It happens that you choose clothes in a store, but don’t like either the color or the pattern. A person doesn’t like brown and that’s it. And the green one is not bad, but the design is too simple and ugly. If you have things such as knitting needles, as well as special threads, you can knit yourself a new wardrobe item, namely a jacket. After all, by trying it on, you will receive joy and pleasure. Therefore, knitting a sweater with knitting needles is a good and useful activity.

The advantage is that you can choose the pattern and threads for the sweater yourself, as well as choose any patterns you like from a magazine or the World Wide Web. It is worth understanding that you must have the basics of knitting various types: how to take knit stitches, how to purl them, and so on.

Before you start knitting a sweater with your own hands, you need to use some tips for beginner knitters. You don’t need to think that this process is so difficult for beginners, terribly labor-intensive, and will take a lot of time. First you will need to make calculations and find out the dimensions of your canvas.

If the bottom of the item being made will be made with an elastic band, then to begin with, slightly fewer loops are used than indicated in the picture. And those that are missing will be added later - in the very last strip, in an even manner. Then the item will look neat and beautiful.

In the case when you are knitting this item with your own hands for the first time, you must first make patterns that can be attached to the work in order to determine the correct sizes, when it will take less time and the work will be much easier.

When the product is ready, it needs to be ironed. However, pay attention to the recommendations that accompany the pattern of a specific product and knitting a blouse. It may not be possible to iron.

It is necessary to wet the jacket with water and then dry it, then the resulting pattern will be clearer. The sleeves and edges may not look very neat, and the neck will also look the same. For beauty, all these elements are knitted in half-columns or single crochet. There is also another option, for example, cast on loops on knitting needles and make an elastic band necessary for the strap. To do this, just select its height.

It happens that the sleeves do not match each other - one is longer than the other or, on the contrary, shorter. The same can happen with shelves. To ensure that they are the same, knit them at the same time, for this you use knitting needles with fishing line. In this case, you should take it of sufficient length. It’s good when the pattern is symmetrical, but to do this, make sure that it is even on both sides, that is, one pattern should repeat the other.

Although there can be a huge variety of models, for example, openwork items for summer, warm or long ones for winter, with short sleeves, with buttons, with belts. In general, there is plenty to choose from. In order not to get confused in this extensive assortment, below are instructions on how to knit a sweater for a girl for a beginner.

Knitted sweater for girls

This product will have short sleeves and can be worn in the spring. For such an item you need yarn made from cotton. The thing is suitable for an eight year old girl. Let's prepare yarn in 2 colors - white and blue. You also need knitting needles, and you will also need to take a gypsy needle, which has a large eye. Knitting a sweater with knitting needles begins by casting 71 loops onto the knitting needles.

Knitting pattern for a baby blouse

We knit 2 strips with a 1*1 elastic band and blue thread. After which we need to change the thread to white, we knit an elastic band to a size of 3 centimeters in height. Now we will change the main drawing. At the beginning of the row we will have 25 knit stitches. There will be the same amount at the end of the row. In the middle there will be 1 purl, 17 knits, and then another knit.

Thus we must knit 14 blue rows. Then we make white lines. We measure the height of the canvas, it should be 33 centimeters.

Following this, we begin to make openings for the sleeves. To do this, we close two loops at the edges. We continue to produce the jacket. After another 8 strips, we begin making the neck. First, we close 17 loops, which are in the middle of our work. Then through the row we close three stitches three times. And one more loop - also 3 times. We measure the fabric again, it should reach 49 cm. As soon as we are sure of this, we begin to knit the shoulders, closing 16 stitches.

We do the back in a completely similar way, the only thing is that we don’t create a neckline.

Now we will knit the sleeves for the blouse. To do this, we cast on 47 loops, and then make two lines with a 1 by 1 elastic band in blue. Next, change the thread to white and create 5 rows. We perform the following pattern: the beginning and end of the row - 13 knit stitches, followed by 2 purl stitches, 17 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches. Change the thread again and make 14 loops.

