The men are lucky. I put on trousers that match the shirt and boots that match the belt - and that's enough. And for women... choose a handbag that matches your shoes, choose a belt that doesn’t clash with your gloves, and it’s better to tactfully remain silent about combining jewelry with an outfit. Every little detail plays a decisive role, even what hand you wear the bracelet on. By the way, there are rules here too.

Right or left

Just two centuries ago, no one could even think of regulating the rules for wearing bracelets.

Hint from history

Having carefully studied old photographs and paintings, we can come to the conclusion that women wore jewelry on both their right and left hands. Everything changed at the beginning of the last century.

Fashion couturiers thought that women already had too much trouble to bother bothering their heads with all sorts of little things. Therefore, we firmly decided that the bracelet should be on the right hand!

In fact, they pursued purely practical goals. According to one version, wristwatches began to come into fashion, but wearing both accessories on one wrist became inconvenient, and the demand for bracelets was rapidly falling. To prevent this, the right-hand rule was invented.

According to another version, the reason for the choice was the handbag. Note that most girls carry it in their right hand. Thanks to this feature, attention inevitably falls on the fashion accessory. However, instead of a handbag there may be an umbrella or other thing that attracts the eye.

Is it possible to break a rule?

In fact, rules are meant to be broken. No one will think of catching you in a fashion fiasco if you suddenly forget yourself and start wearing a bracelet on your left hand.

In the end, all people are divided into right-handed, left-handed and ambidextrous (the word sounds intimidating, but in fact these are those who are equally good with both hands). Therefore, if you are comfortable doing basic things with your left hand, and the watch on it only gets in the way, feel free to change it to a bracelet.


By the way, every rule has its exceptions. If hippie culture is close to your spirit, ask your best friend for a bracelet-bauble, make a wish and wear the jewelry on your left hand. If you put it on the right one, it won’t come true.

Or take responsibility, tie two bracelets - for yourself and a loved one, and wear them together on the same hand. Whether she is right or left does not matter. Hippies did not like bloodletting and sealed their love in such a simple way.

Bracelet combined with other accessories

When deviating from some rules, do not forget to follow others. Take care of the harmonious combination of accessories.

Bracelet + watch

You can wear a bracelet and a watch on one hand at the same time only in one case: when they complement each other well.

For example, a classic watch paired with a gold bracelet will look vulgar and even comical. It is better to choose an accessory made of leather, wood, fabric or metal, such as zirconium bracelets with original stone decoration.

Accessorize watches made of metal, including precious metal, with elegant bracelets identical in color. Never wear gold and silver accessories together. This is bad manners. And if the decoration contains rhinestones or stones, then make sure that they are of a neutral shade or completely match the colors of the outfit.

Have you suddenly been lucky enough to become the owner of a bracelet on your forearm? Give up watches altogether. Regardless of which hand you put the accessory on, they will be superfluous.

Bracelet + ring

When combining a bracelet and a ring, remember that it will be more difficult for one of them to change its position on the hand. Therefore, either make sure that both accessories complement each other, or leave the ring in place and transfer the bracelet to your free hand.

For example, traditionally women wear a wedding ring on their right hand. If the outfit involves not a gold bracelet, but jewelry, then abandon the right-hand rule in favor of style.

What should you do if you already have a watch on your left hand, but there is no bracelet that matches it and your outfit? Either sacrifice one thing, or find compromises between related accessories. For example, you can combine seemingly incompatible things with the help of an additional accessory. In this case, rings. So, you can wear a watch with a leather strap paired with a pearl bracelet, if their tandem is complemented by a ring made of the same material.

In combination with decorative rings, do not overdo it. First, never wear jewelry near precious metals. The same goes for decorative rings next to the engagement ring. Secondly, do not place two flashy decorations next to each other. If you choose a voluminous ring with a large stone, transfer the bracelet to your other hand. Otherwise, one accessory will overlap the other, and together they will become an awkward complement to each other.

Bracelet + clothes

Believe me, even your outfit can affect the location of the bracelet.

