This film fully reflects the Buddhist idea that “loving hearts are sure to be born nearby.” The paradox is that often this “nearby” is so close that all love is forbidden. Unfortunately, most English translators, and Russian ones too, paid special attention to the concept of “incest,” although in the Japanese language version of this film any concepts of kinship are so vague that I, for example, have doubts about the “blood” relationship of the main characters. For example, the hero calls his mother “second mother” several times, the heroes’ childhood together is shown only from about 3-5 years of age, the heroine clearly remembers the wedding of her parents - which does not happen if a child is born in marriage. Even the appearance of the characters is different to such an extent that Yori’s best friend, Ore-san, is surprised at the very beginning: “It’s not at all noticeable that she’s your sister... the complete opposite...” Errors in translation grow to such an extent that several times the characters are called “twins”, although according to the plot itself they study in different classes and perceive life from completely different age levels. But enough.

The characters of the film are a boy and a girl, Iori and Yuki. Yori is a stylish, but not very diligent young man, obsessed with a passion, strange even for him, for Yuki - supposedly his own sister. From an early age, he sees in her not a sister, but a “bride”, then - a woman whom he could only love... His feelings for her are very ambivalent and unstable - he is jealous of her, and is afraid of offending her, and offends her, arriving blinded by his passion. Finally, she begins to simply “irritate him”, that he “cannot be in the same room with her”, “cannot contain himself”.
Yuki is a representative of the “naive girls” so beloved by hentai authors and not only; she is a child with the body of an adult woman, looking at the world with surprise and cloudlessness. Naturally - after all, her peace and quiet is protected by such a big and strong “Elder Brother”. In Yuki's mind, he merges into everything good, reliable and loving that exists in the world. Iori “protects” his little sister from all sorts of “attacks and scum,” one must think (and Iori talks about this in the middle of the film) and from possible suitors too. Everyday Japanese wisdom: “If you want to have a good wife, raise her from childhood.” Iori has such an opportunity. Not only is he the center of her entire childhood world for Yuki, but they also live in the same room and sleep on the same bed (albeit a bunk bed) until the age of 15-17, study at the same school, have common secrets and happy memories etc.
The story begins from the moment when Iori's hormones play with terrible force, literally forcing him to do all sorts of rash things - he is forced to be angry with Yuki, communicate with her as little as possible, even transfer to another school - so as not to see the object of his desires. Yuki (a teenage girl) clearly does not understand the reasons that push Iori away from her, and tries in every possible way to attract her brother’s attention, to return, as it seems to her, his “fading love.” Along the way, Yori does a wild thing - he, trying to forget and distract himself from thoughts about Yuki, spends the night with her classmates - Kuzumi, thus locking himself in a circle of vice. A simple thought arises in his head that if Yuki gives herself to him, she will probably love him not only as a brother, but also as a man...
Unlike most anime heroes, who do not know how to admit their own feelings, Yori literally “drives” into his sister’s head the idea that “his bad behavior is caused by his desire.” He stuns Yuki with a declaration of love, colorfully unfolds in front of her pictures of what he would like to do with her, driving the girl into shock. Yuki, in panic and complete confusion, feels that she has lost her brother, and is completely unsure that “her beloved man Yori” is more attractive to her. However, she cannot refuse her brother anything, she wants to help him in every possible way (naturally, at the level of her own childhood experience), his words about his love for her and his readiness to die in case of refusal, deeply hurt her and leave her practically no choice. Moreover, Yuki sees that her place as a sister is taken by her friend Kuzuki Tomoko - cheerfully chirping with her brother “about nothing”... Jealousy awakens in Yuki’s soul, she happily grabs the first hint thrown by Yori and they run away to where Iori first outlined his own dream (a beautiful place near a Catholic church).

This is where a curious thing happens - pagan ideas about family and marriage come into conflict with strict Catholic and modern public morality. Iori acts as a true supporter of Confucius, arguing that “love will sweep away everything,” and Yuki is tormented by the thought that such love is nothing more than a sin, an indelible sin before God. In her soul there is a struggle between her brother and her loved one...
The conversation between Iori and Kuzumi, accidentally overheard by Yuki, helps decide the outcome of the battle. Having learned that her friend spent the night with her brother, Yuki flares up with jealousy and, without controlling her own words, says to him “Then die”, to his words “Without you I will die...” Iori takes her words “Die” calmly, and Yuki , for whom the same “die” from her brother’s lips would sound like a direct order, shocked by what she had done, decides to skimp on her own principles and prove to Iori that she is no worse than Kuzumi, and is just as capable of love.