Change the blue thread to white and knit 6 stripes. We will add one loop to each row. When the canvas reaches 15 cm, the sleeve will be ready. Next we assemble our product. First we have to sew one shoulder. There are loops left on the neck. They should be thrown onto a knitting needle, and then we will start knitting an elastic band measuring one by one.

First we knit 8 white lines, and then two blue ones. After which we close the loops. When we have done all this, we need to do embroidery on the front. If the fabric is blue, then we embroider it with white threads, and vice versa, if it is white and blue. When the embroidery is completely done, our elegant jacket is finally completely ready.

The blouse will look very nice with. Other models can be seen in the video.

Such a stylish item should undoubtedly be in any woman’s wardrobe. Below we will learn how to knit such a women's blouse with buttons yourself, for beginners. It is quite easy to make this item, because the drawing is very simple:

  • From the first to the seventh row there will be a purl loop first, and then a knit stitch.
  • 8 and 9 vice versa - front, then purl.
  • We make the 10th row in the same way as from 1 to 7, and so on.

In order to knit our jacket with buttons, we will cast on 93 loops on the knitting needles. It is important to know that this quantity is necessary for clothing size 32. We knit 36 ​​rows, while in 27, all loops will be purl. When all 36 rows are connected, we begin to make decreases. To do this, we knit the following loops together: 4, 5, 6. Next we need to knit 88, 89, 90 loops. These sweater stitches are knitted right side out. All others, according to the scheme described below.

Next we knit 1 row. In the place where there will be side cuts on the item, we must put a mark. This is done using a special marker, and if there is none, then we use a bright-colored thread.

Now we decrease the loops as follows: every 6 rows, one loop on the left, and every 7 stripes, one loop on the right. Thus, we make 15 rows. Then we knit one purl row. After this, we decrease the loops in each 10th row on both sides twice, and then in each 8th row we do the same 5 times. Now you need to tie the fabric until it reaches 45 centimeters, and make 1 strip again and... P.

To knit the armhole, we begin to bind off 4 loops in the first two rows, and in the next 3, we bind off 5 loops. Through a row we will close 3 loops. We repeat again. We perform 3 rows, bind off 2 loops, and repeat this action again.

Knitting a sweater with buttons should continue until the armhole is 20 cm high. After that, we make the next two rows with decreases on the sides. To do this, first we close two loops. In the next line we bind off 6 loops. We knit our fabric up to 60 centimeters and close all the loops.

To make secret pockets, cast on 23 sts, then knit 38 rows. All rows are knitted according to the pattern, and then we transfer the loops onto pins.

Next we knit the shelves. First we knit the left one. To make it, we will cast on 52 loops. We knit 36 ​​rows according to the pattern. Then you need to make 1 purl row. We knit 4,5,6 loops together, 1 row without decreasing, then put markers where the sides will be. We create 6 rows, and in 7 you should decrease 1 loop. 2 rows – pattern, 1 – stockinette stitch.

Now you need to attach the pocket. Turn it inside out and knit 18 rows according to the pattern. Then we close off 23 loops. The rest must be done as shown in the pattern. Next strip: 8 loops (shelf), then 23 (pocket). The rest follow the pattern. 15 rows without increases, 1 purl.

We knit a row to which we need to add 1 loop. After 9 rows we make another addition -1 loop. We repeat. We do the same thing, but now after 7 rows and 5 times. We knit the front until we reach the armhole. On the outer edge we will close off 4 loops, and then we will close off 1 more loop each (5 rows in a row, from the same edge). Then we close 1 loop 2 times through the row, and another through the row 2 times.

We knit to the shoulder bevel and make a purl row. Inside the row you need to close 16 loops. We continue to close - 1 loop in three rows, after 1 row 3 pieces each, after 3 rows 1 time, after 5 rows 1 time. We knit 4 rows. We close the shoulder like this: 6 loops through the row 2 times.

Next we make the right shelf. It should be symmetrical to the left, and also on it we put the loops necessary for the buttons. To do this, we knit 2 loops together, make an elongated loop from them, creating 2 turns around the knitting needle. We repeat. In the next row we knit this elongated loop at the front of the fabric, and then at the back. We make 7 similar holes at equal distances.

