You've probably come across small teddy bears more than once, up to 10 cm tall. How to sew such mini bears? Irina Panekina (tomar), a wonderful teddy master, will tell us about this in detail.

So, let's begin...

1) For a bear up to 10 cm, we will need material no more than 25x25 cm (everyone will choose what they want, be it faux fur, minishtoff, plush, etc., the main thing is that this material does not crumble), synthetic fluff filler and metal granulate ( grate can be replaced with coarse sand or fine glass granules), 5 cotter pins, 5 mm disks, eyes, scissors, thin-nose pliers, wooden stick (I use sushi sticks)

2) Pattern

Let's take our piece of material. Determine the direction of the pile (the pile should go down)

Fold our piece in half.

We sweep it away to make it more convenient to sew our parts.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric

Take a thread that matches the color of the fabric. We sew the parts back with a needle (see diagram). Leave unsewn areas marked with color.

Now we cut out our parts, leaving about 2 mm allowances.

Sew the sole into the foot.

Sew together the details of the head.

Also, we need to sew darts on the bear’s body (this way we will create more rounded shapes)

Before unscrewing our parts, we will thread an approximate thread at the fastening points. Since the bear is small, and it will be difficult for us to see where the legs are attached later, this thread will be a hint for us.
As for the ears, here I used a different fabric. To make our ears more funny.
We sew fur parts with companion fabric.

We turn out our details. A sushi stick will help us very well with this)))) It has a blunt and thin end, which will help you turn out small parts without damaging them.

Now we need T-pins and discs.

I use two disks on each side. One is slightly smaller than the other.

We take our foot and, together for fastening, carefully use a cone-shaped awl to increase the distance between the weaving threads so that our cotter pin can pass without damaging the fabric.
We insert our cotter pin through the inside.
It turns out that the discs and the head of the cotter pin are inside our legs.

We begin to fill the upper and lower legs.

We take a small piece of synthetic fluff and, using a stick, push it to the very end. Don’t try to push a lot at once, otherwise you will end up with voids and will have to stuff everything again. Compact your synthetic fluff so that there are no voids.
When the leg is filled to the heel, add a little granulate.

Since the granules are small and the foot part is also small, for ease of filling I use a gravy boat with a thin tip.
We add granules only to the lower limbs and body of the toy.
In the upper legs and head we add only synthetic fluff.

We close the legs with a hidden seam.

We insert a cotter pin with discs into the head, tighten it and sew it up.

We sew up the ears with a hidden seam and pull them together in the form of a dumpling.

Using pins we try on the location of the eyes. Depending on the location of the eyes, there will be a different expression on the bear's face.

Let's form our eye sockets using a drawstring.

We will shade the eye sockets with bed. This will add depth to our eyes.

We take an eye and reinforced thread. We fasten the thread to the eye loop.
Gently squeeze the eye loop. (be careful when squeezing, as the glass eyes may burst)

We make a hole in the eye sockets with an awl (not very large, but so that the eye ear can fit in there)
Insert eyes. We draw the end of the threads in the neck area.

We tighten the eyes so that they go deeper into the sockets. We fasten the ends and hide them inside the head.

Using pins we look for the location of the ears.

We sew the ears in with a hidden seam.
Now all our parts need to be assembled.

We insert the legs and head into the body, install the discs, and twist the ends of the cotter pins (two options for closing the ends of the cotter pin are shown in the diagram)

Now all that remains is to stuff the body. First we lay synthetic fluff, then a little granulate, and fill the rest of the space with synthetic fluff.

Close with a hidden seam.

Our baby is ready. If desired, you can add eyebrows.

A handmade soft toy can be a good gift for a child, since the child’s preferences can be taken into account when making it. Making it yourself is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step manufacturing instructions, rules, and prepare the materials that will be needed for this.

Necessary materials

To create a children's toy, you must use only safe materials. For children under 5 years old, it is better to choose whole natural fabrics, without lint or added synthetics. It is also recommended to do without accessories in the form of buttons, glitter, etc. If a toy is being made for an older child, then the imagination is limitless, as is the choice of material.

