According to professional makeup artists, brown eyes are the most rewarding, as they allow you to experiment with almost all ranges of colors. However, we should not forget that brown eyes themselves are quite expressive, so there is no need to overload them with too bright colors. ... Here I would like to reveal the secrets and mysteries of evening make up for brown-eyed young ladies.

Evening makeup for brown eyes - subtleties and rules of application

1. Any make-up should begin with preparing the face. Apply a cream with a matte effect to your skin so that it does not shine. The skin around the eyes will also need correction. All imperfections can be hidden with a corrector that will fill in wrinkles, even out the relief, and hide circles. In order for the makeup to last a long time, you should apply a foundation, for example a matte foundation, to your eyelids.

2. Once your face is smooth and clean, you can begin applying eyeshadow. It is not difficult to guess that the basics of color in this case are extremely important. When choosing the optimal shadows, you need to take into account many factors - the shade of the eyes, hair, skin:

— for brown-eyed people with light curls, experts advise using beige, dark pink, green and sand shades;

— a brown-olive palette is suitable for dark skin;

- for girls with fair skin, it is better to choose greenish and blue shades;

— black, brown, soft pink, chocolate, silver tones, as well as fuchsia shades are suitable for dark-haired brown eyes;

— dark eyes are suitable for purple, beige, and blue shadows;

Purple and lilac colors suit yellowish-brown eyes;

- light brown - pink and plum;

— brown-green — shades of khaki and emerald tones;

— the expressiveness of the look can be emphasized by brown, golden and silver tones;

— lilac and blue shadows will add attractiveness and brightness to your look.

3. It is necessary to take into account the tone of the mascara. Classic, that is, black mascara, is perfect for brunettes, while fair-haired girls are better off looking at brown mascara. With the help of blue mascara you can achieve a particularly bright look. Well, is it worth reminding that for an evening out it is better to choose a high-quality waterproof product.

4. Eyebrows also need to be shaped. In this case, their shade should be slightly darker than usual. To do this, just highlight the hairline with dark shadows and apply a fixative.

5. Don't forget about eyeliner! Brown eyes are simply made for seductive cat eyeliners and an alluring and intriguing oriental makeup look.

Well, now it’s time to move from words to deeds. Next you will see the most suitable ideas for evening makeup for brown eyes and detailed step-by-step instructions with which you can easily do an evening makeup.

Evening smoky makeup (smoky eyes) for brown eyes

This type of makeup looks very harmonious with brown eyes. The peculiarity of this make up is that it does not have any clear lines. For the best base, apply a light shade to your upper eyelids. Drawing lines along the growth of eyelashes, emphasize the upper and lower eyelids. The contour should be shaded using black shadows with a brush. The borders of the black shadows themselves should also be shaded. This can be done using gray or dark violet shadows. The main thing is that the shades should flow into each other as smoothly as possible. Apply matte light shadows under the eyebrows; they will slightly lift the eyebrows and open up the eyes. In this type of makeup, it is important to highlight the eyelashes. First, paint the lower ones, then the upper ones (in 2-3 layers).

Arabic oriental make up

It is distinguished by rich colors and brightness. On a face that is aligned with a foundation that suits you, apply a tan-colored blush. In this kind of makeup, you should pay close attention to the eyebrows: they should be longer and brighter than usual. For make-up, pearlescent shadows are better, but matte ones don’t need to be excluded either. It is better to use 2-3 bright colors.

Make up with contrasting shadows

Almost all girls use contrasting shadows, regardless of eye color. For brown-eyed people, these colors are blue and lilac. These colors make the eyes very attractive, emphasizing and highlighting them. If someone is not ready for such bold experiments, then you can try slightly muted shades, for example, light tones of blue and purple. In the evening, rich tones of indigo and purple will look great.

Evening makeup using turquoise, green and blue shades

These colors are also very suitable for brown-eyed ladies, which is quite easy to explain: how can the shades of the blue clear sky, turquoise gentle sea water, delicate greenery of spring foliage and brown tones of the nurse-earth not be combined? These colors are given to us by nature, we must definitely use them!

Makeup with metallic eyeshadow

Metallic colors, which include bronze, gold, steel pink and silver, also look very harmonious with brown eyes. Moreover, gold looks much warmer.