For example, an asymmetrical blouse with one open shoulder. In this case, it is better to wear the bracelet on a free wrist to balance the imbalance between the covered and bare hand. An accessory on the forearm will look most advantageous, adding zest to the look.

Or clothes with additional details in the form of a bow or brooch on the side. In this case, put the bracelet on the hand opposite to the accessory. Don’t forget, the decoration and detail of the outfit should be combined and not contradict each other. If there are a scattering of stones on the brooch, then make sure that at least one of the colors is duplicated in the bracelet.

Don't know which hand to put the bracelet on? Wear it on both.

Repetition of accessories is allowed in some cases. The following can be distinguished from them:

    Informal style. If you prefer to stand out from the crowd, then wear ethnic bracelets on both hands or skillfully mix styles, indulging in eclecticism. For example, wear leather jewelry with studs on one wrist, and metal or wood with engraving on the other.

    Variety of shapes. Bracelets are usually divided into hard ones, which do not bend, and soft ones, consisting of links and weaving. This is also a decisive factor. You can wear a traditional hard bracelet on your wrist on your right hand, and decorate your left hand with an accessory on the forearm.

    Commonality of idea. Bracelets for both hands look stylish only if they support the overall style concept and are combined with each other. If you wear gold hoop bracelets on your right hand, wear the same ones on your left hand in combination with a cuff bracelet. But under no circumstances should they be glider or chain.

The bracelet has been known to man since the Neolithic era. During the period of antiquity, the accessory served as a talisman, could tell about the status of the wearer, protected the hands of warriors in battles, and served as an adornment for the wrists of the first beauties.

Nowadays, it is simply a typical element of a fashionable image, regardless of gender differences. He will easily reveal the secret of the owner’s taste preferences and express the person’s temperament.

What rules should you follow when choosing an item of handmade decor, and on which hand is the bracelet worn? We invite you to be puzzled!

Men's bracelet. Which hand should I put it on?

Mature men prefer to use accessories made of precious metals such as gold, platinum or silver.

Simple materials are more suitable for young people: fabric, plastic, knitted thread. Having decided to purchase a bracelet, not all representatives of the stronger sex know which hand to give preference to. We are in a hurry to upset! There are no official rules.

Statistics say that more often men wear it on their active right hand, on their left they usually wear a watch; no one can resist the temptation to stand out with an exquisite accessory. Guys who are not used to watches can use sleeves on both wrists.

On which hand does a women's bracelet look better?

The main rule of wearing such wardrobe items for girls is that you should be comfortable! Mostly ladies choose the working hand.

When combining with a handbag, give preference to the opposite side. In some situations, they are worn on the left side if it simply interferes with work.

  1. Right-handed. 5 arguments for:
  2. Stylists advise.
  3. The world elite follows this trend.
  4. We usually wear a watch on the left.
  5. Expensive jewelry looks best on the right hand.

Emphasizes your individuality at a business meeting.

Avoid an overabundance of accessories on one limb - a sign of bad taste.

The material of the product will help you decide where to wear it.

Gold This bracelet is suitable for an avid fashionista who is trying to show off her leadership qualities.

As a rule, she wears it on the leading side of the body in order to be visible as often as possible.

Gold jewelry will favorably highlight a man’s right wrist and give it solidity.

Silver Universal metal. More suitable for men.

With age, the volume of the product becomes a priority. Traditionally, it is recommended to wear the accessory on the right hand, but not everything is so simple.

If the ring finger is adorned with a wedding ring, the left wrist is more suitable to avoid a tacky combination of metals. The ideal set is combined products.


  • This strange accessory brings more of a healing effect than aesthetic satisfaction from wear. For medical purposes it is used for:
  • covering element deficiency in the body;
  • improving metabolism;
  • strengthening the bone apparatus;
  • prevention of hypertension;
  • treatment of migraines and arthritis;

The copper product should be worn no more than 12 hours a day. Be sure to alternate sides. Each for 20-30 days respectively.


Gem jewelry will be the final accent when creating your unique look. Stones have a strong connection with the cosmos and influence a person’s destiny.

