Bonbonnieres are small boxes or bags in which treats for guests are placed. They came to us from France, and the name itself, of course, is of French origin, from “bonbon” - candy or sweetness. It was traditional to put five sweets in the bonbonnieres, with which the lovers thanked the guests. The number was not chosen by chance: happiness, wealth, health, longevity and nobility. DIY wedding bonbonnieres will be very symbolic and cute gifts.

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All couples preparing for their wedding face the question of what to put inside the bonbonniere. As already mentioned, the traditional and symbolic filling of the bonbonniere was exactly 5 candies. However, every country, and sometimes every family, has its own traditions. The most popular fillings for gift boxes for guests are:

  • candies;
  • cones;
  • gingerbread;
  • macarons;
  • cupcakes;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • cookie;
  • lollipops;
  • coffee;
  • popcorn.

The original filling may not be an edible gift, but simply something as a keepsake. Such accessories can complement sweets or be used instead of them. For example:

  • keychain, cup or magnet with a photo of the newlyweds;
  • Handmade soap;
  • aroma candles;
  • a small calendar, perhaps with a photo of the couple getting married;
  • figurines.

Of course, the contents of the bonbonniere can be the same for all guests of the celebration, however, you can make them personalized, accordingly, the contents can be selected individually for each guest. Materials for making bonbonnieres are cardboard, fabric and tulle. When to present bonbonnieres is the decision of the newlyweds. You can present them after congratulating and presenting gifts to the young couple. Ask the waiters to hand out products or set up a table with treats at the exit from the restaurant.

Decoration with flowers

Let's give an example of a classic bonbonniere in the shape of a standard rectangular box. Let's consider a detailed master class.

Note. The decor can be varied, it all depends on the style of the wedding and the desires of the newlyweds.

We will need:

  • white thick cardboard in A4 size cuts;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • ribbon;
  • lace;
  • glue;
  • thermal gun;
  • decor

Let's start manufacturing. According to the example shown in the photo, we draw a sheet of A4 cardboard. We cut off the part with red crosses, cut the lines marked with red circles until the lines intersect.

We bend the workpiece along the lines.

We assemble the box and glue it together using a heat gun.

We form the second part, as shown in the example.

This is how it turns out. We also glue the remaining parts in the middle.

The workpiece is ready. We try to open and close it, it should perform these functions freely. Cut the edges of the lid at an angle.

The box is ready. All that remains is to decorate. To do this, take a glue stick and glue lace around the perimeter of the lid. You can continue working with a glue gun.

We make 3-6 pieces of small bows from the tape and glue them in the center of the box, placing them evenly.

Glue the finished flower blanks on top of the bows. This decor can be made independently from various types of ribbons. The bonbonniere is ready!

Let's move on to the fabric

Sewing a small decorative bag does not require a lot of money, effort and time. Let's look at an example.

We will need:

  • material for bags;
  • thread and needle or sewing machine;
  • decor

Let's start sewing. From a piece of fabric we cut out a rectangle 2 times longer in length than the intended bonbonniere.

Fold the cut in half, connecting the top and bottom ends so that the front side is on the inside. Sew on the right and left. Turn it inside out. The bonbonniere is ready.

We decorate the bag at our discretion.

Product made from tulle

The easiest way to create small gifts is a tulle bonbonniere. To make it you only need tulle, scissors, ribbons and decor, if necessary. Making a bonbonniere is very simple; even a bride who has never done anything with her own hands can handle it. Let's look at an example.

Cut the tulle into small pieces in the shape of a square. You can fold the tulle in several layers. For convenience, place it on a small bowl or cup. Place a treat in the center of the vessel. We tie the bonbonniere together using ribbon. Ready!

If you trim the corners of the prepared squares, the bonbonniere will come out more round. Also, the edges can be decorated with braid, and the bonbonnieres themselves can be decorated with beads, flowers, rhinestones and other decorative elements.

We will present to your attention ideas for making bonbonnieres with templates. The provided bonbonnieres are made of cardboard, but many of the ideas can be applied in practice for sewing.

To bring joy to the guests, pay attention to each invitee and give a small gift, the bride and groom can present the guests with small boxes or bags filled with sweets, candies, and tiny souvenirs.

Young people can make bonbonnieres with their own hands, using available materials and without resorting to unnecessary costs. Such memorable boxes, made in the shape of hearts, pieces of cake or neat bags, are not just an additional decoration for the holiday. Bonbonnieres have long been a mandatory accessory for wedding celebrations.

