A frozen pregnancy gives a woman a lot of sad emotions. This is quite a serious psychological trauma. But you shouldn’t give up on motherhood, you just need to prepare more carefully for the next conception, carefully planning it. Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy requires increased attention from doctors, and maximum responsibility and a serious, conscious approach are required from the mother. The main thing is to wait for the full restoration of all intraorganic systems, especially the hormonal and reproductive ones.

Happy spouses with a long-awaited heir

Experts classify frozen pregnancy as a type of miscarriage, when the fetus stops developing at a certain period and dies. Typically, this phenomenon occurs in the first trimester, after the zygote has implanted into the uterine wall. The patient may not notice fetal freezing for a long time, she feels great, and toxicosis no longer bothers her.

However, against the background of a woman’s adaptation to the foreign organism that has appeared, signs of toxicosis, increased BT and swelling of the mammary glands inevitably arise. Therefore, the sudden cessation of toxic symptoms (such as nausea, drowsiness and fatigue) should alert the mother and become a reason for an unscheduled visit to the LC. Sometimes pregnant symptoms persist even after fetal loss, which will complicate the timely detection of pregnancy pathology.

In fact, fading is spontaneous fetal death, which ends in miscarriage or surgical abortion. The most favorable outcome of such a pathological pregnancy is the spontaneous complete rejection of the fertilized egg, as a result of which the endometrium is subject to minimal damage. During a pharmaceutical abortion, the patient takes special medications that enhance the contractile activity of the uterine muscles. Surgical abortion involves curettage of the uterine cavity, which is why it is considered the most traumatic.

Why does frozen pregnancy occur?

Even if you carefully plan your pregnancy, fetal abortion may occur for reasons beyond the woman’s control. The exact reasons why the fetus may freeze are not yet known to science and this topic is still being actively studied. But scientists have identified some provoking factors that can affect the bearing of a child in such a deplorable way.

  1. Hormonal disorders. After conception, enormous hormonal changes begin in the endocrine system of the new mother, during which the hormonal status changes greatly, and a deficiency of any hormonal substances such as estrogen or progesterone appears. It is progesterone that ensures normal fetal development, so its deficiency can contribute to missed abortion. According to statistics, 20% of pregnant women suffer from increased levels of androgenic hormones, which also provoke fading or termination of pregnancy.
  2. Genetic abnormalities. This factor is the most common cause of pathology. The principle of natural selection is observed here: if the fetus is healthy, it develops, if there are genetic abnormalities, then it dies. If the patient has experienced fetal fading several times in a row, then the reasons lie in genetic factors.
  3. Infectious pathologies. The mother's immune defense is suppressed under the influence of pregnancy. This is necessary to avoid fetal rejection. Most reactions of the immune system are blocked by gonadotropic chorionic hormone, so hidden infections begin to actively declare themselves. And ordinary respiratory infections occur in mothers in severe forms, in which there is an increased likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus, disruption of blood flow between the fetus and the mother, which causes oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is important to take care of your immune system when planning conception.
  4. Availability of abortions. The more abortions a woman has had in the past, the greater the likelihood of fetal development failure. This also includes patients who have previously experienced ectopic conception.
  5. Unhealthy addictions. This factor can be compared with any pathology and disease. Smoking, drug use or alcohol use - all this can lead to very negative consequences.

These are only general factors that may complement individual reasons. To avoid them and eliminate possible harm, careful preparation for conception is necessary.

Rehabilitation after death

If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor

It is important to recover as soon as possible after a pathological pregnancy in order to plan conception again. For rehabilitation to proceed competently and effectively, the patient must undergo a prophylactic course of antibiotic therapy to prevent the development of infectious or inflammatory complications. Usually drugs from the group of aminoglycosides and cephalosporins are prescribed.

Also, after intrauterine curettage, the patient is prescribed drugs whose action is aimed at contracting the uterine walls. After cleansing, the discharge is normally similar to menstrual discharge, it does not smell and is light in nature. After about 5-7 days they end. If the bloody smear stopped abruptly earlier, this indicates an accumulation of bloody masses inside the uterine cavity (hematometer). To contract, a woman needs uterotonics like Methylergobrevin or Oxytocin.

After completing therapy, the patient is sent for a control ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity, during which the specialist checks whether there is anything left inside the uterus, such as blood or fetal tissue.

Restoration of reproductive structures

The time after which the patient can have sex without fear depends on the method of fetal rejection. If a spontaneous abortion, vacuum or pharmaceutical abortion occurs, you will have to abstain for at least 14 days. If the patient had to deal with curettage, then it will be possible to resume sexual relations only after 4 weeks.

This time is necessary for the uterine cervix to fully close and heal, because during curettage curettage the mucous tissues are damaged. It is strictly forbidden to allow pathogenic microorganisms to enter the damaged area, otherwise severe inflammatory lesions may occur in the reproductive system.

Typically, the patient is advised to strictly observe sexual rest, the exact duration of which will be determined by the doctor on an individual basis. If after curettage a woman gets a sexually transmitted infection, this is fraught with dangerous consequences, including infertility. During the recovery period, it is important to protect yourself so that the reproductive system has time to recover.

Hormones and contraception

So, a successful pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy can only occur if the recommendations regarding the recovery and rehabilitation period are strictly followed. Usually after curettage, even if the patient complied with medical instructions and abstained from sex for a month, painful sensations may occur during the first intimacy.

