Every woman pays special attention to the tone of her face, since naturally smooth and ideal skin is very rare.

Therefore, you have to use special masking agents: powder, foundation, highlighter, corrector and concealer. With their help, you can transform any face and make it look like something from a magazine cover. One of these miracle products is concealer.

Concealer is a spot-on concealer, to correct skin defects such as age spots, redness and dark circles, acne, scars, fine wrinkles, capillary mesh... It differs from other concealers in its denser structure and opaque tone. Concealer is much more effective than foundation in treating skin problems, but it cannot replace it. This product only works on small areas with defects, and the foundation should cover the entire area of ​​the facial skin. For best results, you need to skillfully use these two tools.

Concealers are often confused with correctors, but these are completely different products. Concealers have a lighter texture and a wider palette of shades, each of which is aimed at correcting specific skin tone problems. The main task of the corrector is to neutralize excess unnecessary color: redness, gray and earthy skin tone, yellowness or excess pink, excessive pallor. And the concealer eliminates specific spot problems.

The right concealer for sure matches facial tone or a maximum of half a tone or tone lighter, but no more. They are divided into several types:

  • liquid concealers. They are easy to apply and blend easily, hiding redness perfectly. They are used in the area around the eyes, near the lips, and on the wings of the nose. Liquid concealers are good for sensitive and dry skin. But they do not mask acne well;
  • cream texture concealers They lie softly on the skin and are suitable for everyone, they are universal. They need to be applied with a brush, sponge or clean fingers. Cream concealer can correct all problem areas of the face;
  • concealer stick, Although it is classified as cream, it has a denser and harder structure. It copes well with pimples, age spots, vascular networks and scars, as well as fine wrinkles around the lips and nose. But this product should not be applied under the eyes; it will dry out the thin skin around the eyes and cause them to ripple. Concealer stick, applied pointwise and not blended;
  • dry concealers. They are made on the basis of mineral powder, which is why they are also called mineral. This type of concealer masks severe redness, acne, pimples well and absorbs excess sebum well. Therefore, they are ideal for oily and problematic skin. But they cannot be used on the area around the eyes.

The composition of the concealer may include various auxiliary components. Reflective particles help hide fine wrinkles, antibacterial concealers fight inflammatory processes, and the presence of vitamins improves skin condition. This product can not only be a concealer, but also perform therapeutic functions.

Accuracy and moderation are the main rules when applying concealer. It must be applied exactly to the defective area and carefully distributed. Before correcting your skin tone, you need to use a moisturizer. The concealer is carefully blended with a damp sponge, brush or finger. If one layer does not cover the problem, then after it dries, you can apply a second one. After this, foundation is applied. Concealer is applied over the foundation only if the defects are minor or the concealer perfectly matches the tone of the foundation. In any case, after using these products, you should apply powder, otherwise the concealer may wear off during the day.

Concealer - before and after

Choose a concealer that suits your needs, and with its help you can always quickly tidy yourself up and create an even complexion.

How to apply concealer correctly? Video


There are a great variety of cosmetics now and the beauty industry continues to develop. However, not many girls still know how to apply concealer on their face step by step (see photo in the article)…

Girls discover something new for themselves every day and frantically replenish their cosmetic bags. Each product has its own clear tasks: some hide imperfections in appearance, others correct tone, others add blush, others help, and others complement the image.

Facial concealer is just a concealer. Moreover, when compared to foundation, concealer comes in different amazing shades, even blue and green. How to use it? After all, such colors are not typical for skin, why are they needed?

What is concealer for?

Before you learn how to apply concealer on your face step by step, it’s worth understanding its purpose.

It should not be confused, for example, with a concealer or the same foundation. After all, concealer is used in specific areas of the face in order to discreetly hide imperfections such as areas of redness, color defects, and irritation. Regular powder and foundation can only cover them up, but this is ineffective.

In addition, concealer helps with!

If there is inflammation on the skin, fresh or healed scratches, blueness is visible under the eyes, freckles near the nose - concealer fights this. Foundation, powder, and highlighter are already applied on top of it.

The concealer is not applied pointwise, but to the entire problem area, or, when sculpting, to certain areas of the face.

The product has no contraindications, it does not harm the skin if it is, of course, washed off at night. You can use concealer every day to discreetly cover up dark blue eyes, freckles or birthmarks. The product has a light texture and can be used all over the face, even on areas with hyper-sensitive skin.

