Have you ever wondered: who gives us dreams? After all, it comes true periodically.

Or maybe someone from the future is actually having fun?

You will say: our distant descendants have nothing to do to rummage through the local analogue of our Internet, get into the thoughts of sleeping characters on the analogue of today's Wikipedia, hastily study their biographies, and suggest what will happen next? It's a veiled hint.

Maybe they have a test topic like this at school...

Many people know that lice dream of money, and fleas mean illness. Who established this differentiation of the future regarding the appearance of arthropods in dreams?

And since we have admitted that there, in the future, there are “prompters,” then it would be quite logical to assume the existence of analogues of our hackers, who, despite possible protection from a certain World History Protection Center, hack it and get into the sleeping brain with completely prohibited information...


The blue waves of the Black Sea obediently parted before the bow of the most formidable ship in these waters, and seemed to want to quickly escape from its path.

The battle cruiser Goeben was calmly approaching Sevastopol at eighteen knots.

More precisely, it was now officially called the “Yavuz Sultan Selim”, but in essence remained a German ship: the crew can put on fezzes, but the Germans will not become Turks, you can raise a flag with a crescent on the gaff, but the “Goeben” will still remain “Goeben” "

But this is all secondary: having broken through from Germany to Istanbul, Rear Admiral Wilhelm Anton Souchon simply dragged doubting Turkey by the scruff of the neck into the world massacre on the side of the Central Powers.

Now it was necessary to deprive their potential allies of escape routes as soon as possible: destroyers went to Odessa to attack the floating junk located there under the St. Andrew's flag, the light cruiser Breslau hurried to Batum, and the Goeben itself, under the flag of Souchon, was preparing to fire at the main base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol.

Moreover, there is practically nothing to fear: having a broadside salvo exceeding three tons, the Goeben could have absolutely no fear of the linear forces of the Black Sea Fleet, even if it met three of the five Russian battleships. And if all five - having more than ten knots of advantage during the course - it is more than easy to escape.

“Richard,” the admiral turned to the commander of the ship, “try to ensure that by dawn we are twenty to thirty miles south of the main Russian base, no closer.” Otherwise, there is a risk of flying out in the dark directly under direct fire from their coastal batteries.

Don’t worry, Your Excellency,” Captain zur See Ackermann was even slightly offended that Souchon could suspect him of short-sightedness. - “Goeben” will meet the sunrise fifty miles from Sevastopol.

Amazing! I hope that everything will go as it should with Madlung in Odessa, and he will pinch the feathers of the Russian cockerels there. And in the morning we attack Russia’s main base on this sea. I will not allow either Enver Pasha or the Sultan himself to back up and refuse to participate in this war. Dozens of Russian divisions will remain in the Caucasus, and will not be able to join their main forces on the western border.

“I fully share your hopes, Mr. Admiral,” the cruiser commander nodded politely and confidently. - I even think that if not this year, then next year, an amphibious operation against this Crimean wart will become quite possible.

After our victories, Bulgaria, and possibly Romania, will rush to join the Central Powers.

Well, well, let's not think too far ahead, Richard. First, let's do what we have in mind. I'll probably head back to my place. It was a rare opportunity to get at least six to seven hours of sleep. I also advise you to rest before tomorrow morning.

I will not fail to take your advice, Mr. Admiral, but a little later.

Good night!

Good night!

A good night fell on the Black Sea. The mass of steel and death, born just over two years ago at the Blom und Voss shipyard, continued to inexorably approach the shores of Crimea.

“Goeben” was truly the most advanced and formidable ship not only on the Black Sea, but also in the entire theater of military operations in general: even the Mediterranean squadrons of the British, French, Austrians or Italians did not have a ship in their composition that could compete with the German battle cruiser . - he either easily escaped from those who had more powerful artillery, or mercilessly smashed with his shells those who dared to catch up with him... With very considerable shells - almost three hundred kilograms each. Ten barrels.

Of course, after the chase in the Mediterranean Sea, when two battle cruisers of the Lady of the Seas, Indomitable and Inflexible, were hanging on their tail...