The most common way to make bonbonnieres with your own hands is considered to be sewing tiny bags from fabrics that were used during the decoration of the wedding banquet hall.

Making such a bag is quite simple, and in order not to waste time creating a pattern, you can use the services of Internet sites and download ready-made drawings.

How to make a bag from tulle, satin: patterns with dimensions

An original bonbonniere is not always a bright colorful box glued together from cardboard or wrapping paper. Bags made from tulle or satin look very interesting.

These are the most ordinary gift bags, but only much smaller in size. You can sew a bonbonniere in the form of a tulle bag using a pre-prepared pattern. The drawing will show a circle with a diameter of at least 30 cm. For each bonbonniere you will need two such circles cut from tulle.

They need to be folded, aligning the edges and the middle. A circle of paper should be placed between the pieces of fabric. Its diameter will be 5–6 cm, and it is necessary to accurately mark the bottom of the future bonbonniere. The fabric is fastened along the entire circumference using a needle and thin thread. Small candies or tiny souvenirs are placed at the bottom.

The top edge of the bag is tied with a satin ribbon and decorated with artificial flowers, beads or other decorative elements.

Bonbonnieres made of satin are no less attractive. To make them you will need to prepare:

  1. Pieces of fabric in the form of rectangles with sides of 22 and 11 cm. Here it is taken into account that 1 cm is left as a seam allowance, and another one for the flap of the upper edge of the bag.
  2. Threads, needle.
  3. Satin ribbon.
  4. Beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers, lace.

The pattern is drawn on a sheet of checkered paper and transferred to thick cardboard. The fabric is folded in several layers, secured with pins and, having attached the pattern, traced using chalk or a piece of soap. Now you can start cutting. As a result, several blanks for bonbonnieres are obtained at once.

The first step is to determine the front and back sides of the fabric. Then fold each piece “face to face” and carefully sweep away the sides, not reaching the top 2 cm, turn the top edge over and sew it so that there are holes for the lace or ribbon. Now you can thoroughly sew the sides. All that remains is to turn the finished product inside out, removing the seams inside, and thread the ribbon through the lapel, which will serve as a tie.

You can put large beads on a thin satin ribbon, and they will become an additional decoration of the product.

From paper - diagrams

You can make bonbonnieres for gifts for wedding guests from thick paper or cardboard.

To make the product attractive, original and even unique, you will have to make an effort, show imagination, and use the most suitable materials. Drawings for making bonbonnieres can be found and downloaded on the Internet.

Bonbonniere cake: template

One of the most sought-after and popular models of bonbonnieres is a box made in the shape of a piece of wedding cake.

When cutting the cake, the newlyweds divide it into so many parts that each invitee can try the main dish of the holiday. This also applies to bonbonnieres made in the form of a cake. Their number corresponds to the number of guests present at the banquet, and when placed together, these boxes resemble or even replicate a wedding cake.

You can make such a box using special drawings and templates. Having chosen the most convenient template, the young people, before proceeding to cutting and gluing the blanks, decide whether it is necessary to increase the proposed size or leave everything as is.

Having cut out a blank from thick paper that exactly matches the template, you should carefully bend the sheets along the lines marking the increase for gluing.

It is better to use a glue stick to avoid getting glue on the outer surface of the bonbonniere.

Ready-made boxes can be decorated with lace, openwork napkins, beads, satin ribbons, and rhinestones.

Bonbonniere-heart: development drawing

Bonbonnieres in the shape of hearts are no less popular. They are easy to make if you use a ready-made template. The craftsman will need colored cardboard, lace ribbon for decoration, beads and rhinestones. You can make a box from thick white cardboard and decorate it with colored paper.

The blanks are cut out in strict accordance with the selected template, bending the paper along the dotted lines.

Additional areas intended for gluing are lubricated with an adhesive composition, the middle part is connected using slits made in the indicated places.

Some templates that can be found and downloaded on the Internet have holes marked where you can insert a satin ribbon.

This product is not only attractive, but also convenient. The bonbonniere can be carried in your hand, holding it by the ribbon, without fear of being dented or damaged.

Templates, layouts for printing

To make the right choice, you need to take the opportunity and, by visiting many sites, find the most interesting models of bonbonnieres and templates for downloading, according to which you can print blanks and make interesting and original gift boxes.

