If you find yourself on my website and are reading this article, then I believe that in your head, as well as in mine, there is an idea that mother’s milk is the most valuable food product.

But sooner or later there comes a point in feeding (yes, this happens to everyone) when breastfeeding begins to tire, irritate, or even become completely boring.

Various thoughts, excuses, advice from friends appear, persuading you to quit breastfeeding and live without breasts, or, if the child is only a year old, then switch to artificial feeding.

How long to feed a baby with breast milk and is there any point in feeding a one-year-old (and older) baby?

To feed or not to feed?

Hello! My son is one year and three months old. People around me constantly ask: until how old am I going to breastfeed and when will I wean?

They scare me that when he grows up and begins to understand a lot, it will be difficult for me to separate him. They say how uncomfortable, even shameful it is when a child begins to demand the breast in society. And in general, there is no benefit in milk for a child at that age.

What do i do? Is it time to start weaning or continue feeding?

The question is interesting and the situation is common, but your fears are unfounded. Let's first look at how you and your baby benefit from breastfeeding.

Breaking stereotypes

Proponents of stopping breastfeeding are, as a rule, people who either want to resume work or who base their knowledge on the old pediatric school.

  • Modern research comes down to the benefits of long-term feeding, including even for a one-year-old child. Even after two years, breast milk is beneficial;

By the way! The opinion that a breastfeeding child will definitely scream and become hysterical while asking for it in any crowded place is not entirely true. Breastfeeding after 1.5 years can take place without “bloated” hysterics.

  • A child at this age fully begins to understand and assess the situation. If you explain to him that he will only receive breasts at home and strictly adhere to the set boundaries, then the whims quickly go away and feeding does not cause inconvenience;
  • And closer to two years, the child understands even more, modestly and quietly, clinging to his mother’s ear, asking for his favorite milk. But this behavior must be developed!

Benefits of breastfeeding

During pregnancy, a close bond is formed between mother and baby. Afterwards, during feeding, the connection only strengthens.

Benefits for the baby

  1. Thanks to feeding, the baby develops harmoniously not only physically, but his full psychological development occurs;
  2. The child grows up emotionally balanced. Breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the development of the entire nervous system;
  3. The breast does not have a timer; it does not know that the baby is one year old. And milk never ceases to be useful. The benefits of breast milk after a year remain exactly the same as at 11 or 10 months.

Until six months of age, milk covers all the baby’s needs. From six months onwards, complementary foods in the form of vegetables, cereals and meat are introduced. But milk does not lose its value. During the second year of life, milk provides 40% of nutritional needs.

  • The baby suckles less, but the percentage of milk fat and the specific gravity of antibodies that protect the body increase by 2-3 times (by the way, read a useful article on how to protect a child from colds?>>>);
  • Immunoglobulin protects the oral cavity, which is very important, since a baby at this age puts everything in his mouth;
  • The mucous membrane of the ureters and intestines is protected;
  • Such children do not experience a lack of calcium, potassium, or iron. They are less likely to have the problem of anemia. Of course, provided that the mother eats properly and is not exhausted;
  • In addition to minerals, 2/3 of the vitamin components are provided by natural food. Ascorbic and folic acids are especially important;
  • The likelihood of getting colds and intestinal diseases is reduced. Milk contains lysozyme, lactoferin and other substances that contribute to the subsequent strengthening of immune functions.
  • Breastfeeding a child after a year prone to allergies plays a key role in maintaining health. Milk contains antibodies that prevent large amounts of allergens from entering the body;
  • The sucking process affects the correct development of the bite, the possibility of caries is reduced, and the muscular apparatus of the jaws develops correctly. This will play a big role in the development of speech and correct pronunciation.

Benefits for mom

First of all, during breastfeeding, a strong relationship with the child is formed.

  1. It is not very true that feeding exhausts the mother’s body, depriving her of vitamins and minerals. With proper nutrition, without exhausting yourself with diets, breastfeeding occurs without harm to the woman;
  2. According to statistics, if a woman breastfeeds for a long time, the likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer decreases;
  3. Breastfeeding a child promotes weight loss, since about 500 kcal per day is spent on milk;
  4. With gentle weaning from breastfeeding after a year, the mammary glands enter the stage of involution in the second (third) year of feeding;

The gland tissues are gradually replaced by fatty tissues, which provide the breasts with volume, which implies its return to almost its original shape, without terrible sagging.

  1. Prolonged feeding prevents the occurrence of mastitis and pain that occurs during early weaning.

Based on the above, it can be understood that the opinion about the dangers of breastfeeding after a year is completely unfounded.

Dispelling myths and horror stories

The myth that it is difficult to wean a child when he understands everything is also not true.

  • It is easier to come to an agreement with an older child, to explain many points, and the sucking reflex slowly fades away and the child begins to skip his usual feedings;
  • The myth that after weaning the child will begin to sleep all night and will not wake up 5-10 times is not true;

If you never particularly worked on your baby's sleep before weaning, know that sleep disturbances may persist after weaning. And, if the child wakes up, he will calm down faster at his mother’s breast. A child deprived of a breast may take a long time to fall asleep and sleep restlessly.

  • The myth that a child does not eat well due to breastfeeding is not true;

Often babies refuse to eat due to improper introduction of complementary foods. The child is forced to eat, theatrical performances are staged, trying to cram in as much food as possible.