  • Doctors strongly do not recommend planning a pregnancy after a frozen one, because the body needs a temporary break in order to fully recover. To avoid unwanted fertilization, the patient is recommended contraception, for which specialists usually prescribe hormonal COCs. They are extremely important for normalizing the menstrual cycle and restoring a woman’s overall hormonal levels.
  • If conception occurs, but does not end with delivery, then the woman’s body experiences incredible stress. Usually, COCs are prescribed from the second day after curettage, natural termination or pharmacological abortion.
  • If fetal freezing and abortion occurred after the first trimester, then oral contraception is prescribed from 21-28 days after the event. But during this period, the patient must abstain from sex or use condoms.
  • You need to take COCs for at least three months. Usually experts recommend Yarina, Regulon, Janine or Novinet, Jess Plus. These contraceptive drugs suppress ovulatory processes and help correct the monthly cycle.

During the rehabilitation period, the doctor may prescribe Utrozhestan or Duphaston - drugs that also effectively restore hormonal levels and prevent fading in the future.

Psychological peace

Fresh grapes are rich in vitamins and minerals

The psychological state of the patient is of no small importance for rehabilitation. It is rare to find that a patient becomes pregnant immediately after a missed abortion. It’s just that after an experience, it can be quite difficult for a woman to morally decide to conceive again. Therefore, after freezing, you need to undergo a course of therapy with sedatives such as valerian extract, motherwort, etc.

Many sources recommend that spouses go on vacation somewhere far away and travel. But doctors do not recommend doing this, especially changing the climate, because this will have an extremely negative effect on hormonal levels and recovery. It’s just that the body, instead of recovering, will begin to waste resources on acclimatization. But going out of town to a sanatorium for a couple of weeks will be very useful.

When can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?

Women faced with a similar problem are often concerned about the question of when can they become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy. Physiologically, a woman is able to conceive immediately after such a pathology. After the fetus freezes, hCG is minimized, which acts as a kind of signal for the maturation of a new germ cell. But physically, a woman’s body is not ready for a new pregnancy, because the remains of a dead fetus are most often removed by curettage, which seriously damages the endometrial layer. For a new conception, the endometrium must be fully restored, otherwise there is a high probability of relapse or miscarriage.

Hormonal levels and immunity should also be restored, because the main requirement for a successful conception should be the full readiness of the mother’s body. Therefore, the question of when you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy is relevant only after the woman has fully recovered. To do this, you need to thoroughly prepare for pregnancy, planning everything correctly.

Experts say that any attempts to conceive should be postponed for at least six months, or even a year. The longer the period at which the fading occurred, the longer the woman will have to abstain from fertilization. In practice, there are cases when conception occurred even after a couple of months, and there was no negative effect on the fetus. But this is just a matter of chance. Therefore, a child planned after a frozen child requires maximum preparation and a thorough examination.

Planning after fetal freezing

To eliminate the possibility of fetal abortion, the patient first needs to give up unhealthy habits.

  • It is these harmful addictions that lead to abnormal pregnancies in the first place.
  • No less caution must be exercised with regard to taking medications, which before conception must be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Patients who are employed in hazardous work are at risk of encountering a frozen patient.
  • You need to take care in advance to strengthen the immune barrier, because during pregnancy it noticeably decreases. After implantation, active production of hCG begins, which protects the baby’s immunity from the maternal immune system. Otherwise, the mother’s body will perceive the baby as a foreign aggressor and neutralize it, which will lead to miscarriage or death.

Regardless of how quickly you would like to get pregnant again, you should wait the time recommended by your doctor and then get examined to avoid unpleasant surprises. It’s great if, after the death, doctors discover its true cause, then you can undergo appropriate treatment and eliminate the main pathological factor.


Every woman should regularly undergo various examinations

Every mother should understand that it is necessary to carefully prepare for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy. The essence of preparation in terms of medicine means taking tests. Initially, even during curettage, you need to do a microscopic and cytogenetic analysis of the fetal tissue. Histology helps to identify the provoking factors of pathological conception such as STDs, diabetes, viral infections, anembryonia, etc. In other words, histology will help the specialist to identify the etiological factors of fetal death.

In addition, the patient undergoes a gynecological examination with the obligatory taking of a smear from the vagina for microflora. It is also necessary to be tested for the presence of infectious pathologies using polymerase chain reaction and ELISA. Before you think about how long it will take to get pregnant, you also need to undergo a hormonal examination.

Preparatory diagnostics are not complete without ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, general and biochemical tests of urine and blood, as well as a coagulogram. After the death, it is necessary for the partner to be examined, as well as to determine marital compatibility. The latter study is quite expensive financially, so it is carried out infrequently.

Features of pregnancy after a pathological pregnancy

If a woman encounters such a pathology, then after a certain time she usually begins to worry about the problem of how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy. Definitely, you cannot get pregnant immediately after treatment for frozen pregnancy; you need to wait at least six months, or better yet, a year. If you do not follow such recommendations, then the risk of developing pathologies in the mother, such as anemic abnormalities, hypovitaminosis, and hormonal disorders, increases noticeably, which will not have the best effect on the child.

