Be prepared to make decisions. If the person you're going on a date with asks you about where you want to hang out, don't be afraid to voice your opinion. Most likely, in this way he shows attention to you, offering to make his choice. Show that you can make decisions.

Choose an activity during which you can interact with a person. For example, watching a movie together is not a good idea because you won't have the opportunity to get to know the person better. Have a cup of coffee together or visit a museum. Make time for communication.

Be punctual. Being late means that you do not value time and the person you made wait. Therefore, arrive to your date on time or a little earlier than the appointed time.

Don't be indifferent. If you show indifference or indifference, you are unlikely to develop a close relationship with the person. Just be yourself. Don't be afraid to show emotions.

  • For example, if a person invites you to the cinema, you should not limit yourself to just the following phrase: “I liked this movie.” Don't be afraid to show your enthusiasm. You can say: "I really liked this movie! The main character in the movie was amazing!"
  • Turn off your phone. Unless you're a doctor who needs to be always available, you can get by without your phone during a date. Show the person that you value his time and the attention he shows to you. You can do this if you are not distracted by phone calls or messages.

    Take a deep breath. If you're too stressed, the person you're going on a date with will definitely feel it. Take a moment to relax. Enjoy communicating with this person.

    Have a good time. The date should take place in a pleasant and fun atmosphere. If you enjoy communication, then your companion will certainly be pleased with the time spent with you.

  • Listen at least as much as you speak. The art of listening is equivalent to the art of speaking well. Therefore, listen to your interlocutor. Try to hear what your companion wants to convey to you. At this time, you should not think about what you will say next. When you answer your interlocutor, show that you are listening carefully.

    • If your date says that he likes to garden, don't respond by saying that you are far from it. Ask questions related to what the person is interested in. For example, you might ask, "Really? What do you like to grow? Do you have a big garden?"
  • An exam for which both must prepare. The assessment is invitations to other meetings and development of relationships. To make a good impression on a date with a man, it is important to understand that you will not get a second chance to make a first impression. Sometimes, it helps not to act like a “stupid chicken” on a date. I will tell you so that he will definitely like you.


    If you met a man for the first time, he may like the girl you carefully pretended to be,
    not the girl you really are.

    Well, what reaction do you think will follow from the man? He will run away from you because he can no longer trust you.

    Don't overdo it with alcohol. One or two glasses of white semi-sweet will not affect you in any way (with exceptions), and you will only loosen up and relax. But when you sweep away the entire bar presented on the menu during a break, you will start chattering all sorts of heresy and will have to be carried out of the establishment. What kind of man would like this development of events?

    No promiscuity and swearing! It’s not nice when foul language comes out of the mouth of a sweet and beautiful girl. You are not a sailor on deck or a welder in a foundry! Promiscuity doesn't look good on anyone either. You need to laugh with restraint, and not throughout the entire cinema (theater, restaurant, cafe, amusement park, street...). Naturalness does not equal the absence of elementary, cultured behavior and good manners.

    Intimate talk. But it shouldn’t be reduced to getting into each other’s souls, looking for weaknesses and trying to put pressure on them. You must structure the conversation in such a way that the man cannot answer with monosyllabic “Yes,” “No,” “I don’t know,” otherwise, a painful pause will hang in the air, which will escalate the situation.

    Learn to ask open questions - a man will see that he is interested in you, will give detailed answers, and you will be able to get the information you need. A properly structured dialogue will bring you closer together quite quickly.

    Neutral topics.

    Conduct a conversation only on neutral topics, but be unobtrusively interested in the life and interests of your gentleman. Like-mindedness and common interests bring us closer together, and differences allow us to open new dimensions to our horizons. Opposites attract, remember. Try to avoid topics related to the past and those that you would never discuss among close people. When a man tells something with enthusiasm, do not interrupt him, but you should not remain silent either - ask leading questions and nod with interest. You shouldn't refuse compliments either. Appearance.

    In general, it does not relate to behavior, although depending on how you look at it. You should look neat, feminine, not revealing and not like the latest “moth”. You must understand what suits you and what does not, you must disguise flaws and emphasize advantages. Of course, the setting and location of the date should also influence the appearance: we hope you don’t go to a chic restaurant in ripped jeans, a racer top and sneakers, and for a date in the park don’t choose a long dress and. In addition, it is advisable to wear perfume in moderation so as not to knock a man off his feet. Unwashed hair, unkempt nails, lack of hair removal are taboos for a date. It’s better to cancel the appointment if you feel that you don’t have time to shave your legs, armpits, and wash your hair. SECOND DATE:


    Are you planning a third date? This is wonderful! So you've definitely hooked him. But you shouldn't take more than five days between dates. When your relationship is strong enough, you can break up for a longer period of time.