Arrows in makeup

Brown eyes open up bottomless spaces for the flight of creative fantasies and the embodiment of plans. This is where you can have a lot of fun with arrows that will give clarity to your look and emphasize the shape of your eyes. You can use a pencil or liquid liner. Plum eyeliner in combination with pink and violet shadows will add depth to brown eyes.

Smokey eye option in beautiful purple tones step by step

The end result looks like this:

Step 1: Take a purple pencil. Line your upper lash line. At the outer corner of the eye, the line must be turned upward to create a “cat-eye” effect. Photo below:

Step 2: Apply your chosen purple shade to your eyelids. Photo below:

Step 3. Using dark blue shadows, you need to darken the crease of the eyelid, the upper lash line and the outer corner, where you want to place maximum emphasis. Photo below:

Step 4. Apply lighter lilac eyeshadow to the middle of the eyelid. Photo below:

Step 5. On top of the dark blue shadows, on the crease itself, you need to apply shadows with a shimmering effect. Sea green shades are perfect. Soften the borders by shading. Photo below:

Step 6. Apply purple tones to the inner corners of the lower lash lines. Photo below:

Step 7. Use blue-blue shadows to draw the rest of the line. Photo below:

Step 8. You can line the inner upper rim of the eyelids with liquid eyeliner.

Step 9. Curl your eyelashes and cover them with mascara.

Step 10: You can apply bronzer to your cheeks and foundation to your lips.

Makeup is ready!

Smokey eyes in dark purple tones step by step

This makeup involves the use of three shades of eyeshadow: black, purple and lilac.

Step 1. First, thoroughly cleanse your skin and apply a base that suits your skin type.

Step 2: Starting from the outer corners, apply creamy black shadow to your eyelids. They blend well and give rich color. Even beginners can easily handle such shadows.

Step 3. There is no need to worry about the accuracy of application - this area will be subject to shading.

Step 4. Use a wide soft brush to blend the borders. We achieve a “soft” effect.

Step 5. Using a narrow brush, draw the lower eyelid.

Step 6. Apply plum shadows over the shaded black shadows.

Step 7. Soften the transition between colors.

Step 8. Apply shades of a cool lilac tone under the eyebrows, which will make the look fresher and the makeup “lighter.”

Step 9. Blend all the edges and apply mascara.

Makeup is ready!

Evening makeup for brown eyes: photos with step-by-step instructions

Those with brown eyes can highlight their natural beauty with the right makeup. To do this, various techniques are used that can correct some shortcomings and emphasize advantages. Makeup for brown eyes, a photo of which can be seen on our website, is designed to enhance their brightness and expressiveness. It also helps complete the chosen image. This can be a calm, everyday make-up or, on the contrary, a languid and seductive option using dark shades of shadows. So, let's figure out which makeup for brown eyes is right for you!

Fashionable makeup trends for brown eyes

Ah, this fashion! She is changeable and brings surprises. Of course, makeup artists do not recommend blindly following it. After all, when doing makeup, individual characteristics should be taken into account. The most win-win option is makeup in the Nude style, which is also characterized as makeup for every day. It involves a minimum of flashy tones. This makeup looks very elegant and is perfect for brunettes, perfectly highlighting their natural brightness.

Makeup for girls with brown eyes in Nude style

When choosing shadows, you should start from the color type of your face. For “winter” girls, brown and slate shades of shadows are suitable. Young ladies of the “summer” color type are recommended to use beige, golden, green and plum colors.

For special occasions, bright makeup in the “smoky eyes” style is suitable. To complete this you will need shadows of dark tones. Black and gray shades are especially popular. Blue, brown and olive colors are also suitable. The choice of shadows is carried out taking into account the shade of the skin, hair and eyes. Black eyeliner, which can be liquid or in the form of a pencil, will help emphasize the depth of your look.
There is also an office option. This makeup is suitable for business ladies. It assumes a lack of shine and bright colors. All shades have a calm range that emphasizes the advantages, rather than pushing them out.

Smoky eyes for brown eyes

Makeup for brown eyes with arrows is trending. For brunettes, black eyeliner will be what you need, but for brown hair it is recommended to use walnut-colored eyeliner.

Makeup for brown eyes with red lipstick looks impressive. In this case, the eyes are emphasized only slightly, because the main accent is the lips. It is enough to apply shadows of a neutral shade and lightly tint the eyelashes.

