When going to a holiday with friends, you always want to do something magical, turn this day into an unforgettable fairy tale. And if choosing a gift is not so difficult, then choosing precise, bright and bright words can often be quite difficult. Words are especially important for the fairer sex, as they are very vulnerable and a misunderstood congratulation can ruin the whole evening. Therefore, you need to choose happy birthday greetings for your friend very carefully. First you need to decide whether it should be congratulations in poetic form or in prose. Here you should focus on the preferences of the birthday girl and choose depending on whether she likes simple, honest prose or reads ornate poems. Next, when choosing a birthday greeting for a friend, you need to think about what it should be - obviously comic, serious, sincerity that will bring you to tears, or ironic. Here, too, you should focus on your friend, her character, temperament.

Always fresh, like a spring day,
And hot like the summer heat.
And that's why it's your birthday
Always marked with warmth.
You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can cope with adversity.
You got more than enough of everything
But you are not broken by fate.
Your soul is always open
It's easy and fun with you.
You have such power hidden within you,
What anyone would envy.
To you, friend, with admiration
I want to say a lot.
On the bright day of your birth
Let me make this wish:
May happiness be daily
Let love be like nectar
Let the soul remain unchanged
And the heart will be a rare gift.
I appreciate and respect you,
My words are not flattery at all.
Praise be to the Creator who is nearby
You, my friend, are with me.

I wish you on your birthday
All wishes come true
Trendy phones
Millions of compliments
Dresses, blouses, boots
From fashionable glossy covers
Receive bouquets more often
And let it be summer in your soul!

My dear friend,
You are like a sister to me!
And happy birthday
On this wonderful day, you!
Always stay the same
And don't forget about me,
Try to become happy yourself
And never be discouraged!

I don’t know what to wish for you... It’s stupid to wish for beauty, for the most beautiful girl. You don't need luck, because you can achieve everything yourself. Wish you happiness!? But what is happiness?! I wish you what every person needs, what makes a person beautiful, what becomes the greatest success and happiness for him... I wish you to love and be endlessly loved! Happy birthday!

With my best friend
In life, close by - forever!
Sometimes I fight for each other
They stood for many years!
And Friendship speaks volumes
About the fact that it is easier to live with you,
Probably you were given to me by God,
Or sent by Fate itself!
On this day of your birthday,
Which makes me so very happy,
Please accept congratulations
My best friend!
Be sweeter and more beautiful every day,
Look down on troubles
And I want our friendship
We have it for ages!

Be cheerful, be happy
Fresh, lively, beautiful
Be desirable, be blooming
Be dancing, singing
Soaring in the sky without worries
And a real friend!

Club, party, light up, have fun
You'd rather fall in love with a handsome prince
Well, by the way, an apartment, a car
Shopping with friends
Huge bouquets, luxurious gifts
Travel to where it's beautiful and hot
Cheer up yourself and others
This is what I wish for you on your birthday!

I hasten to congratulate you.
I treasure you, friend.
On your birthday, good morning
I'm sending you my regards now.

Love always, know no loss.
Believe in your dreams quickly.
Forget sadness, be happy
Always so unique.

Happy birthday, friend!
Be the healthiest and very loved,
Calm, caring, unique,
Not very serious, funny and cheerful,
In matters of the very first and... just cool!

A friend’s birthday is an important holiday for which you should prepare in advance. First of all, you need to take care of beautiful spiritual wishes. Without them, any (even the most expensive and desired) gift will seem unfinished. Below are the best birthday wishes for a friend.

Any girl loves beautiful, gentle congratulations that sound impressive and are remembered for a long time. It can be difficult to write such lines on your own. Especially if the congratulator is far from creativity.

In this case, you should turn to ready-made beautiful birthday greetings for your friend for help. Among them you can find options for every taste: long poems with numerous wishes and compliments, apt prose of several lines, short poems with a tender address to the birthday girl and others.

If you want the chosen beautiful congratulation to be remembered by the hero of the occasion for a long time, you should, for example, place it on a postcard made by yourself. Particularly interesting are the options whose cover is a joint photograph of friends.