    If the relationship has reached the third date, you can allow the man a little more than on the first two.

    It all depends on your emancipation and desire. But don’t let a man do everything at once. You can allow him to kiss you, hug you, and even spend the night with you (it all depends on your views on life and what you allowed the man to do during your first meetings). Depending on how this day goes and whether you like it with this man, you will decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

    First of all, remember that men are very greedy for their appearance. However, to motivate a man to build a deeper and more serious relationship, something much more is needed. He should want to build his life next to you and connect his future with you.

    Today you can often meet representatives of the stronger sex who, when looking for a girl, think only about beauty and pleasure - but such examples do not interest us at all.

    To have a good first date, advice from friends is not necessary. The first and most important rule is to respect yourself.

    When a man takes a step towards you, inviting you to a cafe, cinema or just for a walk, you don’t need to immediately change all your plans for him and rush to the meeting.

    Remember - it is not you who achieve it, but quite the opposite. Let him offer options that will be convenient for you - at the most convenient time, in a fairly comfortable place and in the most suitable situation. It is not true that the stronger sex has died out - it’s just that overly active and purposeful girls do not allow men to express themselves.

    2. Respect your boyfriend

    The second rule of dating is to respect your date. After all, you didn’t agree to come to humiliate him. To begin with, be punctual and arrive on time, contrary to the prevailing opinion about girls being eternally late. This will have a beneficial effect on a man and will allow him to be convinced that you are a serious young lady who does not waste time on empty and fruitless relationships with no prospects for the future.

    Mutual respect is the basis of strong relationships.

    3. Choosing a place for a date

    The first date with a guy should take place in a quiet environment, even if you both love rock music, and your mutual idol is coming to a concert the other day. The first date with a guy is the time when you should get to know each other most fully in order to decide whether to further develop the relationship. The best way to do this is to have a leisurely and engaging conversation, where nothing will distract you. A classic, but far from the worst option is a cafe, restaurant or coffee shop. It has long been known: nothing brings people closer together than a shared meal.

    4. How to behave on a date with a man?

    The question of how to behave on a first date worries not only young girls, but also experienced women. The main thing is to remain calm during the conversation.

    Cool charm is highly valued by representatives of the stronger sex, and save unbridled laughter, the occasional cute grunt and tossing cupcakes for later meetings.

    Now your main task is to get to know him and decide on plans for the future. Even if there is an awkward pause, let your gentleman take the initiative. Just don’t be silent in response: it is important for him to receive at least the slightest feedback in order to understand how to behave further on the first date.

    Support him not only as an attentive listener - be sure to say at least a few words on the topic. Remember related hobbies and stories from your past. Calmly go with the flow of the conversation, don’t burden your interlocutor with problems and negative remarks, try to get as much pleasure from the date as possible, and everything will work out by itself.

    Show a keen interest in the topic of conversation or in the man's story, but do not show the same towards him. If you think about it, the border is quite clearly visible. Men love to be the center of attention, but they easily lose interest if they eagerly look into his mouth with every new word. You don't want to bore your boyfriend, do you?

    5. How to end your first romantic encounter

    Finally, one last tip. The tone in which this meeting ends depends on what the man will remember about your meeting until the next date. This is one of the critical moments when you can’t make a mistake. Be extremely polite, incredibly charming and pleasant. Smile at him and tell him that everything went great, even if there were doubtful moments.

    Never allow your meeting to end with anything more than a polite shake of your hand or a light kiss on the cheek if you have known each other for a long time. Otherwise, you risk destroying all the interest awakened in a man. Don't do it!

    In the modern world, much of what was correct before is becoming irrelevant now. Many girls no longer expect to receive an invitation to a date in the form: “Will you go on a date with me?” And they don’t expect that they will be asked to meet in an official tone like “I like you. Will you date me? The experience of modern youth shows that friendly meetings smoothly flow into dates on weekends or into longer-term relationships. Nowadays, dating is treated as an ordinary everyday affair and is not seen as an act of romanticism. You can invite a girl to spend time with you in the park and find out in one day that you can no longer date and your breakup will not be a tragedy, as it would have been, say, 200 years ago.