Fabrics for soft toys

Knitwear is ideal for sewing toys for little ones. This is an elastic and practical material, from which it is very easy to make a toy, and it is safe. It is easy to wash and does not lose its shape, does not require additional processing, and thanks to the variety of colors, the toy will turn out to be very impressive.

Another fabric that is often used for tailoring is silk.. This is a capricious material; working with it will require patience and accuracy. But products made from silk are very beautiful and durable. It is also used for decoration, but can also be used as a whole fabric. Requires delicate washing and gentle drying.

And the most popular material for sewing soft toys for little ones is cotton fabric.

It is very diverse, inexpensive and used everywhere. It is very easy to work with, has increased durability and strength, moreover, it is safe, and stains and dirt are removed quickly.

For older children, you can use other fabrics, such as faux fur or wool; this is an ideal option for sewing bears; it will give the toy a realistic look, and if handled with care, it will last a long time. Other fabrics are also suitable, for example, velvet, velor, felt.

Other materials

To make a soft toy with your own hands, you will need not only fabric, you must have other materials, such as:

  • Pattern and template from which the toy parts will be created;
  • Soft filler, you can use cotton wool, but it is recommended to take pieces of foam rubber, it will help maintain its shape longer;
  • Threads and needle, scissors;
  • Thick paper;
  • If decor is planned (when making toys for children over 5 years old), then you can use buttons, sparkles, and ribbons.

Important nuances

To sew a soft toy, you need to accurately make a fabric pattern using a template. This is an exact copy of the details of the future product, depicted on paper, which is then transferred to the material. Each toy has its own set of templates, but you can also draw it yourself. Then you should cut them out and attach them to the fabric using tailor's needles.

Before making a toy, you should wet the selected fabric and dry it. This will help check whether it will shrink during the first wash and whether the toy will lose its shape. If this happens, it is recommended to wash the material before sewing, dry it and only then start working.

Bear toy pattern

Making a soft teddy bear toy is quite simple and easy to do yourself. For it is enough to use any popular pattern.

Some tips on how to choose it:

  1. All patterns can be divided into simple (with a minimum number of details) and complex (where additional design is required in the form of accessories and decor, such as dresses, ribbons, seam processing).
  2. Beginners should start with easier ones, these include: a Barney bear (or a simple bear made of fabric), a sock bear, a Tilda-style bear.
  3. Other popular but difficult patterns for sewing are: Teddy bear, ballerina bear, polar bear, mother bear with babies.

Master classes on making soft toys

Teddy bear made of fabric

One of the simplest patterns is a Barney bear, transferred directly onto the fabric, without using templates.

How to make a soft toy with your own hands without a template:

  1. Take a small piece of fabric and fold it in half exactly in the middle with the right side facing inward;
  2. Using a pencil, draw several rounded lines;
  3. You should start with the head - describe a small semicircle, then the ear, a rounded cheek, a slightly elongated paw, a slightly rounded belly and one elongated leg;
  4. Cut strictly along the contour;
  5. Expand the material - the bear pattern without using a template is ready;
  6. Repeat all the manipulations exactly, thus preparing its back part;
  7. Sew the two halves together from the wrong side;
  8. Leave a small gap, turn the product inside out and fill it with filler.

There are other interesting patterns for a soft bear toy.

Felt bear

To make a felt toy you will need:


  1. Select and transfer onto tracing paper a template for the details of a felt bear; the scale must be respected and be 1:1. Also, everyone can show their imagination and draw parts of the bear’s body themselves.
  2. After the drawing has been transferred to tracing paper, it is transferred to thick paper, strictly observing the scale and every detail. Thus, the template is ready.
  3. Then all the component parts are cut out from a thick sheet and fixed to the fabric using tailor’s pins. Carefully trace with a simple pencil or chalk, remove the template and cut out - the pattern is ready. Advice! Perform all manipulations on the wrong side.
  4. Next, 2 identical parts are placed on top of each other and sewn together, leaving a small gap for the filler. They are turned right side out, the toy is evenly filled with foam rubber, cotton wool, padding polyester (optional) and sewn up to the end with neat stitches.
  5. After all parts of the bear’s body are made, they are sewn together, and depending on the imagination, eyes, nose, and mouth are made.