The text in them should be written in your own hand. Such a postcard with any wishes will definitely be kept for many years, giving pleasant memories.

The kindest, brightest,

Very beautiful, with a magical heart,

With a ton of patience and inspiration

I want to congratulate you without delay.

Let all sad thoughts go away,

May your happiness be endless,

Let only the excitement be joyful.

Faith, hope, love! Happy birthday!

On this wonderful, bright day -

On your birthday -

I want to wish, friend,

I am only good.

Let your eyes shine

And a smile on your lips

Never disappears

Even in the most difficult hour.

Be happy, friend,

You are all enemies out of spite.

Let success swirl like a blizzard,

In every case, be lucky.

Congratulations, dear,

Happy Birthday to You

And, of course, I wish

May you bloom with happiness!

Happy birthday my friend,


I wish you all the best,

A sea of ​​joy and kindness.

So that you don't know grief,

I was always happy

So that you don’t part with your luck,

May things go well.

To always be loved,

And irresistible to everyone,

And healthy and beautiful,

Sweet, smart, gentle, clear.

Heartfelt wishes to the point of tears

Surely every congratulatory person would like to read at the holiday of a loved one such lines that will truly touch the heartstrings and cause tears of joy, happiness, and tenderness. To achieve this result, you should write your own wishes for your friend. If the girls have known each other for a long time, this will not be difficult to do.

To touchingly congratulate your friend on her birthday, you need to mention some exciting moments together in your wishes. This may turn out to be an episode of their first meeting; as a rule, this is not forgotten. In the variants of wishes discussed, sincere gratitude is always very appropriate. For example, when a congratulatory girl says “thank you” to her friend for her help in past situations, attention, love, support and any other moments. The appeal is also important in the wish. At the very beginning, you can affectionately call your friend by name or address her with the words: “girlfriend,” “beloved girlfriend,” etc.

My dear friend,

Congratulations to you today!

Let your dreams come true,

You will be the happiest one.

I love you endlessly

You and I will be together forever.

And in this bright moment

Let your mood sing.

And may your health be strong,

Let grief not touch you.

Let there be only friends around,

That they love you, just like I do.

And let everything be fine

The bad thing is long gone.

Love, smiles and patience!

My dear, happy birthday!

Friend, happy birthday! And a lot of wishes:

Excellent health, love, flowers, dreams,

Loud laughter - with or without reason,

Goodness, warmth, success, great miracles to you!

Dear, even though you and I are not related at all,

And there is no person in the world closer to me.

You will always help, support, and encourage in everything.

You don’t hold grudges, you’re not sad about the past.

To you, my friend, I will turn to you again:

... I am learning from you, dear, to love and live.

I enjoy walking through life next to you.

You, friend, know how to lead everyone!

You and I know each other

Many winters and many years.

You are always my friend

You will encourage and give advice.

Even if we are far away

You are always with me in my soul.

I remember your birthday

I don't have a notebook.

And you again today

I'm in a hurry to congratulate you.

Be lucky, healthy,

Let sadness leave your heart!

How to briefly congratulate a friend in your own words

If you can’t compose beautiful touching poems for congratulations, you can use prose. Wishes in your own words can also be tender, exciting, and memorable.

There is even a special scheme for their compilation. If you plan to make the congratulation short, then you need to try to fit all the beautiful, warm words that have accumulated in your soul in just a few lines.

You need to start your wish with a pleasant address to your friend. Perhaps friends have their own cute or funny nicknames, the use of which emphasizes the closeness of two people and their trusting relationship.

Then you can immediately start working on your wishes without unnecessary additions. For example, start them with the word “let”. The following lists all the pleasant events and changes that could happen in the life of the birthday girl. You can wish the girl love, personal happiness, wealth, health. Or ask her to remain as beautiful as she is, or give her some other pleasant compliment.

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Be happy, be only good over the years, always feel needed. May you be surrounded by love, attention and care. I wish you good health, many smiles, energy, incredible events and bright memories.