Getting involved with this couple, precisely the “couple,” was dangerous. Having faced one on one with any of them, Admiral Souchon’s flagship did not take much risk, but he had to get away from both of them. All over the shoulder blades. Moreover, the main enemy forces were supported by the armored cruisers of Admiral Trubidge. Four pieces…

Such races do not go unnoticed even for a very advanced ship, especially for its mechanisms. “Goeben”, of course, could no longer squeeze out the twenty-eight knots that it had shown in tests, but, if necessary, it would undoubtedly have produced twenty-four.

Although, in the Black Sea theater, even this is a completely unnecessary luxury - you can get away from sixteen-knot Russian battleships anytime and anywhere, catch up with and destroy their armored decks, which barely give out twenty-one knots - easily and naturally.

It won't go away! He can’t leave, he shouldn’t!..

Your Excellency! - Galanin reported. - The fires have been extinguished, “Eustathius” can return to general service.

Wonderful, Valery Ivanovich. What's stern?

Can't shoot yet, it takes about half an hour more.

Fine. Keep behind "Rostislav".

I obey!

The battleship began to catch up with the main line, and from afar the bow turret began sending shells at the practically condemned Goeben. To no avail at first, but it was still noticeable that today the arrogant Teutons could not get anywhere further than the seabed - the battle cruiser had already sunk heavily with its bow, the speed was insignificant, and Russian shells continued to break and destroy Krupp’s armor. Souchon's flagship was only snarling from two gun turrets...

But the Russians also had a great time - no matter how much Winter took care of his “John Chrysostom”, he was forced to leave the wake - the ship, engulfed in fires, began to fall out of formation, and towards the enemy. Blocking the firing sector of the comrades coming behind, and providing a small respite for the enemy. And he himself got a couple of additional eleven-inch shells.

It must be said that the water admitted into the holes even made it possible to somewhat straighten the already existing list, but, of course, increased the draft by an additional half meter. Only the proximity of the base made it possible to hope that the battleship would survive and continue the war - there was no talk of continuing this battle.

And the Goeben was simply rushing further into the depths in order to be sunk where it could not be raised and put into operation under the enemy flag. Souchon had the idea of ​​lowering the Turkish flag - not the German one, after all, but he rejected this prospect immediately and irrevocably: under this flag the cruiser entered the battle, under it it will go to the bottom, even if dozens more will die because of this, and then hundreds of Germans - honor is honor...

Knipsel continued to enthusiastically direct the firing of the artillery entrusted to him. Even though only two towers remained under his command, and in the bow only one cannon could operate, and an anti-mine battery, which was similarly badly knocked out, but the ship did not stop firing until the last minute, until he received the order “Save yourself as best you can!”

No, the Goeben had not yet received such damage that threatened it with immediate capsizing and death. He would have held out for another twenty minutes under the hurricane fire of Russian battleships. But why? It was clear to everyone, from the admiral to the last sailor who saw the current situation, that there was no way to leave...

Only the battlecruiser's machine crews continued to believe that their best admiral would turn out and save them...

And thank God that those at the bottom of the ships believed, believe, and will believe that their admiral (commander) is the best. Otherwise, it becomes very difficult to shovel coal, dripping with sweat, drag it to the blazing heat of the firebox, throw the contents of the shovel into it, closing your eyes from the heat, and again return to this heap of black horror, which you can’t drag around...

Give the order to open the kingstons, Richard.

“I already understood this, Wilhelm,” the cruiser commander for the first time dared to call the admiral by name. - I have a flask with me...

Let's not breathe on those who would take us prisoner with alcohol.

Captured?.. - Ackerman even choked with indignation.

Captured. Do you want to go down with the ship? I forbid you to do this.

Do you forbid dying for the honor of Germany? - the commander of the Goeben looked at the admiral as if he were a traitor.

Calm down. I simply order... I ORDER you to live in the name of Germany, in the name of its future,” Souchon raised his voice. - There is no time for arguments, but for now follow the admiral’s orders, captain zur-zee! And make sure that as many of your subordinates as possible remain alive today. Take action!

Ackerman really wanted to say something unpleasant to “His Excellency,” but the habit of obeying his boss, absorbed with mother’s milk, won out...

The admiral was left alone on the bridge, and he damn well wanted a Russian shell to land here and put an end to his doubts.

