This article provides information about Doman cards, as well as information about this method of early child development.

As a neurophysiologist, Glen Doman discovered and proved the most important law: the brain grows and develops only if it works. And the more intense the load on the baby’s brain in the first years of his life, the better his intelligence will develop.

No less important for us is another discovery of Doman: a child’s brain is programmed for learning from birth, and while its active growth continues (after three years it slows down significantly, and after six it practically stops), the child does not need any additional motivation for learning. If you organize the process correctly, any child will enjoy learning everything you offer him. And he will do it with such ease that school-age children have never dreamed of.

Parents are preparing a selection Doman cards featuring plants, animals, great people and much more. From the first days of life, children are shown a series of cards on different branches of knowledge, ranging from written words, cards with dots (mathematics) to pictures of plants, animals, great people and historical events and much more. When showing pictures, the adult first says the name, adding more and more facts in the future.

For example:

1. Orange
2. Orange tree fruit
3. Orange belongs to the Rutaceae family, Citrus subfamily
4. The birthplace of Orange is China
5. Orange is a hybrid obtained in ancient times by mixing tangerine with pomelo.
6. Now growing along the entire Mediterranean coast, attacks in Central America.

Some modern psychologists consider Glen Doman's system of teaching children unacceptable, using only its most striking manifestations. Doman cards- this is a great opportunity to introduce a child to the world around him and increase his vocabulary. Try to adapt to the rhythm, character and temperament of your child - if he needs a long delay, stop, look at the cards, or vice versa, show them quickly. The main thing in any activity is the child’s pleasure and desire.

Offers to your attention Glen Doman cards for teaching a child. Download and print the cards on a color printer. The cards are provided in an archive and were designed specifically for the children's website "Your Child". The use of Doman cards created for the “Your Child” website for commercial purposes (as well as distribution on other sites) is permitted provided that a direct link back to this section of the site is installed and the project logo is preserved on the materials.

Last article updated: March 30, 2018

Today's parents devote a lot of time to early childhood development. This is also facilitated by original training programs, which have not lost their popularity for many years. Surely mothers have heard about Montessori materials or Doman cards.

Child psychologist

The system of American physiotherapist Glen Doman, which will be discussed in the article, is built on the principle of conveying large amounts of information to the child through visual perception. Special cards help in this process.

Doman’s early development method, according to the author and his followers, can significantly expand a child’s innate abilities and even raise a real genius. However, opponents of this system are convinced that it can harm the child. Where is the truth?

If you are interested in early childhood development programs, be sure to read the article in which a psychologist explains what it is and what the basic principles of this popular educational system are.

The future author of the popular developmental methodology was born in 1919 in Philadelphia. In the early 40s, Doman began physical therapy practice at the clinic. The main goal of his work is to study the laws and features of the development of the children's brain.

However, the ongoing world war forced the scientist to interrupt his work and volunteer for the front. For his military service as a member of a company of infantrymen, Doman was even awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest among American military awards.

After the end of hostilities, Doman returned to work and began to specialize in children with severe damage to the cerebral cortex and serious damage to the central nervous system.

In the mid-50s, he organized the private Institute for Achieving Human Potential. The fundamental basis of this research institution was the method of Glen Doman.

For two decades, the scientist, together with his colleagues, conducted various studies, experimented, and summarized information in order to create a system for the rehabilitation of children with delayed mental and intellectual development.

Glen Doman was convinced that first of all it was necessary to cure the cause of mental difficulties - the imperfection of the brain, and only then deal with the consequences - weak speech, imperfect movements, etc.

In 1960, Doman published material in a specialized scientific publication about the peculiarities of his work with children diagnosed with brain damage and the results of their rehabilitation. This article brought him wide fame in scientific circles.

It was from this time that Doman’s early development method began to be actively used not only by specialists, but also by parents, and its use was expanded - now healthy children were also trained.