Having chosen the minerals of Saturn, the Sun, Jupiter or Mars, girls need to wear such accessories on the right side, and men, respectively, on the left. Other stones can be worn on the left side for ladies and the right side for men.


The material can be used in any format. Can be combined with precious metals to add solidity. Thin leather straps are suitable for office work.

Considering the excellent combination of the material with the watch, it is recommended to wear the product on the left hand and correctly emphasize the image.


A controversial tool for improving health. They are usually worn in combination with other metals, with magnetic areas inside. Scientists argue about the usefulness of such jewelry.

Arguments in favor of the material:

  1. Treats arthritis.
  2. Relieves migraines.
  3. Normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Stabilizes the general condition of the body.

Why is science against – the effectiveness has not been fully proven, the placebo effect is triggered.

The symbolism of bracelets in history

Representatives of all earthly civilizations liked to decorate themselves. Armbands were on the list of the most popular toilet elements for both sexes and were made in different textures at all times:

  1. The first mention of straps tied on wrists was told by the Sumerians. The material of the product indicated the social status of the resident.
  2. A cuff was considered a valuable gift in the era of Ancient Egypt. It was popular among pharaohs and nobles and was made of gold.
  3. In Ancient Greece, thin metal bracelets appeared on men's forearms as a protective amulet. Later, women saw a detail of decoration in this item, modified and embellished the product, and adopted it for themselves.
  4. The bracelet was considered a purely aesthetic element in the Roman Empire. The Romans complemented the decoration with jewelry, engraved it, and shaped it into snakes and other animals, which makes bracelets popular in ours.
  5. The long robes of the Middle Ages minimized the use of wrist jewelry. The Renaissance brought new inspiration to this culture.
  6. The Gregorian era is remembered for the surge in popularity of jewelry, especially bracelets, items of particular luxury.
  7. The romantic period of the Victorian period brought a certain tenderness to the wrist accessory. It was supplemented with small gems, medallions with personal photos of loved ones, and sometimes with locks of hair, engraved, and given a mystical meaning.
  8. At the beginning of the twentieth century, young ladies saw the popularity of the antique style and began to wear bracelets again in the form of snakes, beetles or chameleons.
  9. The modern world is replete with a variety of materials and shapes. Bracelets are still popular and can be worn successfully with all styles of clothing, emphasizing the peculiarity of each personality.

Let's learn to combine accessories! Bracelet +

If sophistication is not your nature, and the desire to wear a beautiful original bracelet overwhelms you, listen to the classic conservative recommendations for selecting and combining accessories:

  • a wise rule says: “We wear the bracelet on the right hand, the watch on the left”;
  • a precious bracelet in a classic style absolutely does not go well with sportswear and plastic jewelry;
  • stick to one style;
  • the color palette and texture must be combined;
  • choose decorations according to time and place;
  • match the material of the bracelet with the corresponding wardrobe;
  • an accessory with gems will be relevant when choosing an evening dress.

Bracelets on both hands

You won’t be surprised by the rules for avid experimenters. Several thin-textured bracelets worn at the same time will look original.

Ethnic style lovers are happy to wear bracelets on both hands, not limited by quantity. You should choose natural materials (leather, wicker variations are suitable). Remember, a sense of proportion is an indicator of taste.

No one can cancel the taste! We select bracelets wisely

  • Size matters. When fastening the jewelry, check to see if there is any pressure remaining on your hand.
  • Allergy testing. Wear the bracelet for a few minutes. Make sure there is no allergic skin reaction.
  • Jewelry and physical labor are incompatible. If you are busy cleaning, intending to wash the dishes, get behind the wheel - do not forget to remove the accessory!
  • Individuality comes first. When purchasing a bracelet, pay attention to your own style, listen to your intuition!

A bracelet is a unique, beautiful piece of jewelry that complements a wardrobe and at the same time envelops the special image of its owner in mystery.