Knitting buttonholes

In order to make a sleeve for a jacket, we perform the following steps step by step. We cast on 27 loops, make 20 rows with a straight fabric as in the pattern, and add loops to 15 rows. We knit the purl row, transfer the loops to another knitting needle. Row 26 - patterns. And we knit the purl strip in exactly the same way. We connect the two parts, knitting one to the end, then attaching the second.

When the fabric is connected, add one loop on each side, then through 9 lines and into 16. There should be 74 loops on the knitting needles. We knit according to the pattern until the sleeve height is 41 cm.

The next row is purl stitches. Now we must make the head of our sleeve. Our master class will help us with this. First we close 3 loops, at the end of the fabric we will do the same. In three rows we decrease one loop. After 1 row we decrease another loop.

After the next 3 rows and then after 5 rows we decrease 5 times. Next we knit the line without decreasing. We make the fourth strip like this: add one loop on both sides. After another row we decrease one loop on both sides. There should be a total of 33 stitches left on the needles.

We knit 3 stripes, decrease one loop on both sides, and close all rows. In this case, the first and second rows are similar to each other.

To connect the parts, we sew the shoulders, then we tie the edges and cuts for the sleeves. And also the holes that are needed for pockets. To do this, take a hook and perform a crab step. It is done like this: two single crochets, and between them there are three air loops. When the product has been delicately washed, we sew our jacket further, and then sew on the buttons. There is no need to iron it.

If you knit such a thing, you will look fashionable at any time of the year.

A knitted sweater for women, stylish, made from fine yarn, can become an adornment to the wardrobe of any fashionista. Today, many Russian and world designers, when implementing their ideas for fashion collections, resort to this method of creating models such as knitting. Some time ago, in the autumn-winter season of last year, large knitting models were popular.

Warm, cozy sweaters are suitable for the Russian winter, and even autumn. And models made from fine yarn are always distinguished by their grace, suitable for completing a suit, both for leisure, everyday wear, and for work and even for evening wear.

But even in the warm season, knitting does not lose its relevance. The modern market offers a huge selection of Russian and imported yarn, which differs in composition, footage (thickness), quality of twisting of the thread and the fiber itself.

You can create any model for yourself with your own hands by mastering the knitting technique. If you don’t have the time or desire, you can order a handmade blouse from a professional handmade artist. For some, such a widespread hobby in our country has transformed from a simple hobby and a pleasant pastime into a way of life and a way of earning money. Professional knitters can help with choosing a model and will make the item the perfect fit for each customer.

Choosing threads for a blouse from thin yarn

Work on a stylish knitted blouse for a woman made from fine yarn (photos of the models are presented below) begins with the choice of style and threads for its execution. There can be two directions here:

  1. Spring-summer version of yarn.
  2. Autumn-winter version of yarn.

Let's start with the spring-summer threads, although this division is very arbitrary. A product made from any yarn can be used both in the warm season and in the cold, it all depends on the idea, time of day, weather, or simply the desire of a lovely lady.

Yarn for the warm season can be divided into groups:

  • cotton;
  • bamboo;
  • silk, viscose;
  • synthetics and mixed options.

Cotton is very suitable for knitting a light summer blouse on knitting needles. It can be of any thickness. For knitting needles, the optimal length will be at least 350 meters per 50 gram skein. But no more than 180 meters, if you want to get a thin, airy product. Cotton comes in different varieties. It may or may not be mercerized.

Mercerization is a method of processing already twisted thread that gives the yarn shine and silkiness. But the thread becomes a little elastic, such yarn is more suitable for crocheting, and for knitting needles it makes sense to choose non-mercerized cotton, although this is not such a strict recommendation.

As for linen yarn, if you choose it, it is worth considering that the thread is slightly harsh and will not be very pleasant on the body, especially for those with sensitive skin.

If you plan to wear the blouse over an undershirt, T-shirt or blouse, then there is no problem. A 100% linen thread will always be thin.

Bamboo fiber thread is a relatively new type of yarn, but already quite in demand. A very suitable option for summer blouses. This yarn has its own characteristics. On the negative side, it stretches when worn, especially if the product is knitted; on the positive side, the fabric pleasantly cools the skin, which is perfect for hot summer days.