Also now in fashion is makeup with dark shades of lipstick (for example, red wine), which are very suitable for girls with brown eyes.

Types of makeup for brown eyes

  • Day makeup (every day)

When creating any make-up, a base is used. It evens out the texture of the skin and prepares it for the subsequent application of decorative cosmetics. After applying the foundation, apply foundation, which will even out skin tone and hide existing imperfections. As for shadows, their choice depends on the saturation of the color shade of the eyes. Light brown eyes can be emphasized with brown or golden eyeshadow. “Honey” eyes go well with champagne color. This shade can be easily combined with purple and blue. Dark brown eyes are stunning when framed by green and bronze shades.

Light daytime makeup options

Step-by-step photo of performing daytime makeup for brown eyes

Step-by-step photo of performing daytime makeup with arrows

A festive look involves highlighting the look and giving it great languor and seductiveness. To create it, makeup artists recommend trying different shades and textures. When creating evening makeup, you should take into account the holistic image: clothing style, lipstick color. Also, skin tone should not be ignored. You should pay attention to the nuances of your appearance, and not chase the images presented in fashion magazines. Using dark shadows and shaded eyeliner you can emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes. If brown eyes have a greenish tint, then you can combine emerald and light tones and brown mascara. A two-color design will help correct the shape of the eyes.

Photos of evening makeup options for brown eyes

This type of makeup has gained great popularity and is used by many girls. It emphasizes the depth of the look and visually makes the eyes larger. This makeup is especially suitable for brunettes and is done in dark colors. This technique is based on careful shading of shadows and the use of eyeliner. The peculiarity of the makeup is that the darkest shadows are applied to the upper eyelid. A light shade of shadow is selected closer to the eyebrows. In this case, the transitions should be very soft. This requires intensive shading.

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes

  • Wedding makeup for brown eyes

Beautiful makeup is the key to a good mood, and this is very important for the bride. Therefore, when choosing a color palette, you should take into account the color of your hair. Makeup for brown eyes and blond hair is done with shades of purple, beige, green, sand and emerald shades. To create a romantic and delicate look, shimmering shadows are suitable.

Step-by-step photo of an option for girls with brown eyes

  • With the impending century

In order to visually hide the problem of the impending century, you can use the Ray Morris technique. To perform makeup you will need dark gray or dark brown shadows. A line is drawn from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner. The same action is performed on the upper and lower parts of the eyelid. As a result, the lines converge in the outer corner of the eye. The moving eyelid is covered with a light shade of matte eyeshadow. Using a brush, the shadows are carefully shaded. Volumetric mascara is applied in a diagonal direction from the bridge of the nose.

How to do makeup for brown eyes: step-by-step photos

How to do makeup for brown eyes and dark hair can be seen in the step-by-step photo. Here are all the stages of skin preparation and proper application of shadows.

Home makeup begins with applying foundation, which will help even out the texture of the skin and make it smoother. Then apply a thin layer of foundation and, if necessary, mattifying powder. Cheekbones are highlighted with blush. Next, you need to prepare your eyelids for applying makeup. Correctors will help hide blue spots and dark circles under the eyes. To ensure that the shadows lie evenly, makeup artists use a foundation. For dark-haired beauties, peach or orange shades are suitable. It is allowed to intensively paint over eyelashes.

Step-by-step photo of doing homemade bronze makeup for brown eyes

Video tutorials: How to do the right makeup for brown eyes

How to disguise dark circles under the eyes?

How to draw arrows correctly?

How to properly apply false eyelashes?

We do light everyday makeup

Evening makeup (light version)

Smokey eye makeup

Star makeup for brown eyes: new photos

Movie stars and pop divas always look like a million. How do they do this? Let's look at a selection of photos of Hollywood makeup for brown eyes and try to repeat it.