Jewelry has been around since the dawn of humanity. From time immemorial, people have sought to decorate their bodies. There were many reasons for this: belonging to a noble family, demonstrating wealth and strength, undergoing certain rituals, receiving a title, etc. Today, jewelry still carries an important meaning. They still demonstrate the material status of their owner, symbolize social status, talk about achievements and lifestyle, and illustrate taste. Jewelry is used in society by both sexes.

But for some reason it is generally accepted that this is an attribute of a mostly female image. Indeed, you can often see rings, bracelets, chains, pendants, and other accessories on a woman. The abundance of jewelry does not add harmony to the image. In everything you need to observe moderation and a competent approach. You can even talk about certain principles for wearing and combining jewelry. Today we will talk about which hand women wear bracelets on.

The key point when choosing a bracelet is choosing the size. Not all women know that bracelets also have a range of sizes. To determine your size, measure your wrist. Based on this parameter, a suitable product is selected. It should not sit too tightly on your hand, but it should not fall off it either. The jewelry should hang beautifully on the wrist.

The second important parameter of choice is the quality of decoration. Bracelets are fragile things. Particularly vulnerable areas are fasteners, fastenings and inserted stones. Check the reliability of these items before purchasing. Don't forget to match the shape of your wrist and the model of the bracelet. If your wrists are thin and graceful, then a thin chain bracelet, openwork models and options with pendants are perfect for you. For full hands, you should choose impressive bracelets with catchy and noticeable decor. Thin options will simply get lost against the background of full, large hands and wrists.

There are no specific strict rules. So if the jewelry is the only one on your hands, then it can be worn on any wrist. Each woman decides independently on which hand to put the bracelet on. The choice can be made based on your style, comfort, or a specific outfit. There are a lot of options. The main thing is that the image is organic and harmonious.

You can start from whether you wear a watch. Usually they are given a place on the left, so only the right wrist remains for the bracelet. But today, some people prefer to wear their watch on the right. This means that jewelry can be put on the left one. And some ladies prefer to combine both a watch and a bracelet on one wrist. This is also acceptable.

One interesting point of view is that on the right hand any additions are more noticeable. This is due to the fact that for most people the right hand is the working hand. Accordingly, the gaze falls on it more often: this hand holds a clutch, tableware, a glass, opens the door, etc. The right hand flashes before the eyes more often, while the left one is usually freely lowered. Therefore, jewelry worn on the right hand will be more often visible. Whereas items on the left hand will rarely be in the field of view. But this does not mean that only the right hand needs to be decorated, and there is no point in wasting time on the left. You should be guided not by how noticeable your accessories will be, but by how they fit into the image and how beneficially they complement it.

The first thing you should think about when choosing a bracelet is the watch. Do you wear them? Are you planning to wear it to special occasions and parties? How will they match with the bracelet? For some women, a watch is an essential attribute of any outfit. Therefore, all these questions become more than relevant. It is appropriate to wear watches and jewelry together or on different wrists. If the style matches, you can make a duet from a bracelet and a watch. If the styles are different, then it is better not to wear both accessories together.

The second parameter with which you need to correlate the bracelet is the rings. Ladies usually do not take off their wedding ring. Therefore, it is impossible not to take into account their style and material when deciding on which hand to put the bracelet on.

In Orthodox traditions, the wedding ring is intended for the right hand. As a rule, it is gold. If your bracelet is made of a different material or does not completely match the design of the wedding ring, then it should be worn on your left wrist. If you plan to wear a bracelet on the right, then try to choose a model that will harmoniously combine with the wedding ring.

An important note: do not overload one hand with an abundance of jewelry. In general, it is recommended to adhere to moderation in accessories.

You can wear precious jewelry as your taste and sense of style dictates. The same can be said about costume jewelry. An exception is youth bracelets, woven by hand, which, according to tradition, should be worn only on the left wrist. Such bracelets are woven specifically for a specific person, who can make a wish while wearing this jewelry. Couples in love exchange similar things. In this case, the bracelets are worn on identical hands.

Some cultures wear chunky, identical bracelets on both wrists. But more often in the everyday life of modern society, large bracelets are worn on one wrist. The choice of side is determined rather by convenience.

