Everything written below does not claim to be true.

It is motivated by a previous article about family breakdown.

The news that one of your family and friends is getting divorced is always a shock.
Have you seen at least one couple in which, upon separation, the man went “nowhere”? Personally, I don't. I have never seen a single pair like this. There were two options:
1. The woman was leaving for nowhere;
2. The man left for another.

There is a fact that I have seen many times in my life - a man very rarely initiates a divorce with the wording “I’m going nowhere.” He may not be satisfied with the state of affairs in the family, he will be at home less often, stay late at work more often, spend time with friends, and turn to alcohol. But it won't go anywhere. He will feel sorry for the established way of life, comfort, past relationships. A man as an initiator of divorce exists in nature when he goes “somewhere.” At the same time, it is not at all a fact that he is going to marry the woman to whom he left his wife.

Why is this happening?

According to medicus.ru
65% of divorced men will remarry within the next five years, while they are convinced that their first wife was better;
29% of Divorced men try to get married, even turning to marriage agencies;
20% Create a new family or permanent couple only after twenty years;
15% get married between 5 and 10 years after divorce.

And here’s from another article that talks about the “myths” of male divorce (not taken out of context):
“A man rarely strives for complete freedom after several years of marriage. They almost never go “nowhere”, and much more often - to a new partner. Another thing is that this does not always work out: either that woman was not ready for such a masculine “ victim,” either her relationship with the now free man acquired a not very romantic overtones, or the man himself realized that this woman was only a means to decide to leave his wife. But still, when a man decides to divorce, he rarely does this under the influence of emotions. More often this decision is thought out and the rear is prepared." - Yulia Vasilkina writes to us.

Dear men, please answer the question of this post - are you leaving a woman for nowhere?


Все написанное ниже не претендует на истину. Оно мотивировано предыдущей статьей о развале семьи. Новость о том, что кто-то из родных и друзей разводится всегда является шоком. Вы видели хоть одну пару, в которой при расставании мужчина уходил в "никуда"? лично я - нет. Не видела ни одно... !}


I don’t know why I’m writing, I’ve already talked to everyone a hundred times... I probably want support.
Married for 7 years, I was sure that this was once and for all, my husband is practically perfect, earns good money, does everything for us, loves our children (two girls), is always at home, doesn’t go on sprees, doesn’t drink, doesn’t hit. But I began to feel that I was tired of the routine, I don’t work, I sit at home and work part-time and take care of the children, I live with my family, with him, with his problems. I take care of myself, see my friends whenever possible, and go out to have fun. My husband and I also made it a rule to go somewhere every weekend, but we also like to just hang out at home and watch a movie. But somehow everything is boring, I’m irritated, tired, everything infuriates me. I went to a psychologist and started working on myself. Then summer came, we went on vacation, he was with us for two weeks, then he left, I was alone with the children for a week, then his mother arrived and then we vacationed with her. One evening I had a very strong fight with him, I was very bored and waited for the call, he didn’t call because... celebrated my birthday with men from work, I was offended, made a scandal, said offensive words in the heat of the moment. And that's where it all began. He closed himself off, stopped calling, stopped communicating, said let me get bored, I want to understand myself, I understand something is going wrong, trying to find a way out... then he came when we couldn’t really establish a relationship, and upon arriving home there was a conversation, he said that we need to live separately, that he can no longer live like this, that he is fed up with scandals, jealousy, control, that we are different people. perhaps he hopes that time will put everything in its place and he will understand that he misses him, but for now he wants to be alone, he didn’t even live with his mother, he rented an apartment. I would understand if I went to someone else, but there is no mistress. He wants to be alone, to do everything himself, to cook, wash and iron... he sees the children on weekends and during the week, if I need help, he calls his eldest daughter before bed... he wants to communicate with me as usual, as if nothing happened, he can come smack, talk normally, have dinner. But every time it all comes down to my persuasion to return, sorting things out, tears, begging... I probably just cried for a month, I’m on sedatives. He is trying to control me, he wants to know all the little things related to children, I didn’t really delve into it before, I was constantly offended that I listen to him about his problems, but he is not particularly interested in ours... and here there is such an interest in children, he constantly offers to help sit down , well, as my psychologist says, he communicates on his own terms, as he feels comfortable, but at the same time I can’t eat, I cry, I’m constantly waiting for something, hoping for something. At some point I realized that I had no more strength, I couldn’t communicate like this, it hurt. Decide to set boundaries. She asked me not to call for small things, to write if possible, and said I couldn’t see him either, so take the kids on the weekends, talk to them, then bring them, so you don’t need to come when you call and if you wish. It became easier. After that, he immediately agreed to go to a psychologist, he said it might help...
I’m writing now calmly, because... I've cried everything out already. .I don’t know what’s next..wait, hope or learn to live on alone...