One option for creating a face is to use buttons or sew on store-bought glitter. Many craftswomen embroider them from multi-colored floss threads using satin stitches. You can also cut out a nose, eyes and mouth from felt of a different color and sew them on with threads; for this, a chain stitch is most often used.

The final touch in making a felt bear is decorating the product. You can sew on several multi-colored ribbons, bows, sparkles and a very bright and beautiful toy is ready.

Teddy bear made from a sock

Making a soft bear from a sock is very simple.

You don’t need a pattern for this, just have the materials:

Work algorithm:

  1. turn the sock inside out, place the heel up;
  2. the head is the nose part, draw them with a marker;
  3. cut along the contour and sew;
  4. leave a small hole, fill the product with filler;
  5. shape the nose of the sock into a ball;
  6. distribute evenly and sew up to the end, tightening the edges with threads;
  7. a rounded head is obtained;
  8. then the heel and part of the toe to the elastic band are the torso and paws;
  9. the heel is the future hind legs, it must be cut strictly in half and formed into two limbs, sewn together, stuffed with filler;
  10. The front legs are made from elastic, simply cut out, stitched together and sewn to the body.
  11. then the ears are created, they can be made from the rest of the sock or take a new one.
  12. They can be made from elastic - just draw two semicircles and cut them out, stuff them with filler and simply sew them to the head.
  13. For decoration, you can use ribbons, buttons, sparkles, thus creating eyes, a mouth, and a nose.
  14. From another sock you can make a color for a bear; for this you need to cut out small round fragments and sew them on the paws, muzzle and even the stomach - thus getting an unusual color.

Teddy bear pillow

To create such a bear you will need cotton fabric, soft filling, a sewing machine, and scissors. To get a more realistic product, it is recommended to take weave of different colors.

The first step is to create a pattern; it should be large enough and round in shape. The head and ears are depicted, then they are cut out, the seam is sewn by machine, the product is turned inside out and stuffed with soft filling, and sewn up to the end. The material acts as decor; it will be comfortable to sleep on and so This will create the effect of a bear's face.

Two round appliqués are cut out of a dark color - these are the eyes. They are sewn to the pillow with hidden seams or sewn on by machine.

It is better to make the muzzle bright, any color of your choice, in the form of a large oval-shaped piece of fabric. A small round mouth is sewn onto it.

For realism, you can sew on small front legs. They are made from the same color of fabric as the pillow itself and are attached to its lower part, having previously been stuffed with filler.

Bear in Tilda style

This bear cub is distinguished by its elongated body proportions and legs; it has recently gained a lot of fans. To make a bear in the Tilda style, you need to take fabric from bright cotton sprint, a template from which a pattern, scissors, threads, a needle will be created; ribbons and bows often act as decoration.

Transfer the template to the double folded fabric, leaving a small seam allowance. Sew together and turn right side out, then sew with a blind stitch.

The peculiarity of this soft toy is that the legs are attached to the body with buttons, this allows them to move, creating different positions of the bear’s body. The ears are sewn to the head, and the nose, eyes and mouth are created from threads, without using any decor. A mandatory decoration for a Tilda-style bear is ribbons or bows; you can also do original embroidery by hand.

Teddy bear

Making a soft Teddy bear toy with your own hands is a difficult task, so before starting work you should carefully study the algorithm.

How and where to start:

Work algorithm:

  • Transfer the patterns of parts onto pile fabric; they should be a mirror image;
  • Cut them out, leave punctures for the paws to create fastenings;
  • The ears and paws are made from two different materials, the outer side is made of pile, the inner side is made of cotton;
  • Sew them together;
  • Turn inside out and then stuff with filling;
  • The next step is fastening;
  • They are inserted into the space left in advance, these are cardboard disks with a hole with a mounted bolt (the body of the bear cub);
  • A nut is also sewn into the limb and then stuffed with foam rubber;
  • The fastenings in the limbs and torso are carefully sutured, making them invisible;
  • Next, you should screw the limb to the body, this fastening gives the soft toy mobility;
  • By analogy, perform this manipulation on all paws;
  • After the body of the bear cub is ready, you should embroider the eyes, mouth, and nose with threads;
  • Tie a bow or ribbon around your neck;
  • Teddy bear is ready.