Full information about the development system can be found in books by the author himself:

  • “How to teach a child to read”;
  • "Harmonious development of the child."

In these books the reader will find a “clean” system, without additions or corrections. In Russia, the Doman technique is popular, which is adapted to Russian linguistic and cultural specifics by Andrei Manichenko.

Children's capabilities will increase day by day if you work with your child constantly and on a regular basis. The author of the method was convinced that the brain can only develop with daily training.

However, this process is uneven. That is why up to 3 years of age it is necessary to convey the maximum amount of information to the child, and in the next 3 years – until the age of six – to constantly support the child’s skills and supplement his “baggage” with new knowledge.

Doman's child development method is based on based on several important principles:

  1. Early classes. Classes with children to improve motor skills and intelligence should begin almost from the first days of life. Immediately after birth, Doman recommended incorporating exercise into your daily routine. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, grab, roll over, and stand. You should also teach your baby to swim. The author convinced that such reflexes are natural for children.

    Intellectual development occurs with the help of sets of cards. The child grasps the picture, remembering it at the subconscious level. This allows you to “pump” large amounts of information into the baby.

  2. Regularity of exercise. According to Doman, classes must be held daily and cannot be missed. Only in this case will the child’s brain work and develop fully.
  3. Taking into account the child's interest. Classes should be carried out only when the baby is interested in them. If he experiences any discomfort, he should return to exercise after 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Creating conditions for learning. Doman cards are a prerequisite for a child’s development. This toolkit consists of pictures, dots or words. Cards are introduced into the process gradually so that the baby can quickly remember everything.

Physical development according to Doman

The development system for the little ones includes a very serious set of physical exercises. Dr. Doman believed that there was a relationship between motor skills and intelligence.

Adults who regularly engage in certain exercises with their children stimulate cognitive processes. Thus, the more physically developed the baby is, the higher his intelligence will be.

In order for the baby to be active, certain conditions are created. First of all, you need a special crawling track, which needs to be positioned at a slight angle. The child should be lightly dressed during exercise.

The complexity and duration of the exercises will depend on the age of the ward.

  • Almost from the first days of life, a child must, using the innate push-off reflex, crawl a short distance along a special track. This type of exercise is performed 10 times a day. Total duration - 4 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child is offered an index finger or a smooth wooden pin of similar size for grasping. When the baby grabs the finger, the mother lifts his torso. Perform lifts 10 times a day. Duration - 10 minutes;
  • development of balance. This type of exercise involves improving the vestibular system. The parent rocks, rotates, and tosses the child in various planes. In total, this complex for newborns consists of 15 different exercises. Duration - 10 minutes.

From 2 to 7 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on his belly for a toy. He needs to crawl along the track a longer distance than before (a good level is one pause for the entire distance). The exercise is performed 15 times a day. Total duration: from 4 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child grabs the parent's finger, and mom or dad raises the torso so that the baby hangs a little. Perform hangs 15 times a day. Duration increases from two to 10 seconds;
  • development of balance. The mother rocks, rotates and tosses the baby in various planes. Again, the same 15 exercises are performed as in the early age period. Duration of improvement of the vestibular apparatus: 10 minutes.

From 7 to 12 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on all fours. It is necessary to carry out up to 30 series of such exercises per day. Total duration: minimum 4 hours, preferably up to 12 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the crossbar, and the parent belays him. Perform hangs 15 times a day. The duration of each exercise is 20 seconds;
  • development of balance. The child is rocked, rotated, and tossed in various planes. At this age, a set of 10 special exercises is performed. The duration of such charging is 20 minutes.

From 1 year

  • development of motor skills. The child walks, and he needs to start with one or two steps. Up to 30 walking sessions are carried out per day. Duration: minimum 2 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the horizontal bar, and then gradually moves along it using interceptions (this method must first be demonstrated). During the day you need to perform 10 interception exercises and 5 series of sagging exercises. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • development of balance. A set of 10 exercises is performed to passively develop balance. The parent shakes, twists, and tosses the baby in different planes. Duration: 20 minutes.

