If you have just purchased a jacket or down jacket, and the fur on the hood looks new, it would be a good idea to take preventative measures to prevent the risk of contamination. Thanks to a simple procedure, the fur will last you much longer and retain its presentable appearance. First you need to unfasten the fur from the hood, if possible, and spread it on a hard surface, for example on a table.

After this, you should moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and wipe the edge of the hood lengthwise and crosswise with quick, vigorous movements. If necessary, you can repeat this procedure one more time. Then you need to let the product dry. After the fur has dried, you need to comb it with a comb or a brush with hard bristles. After this alcohol treatment, the fur will become shiny, fluffy and will retain its original freshness longer.

How to wash fur trim

It often happens that the fur trim of the hood, in contact with the face, becomes contaminated with various cosmetics. As a result, an unsightly greasy sheen forms on the surface of the fur. To deal with this kind of stain, you need to purchase a special detergent for washing delicate items. Following the instructions, you need to rinse the fur and dry it at room temperature.

If this option does not suit you, then you can use a fairly simple folk method. It involves using chicken eggs. You will need two raw eggs, which should be beaten well, and use your hand to rub the egg mixture into the fur. The product should remain in this state for about an hour. After this, it is necessary to place the fur edge under running water, the temperature of which should be approximately 25 ° C. The fur must be rinsed for at least 30 minutes. After which you should thoroughly dry the edge.

If the edge of your hood is made of natural fur, then after washing and drying it is worth ironing the product through plain white paper. You should not do this kind of manipulation with faux fur, as you can damage the synthetic fibers and ruin the fur edge.

White fur trim looks very elegant and beautiful, but white fur tends to quickly lose its presentable appearance. To prevent premature yellowing of white fur, you can use talc in combination with hydrogen peroxide, taken in equal proportions. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer to the fur, brushed with a brush, and then thoroughly shake the edge, removing any remaining product.

Chic down jackets with a fashionable fur trim on the hood are always at the peak of popularity. Lightweight and incredibly comfortable, such outerwear not only pleases the eyes of others, but also allows a girl to feel comfortable even in the most severe frost. Many manufacturers of down jackets think about how exactly they will wash not only the product itself, but also the fur trim. That is why they equip things with buttons or zippers. But not everyone does this. Therefore, very often many girls are faced with a difficult question: how to wash the fur from a down jacket at home, maintaining its original appearance? Let's figure out together how to easily and effortlessly complete this task.

Hand washing natural fur at home
Why wash fur at home anyway? Firstly, an accessory for a down jacket can lose its magnificent appearance during even the most careful wear. Traveling on public transport, going to the grocery store, using a house elevator - all this and much more are the very factors that can lead to a rather deplorable state of fur on a down jacket. Secondly, even the most careful socks do not give you a 100% guarantee that at the end of the season you will not find greasy and dirty spots on your fur. Thirdly, dry cleaning services are quite expensive, so even such a seemingly simple procedure as cleaning fur can cost you a pretty penny.

The simplest and most effective method of cleaning the edge of a down jacket is hand washing. Let's define the main steps that will help us clean the product from dirt, grease and other contaminants.

  1. First, detach the fur from the down jacket. The product can be attached to the hood of outerwear using buttons or a zipper. However, very often manufacturers sew fur to the hood. In this case, you will have to carefully tear off the product.
  2. In order to wash fur, you need to prepare a soap solution. Take a small basin and pour water into it. Fur does not like high temperatures, so water should not be heated higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Use detergent for washing. An excellent alternative would be shampoo or liquid soap. In addition, modern hardware stores offer a wide range of cleaning products for fur and fur products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.
  3. After you have prepared the water, proceed directly to the process of processing the product. Soak the fur in the solution and leave for at least half an hour.
  4. After a while, start washing the fur itself. Act carefully, using smooth and leisurely movements when treating contaminated areas. Try not to rub or squeeze the fur too much with your hands, otherwise it may become deformed.
  5. After you wash the item in soapy water, rinse the basin thoroughly. This will help you get rid of any suds that may remain on the edges of the container and prevent you from thoroughly rinsing the fur.
  6. Once the rinsing bowl is completely clean, place the fur there. It is very important! Rinse the product exclusively in cold water! In this case, you will ensure that after washing the fur from the down jacket will be shiny, soft to the touch and silky.
  7. Drying the product also needs to be given close attention. Under no circumstances hang fur on a rope in the bathroom or on a radiator, and do not wring it out or twist it. Lay the fur on a towel and let it dry naturally.
  8. After the product has completely dried, the fur must be put in order. For these purposes, you can use a regular comb with rare teeth. In addition, in a pet store you can choose a special model for fur. When combing, do not make sudden movements, but smoothly and slowly slide the comb in the direction of hair growth.
It is possible to clean the fur with a soap solution if minor dirt is found on it after wearing it. Unfortunately, greasy stains will be much more difficult to deal with.