Skillful hands turn cosmetics into a faithful friend, capable of removing wrinkles, giving the face freshness, and the skin a perfectly even tone.

Concealer colors

How to choose your color?

Before wondering how to apply concealer on your face step by step (see the video about this below), you need to choose the right product. After all, concealers differ in color!

If you use a special base before makeup, compare the shade of the concealer with it so that there is no mixing of colors in the process.

Makeup artists have a whole palette of multi-colored concealers, including blue and green shades. They are distinguished not so much by color as by functionality:

  • green – needed to mask inflammation (pimples, rash area, various scars and redness).
  • pink – effective in the fight against greenish spots (healing bruises, areas of protruding veins).
  • yellow – used against wrinkles. If you simply cover them with foundation or powder, the wrinkles themselves will not be hidden.
  • white – removes freckles.
  • purple - fights yellowness, fresh bruises.
  • bodily – universal.

Types of concealers for the face

The most common concealer is in the form of a pencil, but there are other varieties. To use concealer correctly, you must first purchase the desired shade in a convenient package and know that it is suitable for your skin.

Mineral concealers provide a guarantee of harmlessness, which is extremely important for a daily product. Also, the crushed minerals in its composition help to heal inflammation faster.

Moisturizing concealer is used to eliminate noticeable, deep bruises in the eye area.

If you use another remedy against blueness, then apply the corrector to the face step by step (photo below) by placing several dots under the eyes, then carefully shade them.

The corrector is also used against blue discoloration. A concealer with moisturizing properties acts gently, and most importantly does not dry out the skin.

Lip concealer can hide imperfections both on the lips themselves and on the corners of the mouth.

Liquid concealer is similar to cream and is considered the easiest to use.

The stick performs the task of hiding various scars, unhealed scars and other irregularities.

The creamy one needs to be shaded, but it applies softly and without problems to any part of the skin, even the most lumpy and unhealthy one.

The secret to applying concealer correctly step by step (with photos) and tips

No matter what concealer you use, there are a few things you need to know to use it correctly:

  • Use it only on dry, cleansed skin.
  • It is necessary to define the treatment area pointwise or in strokes, and only then shade it.
  • When using a product to camouflage problem skin, it is better to pat it in rather than just shade it.
  • Transitions should always be invisible, so don’t waste time and effort on shading.
  • Any touch-up strips your skin of moisture, so after removing your makeup, moisturize your face.

In addition to hiding imperfections, concealer can visually change the shape of the face, so it is used in contouring (when some areas are darkened, while others, on the contrary, are highlighted). This way you can really change your appearance - remove excessive roundness, fight a monumental square jaw, a boring wide nose, and lack of pronounced cheekbones.

You can figure out how to properly apply concealer to your face step by step (see photo in the article) if the whole process is clearly shown. Moreover, there are many videos online with beauty bloggers who talk about new products in cosmetics and show their own examples of application options.

Remember that there are no ugly girls, there are only those who do not know how to present their appearance and highlight it favorably! For example, read about other beauty services - after all, such procedures are not as harmful as many people think! Use the beauty services that are presented to you, use cosmetics that are created for you!

Video of applying concealer from a beauty blogger

Safety and price

Cosmetics, like any other product, can also cause allergies and irritation. It’s easy to understand how your body reacts to a new drug. Listen to how you feel immediately after using concealer for the first time. If your face becomes covered with a strange rash or begins to itch, it is better to check with an allergist and change the remedy.

For allergy sufferers, it is better to choose only mineral-based concealers.

How much will the concealer cost? There is no need to chase high prices, thinking that “more expensive means better.” Stylists recommend that novice users try their hand at inexpensive products from trusted companies in order to “get their hands on” using concealer in general as a product.

Anti-blue eye concealer

Do not confuse it with highlighter and try to lighten your cheekbones. The concealer has a dense structure and in its tasks it is closer to a corrector. The product covers various skin defects without highlighting them. To conceal the area under your eyes, you will need a nude concealer.

Step-by-step photos - how to apply concealer to the face:

To begin with, a clean and dry face is treated with a foundation with a light texture in order to even out the tone. Apply foundation and blend thoroughly without touching the area under the eyes. Using liquid concealer, carefully draw a triangle under each eye, the base is the edge of the eye, the sharp part is towards the cheek.

Using a thick brush, evenly distribute the corrector layer.