Sometimes in women who become pregnant shortly after cleansing, pregnancy proceeds safely and without any complications, but it is foolish to hope for such a favorable outcome, because this is the exception rather than the rule. Fading may be a consequence of genetic fetal abnormalities or the result of the influence of negative factors. But you shouldn’t treat such a situation as a death sentence; after this, women get pregnant safely and give birth to strong children. In any case, only ruling out the cause of a missed miscarriage and competent planning for subsequent conceptions will help avoid a repeat tragedy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Frozen pregnancy is a stop in the development of the embryo/fetus for some reason, occurring in 10-15% of all conceptions. In such situations, it is always necessary to remove the fertilized egg/fetus from the uterine cavity. This requires serious manipulation and may be accompanied by complications. Why does pathology occur and when is a new pregnancy possible after a frozen pregnancy?

Synonyms for the concept are the terms “non-developing pregnancy”, “dead fertilized egg”, and after 22 weeks of gestation - “antenatal (before birth) fetal death”. Statistics on the causes of frozen pregnancy are as follows:

  • 35% of cases - pregnancy loss due to an infectious process in the woman’s body;
  • 25% of observations - arrest of development due to non-viability of the embryo/fetus;
  • 28% of cases - the problem is hidden diseases of the woman or man;
  • Another 12% occurs for unknown reasons.

Causes of pregnancy fading

Violation of the development of the embryo/fetus can occur at any stage. Typically, a non-developing pregnancy occurs at up to 12 weeks. This is due to simple natural selection before this time. Less commonly, freezing occurs later, which is usually associated with some kind of illness in the woman.

Stopping the development of the fertilized egg occurs for the following reasons:

  • Abnormalities of the female genital organs. Most of all this concerns the uterus. Anomalies can be congenital or acquired. A woman may not know about them until a certain moment. For example, a bicornuate or saddle-shaped uterus - when the chorion (the future “child’s place”) is attached to the septum of such a uterus, there is a high probability of a non-developing pregnancy. Among the acquired anomalies there are intrauterine synechiae (adhesions) after abortions and hysteroscopies. Uterine fibroids can also cause circulatory problems in the fertilized egg and stop its further development.
  • Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. They can arise as a result of defective genetic material received from the mother or father, as well as as a result of impaired cell division in the embryo. The latter can occur under the influence of harmful environmental factors (for example, after an early X-ray examination), or after taking medications (antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and others prohibited during pregnancy). If such pregnancies continue, children are often born with Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders.
  • Pathological conditions of the endometrium. This category includes chronic endometritis, which can occur in a woman without obvious clinical symptoms. Also, pathological conditions of the endometrium can be expressed in its atrophy. In this case, ultrasound examination reveals a “thin endometrium” throughout the entire cycle.
  • Blood clotting disorders. This includes hereditary diseases associated with blood clotting disorders. These pathologies can only be confirmed through a genetic examination of the woman.
  • Acute infectious processes in the body. These are ARVI, influenza, exacerbation of bronchitis or other chronic pathology. Viruses and bacteria can enter the developing embryo or expose it to toxins. This leads to the arrest of fetal development. Sexually transmitted infections also play a significant role, causing inflammation in the vagina, cervix and uterine cavity.
  • Unidentified factors on the part of the woman or man. This includes incompatibility, including blood type, as well as various immune mechanisms aimed at destroying half-alien (paternal) genetic material in the embryo.

These same factors are the cause of non-developing pregnancy after IVF. Despite a thorough examination before the procedure, the hidden course of some diseases (for example, thrombophilia, cytomegalovirus infection and others) makes their early diagnosis difficult.

Who is at risk

After a thorough examination of the woman, we can assume the possibility of a non-developing pregnancy and try to prevent its occurrence. The following girls are at risk:

  • after 35 years;
  • with abortions and miscarriages in the past;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • with uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • with chronic renal pathology;
  • for systemic connective tissue diseases (for example, lupus erythematosus);
  • in the presence of thyroid diseases;
  • if you have arterial hypertension;
  • in constant stressful situations;
  • with bad habits (tobacco smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, drug addiction);
  • with underweight.

Timely detection of diseases, their treatment or maintenance of stable remission is an effective prevention of pregnancy pathology when planning pregnancy after a missed pregnancy.

Is it possible to understand on your own that the embryo/fetus is not developing?

The peculiarities of fetal development arrest are such that there are often no signs that could alert a woman. As a rule, a girl learns about the pathology when she next comes for an ultrasound scan on time. But there are still symptoms that may indicate a violation of the baby’s intrauterine development. Among the main ones are the following:

  • Disappearance of signs of early toxicosis. It is observed when freezing occurs before 12-14 weeks. The girl notes a sharp disappearance of nausea, vomiting, and excessive salivation.
  • Symptoms of general malaise. These include weakness, headaches and dizziness. These nonspecific symptoms are observed when the remains of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity for a long time, resulting in poisoning of the woman’s body with the products of its decay.
  • Disappearance of engorgement of the mammary glands. Observed in the first to early second trimester. After 22 weeks, a woman, on the contrary, may notice swelling of the breasts, minor pain in it and the release of milk rather than colostrum.
  • Lack of movement in due time. A woman should normally feel the first tremors after 21-22 weeks, with the second child - at 18, and sometimes a little earlier. If the pregnancy stops, the woman does not hear any movement.
  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. Typically, spotting discharge appears two to five weeks after fading. This is the beginning of spontaneous rejection of the embryo/fetus.

How to confirm embryo/fetal arrest

If a girl has even the slightest suspicion that a pregnancy is not developing, she should immediately go to the doctor and undergo a minimal examination. This is especially true in cases of continued pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy in the past. What signs may indicate a non-developing pregnancy are described in the table.