Using ready-made templates, young people can make a variety of bonbonnieres, decorating them according to their taste and desire. The size of such boxes depends on what will be inside such gift packaging.

For sweets you will need small boxes, but for memorable souvenirs bags made of satin or burlap decorated with lace are more suitable.

Do-it-yourself bonbonnieres cannot be compared in attractiveness with those that young people are offered to purchase in a retail chain.

In this master class you will see how to quickly and easily make bonbonnieres yourself:

By independently making boxes for memorable gifts that will be presented to guests invited to the wedding, the newlyweds put a piece of their soul into each product.

Each bonbonniere is made in strict accordance with the theme of the wedding, the specifics of the location and style of the celebration. In addition, by making bonbonnieres for certain guests, young people can focus on addressing them or put a special gift in the box. This applies to immediate family or best friends who will keep the gift they receive for many years.

A wedding celebration is an important event for any couple of lovers. They carefully prepare for it, inviting their closest and dearest people. And the couple wants the guests to have only good memories.

You can give small symbolic gifts from the newlyweds. They are usually placed in special boxes called bonbonnieres. Specialty stores offer a wide variety of options for such packaging.

Many people are more interested in making bonbonnieres with their own hands. When a person makes it, he puts his soul and emotions into it.

What to write and put in the bonbonniere?

To make it especially pleasant for guests to receive such a box, it is recommended to write some words on it or put a note inside. Usually future spouses express their gratitude to the invited people. In addition, on such a box you can write the date of the event, as well as indicate your names.

A couple in love should think about what to put in the bonbonniere. Often sweets are placed in such a box. It could be sweets, nuts, marmalade.

If the bride decides to be original, she orders sweets with the initials of the spouses written on them.

In addition, the following souvenir gifts can be placed in such a box:

  • small refrigerator magnet;
  • protein;
  • small calendar;
  • candle;
  • a small figurine;
  • figured soap.

If future spouses bought such boxes or decided to make bonbonnieres with their own hands, they need to think about how they will present such a gift to guests. There are no specific rules regarding the method of presenting a bonbonniere.

There are such popular options:

  1. Bonbonnieres are placed on tables, where cards with the names of the guests are also placed.
  2. The boxes are placed in a separate container. This could be a basket, which it is recommended to first design in an original way. When guests arrive, they take out one bonbonniere.
  3. These gifts are also given at the end of the evening, when the guests have already left. The spouses present them to each individual individually.

In recent years, bonbonnieres have become very popular. Although such a gift is small, but with its help you can express respect to each of your guests.

DIY strawberry bonbonniere - video

If the bride does not know how to sew or has a hard time with complex designs of bonbonnieres, she can make simple but original bags from translucent fabric. For this, tulle, mesh, and film are often used.

  1. To make such bonbonnieres for a wedding, diagrams are initially drawn on paper. A circle shape is suitable for this.
  2. The template is applied to the prepared fabric, and then the required shape is cut out of it. The edges of the fabric can be finished.
  3. This bag is easy to assemble. To do this, just put the gift that has been prepared in the center, and then gather the edges of the fabric material and tie it with a ribbon. You will get a simple bag that can be complemented with a flower or a bow.

Burlap is often used for such a bonbonniere. You can wrap aromatic herbs or coffee beans in a bag. You can sew a small bag from burlap:

  1. To do this, initially a rectangle is cut out of fabric.
  2. It needs to be folded in half and then stitched on both sides.
  3. After this, you need to turn the bag inside out, and the seams will be inside, and then all that remains is to fill it with grains or candies.
  4. This bag needs to be tied. To make it look even more original, a button and lace are sewn onto it.
  5. On a small piece of paper you should write a wish or words of gratitude to the guest. This piece of paper is attached with a string or glued.

Paper bonbonniere

They also make non-woven paper bonbonnieres. In order to make them, you will need the following materials:

  • glue or tape;
  • sheets of thick paper;
  • beautiful ribbon;
  • templates with sizes.

Initially, you should draw the necessary diagram of the future envelope. There are a variety of bonbonniere templates, so each person can choose the option that interests him most.