It’s easy to die in battle... That is, it’s not easy, of course, but there you simply live in battle - a flash - and you’re no more... It’s clear that you’re terribly afraid of this “flash”, and you’re even more afraid that it won’t be the “end” , but with a shrapnel that ripped open the stomach... Or something similar. What is it, this flash will simply burn your body so much that then for several hours you will pray to SKY for death in order to get rid of this hellish pain. You will be very lucky if the orderlies are nearby and drag you to the infirmary - there is a chance to get a morphine injection and die without suffering...

Vyacheslav Korotin

Admiral from the future. Constantinople is ours!

The binding uses an illustration by the artist. A. Zaikina

© Korotin V.Yu., 2015

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Chapter 1. Bringer of War

The blue waves of the Black Sea obediently parted in front of the bow of the most formidable ship in these waters and seemed to want to quickly escape from its path.

The battle cruiser Goeben was calmly approaching Sevastopol at eighteen knots.

More precisely, it was now officially called the Yavuz Sultan Selim, but in essence remained a German ship: the crew can put on fezzes, but the Germans will not become Turks, you can raise a flag with a crescent on the gaff, but the Goeben will still remain the Goeben "

But this is all secondary: having broken through from Germany to Istanbul, Rear Admiral Wilhelm Anton Souchon simply dragged doubting Turkey by the collar into the world massacre on the side of the Central Powers.

Now it was necessary to deprive their potential allies of escape routes as quickly as possible. Destroyers went to Odessa to attack the floating junk located there under the St. Andrew's flag, the light cruiser Breslau and the mine cruiser Berk hurried to Novorossiysk, the cruiser Hamidiye attacked Feodosia, and the Goeben itself, under the flag of Souchon, was preparing to fire at the main base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol.

Moreover, there is practically nothing to fear: having a broadside salvo exceeding three tons, the Goeben could have absolutely no fear of the linear forces of the Black Sea Fleet, even if it met three of the five Russian battleships. And if all five - having about ten knots of advantage during the course - it is more than easy to escape.

“Richard,” the admiral turned to the commander of the ship, “try to ensure that by dawn we are twenty to thirty miles south of the main Russian base, no closer.” Otherwise, there is a risk of flying out in the dark under direct fire from their coastal batteries.

- Don't worry, Your Excellency. “Captain zur See Ackermann was even slightly offended that Souchon could suspect him of short-sightedness. - “Goeben” will meet the sunrise fifty miles from Sevastopol.

- Amazing! I hope that everything will go as it should with Madlung in Odessa and he will pluck the feathers of the Russian cockerels there. And in the morning we attack Russia’s main base on this sea. I will not allow either Enver Pasha or the Sultan himself to back down and refuse to participate in the war. Dozens of Russian divisions will remain in the Caucasus and will not be able to join their main forces on the western border.

“I fully share your hopes, Mr. Admiral,” the cruiser commander nodded politely and confidently. “I even think that if not this year, then next year it will become quite possible to launch an amphibious operation against the damned Crimean wart.”

After our victories, Bulgaria, and possibly Romania, will rush to join the Central Powers.

- Well, well, let's not think so far ahead, Richard. First, let's do what we have in mind. I'll probably head back to my place. It was a rare opportunity to get at least six or seven hours of sleep. I also advise you to rest before tomorrow morning.

– I will not fail to take advantage of your advice, Mr. Admiral, but a little later.

- Good night!

- Good night!

A good night fell on the Black Sea. The mass of steel and death, born just over two years ago at the Blom und Voss shipyard, continued to inexorably approach the shores of Crimea.

“Goeben” was truly the most advanced and formidable ship not only on the Black Sea, but also in the entire theater of military operations in general: even the Mediterranean squadrons of the British, French, Austrians or Italians did not have a ship that could compete with the German battle cruiser . He either easily escaped from everyone who had more powerful artillery, or mercilessly smashed with his shells those who dared to catch up with him... With very considerable shells - almost three hundred kilograms each. Ten barrels.

Of course, after the chase in the Mediterranean Sea, when two battle cruisers of the Lady of the Seas, Indomitable and Inflexible, were hanging on their tail...

It was dangerous to get involved with this couple, just a “couple”. Faced one on one with any of them, Admiral Souchon’s flagship did not take much risk, but he had to get away from both of them. All over the shoulder blades. Moreover, the main enemy forces were supported by the armored cruisers of Admiral Trubidge. Four pieces…

Such races do not go unnoticed even for the most advanced ship, especially for its mechanisms. “Goeben”, of course, could no longer squeeze out the twenty-eight knots that it had shown in tests, but, if necessary, it would undoubtedly have produced twenty-four.