Table - Comparative characteristics of normal and non-developing pregnancies th

SurveyNormal courseFading development
General examination on a gynecological chair- The size of the uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy;
- the cervix is ​​long and its external os is closed
- Delay in the size of the uterus by several weeks;
- the cervix begins to shorten;
- the cervical canal opens slightly
Performing a pelvic ultrasound- Normal size of the fertilized egg;
- the heartbeat of the embryo corresponds to the period of its development;
- the yolk sac corresponds to the stage of pregnancy
- There is no heartbeat;
- sometimes the embryo itself is not detected in the presence of a fetal sac
Blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin- Meets deadline- Significantly less time
Analysis for alpha-fetoprotein (specific fetal protein)- Meets deadline- Increased by 2-3 times already on the 3-4th day after the fetus/embryo freezes
Progesterone content in a woman’s blood- Normal or below- Fine
The content of estrogen in a woman’s blood- Normal for pregnancy- Below the norm for this period

At a short period of time (up to seven weeks), it is impossible to say unambiguously how the development of the embryo proceeds. In these situations, ultrasound and other studies are performed at intervals of 10-14 days. After seven weeks, the embryo/fetus and its heartbeat should be clearly visible.

When can you plan a new pregnancy after a frozen one?

All women, faced with the problem of a non-developing pregnancy, are most concerned about the question of when to plan a pregnancy after a missed abortion. In each clinical case, the recovery period will be different.

After scraping

If pregnancy fading occurs before 12-14 weeks, in most cases, to evacuate the fertilized egg and embryo, one-step curettage of the uterine cavity using curettes or a vacuum aspirator is used. The procedure is no different from a regular abortion and may be accompanied by the same complications.

  • Firstly. This will protect against another pregnancy.
  • Secondly. It will relieve the woman of psychological stress. After all, many are afraid to experience this again, and shy away from intimacy with their loved one.
  • Third. Hormonal drugs will soften endocrine changes in the body.

It is also a kind of prevention of menstrual irregularities and mastopathy. During these three to six months, a woman, as prescribed by a doctor, should undergo a minimal or extensive examination (in the case of two or more undeveloped pregnancies) to determine the cause of miscarriage.

A new pregnancy after curettage of a frozen pregnancy can occur even before the next period if you do not take precautions or deliberately try to conceive a baby. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and wait the period recommended by him for the body to recover. Otherwise, the likelihood of another failure is very high.

After drug interruption

The least traumatic and gentle option for removing dead embryonic tissue before a period of six to seven weeks (in some regions of Russia up to nine weeks is approved, and in many European countries such schemes are applicable up to 22 weeks) is medical abortion. In this case, according to a certain scheme, the woman needs to take medications and be under the supervision of a doctor for a day or two.

Medical abortion has much fewer complications and long-term consequences when compared with instrumental curettage. If the fertilized egg is removed in this way, after 3 months you can safely plan a new pregnancy, subject to a full examination. If for some reason conception occurs a month after drug termination, the likelihood of pregnancy complications is comparable to healthy women.

After performing a caesarean section

When pregnancy fading after 18 weeks, it is sometimes necessary to perform a small or classic cesarean section to evacuate parts of the fetus. This is possible in the following cases:

  • if the woman’s previous birth was surgical;
  • if the cervix does not open;
  • if massive bleeding begins.

In such situations, trying to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy is allowed no earlier than 12-16 months later.

What to do for a successful new pregnancy: 7 mandatory steps

To avoid troubles in the future, it is necessary to establish the cause of the previous miscarriage and eliminate it or compensate for it (in the case of thrombophilia, diabetes mellitus). To do this, you need to undergo certain tests after a frozen pregnancy and undergo examination by specialists. The list includes the following seven procedures.

  1. Genetic testing. The man, woman and fertilized egg are checked. The examination is carried out to identify chromosomal abnormalities. In most public medical institutions, the chromosome set of the embryo is not determined (only in some private clinics), and only the remains of the chorion are analyzed - they are sent for histology.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. With its help, you can suspect a pathology of the structure of the uterus. If necessary, hysteroscopy is performed, during which some therapeutic manipulations can be performed (dissection of synechiae, removal of small nodes).
  3. Endocrine examination. Sex hormones are checked, as well as the function of other endocrine organs. It is necessary to determine glycosylated hemoglobin (indicates latent diabetes mellitus), thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, prolactin, estradiol, and male sex hormones.
  4. Immunological research. It is carried out if autoimmune pathologies are suspected based on the results of collecting anamnesis and complaints from the woman. At the same time, the presence of antibodies to the woman’s body’s own proteins is determined.
  5. Examination for sexually transmitted infections. The minimum list is mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex types 1 and 2, HPV (human papillomavirus).
  6. Detection of thrombophilias. It is prescribed in cases where there is a suspicion of this pathology. For example, if a woman has ever had thrombosis of venous vessels.
  7. Identification of chronic pathology. Conducted by a therapist. Before the next pregnancy, it is necessary to compensate for all processes - adjust blood pressure numbers, normalize blood sugar levels, eliminate foci of chronic infection.

After a thorough examination, a second consultation with a doctor is necessary, preferably a fertility specialist. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe treatment and clarify how long it takes to become pregnant.

Necessary tests and treatment after a frozen pregnancy. Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy.