Teddy bear ballerina

To sew a ballerina bear, you need to take dense material, preferably short pile. For the heels, palms and inside of the ears, you need to choose a soft fabric, for example, silk, cotton.

Patterns need to be made according to templates; there will be a lot of details here, because... legs, palms, knees and shoulders are movable, they are sewn separately. In order for the pile to lie in one direction, all fragments of the bear are made in a mirror image and then sewn together. They are turned right side out, stuffed with foam rubber and sewn up with a hidden seam.

The ankles, legs, shoulders and palms of the toy are movable, this is achieved with the help of a button fastening. There are 2 design options: hidden (when stitches and buttons are sewn into the details from the wrong side) and external (they are sewn on the front side and look quite nice, only the color of the fabric and the color of the buttons must match).

The loop is made on the body, and the button is sewn on the paws. Next, the loop is made on the arm or leg, and the fastening is sewn on the palm or ankle. To decorate the face of a bear, ballerinas most often use beads or multi-colored sparkles. A ribbon is tied around the neck, and the same is attached to one ear.

A mandatory accessory for this toy is a ball tutu; it is created by hand and made of transparent bright fabric, for example, chiffon, veil, cambric.

The cut should be short, it should be tied onto a thread and distributed evenly to create beautiful voluminous waves. Pull the skirt at the bear's waist, sew it up with a hidden seam, you can also insert a narrow elastic band, this will make it possible to change the clothes of the ballerina bear.

Polar bear

In order to understand how to make a soft toy with your own hands, you will definitely need a bear pattern with the number of necessary parts.

This soft toy differs from all previous ones not only in color, but also in the fact that the bear stands on four legs. Therefore, tailoring a polar bear is different from the rest. The fabric should be chosen dense with a long, hard pile, the pattern should be made strictly according to the template, executing in a mirror image. Sew the fragments together and fill them with filler through a small hole.

In order for the toy to be stable, the paws must be filled very tightly.

In one version, the polar bear is performed in a stationary state, the limbs are sewn to the body, and in another, a hidden button fastening can be made.

Bear with babies

To make a soft toy of this type, there are many options for patterns; it could be a bear in a lying position, and several of her cubs around her. And also sitting with the offspring on your lap, or even standing. The difficulty of this composition is that you have to work with small details. The fabric can be varied, ranging from faux fur or regular cotton.

For sewing the family, movable fastenings are not used; all limbs are sewn tightly to the body. To create faces, buttons are selected from the mother; for babies, most often the mouth, nose and eyes are decorated with floss threads or glued with small sequins.

What stitches should I use when sewing a soft toy?

Threads for sewing toys must be strong and must match the color of the product. The only exception is when a decorative loop stitch is made; it is used as a finishing stitch and not only sews the parts together, but also processes the edges of the fabric.

To create a soft toy with my own hands, I usually use the following types of seams:

How to connect the parts of a soft toy

If the parts of a toy are sewn together without fastenings, then a joining seam is usually used. To do this, you need to form each of them, then simply attach the workpiece to the joint and carefully thread the needle and thread with small stitches along the front side to sew them together.

If there are movable fasteners, then sew them with a hidden seam into the part and, after connecting them, also use a hidden seam.

What is the best material to make the eyes and nose of a bear from?

Most often, buttons are used or sequins are glued, but sometimes floss threads can be used to decorate the face. To do this, you should master the embroidery method. The most common of them is satin stitch, the stitches are made even, tightly adjacent to each other. Cross stitch is also used, this is the easiest way.

For some toys, the appliqué method is used.

Here you need to cut out a small piece from a fabric of a different color and use a buttonhole stitch to sew on the pattern.

