Happy birthday, colleague. I would like to wish you to live easily and simply, but with taste and pleasure. May all efforts and aspirations be justified by success and personal income, may all life stories and incidents certainly be happy. I wish you to always remain inspired and beautiful.

Happy Birthday! I wish you beauty in everything: in clothes, in actions, in people, in thoughts, in landscapes, in interiors. May your work be loved, your joy endless, your mood excellent. Rewards, victories, travel, colors, miracles, strong relationships, stable conditions, life balance, creative approaches.

Dear colleague! Working with you on the same team is a real pleasure; you are able to help and suggest a new vision for any professional task. Happy birthday to you, always remain the same wonderful person and a true specialist in your field! Much love to you, always good mood, good luck, health and happiness! Let new heights be easily conquered, and your life be easy and carefree!

My wonderful colleague, a wonderful and magnificent woman, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you to live with a feeling of pride in your soul, with a feeling of happiness in your heart, with good hope and with a beautiful dream. May success always await you in your activities, may everything always be wonderful in life.

My wonderful colleague, on your birthday I sincerely want to wish you true female happiness, understanding and warmth of hearts from loved ones, respect and support from colleagues, good luck and luck from fate, great happiness and fun days in life.

Happy birthday to a wonderful colleague and a magnificent woman. I would like to wish you bright light in life and joyful holidays of the soul, success in all your affairs and ideas, charming beauty and incredible kindness of heart, great successes and achievements, good health and a wonderful mood.

Today our team congratulates our colleague and simply wonderful woman on her birthday! We wish you success in work and happiness in your personal life, may your beauty delight us every day, and may your achievements not cause envy among colleagues, but only stimulate them to the same heights. Let your career path be without obstacles and without falls. Let the bright sun always shine in your personal life, and let the rains pass without thunder and lightning, after which fragrant flowers always bloom. Let only kind and sympathetic people meet along the way, ready to help in difficult times, and let only true and true friends be there. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you! May you always have the opportunity to feel the love of your loved ones and be healthy. May your life be filled with achievements, joy and success. After all, a woman is a great holiday and she carries within herself the sun that can warm and illuminate many lives around her.

Dear colleague! Every day you decorate our team, give us a positive attitude with your kindness, sincerity, and warm us with the warmth of your soul. Today we wish you a happy birthday and sincerely wish you to always remain as kind, sweet, beautiful, caring and cheerful! Good health, long life, happiness, family comfort, career growth, wonderful and interesting vacation, new impressions and strong love!

Congratulations! Today I just want to say the warmest words, only wish for the best that there is in the world, only believe in real miracles. Let there be more surprises in your life, always pleasant ones, so that everything goes well, everything works out, everything is achieved.

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague in prose in your own words

Dear (name), you decorate our team like a blossoming rosebud! Congratulating you on your triumph, we wish you luxury in feminine beauty, a decent rustle in your wallet and heavenly sunny everyday life!

Dear colleague, you are an irreplaceable spark of our stellar company! In our bouquet of congratulations, only for you are woven wishes for a career take-off and pleasant euphoria from financial bonuses!

Our beautiful, (name), your contribution to the prosperity of our organization is limitless! We wish you the same boundless success, boundless happiness, golden monetary wealth and heavenly Love!

Your brightness, our sophisticated and unique colleague, will not be overshadowed by the honey rays of the morning Sun! May your name day add maximum joy to your everyday life and brighten your irresistible smile!

Your birthday, dear employee, is shrouded in an incredibly radiant day! We hasten to wish you floral harmony in your soul, boxes full of precious impressions and a million luminous moments!

Let me sincerely congratulate you, dear colleague, and wish that your days are like a field of chamomiles - always the same snow-white light and warmed by the hearty amber sun!

You are the golden heart of the team, (name)! With sincere respect, we have prepared an armful of noble wishes: constant, creative inspiration for you, a whirlpool of tenderness from loved ones and strong reliability from friends!

May your (name) name day twirl you in an endlessly happy dance! Colleagues wish you deep rivers of abundance in financial, career and all your innermost planned prospects! Congratulations!

Dear colleague, your birthday will undoubtedly open new pages of a joyful life! Let them be filled with bright lines of professional success, spiritual comfort and inexhaustible prosperity!

Congratulations, dear colleague, on joining the thousand sweet-voiced birds who today dedicate solemn trills only to you! May heaven fill your life with the desired blessings!

It is impossible to find those warm words that would reflect all the Good that I would like to wish you today, beautiful lady and irreplaceable colleague! Be as successful, sweet and irresistible as a luxurious pearl of the starry heavens!

Our colleague, dear (name), you are like a warm ember of a fire, keeping the flames of working days alive! Remain the same reliable, friendly and wonderful sparkle for an eternity! Happy birthday!

Our priceless colleague, may your heart always be delighted with unearthly Love, may your soul be embraced by the light of true Friendship, and may your professional achievements adequately replenish your budget! Happy Birthday!

What could our friendly team wish for you (name)? The machinations of sadness and unnecessary shocks - set to a minimum! But let there be a maximum of money waterfalls, goddess-like beauty and bright, life-changing gifts!