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you attention, care, love, support, sincerity of loved ones. May your dreams come true. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and contagiously happy! You deserve the stars from the sky!

My joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. Girlfriend, remain the same wonderful person with an open soul, a sincere smile, a kind heart and incredible beauty. May luck clear the way to your goals, may happiness warm your soul, and may love give you inspiration and joy.

Funny birthday greetings

It is when congratulating friends and girlfriends that funny, comic wishes are always appropriate. The main rule is not to make them caustic or offensive.

You can add jokes, funny stories from life and even relevant anecdotes to funny congratulations. It doesn’t matter if you can’t create them yourself. You can always use ready-made options compiled by professionals.

If you choose funny congratulations for a friend, then it is important to make their reading funny and original. For example, at the same time, give the birthday girl a cool present or dress up in the costume of her favorite cartoon character. The main goal of the congratulatory greeter is to make the girl smile and cheer her up on a significant day.

Congratulations to you, friend

And I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Success, peace and warmth.

May your life be bright.

Good health to you,

And also to your whole family.

Naturally, love, good luck,

A bag of money to boot.

Another armful of white roses

So that my dear one will bring you in the morning

And the cake, the most delicious thing in the world.

Today you are not on a diet.

So that a vacation somewhere in Bali

Spent it with your loved one.

So that there is only a cry of joy.

And the rest is complete chic!

Happy birthday my friend!

I really care about you.

In life, like a ray of light,

Guiding star.

I wish you happiness -

In life, in personal matters, in everything.

Bad weather will pass you by,

Let the house be filled with laughter.

And to you - success,

May you always be lucky in everything.

Full of luck

With the current, so that it carries you.

And so that at 90 years old,

Call you and say:

“Well, so, my friend,

Are you going to go for a walk when you retire?

How can I congratulate my friend?

Should she play the song in circles?

Or pluck red roses,

So that the handsome guy would bring them?

Or run to the store

Select a handbag from a display?

How lucky congratulations

Will she improve her mood?

I'll tell my friend fortune.

I know exactly what will happen.

Give me your palm, I won't make you laugh.

I'll tell you what will happen:

“I see a long road,

I see money. Oh, so many!

I see the sea. I see a macho -

He rides on a black horse.

I see a white limousine

And more than once, and more than once.

I see how much weight you have lost

I put on a tight dress.

I ate everything, didn’t understand,

But I didn’t gain weight either.

I see a house, a dog, a cat.

I see the light in your window.

In order not to tire the birthday girl, you should choose a short, beautiful poem-wish for her. If you have talent and time, you can compose it yourself. Or choose a suitable option among ready-made offers. A poem can be anything - touching and beautiful, funny and cheerful, sincere and memorable. The main thing is that all the words spoken by the congratulator are sincere and come from the heart.

For a friend on her birthday

I am sending a bouquet of congratulations!

It contains both happiness and luck,

A sprig of love to boot,

Beauty and charm

Fulfillment of desire

The bright warmth of the sun,

Tenderness, affection and kindness!

Congratulations to you, friend.

I wish you to be the best

Achieve everything you want

May all your dreams come true!

Make your eyes sparkle with happiness,

Soul and heart were having fun.

So that you live without tears and troubles

For many years!

How long have we known each other?

And our friendship cannot be broken!

On your birthday I wish

You should be happy yourself.

Let the ocean of love be boundless

It will cover your head,

May your life be comfortable,

And peace reigns in the soul.

My dear friend,
Happy Birthday to You!
Happiness, joy, luck
I wish you on your birthday!

And all the best, health
And peace of mind.
Remember, dear, always:
You are a goddess and a star!

Be always, always happy,
Good-natured and beautiful,
Stunning, luxurious,
Quite a bit hectic!

I wish you personally
Always look great:
Shoes only from Versace,
Chanel perfume to boot,
Crocodile wallet,
Fur coat - mink or chinchilla.
The husband is rich and handsome
With a dacha somewhere in the Maldives.
Let happiness be everywhere!
Happy birthday my friend!