Sometimes it happens that a long-awaited pregnancy ends in a terrible tragedy - the death of the fetus. In case of a frozen pregnancy, a woman usually undergoes a curettage procedure - freeing the uterine cavity from dead cells by removing the top layer of the endometrium. This operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation process after curettage can last several months. After a woman recovers from such a strong shock and grief, she quite often wants to get pregnant again and still give birth to the desired baby.

But when can she get pregnant again? How long will it take for her body to recover? How to make sure everything goes well this time? We will try to understand all this in this article.

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy

When will you get your period after a frozen pregnancy?
  • The menstrual cycle after curettage of pregnancy should normally return within a month. That is, in 25-35 days the woman should begin her first period after the operation. However, there are cases when menstruation is restored only after a couple of months. There's nothing wrong with that
  • Each woman's body is completely individual. The process of restoring the monthly cycle after a missed pregnancy is influenced by hormonal levels, emotional state and the ability to heal the genital organs themselves.
  • The fact is that during curettage, one might say, the top layer of endometrial tissue is torn off. In other words, it turns out to be a living wound. The rehabilitation period for women’s health will depend on how quickly this wound heals.
  • Immediately after surgery, the patient may experience minor bleeding. They do not pose any danger, but are only evidence that the endometrium is being restored. However, a woman will need to be wary if such discharge becomes abundant, produces an unpleasant odor and causes severe pain. In this case, it is better to inform your doctor about the presence of such symptoms. They may be signs of infection and infection in the uterine cavity
  • The first menstruation may have slightly different manifestations compared to the usual menstruation. Bleeding is sometimes less intense and shorter lasting
  • And sometimes, on the contrary, the discharge is more intense and lasting. All these deviations are quite understandable. The female body has suffered so much stress that it is still very difficult for it to fully recover to its normal state.
  • Pain during the first menstruation after curettage can be many times stronger than during menstruation before surgery, or may not be accompanied by pain at all. If the pain is unbearable, of course, it is better to consult a doctor
  • The nature of the first menstruation in general can also be influenced by the period at which the life inside the woman ended. The longer the period, the more difficult and longer the recovery will be.

To identify the causes of fetal freezing and when planning the next pregnancy, a woman will need to undergo a number of laboratory tests:

  1. Fetal histology analysis
  2. Hormonal tests. Such studies are carried out if hormonal changes in a woman’s body are suspected.
  3. Vaginal flora smear. This analysis allows us to exclude the presence of such dangerous sexually transmitted infections as genococcus and group B streptococcus
  4. Genetic or chromosomal studies of the fetus for karyotype. Such tests make it possible to find out whether the reasons for the failure to carry the pregnancy to term were any inherited disorders of the fetus
  5. Analysis for hidden infections such as chlamydia, papillomavirus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma or mycoplasma
  6. An immunogram is a study that allows you to determine the state of a woman’s immune system
  7. Coagulogram and hemostasiogram - tests for blood clotting
  8. Test for the presence of an autoimmune disease such as antiphospholipid syndrome
  9. Typing for second class histocompatibility antigens for both parents is a study that allows us to identify immune forms of frozen pregnancy

It is worth noting that some of the above studies are quite expensive, and they are prescribed only if there are very good reasons to suspect a certain disease.

Histology after frozen pregnancy

  • Histological studies after a frozen pregnancy allow us to roughly find out what was the cause of fetal death
  • To carry out this analysis, tissues scraped from the uterine cavity are taken. Sometimes, by order of the doctor, a thin ball of epithelium from the uterine cavity or fallopian tube is also given for analysis.
  • When all the materials are collected, they are sent to the laboratory for careful examination under a microscope and to identify the causes of pregnancy loss.

In the course of such studies, the following factors can be determined that influence the interruption of fetal development:

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • diabetes
  • pathologies of uterine development
  • viral infectious diseases (hepatitis or rubella)
  • chronic diseases of the female genital organs
  • disturbances of hormonal processes in a woman’s body

All of these diseases can be detected using histological examination of the fetus. However, such research only gives the direction in which to look for the cause.

To accurately identify the disease and its effect on pregnancy, you will need to undergo other tests. They will give a clearer picture, help decide on treatment and prevent a recurrence of the situation.

First of all, when it is established that the fetus is frozen in a woman’s uterus, she is prescribed a cleansing, that is, getting rid of dead foreign cells. Today, world practice knows three ways to cleanse the uterine cavity from a dead fetus:

  1. Medical abortion. This type of cleansing involves taking special medications that provoke a miscarriage. As a rule, this method is used for a period of no more than eight weeks.
  2. Mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. This procedure involves removing unnecessary contents of the uterus using a special vacuum. It is performed under general anesthesia
  3. Spontaneous abortion. Foreign experts in the field of gynecology consider this method the most humane and gentle. They simply wait until the uterus itself begins to reject the foreign body and pushes it out. Spontaneous abortion is carried out under regular medical supervision. If a woman shows signs of inflammation, she undergoes a mini or vacuum abortion.

In addition to cleaning, a woman may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed when there is an infection in the uterus.

  • As mentioned above, after a frozen pregnancy, a woman will need to undergo a series of tests. It is based on the results of these tests that adequate treatment is prescribed.
  • If the cause of fetal death is hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body, she is prescribed hormonal medications. The same drugs can be prescribed in case of prolonged absence of menstruation to restore them. Taking hormonal medications can also serve as an excellent contraceptive.
  • If a woman has been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections or other diseases, the doctor will first take care of their treatment
  • It is very important during the rehabilitation period to protect the unhappy woman from additional negative emotions and experiences.
  • The best medicine for her will be care and guardianship. In some cases, when a woman’s mental-emotional state is at its peak, the doctor may prescribe her a course of sedatives and tranquilizers

What to do if there are already 2, 3, 5, 7 missed pregnancies?