What to fill a sewn toy with

Foam rubber is most often used as a filler; this material is dense, it does not fall off and holds any shape perfectly. It's also easy to remove if the toy needs to be washed. You can use ordinary cotton wool, but it quickly clumps and the product may lose its original appearance.

Synthetic padding is also used - it is easy to purchase and a pleasure to work with. With it, the toy will keep its shape for a long time, it is easy to dry and does not get lost. An alternative option is holofiber - this material is durable and easy to use.

Natural fillers are used as a filler, this is wool. It is environmentally friendly, will allow the product to keep its shape and even generate heat; it will be very pleasant for the child to sleep with such a toy.

How to insert a wire frame

The wire frame is used quite often in soft toys; it allows it to hold its shape and gives it flexibility. To create it you will need a little wire; for safety, its ends should be bent using round teeth. The wire should be copper or floral, along the entire length of the toy.

Then, when the desired blank is made, it is lightly coated with glue and wrapped with the selected filler. This will prevent it from getting out while using the toy. Next, the filler is evenly distributed around it and a frame is obtained, which is then placed in a fabric pattern. The fragment is sewn together.

Thus, the wire frame is inserted both into the body and into the limbs or even into the ears and tail of the toy.

How to decorate a soft toy

There is a huge selection of accessories for decorating toys. The most commonly used are beads, buttons, sequins, ribbons and bows. They are sewn to the product using a hidden seam or special glue. You can also take small pieces of fabric, for example, velvet, cambric, silk, chiffon, they are overlapped and then sewn on using a buttonhole stitch.

Sometimes original embroidery appears as decoration, as this helps make the soft toy unusual. This option has increasingly become used when the product is created by hand.

Another option for creating a unique look can be specially tailored clothing, such as a dress, skirt or jumpsuit. It is made from beautiful lightweight fabric.

Video: how to make a soft toy with your own hands. Bear pattern

How to make a bear with your own hands, watch the video:

Draw a pattern for a soft toy:

Adorable teddy bears are no longer just a children's toy. More and more often they are sewn for interior decoration or just for fun. Cute bears made of faux fur, velvet, suede or fabric take us back to childhood and give us unique emotions. It’s especially nice that you can sew such a bear yourself, even if you’ve never held a needle and thread in your hands. And after sewing a couple of simple toys, be sure to try a more complex pattern and you will probably end up with a unique bear.

Selection of materials

Sewing a bear from fabric is much easier than from faux fur, since fur or other similar pile fabric (suede, velor) has a pile direction that must be taken into account when cutting.

Plus, these loose fabrics are simply more difficult to work with. Therefore, we recommend that beginners try sewing a bear from regular thick cotton. Another great material is felt. It is also ideal for beginners, as sewing a bear from felt is the easiest. In other cases, take fabric that imitates fur, which does not fray too much when cut and does not stretch, so that the toy does not deform when assembling the parts. Also think about recycling unnecessary items and scraps, for example, how to sew a bear out of jeans or an old sweater. Take the amount of fabric based on the size of the future product. For beginners, we recommend the average size of the toy is 20-25 centimeters - this will make it easier to work with parts and the amount of work will not be too large. Miniature toys are the most difficult to sew, so we advise you not to start with them.

Next, prepare the stuffing material. You can use padding polyester or holofiber or even scraps of fabric for this, or you can stuff the bear with granules, sawdust or even cotton wool. Such materials are often found in specialized craft stores.

In addition to fabric and padding, you will need threads and needles (even if you plan to use a sewing machine, all parts are sewn together by hand).

Details of the future bear

Next, think about how you will make the bear’s face. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made plastic nose and eyes and glue them on or draw on the eyes, nose and mouth with fabric markers. You can embroider a nose with thread, but for the most beautiful interior bears, you should look for glass eyes that are sewn on by hand in craft stores. Also, such bears, as well as real Teddy bears, will require special articulated mounts that allow the head and paws to move.

And lastly - decorative elements. You can do without them, but the bear will be much cuter if you add some simple clothes or a ribbon around your neck.