My dear friend,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Happy birsday, my dear,
Don't rush today.

Leave everything alone
Enjoy the day.
Today is your holiday
And the soul burns with fire!

Be beautiful, graceful,
Sexy and cute!
Be desirable and beautiful
Young and cheerful!

I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness,
May all dreams come true
By the command of magic!

On this wonderful, bright day -
On your birthday -
I want to wish, friend,
I am only good.

Let your eyes shine
And a smile on your lips
Never disappears
Even in the most difficult hour.

Be happy, friend,
You are all enemies out of spite.
Let success swirl like a blizzard,
In every case, be lucky.

Congratulations, dear,
Happy Birthday to You
And, of course, I wish
May you bloom with happiness!

Happy Birthday dear!
What can you wish for your friend?
Love and joy without end,
You never know sadness.

May all your dreams come true,
And a new day brings happiness.
More health, warmth!
And let all bad weather go away!

Happy birthday my friend,
I wish you all the best,
A sea of ​​joy and kindness.

So that you don't know grief,
I was always happy
So that you don’t part with your luck,
May things go well.

To always be loved,
And irresistible to everyone,
And healthy and beautiful,
Sweet, smart, gentle, clear.

I congratulate you today,
My precious friend,
And I sincerely wish with all my heart,
So that everything is as it should be for you.

May luck not leave you in business,
There is order and peace in the family.
Let your loved ones warm you with love,
The house avoids adversity.

So that your eyes glow with joy,
From happiness, to take your breath away.
And no matter what happens in our lives,
You are the best of all my friends!

The scarlet dawn has risen,
Giving a new morning!
Happy birthday,
My darling!

The day is not warm, so be it
Today there is joy, not sadness!
I wish you happiness
And be at peace with yourself!

Always be among your family,
The closest, dearest!
Everyone loves you dearly,
Be a support for them!

Always be among friends
Make everyone blush and cheerful!
May your health be good -
Stronger than stone and nails!

Always be in such beauty
For everyone to take a look!
And even more money
Millions, not thousands!

My dear friend,
I congratulate you.
Even though I'm not around,
I love you, you know.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Huge and boundless love,
I also wish you warmth,
So that your life becomes beautiful.

May every day be bright
Let your voice sparkle with joy,
So that troubles are a silent shadow
She did not let down her gray hair.

I also wish you beauty,
Health, joy, smiles,
So that you can go through life without trouble,
Without pain, sadness and mistakes.

May your soul be at ease,
To the heart - very fun, warm,
Let love always live in your eyes,
And let only joy excite the blood!

Let it be calm in the circle of friends,
A loved one will drive away sadness.
May a sea of ​​happiness await you in life,
And your birthday will be a great success!

all 1

You look like a queen
You are a friend on your anniversary.
Cognac for heating,
Pour us a glass each.

I came to congratulate
Happy celebration to you.
To wish him to do so,
Let the fun go all around.

Let youth bloom
Your fate will preserve you.
Walk boldly on the planet,
Drink love over the edge.

Pour some more for toast
A lot of words have accumulated.
Take happiness in life simply,
Like a bouquet of flowers from your hands.

Let's not forget our friendship
Drink to the days you have lived.
We will not go out to guests,
Let them have fun alone.


Section: Girlfriend in verse

Purchased and owned by the site.

If there is anxiety and fear in the heart, if problems are incapacitating, if men cannot understand - this is, of course, grief for women! But there are friends in the world for that; they don’t need diplomas. I don’t go to doctors, if anything happens, I pick up the phone!
Sweet, kind, nice, best friend in the world! So, my dear, I am so glad that we have each other!
Happy birthday to you, my sunshine! And great, great happiness to you!


Section: Girlfriend in prose

Purchased and owned by the site.

My faithful friend
You are the best friend,
I won't exchange you
Not any friend.

Do you remember how we played,
You have dolls at home,
They ran after the boys
It's like we're adults.

You and I grew up together,
They became very big,
And I want our friendship
It only grew stronger with age.

Take it as a sign of respect,
My congratulations,
Today is your main holiday,
And this is a birthday.

