The meaning of the name Larisa: from Greek Seagull.
Origin of the name Larisa: from the name of the Greek city Larisa.
Relatives and friends affectionately call her Lara, Larey, Laura, Laruleya, Laura.
Women with this name are very active and optimistic by nature. At the same time, they are very passionate and sensitive.
They achieve noticeable success in business and at work. .

Happy birthday to Larisa

Oh, glorious, kind, sweet Laura!
We wish you luck, fire and enthusiasm.
We wish you blossoms, flowers and recognition,
And joyful meetings without the sadness of parting!

Larisa on her bright birthday,
We wish you great luck!
Happy life turns!
And definitely only ups!
Success in all your deeds,
More joy and laughter!
You are the best, you are a superwoman!
Let life be Turkish delight!

Happy birthday poems Larisa

Lara, Larochka, Larisa,
A little chest full of kindness
You taught me to strive
Upwards, to the victory of beauty.
And today I heartily
You know, endlessly
I love you dearly!

Larisa, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
May love come to you
What a wonderful glimpse of heaven!

Let your life go
Carefree and calm,
Only brings joy -
You deserve good things!

And how does Larisa manage
To reach such heights in work?
And the whole dacha smells fragrant
And the whole apartment is clean.
And to you, our Larisa,
Honor and glory and praise.
And so tireless
You always stay!

Larisa's birthday - congratulations

Hearts pounding in my chest more and more joyfully,
A lump of excitement rose in my throat.
Your name is so pleasant, sweet,
What a striving for happiness in him!

You won’t find a more worthy prize in life,
Than a woman named Larisa.
And on this day, a wonderful birthday,
It is a complete pleasure to contemplate you.

The destiny of the one who will be next to you is
Burn you with an unquenchable gaze.
I wish you long gray hairs,
Attract the eyes of men!

The curtain is raised
The march band is playing.
Happy birthday to you, Larisa!
And there are no empty seats,

After all, the guests are in this room
Not just gathered:
They want to talk about Lara,
Congratulate again, “encore”,

And wish you heartily
And happiness and goodness,
Great and eternal love,
And gold - silver.

Congratulate Larisa on her birthday

Dear Larisa, happy birthday!
I wish there was a blue sky above you,
So that your eyes always laugh,
May happiness and love be near you
And any dreams came true!

Happy birthday to Larisa today!
Best friends rush to congratulate you.
The curtains rise on the stage -
And the exit is yours! Gifts - for you!
All loved ones wish with all their hearts
Health, beauty and long life.
And let the smiles have a light shine
It will help you meet the taste of victory!

Funny birthday greetings to Larisa

The soul is filled with warmth,
Today is a bright holiday.
I don’t care about any troubles,
After all, the angel is a prankster
Protects with all his might.
Oh, dear Larisa,
For your name day, your hour has struck
And time for a surprise.

Larisa! Your name is unusual
Both sonorous and extremely beautiful!
Not often among names that are quite familiar,
In Greek Larisa means “Seagull”!

What a pity that we don’t fly like birds!
But your soul is always in flight, -
And few could compare with you, -
In love, and in creativity, in leisure and in work.

Larisa, you are original in everything!
And you don’t care about chaos and vanity...
Once you get down to business, it’s thorough!
Let the capital be small for now...

We wish you a happy birthday!
We wish to live, soaring above the bustle,
Love, kindness, warmth and inspiration,
And live happily for a hundred years like this!

Happy birthday greetings to the woman Larisa

Larisa means seagull in Greek.
And you really are somewhat similar to her.
You chirp like a flock of birds,
That scatter at the feet of passers-by.

You are cheerful and carefree,
You are charming, playful,
Funny and very graceful
You are also incredibly beautiful.

Larisa, accept the gifts,
And with them congratulations.
Today is a sweet day with cake,
After all, this day is your birthday.

SMS congratulations to Larisa on her birthday

We are for dear Lara
Brought gifts
And we want to say now:
You are like the sun for us!
We adore Larisa!
We wish Larisa
Don't get sick, be happy
Drive all men crazy!

No one like you, Larisa,
You are slimmer than a cypress
More beautiful than a scarlet rose,
May all thunderstorms pass you by.
We wish you happiness,
So that there is a little bit, but everything!
So that there is no bad weather outside the window,
So that the world brightens from your gaze!