As you already understand, there are no strict rules for wearing bracelets. Putting jewelry on one hand or another. A woman is guided by her own comfort, the style of her outfit and, of course, fashion trends. You can often find articles in fashion magazines about how to wear jewelry correctly and fashionably. As a rule, it is recommended to decorate the right hand with them, since the watch is usually located on the left wrist.

But today you can often see that watches and an abundance of bracelets are worn on the right hand. But such combinations must be strictly verified in style. You cannot wear random bracelets or any watch you have.

When choosing jewelry, match it to your look. Consider color, shape, style, brightness. In summer, flashy jewelry is appropriate. In business style, it is better to limit yourself to watches and thin gold chains. For a celebration, you can also wear noticeable jewelry with stones. Bracelets are usually worn with short sleeves. If a long narrow sleeve is chosen, it should not cover or hide the decoration. Bracelets are not worn under long and flared sleeves. In an evening look, it is appropriate to wear a wide bracelet on a glove.

The rules of etiquette concern not only norms of behavior. They also extend to a person’s appearance, including the selection and proper wearing of jewelry, among which not the least is the Modern fashion accessories industry offers representatives of the stronger sex a huge assortment of this type of jewelry, made from different materials, from classic metal to unusual products made from threads and beads. On which hand should a man wear a bracelet? You will find the answer to this question by reading the article.


On which hand a man should wear a bracelet, in particular a silver one, this will be discussed further. Traditionally, accessories made of metals are considered masculine: white gold and steel.

The most popular are silver bracelets. And, of course, this is not an accident. Firstly, such products are suitable for a man of any age. Secondly, silver is universal. It can be worn both during the day and in the evening, both at a business meeting and at a friendly party. It will suit both a business suit and a democratic outfit. Thirdly, silver jewelry, compared to other products made from precious metals, is the most affordable, which is important for many. In addition, silver men's accessories are distinguished by rigor and seasoned style, which is of great importance for business men and men trying to maintain a brutal image.

The choice largely depends on age and social status. Mature business men prefer massive jewelry of classic design. Young people and teenagers are thinner, with unusual weaving. In addition, since ancient times, silver has been credited with the ability to positively influence human health and protect it from dark forces. And this is also an important criterion for many who choose a silver bracelet. In this case, preference is given to products decorated with precious and semi-precious stones that suit their owners.

On which hand do men wear a silver bracelet? According to etiquette, it is recommended to wear a silver item on the right wrist. But there is a small peculiarity that concerns married men. The rules do not recommend wearing jewelry made of different metals at the same time at all, much less putting them on one hand. If a man is married and wears a gold ring, then in this case you should place a silver bracelet on the wrist of your left hand or choose an accessory made of gold and silver at the same time.


A bracelet made of yellow and white gold is an expensive piece of jewelry that emphasizes the status of its owner. Such jewelry is usually chosen by respectable men who devote most of their lives to business. Wearing gold items is subject to many more rules than wearing silver items. For example, according to the rules of etiquette, it is not recommended to wear a bracelet, even the most elegant and presentable one, to the office. Gold jewelry is best suited for an evening reception or informal business meeting.

On which hand do men wear a gold bracelet? It is usually worn on the right hand, while the watch is on the left. If a watch and a bracelet are worn on the same wrist, then it is necessary that they match each other in quality and price. In addition, do not forget that these gold jewelry will in no case be suitable even for the highest quality sportswear.


Bracelets made of steel are always popular among men. It is believed that they perfectly emphasize the masculinity of their owner and indicate that he has a strong will and strong character. Owners of steel jewelry are not limited by strict etiquette standards in choosing the hand on which to wear it. Usually the bracelet is worn on the more active hand, which is constantly in sight. In addition, convenience is of great importance here. The bracelet should not create discomfort.


A special type of jewelry is medical magnetic bracelets. They can be made of copper, hematite or titanium. Such attributes help a person to significantly improve their well-being. The most popular are copper magnetic products. Since ancient times they have been used to treat joints and radiculitis. It is believed that copper helps restore metabolism, improves mental activity, helps fight migraines and normalizes blood pressure.