Such procedures arouse negative desires and aversion to food in the child, and this is not the fault of breastfeeding.

  • During the teething period, mother's breasts play a vital role in calming and relieving tension.

The myth that a child constantly bites the breast is also unfounded. Yes, it’s possible that he might bite. But the child is already an adult, it is quite possible to wean him from biting.

Know! If there are no compelling reasons to interrupt feeding, for example, the mother is severely ill and requires hospitalization, then continue breastfeeding after a year.

Prepare your baby for weaning smoothly, then neither you nor he will encounter any unpleasant sensations when finishing breastfeeding.

Various aspects of breastfeeding are still discussed in medical circles to this day. Controversies and discussions continue on a variety of aspects, including the topic of when to stop breastfeeding. Pediatricians with extensive working experience, as well as the generation of grandparents, unanimously argue that lactation is needed for no more than 1 year - after that it’s just pampering and harm.

Experts today recommend maintaining breastfeeding for 2 years; lactation consultants advise listening to the needs of the child himself and, if possible, not giving up breastfeeding for 2.5 years or more. Such disparate opinions on the topic until what age a child should be breastfed can confuse any young mother. Let's look at this question in detail.

Experts do not yet have a consensus on the duration of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding age

Until what age should you breastfeed? The topic for debate is more than hot. The most fierce “battles” take place in this area. Opinions and advice differ so much from each other that your head is spinning. Some argue that the first trimester of breastfeeding is quite enough, while others are ready to breastfeed for as long as 3 years. Finding the “golden mean” in the question of how long you should breastfeed is the only way to dot all the i’s.

Beloved by many mothers, Dr. Komarovsky expresses the opinion of the majority of pediatricians and scientists in the field of child development on this issue. He offers the following solution to the issue:

  • 0 months - 6 months – The baby eats only mother’s milk. Of course, the rule strictly applies if the mother has enough milk. At the same time, it is not recommended to introduce complementary foods ahead of time, and also to completely exclude them, especially juices. Dry bread, crackers and other snacks are also completely excluded.
  • After 1 year, breastfeeding can continue if the woman wishes and is able. Children of this age group already eat a very varied diet and the lack or absence of milk from the mother will no longer be a stumbling block.

The conclusion from this is: doctors recommend Feed newborns in the first half of life only with mother's milk, since during this period it exhibits the main nutritional and protective functions. Feeding with mother's milk in later stages is a personal matter for each individual family.

WHO opinion

In fact, there are practically no disputes about feeding six-month-old and one-year-old children. This time period is perceived by most as the stage of active breastfeeding. All questions and disputes begin just after 1 year. Doctors convince mothers of the advisability of maintaining lactation after a year.

The World Health Organization states that breastfeeding protects children's bodies from infections, particularly intestinal infections. Prolonged lactation (2 years or more) is especially recommended in countries with a high incidence of infectious diseases and low levels of hygiene. More civilized countries, economically and socially prosperous, leave full right of choice to the woman.

Today, mothers have no problems introducing high-quality complementary foods, which means there will be a minimum of medical difficulties.

Modern mothers can buy high-quality store-bought baby products or prepare complementary feeding meals themselves

What do your American colleagues think?

The American Association of Pediatrics decides how much to breastfeed a baby as follows:

  1. 0-6 months - feed only breast milk;
  2. 0.5-1 year – feeding with milk with the introduction of complementary foods;
  3. after 1 year - if possible and desired by the mother, lactation can be continued or completed.

Until what age should a baby be breastfed? Mother's milk is useful for every child, no matter the number of months or years lived. Breast milk is not only food, but also water, which perfectly satisfies the baby's drinking needs.

In Western countries, most nursing mothers completely switch their baby to a different type of food by the age of one year.

To feed or not to feed?

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Mother's milk is the only complete nutrition for a newborn, this is known to everyone and does not require proof. Any, even the most expensive and high-quality mixtures are just an attempt to recreate this unique natural product. Each woman has the right to decide for herself how long to breastfeed her baby. When deciding how long to breastfeed your baby, it is very important not to prevaricate and be honest with yourself.

A short period of breastfeeding (measured in monthly intervals) is extremely insufficient for a child from the point of view of his psychological and physical health. No matter how long a mother feeds breast milk, even if it is less than a year, such nutrition is still better than mixed, and even more so completely artificial feeding from birth.

At what age is immunity established in a child? Formation stops at approximately 6 years of age. Breast milk, rich in immunoglobulins, can strengthen it and help it cope with all kinds of microbial attacks and viral infections. Based on this, we conclude that lactation should be continued for as long as possible. Of course, as the baby gets older, the positive effect of mother's milk on children's health will decrease.

If you think exclusively about the baby’s health, then you should choose the maximum duration of breastfeeding

Myths about long-term breastfeeding

There are rumors, and these are just rumors, that prolonged lactation will negatively affect the child (his teeth may deteriorate, the boy will grow up to be a pervert, the mother will get “women’s” problems and many other “horror stories”). You shouldn't believe this! There is no scientific evidence for these statements!

Early weaning will give rise to a number of disruptions in mental processes and the immune system. The question of how many months or years to breastfeed is a stumbling block for many parents and doctors.