Silk and viscose, the yarn is extremely pleasant to the body. The product will look very beautiful and elegant. The threads are slippery when working, but for experienced craftswomen this is not an insurmountable obstacle. Natural silk yarn will not be cheap, but viscose is an excellent alternative to silk, affordable.

There is a large selection of yarn made from natural fibers with the addition of synthetics (acrylic). This does not spoil the yarn at all, and sometimes gives it some positive qualities, such as durability and elasticity.

A summer knitted sweater for women, stylish, made from fine yarn, suitable for summer, is presented with patterns and photos below in this article.

Knitted blouses made from fine wool yarn look very impressive. Such models are indispensable in winter or autumn, they will complement the look of any suit and will warm you up. Thin yarn does not add any volume, so they can be worn by ladies with any body type.

Warm yarn comes in several types:

  • wool;
  • mohair;
  • acrylic or mixed options.

When choosing fine wool for a blouse, you need to know that it comes in different qualities. For example, merino, alpaca, mink wool are expensive, high-quality threads that are very pleasant to the body, suitable for a blouse.

A model made of mohair or kid mohair will be airy and weightless. These are the thinnest winter yarn options.

Acrylic or mixed yarn can also be used to knit a blouse. Such threads will be cheaper in price. Modern synthetic yarn is quite wearable and pleasant to the body.

Choosing a blouse model

Whole knitted blouses

Very interesting, stylish, one-piece knitted sweaters for women made from fine yarn with knitting needles look very interesting, the whole knitted fabric does not need to be joined, forming additional seams. For such models, you can use merino or alpaca yarn, even mink wool. These threads are very thin and delicate; the absence of seams in the product will add comfort to wear.

Knitting using this method is usually done on circular knitting needles. You can start from the top, doing the raglan. It will be necessary to leave the loops for the sleeves on additional knitting needles, work to the desired length of the blouse and then finish the sleeves.

Another option is to start knitting from the bottom. First, the front and back of the product are made in a circular manner or in one unfolded part, if a fastener is provided. Then the loops for the sleeves are made, or raglan is made, depending on the model. In the end, all that remains is to process the neck. And the new thing is ready!

Another interesting option for a one-piece knitted blouse made from fine yarn is the bat model. It is done from above, first a beautiful yoke is knitted, then the sleeves are left on additional knitting needles, the back is knitted and in front of one piece in the round with a gradual decrease in stitches.

Buttoned models

Insanely popular today are stylish knitted sweaters for women made from fine yarn with buttons on the back. Some models are designed so that they can be worn with a fastening forward or backward, some transformable sweaters. This is a very successful model that can be combined with any outfit. Thin yarn gives it grace and lightness.

For a blouse with a clasp on the back, you can knit the back a little longer than the front; this highlight will complement the playful look.

The model is knitted on knitting needles. All parts are made separately, then assembly is required. For a better and more invisible connection of parts, you can use a knitted seam. Buttons can be matched to the product or made them contrasting.

A classic option for all times is a blouse knitted from fine yarn with buttons on the front. It is performed using any openwork or simply satin stitch. You can decorate the jacket with embroidery with ribbons or beads. The blouse can be complemented with patch pockets. This item is universal and suitable for use in any wardrobe. It will look great with a blouse and trousers or a formal skirt. It can be worn over a T-shirt with jeans, and in general, it can be combined at your own discretion; it’s difficult to make a mistake with the choice of components for an outfit. This jacket is the most versatile option.

Blouse with a large collar

Another popular model is a stylish knitted sweater for women made from fine yarn with a large collar. Here you can dream up. You can make all the details separately, after knitting them, connect them, lift the loops for the collar along the neck and knit it in one piece. Or process the neckline and knit the collar separately as a small snood. You can wear it with a blouse together, wear a blouse separately without it, or you can complement another outfit with this snood collar.

Knitting allows you to bring any idea to life. A blouse made of fine yarn, no matter what it is, is always needed in any woman’s wardrobe. You can knit it using ready-made descriptions, or come up with your own model, get creative with a combination of patterns, yarn colors, or combine several colors in one model.