  • After the first frozen pregnancy, in almost ninety cases out of a hundred, women manage to carry and give birth to healthy children. For those families who have suffered such a tragedy not for the first time, the chances of a positive outcome only decrease
  • In order to prevent such a sad event, future parents first need to undergo all the necessary research. Do not ignore referrals for tests prescribed by the doctor
  • The doctor must have complete information about the reasons for not carrying a child to term in order to prescribe the correct treatment. Sometimes a small difference in diagnoses can lead to another fetal death. Why should both partners take the tests seriously?
  • When undergoing the prescribed treatment, there is no need to rush into a new pregnancy. It is better to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and wait until the causes of previous miscarriages are completely eliminated
  • In some cases, doctors advise abandoning further attempts for the benefit of the woman’s physical and mental health.
  • After all, every failure entails a number of consequences and aggravation of the situation. Sometimes a doctor may recommend that a couple consider surrogacy or adoption

How long after a missed miscarriage can you plan your next pregnancy?

  • A woman can become pregnant immediately after her previous pregnancy has died. Her cycle can be restored very quickly and fertilization is possible already at the very first ovulation
  • However, this does not mean that pregnancy will be desirable. The fact is that the woman’s body has not yet gained strength and has not recovered from the severe stress of a miscarriage
  • The endometrium of the uterus may not fully heal, hormonal levels may not yet stabilize, and all metabolic processes in the body may not return to normal activity. In such conditions, a new pregnancy is completely unwelcome
  • Doctors usually recommend taking a break from six months to a year. This time will be enough for the woman to fully recover
  • In addition, if during the tests any diseases of the partners are named as the reasons for the previous interruption, then before planning a new pregnancy, these reasons will need to be excluded
  • It happens that after a single miscarriage, a woman becomes pregnant within a couple of months and safely carries a second pregnancy. However, such cases are the exception rather than the rule. It's always better to play it safe and follow your doctor's advice
  • The length of time the second pregnancy is delayed is also influenced by the period at which the fetus froze. The larger it was, the more time it will take for the woman to recover and gain new strength.

  • When preparing for your next pregnancy, you should take into account all the mistakes made during your first unsuccessful pregnancy. Expectant parents should give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking) at least three months before conception.
  • Ideally, it would be if they switched to a healthy diet, began to actively engage in sports and spend more time in the fresh (clean) air
  • It is advisable for the expectant mother to take multivitamin complexes at the same time. Mandatory elements required in sufficient quantities at the time of pregnancy are folic acid and iodine. There are special preparations containing only such microelements (for example, Iodomarin)
  • It is advisable for women working in hard work or hazardous enterprises to moderate the load on their body. The same applies to the emotional background. During such a crucial period, they should not worry and experience stress. Expectant mothers need to be positive, forget about previous failures and believe in the best
  • A prerequisite is to undergo all tests prescribed by doctors, and, if necessary, treatment
  • As a rule, most subsequent pregnancies after fetal death end successfully. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely
  • In addition, establishing the cause of frequent miscarriages with the modern level of medicine will not be a problem at all. Having been treated and prepared for a new pregnancy, future parents have every chance of a positive result

Pregnancy does not always end in childbirth. Sometimes the development of the embryo in the fertilized egg stops and it dies, causing a miscarriage. According to statistics, most often a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed at 6-8 weeks.

A woman either has a natural miscarriage or is referred for an artificial termination of pregnancy if the fertilized egg, which is regressing in development, still remains in the uterus.

Most often, the expectant mother does not notice the moment of death of the embryo and may still notice signs of pregnancy: soreness and heaviness of the mammary glands, toxicosis, drowsiness. This is due to the fact that the hCG hormone is still present in the blood, although in much smaller quantities.

Determining causes and risks

Many women planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy are concerned with the question: how likely is the embryo to die next time? To assess the risks, you need to know the factors that led to the regression of the development of the fertilized egg. Specialists need to examine the aborted material and establish the reasons why it died:

  • Genetic disorders of fetal development. Scientists have found that about 80% of pregnancies that fail before 8 weeks have chromosomal abnormalities. The number of chromosomes is either changed or their structure is disrupted.
  • Hormonal disorders. About 20% of pregnancies fail due to excess testosterone, or prolactin, or lack of progesterone, or a combination of these factors. The vast majority of pregnancies that are miscarried due to hormonal disorders die due to insufficient luteal phase of the mother's menstrual cycle.
  • Immune causes. Pregnancy can die due to the incompatibility of the spouses, as well as due to the presence of antibodies in the mother’s blood, which cause either thrombus formation in the placental circulatory system or the occurrence of inflammation in the chorion.
  • Infectious factors. The most common cause of embryo death due to infections is infection in the early stages of gestation. This provokes pathological measurements in the circulatory system between mother and fetus.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the placenta. It is a common cause of spontaneous fetal death in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Impaired blood flow can occur for two reasons: due to abnormalities in the structure of the vascular system of the placenta, or due to the formation of blood clots in it, which can be caused by genetic factors (for example, thrombophilia in the mother).