If we consider the natural, i.e. natural weaning of a child from the breast, it will be optimal in the period after 3 years. A gentle option for the child’s psyche and health would be unobtrusive and delicate weaning after 2.5 years on the mother’s initiative.

Blaming breastfeeding for all your problems, you should stop a little and think, is this really so? Sometimes we want to cover up our own weaknesses and failures in this way. A screaming baby demanding breasts and not receiving them, as well as all sorts of tricks in the form of breasts smeared with brilliant green or sealed with a band-aid, or taking hormonal drugs - is this really the most optimal option for completing the lactation process? The choice is yours.

Is self-exclusion possible?

Until what age should a child breastfeed? Pediatricians of the “old school” recommend excommunication at the age of one to one and a half years, considering this period the most appropriate, because the child at this time will not be able to express protest and “resist.” You can often hear “advice” from mothers that the child should be allowed to scream for a couple of nights, but then everything will be fine. Is such cruelty towards your child really the norm?

Women who plan to feed the baby with their own milk until the baby refuses to breastfeed are perceived at best as eccentric, and at worst as crazy or even selfish, who, to please themselves, in order not to suffer from putting them to sleep, prefer to put “into the baby’s mouth” breast pacifier." People have little faith that a child is able to wean himself off the breast as he grows up. Undoubtedly, self-weaning is characteristic of all children who were not specifically weaned. How many examples can be found among animals in their natural habitat! Not a single wolf or tigress would even think of running away from her cub to stop feeding. happens by itself, absolutely naturally.

Sucking is the body's ability to survive in infancy, as well as to maintain and strengthen health when it grows up a little. The sucking reflex is the main one for children of the first year of life, but it does not disappear after a year. This reflex, according to experts, persists in a child up to three years of age, and then it is “forgotten” and the baby no longer has a need for his mother’s breast.

Easily overcoming age-related crises, warmth and love are integral companions of breastfeeding. It is also extremely important for the child's psychological and physical health. Until what age to breastfeed is an individual decision, and we wish you to accept it mutually and, as they say, amicably.

Quite often, a young mother is faced with the opinion that breastfeeding should only be done during the first year of the baby’s life. What if the baby doesn’t even think about saying goodbye to his beloved mother’s milk? That’s when the question arises: maybe you shouldn’t rush to wean your baby off the breast?

How long to breastfeed?

There is no consensus on the duration of breastfeeding. Some people believe that breastfeeding after a year is inadvisable, others breastfeed until the end of paid maternity leave, and supporters of radical views believe that a baby can receive mother’s milk for as long as he wants.

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF* place great emphasis on the continuation of breastfeeding in children over one year of age, recommending that this process be maintained for up to two years or more.

A child in the first six months of life should receive only breast milk, which contains all the necessary nutrients and water. From six months, breast milk remains beneficial for the baby, but can no longer fully provide all the nutritional needs of the baby, and therefore, from this age, along with mother’s milk, so-called “complementary foods” are introduced into the baby’s diet.

A second year child eats a very varied diet. His diet is almost the same as that of an adult. A mother can breastfeed her baby once or twice a day, most often at night. But this feeding is very important, since at the end of the first and in the second year of life, intensive growth, physical and mental development of the child continues. Therefore, breastfeeding should be done for as long as possible to help the baby grow properly and harmoniously.

Breast milk has a unique property: at each stage of the baby’s development, milk contains exactly those biological substances (hormones, growth factors, etc.) that are not found in any other baby food, and that will ensure the correct development of the child at that moment.

*UNICEF, or the Children's Fund, was created by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on December 11, 1946 to provide assistance to children in Europe after World War II. In 1950, the fund's activities were expanded and tasks were set to help children and women in developing countries.

For example, the milk produced by a woman who has given birth during the first two weeks of breastfeeding (lactation) is close in composition to colostrum (“breast milk “concentrate”), which helps the baby catch up with developmental delays. Or in the last stages of lactation (its second year), milk, in terms of the content of specific protective proteins of the immune system - immunoglobulins, resembles that which prevents infection with infectious diseases.

Benefits of long-term breastfeeding

Nutritional value

Scientific research proves that in the second year of life (and even after two or more years) milk remains a valuable source of proteins, fats, enzymes that break down proteins and fats in the intestines; hormones, vitamins and microelements that are quickly and easily absorbed.

The content of vitamins and microelements in human milk may vary depending on the mother’s diet, but with a balanced diet it always meets the child’s needs. For example, when breastfeeding in the second year of life, the baby is protected from a deficiency of vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal formation and functioning of eyes, skin, hair, as well as vitamin K, which prevents bleeding. In addition, human milk contains an optimal amount of iron, which is very well absorbed in the baby’s intestines and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Scientists have calculated that if a one-year-old child receives 500 ml of breast milk per day, then his daily energy needs are met by a third, protein by 40% and vitamin C almost completely.

Protection against diseases

It is interesting to note that each pathogen that infects the mother stimulates the production of immunoglobulins present in the milk and received by the baby. The concentration of these substances in milk increases with the age of the baby and with a reduction in the number of feedings, which allows older children to receive strong immune support. Immunoglobulins coat the intestinal mucosa like "white paint", making it inaccessible to pathogens, and provide unique protection against infection and allergies. In addition, proteins in human milk stimulate the development of the baby's own immune system. Also, human milk contains substances that support the growth of beneficial bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in the intestines, which prevent the colonization of it by pathogenic bacteria.