Birthday wishes for Larisa

We wish to congratulate Lara on Angel Day:
May her work always be respected,
Supported by friends, understood, loved, -
After all, Lara lives only by her own work!

Larisa, it's your birthday!
And your age doesn't matter
After all, the heart always remains young,
A person's soul does not age.
And may there be no troubles in life at all,
Let every day be wonderful.
I wish you great happiness in life,
And many, many bright years.

Congratulations to Larisa on her name day

The woman Larisa is multifaceted,
Always successful in business
And for men - desirable!
Tender, beautiful and smart,
Full of ideas and plans!
And congratulating Larisa on her name day,
I will be happy to wish her happiness!
Let life be beautiful and easy,
And let every dream come true!

When is Larisa’s name day according to the church calendar?: April 8 – Larisa Gotfskaya, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Larisa:

From the ancient Greek language - pleasant, sweet (from the Greek “laros”). Another interpretation is a seagull. The third originates from Greek mythology, which tells about the Thessalian (Argive) nymph Larisa, the granddaughter of Poseidon and the sister of Cyrene. According to legend, on the spot where she fell into the Penei River while playing ball, a city was built, named in her honor.

Larisa is smart, insightful and does not forgive anyone, especially men, for their weaknesses. Her remarks are caustic, caustic and generate a lot of enemies. Larisa is able to break off relations with her lover, even if he only annoys her with his snoring. Fortunately, in her mature years, Larisa becomes less intolerant, and then the best qualities of her nature appear: mercy, love for children, and not only her own, the ability to instantly make the right decision.

Name in history and literature. Larisa Golubkina is a famous Soviet actress. She began acting in films while still a student at GITIS, and her debut was truly triumphant: the role of Shurochka Azarova in E. Ryazanov’s film “The Hussar Ballad.” The prototype for this role was the legendary cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova, but Shurochka’s fate is happier, more fun, more sparkling. It was a sensational film - largely thanks to the talent and charm of Larisa Golubkina. The role demonstrated the comedic brilliance and spontaneity of the actress’s talent, and the song “Svetlana”, performed by her, remained a favorite for many viewers for a long time. She partly determined the fate of the actress, because her subsequent film roles in the films “What should we call you now?”, “Day of Happiness”, “Give me a book of complaints” and others were without much success, but Larisa Golubkina is now known as an excellent performer of Russian romances and songs 30s.

Congratulations on Larisa’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Larisa's name day and congratulate Larisa on her angel's day.

Good name Larisa, beautiful,

And everyone likes your character.

Let your life be the coolest,

May you only become prettier day after day!

On the name day, heartfelt wishes

And congratulations with a pure soul.

I wish you endless happiness,

Happy days and great luck!

Your name is pleasant and sweet,

And there’s a lump in my chest from excitement!

The heart beats faster and faster, more joyfully,

The holiday is coming to your home again!

You won’t find a more worthy prize in life,

Than a woman named Larisa!

Oh, Larisa, how sweet you are!

You can’t take away your charm,

All men with fierce strength

We would like to hug you so much!

I wish you a long time, until your gray hairs,

Attract the eyes of men!

Larisa! Your name is unusual

Both sonorous and extremely beautiful!

Not often among names that are quite familiar,

In Greek Larisa means “Seagull”!

What a pity that we don’t fly like birds!

But your soul is always in flight, -

And few could compare with you, -

In love, and in creativity, in leisure and in work.

Larisa, you are original in everything!

And you don’t care about chaos and vanity...

Once you get down to business, it’s thorough!

Let the capital be small for now...

We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish to live, soaring above the bustle,

Love, kindness, warmth and inspiration,

And live happily for a hundred years like this!

The meaning of the name Larisa: “Pleasant”, “sweet” (from Greek), “seagull” (from Latin).

Larisa has been a very modest girl since childhood. She is somewhat withdrawn and uncommunicative. It takes her a long time to get used to people. She is easily offended; outwardly she looks harmless and unprotected. He always showers his loved ones with boundless love and receives the same in return.