To ensure that nothing interferes with physical activity, Doman recommended that parents wear a minimum of clothing on their newborn. This way the child will move his arms and legs freely, which will speed up his physical maturation.

Read more about this in the article by a child psychologist. From it you will learn how to create conditions for walking and what exercises will help increase your baby’s physical activity.

In his works, the author indicated the optimal age for mastering this skill - 12 months. In addition, in order to control the acquisition of knowledge, it is necessary to ensure the child’s ability to speak, since after a week of training the baby must “read” the words shown.

Educational cards for children have a strictly defined size: 10 by 50 centimeters. The words on them must be bright red, and the height of the letters is approximately 7.5 centimeters.

According to the Doman method for teaching reading a certain pattern must be followed:

  1. First day: The child is shown 5 pictures with noun words four times. Pauses between classes are no more than half an hour.
  2. Second day: the parent performs three displays of 5 words each, already shown yesterday, and three displays of 5 new words each. The result is 6 lessons, during which 10 words are studied.
  3. Third day: Mom carries out six sessions of 5 cards, already shown on the first and second day, and three sessions of 5 new words. The result is 9 lessons, during which 15 words are studied.

It should be remembered that a 30-minute break is required between exercise sessions. In this case, the child’s nervous system will have time to rest, and the result will be noticeable faster.

As soon as the word has been studied for five days, it is removed from the demonstration, since the baby should already remember it. The author recommended to write on them the start date of presentation for better control over the replacement of cards.

Teaching a child to count using Doman

According to Glen Doman's method, parents and children count differently: an adult imagines a specific number, and a child sees the number of apples, candies, etc.

That is why on the cards that will be shown to the child, the author depicted not numbers, but red dots that correspond to this number. This will make it easier for children to learn counting.

The demonstration material consists of white cards, the size of which is approximately 27 by 27 centimeters. The diameter of the red circles is slightly less than 2 centimeters. You will need 100 similar cards, on which there will be from 1 to 100 circles.

Learning to count is similar to learning to read and includes the following actions:

  • the child is quickly shown cards with circles;
  • the lesson consists of three sessions of 5 cards each;
  • every day you need to add two new cards and remove 2 cards with familiar numbers from the session;
  • then the adult introduces additional pictures with more circles and increases their number.

Doman's counting method suggests that if a child regularly looks at cards with circles depicted, then very soon he will learn to set the number of objects automatically. This will allow him to perform mathematical operations on large numbers.

A child needs to be constantly developed, as Doman believed, the purpose of life is to gain knowledge. Information materials consist of so-called “bits of intelligence”, which represent some specific fact.

The author of the method believed that the explanations are not of particular interest and do not provide any benefit to the child, since his brain can only perceive pure facts - that same bit of information.

Cards for child development help to gain deep and versatile knowledge if:

  • each element of the image is clearly visible;
  • there is only one item shown on the map;
  • the parent pronounces the name of each item;
  • Previously, this image was unknown to the child;
  • the map is quite large;
  • it is clean, without image noise or dirt.

The formation of encyclopedic knowledge occurs as follows: the mother shows the child a card for 2 seconds, clearly pronouncing the name or description of the image.

Glen Doman believed that this technique is aimed at developing the speed of the nervous reaction. And if at first the child does not understand anything, then (subject to regular training) he develops faster memorization and photographic memory.

Initially, you need to show 10 cards three times a day, then little by little the number of cards shown increases to 120. As soon as the picture has been viewed 30 times, it should be replaced with a new one. Therefore, mom needs to keep a record of how long each card was shown.

Demonstration material is sold in stores, but many parents are increasingly choosing to make cards themselves, since hundreds, or even thousands, of pictures and images will be needed for training.