Then apply a little concealer (of the desired color) to each of the identified defects.

Large imperfections must be masked with a large amount of product, while the corrector is literally “screwed in” with the edge of the brush, located strictly perpendicular to the skin.

Then lightly process the corners of the eyes, following the direction from the eye, moving towards the base of the eyebrow.

If there are areas of severe rashes or redness, cover them point by point with a thicker concealer, blending it with a thin brush.

The layers need to be “fixed” to the skin with a sponge, dipping it into transparent powder. Make driving movements, each time pressing the sponge tightly to the skin.

The work with the tone is finished, now you can start the “decorative” part of the makeup.

How to use the concealer palette?

Having understood the technique of using a flesh tone and how to correctly apply concealer to the face step by step (see photo and video above), you can proceed to another palette.

Each shade has its own task - to correct a specific deficiency.

Here you will need, oddly enough, knowledge of optical physics and the principles of overlapping one color with another. After all, in addition to freckles and various redness, the face can “shine, shimmer” with many other colors. For example, being yellow or having pale red spots, healing bruises or a fresh scar, various scars, birthmarks.

Sculpting the face with concealer

To achieve high-quality camouflage, you need to determine the color of each defect and use the concealer whose color is located on the other side of the palette. For example, a green concealer is effective for masking redness, but an apricot concealer will work great against blue circles.

For most cases, when there are only a few problem areas of the “usual” type on the skin, there is a scheme for using different shades of concealer - where they are most often used.

To hide “black dots” in the area of ​​the chin, forehead, where the wings of the nose widen, to hide annoying circles under both eyes, etc.

Of course, the face will not remain so “multi-colored”. Shading is the key! This way the tone is evened out and imperfections are hidden because the colors overlap each other and are carefully shaded.

Knowing all the intricacies, it’s easy to figure out how to apply concealer to your face step by step to look flawless!

Foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick - this is what a basic set of cosmetics looked like until recently. Today, this “magnificent five” has been joined by several more makeup products that have migrated from the beauty cases of professional makeup artists to the cosmetic bags of ordinary girls – concealer is among them.

© maybelline

We have collected in one material all the information about what a facial concealer is.

Apply concealer locally to blackheads, pimples, age spots or scars. Distribute the product in a thin layer, repeat this action if necessary (use the “layering” technique). Concealers can also be used for contouring.

© nyxcosmetics

Don't forget to blend the concealer properly. If imperfections require more thorough concealment, give preference to a thick concealer.

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Use loose or compact powder

A layer of powder not only makes your face matte, but also helps set the concealer so it will definitely stay in place until the end of the day.

© nyxcosmetics

Before applying it, by the way, you can blot your face with a regular napkin to remove excess concealer and foundation. Read about other ways to make your concealer last longer.

© nyxcosmetics

To make things easier for you, we made a short video that explains in detail how to apply concealer.

How else can you use concealer?

We have already listed the main tasks of concealer, but professional makeup artists and experienced beauty bloggers have found many more uses for this product. We list not the most obvious ways to use concealer.

Instead of lip primer

If you don't have a special lip primer on hand, feel free to use a concealer. It slightly muffles the natural shade of the lips, so the lipstick looks more saturated. In addition, the makeup is more durable. By the way, concealer can be used instead of lip primer, the result will be the same.

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  • Tip: Wait a minute until the concealer is absorbed before applying lipstick, lip gloss or eye shadow.

To correct mistakes in makeup

Painted your lips with bright lipstick and accidentally went beyond the contour? Are the arrows on your eyelids of different lengths and thicknesses? Overdo it with your eyebrow pencil? Concealer will help correct all these mistakes; use it to correct mistakes in makeup.

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As a sculpting agent

If you accidentally buy a concealer that is too dark or light, don't rush to throw it away. It is useful for creating chiseled cheekbones, visually narrowing the nose, or “highlighting” the desired areas. Apply it according to the standard sculpting scheme depending on.

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For filling in eyebrows

Yes, concealer is useful for eyebrow makeup too! Comb your eyebrows, fill in the gaps with concealer and let it dry. After this, apply your usual eyebrow product. You will see that the result will be impressive - and more durable.

  • Try repeating the following beauty trick: take a little concealer onto an angled brush, draw a line under the eyebrow (along the most prominent part of the eyebrow) and blend. This will help make your eyebrows more graphic.