Larisa always has a sober view of things and realistically assesses the current situation. If she has any internal experiences, she conceals them within herself and does not impose them on anyone. He deals with problems on his own.
It’s difficult to have a heart-to-heart talk with her; she doesn’t like to open up and be frank. It is extremely difficult, even impossible, to manipulate Larisa. She herself is very strong-willed and can manipulate people.

She marries for love, remains faithful to her husband, and never cheats. If her husband cheats on her, she will definitely break up with him. For the sake of well-being and peace in her own family, she is ready to sacrifice anything. But betrayal is the only thing she won't forgive. She is a good housewife, often out of great love she spoils her children.
Other forms of the name Larisa: Laura, Lara, Larusya, Larisochka, Lorochka, Lorik, Larik, Largo, Larry.

Happy birthday Larisa poems

My beautiful Larisa
She goes through life as an actress!
With all my heart I congratulate you,
I wish you success in life.

Larisa- beauty,
We love you
Happy birthday, honey,
Dear and beloved!
Lives for many years,
May it always be cloudless
The sky is blue,
The sun is bright golden
It shines kindly on you,
The sun here on earth!

Larisa, my darling,
Girlfriend you are great!
I congratulate you
Happy personal event!

We really want Lariska,
To wish you on your birthday,
To be as sweet as toffee,
Life was yours, without grief.


Larisa I wish you on this day
To remain yourself forever,
To love, to be the most beloved,
And always smile at me sincerely.
And everything that is bright in the world
I wish you, my dear.
Good luck, more inspiration,
After all, we are a big, friendly family!

L men are curled up with enta,
A are actively seeking
R but die of melancholy,
A what if someone likes it?

Unlike others, Larisa,
You are slimmer than a cypress
And a face more tender than a rose,
And more fragrant than mimosa.

Larisa, accept gifts,
And with them congratulations.
Today is a sweet day with cake,
After all, this day is your birthday.

The scent of all flowers
And the blush of dawn
We are ready for you
Give on this day.
Everything that is bright
And big in fate,
We are from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you.
Happy Angel Day, dear Larisa!


Larisa, I found you -
I came to my love myself,
You are a dream come true
And perfection is you too.

What could be more beautiful in a lady,
What do intelligence and beauty have together?
I'll tell you Lara, directly,
Why am I crazy about you?
Always beautiful, multifaceted,
Like an amazing diamond
And it would be strange not to fall in love
Into the shine of your beautiful eyes.


Larisa full of sensitivity
She will give you kindness.
People trust her without a doubt
Adversity, joy, mood swings.
Caring and faithful to your neighbor,
In business she is diligent, agile and smart;
Her imagination will not let her down.
She will find a worthy solution to everything.
Larisa let the side
Troubles and sadness are often avoided;
All accomplishments will be completed successfully,
There will be good luck and admiration for life!

Larisa boredom is unknown -
She will take matters into her own hands:
Great perseverance will show you
He will advise and provide assistance.
Someone else's sadness will echo in her,
The heart will develop with a kind fire;
She will become a nice housewife,
Everything will be put in its place as it should be.
Larisa let happiness warm you
And the beloved cherishes it more often.
Let joy rush to Larisa
And there will be a good deal!

Larisa full of compassion
We will pay great attention to:
She will put the matter aside for a while,
It will certainly help from the heart.
She has a good disposition and is easy-going.
Often accommodating;
Welcomes everyone home with cordiality
And he responds with his visit.
Larisa should be thanked
And that hour will bypass familiarity;
Life brings a lot of joy,
And it takes problems away!

Larisa shows compassion
And she will always help you;
Will treat anyone with understanding,
He will not refuse advice or a kind word.
Sociable, very diligent in business,
Any assignment can be given to her;
She is hardworking, obliging,
Noticeably attractive.
May happiness and love be promised
Larisa meets on her way;
Let her be the most desirable
And he notices more joy in life!

Always sociable Larisa,
Can get carried away at the same hour,
But she doesn't need a ruler -
Besides, it’s not about you.
Responsible approach to business
It has hard and free rights;
She goes through life boldly,
Choosing a specific path for yourself.
Let Larisa have a lot
Good loyal friends;
Let him walk in step with fate.
Without contradicting her too much!