What other ones can you use at home? You can find out about this by reading an article by a child psychologist with the most detailed description of useful activities for kids by month.

Glen Doman's technique allows you to make cards from scrap materials. The simplest and most reasonable option is to download it for free from the website and print it on thick, high-quality paper using a color printer. You can make cards by cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers.

The printed material, if used carefully, will last quite a long time if the hard paper is additionally laminated. You can even lend such cards to friends who also want to teach their child using this method.

It is imperative to sign the back of the card in advance so as not to turn it over during the demonstration, because nothing should distract the baby from the process of contemplating the depicted object or word.

The cards need to be systematized and divided into certain sections. Eg:

  • poultry;
  • musical instruments;
  • body parts;
  • vegetables;
  • Russian writers, etc.

If for the youngest children 10 cards for each section are enough, then for older children the number of pictures increases sharply. In addition, subcategories appear in sections. For example, in the category “birds” “waterfowl”, “birds of the Arctic”, “birds of prey” appear.

Doman's technique in the words of the author

An American physiotherapist compared the child's brain to a perfect computer that collects and analyzes “bits of intelligence”. The author believed that it is not typical for children under 1 year of age to perceive overly intelligent thoughts.

The child should be presented with specific, clear and as accessible information as possible. As an example, Doman suggests paying attention to how a child meets a dog.

When a kid looks at Sharik running by and asks what it is, a parent can:

  • refer to being busy and refuse to explain;
  • tell the child: “This is yap-yap”;
  • simply say that it is a dog;
  • explain that this is a poodle dog;
  • show images with dogs;
  • demonstrate cards with different breeds of dogs and show where the St. Bernard, Shepherd, Dachshund, Setter, etc. are depicted.

The last explanation is the most complete, since without additional explanation the child can understand that all dogs have common features - four legs, a tail, and fur. However, pets differ in size, color, etc.

That is, in a short time the baby independently does a lot of intellectual work and accelerates brain activity.

Early child development according to the Glen Doman system is popular among domestic mothers. Typically, parents express positive opinions about the results of regular activities, since the baby is actively interested in bright images, words and dots.

Glen Doman's cards attract children's attention, so the child remembers a lot of facts and information that his parents offer him.

However, many experts are not so optimistic about this technique, highlighting several serious disadvantages:

  1. The system is based only on visual and sound perception. The child passively receives information, does not analyze it and is often unable to apply it in practice.
  2. The lessons do not provide for the development of creative abilities. For example, without developing fine motor skills, it is impossible to improve a child’s intelligence. However, when working with cards, the child does not draw, do not sculpt from plasticine, or play.
  3. According to the method, the text is accompanied by a demonstration of cards. In the future, the child has difficulty reading texts without images and does not always understand the material read. Such training is fraught with a lack of desire in children to engage in uninteresting activities.
  4. Every baby is a bright personality with his own preferences. One wants to sculpt from plasticine, another strives to collect puzzles, the third wants to engage in active activities. Not every child will study Doman cards without doing anything.

Increased stress on the nervous system often leads to undesirable consequences - mental disorders, changes in emotional background, problems with appetite, communication skills, high anxiety, and tearfulness.

Neurologist's opinion

Many experts speak quite negatively about Glen Doman’s method. For example, neurologist Elizaveta Melanchenko opposes early developmental systems, including Domanov’s.

Children often come to see neurologists with various problems such as tics, obsessive movements, and enuresis. Such symptoms are the result of teaching the child too early. What causes psychological and neurological disorders?

The maturation of a child's brain occurs gradually. First of all, centers are formed that are responsible for the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems, then for movement, emotions, volitional processes and reading.

If this sequence is violated (when a child is taught to read before he begins to walk), the baby’s development may deviate from standard indicators.

Due to intellectual overstrain, spasms of the head vessels occur due to blood flow to the brain. As a result, the child has a headache, tics, enuresis and simply increased emotional lability.