We sincerely wish you, colleague, that, like fragrant cherry blossoms, you will be showered with desired blessings! So that every petal carries exquisite feminine beauty, titanic wealth and sweet happiness!

For a dear colleague, a salute of congratulations, where in shining sparkles the warmth of the hearts of the entire team! May your cosmic dreams come true, may your happy smile bloom brightly, and may the flame of a good soul glow forever!

To an excellent employee and charming colleague, a huge team wishes a carefree flight between marshmallow clouds of creamy happiness and apple-scented mists of boundless inspiration! Congratulations!

Dear colleague, may dazzling female beauty become a constant companion in your life! May the kind versatility of your heart return to you a hundredfold in Love from friends and loved ones! Happy Birthday!

We wish our colleague, our unique employee, (name), to be inspired by the sunshine of her name day, and, having lost the worries of life in a deep ravine, to walk along a straight road strewn with heavenly flowers! Congratulations!

We, from the depths of the rainbow Cosmos, on your name day, dear colleague, collected stellar warmth! Some stars gave an eternity of beauty, others - the protection of fortune, and the rest - heavenly well-being!

I would like to wish my wonderful colleague a million positive achievements: sky-high pedestals in the professional sphere, gentle melodies for the heart and royal delightful beauty! Happy Birthday!

Your celebration, dear (name), is a holiday for the team! Everyone contributed a piece of their heartfelt warmth to the extravaganza of congratulations! We wish you the unfading velvet of the azure sky, the happy radiance of a smile and sunny horizons of hope!

In the brilliance of starry diamonds, your name day sparkles today, dear colleague! Let me add to this splendor the wishes of an ever-blooming spring for your soul, pearls of friendly warmth and kind smiles unclouded by adversity!

I wish you, (name), that your holiday will lead to bright changes. And every life choice you make will be correct and unmistakable. ... You are strong, like...

Congratulations, colleague, on your birthday, today, beautiful fun is ready, the team has gathered to congratulate the girl and together we will celebrate your date, may you always have joy in life and success will follow your path, you will reach your height someday. We wish you good health, so many beautiful things in this world, everything is always open to you, move forward and may you always be lucky, happiness, love, hope and faith, and a reliable gentleman in life!

Dear colleague! I am amazed and kindly envy your feminine attractiveness and cheerful disposition. I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday and raise this glass to your health, beauty and optimism in life. I wish you to please your loved ones and work colleagues with your boundless kindness, your ability to help in difficult times and share your sorrows, helping with practical advice. Be healthy, dear, congratulations!

Congratulations to you, colleague, on your birthday, beautiful girl, we wish you a lot of happiness in this world, take care of everything, have fun. enjoy and live well, we wish that everything always works out and your heart never gets upset, bear your name with dignity, may everything always be good for you, you know how to appreciate what we have all been given and how to live, you have known for a long time, may all your dreams come true, and in life let there be a lot of beauty!

Dear colleague, on your wonderful holiday I would like to express my sincere respect for you. The entire team notes your desire in work and dedication in your work. May your eyes glow with happiness, may a loving family wait for you at home, and may your work bring only joy!

Colleague! Today is your birthday and it's wonderful! There is a reason to get together to celebrate the beautiful birthday girl! Please accept our best wishes! Let all your plans come true! Let the wind of change change your life only for the better! Go through life with your head held high!

Happy birthday to you, the most amazing girl, and also a wise, intelligent and reasonable colleague! It's rare to find such a combination of intelligence and beauty these days. but you are extraordinary! May everything work out for you in this life and in your work and may all that you dream of and ask from heaven come true.

Colleague! You are the birthday girl today! We sincerely wish you happiness, kindness, warmth! May every time you come to work be a joyful trip for you! Happy birthday!

Our dear, we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you in life to be surrounded only by good people who will make you happy!

Happy birthday, wonderful colleague! Every year you become more and more charming! Working next to you is easier, relaxation is more fun and exciting, and any problems become just trifles! We wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams and fantasies! Let them come true!

Please accept congratulations from your colleagues and confidence in our lasting friendship. After all, during the time we have been together, we have become like a single family. And let all the difficulties that sometimes occur in our business pass as an annoying misunderstanding. And today we want to wish you happiness, health and love.

Be lucky in life, so that your career only goes uphill, and your life’s credo remains unshakable. So that your boss doesn’t forget to give you a bonus every holiday. And the main thing is that you are always surrounded by devoted colleagues at the festive table. Happy birthday!

On this glorious day, we sincerely congratulate our wonderful employee, the best of the best. We would like to wish you continued flourishing of your talent and beauty, sensitivity and understanding of sometimes difficult work moments. Happy Birthday, our beautiful lady!

Dear female colleague, happy birthday! On this day, may every flower bloom for you and every bird sing in your honor. I wish you an unusually bright and fabulous birthday. Magical fireworks. I wish you breathtaking adventures. May you never be bored. So that there is always variety in life.

You illuminate our entire team with your beauty and femininity. you are that beautiful flower that bloomed in our wasteland. Your birthday is a holiday that simply cannot be ignored. Thank you for being who you are. Happy birthday, our good angel!