The simplest fabric bear

Even a child can handle this kind of work, so you can safely sew a toy together with your children. The fabric bear pattern can be drawn by you by hand, and you can draw it as you like - a bear cub with long legs or a round, plump bear with a large head or ears.

Fold the fabric in half with the pattern facing inward, place the pattern on top and trace with chalk or Cut out two pieces at once and sew them on a machine or by hand, leaving a small hole for turning and stuffing. Turn the fabric inside out, stuff it well, not forgetting the ears and paws, and sew up the hole with your hands. The bear is almost ready, all that remains is to draw its face and decorate it as your imagination dictates.

Teddy bear made from a sock

A pair of wool or knitted socks, new ones of course, will make a very cute bear. A pattern is not needed, and the entire master class fits in one picture - from one edge of the sock, cut out a head with ears, from the other - a torso with lower legs, cut out upper legs from scraps, and from the other sock - an oval for the muzzle. Next, you should sew a cut on the head between the ears, sew in the paws and stuff the torso and head, connect them together and shape the muzzle. The funny bear is ready.

Bear in Tilda style

Another version of a popular toy is a bear in the style of minimalist textile toys, whose body proportions are elongated and long. It is best to sew such a bear from bright cotton with a small original print.

So, from the fabric it should be transferred to the fabric folded in half. Next, cut out the pieces with seam allowance. Sew each part of the toy, leaving a hole, and turn it right side out. To turn out the narrow parts of the paws, use a pencil or a wooden stick. Stuff all the pieces and sew the holes closed with a blind stitch.

You can use buttons to connect the paws and the body, then the paws can be moved. Carefully sew the ears to the head and the head to the body. It is better to embroider the muzzle with threads - Tilda's eyes are traditionally made using the French knot technique, and the nose and mouth can be embroidered with small stitches according to a pre-made pattern.

Teddy bear

The pattern of this bear is perhaps the most difficult, since it requires fabric that imitates fur and special fastenings for the paws. So, in this case, the pattern is not transferred to the material folded in half, but two drawings of the parts of the body, head, ears and paws are made. Moreover, one part of the pattern is located next to the other, but in a mirror manner. This is necessary so that the fabric pile of the finished toy is directed in one direction. Cut parts only with very sharp scissors so as not to damage the pile. In the parts of the paws and body, where they will be fastened to each other, make punctures for future hinges.

Also often Teddy's feet, palms and the inside of the ear are made of another material, such as leather, so they are cut out separately.

Next, we do everything as usual - the fabric bear pattern must be cut out, stitched, turned inside out and stuffed. Now is the time to insert the fasteners. These are cardboard disks with a hole into which a bolt, nut and 2 washers are inserted. A disc with a bolt is inserted into the paw through the unsewn hole, and the fabric is sutured around the bolt coming out. A disk is also placed in the body at the place where this paw is attached, and its hole must be aligned with the hole previously made in the fabric. Next, apply the paw to the body so that the bolt from the paw fits into the hole in the body and secure the structure from the inside with a nut. Do the same with all the paws and head, and you can sew up all the remaining holes and form the muzzle.

To do this, using a needle and thread and a knot tied at its end, pull the muzzle from the inside in the area of ​​the eyes (to give volume to the eye sockets) and mouth (to form a smile for the bear). You can remove the thread behind the ears. The drawstring makes it possible to create exactly the facial expression that you want to give to your toy.

Teddy bear Me to you

This charming bear is familiar to everyone from his cute and touching postcards. These bears are distinguished by their gray-blue color, so choose fabric that is similar in color. They also have a specially designed muzzle - it consists of two parts of a contrasting color and a blue nose. These details and the special pattern of the fabric bear make the Me to you toy recognizable.

Please note that this bear must have feet made of suede or fine-pile fabric. They are sewn in a circle after basting the details of the lower paw and only then stuffed.

Also a characteristic feature is a large decorative patch made of the same companion material. You can buy a blue nose ready-made from plastic and glue it to the muzzle. Otherwise, this toy is sewn in the same way, as they may have the same one, but it can be assembled without hinge fasteners, but simply by sewing the parts to each other.

polar bear

The pattern of this bear differs from the previous ones in that the polar bear will not sit, but stand on four legs.