Be strong and brave
And smile more often
And your life is wonderful
It will be much sweeter.

Congratulations to my friend

Section: Friend to Tears

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday, I want to congratulate you, my dear friend, and express my warmest feelings. How grateful I am to fate, which gave us such a bright relationship, our sincere friendship. We understand each other perfectly, in jokes, in joys, and in sorrows. But not a word about the latter, they are not worth our attention on this delightful Holiday! Please accept my deepest wishes. Always be so cool and beautiful! You have so much charisma that it’s enough for all your friends.

Always remain so simple and responsive. The interweaving of greatness and humanity gives you a special charm. Live long in health, happiness, luck! Everywhere: at home or at work - always be on top! May love always live in your heart, and may the people around you love you! But most importantly, the only person who is very dear to you, who lives in your heart and body! Don't part with your loved ones. And rely on me all your life!


Section: In your own words

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday to you, my friend!
You've probably already set the table and are expecting guests?!
What a pity that I am so far away and cannot try your wonderful pie with you! Well, it’s okay - I’m still with you in my heart now, and my wishes fly to you straight from its depths, and therefore they will definitely come true!
And I wish you this:

1) So that your husband loves you so much that he simply carries you in his arms!
2) So that everyone appreciates and respects you!
3) So that this year a decent amount of money falls on you from somewhere, and you can finally buy what you have been dreaming of for a long time!
4) So that your health does not fail: just bloom and flourish!
Somehow like this! Write the fifth point yourself! - specially left for your deepest desire!


Section: In your own words to tears

Purchased and owned by the site.

My dear friend!
You've probably already been wished a lot on this day?! Let everything come true, and even more!
Go your way smiling, and nothing, you hear, without fear! Everything will be fine, because you are not alone! I am always with you, and know that you can rely on me, no matter how cruel life may be to you at times!
I wish you happiness, strength and health!


Section: To Tears in Prose

Purchased and owned by the site.

My best friend,
You have become my sister!
We can't live without each other
And we chirp like birds!

Happy Birthday!
I wish it like my sister -
Take pleasure from life,
And always laugh loudly!

Whatever it is, dear,
Never be upset!
I wish you optimism
Stay cheerful forever!

Remember, I'm with you - next to you,
I will never leave you in trouble!
Well, in joy, as it should be,
I’ll support you, I’ll drop things!

Congratulations to my friend

Section: A friend is like a sister

Purchased and owned by the site.

On your birthday, on this holiday,
I want to wish it like that
To things from Milan,
They began to fly themselves!
To Dolce and Gabanna
They sent all the perfume,
I know you need this
Like a sailor needs a hold.
You're so stylish,
And there is nothing more important to you,
To look beautiful
And to know the whole fashionable world!!!


Section: Best friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

My best friend, please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindness. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears are like spring water that can cleanse the soul. And if there is 2 times more of it, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, friend! But it’s better - always shine like a star and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for the rest of your life! But also remain as gentle, kind and beautiful!


Section: To your best friend in your own words to tears

Purchased and owned by the site.

My beloved friend,
My best person from childhood,
We live next door to you
Happy birthday, and happy birthday to you!

How close we are, the years have not changed us,
I always feel your warmth
I want to say, shine, my star,
And always follow the dictates of fashion!

Let old age bypass your image
Let troubles and illnesses pass through the forest!
I wish you safe stairs upward in business,
I wish you luxury, dear!


Section: Childhood friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday my friend
To my glorious youth!
We've loved each other ever since
There are no better friends than us!

Do you remember how we had a blast?
Did they brainwash the guys?
But they remained the same
Despite your age!

I wish you endless
Youth and beauty
This fleeting life
Don't cut yourself any slack!

Laugh forever, have fun,
And don't add wrinkles,
Bathe in luxury, in love,
It’s like every month is May!


Section: Girlfriend of Youth

Purchased and owned by the site.

They say work is torture,
And colleagues are not friends,
You, my colleague, my friend,
This is happiness, I know!