A study of aborted material during a non-developing pregnancy will determine what caused the death of the embryo and the attending physician will either prescribe treatment for the woman or continue to study her body to understand whether it is possible to prevent a frozen pregnancy in the future.

If the aborted material has not been examined, then before planning the next child, the woman must undergo a series of examinations to find out whether the death of the embryo was due to a spontaneous genetic failure or whether it was a consequence of pathological processes in the body of the expectant mother.

If in the first case no treatment is required, then in the second, doctors will have to think not only about the scheme for correcting pathological disorders in the woman, but also about what kind of drug therapy to carry out in the event of a new pregnancy.

Genetic testing– involve visiting a geneticist who will take the necessary blood tests and determine the presence of hereditary genetic mutations in a couple who is preparing to conceive a child.

Hormonal study– involves taking blood on certain days of the cycle to study the concentration of hormones in a woman’s body. Estrogens, prolactin, FSH, LH and testosterone are released on days 3–5 of the menstrual cycle. 17-OH-progesterone, DHEA sulfate, SHBG - from 8 to 10 days of the cycle. Progesterone - on the 7th day after ovulation.

Research into autoimmune disorders– involve a visit to a gynecologist-immunologist, tests to determine the compatibility of spouses, the presence of antisperm antibodies in a woman and pathological changes in the functioning of the immune system. The main study will be to test to rule out antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which contributes to embryo rejection.

Standard examinations when planning: ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, analysis for STDs, gynecological examination, snapshot of the sella turcica, visit to a therapist.

It is problematic to provide a complete list of necessary tests - each specialist, having examined the clinical picture of a frozen pregnancy, can prescribe examinations that are necessary only in a specific case.

Planning after a missed pregnancy

You can start planning for a child only after the reproductive system has been fully restored after a missed pregnancy. The gynecologist will determine the body’s readiness to conceive, based on several factors:

  1. Normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Healing of the uterine cavity after curettage;
  3. Normalization;
  4. The absence of STDs, or the presence of some of them in inactive phases;
  5. The fullness of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Your doctor may recommend taking a course of vitamins and folic acid before planning a pregnancy.

Despite the fact that visiting a geneticist and gynecologist-immunologist is recommended only after several missed pregnancies, you need to understand that the embryo never stops developing for no reason. Therefore, you should not wait for the child’s death to happen again and start planning the next pregnancy only when doctors have carried out the necessary research.

Perhaps, during planning and in the first weeks after conception, they will prescribe drug therapy that will help the child circumvent the threat from the mother’s body and allow him to develop correctly and at a normal pace.

How long until the next planning?

After the loss of a desired pregnancy, a woman may be depressed for a long time and her only desire will be to drown out the pain of loss by conceiving another baby. Therefore, at an appointment with a gynecologist, the question invariably arises: when can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? Doctors advise starting planning no earlier than six months after curettage or miscarriage.

This period was not determined by chance:

  • The examinations that need to be completed will take a lot of time. Therefore, the woman will have to wait several months before the cause of the death of the embryo becomes clear.
  • After curettage of the membranes of a frozen pregnancy, the uterus should heal, and the endometrium should fully restore its structure. If this does not happen, the next pregnancy will also be in danger of regression, only now due to insufficient functioning of the endometrium.
  • A woman’s body needs to be saturated with folic acid in order to reduce the possibility of developmental abnormalities in the child during subsequent pregnancy. It will take several months for full saturation.
  • If the cause of the lost pregnancy was the improper functioning of the endocrine system, then it will take time to correct the concentration of hormones in the blood to normal limits.

Of course, pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy can occur after 1 to 3 months. But in this case, the baby’s life will be at constant risk of not only a repeat case of regression in development, but also a miscarriage due to a weakened uterus after curettage.

How to get pregnant and carry a child to term after a frozen pregnancy?

Depending on what caused the death of the fetus, treatment regimens will be determined that, firstly, will help to conceive a child without genetic disorders, and secondly, will help the pregnancy develop correctly.

Genetic factor– if the analysis of the abortive material showed that the embryo died due to genetic pathologies that have a chance of appearing again in subsequent pregnancies - the conception of a genetically healthy child becomes most likely only with IVF, where preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) will be performed before embryos are transplanted into the uterus .

Getting pregnant in the usual way, with the hereditary genetic factor of a frozen pregnancy, is dangerous - the risk of giving birth to an unhealthy child is too great or, most likely, the risk of a second frozen pregnancy.

If an analysis of the abortive material showed that the genetic mutation was spontaneous and the genetic set of chromosomes of the father and mother allows them to have healthy offspring, it is possible to become pregnant after removal of a non-developing pregnancy naturally.

Hormonal factor– assumes that from the first days of the next pregnancy, regular monitoring of the concentrations in the blood of the expectant mother of hormones that caused the death of the embryo last time will be carried out. The frequency of checks is determined by the doctor.

At the slightest deviation from the norm, emergency hormonal correction is carried out to stabilize the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system and maintain the vital activity of the fetus.

In addition, menstruation after a frozen pregnancy caused by a hormonal factor may be irregular for about six months. Therefore, a new pregnancy will become possible only after correcting the functioning of the endocrine system.

Autoimmune factor– the next pregnancy after a frozen one should be monitored by an immunologist. If possible, he will prescribe a treatment regimen that will, firstly, allow the woman to conceive a child, and secondly, temporarily weaken the woman's immune system to increase the chances of survival of the embryo.