Although in the Black Sea theater even this is a completely unnecessary luxury - you can get away from sixteen-knot Russian battleships anytime and anywhere, catching up and destroying their armored decks, which barely give out twenty-one knots, is easy and relaxed.

In general: “Tremble - the “Master of the Sea” has come!”

The weather in the morning was not very conducive to the accuracy of reaching the planned target - Admiral Souchon's flagship slightly missed the mark and reached somewhat north of Sevastopol. And we had to approach the point of shelling of the port under indiscriminate fire from coastal batteries.

The Goeben immediately returned fire from its main and medium caliber guns. There were only forty cables before entering the Northern Bay.

Nothing serious: several shells hit the hospital area, several hit coal warehouses...

There was no significant destruction, and the number of those killed was not even in the dozens.

But the aggressor got three shells from the batteries. The fragments of one of them penetrated into the stoker and disabled one boiler...

... - Close the circuit!

The switches brought the fortress minefield to full combat readiness.

Myriads of electrons froze “at a low start,” ready to rush through the wires into the fuses of sea mines as soon as an enemy ship dared to disturb them with its bottom. And then seventy-five kilograms of pyroxylin will immediately, in thousandths of a second, turn into hot gas exploding outside the mine body and hit the insolent person who dared to enter the protected water area in the iliac...

"Goeben" was shaken by an explosion...

Chapter 2. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

“The next stop is Mendeleev Street, the final one,” a pleasant female voice sang in the trolleybus interior.

So, next time...

Andrey has never been to this area, although he was born in Kaliningrad. But it has never drifted here, to the outskirts.

1914 The German cruisers Goeben and Breslau, secretly deployed to help the Turks, take the Russian fleet by surprise, immediately changing the balance of power in the Black Sea and predetermining the defeat of Russia. This is how it was in the current reality... Will the “accidents” from the future be able to change the course of history? How can they trap and sink the damned Goeben? Will our contemporaries, under the guise of admirals Kolchak and Eberhard, be able to implement the Bosphorus landing operation so that the Russian military march to Pushkin’s poem “Your name is glorified by victory, Your shield is on the gates of Constantinople” becomes a reality? Will Constantinople be ours? “So loud, music, play the victory!”

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Admiral from the future. Constantinople is ours! (V. Yu. Korotin, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Chapter 3. With a new body!

The feeling was like after a long fishing trip from a boat: it’s like you’re lying on the bed, but it still feels like you’re rocking. The sun's ray tickled my eyelids with might and main, but I absolutely did not want to open them. But you have to - I don’t want to sleep, and...

- Christmas trees! Why am I passed out? – Kiselev remembered the latest events, and the remnants of sleep immediately flew away.

Andrey sat up on the bed and opened his eyes. The room, of course, is unfamiliar: a small bedroom, and furnished in a mixture of retro and “marine” styles, so to speak - one porthole-shaped window was worth it. The original people still live in this house...

Andrey went to the window and looked out.

Waves. Horizon. Ship. Military…

Can't be! It’s impossible to make a mistake - a Bogatyr-class cruiser...

Some kind of crazy!

Click!.. I remembered today’s dream. All. Straightaway.

- Nonsense! – Andrey rushed to the mirror, from which the face of an unfamiliar elderly man looked at him.

Kiselev-Eberhard retreated from the reflection slowly, so the bed did not hit him under the knees, but politely pushed him, as a result he managed to sit down on it and not crash.

An article about alternative possibilities for the course of the Great War in the Black Sea theater... Insane fee... Loss of consciousness... Dream...

Reason refused to believe. Reason could not reject the facts.

Pinching yourself is stupid and useless - Andrei realized that reality was around him. I haven’t accepted it yet - it’s impossible to accept this in minutes, the consciousness will rebel against such a phantasmagoria for a long time, but there is no doubt that it’s concrete.

So what now?..

There was a knock on the door.

- Come in! – the admiral shouted at full automatic.

- I wish you good health to your Excellency! – came from the dining room.

Eberhard's memory helpfully suggested: messenger Anton Lysukhin.

– Should we serve breakfast, Your Excellency?

- In ten minutes. – You should eat in any case.