Makeup for brown eyes and blonde hair: Shakira and Gwen Stefani

Makeup for brown eyes with red lipstick: Natalie Portman and Jennifer Lopez

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair Kim Kardashian

Gwen Stefani Makeup

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair: Julia Roberts and Penelope Cruz

Salma Hayek's celebrity makeup

Eye makeup with false eyelashes Kim Kardashian

Makeup for brown eyes and blonde hair

Monica Bellucci's star makeup (suitable for girls with drooping eyelids)

Natalie Portman's celebrity makeup

Keira Knightley's celebrity makeup

Star makeup for brown eyes

Rihana's eye makeup

J.Lo's eye makeup

Photo of beautiful and fashionable makeup for brown eyes

Evening makeup for brown eyes with blue-gray shadows

Spectacular evening makeup

Fashionable eye makeup 2019

Evening makeup options

Fashionable makeup 2019

Makeup with gray shadows

Ultra-fashionable trendy makeup

Smokey Ice

Eye makeup with arrows and purple shadows

Stylish makeup with brown shadows

Close-up photo of brown eye makeup

Makeup for brown eyes with blue and cyan shadows

Makeup for brown eyes with blue shadows

Makeup for brown eyes with brown and yellow shadows

Makeup for brown eyes, photo

Makeup for brown eyes with false eyelashes and pearlescent shadows

Makeup for brown eyes for brunettes

Take it to your wall:

Brown eyes are an absolute dominant, so there will always be many people with this iris color. This means that there will be a lot of questions about which makeup is most suitable and which shades are best to choose.

Features and Benefits

Brown eyes should be proud of and emphasized, and not hidden under colored lenses. Here are some benefits:

  1. It should be noted that brown eyes are perhaps the most versatile in terms of color selection. Red, yellow, green, blue - any makeup can look great on those with chocolate-colored eyes.
  2. Brown shade always looks great with any hair color. Just imagine a dark-eyed blonde, she is full of charm and mystery. And take a red-haired girl with brown eyes that look like tea tree leaves - a real forest nymph! Brown hair also looks beautiful and very natural against the background of two bottomless dark wells. Imagine how aristocratic a brown-haired woman with dark eyes will look. Her face, like an expensive painting, will be framed by a mop of hair, giving a deep sparkle to her eyes.
  3. It's easy to choose an outfit for brown eyes. Blue jeans are so popular now, and they go so well with brown skin tones and eyes. Or imagine how elegant a blue dress will look on a tanned body, crowned with strong-willed, full of life brown eyes. It is impossible to pass by such a woman; men will at least ask you to take a photo, and at maximum they will offer you their hand and heart.

Now that you no longer doubt that brown eye color is incredibly beautiful, you can move on to specific types of makeup to only slightly emphasize what is already there by nature.

Types of makeup for brown eyes

  • A casual look means you won't be wearing a million layers of makeup. Makeup for going to work is very natural, subtle, almost invisible. For starters, you can use classic nude shades.

As a rule, in addition to a matte light pink, a slightly darker shimmer shade and white, there is one more color in the palettes. Well, if it is gold, then it will be very easy for you to create a light, but at the same time noticeable make-up for every day.

You can apply a light pink tint to the upper eyelid, and carefully decorate the corner of the eye with a drop of white eyeshadow. Under the eyes, you can add a shadow created using the darkest color in the palette. Carefully “drop” strokes of gold onto the place where the eyeball is located. If you line your eye line with a white pencil, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from your eyes.

Moreover, such a fairly soft makeup can be easily converted into an evening one - simply by changing the tone of the lipstick. Make your lips plum or take a classic cool red shade - and you can go on a date or to a reception with the queen, wherever you like best.

  • If you have dark skin, only two colors will be enough for an expressive look - gold and chocolate brown. Leave the chocolate under the eyes and, using a brush, draw a light arrow with shadows, and sprinkle the upper eyelid with gold, like flower pollen. With a tan, this makeup looks amazing, “expensive” and at the same time soft. It doesn't require much skill.
  • If your skin is quite pale, you can skip eyeshadow altogether. Just use eyeliner to draw a neat wing, coat your eyelashes with mascara, flush your cheeks a little and apply juicy berries or mouth-watering reds to your lips. This look is a timeless and win-win classic. It does not look pretentious and is quite suitable as makeup for every day.
  • Gold applied under the eyes and combined with a matte pink shade on the upper eyelid can look very gentle.
  • To soften an already nude look, use brown mascara instead of black. If you want to add a little more complexity to your look, use a gray or turquoise gray eyeliner. Makeup looks very beautiful, where the upper eyelid is painted with a gradient from silver to gold.
  • Stretch the cool shade from the center and top it with gold colors. The main task is to make the transition smooth, without a clear boundary. Add a little mascara and the easy summer look is complete. The transition from soft pink to smoky gray looks very interesting.
  • If you wish, you can make this makeup a little more strict by adding arrows to the look. They always attract attention. If your face has a very even tone and your eyelashes are lightly coated with mascara (black or brown), this look can easily become a business look. Bright lips will make it more interesting, and nude matte shades of lipstick will make it even more strict, depending on the situation.