    A date should be thought about not in terms of what you get, but in terms of what you can give. After all, giving is always more pleasant than receiving, especially if you like the person to whom your actions are addressed. Always offer what you can so that the girl can choose. You shouldn’t wait for the girl to start thinking for you, because you are the initiator of the date. To make it go better, don’t wait for the girl to start telling something, tell an anecdote or a funny story yourself. Don’t wait for people to entertain you, but entertain and give pleasure yourself, and only then can you hope to get something in return. If the girl herself is very proactive and likes to keep the thread of the dialogue in her hands, you will understand this very quickly, and then the conversation will generally flow naturally. After all, in a conversation you will smoothly move from one topic to another. But if you start with trivial questions, you can disappoint her or even scare her off with excessive curiosity.

    So, when you have received confirmation that the girl is not indifferent to you, you can invite her to wander around the city or sit in the park. Moreover, you can invite someone for a walk with the most basic phrase: “Let’s go for a walk around the city” or “Maybe we can go somewhere with you?” Frankness always breeds frankness, and that in itself is great. If many secrets and omissions do not accumulate around a simple invitation to take a walk, then the date itself will go easier.

    ❧ If you invite a girl on a date by phone or via the Internet, conduct the conversation so that her consent does not become the last phrase of the conversation. Chat with her about something else, otherwise the girl may get the impression that you are asking her out just to prove to everyone that she will agree to go with you, or for some of your personal list of victories.

    A date involves enjoying communication with a person you like. The best actions come from the heart and are born spontaneously. You should never expect too much from a first date. If you picture in your head how the day will go in advance, you can be very disappointed when things don’t go the way you would like. When asking a girl out on a date, learn to enjoy the present moment of life and not get too caught up in the possibilities, at least until you decide to start a family. By expecting too much from a date, you will create a nervous environment around yourself: a state that someone owes something to someone. But in fact, this does not exist and, in fact, should not happen on the first date. Such a mood will quickly be transmitted to the girl, and the whole date will simply go wrong. And if it doesn’t give pleasure, then perhaps neither you nor the girl will learn what they wanted about each other. This can cause unnecessary shyness and withdrawal in both of you, and maybe even complexes.

    Almost any girl will like it if you give her some kind of flower, but not a rose. A rose is suitable if you know for sure that the girl loves them very much.

    It's better if your date is spontaneous. Spontaneity is your friend, not your enemy. For example, you are chatting on the Internet, and you write that you are very pleased to communicate with her and would like to talk in person. The conversation about the first date should begin smoothly and as if from afar, that is, guided by the 3-5 “yes” principle: ask the girl questions in such a way that she answers you “yes” 3-5 times in a row. Then invite her to go for a walk, if it’s not too late, then you can do it right now. If you have managed to establish a good relationship with her in the company, then the girl will almost never refuse you unless there are really serious reasons for this.

    You need to talk about a date as if everything has been decided. Try to make an appointment closer to her house or tell her that you will meet her near the entrance, and then go for a walk wherever you want. A park with amusement rides, rollerblades, and bicycles is considered a good place for a date. Many girls like to walk through alleys with boutiques and large supermarkets with clothes or toys. Neither the beach, nor a nightclub, nor someone's house (even your own) are suitable for a first date. You should not arrange a meeting in a cafe either. Often, almost all girls are romantic, but a cafe is banal. In addition, in a cafe, as a rule, it is impossible to communicate, and you definitely need this on several dates in order to better understand and get to know each other. There will be loud music in the cafe, there is a chance to meet friends, and communication between the two of you may not work out.

    By the way, after the first few walks, you shouldn’t tell everyone that this is your girlfriend. First you should ask her about it. After all, a girl could go on a date with you simply as revenge on another person, to make him jealous, or simply because she wanted to have fun and not sit alone at home. During these few dates, you will be able to charm the girl so that she gives up her initial plans.

    You can become attractive, charming and unique to a girl if, first of all, you are spontaneous, open, honest, and natural.

    Always be interesting and if a girl asks: “How are you?”, do not answer with the banal: “Fine.” Try to remember something interesting about today. If nothing like that happened, then you can say that this day was completely ordinary, but something interesting happened yesterday or the day before yesterday.