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To make lips plumper

Concealer will help visually enlarge your lips. Apply the product to the middle of your lips, pat it into the skin with your fingers, and spread a nude or clear lip gloss on top.

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A few more useful articles for those who dream of plump lips:

How to choose a concealer?

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Since a concealer is essentially a foundation, when choosing it, follow the basic rules that you follow when choosing a foundation.

Applying concealer all over your face instead of foundation is not the best idea: as a rule, it still has a thicker texture and can clog pores. True, if you decide to try baking, then the basis of this technique is precisely layering concealer over the entire face. We talked more about this technique in this video.

In everyday life, a properly selected concealer should be one or two shades lighter than the foundation. What to do if you still don’t have foundation on hand, but have concealer, we wrote in detail.

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Apply concealer strictly to the “problem” area

Remember that under-eye circles will be even more noticeable if you don't blend the edges well. Don't forget about the "inverted triangle" rule: when you treat the area under the eyes, also "grab" part of the cheek so that the product does not look like a foreign spot on the skin.

Ready to choose the perfect concealer? Before you go shopping, study ours and test drive several.

Greetings to all! We often hear the opinion that only makeup artists can deal with the variety of cosmetic makeup products. Have you ever wondered why concealer is needed in makeup? I suggest we talk about this in more detail.

If anyone has problems with pigmentation or other imperfections, then this is a reliable assistant who can easily cope with these problems. If foundation is applied to the entire face and décolleté, then concealer should be applied only to problem areas of the skin.

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered unexpectedly appearing pimples, age spots or dark circles under the eyes.

And it is the concealer that will help remove all these errors in a matter of minutes if you learn how to use it correctly.

Let's first figure out what it is? This is a substance that, unlike existing correctors and foundations, does not change the color of the skin, but only covers certain areas. This happens due to the increased density and the presence of zinc oxides and titanium dioxides.

Most concealers have flesh tones and come in a variety of tones, as they should directly match your skin type.

The question arises, how to apply this cosmetic asset correctly? It is enough to shade the desired areas and problems with your fingertips, as if nothing had happened!

It is considered to be a concealer, but there are powerful concealers that have a healing antibacterial effect. They not only temporarily hide the problem, but also even out the color of the skin, having a drying or moisturizing effect.

As a result, after removing your makeup, you will find that your skin is much better than before applying the product!

How to choose a concealer to use it correctly? It depends on what purposes you are going to use it for.

The most gentle ones are used for the skin around the eyes and, in most cases, have a reflective effect.

The result is an amazing radiance effect that will further emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the look.

  • The smaller the problem area, the higher the density you need to choose.
  • When choosing, you should not use makeup, which can distort the color.
  • The foundation should match the thickness of the concealer. For example, if you constantly use compact powder in your makeup, then it is better to choose a dry texture. Otherwise, all our little tricks will immediately catch your eye!
  • High-quality lighting is very important.
  • Try to test different brands on the problem area.
  • Dark circles under the eyes are evened out with a shade of yellow.
  • A shade of lilac will cope with age spots.
  • Green will perfectly remove pimples and redness, although blondes are better off using blue.
  • The grayness of the skin is refreshed with a pink tint.

You need to choose a concealer based on the natural color of your skin; a half-tone difference, one tone or a little lighter, is acceptable.

Different kinds

  1. For dry skin, a liquid product that spreads easily is ideal. More suitable for use around the eyes, on the wings of the nose. It won't hide pimples, but it will remove redness.
  2. The creamy texture is ideal for any area of ​​the skin; it is the most versatile product. Helps erase fine wrinkles.
  3. The stick copes well with defects. Its structure is denser, which allows you to hide pimples and fade scars. Use only precisely and delicately.
  4. For high fat content, it is better to use a dry texture. It is better not to use around the eyes; it helps remove excess fat.

Before you start applying makeup, be sure to prepare your face by pre-cleansing, using toner and moisturizers.

After the cream is absorbed, pat your face with a tissue and apply concealer.

An enhanced effect is achieved when applied over a foundation, but if the product has a colored texture, then foundation or powder is used on top.

It is better to apply the product using thin brushes, sponges or fingertips, but then they should be warm to make it easier to shade.

After applying the first coat, let it dry and apply the second. Set with foundation or powder. If there are bulges on the face, in the form of scars, then use an angled brush, trying not to go beyond the problem area.

Bruises can be removed by shading by placing several neat dots on the eyelids around the eyes.