As you can see, daily makeup can be very diverse, but in our lives there are holidays and going out, so the types of makeup for brown eyes need to be thought out for evening occasions. The following options are worth considering:

  1. Most people with brown eyes, of course, are in eastern countries, so it is not surprising that Arabic makeup with eyes lined with black on all sides continues to be relevant. If the event and mood allow you to plunge into an Arabian fairy tale, go for it. The main secret to an expressive look is applying a black pencil along the inner line of the eye (both above and below). Additional depth can be added with a long black liner on the upper eyelid and a dark, well-shaded color on the lower eyelid.
  2. For those who are not ready for such aggressive makeup with arrows, we can offer a similar option, but modified in a European way.
  3. Of course, this is the classic smoky eye. You can choose black or chocolate shades as a base, which will make your look softer. If you want to add some flair, you can color the waterline of the eye with a colored pencil - for example, neon pink or blue. It will look very extravagant, but not tasteless.
  4. If you are already bored with classic colors, try making makeup in cherry tones or deep red.
  5. The main thing is not to overdo it with your lips; they should not be dark if your eyes are already outlined with something bright. There should be one emphasis on the face, otherwise the image will turn into a vinaigrette. Try a sophisticated makeup look with purple, yellow and pink shades, or go for an extravaganza with silver, indigo and black. Make a mix of yellow and green, dilute this palette with bronze or silver. There are very, very many variations on this theme - like gold in a fairy tale dragon.
  6. If you can boast of smooth skin with a minimum of imperfections, impress everyone with a dark and mysterious look created with minimal effort. The main task is to make the complexion even, with a cool tint. Apply a matte black color to your eyes, as impenetrable as a southern night. Wrap a bunch of false eyelashes around your eyes for a fluffy look, and apply a very dark wine shade of lipstick on your lips. This way you will get a simple but fatal image that will be remembered for a long time.

As you can see, there are many options available for brown and black eyes. Nude or shimmer, color or monochrome - it's up to you to decide. If you need an example for inspiration, look at the stars and their makeup. Remember the beautiful Sophia Loren to feel the expensive classics, the eccentric Shakira to add a little rock and audacity to your image, the charming Lily Collins if you want to add tenderness to your life. Look at the famous brown-haired women - the Kardashian family. This is someone who had so many images that your life would not be enough to repeat them all.

When the color scheme has been selected and the image has already formed in your head, it’s time to choose the means.

How to choose cosmetics?

We take it as an axiom that you have brown, dark brown or green-brown eyes. When searching for decorative cosmetics, you should no longer start from colors, but from the shape and fit of the eyes. Girls usually have to struggle with the following main problems:

  1. Eyes too small.
  2. Deep-set eyes.
  3. Wide-set eyes.
  4. Eyes set too close.

It is worth choosing the right tools based on these four problems. So, it is recommended to consider the following:

  • To make “bottomless saucers” out of small eyes, you can use a few tricks - for example, experiment with the shape of the eyebrows. You don't even need to buy anything to do this, just free up as much space above the eye as you can afford (depending on the thickness of your hairline).

Another trick is to use a white pencil on the waterline at the top and bottom.

As for the choice of shadows, dark colors will almost certainly be contraindicated. Light soft shades open the eye and make it wider visually. You should also keep in mind that concealer will help open up your eyes a little, so don’t neglect it.

  • The problem of deep-set eyes can be solved with skillfully applied eye shadow. Be sure to purchase a base that will even out the tone and simplify the application process. If you don't have a base on hand, use powder. As the main tone, you will need the lightest shades, which will need to be shaded along the entire length of the upper eyelid. Use dark colors almost spot-on - for example, adding them to the corner of the eye or lining the lower eyelid with such a cosmetic product.

