dry surface and after a minute is removed using a flannel cloth. Aerosol paint, matched to the color of the suede, is sprayed onto a previously cleaned surface. After drying, the suede is processed with an eraser.

Dry cleaning for nubuck shoes at home

Using modern nubuck leather care products, you can get excellent results. To properly clean nubuck shoes, you need to buy special cleaning products: nubuck cream, dirt-water-repellent impregnation, anti-salt stain shampoo, sponge applicator, aerosol paint and liquid color freshener. There are special brushes for nubuck on sale; their special shape (embossed rib, three- or four-sided configuration) and combined bristles (synthetic + metal) provide gentle cleaning.

The general rules for caring for nubuck are similar to those for caring for suede leather: dry cleaning, minimal moisture, gentle wiping, drying at room temperature. Tips for restoring the color and structure of suede fibers, including steam treatment, will tell you how to properly clean nubuck shoes. In addition, you can give an effective way to remove whitish stains: dark shoes should be cleaned with coffee grounds, light shoes with stale bread.

Secretly around the world

Simple but effective “grandmother’s secrets” will help you properly care for your leather shoes. Glycerin, beeswax, turpentine, and paraffin were widely used. Useful tips for caring for leather shoes using folk remedies (potato flour, vinegar, milk, lemon, egg white, onion, lard and lamb fat) will still be useful:

  • A mixture of milk and whipped egg white helps to freshen up the color of white shoes.
  • Patent leather shoes are wiped with milk, after drying, rubbed with a cut onion, then polished with a woolen rag.
  • Mixture “1 tbsp. warm water +1 tsp. ammonia + 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide" bleaches white suede.
  • Treating the leather with a foamy mixture of whipped protein, milk and sugar (the mixture is applied to the shoes, after drying the leather is wiped with a dry cloth) gives the shoes a diamond shine.

Leather shoes or boots in excellent condition are an indicator of a person’s status, success and refined taste. By paying a little attention to your shoes, you can get a feeling of confidence and walk through life with a “flying gait”.