Reducing the risk of allergic diseases

WHO studies have shown that long-term natural feeding (over 6 - 12 months) in combination with a hypoallergenic diet* of a nursing mother significantly reduces the incidence of development in children.

*Hypoallergenic food is food from which products containing allergens, as well as sharp and irritating substances, are excluded.

Bite formation, facial structure, speech development in children it is also determined by the duration of natural feeding. This is due to the active participation of the muscles of the soft palate in the process of obtaining milk from the breast. Children who are breastfed for a long time are better able to reproduce the tones and frequencies of sounds. Speech disorders are less common in them, and mainly these are physiological replacements of the sounds “w”, “zh”, “l” with “simple” sounds.

Benefits of children's physical development

Breastfeeding ensures an optimal ratio of fat to muscle tissue in the child's body and an optimal ratio of body length and weight. The physical development of a child corresponds to his biological age, does not advance or lag behind. This was determined by the timing of the formation of various skeletal bones.

Plays an important role emotional aspect of long-term natural feeding. The special connection, the psychological attachment that is established between mother and child during feeding, remains for life. The neuropsychic development of such children may be advanced; they adapt better in adulthood.

It is the process of breastfeeding that helps in the formation of the soul and personality that is inherent only to humans, self-awareness and knowledge of the world around us.

Mothers who breastfeed for a long time show more care for their children, have a more positive attitude towards them, and maintain a feeling of love, which is especially important during the critical age periods of children after one year. No matter how stressed the mother is when she sits down to feed her baby, by the end of feeding both of them relax, and both of them noticeably improve their mood. In addition, women who breastfeed are much less likely to develop malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands and ovarian cancer.

Installed protective role natural feeding regarding the incidence of diabetes mellitus* and obesity in children and adults.

*Diabetes (Greek diabetes from the Greek diabaino to pass through, flow through) is the general name for a group of diseases characterized by excessive excretion of urine from the body. Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by insufficiency of insulin (a pancreatic hormone), causing metabolic disorders, mainly carbohydrate metabolism.

However, the reduction in the risk of diabetes depends on the duration of breastfeeding. The direct mechanism of this effect is associated with the fact that the energy substances of human breast milk, especially proteins and carbohydrates, are optimal in their structure for the child, are easily absorbed by him, without requiring an increase in the level of substances (including insulin) that break down the elements of milk into their component parts . Therefore, the regulation of the hunger and satiety centers in the brain does not change. And failures of such regulation lead to metabolic disorders and the development of endocrine diseases.

When not to stop breastfeeding

For any disease or ailment of the child, since breast milk allows the baby to gain additional protective factors that help cope with the disease. It has been noticed that children who receive breast milk in the second and third years of life recover faster during illness.

In summer time, since in summer, due to high temperatures, food spoils faster and the risk of developing intestinal infections is higher. But even if such a disease occurs, complementary feeding products will have to be temporarily discontinued and only mother’s milk will be consumed, which will be not only nutrition, but also a valuable natural medicine. In addition, stopping breastfeeding is always stressful for the body, including the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

In summer, the activity of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract changes due to the predominance of vegetables and fruits in the diet, rather than meat and dairy products, and the high air temperature does not encourage higher-calorie foods. Thus, the abolition of breastfeeding and a complete transition to adult food creates additional conditions for indigestion.

Do not stop breastfeeding immediately before important, significant events in your life and in the life of the baby, since these events are, for example, a change of residence, travel, mother going to work or study, the child starting to attend a nursery, etc. - are a stress factor for a small organism.

In general, continue breastfeeding for as long as your maternal intuition tells you. Depending on the baby’s health condition and your inner feelings, she will be the one who will help you make the right decision.

Attention: During the entire period of breastfeeding, psychological support from loved ones (husband, parents) is important for a woman in her desire to breastfeed for as long as possible.

After all, mothers often stop feeding their children only because of the misunderstanding of others.

Don't listen to those who suggest stopping feeding for a year. Continue breastfeeding until age two or beyond. After a year or a year and a half, human milk does not become “empty”; at any stage of breastfeeding, it is the most valuable and healthy product for the baby, which helps him grow healthy, smart and cheerful.

Olga Kachalova
Associate Professor, Department of Hospital Pediatrics, Moscow Faculty of Russian State Medical University
national expert on the WHO/UNICEF program "Ten steps to successful breastfeeding", Ph.D.


And we are almost 8 months old now, and we eat everything from the chest, we love this thing) Now it’s warmer, so we can even go for a walk. I think I’ll try to wean him off for a year.

At two months the baby stopped latching. We are now 7 months old. We still eat breast milk, in a slightly different way (long live the breast pump, I’m already changing the third one) - I express before each feeding, of course this has its difficulties, but they are worth it to overcome them. I want to hold out breastfeeding for at least a year, while it lasts formation of immunity.