In principle, the entire sewing process repeats those described earlier, the only nuance is to stuff the paws well and tightly so that your polar bear does not fall over on its side, but stands well and firmly.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to sew a bear from fabric, the main thing is patience and accuracy, and you will succeed.

A teddy bear is a toy that provides soft sides to almost every little person during sleep; listens to all the grievances accumulated during the day from girls who have already matured, silently supporting; becomes an indispensable friend in games.

Beloved by everyone, the clubfoot has been giving joy and touching for more than one generation. But you don’t have to buy a soft friend in a store; you can sew it yourself.

The baby will definitely like this gift and anyone can sew this adorable creature.

We present step-by-step instructions - it will help you understand the intricacies and nuances of making a toy. Taking it as a basis, you can create not only a bear, but also any other craft. Everything is limited only by your imagination. Take action and let this article be the starting point for your further journey into the fascinating world of needlework.

  • The basis of the fluffy “miracle” is soft-pile fabric. It can be plush, natural or artificial fur, mohair, velvet.
  • Additional thick fabric of any other shade for paw pads and ears. It will look nice if you take a couple of tones lighter, but this is not important. Not necessarily with pile - calico, flannel, silk, suede.
  • Pattern paper.
  • Pencil or pen, scissors.
  • Threads, floss or strong silk threads, sewing needles.
  • Black beads or buttons will be the eyes.
  • Stuffing (cotton wool, padding polyester). Perhaps any old things, rags that have been lying “idle” for a long time.


Having decided on the color of the future bear, choose a suitable fabric. Plush is usually used. By the way, a pleasant moment for beginners - the “plush” fur hides possible uneven seams, and the toy looks great at the same time.

Draw a pattern on paper or use a ready-made one - download it from the Internet or take one you like from any needlework magazine. A soft bear can be of any size, it all depends on the amount of material.

Redraw all parts of the toy onto the fabric. When cutting, be sure to allow seam allowances. In places of protrusions and curves, it is necessary to make cuts, this will allow you to maintain the correct shape of the product. The number of parts is indicated on the pattern. Items used from additional fabric are indicated in yellow.

We connect the parts of the bear in pairs and turn them right side out, leaving a few unstitched centimeters through which we will stuff the figure. We leave the ears without filler. The tail is not indicated on the pattern. If you really need it, then it is most convenient to cut it out according to the ear pattern.

The most difficult thing in the process of making a bear is the head. Follow the letters - they should match. First, we sew the side halves of the head along the chin line, then we sew the ears along the cut line and, finally, we sew in the middle of the head between these parts from the back of the head to the nose.

On the paws, mark the contours of the toes. They can be embroidered with thread or glued triangles of dark suede fabric. This will give the bear cub some liveliness.

We carefully trim the nose area to make the muzzle look more expressive. Sew on the eyes. We embroider the nose using floss and stitch the mouth. We form eyelids from light pieces of fabric.

Let's attach the bear's head to the belly and make it movable - for this we use a regular spool of thread. We cover it with fabric and place it in the neck area, making it as deep as possible. We will gather the edges of the holes in the head and body of the toy with a strong thread and tighten it tightly. Now Toptygin can look around.

We sew the paws to the body using a thick, strong thread. Having threaded it twice at the places where they combine, we pull the thread tightly to the desired position of the limbs and secure the ends by tucking them inward. This method of connection allows the bear to move its paws and sit.

Our soft beauty is ready!

Options and ideas

The bear can be dressed in a jacket and pants - they can also be easily made from colored pieces of fabric. Or just tie a bow.

There are a great many options for what and how to sew a bear from. For example, a toy in the shape of a northern bear will look unusual in the room and complement the decor in an original way. Such a “friend” will be an excellent companion in games for little pranksters.

Little soft inhabitants of children's rooms can be not only plush. Sewing a bear from felt or thick calico will be an interesting solution. Such a unique gift for a celebration, moreover, created with your own hands, will please any romantic girl.