They say nasty things out of anger,
For such people there are enemies all around,
I come to visit you,
You always come to my house!

And today is Happy Birthday
May success and luck
Fate gives every day!

Be cheerful and happy
Be a bright star everywhere,
Be so beautiful all your life
Sweet, kind, lively!


Section: Friend, colleague

Purchased and owned by the site.

Being your friend is happiness.
If we are together, then we are not afraid of bad weather.
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms, winds, blizzards,
If my friend is nearby.

I love you more and more as the years go by!
No matter what happens between us,
You and I will always forgive each other.
Be happy, my friend!


Section: Short

Purchased and owned by the site.

What wonderful eyes
And sponges splashing with juice.
And the moisture of sensual dew,
Which cannot be taken at a glance.

Everyone wants my friend
Congratulate her on her birthday!
But let them stand for a while,
I give her congratulations!


Section: Frank

Purchased and owned by the site.

Ah, dear friend!
This is what I wish for you:
At least you're on your anniversary
Have a little more fun!
I know my youth is gone,
Our freshness has been taken away,
But instead wisdom came to us, -
It is not known what is more important.
So let's not be discouraged!
We will live out life together!
And today, on the anniversary,
Don't regret your smiles!


Section: Happy anniversary to my friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

Eighteen years old friend!
Be careful, guys!
Now you will have a hard time:
You'll get hooked!
Congratulations, dear!
I wish I never grow old,
And a cheerful bird of paradise
Sing at the top of life!


Section: Happy 18th birthday to my friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

We'll tell our friend together,
Celebrating twenty-five -
You don't need anything
Change your appearance!

We wish to be loved
And happy long days!
Our tender and vulnerable,
On the coming Anniversary!


Section: Happy 25th birthday to my friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

We, my friend, need to get younger
It's still early, for the life of me!
Today you are thirty,
Is this really an anniversary?!

But there is a reason to get together
And mentally relax.
Everyone talk to each other
And wave one at a time!


Section: Happy 30th birthday to my friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

Brighter smile! And lips with a heart!
Your birthday is a five with a ring!
Rejoice at peace, flowers and love!
Know that great things are ahead!

You're 50, like a ripe berry
Smart, wise, kind, brave
I'm lucky to become your friend
Be happier everyone! Out of spite.


Section: Happy 50th birthday to friend

Purchased and owned by the site.

We've known you for so many years,
But fate scattered us
I want to say, friend, again,
That you are always in my heart!

And on this day I will drink tea,
And I remember last years...
And, wiping tears from my eyes,
Congratulations, my dear!


Section: Ex-girlfriend

Purchased and owned by the site.

Congratulations to you, friend!
Today you became a mother!
I wish you two happiness
Let your dreams come true!
You did a great job
And this is the main thing, you know!
Let your son grow up healthy and strong
Raise him with dignity!


Section: Friend's son

Purchased and owned by the site.

I have known you from the cradle,
You are like my own child.
Your mom left
I have you more than once.

He was an inquisitive little guy,
I read books to you
And taught me to sing songs, -
It's better than crying.

And now you are taller than your mother,
For her, you are the best.
Be her support in everything,
To your good mother.


Section: To a friend's son

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday!
Congratulate good people
always a pleasure, especially
my best friend's son.
I wish you happiness, good health, warm and mutual love, so that your home always reigns
tranquility and comfort, and surrounded
you, there were only faithful and kind people. May all your dreams come true, and may
every new day brought
many pleasant surprises.
May good luck always be with you, and may every business you start end successfully.
I wish you a sunny mood,
let the smile never leave your face,
patience and endurance, this is for you
will come in handy. In general, be happy!


Section: A friend's son in prose

Purchased and owned by the site.

Ocean liner in port,
You're still on board.
The prince with the ring fell to his knees,
Appreciating your beauty.

Let my dear old dream,
Life will come to you in unison!
Happy Holidays!
Let the horn sound for the wedding!


Today is your holiday,
My dear friend.
Born on this day as a star,
She made the world happy.
I wish you to be happy
Success, joy, warmth.
And happy birthday to you!
Lots of smiles and love.
And may your wishes
They will come true “one, two, three”!