- Eat! “The door to the admiral’s apartment slammed.

Okay, you still can’t sit in the salon. You need to put yourself in order and dive into this not very familiar world. Collect information and figure out what to do with it. You can reflect later.

Traditional morning chores - fortunately, the admiral's bedroom also had a bathroom. Combined, of course.

The consciousness of the former owner of the body, at the first request, reported where everything was lying and hanging, and by the time Lysukhin appeared with a tray, the fleet commander looked in full accordance with his position. The ribbon on the sailor’s cap indicated that everything was happening, as expected, on board the headquarters ship of the Black Sea Fleet, the old battleship “George the Victorious.”

Breakfast turned out to be modest, but quite good: porridge with butter, two soft-boiled eggs and coffee with freshly baked buns.

It took twenty minutes to eat, and after that the body demanded the traditional dose of nicotine. There were no cigarettes, but in the right pocket of the jacket there was a silver cigarette case with cigarettes.

Unfortunately, there was no aft balcony on the battleship, and we had to smoke through the open porthole. Smoke and continue to collect your thoughts.

So: it threw me here seriously and for a long time. And the damn “puppeteers” did this for a very specific purpose. Moreover, if we take into account the person into whom the infiltration took place, then it is almost certainly necessary to change at least the course of hostilities in the Black Sea theater, and perhaps even the course of the entire Great War.

Why they started all this, there is nothing to guess for now, let’s hope that they will come to me with explanations that same night.

If so, what can be done? Now it is clear that the article about the “Sevastopol Reveille” and its possible variants was not ordered by chance - Andrei no longer had any doubt that the transfer of his personality into the body of the admiral was the work of the charming Olga and others like her.

The guys decided to prepare the “patient” as much as possible, forcing him to thoroughly study the events at the right time in the right places. Feeling like a puppet in the wrong hands is extremely unpleasant, but there is no way to provide reasonable resistance. And it’s stupid to engage in sabotage - now this is my world and behaving according to the principle “to spite the conductor, I’ll buy a ticket, but go on foot” is irrational.

But no active actions can be taken in the next two months. For two reasons: firstly, there is a direct ban from St. Petersburg, which is trying with all its might to delay Turkey’s entry into the war, and secondly, the date of the attack, the bases attacked and the forces that Admiral Souchon will use for this are known. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed...

So, oddly enough, it is necessary to ensure a calm flow of history until the “Day of X”, so as not to inadvertently “crush the butterfly.” It is necessary that “Goeben” again dance on the minefield that same morning, but now the current will be connected to them. Will!

We will hold the Prut in Yalta, and send a couple of submarines to Feodosia to organize a warm welcome for the Hamidiye. It’s a pity that the “walruses” will not be ready for combat yet, then we could try to caress the “Breslau” near Novorossiysk, but the old “dives,” unfortunately, will not get there on their own. But it’s worth doing some kind of dirty trick on the German Turks there too.

In the meantime, no sudden movements, just float the fleet and practice firing the squadron. But also without fanaticism, so as not to shoot the trunks unnecessarily...

OK. It's time to go upstairs.

The warm and humid air of Crimea, it seemed, could be cut into slices. It was precisely this association that occurred to Andrei when he walked along the deck of the St. George the Victorious to the bridge.

– Good morning, Andrey Avgustovich! – Rear Admiral Planson, Chief of the Fleet Staff, greeted the commander.

– Hello, Konstantin Antonovich. I'm kind of late today. Did anything important happen?

- Everything is quiet.

– Have you reported any news from the fronts?

– Nothing pleasant: it seems that the operation in East Prussia will end even more disastrously than expected in recent days. Contact with Samsonov's corps has been lost; it is very likely that they will be surrounded and captured.

Andrei knew very well that it was not “very likely”, but absolutely certain. Hindenburg will finish the job, and the Russian army will lose about a quarter of a million people. But nothing can be done, and no one will listen to the advice of the admiral from the Black Sea regarding the conduct of the war in north-eastern Poland...

- They'll probably hit... Okay! We have our own problems. Mister Lieutenant!

- I’m listening, Your Excellency! – the watch officer immediately jumped up.

– Request battleships and cruisers to be ready to go to sea. And I ask you, Konstantin Antonovich, to take care of the relocation of the fleet headquarters to the Eustathius. From now on we will be located there. I'm heading towards it in the next couple of hours, and you... How long will it take?