    If you are still refused a date, you should not get hung up on the same thing. Don't try to ask the girl what you did wrong since she refused you. It is likely that you did everything right, but the girl herself is not ready for any kind of relationship with you, even for the simplest date.

    If, nevertheless, the girl refused to meet with you, citing some urgent matters, then try not to close this topic and do not cut loose ends rashly. Maybe she really has things to do. Just choose a couple of expressions that will leave the topic open. For example, you can invite the girl to choose a day or time when she is free. But you shouldn’t always take a girl’s words that she’s busy as the truth. If you have been rejected more than three times, you should not pay any more attention to her. Perhaps you just haven’t managed to interest the girl enough yet, but you can continue to do this by communicating with her in company. There is a possibility that she is really very busy with serious matters: exams, illness of relatives, etc. Then look carefully: maybe the girl is trying to somehow let you know that she cares about you, but now is just a really inopportune moment. If you catch such signs or the girl directly talks about it, then you can wait if you really like her. If she doesn’t pick up the phone or answer emails, then maybe it’s time to look for another girl to date.

    Refusal shouldn’t unsettle you, you don’t get upset every time your homework isn’t checked at school. If, nevertheless, the refusal greatly upset you, you can use very simple techniques to regain your balance and harmony.

    1. Understand that anyone in the world can say no. Don't forget that you can't be nice by force.

    2. Don’t dive too much into analyzing the problems of the past, but start living in the present.

    3. You should not remember everything negative that happened to you.

    4. Stop, take a deep breath and think about something good: music, nature, friends... This will definitely help, since the human brain is not able to accommodate two opposing emotions.

    5. You can go in for sports or physical labor - they can cure any emotional distress.

    6. You can focus on learning a new subject: language, dance, science, etc. Purposefully concentrating your thoughts on a new task simply will not leave room for unnecessary emotional experiences.

    7. Writing down experiences on paper helps many people, but they are not kept, but thrown away very quickly. And don’t think that this is just a girl’s prank. When you throw out all your negative emotions on paper, it is quite possible that you will look at the world from a completely different perspective and the problem will no longer be as serious as it seemed before.

    After all, if you heard “no” in response from one or two girls, this does not at all mean that you will receive refusals all the time. Perhaps at that moment you simply took it for granted: the girl wants to treat you as a friend, and you thought that she liked her much more. Don’t think that the problem is only you: it is likely that the girl has simply loved someone else for a long time, but does not know how to attract his attention. Life is an interesting thing, and it may happen that a girl will pay attention to you when you start dating someone else. But in such a situation, do not rush to leave the new girl; perhaps the first one was simply affected by offended pride.

    But let's return to the positive: consent to the date was finally received. You should think in advance about how long you are going to walk with the girl so that you both don’t get tired of it. After all, the success of a date does not depend on its duration, but on the saturation of positive emotions, impressions, etc. And most importantly: during this or several dates, you must understand whether it gives you pleasure to communicate with a girl. Although most often this becomes clear from the first date.

    A girl opens up more on a date if she feels psychologically comfortable. And this happens when she begins to understand and get to know you better. If you don’t know each other very well, try to mention in the conversation what area you live in, what you do in your free time, etc. You can ask the girl about the same thing. Then, as they say, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: you will get to know the girl better and show interest in her.

    There are a few important rules to follow when dating.

    1. Don’t pretend to be anyone else, don’t try to be like any of the famous actors, comedians, DJs. Be sure to be yourself and behave naturally, as if you had not read these tips, but thought of everything yourself. Otherwise, the girl will definitely notice the pretense and will not respond to your advances.

    2. Call the girl by name as often as possible. After a few dates, you can call him by a diminutive name or a cute nickname (if the girl likes it, of course).

    3. Anyone who goes on a date should leave their bad mood and all their problems at home. You shouldn’t bring them on a date, much less discuss them with a girl. Always look at your new friend as a person with whom it is very interesting and pleasant to communicate.

    You shouldn’t think too much about how not to ruin everything with some unfortunate phrase. After all, what happens most often is exactly what we think about most. Therefore, before a date, always think about how you will have a good time with an interesting girl.

    4. You shouldn’t think about how to kiss a girl on the first date. This will cause some tension and will interfere with direct communication. And if this is so, then you will never kiss her.

    5. Always be genuinely interested in her and her hobbies. If you can’t learn this, then the relationship will most likely reach a dead end, and very quickly.