09/30/2009 07:58:59, Alex_sa

I really liked the article. I want to write a lot...
But I’ll probably write about what I didn’t see in the discussions.
I want to breastfeed for as long as possible (my daughter is now 1 year 11 months old),
BUT I have real problems with my teeth, gums, and hair.
And this is what I understood about this: nature is wise, as you know, and everything in it is harmonious,
therefore, a mother who goes the natural route breastfeeds for a long time,
must live, accordingly, in a natural environment, where there is clean ecology, fresh vegetables, etc.
And if the mother gives for a long, long time, and in return does not receive sufficient support (vitamin),
then a discrepancy occurs, as a result of which the mother’s body suffers.
And if the mother feels bad, then the child is not very good either.
It turns out there are two options: either stop feeding, or figure out how to do so,
so that my mother’s body has this support.
I don’t completely trust artificial vitamins and, as a supporter of naturalness,
Now I’m trying to find sources of natural vitamins.
If anyone has a similar experience, please share.

03/09/2009 00:49:04, sio

I fed Masya until she was 1 and 10 months old. It was very difficult to quit, but since I was at work during the day and she didn’t eat boob, at night she made up for it in full - and we ate all night - I had to quit, since I had no strength at all.
And now my conscience gnaws at me for quitting early when I meet mothers who breastfed longer.
But on the other hand, my daughter, until she was 1 and 10, wanted to eat almost nothing else except me, although she was not thin. And now at least she eats normal food (though she’s lost weight:()

12/17/2008 14:02:43, Len4ik

I liked the article too! Thank you! I have been feeding my daughter for 1 year and almost 2 months, which I am very proud of, although at 3-4 months the baby refused to breastfeed. She screamed, pushed, and bent. This upset me very much and I tried my best to establish feeding, because there was a lot of milk! Thank God everything worked out and today you can’t tear her away from her boobs.
I will feed the baby as long as it takes, but I want a second child, the sooner the better. So far I can't get pregnant.

05.12.2008 02:04:07, Lara

I’m ready to feed at least until I’m three years old, but I’m afraid I’ll be left without hair and teeth.

28.11.2008 22:52:05, Elena

I would like to add one more thing to my previous message. We breastfed until we were 4 years old, but at 3 years 3 months we went to kindergarten (we had to go to work). They sucked tits in the morning and at night. In the meantime, we gradually got used to the kindergarten, for the first months we stayed there until lunchtime, and slept at home during the day, and then before naps. We practically didn’t get sick until we were 3 years old (at 1 year 9 months - ARVI, and then somehow we had sniffles for a few days and everything went away). We have been going to kindergarten for 1 year and 3 months now, but we often don’t get sick (2 times a year - ARVI), although it is very difficult for us to go to kindergarten, i.e. We can’t get used to it, apparently it’s not ours, I don’t know what to do anymore, I need to help the child somehow. There is a concept of “non-kindergarten child”, apparently that’s us. We both suffer and suffer from this. The girl is very developed beyond her years, ahead of her peers (everyone notes), very sociable, easily gets to know both children and adults, makes contact, but she doesn’t like being in kindergarten, it’s hard for her, even the teachers note this. They began to cry often, although before kindergarten I almost didn’t know what tears were. These tears have already turned into hysterics, apparently because the child is constantly under stress, and this is bad; the nervous system, which was previously quite strong, suffers. I don’t know what to do, it seems like time has passed (we’ve been visiting the kindergarten for 1 year and 3 months already), and we did everything gradually (I was there with her at first, then we gradually added to the time she was there for three months), and the kindergarten is wonderful (she likes all the classes, we are in a Montessori group, she really loves going to the pool there, music classes, choreography, English), and the teachers are good, they themselves see how hard it is for my daughter. But no way! With all this, she does not arrange “demonstration performances”, she tries to hold on, and this is bad. Emotions and stress should still come out, we can get ready for kindergarten with a wild roar and drive the whole way like that. If you hold back in the morning, then in the evening the storm breaks out. It’s hard, I’m worried about not tearing the baby down. But I'm getting off topic. So you can breastfeed and work when the kids are no longer babies, and they let you work - they don’t get sick often, and if they do, it’s mild and they recover quickly (try not to stuff your kids with medications, their immunity will help them cope on their own , just lead a healthy lifestyle, maybe some folk remedies will help). As for the appearance of the nursing mother herself, it seems to me that this depends more on genetics, on the kind of life the mother leads and, in general, on her very attitude towards breastfeeding (the attitude should be positive and bring joy, not necessity). My breasts remain the same. Yes, when I was feeding, it was a wonderful size (C), I really liked it, but then everything returned to its original position, and it doesn’t show that I fed until I was 4 years old. My figure remains exactly the same as before pregnancy. After the maternity hospital, I wore the same things as before pregnancy. I even checked out wearing the same trousers that I wore before pregnancy. So my size 40 remained mine. Many people say so, you dress in a children's store with your daughter, because... Not every size 40 item fits me (sometimes it’s too big for me). I understand that everything is individual, but still it depends more on genetics, the mother’s lifestyle, maybe some malfunctions have occurred in the body - we must try to correct them. Everything will work out, the main thing is the attitude! Maybe someone will do this after breastfeeding, we are all different, just like our children. But we feed for a year or two or three... and then we can take care of our body for the rest of our lives. All in our hands. Everything will work out!!! I think the main thing is to tune in and not be lazy, the result will always be there. I wish everyone good health, smiles and happiness!!!