Unfortunately, some mothers do not listen to the advice of specialists and intellectually overload their children. As a result, the child becomes uncontrollable, aggressive, cannot master the kindergarten curriculum, and then switches to home schooling.

In especially severe cases, children are even prescribed serious medications to reduce the manifestation of neurological disease. The conclusion, as they say, is up to you.

Doman cards are part of the popular developmental system of the American physiotherapist. Some parents talk about obvious positive changes in the development of the baby, while other mothers are convinced that accumulated knowledge is forgotten with age.

(1 ratings, average: 1,00 out of 5)

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.


My daughter and I study on a phone and tablet using Doman cards, it’s convenient, my daughter likes it. Free Android application "Doman Cards" [link-1]

10/13/2013 10:07:37, Danila B. Popov

If anyone needs Doman cards for free, you can download them from my page. I made it for my son. He is 2 years 3 months old. We've been doing it for a year now. And most importantly, the child likes it! Especially, oddly enough, he likes portraits of various great people... He runs up and demands to see the cards. At first I tried to look for cards on the Internet, but no one offered them for free. I had to do it myself. I made a whole bunch :) I would like the results of my work to be useful to someone else!

something nothing new.
On the website "Umnitsa" (these are the ones who produce and sell training from the cradle) there are 100 cards and, in general, presentations of each of their materials. The complete reading set consists of 800 cards. If only there were cards ready for printing - yes! And in presentations, it’s not the desire that spoils a child’s eyes.

01.11.2008 15:04:19, Anna

Damn cool presentations.
Well, girls, learn to work with ancient archivers.
You now have 3 types of files there: - - -
You first unpack the first pair, preferably into the folder of the root directory C (for example, I did C:\Doman), then run the exe file that appeared in this folder and specify the folder C:\Doman.
Repeat the procedure again with the next pair.

03/20/2008 07:57:33, Alexandra

Please tell me how to unpack Pngsetup it says that either you do not have access or that the file does not exist. There is a file, but access?..

01/29/2008 16:32:03, ELENA

The first set of cards (counting up to 20) is good, but the second in this series let us down. Nevertheless thank you.

07/20/2007 21:05:28, Zoya

Nonsense, not cards! The design requirements for the book are not met, the points “frolic” on each other. And it’s easy to open this creation: first unpack it, then stupidly rename the .ppz extension to .zip and unpack it again.

I ordered English, but they still don’t send it. I’m very upset.

03/23/2007 19:12:05, Oksana

I have the same problem. What to do?

02.09.2006 22:45:01, Olesya

Information about ppz format

03/15/2006 15:09:16, Kostya

Powe Point 2000 problem does not understand this extension. Than you can look at them. Thanks in advance for your answer.

03/10/2006 12:16:21, Elena

Good evening! Can you tell me who is the manufacturer of Doman cards?
Thanks in advance for your answer.

02/03/2006 23:44:11, Natalia

Powe Point 2000 problem does not understand this extension. How can you watch them?

02.11.2004 23:11:32, Natasha

06/11/2004 02:30:00, Larisa

Thanks a lot. Do you have any other cards? My baby is 9 months old. What else would you recommend?

Comment on the article "Cards according to Doman"

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And teaching a child to read from one to two years old is complete nonsense!!! The map will be distributed free of charge by distributors during the celebration. English with a child in 30 minutes a day. 4 tips for parents. Therefore, first of all, you need to learn words.

At the end of August-September we plan to prepare a beta version of the Doman Cards application. If anyone is interested in watching and expressing their opinion, write in a personal message.

I like the description there that there is no clear bias in biology; according to the program, all subjects are at the same level. But in reality, I didn’t really like the Unified State Exam results published on the site, especially in mathematics (if she decides to go to the Faculty of Biology...

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Reading and mathematics from the cradle. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with I am a fan of this technique! my daughter is almost 2 years old, we are studying the “Primer Book from the Diaper”, watching CDs with encyclopedic books...