Knitted sweaters, thanks to their airy structure and original design, are still relevant today. Many women prefer clothing of this particular type, since it shows the original, exclusive handwriting of the author and a variety of extraordinary patterns. If you are interested in this topic, we will tell you how to knit a sweater at home using knitting needles or a crochet hook; the article also presents patterns for knitted sweaters.

Knitted sweaters for women: crocheted, knitted, summer options

This is interesting: Knitted and crocheted booties for newborns: diagrams and descriptions + 130 PHOTOS

A classic knitted sweater has fasteners, which is its distinctive feature. Fastenings on sweaters can be very different - from ordinary buttons to various zippers. This element is made using either knitting needles or hooks. The jacket may have a stand-up collar.

  • Despite the fact that these products are made by hand, there are a large number of different models of these clothes.
  • Sweatshirts made in a classic style are increasingly equipped with various exclusive elements.
  • Today, knitted items in delicate pastel shades are popular. Decorative elements on the collar will add a playful mood.
  • Unusual shades of these items, as well as exclusive designs and non-standard prints, are also popular.
  • Against the background of designer knitted items, factory-made sweaters look like identical gray copies of each other.
  • The main disadvantage of this product is the high cost, since they are made by hand.

How often, when you take up knitting, do you doubt: Will there be enough thread for what you have planned? We recommend using a calculation that has never let anyone down. First, we knit a sample measuring 10x10 cm, break the thread and unravel it. Let's measure - let's say 10 cm2 takes 7 m. We take the pattern and calculate its area (back, front, sleeves, collar, and so on), let's say it turns out to be 2,000 cm2. Next, making up the proportion: If 10 cm2 took 7 m of yarn, then 2000 will need “x”, and we get an exact calculation. If the footage is not indicated on the label, we measure the number of meters in the skein - this is easier than being upset: the work is almost finished, but there weren’t enough threads.

Benefits of knitted blouses

One of the positive qualities of this sweater is that it will suit almost all girls. But despite this, choosing the right knitted sweater can be quite a problematic task.

If you can find a model that's perfect for you, you can easily achieve any look you want.

Another pleasant point is the originality and exclusivity of this item.

Any more or less experienced craftswoman, if desired and has free time, can create individual sweater with an exclusive pattern.

Thanks to these extraordinary stripes and patterns a girl can show her vision of the world and that she has her own sense of style.

This sweater has a unique ability match wardrobe elements of different seasons.

Modern sweater models

Modern stylists are working to create new, extraordinary looks; girls who follow fashion trends can always choose a model to suit their color and taste.

In 2018, the oversized style became popular. In this regard, loose or voluminous jumpers are coming back into fashion.

Ideally, your clothes should fit you slightly sloppy.

If you don’t have these models, feel free to go to the store and, when choosing a jacket for the summer, refer on the trends of 2018.

Chunky knit sweaters

The leading positions at the moment are occupied by models that combine different original patterns and stripes.

To give the product a three-dimensional shape, use pockets.

Sweaters with voluminous textured patterns, which are combined with each other, creating an original effect, at the peak of popularity.

Often they are supplemented with wide patch pockets, giving the product more volume. This style can be recommended for girls with a graceful figure.

Rough knit sweaters

The use of thick varieties of yarn helps to achieve the original appearance of products.

Ornate patterns and intricate ornaments will make a sweater a real work of art.

It’s worth noting that coarse knit sweaters are more suitable for skinny people.

Chunky knit sweaters

The width and volume of the patterns are the distinctive features of products of this type.


Raglan gives the appearance a slight negligence. The armholes of the sleeves fall slightly from the shoulders, creating a stylish look due to the volume.

Peace and relaxation exude such things, which is why they are so attractive to many modern women. The neck most often happens round shape, less often – V-shaped.

Such sweaters - universal, they are suitable for both girls with a thin build and ladies with curvy figures.

Sweaters for overweight ladies

Excessive fatness limits the ability to wear a variety of voluminous sweaters with bright patterns, but this cannot prevent plump women from looking fashionable.

Also, if desired hide a not-so-perfect belly, you can use sweatshirts that flare from the chest.