Great article!!! I also fed my daughter breast milk. My daughter and I graduated from school at 3.8. True, sometimes after that they rarely applied, but by the age of 4 they reached the finish line. Somehow everything happened naturally - without psychological trauma to the child and without tugging, the milk gradually ran out, and the child gradually lost the habit. It is important! Thank you for support! Otherwise, I was reproached more (by my relatives) for breastfeeding for such a long time. It was not difficult at all, everything was natural - it brought us both great pleasure when you are alone in these moments and belong only to each other, no one interferes in our relationship at this moment, you experience some kind of unearthly calm. This is important for both the child and the mother! I’m just sure and I see from my own experience that this is health (immunity), and the psychological comfort of the child, and a huge bond between mother and child. Someone even said that it also affects intelligence. I think so too. I have a 5 month old baby. said “mom”, at 1 year she spoke quite well, and at 1.5 we were already reciting poems. Very good motor skills: at 8 months. they could easily unfasten and fasten the zippers, at 1 year old they could not only undress themselves, but also dress them, at 1.5 years old she put together puzzles with 13 pieces, and at 2 years old - with 48 pieces, so the logic is wonderful, she reasons like an adult , speaks English quite well. We were not even 4 years old, and we became interested in the question of the universe, who came first, an adult or a child, etc. Children who are on breastfeeding sleep wonderfully. Since birth, we sleep peacefully all night (pah-pah). For the first 2-3 months we sucked our boobs once at night, after 2-3 months we slept until the morning, until 7 o’clock, then we would suck and continue to sleep until 10 o’clock. And my breasts remained the same, as they were before the birth of my daughter. Breastfeed for as long as possible and don’t listen to anyone! And for those who were unable to feed for a long time due to important reasons, do not be upset. You are a MOTHER and you can compensate this for your baby. Good health and family happiness to everyone!!!

But I was initially set up for long-term breastfeeding. And when my son was 2 months old, and I was hospitalized for 5 days, and was injected with antibiotics, and at home the baby ate formula, I WORRIED terribly. As a result, there was not enough milk, and I no longer had to express (before the hospital I pumped (involuntarily) half a liter (!) a day, otherwise there would have been inflammation).
My mother saved me from the formula for increasing lactation MD-mil; the pediatrician at the hospital gave me a couple of cans for free (!). Before that, I tried a lot of things, but it didn’t help.
Now we are one year old, and in my opinion my son is not going to give up breastfeeding, but I don’t mind and am infinitely happy about this and am even a little proud that I was able to prolong lactation. After all, breastfeeding has not only positive aspects, but also deprivations: you have to forget about the diet, you can’t eat on vacation (without a child), at night, again, sleep is interrupted in order to feed the child, etc.
And therefore, phrases like “how long are you going to continue feeding?”, said with irony or even teasing, really just jar, especially when they are uttered by CHILDREN’S DOCTORS, and women at that (((. I probably know better, I’m a MOTHER, period .

10.22.2008 14:44:55, kimochka

Mine is 3.5 years old, so I think it’s probably time to stop breastfeeding. There is a difficulty, because She eats not only at night, but also in the morning, during the day, and in the evening.

I have never listened to other people's surprised cries about long feeding. I and only I am responsible for the health of my children, so I will feed as long as necessary in

10/07/2008 20:43:36, Oksana

I drank goat's milk before and after giving birth. And with my very slender figure, there was plenty of milk. Highly recommend.

01.10.2008 13:49:48, Lyudmila

Yes, the article is wonderful. And I would also like to add that lactation can always, or almost always, be restored if there is a desire and the appropriate attitude. My son is almost 2 years old and we are still sucking “TITU” and we are definitely not going to give up for the next six months! And there was a period (my son was 4.5 months old) when there was suddenly not enough milk, and I tried drinking dill water, the result exceeded all my expectations! Yes, the White Gold bank, which I collected from the very first day of discharge from the maternity hospital, also helped me cope with the crisis. I just pumped and froze, just in case. And when we had to supplement the feeding, we made do with my supplies and didn’t have to give formula.

09.29.2008 21:07:25, Natalya

Oksana! Well, I completely agree with you!!! I read the first reviews, I was also shocked by the reaction of mothers of artificial babies! My son is 1 year and 3 months old, I’m still breastfeeding, although he already goes to kindergarten. My friends are not very keen on this they react like “I should have quit a long time ago,” and one actually said that she saw it on TV, some specialist spoke and said that long-term feeding harms not only the child, but also the mother’s thyroid gland worsens, endocrine diseases appear!!! Thank you HUGE for the article I felt better like a mountain off my shoulders, otherwise I had already decided to quit. Although I also admit that I really like breastfeeding!

09.29.2008 13:25:35, Olga

The issue of finishing feeding is a special topic.

We can often hear (including, unfortunately, from pediatricians) that after a year, milk is empty and useless. This statement is completely false!

After a year, human milk becomes richer in immunoglobulins and protective factors, and contains many vitamins and nutrients in an easily accessible form. With a decrease in the number of feedings, milk approaches colostrum in composition. No product compares to breast milk! Never again in your child's life will he have the opportunity to eat such unique food!

So why deprive your baby of such benefits?

Yes, of course, after 6 months, breast milk cannot satisfy all the needs of a growing body, but it still remains a unique addition to the diet, even if the child receives it once a day.