Unpredictable Larisa, and determined
It is difficult for you to predict the course of her actions;
She is diligent, persistent, sociable,
He strives to create a cozy life in the house.
Original and yet dog inventive,
She doesn’t lack optimism for an hour;
Always active and charming,
Prefers to receive compliments.
May Larisa's life never end in happiness.
And constant fortune will be with her;
May all deeds be crowned with a great victory
And strings of good days warm the soul!

Larisa knows his worth.
Her move is always thought out;
She accounts for everything.
Reason without looking for a replacement.
She likes compliments.
Flowers, gifts, admiration;
There is just no forgiveness for betrayal,
And heaven is not pleasant to her in the hut.
Let them not leave Larisa
The delights of gentleman's eyes,
May they give her more than one more time
They pay their attention!

Larisa full of tenderness.
Radiates warmth and affection,
He reciprocates with kindness,
And for friends she is always faithful;
Knows how to stand up for himself
And he will help his neighbor,
In business, responsibility will show
Capable of taking in a lot.
Larisa let him from year to year
Luck will certainly lead
And joy will come instantly.
Letting optimism go!

Larisa saves time
He doesn’t waste it on trifles.
She moves forward in business -
There is a goal and enough aspirations;
Diligently conceals within itself
Your emotional impulses, -
Calculation comes before feelings
And it does not cause disruptions.
Larisa let day by day
Keeps up with business successfully;
Alluring fortune to follow you,
Let him vigilantly guard her!

The meaning of the name Larisa: “Pleasant”, “sweet” (from Greek), “seagull” (from Latin).

Larisa has been a very modest girl since childhood. She is somewhat withdrawn and uncommunicative. It takes her a long time to get used to people. She is easily offended; outwardly she looks harmless and unprotected. He always showers his loved ones with boundless love and receives the same in return.

Larisa always has a sober view of things and realistically assesses the current situation. If she has any internal experiences, she conceals them within herself and does not impose them on anyone. He deals with problems on his own.

It’s difficult to have a heart-to-heart talk with her; she doesn’t like to open up and be frank. It is extremely difficult, even impossible, to manipulate Larisa. She herself is very strong-willed and can manipulate people.

She marries for love, remains faithful to her husband, and never cheats. If her husband cheats on her, she will definitely break up with him. For the sake of well-being and peace in her own family, she is ready to sacrifice anything. But betrayal is the only thing she won't forgive. She is a good housewife, often out of great love she spoils her children.

Other forms of the name Larisa: Laura, Lara, Larusya, Larisochka, Lorochka, Lorik, Larik, Largo, Larry.

In your name, Larisa,
Secret meaning and beauty.
It means "seagull"
And this is not without reason.

So beautiful and light
And your soul is bright.
Like a bird you are free
Soaring above your worries.

So in a great mood
Are you there every day,
And worries and problems
Let them go back into the shadows!

Larisa, happy holiday to you
We congratulate everyone lovingly.
We wish you only happiness in life,
So that all bad weather can be avoided.

We wish you joy, success,
Smiles, tenderness and laughter.
We wish you light and warmth,
Flowers, gifts and goodness.

Dear Larisa, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this day and wish you a happy and good life without obstacles and failures, I wish you brilliant success in any endeavor and good health, I wish you sincere joy of the soul and great luck.

Congratulations, Larisa,
Please accept it from me.
I wish on this holiday
Happiness. peace and love.

Believe in your dream, live beautifully,
Don't give up your hands,
Be bold, be playful,
Never be discouraged.

Today is Larisa's holiday.
Madam, you have talent as an actress:
There are too many emotions.
You are probably happy about the holiday.

Then I will immediately, without delay,
I give you congratulations lines:
So that the refrigerator is full,
So that the boss doesn’t forget the bonus.

Let your enemies not spit in your back,
They don't get there.
After all, you have gone ahead a long time ago,
And the enemy doesn’t reach there.

I want to always keep it that way,
We are always happy to support!

Larisa means “sweet” for good reason,
After all, you are sweet and good-looking.
Let the dawn of success for you
It shines so that the soul will laugh in future!

Let life be the way you want -
Successful, full of joy, love.
May your cherished dreams come true,
And the nightingales will sing about happiness!

Congratulations, Larisa,
I am sending you on a beautiful day,
Your warm smile
Sadness will drive away every shadow.