Sweatshirts extended from mid-thigh will help hide unwanted areas from below.

A model like a bat Contraindicated for women with imperfectly shaped hands, and a model with a sleeve flared from the elbow can be an excellent option for women of this type. An overly large bust can hide V-neck.

Loose fit

A striking representative of this style is a sweater "oversize". This sweater is created for girls who prefer comfort and not stiffness in movement.

Some girls prefer a tight sweater with excessively loose sleeves and vice versa.

If you still choose a sweater of this style, then know that clothes should be a couple sizes larger than you need.

With a zipper

For the most part, such sweaters are too loose, because the fastener itself does not imply this. Such sweaters are usually used as an additional layer of warmth during the winter.

It can also look quite harmonious paired with sports-style clothing. You can often find a rather elongated model but without sleeves. Sweaters with three-quarter sleeves and zipper on trend for the 2018 season.

With a collar

A massive transformable collar is now in fashion. This collar can be transformed into a headdress or folded into a collar around the neck.

By pulling such a collar over your shoulders you can achieve a delicate feminine look. A transformer collar can transform a sweater, which will allow you to look different in the same thing. Often a snake zipper is sewn into such a collar, unzipping it you can also get an unexpectedly new bow.

A turtleneck collar can have one or two lapels, cover the chin completely or slightly touch it. The width of the gate may vary. These products are suitable for every day, you can wear them on a naked body.

English rubber band

The alternation of front and back loops gives the product English restraint; despite its apparent simplicity, these items are distinguished by grace and elegant naturalness.

On such models they are often knitted long sleeves that covered the wrists. English elastic can easily be adjusted to oversized ones.

English gum is often used for knitting cuffs, necklines, trims, the rest of the product can be decorated with patterns and ornaments made in a different knitting material. An English rib can look fashionable and stylish if it is made of thick yarn with large knitting needles.

With round yoke

The round neck with carved ornaments around it attracts attention to this model. The folds created by the pattern give the product a feminine touch.

Crocheted round neck looks especially elegant.

Sleeve - bat

This model occupies a leading position in this season's fashion. Since this particular model accurately fits into all oversized parameters. With the help of this sweater, you can hide thin arms, but at the same time, women with imperfectly shaped arms should refrain from such a thing.

There are many variations of this style. For example, a sleeve can be either long or short or flared or not. You can also often find an option with three-quarter sleeves with elastic cuffs. In most cases, such sweaters are worn over a variety of light sweaters and knee socks.

Patterns and drawings

A fashion trend at the moment is decorating sweaters with abstract designs.

Also, a variety of bright geometric designs are also at the peak of their popularity. People who give preference to the nautical style will be in seventh heaven as this season the nautical theme will be relevant. Also varied Disney cartoon character drawings can be found quite often not only on children's sweaters, but also on teenagers' clothes. For those who decide to sew a sweater for themselves, you can take note of the various trendy patterns.

Not a single girl can imagine her wardrobe without knitted sweaters. This item of clothing is so versatile that it can be easily combined with any bottom, worn for any occasion, mood, in any weather and season. They represent a large assortment of clothes from thin knitted to long, with or without fasteners.

Fashionable knitted sweaters

The new autumn-winter season has brought women many surprises regarding their usual wardrobe items. Thus, women's knitted sweaters have become a very bright element of clothing, which can be combined not only with trousers, skirts or jeans, but also with. Thanks to this, some of the products acquired a new, slightly improved shape: they became asymmetrical.

Asymmetry is one of the fashionable techniques of this season for knitted sweaters. They are characterized by a shortened front and a significantly elongated back. Basically, such models are knitted from natural wool, which requires careful care. At a more affordable price, you can find an asymmetrical item made from a mixture of natural and artificial yarn that will look stylish and impressive.

Knitted openwork sweaters

Some people mistakenly believe that this type of product is exclusively a winter item of clothing. Summer knitted sweaters made with openwork weave are becoming very popular. They have the following distinctive features:

  • thin cotton threads are used to make them, sometimes combining and complementing them with silk ribbons, which gives the item additional romance;
  • knitted sweaters are often complemented by a thin lining or designed to be worn over a light knitted top;
  • often have an elongated or slightly widened one, although shortened models are also found;
  • create the impression of something light and weightless.