If you are going to use mascara and eyeliner, remember that the line should be very thin. Bold arrows will turn an oriental look into the eyes of a Chinese, and not the most beautiful one.

  • If your eyes are set wide, then the main secret lies in the fact that you need to emphasize the inner corner of the eye. Darker shades can be applied to the inside, stretching the color towards the center. You can also use mascara in two layers, and apply eyelashes in movements towards the nose.

Another secret is more emphasis on the eyebrows. Make the eyebrow longer on the inside (using a pencil and brush), and you will see that the visual distance between the eyes will become slightly smaller.

  • If your eyes are too close to each other, an eyeliner pencil will be your faithful assistant.

You will need to draw a thin line along the contour of the eye, gradually thickening towards the edge of the eye. Don't forget to shade the outline, otherwise it will look too clumsy. Decorate the inner and middle part of the eye with light shadows, and save dark palettes for the eyelid area close to the temples.

How to apply it correctly?

  1. Remember these very simple step-by-step instructions and take them into account: 50% of the success of your makeup will depend on skin preparation.
  2. First, cleanse your face. Now the most popular and effective method can be called micellar water, but no one has canceled ordinary water or tonic for washing. Act according to your taste - the main thing is that your face is fresh, free from excess fat and dirt. Apply your favorite cream. Make a mask if time allows, or use patches. You can do almost anything you want - as long as your skin is “well-fed”. Allow the beneficial substances to be absorbed - and only then begin to act.
  3. Apply concealer. Perhaps you use a colored concealer, apply a primer to smooth out wrinkles... Do all the necessary preparatory steps before it's your turn to foundation.
  4. When applying the base, gently blend it all over your face.. If you use sponges for driving in, then do this also carefully. Be sure to include some of the neck and ears so that the face doesn't look too different from the rest of the skin.
  5. Apply de-shine powder and add blush. For dark skin, you can additionally use bronzers, but for those with light brown hair and fair skin, a light coral blush will suffice.
  6. To achieve the effect of large eyes, the triangular area under the eye can be highlighted using a makeup technique such as baking. To do this you will need white loose powder, as well as a wide flat brush. Apply powder under the eyes using light but confident strokes. Then use powder highlighter. This will help “highlight” the eye and give it additional visual volume.
  7. The next step is working on the eyebrows. Comb, color and shape. Use pencils, shadows, wax - anything will do to achieve the fashionable effect of thick and very clearly defined eyebrows.
  8. We're reaching the finish line - getting to work on eye makeup. Above you have already received many detailed recommendations for working with shadows and direct tips for action. The only thing that has not yet been said is that after completing the color work, you will need to carefully remove excess shadows if they have crumbled.
  9. The last stage is highlighting the cheekbones and applying lipstick to the lips. If you are skilled with brushes and know very well what contouring is, do not hesitate to put your knowledge into practice. When all the lines are drawn, all that remains is to design your mouth, do not forget that the emphasis should be on one thing. Either on the eyes or on the lips. If your makeup was previously very delicate, a little bright shades of lipstick will bring freshness and life. If the previous colors were saturated, you should not darken all areas of the face.

The only option when dark shadows can be in harmony with dark lipstick is light brown eyes, which will glow with a bright spot, relegating all other makeup to the background.

Proceed step by step, do not jump from the base to the eyebrows and from the eyes to the lips. Step-by-step application exists for a reason. By sticking to the plan, you will protect yourself from possible mistakes.

Spring is the time of love and romantic encounters. In the makeup of a brown-eyed girl, you should definitely focus on the eyes!

Master brown eye makeup techniques to make your eyes more expressive! With your gaze you can convey the subtlest nuances of your attitude towards your interlocutor. This is especially true if your counterpart is very attractive to you! How to achieve more expressive eyes? Of course, with the help of proper eye makeup!

Brown eye makeup

You probably know the basic rules of eye makeup: the closer to the outer corner of the eye, the darker the tone of the shadows, highlight the eyebrows with light, and highlight the inner corners of the eyes too. But there are several secrets known to few.

Here's an example: reflective concealer should not be applied to swollen lower eyelids- he will only emphasize them!

Another secret: cool tones of makeup “reveal” wrinkles. And one more thing: for sagging eyelid skin, it is better to use creamy shadows. Drooping eyelids can be visually “removed” by blending a little smoky brown shadow on the crease.