“About two days,” Planson was slightly surprised that the commander suddenly and immediately decided to rebuild a fairly calm and measured life on the roadstead of Sevastopol. - Maybe more. Everything is so unexpected...

Reports from ships began to arrive. It turned out that it took about two to three hours for everyone to go to sea. That is, some are two, and some are three.

Acceptable, although not great. There is still a war, even though the fleet is not fighting here yet, but mobility will need to be maintained at a higher level.

Although, on the other hand, it is also clear that the colossus of a cruiser or battleship cannot be brought into combat-ready condition in half an hour directly from the one in which the ship is in its home port - the coal necessary for the functioning of all systems is burned and nothing more. And to heat up the boilers so that thousands of tons of steel start moving and running... Half an hour is not enough. And somewhere, maybe, there are some mechanisms on the bulkhead in general - the battleships are not new.

Therefore, Eberhard-Kiselev did not become particularly indignant at the delay - as if it was his own fault: the ship commanders need to be warned in advance that the reins may get under your tail and they will urgently want to take the fleet to sea...

Deciding to give the commander of the “Eustathius” Galanin time to recover before the admiral’s visit, Andrei first strained his orderly to “move” and collect all the essentials for the first time, and scheduled the boat’s departure from the side of the “George” in an hour.

And I was surprised to discover that Eberhard had given the sailor a good time, since he, having heard the order, did not hesitate to mutter dissatisfied comments under his breath about “and why he can’t sit still...”.

I didn’t immediately respond adequately to such obvious impudence, but “I tied the knot” - it would be necessary to conduct an explanatory conversation at the level of the vocabulary of midshipman Zagoruiko, who throughout the Northern Fleet was considered an unrivaled master of finding the right words when Kiselev served as a conscript on the Admiral Makarov. The midshipman's words cut through the livers of any sailor. Moreover, Zagoruiko used a very limited number of roots of the great and mighty Russian language in such cases. But he so masterfully operated with their combinations with prefixes, suffixes and endings that his statements could be listened to as works of art. Preferably from the side, and not eye to eye...

Kaperang Galanin met the admiral at the gangway. I was a little nervous when receiving the commander, but tried not to show it.

– I am glad to greet your Excellency! – the voice trembled slightly, but only slightly. – Your apartments are almost ready...

“Hello, Valery Ivanovich,” Eberhard extended his hand to the commander of the battleship.

This time the “meeting” with the puppeteer took place in the office. Andrei sat in a chair and looked expectantly at his interlocutor. The time has come to explain specifically and finally understand what you have gotten yourself into.

– Congratulations on your first day in your new body. The debut was successful.

– Can you guess where I want to put your congratulations, or voice them?

– There is no need – I understand perfectly well what you want to say both to me personally and to all those who take part in this project.

Let's not waste time and energy on emotions, but talk about your future.

- What else...

– Stop, Andrei Nikolaevich! Don't get hysterical ahead of time. You are a reasonable person, so first get the information, then think about it, and after that I will answer any questions if any remain. So?

– I’m listening.

- That's good. First: you are here, and nothing can be changed. In principle it is impossible. The consciousness of Andrei Nikolaevich Kiselev is embedded in the brain of Admiral Eberhard. All the technical nuances on the topic “how?” I am omitting it for two reasons: it is no longer important and I myself have no idea how the transfer is carried out - other people have done this. We'll have to accept it and live with it. You can only “jump” by shooting yourself in the temple. Are you going to consider this option?

“You won’t wait,” Andrey muttered gloomily.

- Already good. Further: if it consoles you, the original lives quietly on in the reality you have lost, he calmly returned home, so you don’t have to worry about your family - everything is great there, even better than it was before the visit to the known address.

- So, it’s still there?

– What, were there any doubts?

- Hardly ever.

- Well, it’s nice to deal with an intelligent person. And I hasten to answer the question-complaint that you are embarrassed to voice: eighteen years of your life were “stolen” from you, which, of course, can’t help but be annoying. Don’t worry - your body has become healthier and even slightly younger, the main thing is don’t allow yourself to be killed. Not a single disease will take you, unless, of course, you begin to completely brazenly lead a blatantly unhealthy lifestyle. Don’t destroy yourself with drugs, don’t turn into an alcoholic - in this case, almost Methuselah’s longevity is guaranteed.