Long knitted sweater

The product, which has an elongated silhouette, is an integral part of the wardrobe of a modern representative of the fair sex. Long knitted sweaters for women can be made in different variations:

  • the length can vary from mid-thigh to almost to the knee;
  • the knitting can be anything from fine knitted to voluminous and patterned;
  • knitted either from wool threads or from a mixture of wool and synthetics;
  • knitted sweaters are often complemented by a turn-down collar, which, when buttoned, turns into a warm high collar;
  • You can experiment with additional accessories using unusual buttons.

Knitted short sweaters

Along with asymmetrical cuts, products with a shortened silhouette have come into fashion. This season is the peak of popularity of these models. These are very beautiful knitted sweaters that have the following features:

  • the length reaches the waist;
  • goes well with high-waisted jeans;
  • sleeves can be either short or long, and often the length of the sleeves can be disproportionately long, covering the thumb;
  • Many items do not contain additional decorative elements; the whole charm lies in the cut and unusual length.

Knitted jacket with buttons

One of the most popular and versatile styles is the women's knitted sweater with buttons. It is called a cardigan, which is a type of product; its distinctive feature is the presence of buttons. You can choose several different styles for any occasion:

  1. Plain, thick knitted, long sleeves can be worn to the office, complementing a blouse, or combined with jeans. This model has small buttons, matched to the color of the item.
  2. There are elongated versions made with large knitting, with large decorative buttons. This model can act as an independent outerwear in the not too cold autumn season, and in the winter cold. It goes perfectly with casual clothing.

Knitted sweater with hood

The products are presented in various variations, some of which go perfectly with casual and sporty styles, this is a women's knitted sweater with a hood. The item is characterized by the presence of the following details:

  • can be made both in large knitting and knitted;
  • the hood is knitted in a special way, like a continuation of the front front of the item, it is wide and has more of a decorative function;
  • Some styles have a hood that is tightly tightened with a drawstring. These are sports-type items in which the hood has a practical function and can be worn over jackets and used as a headdress.

Knitted sweater bat

Some options are especially popular and loved by the fair sex, including the bat style. This is not surprising, because it is suitable for owners of any type of figure, it can both emphasize advantages and hide flaws. Many knitted sweaters for overweight people have this feature of cut, because the sleeve design allows you to visually make full arms and voluminous shoulders appear slimmer. When modeling this wardrobe item, certain features are taken into account:

  • Do not knit with large and voluminous knitting, otherwise all the charm of the sleeve will disappear. This is also due to the fact that knitted sweaters for obese women should be light and not weigh down the silhouette. They are made of knitwear or knit with a classic medium volume;
  • the batwing sleeve must be movable. Its length can be adjusted by raising it to the three-quarter level.

Knitted sweater with zipper

Knitted sweaters for girls that have such a detail as a zipper - a fastener from bottom to top - are considered a classic option. This style is most suitable for casual and sporty style, goes well with jeans, sports wardrobe items or made in. Knitted sweaters with a zipper can be presented in two variations:

  • very warm, some are complemented by insulated fleece or fur linings, ideal for the winter season;
  • light knitted with a zipper, made without lining.

Knitted sweater with fur

With the onset of winter cold, warm knitted sweaters become very popular. The use of fur to enhance the heat-saving properties makes them incredibly comfortable. Both natural and artificial fur can be used. In many cases, fluffy pile also serves as an effective decorative element when it is used to trim collars, sleeves, and pockets. The following parts can be made of fur:

  • insulated linings for thick items;
  • pockets as a stylish decorative element;
  • a collar that reliably protects the neck area from the cold;
  • sleeves, which can be trimmed at the bottom in the form of an edge, be half fur or made entirely of warm pile.

Knitted sweater with open shoulders

For fashionistas, an important point when purchasing this or that item is that it is not only comfortable, but also looks good. This function is fully consistent with stylish knitted sweaters with open shoulders. A decorative element in the form of cutouts on the shoulders complements any item with a classic cut. They can be complemented with wide styles or a bat.