Let's not ignore the well-known Teddy bear. This American toy has become almost epoch-making. Today “Teddy” is sold in every toy store and is the constant “companion” of every third girl encountered on the street. Let's not forget that he is also a friend adored by children.

A handmade soft toy is not only a fun and interesting activity. This is both a great mood from the result obtained and a joy of pleasure for everyone who gets this miracle.

Collection of bear patterns

This popular soft toy in the shape of a cute little gray bear is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Anyone who has once seen a Teddy Bear will certainly want such a cute plush pet to live in his home. Many people know the fairly high cost of such a toy, but this is not a reason to give up on the dream. We offer an alternative option - to sew a teddy Teddy Bear with your own hands.

How to sew a teddy bear with your own hands?

In the master class we will show you how to sew a Teddy Bear with movable legs and head from plush fabric at home, without special fastenings and accessories. So, we need this:

  • gray plush fabric:
  • light brown or beige fleece;
  • large black beads and a piece of artificial light brown suede for the eyes;
  • floss threads;
  • synthetic filler;
  • wooden thread spools;
  • needle and thread.

Now we can start working.

DIY Teddy bears - master class

  1. First of all, we will build a Teddy Bear pattern, shown in detail in the picture.
  2. Now we cut out the Teddy Bear blank parts from the fabric, marking the seam allowances.
  3. Before sewing, trim the lint from the seam allowances. This will make our work much easier. Let's start sewing our bear from the palms.
  4. Next, we sew together the parts of the handle, sew the palm to the handle, leaving a small hole for filling with padding polyester. Turn it right side out.
  5. Now let's take care of the legs of our bear. Sew together the leg pieces, leaving the feet open and a small hole in the toes for turning and filling.
  6. Now we sew in the feet and turn the legs right side out.
  7. Next, we sew the two halves of the tummy together, leaving a neck hole. We do the same for the tail of the bear. Turn the parts of the toy right side out.
  8. Then let's take care of the bear's head. Fold the two parts and sew the chin line.
  9. Now let's sew the ears to the head. Before this, we sew their parts together without filling them with padding polyester.
  10. We continue to sew the head along the intended allowance.
  11. Turn the finished head right side out.
  12. Now we fill all the details of our bear with padding polyester. We pay special attention to the nose and legs so that the toy is stable.
  13. Then, using floss threads, we embroider the toes and palms of the Teddy Bear.
  14. We hide all the holes with a hidden seam.
  15. Now let’s take care of the little bear’s face. First of all, we will embroider a nose and mouth using floss threads. Then we will sew two black beads as eyes. Cut out two small pieces of faux suede.
  16. Now carefully lubricate the narrowed side of the eyelid with glue and very carefully, using a toothpick, tuck the flap behind the eye. Now the eyes have become more realistic, even as if alive.
  17. Next, let's work on the articulation of the bear's head. To do this, take a wooden spool and a small piece of plush fabric.
  18. We coat the coil with glue, paste it around with a piece of fabric, and also hem it for reliability. The result is a neck for a bear.
  19. Now, using the neck, we connect the head to the body: we cover the holes with a strong thread in a circle, insert the spool hinge and tighten it tightly. For reliability, we fix the structure with threads.
  20. We ended up with a rotating head.
  21. Now let's move on to the legs. We fasten them using the so-called rope connection: we take a thick and strong rope, thread it through one leg and the wrong side, that is, the side adjacent to the body, then we lead the rope through the body and hook the second leg. Then we return to the first leg in the same way and tightly tie the rope into a knot.
  22. Let's check the bear's stability - he should be able to stand on his own.
  23. We attach the handles to the body in the same way.
  24. And lastly, sew on the tail.
  25. Now we beautifully comb our finished Teddy Bear.
  26. And for beauty, we’ll tie a bow around our neck. If you wish, you can also dress the teddy bear by sewing him a shirt, trousers, etc.
  27. You can sew such a beautiful Teddy Bear with your own hands. You and your kids will definitely like it.