Dear, Happy Birthday! May all your dreams come true, and may your optimism actually turn out to be realism. We wish that your life’s ladder has reliable railings of health, and that each step is covered with a red carpet of glory and prosperity.

Congratulations to colleagues on the phone

Happy birthday to my colleague, a beautiful girl! I wish you to be beautiful, loved, forever young and incredibly happy! Let your work bring pleasure and desired prosperity, development and new opportunities! Prosperity at home, positive emotions and colorful life!

Happy birthday to a beautiful girl and kind colleague. May joy come into life every day, may luck always help you in everything. I wish you health, happiness, love, vitality, prosperity, cheerful mood, respect and beauty.

My lovely colleague! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to continue to be a professional in your field, to be as open, honest, friendly and cheerful! May life generously reward you for all your efforts, perseverance and hard work with female happiness and mutual love!

Congratulations to our wonderful employee, our dear colleague, charming girl. We wish that only joy surrounds you in life, intoxicates your head with the pleasant aroma of perfume, good mood and love. We wish you to wake up every morning with a smile and, leaving the house, infect all passersby with it. Let success watch you at every turn of your life. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, colleague. Always remain young, impulsive, purposeful, active, in demand, creative, interesting, resourceful, cheerful, bright and successful in business. May your life be a stream of happiness and love, great opportunities and colorful dreams.

Happy birthday, my dear colleague. You are a girl of strong views and positions, interesting ideas and high aspirations. I wish that all your plans are successfully implemented, that all your hopes will certainly be justified. Love, create, dream, and enjoy life.

Congratulations to a wonderful colleague on your personal holiday! Decorate our team with you, be successful, healthy, beautiful, loved and happy. May your mood always be good, and sometimes excellent, may your weekdays be fruitful, your weekends eventful, your holidays bright. Happy birthday!

Charming and sweet girl, my wonderful colleague, on your birthday I send you bright rays of the warmest and most joyful wishes. May every day be successful, may a smile sparkle on your face, may love live in your heart, may any business go well, may your soul sing and your body have fun. I wish you all the best, prosperity and happiness.

Happy birthday to a charming colleague and just a good girl. I wish you brilliant success and successful victories, great luck along the way, excellent health and mood, fun hobbies and bright emotions, personal happiness and strong love.

Congratulations! Let your life spin in a whirlpool of joyful events, so that there is room in it for smiles and joys, love and patience, ups and successes. Let your wishes turn into reality, and let your work confidently move up the steps!

Happy Birthday! And we are waiting for you to join the team again! We wish you happiness and prospects. After all, you are our tide of good luck! You are our happiness and inspiration! Once again, colleague, happy birthday!

It's a colleague's birthday! How to congratulate the lovely representative of our friendly team? First of all, we should probably start with gratitude. I would like to say a huge thank you for your wonderful character and relationships in the team, for your optimism and responsiveness. Secondly, of course, to wish all the best and the realization of your most cherished hopes. Be happy, always remain as cheerful and delight us with your smile.

Happy Birthday, dear colleague! Today is the birthday of the most beautiful woman, sympathetic friend and wonderful colleague! On behalf of the entire team we would like to wish you happiness in your personal life and success in business. They say work should be fun. We wish you only joyful working days, bright weather and good mood. Bright everyday life and no less colorful weekend. Know that you are valued and respected at work. Best wishes from the bottom of my heart!

On this wonderful special day
I would like to wish you a lot of happiness.
Let only a shadow touch you on your birthday,
Love your gaze and the bad weather will go away.
We sincerely wish you success,
Easy and joyful things to do day after day.
And fulfillment of cherished desires.
Let life be illuminated with light.
You are so dear to us, irreplaceable.
You solve every request instantly.
Be an angel forever guarded,
May your face always be radiant!

The day has come, the hour has come -
We all hasten to congratulate you!
Wishing for more warmth
And be on good terms with your work.
Have close friends.
Walk in silks and sleep on them.
To always be lucky in everything,
And a sea of ​​joy came.
We wish to be only a star,
Beautiful, stylish, young.
And on my birthday again,
Let the beautiful lady shine!

On this magnificent day, our entire team would like to congratulate you, dear colleague, on your birthday. You are not only a good friend for us, but also a part of our friendly team! Birthdays come once a year - we wish you to spend this holiday in a good mood and fun. They say that if you make a wish on this day, it will definitely come true. We wish you the fulfillment of your wildest hopes. Well, besides wishes - of course, gratitude for your presence and work.

We congratulate our colleague! We wish you happiness and joy. So that going to work is like going to a holiday. So that the team is happy for you. So that the bosses don't swear. We are waiting for you - you are our dear!

Happy birthday! Dear colleague!
We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And besides the general wishes: health, happiness and love,
We want to thank you for the sparkle of spiritual beauty
For your sweet smile, for your optimism and warmth.
For your attitude towards the team, for your friendship, kindness.
We are glad that you are nearby.
You are the decoration of the team!
Always smart, strong, active.
Happy working days!
And in your personal life, love!