Unusual knitted sweaters, decorated with such a piquant detail, can be worn for an informal dinner or meeting with friends. Mostly models with open shoulders and lowered sleeves are made with thin or openwork knitting. When choosing them, it is recommended to take into account certain features of the figure, since the neckline will emphasize the shoulder line and draw attention to them. Therefore, this style is contraindicated for those with full hands.

Knitted sweater with open back

For fashionistas who love to create bright and memorable images, original knitted sweaters with an open back will be a real find. These styles are made in fine or medium density knitting. Their highlight is the combination of such details when cutting:

  • closed front, plain or decorated with discreet patterns;
  • the back is a triangular, oval or teardrop-shaped neckline. The latter comes from the throat line and is connected at the top using a small clasp or secured with tape.

Voluminous knitted sweaters

Voluminous classic styles are ideal for cold winters. A thick knitted sweater is versatile and can be combined with almost any style of clothing: it can be worn with jeans, wide or tapered trousers, leggings or a classic dress.

We knit a fashionable sweater with our own hands, and let the winter be warm!

Prices in boutiques for the new collection are outrageous, but are you planning on knitting a fashionable sweater yourself? You've come to the right place! For you, I have collected many current and new patterns for knitting sweaters with patterns and descriptions. Get creative with the color of the yarn, choose an interesting pattern, and your wardrobe will have a new and unique item that will be the envy of all your friends.

Stylish pullover knitted or crocheted

If you work in an office or prefer a classic style of clothing, then a strict, discreet pullover (a sweater without fasteners and a collar) should definitely be in your wardrobe. Knitted pullovers will never go out of fashion, so feel free to knit several pullovers in different patterns and wear things with pleasure for more than one season. On the Kolibri website you will find many interesting ideas on how to knit or crochet a pullover, with descriptions in Russian.

I wish you easy loops, and pleasant creativity with!

A laconic, elegant mesh top goes well with jeans and a full skirt. On cool days it can be worn instead of a sleeveless vest. A black top will become an integral part of an original outfit for young girls who like to experiment with their image, bringing a new “breath” into it. The versatility of this color of the presented model allows you to successfully combine it with…

Afternoon Stroll pullover: creating a look for walks and dates. Able to add spice to any look! Stylish and beautiful, free and as comfortable as possible for any time of year! The pullover goes well with your everyday wardrobe. Looks great with jeans and skirts. It will perfectly complement any look and become a bright accent of any day. Sizes: S...

A short-sleeved pullover can become a very stylish and attractive component of your demi-season wardrobe. This pullover is knitted using a fancy pattern, the diagram of which you can see below. This pullover can be worn either on its own or layered with a blouse, shirt or turtleneck. It will look equally good and...

The sweater looks fashionable and creates a good mood. This model is knitted from top to bottom using harmoniously combined threads. SIZES 36/38 (40/42–44/46–48/50) YOU WILL NEED Yarn 1 (70% sheep wool, 30% alpaca wool; 140 m/50 g) - 100 (100-150-150) g ​​pale pink, 100 (150-150-150) g ​​lilac, 100 (100-150-150) g ​​berry pink, 100 (150-150-150) g ​​powder pink; yarn...

A crochet T-shirt with a beautiful openwork back looks very stylish. A young girl wearing a knitted T-shirt can go to the beach or for a walk on a hot summer day, paired with shorts, jeans or a skirt. Size: 38 You will need: Diva yarn (100% microfiber, 350 m/100 g) - 200 g white hook No. 1.8. How …

A short (to the waist) openwork sweater can be used as casual wear, walking wear or an element of a work wardrobe. The gray color of this model allows it not to stand out from the crowd and is capable of fulfilling a wide range of stylistic tasks that a woman can set for it. Practicality and ease of use are the most important qualities of this openwork sweater. ...

A very original pullover model that many modern fashionistas should knit. The back is slightly longer than the front, the raglan sleeve does not reach the wrist a little. Material – yarn based on natural materials – wool and cotton. The proportions are equal. Therefore, the pullover turned out to be soft, warm, and comfortable. Moving on to the knitting pattern, it is worth noting that...