    6. Always be polite; you should not be rude to a girl. Do not swear under any circumstances. A girl who respects herself will no longer want to go on a date with you.

    7. Girls really like it when people look into their eyes. This is especially true when you are silent, thinking about something. This look will intrigue the girl. Intrigue is what you need for your next date.

    8. Don't start hugging a girl too quickly (especially on the first few dates). She may view this as rudeness and not want to continue seeing you. On several dates, allow only light, seemingly random touches - this will definitely have a positive effect on your relationship with the girl.

    9. If you go somewhere by transport, be sure to give her your hand when you get out. Girls appreciate gallantry.

    10. Try to be original from the first date, and then success is guaranteed to you.

    11. Since all people, without exception, love to talk about themselves, talk to the girl about herself. Ask about your favorite films, actors, music, places, hobbies. Try to ask questions that cannot be answered with “yes” or “no.” And never answer like that yourself. Try to build communication so that the conversation does not reach a dead end.

    12. Try to always evaluate the girl positively. If she says that she is going to learn a second foreign language or do aerobics, then be sure to support her in this and praise her. The most important thing is that it looks sincere.

    13. If a girl does something unpleasant for you, you should not show aggression, swear or find out anything. Reflect on what happened: if she did it simply without thinking, then try to bring her to a situation in which she will understand that she did wrong. Then it will be deposited in her memory and she will never repeat the mistake. If in such a situation you simply shout, it will not make anyone feel better.

    14. Remember that girls do not always correctly perceive guys’ sense of humor and may not understand something and be offended. Therefore, when you joke, look carefully to see whether the girl took your next joke as a joke or thought that you said it seriously. Because of such misunderstandings, a wonderfully beginning relationship very often deteriorates.

    15. Don't be afraid of being rejected. But if you set yourself up to lose, then you have already lost. Always be confident of success, hope that you will have another wonderful day.

    16. On any date, try to be cheerful and funny. If a girl laughs a lot in your company, it means that she really likes you.

    17. The most important rule of any date: never compare your current girl with your previous one (if you had one), at least out loud. Hearing such a comparison, the girl will definitely be offended and, most likely, will decide that you are dating her to take revenge on your ex. And such a role can only satisfy someone who herself is trying to anger someone.

    A little later, when you establish a good relationship with the girl, it will be easier for her to perceive you as you are, so you will no longer need many of the listed rules.

    One of the most important rules of a first date- the next one should happen as soon as possible, within the next 3 days, and best of all - immediately the next, so that the girl does not have time to forget how great it is with you. And be sure to text or call her back before your next date. For your relationship to develop, try to offer her your help more often, even in some small things.

    Almost all guys and girls, especially when they first start dating, feel a false sense of guilt when they want to refuse a meeting. The main thing in such a situation is to be polite and kind. You shouldn’t be rude or laugh if you don’t like a person, because you should remember that everything bad we do comes back and they can also make fun of you, possibly making it even more painful. Try to refuse very politely and easily, not forgetting to emphasize that this person is very nice and kind. If you want to break up after the first date, then be sure to say that it was pleasant for you to communicate or that you had a very good time. Be sure to wish the girl luck in finding a new guy. You shouldn’t put off the conversation about breaking up, because no one will benefit from it. You will waste time on each other, but is it worth wasting your life on something that does not bring complete happiness? Therefore, take care of your time and the time of the people around you.

    Having met the man of her dreams, a woman really wants to make a good impression on her chosen one. When going on a first date, it is important to understand how to behave correctly with a man in order to ensure the further development of the relationship. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of rules that will help you show your best side and arouse a man’s sincere interest in you.

    Maximum natural behavior

    A woman’s excitement at the first meeting may be appropriate, but this should not affect her behavior, cause excessive constraint or, on the contrary, swagger. To ensure that this meeting does not become the last, you must act confidently and naturally. In any situation, it is better to remain yourself, not to try to immediately demonstrate all your best sides and character traits.

    To look natural, you need to try to relax as much as possible, otherwise your anxiety will break through and manifest itself in fussy movements, excessive silence or an uncontrollable flow of speech. When preparing for a meeting, you need to tune in to a positive outcome of the date and repeat out loud several times mantras like: “I am the most charming and attractive.”

    Before an important event, you can mentally imagine a successful meeting scenario, think about what you will talk about, how you will look. By following the main rules on how to behave on a first date, your chosen one will definitely like you and receive an invitation to the next meeting.