I know what often scares away opponents of long-term feeding. A picture of a one-and-a-half-year-old toddler or even a two-year-old lifting up his mother’s sweater while shouting “SISYU-U-U-U-U-U!” or when the baby cannot calm down without the mother's breast - not a pleasant one.

But this is not a mandatory component of feeding after a year! With the right approach, feeding will be enjoyable for both baby and mother. And the breast will not limit the child’s emotional development.

If for a young child the mother’s breast is the answer to all questions, consolation, reassurance, maintaining contact, then for an older child contact and reassurance increasingly come from the mother as such, and not from the breast.

And it’s up to mom to establish rules of conduct around the breast that won’t make moms blush :)

If we look at traditional cultures, they often breastfeed children until they are 5-7 years old. Of course, this is not 24-hour sucking, but 1-2 applications per week when it is really needed. And most mammals continue to feed their offspring until the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.

This is not a guide to action, but an illustration of how much the advisers are sometimes mistaken when they say that after a year the baby is already too big to suck.

The position of the World Health Organization regarding the duration of breastfeeding is quite definite:
“Skilled support should be available to all mothers to initiate and maintain exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and ensure timely introduction of appropriate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for two years or longer.”

As a mother, I had different experiences with breastfeeding. The eldest son ate milk until he was 3.7 years old, in the last months it was 1-2 times a week, but the initiative to stop feeding still came from me. Of this time, for 10 months he ate in the company of his younger sister. He was a classic "titty" baby :)

My middle daughter found comfort in me, not my breast, from a very early age. That is, when she was upset or scared, she needed a tight hug, a whisper in her ear and rocking, not a breast in her mouth. Although, of course, feeding was on demand, and I practically did not limit it, introducing some rules only for about a year and a half.

She gave up breastfeeding quite easily, at about 2.5 years old, when we were expecting her little sister. We completed the feeding very smoothly, so smoothly that I didn’t even remember when the last feeding was.

This gave me 4 months of respite in an already 7-year total feeding experience :)

I know in practice, and not in theory, how pleasant and convenient breastfeeding can be after a year. And I know exactly how invaluable benefits breastfeeding has for a child.

Feel free to feed your children over one year old! And let feeding bring joy!

With love,
Olga Svistunova

During this wonderful time of her pregnancy, almost any expectant mother is confident that she will definitely breastfeed her baby. But, unfortunately, sometimes situations occur in which breastfeeding is impossible for various reasons.

Undoubtedly, a young woman needs to try to preserve her milk and to do this, stimulate its flow by all means, but if she cannot do this, then there is no need to be upset. Many children grew up quite healthy and just need to familiarize themselves with the necessary information in advance and know until what age a child should eat formula.

Benefits of bottle feeding

There is a widespread belief that cow's milk is a product that is best not given to children at a certain age, since it contains much more phosphorus than mother's milk. Therefore, such an excessive concentration of this microelement can have an unnecessary effect on the kidneys, which will subsequently lead to poor absorption of vitamins and calcium by the baby’s body.

For this reason, many are in favor of artificial feeding. Parents who do not want to include animal products in their baby’s food in the first years of his life have their own opinion about the age at which to feed their children formula. You can see those using mixtures in the diet who are going to give all the necessary nutrients in this way to their baby until the age of three.

Another advantage of artificial feeding is that the mother knows exactly how much her baby has eaten, unlike someone who is breastfeeding and cannot understand whether her child is getting the right amount of milk. The mother of an artificial baby just needs to know for sure at what age the child should eat formula in order to understand when to correctly include this or that product in his diet.


Of course, there is no person who does not understand that dairy products for infants are a necessary measure. There are those whose composition meets all the needs of the baby. But then, until what age should a child be fed with an adapted formula? Many people wonder whether it is worth using it at all, when the baby is already eating everything from the common table? Why, in this case, dilute the mixture from the pack if he can be given real foods?

Therefore, supporters of this theory are confident that they know for sure. Arguments against the use of this complementary food for a child are based on the experience of our grandmothers, since cow's milk, and not formula, has always been considered the food of children over one year of age. After all, even the generation of modern mothers was fed only on natural dairy products and semolina porridge. Therefore, many do not believe in the fact that it can harm the child’s body, but on the contrary, they consider it the right nutrition for their children, in contrast to artificial feeding. But even despite any disadvantages of infant formula, it is better to give preference to them, since they are hypoallergenic, which cannot be said about cow's milk.

How to find the right solution?

There will never be the same opinions, and there will always be those who decide to argue until what age to feed a child with formula. We are looking for a middle ground in this matter. For example, the famous pediatrician Oleg Evgenievich Komarovsky claims that the harm from cow's milk for a baby over one year old has been greatly exaggerated. At the same time, he does not speak out at all against feeding infant formula and believes that it is possible to feed children up to three years of age in this way. Many experts also do not see anything criminal in giving a toddler a dairy product or kefir.

But you need to take into account the baby’s protein tolerance and then make a conclusion about the age at which children should be fed formula and when they can be switched to natural products. Mommy will have to decide this issue herself, of course, with the assistance of a competent pediatrician.

Reviews from doctors

Experts also have their own opinion about the age at which children should be fed formula. Their advice on this issue is as follows: you need to clearly follow the recommendations on the product boxes and carefully monitor the condition of your child (how he reacts to this or that complementary food).