A night at the hotel puts everything in place. Then Yori understands that despite all his passion for his sister, for her he is always a Brother, with whom she will be tender, submissive, affectionate, even loving, but loving unrequitedly, sacrificially, motherly... not the way she loves a man his woman. The hero tries to realize his own mistake and cannot. The viewer, by the way, easily finds this mistake (like he was in a hurry, guy :)) Then, in order not to torment his sister and not suffer himself, looking at her constant sacrifice “for the good,” Iori decides to carry out his original plan - to leave and never see each other again with Yuki... again (once again) without thinking about her feelings. In the final conversation with Ore, he utters a phrase remarkable in its vulgarity: “Time will heal everything... even love...”, abdicating all responsibility for what he did to his sister, who gave him both body and soul. Ore-san (the wisest hero of the film) responds to this: “Yes, time heals... It is like a surgeon cutting off parts of your body, your soul, love... yes. And one day there is nothing left of you. And from her ...even less! "It's interesting that this phrase is poetic - probably some kind of well-known one... Iori doesn't care about it at all. He lives by his ideas...
“Liar” - everyone tells him once (Parents, Yuki, Kuzumi, Ore), but only now he becomes a Liar to the end. He begins to deliberately lie, deceiving Yuki and supporting her false dreams of “rainbow happiness”, however, preparing to say goodbye to her forever...
and leaves, leaving his sister with a heart full of unspent love for him, a heart given only to him, a soul devoted to him. Iori's final gift is also quite symbolic. He gives Yuki a toy - a live dog that will “brighten up your waiting days.” But Iori will never return, and therefore Iori's dog - chan - is Yuki's devotion, responsibility and loyalty, given not to a person, to a dog, but Yuki herself is the same dog, a little broken soul, who has become an eternal living toy of someone's "impossible dream" .

  • (9310)

    The space battleship Yamato sets off on a dangerous space expedition. His goal is the planet Iskander, which is the last hope of the devastated and radiation-poisoned planet Earth. The war with distant aliens did not pass without a trace: endless deserts and destroyed cities, widespread mutations, high radiation levels in the atmosphere. Planet Iskander stores the neutralizer and only it can help our Motherland...

  • (8269)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the 26th, 27th, 31st, 35th, 38th and 39th volumes of the manga.

  • (7447)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the tenth volume of the manga.

  • (6919)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the game Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatteiru.

  • (6975)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the seventh volume of the manga.

  • (6648)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the tenth and eleventh volumes of the manga.

  • (5780)

    Sato Kazuma - OYAH (regular Japanese hikikomori). He constantly sits at home and just plays his favorite MMORPGs. But one day, having decided to go outside for a new version of the game, he gets into an accident and... dies. But will this be the end of his story? Or will someone on the other side offer him a different path?

  • (5771)

    The OVA takes place after the final events of the series, and could be considered an alternate ending.

  • (5578)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the fifteenth and sixteenth volumes of the manga.

  • (5447)

    A year has passed on Earth since the unofficial friendly visit of Princess Lala Satalin Deviluk. The daughter of the ruler of the entire Galaxy left her home to avoid annoying suitors, and on the very first day on the new planet she met true love in the person of Rito Yuki, of course, a simple Japanese schoolboy. True, some sources claim that a misunderstanding is to blame for everything, but a woman’s intuition is not mistaken in such matters, class and cultural barriers are not afraid of it! And let Rito himself honestly admit that his heart has already been given to his classmate and longtime friend Haruna Sairenji. Whatever you say, Lala has a much better and more extensive education, one of the tenets of which is: princesses always get what they want!

    Time passed, problems arose and were solved, the Earth became a popular holiday destination in the Galaxy, and a whole alien colony arose in the house of Yuki’s family: Lala, her sisters Nana and Momo, the robot Peke and the intelligent flower Selina. Here you can add the pretty hunter Yami, who arrived for the head of the main character, and remained for... uh... scientific purposes. Seeing such attention, the students of the Sainan school, where almost all the “distinguished guests” transferred, also drew conclusions. Gradually, Rito realized that when reaching the interplanetary level, he had to expand his worldview, that is, try himself in the difficult role of a harem master. The Masaki family has long proven that the galactic prince cannot do otherwise!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (5304)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the fourth volume of the manga.

  • (5305)

    The plot tells the story of Ichijo Raku, a scion of the Yakuza clan family, who dreams of a normal school life. However, we don't always get what we want and on the first day of high school, Raku is kneed in the face by an energetic exchange student, Kirisaki Chitoge. And as if this were not enough, it eventually turns out that this is his newly-made bride, who is being matched to the boy in order to reconcile his family with the local gangster gang. And what will Raku do now?! After all, his heart is already occupied with dreams of a sweet classmate, and his neck is weighed down by a medallion, symbolizing a mystical promise.

  • (4967)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of 15-16 manga volumes.

  • (4855)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the sixteenth volume of the manga.

  • (4734)

    Adaptation of volume 10.5 of the original novel, which came as a bonus to the limited edition of the second visual novel for PS Vita.
    The main character is Isshiki Iroha.