  1. The envelope can be made original. To do this, write some love text on a piece of paper. These could be the words of your favorite song, a long quote from a novel. After this, you need to make photocopies of this sheet. The number depends on the people invited. You can also print it on your computer in the original font.
  2. A template is outlined on the resulting sheets of paper, then it should be cut out along the contour. After this you need to make folds where necessary. You should end up with some kind of envelope or small box, it depends on which scheme was chosen.
  3. Sweets or another gift are poured inside. Finally, tie the envelope with a ribbon.

There are many templates that you can use to make your own bonbonniere. To do this, you just need to transfer the diagram onto some paper.

It must be beautiful and original. Cardboard is often used for this. It is imperative to adhere to all proportions in order to get the proper design.

Whatever design is chosen, it is transferred to paper, cut out, and then folded in the required places. Some templates require you to use glue or tape to connect some of the bonbonniere parts.

Once the box is assembled, all that remains is to use your imagination and decorate it. To do this, the newlyweds write their initials, attach decorated elements, tie ribbons, and paint. There are no restrictions. Every person has the right to decorate a bonbonniere the way he wants.

It is generally accepted that a bonbonniere is a mini-box in which some kind of surprise is placed for guests. But today, newlyweds continue to be original, so many create a bonbonniere in the form of a candy, inside which you can also place a gift.

To create it you will need the following materials:

  • roll of tissue paper;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • a roll of cardboard, which can be taken from paper towels;
  • beautiful ribbon;
  • small candies or other gift.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The cardboard roll should be in the shape of a cylinder with no bottom.
  2. It is wrapped in tissue paper, which is secured with double-sided tape.
  3. One end should be twisted and a bow tied there. This will be one part of the candy. Inside there will be a hole in which the gift is placed.
  4. After this, the second end of the candy must also be wrapped and a bow tied on it. This way you get a candy-shaped bonbonniere with a gift inside.

Wedding bonbonniere - master class

For decoration, you usually take a strip of paper on which the names of the guests are written. This paper tape is twisted and placed near the bonbonniere. It is also not forbidden to fantasize here. This strip is also made in a larger size and placed in an original way near the gift box. This bonbonniere can also be decorated in some way.

Recently, newlyweds want to somehow stand out at their wedding. Bonbonnieres, which you can simply make with your own hands, can help them with this.

DIY wedding bonbonnieres are souvenir bags or miniature boxes of various shapes, where candies, sweets, and small gifts for guests are placed. The tradition of giving small sweet surprises began a long time ago. With their help, the bride and groom express gratitude to friends and relatives for being there on this important day, sharing their joy with them, and helping to make the celebration memorable and fun.

How to make a paper bonbonniere: step-by-step instructions

If you are planning to organize your own wedding celebration soon, we suggest you get creative and make your own wedding bonbonnieres. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will be able to get creative and save money. Below is a master class on making interesting paper boxes in the shape of an envelope, inside which, in addition to a sweet gift, guests will find a love message. In addition to a beautiful appearance, the gift should be filled accordingly. We offer several ideas:

  • cookie;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • chewing gum;
  • popcorn;
  • dried fruits;
  • lollipops;
  • soap;
  • coffee.

In addition, it is necessary to decide the question of when to present a surprise to the guests. You can do this any time you see fit:

  • You can ask the waiters to place the boxes on the clean plates of the guests at the moment when everyone leaves the tables, for example, to dance.
  • The special design of the surprises allows them to be used as place cards, then it will not only be a gift, but also a way for the guest to find his place.
  • You can give gifts when the invitees are getting ready to go home.
  • The boxes can be easily placed in a large basket or bag, and the guests themselves will come and pick up their surprise.
  • When receiving gifts from the guests themselves.
  • You can present it at the entrance to the place where the banquet will take place.

Necessary materials

To create a bonbonniere with your own hands you will need the following:

  • tape or glue;
  • a sheet of thick A4 paper;
  • ribbon;
  • sample.

Scheme and stages of creation

Wedding bonbonnieres made of tulle and ribbons

The easiest way to make your own bonbonniere is to build a bag. The following step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to create a surprise for wedding guests using ribbons and tulle. The bag is made in a matter of minutes, and looks very festive and interesting. It is recommended to put candies or nuts covered with glaze inside.

Necessary materials

To create a bonbonniere with your own hands, the following materials are required:

  • tulle;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • candies;
  • A small thank you card.