The shadows should also match your color type, as well as the tones of clothing, otherwise the look will be “lost”, and you can’t allow this to happen!

Color scheme for brown eye makeup

Basic tones for brown eyes will be: white, opal, creamy, champagne.

The following colors are suitable for a brown-eyed brunette:

  • black
  • silver
  • dark brown
  • lilac and fuchsia
  • golden

For a brown-eyed girl with blond hair, this range is suitable:

  • sand
  • dark pink
  • all shades of green
  • light and dark beige

Under no circumstances should you use terracotta color in your makeup for brown eyes. The orange shade of the eyeshadow does not suit such eyes.

Thick eyelashes are the main makeup touch for brown eyes

Have you already tried using two-phase mascara? It perfectly lengthens eyelashes and gives them volume. First you apply the base, and then mascara in two layers. Carefully paint over the outer lashes! Beautiful eyelashes are very important in brown eye makeup.

You applied mascara with the effect of lengthening and volume, but do you think that the eyelashes could be thicker? Take artificial eyelashes and carefully stick them between your own. Use only special glue for artificial eyelashes, it is usually included in the package. You can ask a friend to help you: it’s still inconvenient to glue it yourself.

A wonderful effect occurs when using contrasting mascara colors. So, not only black mascara suits brown eyes, but also green and bright turquoise!

Applying eye shadow for brown eyes

Let's add some mystery to the look, like romantic heroines! We take dark shadows onto a sponge, apply them along the border of eyelash growth on the upper eyelid and carefully shade them. Don’t go overboard with the number of shadows or shading: we don’t need the “sad clown” look effect at all!

Emphasizing the expressiveness of brown eyes

Makeup artists know a lot of clever tricks for adding expressiveness to brown eyes. One of the “enlargement” techniques is to draw a line along the inside of the lower eyelid with a white contour pencil. And we give large eyes a “cat-like” look by performing the same technique with a black pencil.

Makeup for brown eyes - add shine!

A radiant look is not a figurative expression, but the result of correctly done highlighting! Apply a base tone slightly darker than your natural skin color to the upper eyelid along the edge of the “bone” and closer to the edge of the eye, and highlight the middle of the eyelid with a radiant, lighter shade.

Brown eye makeup can be very expressive or barely noticeable. It is very important that it is neat, emphasizes the shade of brown eyes and matches the style and time of day.

Photos of brown eye makeup

Evening makeup has a special meaning. It differs from everyday life not only in appearance. Sometimes completely different means are used to apply it than for everyday use. It is also possible to use completely different colors and some other decorative agents.

What you need for evening makeup

Evening makeup should give a feeling of celebration and fun. Many brown-eyed beauties do this kind of makeup for various events, ranging from minor to very important. So you need to look your best! And evening makeup for brown eyes is the main assistant in this.

Evening makeup trends change, but the general rules remain unchanged. Nowadays, glitter, glamorous gloss, and deep matte are in fashion for evening makeup for brown eyes. Choosing a make-up is now as easy as shelling pears, and the assortment of decorative products is dizzying.

To perform beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Use a durable tone with good adhesive properties.
  • Apply from 5 types of shadows, from 3 different color tones.
  • It is better to use lengthening mascara or extensions of suitable eyelashes.
  • Use suitable lipstick or gloss, choosing something that matches the overall image (hair color, dress).
  • Use pencils - different types. From corrective to several - for the eyes.
  • Be sure to use a shading agent.

The difference between evening makeup is its brightness, and this rule applies to every step.

The main principle here is festivity and effectiveness. Products that are unnatural in texture are allowed.

We must not forget that evening makeup for brown eyes begins with the ideal tone. Bad skin is no help in achieving beauty.

In different cases, different means are selected. It is imperative to take into account style characteristics such as color type, eye color, skin type, hairstyle, clothing! If you lose sight of anything, the result will be inharmonious, and your energy will be wasted.

The photo shows evening brown eye makeup for hot brunettes.

Brown eyes can be given stunning make-up. Therefore, it is worth giving an example of photographs of how you can create beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes.

The photo shows beautiful evening makeup for blondes with brown eyes.

For perfect evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to choose the right color scheme.

Contrasts are allowed in evening makeup, but excesses should not be allowed.