    The right clothes

    No matter how trivial it may sound, the first impression of a woman is formed by her ability to dress stylishly. Tastelessly selected clothes, shoes and accessories can cause great disappointment in a man and forever kill his desire for further communication. Clothing should be appropriate for the location of the date. For example, to go on a yacht it is not necessary to wear an evening dress and stilettos, and when going to the theater it is better to avoid trendy ripped jeans.

    You should go on a date in clothes that make you feel comfortable and comfortable. She should not be too frank in order to provide a man with food for imagination and fantasy. A too deep neckline or a short skirt on the first date will demonstrate the woman’s frivolity and bad taste. Such a meeting can only end in a light affair and will not develop into a long-term serious relationship. This does not mean that you need to dress in a formal business suit and wear glasses to look respectable. Clothes can be sexy without clearly demonstrating all feminine charms.

    Choosing a scent for a first date

    A good, subtle perfume acts on a man’s subconscious like an aphrodisiac. The general impression of a woman is formed not only by her appearance, but also by her smell, timbre of voice, manners and gestures. It is very important to choose a light, unobtrusive scent that can only be felt very close. Not every man likes an overly sweet, cloying smell that can be heard within a radius of several meters; it can cause a headache and a desire to end the meeting quickly.

    Do not touch on taboo topics

    On a first date, it is very important to choose the right topic of conversation. You shouldn’t immediately burden a man with a million of your problems, health complaints, criticism from your boss, girlfriend or work colleagues. Men are especially irritated by tiresome conversations about ex-boyfriends. It’s better not to touch on the topic of your personal life, about how you have no luck in finding a future life partner, and how any relationship ends in a complete fiasco.

    Even if you have a very strong desire to get married in the very near future, you should not tell this stunning news to a man at the very first meeting. On the first date, you shouldn’t focus on yourself; it’s better to talk about neutral topics that will help you find common interests and learn about each other’s hobbies. A cheerful, casual conversation, lots of laughter and jokes will make you want to spend time together again.

    The ability to listen to a man

    During the conversation, it is advisable to show your interest in the man’s story. Ask him questions, voice your point of view on the topic of conversation and actively support the ensuing conversation. Every time you ask questions, address him by name, this will help establish an invisible connection with the interlocutor. Laugh at his jokes, be sincerely surprised by his knowledge in any field and rejoice at his achievements.

    If a man sees a lack of interest in his judgments, he may withdraw and want to leave his interlocutor. A man must see a woman’s desire to get to know him better, appreciate his rich inner world, sharp mind and determination. Men, no less than women, love compliments and admiring glances from the opposite sex. At the end of the meeting, be sure to praise him for a great time and demonstrate your desire to see him again.

    Allow a man to take care of you

    In our age of emancipated women, we are accustomed to solving any problems independently without the participation of men. Despite this, there is no need to show your independence and feminist positions on the first date. Allow your partner to court you and show gallantry to feel like a real knight. It is very important to let your chosen one know that you need his care and attention and gratefully accept his every noble gesture.

    Rules of conduct on a first date

    The first romantic meeting with your chosen one is an important exam, which is the only chance for further development of the relationship. A woman’s wrong behavior can only be cut off at the very root by feelings that are beginning to emerge. A woman should be tactful and restrained, not get too deep into the soul and give the man the right to lead the parade.

    A girl who allows herself to swear, laugh too loudly, or make vulgar jokes on the first date makes a very bad impression. Be careful with alcohol. At the first meeting, you do not need to drink too strong drinks; it is better to limit yourself to two glasses of wine. Nothing turns a man off more than a drunk, out of control woman.

    You shouldn't get too intimate on the first date. A man by nature is a hunter and he quickly loses interest in easy prey. An accidental touch on his hand, an intriguing look and a calm, sexy timbre of his voice will have a much greater effect and will make a man look forward to each new meeting.

    Don't make big plans

    All of the above tips on how to behave on a first date will help you make a lasting impression on your date. However, this is not a reason to take decisive action to build your happiness. Let the relationship develop calmly in the right direction, don’t rush things and don’t make grandiose plans.

    A man will be very surprised by your desire to introduce him to your mother and numerous other relatives on the second date. For a serious relationship, you need to get to know each other better, and for this a certain period of time must pass. Even the best first impression does not guarantee a long and happy life together. In order for the relationship not to cool down and develop into something more, both partners need to make every effort.