Pattern and creation stages

Fabric bonbonniere bag

If earlier bonbonnieres were boxes, then in the modern age the imagination of wedding decorators and newlyweds has gone far ahead, and gifts for guests can take the form of a bottle, jar, or bag. In this master class, a bag will be made using a very simple and affordable material called burlap. It is suitable for a rustic style wedding. You can decorate it with whatever your heart desires: acrylic paints, lace, ribbons, wooden or painted beads.

Necessary materials

To create your own bag you will need:

  • a piece of burlap;
  • ruler;
  • acrylic paint on fabric;
  • ribbon;
  • brush;
  • scissors, thread, needle;
  • candies.

Template and creation steps

Ready-made bonbonniere templates

Ready-made templates are easy to use to create your own gift boxes. You only need to transfer the diagram onto beautiful paper or cardboard of the required size, observing all proportions. When making a box with your own hands, you need to cut out the transferred blank onto cardboard, give it a shape by bending the part along the indicated fold lines in the diagram. Glue may be required for connection. After assembly, all that remains is to decorate the gift with your own hands: write initials, glue decorative elements, tie ribbons, decorate with decoupage, paint.

Video tutorial on how to make a bonbonniere

At first glance, bonbonnieres seem like a small thing, but they allow you to add a special mood to the wedding ceremony, because the newlyweds put a piece of their soul into such miniature signs of attention. Cute gifts can successfully complement a single wedding style, provided that they are made in the same design and color scheme with place cards and invitations. To create a box with your own hands, you can use the master class in the video, which clearly demonstrates the process of assembling a pastel-colored bonbonniere decorated with butterflies.

The first bonbonnieres appeared a long time ago, but their appearance and content have changed little. In Armenia, bonbonnieres were called “tarosiki”, in Rus' – “gostinets”, in France, and then in Europe – bonbonnière, which means “candy bowl”. Externally, “candy bowls” are a small box, a glass jar or cup, a bag or a fabric bag, inside of which dried fruits, berries, nuts, sweet pastries, candies, personalized magnets, decorative candles or pieces of handmade soap are packed. Sometimes coffee beans, plant seeds or aromatic herbs, and even tiny pots of fresh flowers are used as filler.

The very first bonbonnieres were made from precious metals, leather, porcelain and crystal. They were made in the form of chests, where they put 5 sweets with liqueur filling, sugar figurines or five other mini-objects representing family happiness, longevity, prosperity, luck and, of course, love.

Bonbonnieres are usually given to guests as a sign of gratitude for honoring the newlyweds with their presence at the wedding event. According to etiquette, the boxes are presented in the middle of the banquet on a beautiful platter, or placed on the plates of each guest at the end of the evening.

The style of bonbonnieres is usually chosen based on the general concept of the holiday, its color and stylistic design. The names of the newlyweds, the wedding date, words of gratitude are signed on the packaging, and sometimes the names of those for whom the gift is intended are added.

If you have time and want to surprise your guests, prepare the necessary materials, think about the filling and, accordingly, the volume of the packaging, and then start creating small wonderful surprises.

DIY textile bonbonnieres for a wedding

Textile bonbonnieres are good for packing plant seeds and aromatic herbal infusions, coffee beans, small caramels, and nuts. They are easy to make, and there is no shame in giving them to guests.

Double-sided bags made of linen and lined with cotton fabric with a floral print are suitable for weddings in vintage or delicate romantic motifs.

To sew bonbonniere bags you will need: a sewing machine, an iron, the fabric itself (two types), lace for decoration, threads (to match the fabrics), tailor's pins, scissors and needles, cutter's chalk, a ruler, a sheet of checkered paper.

First you need to find out the size of the bag. Take the filler that will be inside and lay it out on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern. Now outline the rectangle, add one centimeter at a time (seam allowance) and cut it out. This piece of paper will serve as a template.

Now you should carefully iron the fabric sheets (you can starch them first) and lay them out on a table or other flat surface. We take chalk, a measuring tape, our paper pattern and mark many, many rectangles on the fabric (as many as you need to make ready-made bonbonnieres). Cut the fabric along the lines. We cut the fabric only on a hard surface, without lifting it up. Then the cut line will be neat and clear.

Now all that remains is to fill the bonbonniere, attach a card with your names and tie a ribbon or string.

If you don’t know how to sew or don’t have free time, then make simple bonbonnieres from any translucent fabric (for example, tulle) or floral packaging material (mesh, rigid fabrics, films, etc.). It is enough to draw a circle or any other shape on paper, cut it out and, according to the resulting pattern, cut the fabric into the required number of pieces. After this, we trim the edges with thin lace or ribbons.