To hide bags under the eyes, the areas under them are highlighted. You should not use concealer directly on them, otherwise it will have the opposite effect of attracting unnecessary attention.

Common mistakes

If you cannot achieve the desired result, you may be using the product incorrectly.

  • Do not blend the product on dry skin. Wet the brush and sweep over the area around the eyes, this is especially important for those with high oil content.
  • The most effective method is considered to be masking over the base. But here you need to take into account the thickness and density of the product so that it is not noticeable on the face. As a last resort, it can be mixed with regular cream or base.

If shaded incorrectly, unsatisfactory results may occur. Using a brush, it is convenient to apply spot applications, only the shading should not be on the problem area, but only along its edge.

With the help of concealer you can even change the shape of your face. For example, you can reduce or lengthen the nose by modeling light or dark shades. By highlighting the bridge of the nose, the nose will become wider, and by darkening the wings, the nose will become narrower.

The main thing is not to forget about moderation and then your makeup will look well-groomed and dignified!

Every girl can try herself in the art of makeup at home! Just take into account the recommendations received and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

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Bye bye,

Anastasia Smolynets

Concealer for the face - all modern fashionistas know very well what it is. This cosmetic product is now used not only by professional makeup artists. You can also find concealers in the cosmetic bags of ordinary women who have discovered all their benefits.

What is concealer?

Before you start using it, you need to understand what a facial concealer is. This is a product that is intended for spot masking of epidermal defects. It is a little similar to foundation, but unlike the latter, concealer is able to disguise even pronounced defects - such as acne. In this case, the product cannot be used instead of a foundation. Only in combination with concealer and cream (provided they are used skillfully) will they give an even, flawless tone.

Corrector and concealer - what's the difference?

Many people confuse these new products, but in fact they work differently, although their main functions are the same - to mask skin imperfections. What is it - a facial concealer - its main task is to hide epidermal defects with a dense layer, slightly lighten age spots and dry out “young” pimples. If we compare concealer more precisely, the difference between these products is determined by the fact that the latter masks imperfections due to color correction. The structure of the correctors is lighter, and they are available in a wide range of colors.

What is concealer for?

If everything is generally clear about the purpose of the flesh-colored product, then what it is - a colored concealer for the face - is the most common question among beginners. Different tones help disguise many imperfections. With their help you can hide almost everything:

  1. Lavender or purple concealer - from. In addition, these shades neutralize yellowness and age spots.
  2. The green tint is suitable for masking red defects: allergic rashes, spots, scars, irritations.
  3. Pink facial concealer, what is it, is another good remedy for eliminating greenish bruises and circles under the eyes. You just need to use it with caution, because if the pink concealer gets on the bluish area of ​​the epidermis, the effect will be the opposite.
  4. Yellow color covers the shortcomings of blue-violet color. Thanks to it, the skin takes on a softer and warmer shade.
  5. Makeup artists' favorite concealer for covering under-eye circles is salmon or apricot, but it's difficult to use because it doesn't work on all skin types and tones.

Concealer - types

The range of “camouflage” means is large. All types of concealers differ in composition, release form, and texture. Among other things, various cosmetics are designed to correct various imperfections. To finally understand facial concealer - what it is, you need to consider the main types of products. Among them:

  1. Liquid. Ideal for use on the skin around the eyes. Thanks to its light texture, it can be used by those with mature skin.
  2. Pencil. It has a dense texture, therefore it is excellent for masking age spots, minor inflammations, pimples, redness, and facial wrinkles. Effectively removes oily shine. The concealer pencil is applied pointwise.
  3. Concealer-Vend. The product is available in stick form. This concealer is lightweight and can even out the tone evenly. If you choose the perfect tone, Vend can be used without a base - it goes well with the natural color of the epidermis. Suitable for emergency camouflage.
  4. Concealer-highlighter. It can not only eliminate almost all – with the exception of very noticeable – skin defects, but also slightly illuminate the skin.
  5. Dry. Masks acne, eliminates shine, redness, inflammation. It is not recommended to use on the skin around the eyes - particles of the product will clog into small wrinkles.
  6. Cream concealer. A universal product that can be applied both locally and to large areas of the skin.
  7. Moisturizing. A delicate and soft concealer ideal for the skin around the eyes. Moisturizers contain a large amount of nutrients. Due to their light structure, concealers are easy to apply, and you don’t have to worry about them clogging into pores and skin folds.
  8. Color. Apply only under foundation.
  9. For lips. Capable of hiding almost all imperfections that may occur on delicate skin in the lip area.
  10. Compact. A low-fat product that effectively masks acne, blemishes and other signs of age.