How to remove grease stains?
So, to remove an annoying greasy stain from the fur edge of a down jacket, prepare a special solution. To do this, take a teaspoon of 10% ammonia and two tablespoons of salt, as well as two hundred milliliters of water. Then carefully mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to problem spots on the fur. Leave for half an hour, and then wash the fur according to the same principle as we described above.

In addition to the presented method, greasy stains can be removed using a mixture of salt and vinegar. To prepare the solution, add the following ingredients: one tablespoon of salt, half a liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar. After this, gently apply the solution to the greasy stains for no more than half an hour, and then wash as usual.

Dry cleaning the fur edge of a down jacket
If for some reason the fur cannot be removed from the down jacket, then it is necessary to dry clean the product. There are several options for such washing, let's consider each of them.

  1. Starch and gasoline. The most ordinary gasoline will do an excellent job of cleaning a fur collar. To do this, you need to add starch to the substance, and then mix the ingredients to a fairly thick consistency. Afterwards, you need to apply the mixture to the problem areas and leave it there for half an hour. Next, clean the fur from any remaining mixture using a comb or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Talc. This method involves using talc as the main cleaning agent. Take a handful of the crystalline substance and gently work the problem areas of the fur. The procedure can be repeated until all the fur turns white. Then you need to remove all the powder from the fur by shaking the product thoroughly. The remaining grains can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. An excellent alternative to talc are starch and semolina.
Faux fur trim
All of the above tips apply to cases where the edge of the down jacket is made of natural fur. However, very often faux fur is used as decoration for outerwear. This is understandable: the alternative version of natural edge is lighter in weight, it is quite easy to clean, and it costs several times less. Caring for such a product is not at all difficult. Very often, you can use a washing machine to remove stains from the surface of faux fur. First of all, study the label on the down jacket. The manufacturer must indicate on it all the conditions for washing the product. In most cases, faux fur is washed along with the down jacket on a delicate cycle.

All of the above methods for cleaning fur on a down jacket are proven. You are free to use them at home. However, remember: when cleaning fur, you should be extremely careful and careful! One wrong move - and the chic new thing can be sent to the mezzanine “until better times.” If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to send your down jacket to a professional dry cleaner!

In addition to all the above factors, do not forget to follow the basic rules for storing fur. Try to keep the down jacket in the spring-summer period in a closet, securely closed from sunlight. Provide adequate protection against moths. Do not hang the product too closely with other wardrobe items; the fur should “breathe”. Following simple rules will help you maintain your wonderful down jacket with a magnificent fur trim for many years!

The down jacket has long won the love of many citizens and respect for its excellent service during the cold season. Almost everyone has this type of outerwear in their wardrobe, or even more than one. But I really want to dilute the traditional gray or black colors of down jackets with bright accents. White fur as a trim on the collar, hood and sleeves adds elegance to this coat.

White fur is most prone to getting dirty in a short time. Taking into account bad weather, rain, sleet, city smog, dust, contact of fur in public transport with not the cleanest places - all this leads to deterioration of the quality of fur and loss of its original whiteness.

How to clean white fur?

It is not possible to operate with various chemical compounds at home, so it is worth considering options for cleaning white fur yourself. Folk advice and experience in cleaning white fur on a down jacket allow the use of the following products:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • talc;
  • shampoos for cats and dogs;
  • sponges;
  • cotton swabs and napkins;
  • brushes for long hair (sold in pet stores).

But fur is different. More often, a fur strip is used as a edging on down jackets, tightly sewn with a zipper, so that it can be unfastened when washing the down jacket itself.

Such a strip of fur with a zipper can be washed even if the fur is natural; the zipper will not allow the fur (the layer of skin under the pile) to creep away after getting wet. But in other cases, it is better not to wash natural fur with ordinary water and powder. It is better to resort to dry cleaning.

How to clean white fur on a down jacket?

There are two ways to clean white fur on a down jacket, doing them in order:

  • dry clean first;
  • If it doesn’t help, it’s wet.