Preliminary drug therapy before conception, with an autoimmune factor, is very important, since pathological changes in homeostasis occur soon after implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall.

Infectious factor- suggests that a new pregnancy should be planned only when the infection that led to the death of the previous embryo can be cured. The main barrier to pathogenic flora in the female body is the cervical canal.

If it is affected by chronic diseases, then it is much easier for infections to penetrate into the uterine cavity and cause pathological changes in the structure of the fertilized egg. Therefore, before a new pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the cervix.

A frozen pregnancy is not a death sentence - it signals that there are certain problems in the body of the mother or father that have prevented the embryo from bearing. In most cases, with the proper level of treatment, these problems can be overcome and the woman can carry her next pregnancy safely.

Not all women's pregnancies end with childbirth. A non-developing pregnancy is a miscarriage, which is a serious psychological trauma for a woman and her family. With this pathological condition, the child stops development and dies. Fetal freezing is most common in the first trimester. At the eighth week of intrauterine development, the formation of internal organs begins in the fetus, so this period is the most critical for possible fading.

There are three riskiest periods:

  • 3-4 weeks
  • 8-11 weeks
  • 16-18 weeks

At these times, the fetus is the most vulnerable, but, unfortunately, freezing is possible at any week, even shortly before birth.

Surprisingly, when the fetus freezes, the pregnant woman feels an improvement in her condition. If a woman suffers from early toxicosis, then when the fetus freezes, her indigestion suddenly stops, energy increases, her mood improves, and her sleep improves. Minor discharge and cramping short-term pain in the abdomen are possible.

A sharp change in a woman’s well-being for the better should alert her. These are indications for immediate contact with a doctor, who will prescribe a set of examinations.

When the fetus freezes, its heartbeat cannot be heard, and development does not correspond to the gestational period.

“Is it possible to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?” A question that interests and at the same time frightens. The possibility of failure again causes fear of experiencing it again. But don’t despair, conception is possible, but you need to pay more attention to it and do proper planning.

Do not despair

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy does not always occur immediately. And if it occurs, a repeat miscarriage is possible. Planning needs to start with finding out the reasons for the first failure. To do this you need to undergo a thorough examination. It is necessary not only to identify, but also to eliminate the cause, then the next pregnancy after a frozen one will be successful.

The reason that the fetus has stopped in its development can be various factors:

  • infectious;
  • genetic;
  • autoimmune;
  • endocrine.

Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy involves a number of examinations:

  • tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood;
  • examination of vaginal and cervical mucus, microscopy, smear cytology;
  • examination for genital and other infections;
  • genetic examination.

These tests can detect progesterone deficiency, luteal phase deficiency, TORCH infections, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, which can affect the fetus, inflammatory processes, genetic pathologies or partner incompatibility. Some of these pathologies are treatable, and if you are planning a pregnancy after a missed abortion, you must undergo a course of therapy.

When to start planning

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy in most cases occurs quite quickly, naturally. But is it worth the rush? Even if we do not take into account the psychological trauma received by the woman, the uterus is not physically ready in the next menstrual cycle, conception may again fail. Therefore, the woman is advised to use contraception until the endometrium is completely restored.

During a frozen pregnancy, there are several development options:

  • Natural disposal of the fetus. It occurs in the early stages, sometimes a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant. This condition is quite dangerous, since parts of the embryonic tissue may remain in the uterine cavity and cause complications.
  • Medicinal relief is carried out using medications that increase uterine contractions.
  • Surgical curettage of the uterine cavity. Performed beyond 8 weeks.

In any of these outcomes, after frozen mucosa should fully recover, so it’s better to start planning after 6 months. This time should be devoted to finding out the causes of failure and treating them.

Planning a pregnancy

Preparing and planning pregnancy after a miscarriage is a complex of activities. It is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening the immune system, since hormonal changes during the period of bearing a child reduce the immune status, and the baby’s immune protection depends on the state of the expectant mother’s immunity.

If you suffer from any chronic disease and regularly take medications, be sure to discuss this with your doctor; some medications are toxic to the embryo, which can be a potential cause of missed abortion.

If during the examination the cause of a missed abortion was discovered, for example, genitourinary infections chlamydia and cytomegalovirus can disrupt the development of the neural tube of the fetus, then they need to be treated, and only then can planning begin.

Typically, according to statistical data, conception in 80% of patients can occur in the first menstrual cycle, if they stop using contraception and everything proceeds normally, only in 15-20% problems with conception and pregnancy are observed again.

In such cases, it will be necessary to continue treatment. The doctor’s main recommendations when planning are aimed at improving the general condition of the body; this can be done by adhering to some simple recommendations:

  • you need to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • try to avoid stress and overwork;
  • if at work it is possible to be exposed to some occupational hazards, then it is worth at least temporarily changing jobs;
  • you need to adhere to the daily routine, get enough sleep, since a full 7-8 hour sleep is necessary;
  • proper and healthy nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, is required. The diet should include a variety of proteins (fish, meat, beef liver, eggs and seafood);
  • moderate physical activity and sports increase the body's resistance;
  • You must be careful when taking medications; the need and advisability of taking them must be discussed with your gynecologist.

If you don’t know how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, contact the AltraVita clinic. Our specialists will conduct examinations for hormones, infections, genetic testing, and tests for autoimmune diseases to discover the cause.

With us you can undergo complete treatment. We will also help you plan your pregnancy correctly.