  • (4599)

    Get off Negishi came to Tokyo to compose and play music. He loves gentle “pop”, soft guitar strums, lyrics about first love and the raspberry taste of a kiss. But luck found Negishi-kun in a completely different field - he became the lead singer of the metal group “Detroit - City of Metal”, the creepy Krauser, the author of hits glorifying violence. According to the official legend, Krauser killed his parents as a child, and then escaped from the colony to found DGM. What is it like for the chaste Negisa-kun, a loving son and a convinced pacifist, to embody the idol of aggressive anarchists?.. but success is success. And while the modest Negisa wants fame, Johann Krauser will bite the strings with his teeth, call for pogroms and promise to fuck all the fans.

  • (4502)

    Somewhere, deep in the bowels of the earth, there is hell, divided into many sectors. Demons and all other creatures known to man live there. In a huge ghost town, there are diabolical gangs operating and the head of one of them, Staz, is a vampire who, as a matter of principle, does not feed on human blood, but is obsessed with modern Japanese culture (games, anime, manga, Japanese technology, etc.). Suddenly, a human girl from Japan, Fuyumi Yanagi, appears in the city. Staz, filled with happiness that he would see with his own eyes a person and a representative of Japan, takes the girl to him, but as soon as he was distracted for a moment, Fuyumi was devoured by a monster plant. All that remains of the girl is one skull, which Staz places on the game console, and Fuyumi herself suddenly appears naked, but like a ghost. Now the main goal of the vampire and the newly made ghost girl is to resurrect Fuyumi by any means, having gone through a difficult path for this.

  • (4578)

    2017 The EU is suffering disasters and destruction due to the British Empire. There is no hope of deliverance and independence for a long time. But the countries that are members of the European Union (including Russia, by the way, so in the third season we may meet our compatriots) are not going to give up so easily. A small group of Japanese were selected to carry out a secret mission. What is the essence of their task, who these people are, is unknown. It is only said that among them there is a guy named Hugo Akito, the main character of the spin-off. It is obvious that he will become the new Lelouch, but will he have the courage to challenge Britain and the whole world by replacing Zero?

  • (4329)

    The Earth is in danger - aliens from another dimension, by the very fact of their appearance in our world, are causing terrible disasters. As expected, they frequented the Land of the Rising Sun, and people quickly got used to the fact that in addition to tsunamis and tremors, they also had to be afraid of “disturbances in space.” Yes, the ostrich method cannot solve the problem, but is it worth fighting to the death with uninvited guests? Of course, there are mobile groups equipped with modern weapons, but the solution still does not lie there. The key to it, if anyone hasn’t guessed it, is an ordinary Japanese schoolboy!

    16-year-old Shido Itsuka was left without parents in early childhood and now lives with his younger sister Kotori in the suburbs of Tokyo. One day, out of concern for his sister, Itsuka found himself right in the epicenter of a cataclysm and learned that unknown Spirits were coming to Earth... exclusively in the form of cute girls! The breaking of the pattern was completed by the “sister”, who turned out to be the commander of a secret battle group. She told poor Sido that only he can seal the destructive powers of the Spirits, but on one condition - the girl must sincerely love him! This is a state matter, so the young fighter’s course will be serious – and then there is a chance to outshine Keima Katsuragi himself!

  • (3912)

    High school student Ju Juzawa is strong, determined and courageous. He does not give in to fights, does not bend to the school rules, in a word, he is a real master of life. Probably, because of the strength of his personality, girls flock to Ju: some cling with nagging, like the headman Fujishima, some flirt, like classmate Satsuki, and Ochibana Ame went the furthest of all - she swore vassal allegiance to him!

    In the meantime, Juzawa is dealing with the girls' advances, a maniac is frolicking on the streets of the city: he kills random passers-by and posts photographs of still living victims on the Internet...

    © Anastasia Rozanova, World Art

6.965 6.2

Year: 2005
Country: Japan
Name: Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru: Secret sweethearts - Kono koi wa himitsu OVA

This film fully reflects the Buddhist idea that “loving hearts will definitely be born nearby.” The paradox is that often this “nearby” is so close that all love is forbidden. The characters of the film are a boy and a girl, Iori and Yuki. Iori is a stylish, but not very diligent young man, obsessed with a passion that is strange even for him for Yuki - his own sister.

Hidden blade

2004 7.8 7.716 BDRip 720p

In the middle of the 19th century, the last days of the shoguns and samurai began. The wind of change can be felt throughout Japan and even in the small principality of Unasaku on the northwestern coast of Japan... Only Munedzo knows the secret fencing technique “Devil's Claw”, so the world of samurai is not yet ready to allow Munedzo to go free.

Neuro Nogami: Detective from Hell

2007 7.705 720p

Neuro Nogami is a demon who feeds on riddles. Having absorbed them all in his world, in Hell, he goes to Earth to find the most exciting and “delicious” mystery there. He finds a girl named Yako Katsuragi, whose father died. The police claimed that it was suicide, although Yako was absolutely sure that it was not so. Neuro offers the girl a deal: if she helps him find and unravel mysteries, he will help solve the murder of her father. Together they organize a detective agency.