The dry method involves the use of talc, which must be rubbed into the contaminated fur, massaged, the talc shaken out, and the lint combed with a brush.

The procedure can be repeated to bring the fur white. In the same way, they use potato starch, rubbing it into the fur, or semolina, which should absorb all the dirt and thereby bleach the pile, but it is less effective. When dry cleaning, it is important to shake out the fur well or vacuum it carefully. The wet method is used if the contamination is local.

  • Do it this way:
  • first you need to wet the tampon with medical alcohol;
  • wipe the dirty place;
  • let dry naturally;

comb out with a comb.

If this does not work, then you can put a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, based on the proportions of 1 to 1, and spray the white fur on the down jacket with this liquid. Wipe with a dry sponge or clean cloth. This cleaning product is best used in the summer: after the procedure, the fur is dried in the sun.

  • Also, the “wet” type of cleaning white fur includes the most effective means - washing with shampoo for dogs or cats. You should do it like this:
  • dilute shampoo for dogs or cats in warm water (it is better to buy high-quality whitening shampoo from a pet store);
  • Spray the white edge with this solution from a spray bottle, then wipe dry with an absorbent cloth: all dirt should remain on the fabric;
  • If the edge is sewn to the zipper, you need to wash the fur carefully, passing it through your fingers. Can be left in soapy water for a while for better effect;
  • squeeze, first rinsing the fur in clean water with the addition of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) to achieve the effect of conditioning the villi;
  • dry naturally until semi-dry;
  • then comb the fur thoroughly in the direction of the pile so that there are no “icicles”;

Dry until the moisture has completely evaporated with a hairdryer, then comb out the white, clean fur again.

At the end of this cleaning method, the fur edge looks new, shiny, without yellowness.

The considered methods for cleaning white fur on a down jacket are applicable at home. You can clean the pile either dry or wet. But washing is not suitable for every type of fur: first, it is better to try cleaning with talcum powder, starch, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Very often, the hoods of jackets and down jackets are decorated with a thin stripenatural fur. Usually the edge is made removable so that it doesn’t get damaged when washing the jacket. But over time, the fur at the edge turns yellow, gets dirty and curls into icicles. Find out how to fluff, update and fur on the hood in our advice.

We have already talked about it, but now we will talk specifically about the edge - a thin strip of fur sewn to the zipper.

Cleaning fur is a rather complicated undertaking, but cleaning the edges can be done simply wash. You ask: “How can this be? The edge is also fur.” Yes, meh. Only this is a very thin strip, which is firmly sewn to the fabric with a tight seam. Exactly this prevents skin from shrinking or spreading after washing.

Best used for washing shampoo for hair, and even better, shampoo for dogs and cats with a whitening effect. Cat and dog breeders highly praise the following shampoos:

1) Chris Christensen White on White Shampoo Chris Christensen - whitening shampoo for dogs and cats. As the manufacturer indicates, this shampoo can be used on coats of any color and on dogs of any breed.

- whitening shampoo, it helps remove stains, makes the coat brighter, all colors at that, does not lighten, but enriches the natural texture of the coat.

But I haven’t found such shampoos in our city. Therefore, I used what I found in the pet store, more or less suitable.

— Shampoo “Shining White” for dogs and cats with light hair. Refreshes dull fur. You can see the result of washing the edges with this shampoo in the lower photos.

Let's start washing the fur trim

Pour some cold water into the basin (about 30 degrees). Add shampoo.

We rinse the fur, carefully pulling it through our hands for 5 minutes. You can simply rinse and leave the fur in the basin for this time for the whitening effect of the shampoo to take effect. Don't be afraid, the colored fur will not lighten or turn white during this time. Due to the fact that the yellowness of the pile goes away, the color of any fur color becomes purer and richer, even black.

Shake well. And we post it in shadow in the breeze to dry.

After the water has completely drained from the edge, the fur should dry to this condition (see bottom photo)

Now you need to dry it hairdryer, carefully combing with a comb-brush in different directions. You can buy a brush at a pet store.

This is necessary so that on the fur no icicles formed.

Leave the edge on the dryer until completely dry.

When the edge is completely dry, fasten it to the hood.

For clarity you can compare the edge before washing:

Our regular reader sent us this letter:

“I’ve been reading your site for a long time, I trust your recommendations, so I want to ask for advice. My daughter wore a down jacket with a fur trim... until I decided to wash it. I thought nothing bad would happen, but in the end a shabby cat's tail remains from the luxurious fur collar.