“I see,” Andrey thought for a minute, and his interlocutor patiently waited for a response.

– But why all this? For what purpose? To be honest, I feel like a pawn, a toy...

- And completely in vain. This is a very real world, and, if it consoles you, we, those who arranged the transfer of your matrix, can no longer influence the course of history in it - we can only observe. Our conversation, by the way, is our last, I won’t come again.

- Seriously?

- Absolutely. There will be no additional information - get out based on the knowledge you have. It's clear?

- It's true. But I never received an answer to the question “Why?”

– Is it necessary? If you please: “Interesting” will suit you? Moreover, I dare to assure you that it was not so easy to get permission for this “interesting” thing. It is interesting not to any specific person, but to the science of my time.

You, of course, have read more than once in science fiction works about parallel worlds?

- Of course.

- So: this is reality. By the way: the world in which you lived is also not primary - it arose after the “fork in the road” arranged during the reign of Catherine the Great. And this is also not the first “variation” in it.

- But this... - Andrey simply choked from the emotions bursting through him, - this is humiliating, this...

– But let's not give in to emotions. What's humiliating? The people of this world live. Just like the inhabitants of all other created worlds. And the vast majority do not feel discomfort from the realization that they were created by some God. Is the analogy clear?

- More than…

Kiselyov wanted to object, but for some reason words suitable for objection did not come to mind.

“Then allow me to take my leave.” I sincerely wish you good luck, Andrey Avgustovich...

- That's not my name! – Andrei started to jump up, but, as often happens in dreams, the plot ended...

Vyacheslav Korotin

Admiral from the future. Constantinople is ours!

The binding uses an illustration by the artist. A. Zaikina

© Korotin V.Yu., 2015

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Chapter 1. Bringer of War

The blue waves of the Black Sea obediently parted in front of the bow of the most formidable ship in these waters and seemed to want to quickly escape from its path.

The battle cruiser Goeben was calmly approaching Sevastopol at eighteen knots.

More precisely, it was now officially called the Yavuz Sultan Selim, but in essence remained a German ship: the crew can put on fezzes, but the Germans will not become Turks, you can raise a flag with a crescent on the gaff, but the Goeben will still remain the Goeben "

But this is all secondary: having broken through from Germany to Istanbul, Rear Admiral Wilhelm Anton Souchon simply dragged doubting Turkey by the collar into the world massacre on the side of the Central Powers.

Now it was necessary to deprive their potential allies of escape routes as quickly as possible. Destroyers went to Odessa to attack the floating junk located there under the St. Andrew's flag, the light cruiser Breslau and the mine cruiser Berk hurried to Novorossiysk, the cruiser Hamidiye attacked Feodosia, and the Goeben itself, under the flag of Souchon, was preparing to fire at the main base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet - Sevastopol.

Moreover, there is practically nothing to fear: having a broadside salvo exceeding three tons, the Goeben could have absolutely no fear of the linear forces of the Black Sea Fleet, even if it met three of the five Russian battleships. And if all five - having about ten knots of advantage during the course - it is more than easy to escape.

“Richard,” the admiral turned to the commander of the ship, “try to ensure that by dawn we are twenty to thirty miles south of the main Russian base, no closer.” Otherwise, there is a risk of flying out in the dark under direct fire from their coastal batteries.

- Don't worry, Your Excellency. “Captain zur See Ackermann was even slightly offended that Souchon could suspect him of short-sightedness. - “Goeben” will meet the sunrise fifty miles from Sevastopol.

- Amazing! I hope that everything will go as it should with Madlung in Odessa and he will pluck the feathers of the Russian cockerels there. And in the morning we attack Russia’s main base on this sea. I will not allow either Enver Pasha or the Sultan himself to back down and refuse to participate in the war. Dozens of Russian divisions will remain in the Caucasus and will not be able to join their main forces on the western border.

“I fully share your hopes, Mr. Admiral,” the cruiser commander nodded politely and confidently. “I even think that if not this year, then next year it will become quite possible to launch an amphibious operation against the damned Crimean wart.”

After our victories, Bulgaria, and possibly Romania, will rush to join the Central Powers.