If the mixture is chosen correctly and the baby gains weight, then he can be fed this way until he is about two years old, gradually eliminating night snacks. But you should stick to one chosen brand and not jump from one mixture to another in order to avoid its poor absorption and not cause allergies. Doctors' advice on the age at which children should be fed formula may vary, so you should always monitor your child and never overfeed him.

Nutritionist opinions

If you ask experts about the age at which children should be fed formula, their arguments will be such that if you choose the right product formula, you can give adapted milk formulas until they reach the age of three.

They are simply necessary, according to nutritionists, for the full development of a child, especially for those who live in cold regions of the country. The mixtures can be given either in pure form or added, for example, to tea or porridge. These products create a small load on the child’s body as a whole, so there will be no harm from them, but only benefit.

The World Health Organization has advice on the age at which infants should be fed formula. These experts believe that a low-weight baby who is unable to receive mother's or donor milk should be bottle-fed after discharge from the hospital and until he reaches six months. They also argue that for such babies it is necessary to purchase not a standard formula, but one enriched with nutrients.

Healthy artificial children, according to WHO, can include this product in their diet for up to two years.

Reviews from experienced mothers

On many forums for new parents you can often come across the question: in general, until what age should you give formula? But it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this, since each mother proceeds from her own personal experience and is guided by how her baby tolerated this or that mixture.

Many say that this complementary food can be given to children up to three years old, others - that after one and a half years the mixture must be gradually replaced with kefir and natural milk. Therefore, it is better not to rely on the advice of even experienced mothers, but to monitor the well-being of your child and periodically do not forget to consult with specialists in these matters.

When can I stop night feedings?

This question is solved as individually as the one that asks at what age to feed children with formula. Reviews from experts on this matter say that you should not wean your baby off night snacks at any cost. All children are different, and some babies can sleep through the night after six months, while others continue to drink formula until they are three years old.

But there is no need to worry about this: a healthy child will gradually give up night feedings and formulas altogether when his time comes. When the baby switches to four meals a day, then in the dark, dairy products can be replaced simply with water.

How to choose the right mixture?

In order not to be afraid to give your baby such complementary foods and to know exactly at what age to feed infants with formula milk, when purchasing it you need to follow the main recommendations from leading nutritionists and pediatricians.

When purchasing, you must carefully read its composition. It should not contain starch and sucrose. The mandatory components of this product should be Omega-3 and probiotics, which the child needs at an early stage of his development. Therefore, it is recommended by many experts to include mixtures in the diet of children under three years of age.

As a child grows, his need for fluids and various nutrients becomes different, this is the reason why the compositions of the mixtures are different and correspond to a particular age.

What types of baby formulas are there?

Several types of this children's product have been developed, and they all have different purposes:

  • Standard ones are recommended for babies who do not experience any problems with eating and digesting food.
  • The lactose-free product is prescribed to children who are lactose intolerant.
  • Hydrolyzed ones are used to feed a child who is allergic to cow protein.
  • Probiotic products - for children with impaired intestinal function.
  • Powder mixtures containing goat milk.
  • Antireflux - suitable for a child suffering from frequent regurgitation.
  • Soy products are for children who cannot tolerate animal milk at all.
  • A product for prematurely born babies, which contains properly balanced components that help to quickly gain weight.

Naturally, nothing can replace mother’s milk, but if circumstances arise in such a way that the child will grow up on artificial complementary foods, then the choice of formula must be approached in a thorough manner.

Cooking rules

Before using this product in your baby’s diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The temperature of the liquid in the bottle should be approximately +37 degrees Celsius.
  • It is necessary to carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene when diluting the mixture, and also use only boiled filtered water.
  • Strictly follow the required proportions indicated on the jar, as improper preparation can cause problems with the child’s digestion.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date after opening the package.
  • Do not mix mixtures from different manufacturers under any circumstances.
  • Do not heat the bottle in the microwave, and after shaking, make sure that no air remains in the form of bubbles, which can lead to colic and belching.
  • Give your child only recently prepared food.

Myths about bottle feeding

Many people think that if you add more powder to the water when preparing the mixture, then in the end it will turn out to be higher in calories - this is not true. Such food will take longer to digest and will also overload the baby’s kidneys.

All mothers try to give their child as much milk as indicated in the table on the pack, because they are sure that the child should eat exactly this portion - this is a myth. Each baby has individual needs, so the portion should be selected for each baby. If it suddenly seems that your child is not eating enough, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Good for every mother to know

New parents try to listen to the advice of every specialist, but it can be different. Therefore, you just need to know a few generally accepted rules:

  • You should never force-feed your baby or sleep, as he may swallow too much air, which will subsequently lead to colic.
  • In the first months of his life, a bottle-fed baby must be fed on demand, just like one who is fed breast milk.
  • When a baby has a cold or is sick and refuses to eat for these reasons, there is no need to force him. But he must drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • When your baby eats, you should always tilt the bottle correctly, and if he swallows too quickly, buy a smaller pacifier.

There are no clear answers about at what age to stop artificial feeding. Parents just need to listen to the needs of their baby, who will decide for himself when he no longer needs formula. Only one thing is known, that this product, if chosen and used correctly, cannot harm the baby’s body.