To assemble the bonbonniere, place the “filling” (nuts, candies, etc.) in the center of the fabric, gather the edges of the fabric up and tie with ribbon. The resulting bag with a bow can be decorated with a flower or a bow.

This bag is good for packing coffee beans and aromatic herbal infusions.

We cut out a rectangle from burlap, fold it in half and machine stitch it on three sides. Now we simply turn the bag inside out so that the seams are inside, fill in the grains and pack. You can sew a button to the bag, simply tie it with a string or roll it up, stitch it with thread and attach decor (for example, lace). A label with the wishes and names of the newlyweds is glued to the bag or tied to a string, like a tag.

Glass bonbonnieres are suitable for homemade jams, drinks, grains, candles, etc.

To make a bonbonniere, you will need several jars (for example, baby food), identical small glasses or tiny bottles. We put the filling inside, close the jar with a lid or wrap the neck tightly with cling film, and then start decorating. The neck can be decorated with a beautiful piece of fabric, for example, in a checkered pattern, securing it to a glass container with ribbon or string. Cards with inscriptions should be printed in advance on a color printer, cut and carefully glued to each bonbonniere. Another option for decoration is painting on glass with stained glass paints. It is unlikely that all bonbonnieres will turn out the same, but your creativity will definitely be appreciated by your guests.

Paper wedding bonbonnieres or origami and decoupage lessons

Paper bonbonnieres are the most popular and widespread. They are easy to make with your own hands, and the whole process will take a minimum of time and money spent.

The richer your creative set, the more interesting the work will be. Experiment with curly scissors and hole punches, rhinestones, stickers and decoupage paper, various pieces of colored tape, ribbons, lace, artificial flowers and leaves, pendants and buttons made of glass, plastic, metal, beads, glitter and sequins... The list goes on and on. Before you create bonbonnieres, practice using all of the above accessories.

To print name cards, you will need a color printer. You also cannot do the work without scissors, glue, rulers, a pencil, and a stationery knife.

Very beautiful and elegant paper bonbonnieres - boxes. They can be made from crepe paper, colored cardboard, sheets from a music book or any other paper product. The lid is decorated according to the stylistic direction of the wedding ceremony and the general color policy. Ribbons, flowers, feathers, etc. are suitable as decoration.

  • Cut out a square and bend it in half (diagonally).
  • We place the resulting triangle with the blunt end up. One by one, we bend the right corner to the top of the triangle, then the left (pictures 3 and 4). Carefully iron the folds. Now we have a square again. We straighten the corners we just turned.
  • Before us is a triangle, which should lie with its blunt end up. Fold the top down towards the center of the bottom side (picture 5). Smooth out the fold line with your fingers.
  • Now we fold two exactly the same triangles from similar square sheets of paper.
  • We take two triangles and put an acute angle of one of them into a similar angle of the other (picture 7). We connect the corner of the third triangle with the corner of the second and close the “circle” (picture 8).
  • Now we glue the middle - the corners that used to be the obtuse angles of three triangles, and now have become the bottom of our bonbonniere.

We put the “stuffing” inside the box, decorate it and give it to the guests.

Let's prepare a square sheet of colored paper. Mark the centers of each side, connect these points with a line and fold the paper exactly along the marked lines. Unfold the paper. You should end up with a square crossed by two fold lines.

We fold the square along the diagonals. Smooth out the fold lines and unfold.

Now let's turn the square into a rhombus - bend each of the corners to the center. We return the two corners to their original position. The workpiece should resemble a candy in shape.

We bend the side parts of this paper “candy” vertically. We tuck the protruding edges inside the box.

To make a lid, you should repeat the origami according to the same pattern, but increase the original size of the square sheet of paper by 2-3 mm.

Tie the finished box with a lid with a beautiful ribbon and decorate as desired.

To make other beautiful boxes, find a drawing, transfer it to paper, cut out and assemble the most unusual boxes.

To increase the density of thin paper or simply pleasantly improve the appearance of the interior of the box, coat the reverse non-colored side of each blank and connect in pairs; after the glue has dried, you can cut out the parts and assemble the most beautiful bonbonnieres for guests.

Video - DIY paper bonbonnieres for a wedding

Video - original bonbonnieres for wedding guests