- Well, well, let's not think so far ahead, Richard. First, let's do what we have in mind. I'll probably head back to my place. It was a rare opportunity to get at least six or seven hours of sleep. I also advise you to rest before tomorrow morning.

– I will not fail to take advantage of your advice, Mr. Admiral, but a little later.

- Good night!

- Good night!

A good night fell on the Black Sea. The mass of steel and death, born just over two years ago at the Blom und Voss shipyard, continued to inexorably approach the shores of Crimea.

“Goeben” was truly the most advanced and formidable ship not only on the Black Sea, but also in the entire theater of military operations in general: even the Mediterranean squadrons of the British, French, Austrians or Italians did not have a ship that could compete with the German battle cruiser . He either easily escaped from everyone who had more powerful artillery, or mercilessly smashed with his shells those who dared to catch up with him... With very considerable shells - almost three hundred kilograms each. Ten barrels.

Of course, after the chase in the Mediterranean Sea, when two battle cruisers of the Lady of the Seas, Indomitable and Inflexible, were hanging on their tail...

It was dangerous to get involved with this couple, just a “couple”. Faced one on one with any of them, Admiral Souchon’s flagship did not take much risk, but he had to get away from both of them. All over the shoulder blades. Moreover, the main enemy forces were supported by the armored cruisers of Admiral Trubidge. Four pieces…

Such races do not go unnoticed even for the most advanced ship, especially for its mechanisms. “Goeben”, of course, could no longer squeeze out the twenty-eight knots that it had shown in tests, but, if necessary, it would undoubtedly have produced twenty-four.

Although in the Black Sea theater even this is a completely unnecessary luxury - you can get away from sixteen-knot Russian battleships anytime and anywhere, catching up and destroying their armored decks, which barely give out twenty-one knots, is easy and relaxed.

In general: “Tremble - the “Master of the Sea” has come!”

The weather in the morning was not very conducive to the accuracy of reaching the planned target - Admiral Souchon's flagship slightly missed the mark and reached somewhat north of Sevastopol. And we had to approach the point of shelling of the port under indiscriminate fire from coastal batteries.

The Goeben immediately returned fire from its main and medium caliber guns. There were only forty cables before entering the Northern Bay.

Nothing serious: several shells hit the hospital area, several hit coal warehouses...

There was no significant destruction, and the number of those killed was not even in the dozens.

But the aggressor got three shells from the batteries. The fragments of one of them penetrated into the stoker and disabled one boiler...

... - Close the circuit!

The switches brought the fortress minefield to full combat readiness.

Myriads of electrons froze “at a low start,” ready to rush through the wires into the fuses of sea mines as soon as an enemy ship dared to disturb them with its bottom. And then seventy-five kilograms of pyroxylin will immediately, in thousandths of a second, turn into hot gas exploding outside the mine body and hit the insolent person who dared to enter the protected water area in the iliac...

"Goeben" was shaken by an explosion...

Chapter 2. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

“The next stop is Mendeleev Street, the final one,” a pleasant female voice sang in the trolleybus interior.

So, next time...

Andrey has never been to this area, although he was born in Kaliningrad. But it has never drifted here, to the outskirts.

And it’s a pleasant area: Andrey stepped off the steps and involuntarily admired the riot of greenery on the outskirts of the ancient city. What was also impressive was the mansions that were rebuilt here and precisely here by those who could afford such things.

- Excuse me, but where is Sergeant Mishin Street? - Having trodden a certain number of meters, Yuri turned to a woman passing by at the intersection.

- Yes, you are standing on it. What number do you need?

- Twenty-nine A.

- Then forward, up the hill. It will be about half a kilometer.

It was impossible to frighten Andrei Nikolaevich Kiselev by walking - on hikes, with a backpack over his shoulders and covering forty kilometers a day. And not on the sidewalk...

And here there is a pleasant shade amid the August heat, beautiful houses, gardens around them...

The only thing that is not clear is why the hell did the person who ordered the article need a personal meeting and the text printed on paper?

Couldn't they have gotten it on the Internet? And pay there too.

But no: take out and put in the “paper” for them, and even personally delivered. Although…

Maybe these are some prospects?..

Yellow two-story house. Not exactly luxurious, but solid.

At the gate there is a natural representative of the security of very serious people: he is never a “dumpling”, lean, but the strength is still felt.