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air travel is free for up to 2 years, only the boarding pass is paid (usually 10% of the cost of transportation). Children over 2 years old, according to transportation rules, need a separate seat with, as is customary on charter flights, 100% payment.

If according to Doman, then a series of cards should be in one category. Doman is a follower of the Japanese Shishida, who was the first to discover the possibilities of education through the right hemisphere.

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Doman cards. . Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, classes with children.

“It’s only a step from a five-year-old child to me. And from a newborn to a five-year-old is a terrible distance..."

L.N. Tolstoy

At what age should you start studying with Doman cards?

When we talk to a newborn, we develop his hearing system. We can communicate the same information to him in visual form, using appropriate cards or video materials. By looking at them, he will develop his visual perception system. Glenn Doman recommends starting classes from birth. But, taking into account the peculiarities of infants’ vision, experts recommend starting classes at 3-4 months.

Doman VIDEO cards can be shown to your baby for no more than 15 minutes a day.

Sequence of learning to read using Doman cards

  • Single words

  • Collocations

  • Simple sentences

  • Common offers

  • Books

Doman's technique

Why teach a child at such an early age to read using Doman cards, if all children will someday learn to read anyway?

Neuroscientists at the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, led by Glenn Doman, have devoted fifty years to solving the problem of children with brain injuries. They were given the task of developing the brains of mentally retarded children. And they managed to do this; moreover, sick children began to develop faster than healthy ones. Previously, brain injuries were considered an incurable disease. The Glen Doman Institute for the Development of Human Potential has proven that a child with mental retardation can develop into a normal, educated person if he is taught correctly from birth.

Domana cards " src="images/KartochkiDomana_metodika.jpg" class="flipInY wow" id="KartochkiDomana_metodika">

When this technique was tested on healthy children, the results exceeded all expectations! Healthy children developed twice as fast!

Even then, in 1965, there were hundreds of children aged two or three years old, who just yesterday were considered mentally retarded, who had serious brain injuries, who, studying according to the Glenn Doman method, caught up and surpassed their peers in intellectual development: they were able to do 2 3 years of reading and fully understanding what was read, writing, counting, and also in physical development: in weight, height, head and chest circumferences they were 20% higher than ordinary children, and performed complex gymnastic exercises.

The effectiveness of Glenn Doman's method has been proven by time. For more than sixty years, children all over the world have been developing with the help of colorful Doman cards and have proven its effectiveness with their success.

In the USA and Europe, Doman's technique, based on the demonstration of cards (there it is called flash-cards), is extremely popular. In Russia, people learned about Glenn Doman relatively recently, and his system immediately became one of the most popular among advanced parents. I was very surprised to learn that many Nobel laureates today are among those who studied using Glenn Doman's method.

How to teach a child to read using Doman VIDEO cards

Since I saw the result, we wanted to continue further. But when it came to phrases and sentences, sticking cards on the walls became a very tedious task that took up a lot of my time in the evenings. I knew that for any baby, what moves and flashes is always of greater interest, and I decided to make VIDEO Doman cards according to Glenn Doman’s method and post them on the Internet for those busy mothers who do not have time to prepare for classes, but I have a great desire to develop my child. Now, in order to teach your child to read, it is enough to show 3 video lessons a day (with an interval of half an hour to 8 hours). Each video lesson lasts about 2 minutes and consists of 25 words with a video plot. Every day in each video lesson 5 new words are added, 5 old ones are removed, each word is demonstrated no more than 15 times within 5 days. At first, your baby simply remembers what is written, then analyzes it, and then goes on to read independently, bypassing the stage of syllable-by-syllable pronunciation. Constant analysis of incoming information actively stimulates your baby's brain activity, developing vocabulary, memory and intelligence during the most important period of active brain growth, which is confirmed by more than 70 years of experience at the Glenn Doman Institute (BBI).