Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. The gateway software has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Purchasing an electronic ticket on the website is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train you need to either register electronically or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket You can do so at any time before the train departs at the ticket office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

The train schedule for Kulsary station displayed on this page is for informational purposes only and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the station information desk.

Trains at Kulsary station

Today, the train schedule at Kulsary station includes 26 long-distance train flights, of which 4 operate daily. The minimum train stopping time is 0 hours 9 m (train on the route Dushanbe 1 - Moscow-Kazanskaya), and the maximum is 0 hours 35 m (flight on the route Tashkent-Pass. - Saratov-1 Pass). Most trains on the schedule arrive from populated areas: Moscow, Saratov at 11:52, 12:58 respectively. Trains departing from Kulsary station follow the following routes - Kulsary - Dushanbe, Kulsary - Aktau, Kulsary - Tashkent, Kulsary - Kulyab, Kulsary - Khujand departing at 12:05, 13:13, 12:05, 12:05, 12: 05 respectively. When planning a trip, it is worth considering that the schedule of some trains, such as 647F Nukus - Aktobe (arrival - 01:12, departure - 01:32), 309Х Mangyshlak - Saratov-1 Pass (01:12, 01:32) , 037T Mangyshlak - Astana-Nurly Zhol (03:23, 03:33), 329Z Dushanbe 1 - Moscow-Kazanskaya (05:39, 05:48) have a special schedule, so it is recommended to check the schedule for a specific date.


The city is located 11 km from the river Emba and 220 km east of the regional center - the city Atyrau.


1959 1970 1979 1989 1991 1999
12 749 ↗ 16 427 ↗ 19 731 ↗ 32 652 ↗ 35 400 ↗ 38 518
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
↗ 43 588 ↗ 45 244 ↗ 47 123 ↗ 48 642 ↗ 49 974 ↗ 51 097
2010 2011 2012 2013
↗ 51 945 ↗ 52 999 ↗ 53 740 ↗ 54 711


Train station on the line Makat - Beyneu.

Residents of the village were relocated here Sarykamys(according to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to a sharp deterioration in the environment as a result of accidents and planned emissions from the plant Tengizchevroil at the Tengiz field).


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Excerpt characterizing Kulsary

“I will come to one place and pray; If I don’t have time to get used to it and fall in love with it, I’ll move on. And I will walk until my legs give way, and I will lie down and die somewhere, and I will finally come to that eternal, quiet haven, where there is no sadness or sighing!...” thought Princess Marya.
But then, seeing her father and especially little Coco, she weakened in her intention, slowly cried and felt that she was a sinner: she loved her father and nephew more than God.

Biblical tradition says that the absence of work - idleness was a condition for the bliss of the first man before his fall. The love for idleness remained the same in fallen man, but the curse still weighs on man, and not only because we must earn our bread by the sweat of our brow, but because, due to our moral properties, we cannot be idle and calm. A secret voice says that we must be guilty of being idle. If a person could find a state in which, being idle, he would feel useful and fulfilling his duty, he would find one side of primitive bliss. And this state of obligatory and impeccable idleness is enjoyed by a whole class - the military class. This obligatory and impeccable idleness was and will be the main attraction of military service.
Nikolai Rostov fully experienced this bliss, after 1807 he continued to serve in the Pavlograd regiment, in which he already commanded a squadron received from Denisov.
Rostov became a hardened, kind fellow, whom Moscow acquaintances would have found somewhat mauvais genre [bad taste], but who was loved and respected by his comrades, subordinates and superiors, and who was satisfied with his life. Lately, in 1809, he more often found his mother complaining in letters from home that things were getting worse and worse, and that it was time for him to come home, please and reassure his old parents.
Reading these letters, Nikolai felt fear that they wanted to take him out of the environment in which, having protected himself from all everyday confusion, he lived so quietly and calmly. He felt that sooner or later he would have to again enter that whirlpool of life with frustrations and adjustments in affairs, with managers’ accounts, quarrels, intrigues, with connections, with society, with Sonya’s love and a promise to her. All this was terribly difficult, confusing, and he answered his mother’s letters with cold, classic letters that began: Ma chere maman [My dear mother] and ended: votre obeissant fils, [Your obedient son,] keeping silent about when he intended to come . In 1810, he received letters from his relatives, in which he was informed about Natasha’s engagement to Bolkonsky and that the wedding would take place in a year, because the old prince did not agree. This letter upset and insulted Nikolai. Firstly, he was sorry to lose Natasha from home, whom he loved more than anyone in the family; secondly, from his hussar point of view, he regretted that he was not there, because he would have shown this Bolkonsky that it was not such a great honor to be related to him and that if he loved Natasha, he could do without permission from an extravagant father. For a minute he hesitated whether to ask for leave to see Natasha as a bride, but then the maneuvers came up, thoughts about Sonya, about the confusion came, and Nikolai put it off again. But in the spring of that year he received a letter from his mother, who wrote secretly from the count, and this letter convinced him to go. She wrote that if Nikolai did not come and get down to business, then the entire estate would go under the hammer and everyone would go around the world. The Count is so weak, he has trusted Mitenka so much, and is so kind, and everyone is deceiving him so much that everything goes worse and worse. “For God’s sake, I beg you, come now, if you do not want to make me and your whole family unhappy,” the countess wrote.