On which hand do men wear a magnetic bracelet? It is worn on the right or left wrist, depending on where there are more active points on which it should act.


Leather products are also widespread among men. They are comfortable and practical. In addition, leather goods are the most neutral jewelry that can be worn in any setting, including business. On which hand a man should wear a bracelet, in particular a leather one, this will be discussed further.

Most men who work in office work prefer a thin leather bracelet consisting of one or more intertwined straps. This type of jewelry is usually worn on one hand with a watch. It is not conspicuous and looks like an additional accessory to the wider watch bracelet. Men typically wear watches on their left hand, so the traditional place for a thin leather piece is on the left wrist.

But a wide leather bracelet is more suitable with a T-shirt and jeans. Such accessories are usually bought by men who lead. There are no etiquette restrictions on wearing a wide leather bracelet. It is worn on both the right and left hand.


On which hand should a man wear a bracelet? Can they wear “Shambhala” or is this an exclusively female decoration? By the way, in ancient times men used these accessories not so much as decorations, but as amulets with magical meaning. Similar jewelry can be seen on modern men. Shambhala bracelets have become most popular recently. Their purpose is to bring a person’s inner world to harmony. You can wear several Shambhala jewelry at the same time, but only on your right hand.


On which hand should a man wear a bracelet? Can they wear “non-classical” versions of this jewelry? Exotic items made of beads and stones strung with elastic have found their niche in men's fashion. The materials for such decorations can be wood, nuts and seeds of tropical plants. Such bracelets well complement the image of relaxed men who prefer a free style of clothing. They are worn on any hand. It all depends on the wishes of the owner.

Friendship Bracelet

Or the so-called baubles, worn by both men and women of many nations. They are woven from threads and beads and given as a sign of friendship and love. To this day, it has not lost its symbolic, and even mystical, meaning, being considered a talisman against misfortunes. The bauble, as a rule, is worn on the left hand, without taking it off until it breaks.

Well, now you know on which hand men wear a bracelet according to etiquette. Now you can safely go to the store and safely buy this lovely piece of jewelry.

Some representatives of the stronger sex do not dare to wear bracelets, considering such an accessory to be an excess. But in fact, this stylish decoration can add elegance and style to a man’s appearance. But you need to be able to combine it correctly with clothes. And besides, it is important to know on which hand men wear the bracelet and what the rules of etiquette are in this regard. There may be nuances depending on the situation, the presence of other jewelry, and the material used to make the bracelet.

According to etiquette, on which hand do men wear a bracelet?

A bracelet, or wrist, is one of the most ancient men's jewelry. Initially, it served as a talisman, and warriors wore wide metal plates to protect against sword strikes. Therefore, most often the bracelets were paired - they were worn on both hands. Subsequently, the sacred and protective function of decoration ceased to be relevant. The accessory began to be worn for beauty, to confirm the high status of the owner, as a means of demonstrating the level of wealth. And in some cases, bracelets replaced engagement and even wedding rings. Therefore, depending on the situation, the decoration could be worn on both the right and left hands. Currently, there is no uniform rule regarding which hand the bracelet is worn on. According to etiquette, you can’t just combine jewelry made of different metals that contradict each other in style on one hand. It is also undesirable to wear a watch and bracelet together, but there is no specific prohibition on this matter. Although there are some nuances.

On which hand is a gold or silver bracelet worn?

An expensive accessory made of precious metal should not be too conspicuous, otherwise it will look vulgar. It should be combined with a suit, but not with clothes in a sports or informal style. For those who don't know which hand men wear a silver or gold bracelet; it should be borne in mind that it is better to wear jewelry on the hand that does not have a watch. In addition, if you have a gold wedding ring on your right hand, then a silver accessory should be worn on your left hand.

On which hand should a copper bracelet be worn?

Copper bracelets are considered medicinal. They are able to have a beneficial effect on the active points of the body located on the hands. Therefore, a copper bracelet should be worn on the right hand by those who want to get rid of headaches, depression, chronic fatigue and improve immunity; and on the left for those who suffer from hypertension, tachycardia, and heart failure.