1) Black mascara is suitable for brown eyes. In a number of exceptions, it can be brown, but it is rarely used in evening makeup.

Strong products are used to lengthen and add volume, creating a dramatic effect.

An evening look for brown eyes can (and even should!) be diluted with eyeliner makeup.

2) Choose several shade colors. You can choose different textures, focusing on fashion trends and evening wear. Good colors:

  • White.
  • Golden.
  • Brown.

These color trends will help you create bright eye makeup.

3) Eye makeup must be complemented with eyeliner. It needs to be shaded. A special foam rubber product will help with this. This is rarely done with a cotton swab or eyeshadow brush. A few more lines are drawn on top.

4) Be sure to use several lip products. Many people first cover them with foundation. It allows you to achieve excellent adhesion and clear contours. Then a suitable lipstick is applied, and gloss is applied on top of it.

Important: It is not necessary to choose a sparkling, shiny option. In some cases, it is better to opt for gloss with a texture close to lipstick. It all depends on the specific case. Also, many people prefer to focus on their own taste.

5) Blush needs warm tones. They must be matched to the tone of the foundation. Golden tones suit brown eyes well, and many take risks using blush of this tone. Peach, beige, and pink also work well.

If you want to do gentle evening makeup for brown eyes, then you should give preference to delicate colors of decorative cosmetics: peach, nude, sand, pale pink.

Stellar example:

Interesting evening look of brown-eyed Emma Watson.

Jessica Alba demonstrates delicate evening makeup for brown eyes.

Video: evening makeup for brown eyes in oriental style.

Step by step makeup

To do beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to know the nuances of step-by-step execution. Below are step-by-step instructions and photographs for a clear understanding:

1) First you need to create a base. For this, foundation creams are used. Many people use several suitable options. So, if bags appear under the eyes in the evening, it is better to use greenish tones, covering this particular area. Ordinary foundations will not help here; you need to select current colors.

2) Be sure to use blush. Brown eyes don’t go well with cool colors, but they are ideally suited to a natural palette that other color types only dream of.

Blush is applied with a brush with long bristles. They must be carefully shaded so that unnecessary treacherous traces are not visible.

3) Shadows are applied sequentially. First you need a base layer. This will ensure even distribution of the product.

In evening makeup for brown eyes, not only loose, but also liquid variations are relevant. But it is better not to combine these varieties, since they do not harmonize well with each other.

The shadows are applied in several layers: first, white over the entire surface, then dark in the deepest places. On the eyelid, dark shadows are also applied on the fold line, from the far corners to the middle.

4) Many people also use false eyelashes. This is a good option. Black series are suitable for brown eyes, there are special evening eyelashes - with sparkles, elongated, originally styled.

They are applied using special eyelash glue, and the line of contact with the skin is masked with shadows. Then use eyeliner pencils. If the result looks unnatural, add another layer of shadows on top.

5) In addition to mascara, evening makeup for brown eyes should be done with arrows, which will make the look incredibly expressive and seductive. Of course, arrows need to be done if the image and general makeup style allows it.

6) The lips are isolated in several stages. First, foundation is applied with a sponge. Next comes a layer of lipstick. Sometimes women use several tones of the same color to achieve a unique color.

Lighter lipstick is applied to the convex parts of the lips. Then glitter is applied on top. Many people choose glosses with glitter or the “chameleon” series, but an option close to lipstick is also suitable.

The main thing is to get additional volume. A lip pencil, which is chosen to match the color of lipstick and gloss, also helps with this, although in an evening setting you can play with contrasts. For example, choose beige lipstick, transparent gloss and a dark, chocolate-colored pencil.

Tips: if you want to do light evening makeup for brown eyes, then you should avoid false or brightly colored eyelashes and eyeliner. But this does not mean that you should give up bright accents! You can highlight your eyes with mother-of-pearl or focus on your lips.

With step-by-step instructions, evening makeup for brown eyes will not be difficult. Therefore, it is worth giving a clear example in the form of a photograph.

Step-by-step evening makeup for brown eyes is shown in the photo:

Video: beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes step by step.

Evening makeup for brown hair can be made light, bright and expressive. It all depends on your desire and mood. If you follow all the recommendations, the image will turn out perfect and stylish.

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