Liquid concealer

This format is considered the most convenient. Liquid concealers are suitable for dry skin - they contain moisturizing components. Tubes can be sold with dispensers or with built-in brushes, sponges, and applicators, like lip glosses. Experts recommend choosing a liquid facial concealer with a dispenser, because they are the hardest for bacteria to penetrate.

Cream concealer

Available in jars and palettes. Cream concealer for the face - what is it - a product with a pleasant texture that can be applied to the skin with both fingers and a sponge. Due to its soft structure, usually enriched with oils, it is not recommended for those with oily skin - the tone can “float” and reveal all hidden imperfections. This creamy concealer perfectly hides dark spots under the eyes and less conspicuous skin imperfections.

Dry concealer

It is also called mineral because the basis of this product is mineral powder. Use a dry facial concealer to disguise acne, inflammation, and pimples. It can be used to remove oily shine, but it is not suitable for removing dark circles under the eyes. The reason is that dry concealer will clog into fine lines and wrinkles and will look unattractive.

How to choose a concealer?

It is not necessary to make the right choice the first time, so it is better to start the selection with samples. Before choosing a concealer for your face, you should analyze what type of skin you have, color, and defects that need to be eliminated. For those with a dull complexion, it is advisable to choose beige products. They will not only hide imperfections, but will also add radiance to the epidermis. And fair-skinned representatives of the fair sex are better off sticking to a darker concealer.

Concealer for oily skin

It is always difficult to choose cosmetics for such epidermis. When choosing a concealer for oily skin, it is advisable to avoid products in sticks and with a creamy texture. Not only can they float soon after application, but they also clog into the pores, adding shine to already shiny skin. For those with oily skin, liquid concealers are best. They need to be applied in a small layer.

Concealer for dry skin

If the epidermis is naturally dry, then mineral powders should not be applied to it. Concealer with a matte finish will also look bad on the face. Matteness will only emphasize dryness and make the face unattractive. The best concealer for dry skin is one with a creamy texture. This product will even out the tone, moisturize the epidermis, and eliminate the unpleasant feeling of tightness.

Under eye concealer

For all parts of the face, concealers are selected to match the skin tone, but the best concealer for the eyes should be one or two shades lighter. Beige and pale yellow products look good on the lower eyelids. Pink, white, bright peach shades are best avoided. As a rule, only professional makeup artists can apply them beautifully under the eyes and only when performing facial correction.

Concealer - rating of the best

To make applying concealer a simple, pleasant and effective procedure, you need to use a convenient and good product. It must meet all parameters and be made from quality materials. You can choose your best concealer from the following list:

  1. Shiseido Natural Finish Cream Concealer. The product has a light structure and is able to mask almost all imperfections. Concealers come in different shades and are very economical, but some people complain that they can dry out the skin.
  2. MAC Studio Finish. Although the concealers of this brand are a bit heavy, they do not clog pores when applied. They contain nutritional and caring components.
  3. Clarins Instant Concealer. Ideal for caring for the skin around the eyes. Due to the presence of light-scattering particles in the composition, it quickly adapts to any skin tone.
  4. Catrice Allround Concealer. These are almost professional cosmetics with a very affordable price. Sold in a palette of five shades. The concealer may seem thick, but it blends out very easily and softly on the skin.
  5. L"Oreal Lumi Magique Concealer. The manufacturer claims that this product not only masks imperfections, but also gives the skin a delicate glow. A concealer with a creamy consistency is suitable for relatively healthy epidermis. It is convenient to shade, but before applying concealer, you need to even out the shade with foundation.
  6. Maybelline Affinitone consealer/corrector. The product is affordable and ideal for express makeup. It contains a large amount of pigment, so the concealer is easy to apply, and it can hide almost all (except for the most obvious) skin imperfections.

How to use concealer?

Before using facial concealer, it is not necessary to take special courses. The main thing is to know a few simple rules.

Here's how to apply concealer correctly:

  1. The product should only be applied to previously cleansed, dried skin.
  2. Make several points in the area that will be masked.
  3. Using gentle strokes, distribute the concealer over the entire area.
  4. If the product is used to combat problem skin, it is better to rub it in with your fingertips.