What did I do wrong? Should I have taken the down jacket to the dry cleaner or are there any effective ways to wash the down jacket at home?”

— Angelina, Vologda, 42 years old.

Indeed, if your down jacket has a fur trim, then this complicates its washing - if you wash everything without knowing the matter, then there is a chance of ruining the fur, essentially ruining the appearance of the item of clothing. But everything is not as complicated as it seems - next we will look at several simple and effective ways to wash fur from a down jacket without resorting to dry cleaning.

Machine washable

This is the easiest way if your down jacket has faux fur. This material is quite durable, it is more difficult to spoil it, so you can safely resort to using a machine.

Important: To figure out how to wash faux fur from a down jacket, carefully study the latter. There you will be given instructions on how to wash and what settings to set. Usually a gentle regime is required.

Even if you decide to wash your faux fur, refrain from drying/spinning in a washing machine. More than once they brought to our dry cleaners tattered edges, of which nothing really remained. Restoring such fur is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. It is better to gently pat the washed collar with a towel and place it to dry in a warm and dry place, away from heaters.


In many situations, the best way to clean the edges on a down jacket is hand washing - especially when the fur is natural. If the collar is detachable, then you are in luck; it will be much more convenient to work with.

  • If the pollution is not too serious, then you can wash the collar in running water using regular hair shampoo. For greater effectiveness, you can add a little detergent to it. The easiest way to dry such fur is by carefully wrapping it in a dry fluffy towel.
  • If the pollution is quite strong, then before washing it is recommended to pre-apply a mixture of two teaspoons of salt with a spoonful of ammonia dissolved in a glass of water to the fur. Then let the collar sit for a while and wash it as usual.

Tip: The best way to wash a fur collar from a down jacket with faux fur is to use a warm powder solution that is designed for washing wool and/or silk. Soak the edge in this solution, leave for about twenty minutes, then rinse with regular running water.

Not all types of fur can be washed. For example, it is strongly not recommended to wash the Arctic fox; only dry cleaning is suitable for them. In addition, it is recommended not to overuse washing, even gentle washing, if your product is made of natural fur.

The fact is that during washing, the fatty components of fur dissolve, which make it shiny and elastic. And if a few rare washes are tolerated well, then over time the condition of the edge of the down jacket will become more and more sad. If the stain is too severe for dry cleaning, be sure to contact a dry cleaner.

— Albert Vasilievich, dry cleaning worker

Related articles: Are there stains on your down jacket after washing? .

Dry cleaning

If you cannot unfasten the fur, then it is better to consider ways to clean the fur on a down jacket dry (or using a damp mixture, but without general soaking). It's also easy:

  • Mix gasoline and starch so that you get a thick mixture, the consistency of sour cream. After this, apply this substance evenly to the contaminated area and let it sit. The gasoline will evaporate on its own, after which the pile will need to be combed with a frequent comb to get rid of traces of starch. Please note that this method is not applicable for artificial scribble who may be afraid of gasoline.
  • Sprinkle talcum powder over the surface of the collar. Rub it thoroughly with your hands, then shake the down jacket. If a little talc remains, it doesn’t matter, it repels moths. Starch can be used in the same way.
  • The above mixture of ammonia and salt can also be used simply for cleaning, without further erasing the edge.

Cleaning white fur

The approaches to how to wash white fur from a down jacket are slightly different from those for dark-colored fur - after all, any, even the slightest deviation from the norm will be immediately noticeable, the material can easily turn yellow, so you need to act more carefully. It is not recommended to resort to regular washing; here are more acceptable cleaning methods:

  • Soak hardwood sawdust in gasoline, then pour it onto the collar. Rub the fur between your hands, then comb everything thoroughly and beat it to get rid of any remaining sawdust.
  • Take one part baking soda and three parts medical alcohol and mix thoroughly. Soak a sponge in this mixture and carefully walk over the dirty areas.
  • Mix lemon juice and water in equal quantities, soak a clothes brush in the mixture and gently brush problem areas until they turn snow-white.

Important: If we are talking about serious contamination, for example, wine spilled on white fur, then do not even try to clean it at home., you will only ruin everything, you can’t do it without special chemicals. Be sure to give your down jacket to professionals who will find the right way to clean the fur collar of a down jacket - and then, perhaps, it will be possible to restore it to its original form.