For a friend on her birthday
I am sending a bouquet of congratulations!
It contains both happiness and luck,
A sprig of love to boot,
Beauty and charm
Fulfillment of desire
The bright warmth of the sun,
Tenderness, affection and kindness!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you attention, care, love, support, honesty and sincerity. May every dream of yours come true and bring great pleasure. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and contagiously happy! May all your wishes certainly come true. You deserve the stars from the sky! Smile, today is your day!

I wish you a wonderful, bright day,
Today is your birthday,
So quickly accept it from me
Congratulations on such a bright day.

I wish you to always preserve beauty,
Elasticity and firmness of gait,
So that in a hundred years (or more) you won’t become
A malicious and boring aunt.

Laugh more, it's not hard work
Always take care of your nerves.
Let them attack you, let them use rods
Rubles, crowns, bucks and euros.

Blossom, prosper, shine with happiness,
Have 100% vision
And conquer everyone with your beauty.
My friend, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday dear!
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
Prosperity, all blessings,
So that the hearth of love burns.

Let your wishes come true
Like a magic spell,
Let success come, good luck -
The world is designed for happiness.

Let the smile decorate
Let beauty bloom
And it gives confidence -
Whatever you want will come!

You are so beautiful today
And a smile on your face.
Happy birthday,
I want to wish you:

Lots of joy and laughter
Wallet full of money
A sea of ​​plans and successes,
To always move forward.

And, of course, health,
And also great love.
So that your soul is beautiful
Scarlet roses were blooming.

I wish you not to be sad for a moment,
Let your mood always be great,
I wish you dreams and bright ideas,
Good comrades, true friends,
Pleasant weather, snow-white sands,
Warm seas, boundless oceans,
Gorgeous outfits, amazing figure,
So that you have a chocolate tan all year round,
Great job, great leisure time,
I wish you a happy birthday friend!

You mean a lot to me,
At least we don't spend every day together.
On your birthday, my friend,
I admit that I have never known more interesting people.
With you it’s good for me to be silent, to shout,
Sing with delight, choke with resentment.
I want to wish you, my dear,
Go to the sea or see the pyramids.
I am grateful to life for one thing -
That you and I met a long time ago.

On your birthday, girlfriend,
I want to hug you more tenderly,
With all my soul and all my heart
I wish you love.

Always be as beautiful as you are
Perky, nice, young,
Cheerful, passionate and happy,
So that everyone admires you.

Let your loved one be nearby
And a person dear to my heart,
Let your feeling be strong
And it will not end forever.

I wish you not to be sad in vain,
You don’t know resentment and envy,
May your life be wonderful
I want to avoid adversity.

How can I congratulate my friend?
Should she play the song in circles?
Or pluck red roses,
So that the handsome guy would bring them?

Or run to the store
Select a handbag from a display?
How lucky congratulations
Will she improve her mood?

I'll tell my friend fortune.
I know exactly what will happen.
Give me your palm, I won't make you laugh.
I'll tell you what will happen:

“I see a long road,
I see money. Oh, so many!
I see the sea. I see a macho -
He rides on a black horse.

I see a white limousine
And more than once, and more than once.
I see how much weight you have lost
I put on a tight dress.

I ate everything, didn’t understand,
But I didn’t gain weight either.
I see a house, a dog, a cat.
I see the light in your window.

So calm, good.
Oh, who came there?
I came to you
She brought a huge cake.

I don’t understand how many candles?
Ninety plus one.
We celebrate, we drink,
We remember our years.

This is the prediction.
What's your wish?
May everything come true word for word.
Congratulations are ready!

Well, congratulations!
Let the sparkles dance in your eyes.
And may this be your birthday
Drown in fragrant flowers.
I also wish you prosperity,
So that only success awaits you
Not only in a financial fight,
But in everyone’s endeavors,
So that boredom, sadness and sadness
Only a shadow passed through his eyes.
With a smile and good news
Let it start every day.