Let them always sparkle with happiness
Your kind eyes
Let them be afraid of their shine
Sadness, problems and trouble.

I want to drown in love,
Bathing in adoration
Be strong, go towards your dreams,
Don't mope and don't give up.

We know everything lives in you
Nice actress.
Can charm anyone
Marvelous Larisa.

You will always find the key
To the hearts of adults and children.
May there always be plenty
Your ideas are amazing.

Let your eyes always sparkle
Optimism, kindness.
No matter what happens in life,
Know that friends are always with you.

Larisa is a free bird,
It's not easy to tame her,
And the gods with a generous right hand
They decided to give her a gift.

She's beautiful and smart
Noticeable in any company -
It is silent and modest,
It's stunningly effective!

We wish you to live many years,
Carrying the warmth of the soul through the years,
And soar like a proud seagull,
Bypassing troubles and adversity!

Larisa, on this joyful day
I wish you a great mood!
Let the light shine in your eyes
And your life will be full of luck!

I wish you pure and beautiful love,
Cheerful, many loyal friends!
Larisa, dear, be happy,
May light always live in your soul!

I wish you many years under this sky,
Love and tenderness, warmth and kindness.
Be happy, Larisa, in this world,
Giving all loved ones the joy of beauty.

May adversity never enter your home,
May there always be warmth and light in it.
And the years quietly passing
They will leave a light, warm trace in your soul!

Congratulations: 54 in verse, 9 in prose.

There are several meanings: “seagull”, “sweet”, from Latin Laris is translated as “guardian spirit”. This name is not very common in the world.

Diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Lara, Larochka, Lariska, Larka, Larisochka, Larik.

According to the church calendar, Larisa celebrates the day of the angel on April 8, the day of the martyr Larisa of Goth.

  • Depending on the time of year of birth, Larisa’s character differs:
  • Winter - Kind, vulnerable, naive, sacrificial.
  • Spring - Unbalanced, domineering, independent, attractive.
  • Summer - Temperamental, selfish, sociable, smart.
  • Autumn - Hard-working, purposeful, secretive, unshakable.


Little Larisochka grows up to be a sensitive and compassionate girl, strongly attached to her parents. He gets very worried when his parents quarrel. She enjoys helping her parents with household chores and looking after her younger brothers and sisters. He tries not to stand out among his peers and behaves quietly and modestly. Doesn't like to borrow his toys and things. She loves to dress beautifully and twirl in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

During her school years, Larisa's character begins to change in a bold direction. He studies well thanks to his tenacious memory. In high school, her performance will depend on what kind of company Larisa hangs out in and what her hobbies are. Here the parents will have to monitor their daughter and warn her in time against possible mistakes so as not to ruin her life. Larisa does not tolerate her own failures well, she digests them within herself for a long time, and withdraws from those around her. You need to have confidential conversations with her, teach her to relate more easily to her own failures.

As an adult, in order to hide her vulnerability, Larisa becomes cynical and sarcastic, which pushes people away from her. And Larisa hides her suspiciousness and anxiety behind a mask of frivolity. Larisa, if you don’t offend her, remains a pleasant person to talk to. May resort to deception and intrigue to get his way. Tries to avoid noisy society where she feels uncomfortable.


Larisa begins to crawl and walk earlier than her peers, but is subject to frequent whims and nervous breakdowns. As a child, she often suffers from colds; it is better to put her into sports to strengthen her body. Parents should monitor their behavior, because their daughter Larisa often takes on nervousness and temper from them.


At work, Larisa is famous for her meticulousness, diligence and meticulousness. Maintains discipline and delivers work on time. Maintains smooth relationships with colleagues. If Larisa is praised and encouraged, she will produce better results. She will make an excellent teacher, scientist, journalist, writer, translator. She might become a famous actress. Larisa rarely changes her profession.


Due to Larisa's demanding attitude towards men, she is unlucky in love. Therefore, he prefers fleeting, non-committal novels. In an intimate sense, Larisa is not a passionate person, but she knows how to give the highest pleasure to her man.


With age, Larisa becomes softer; the later she gets married, the higher the likelihood that her marriage will be happy and lasting. At an older age, Larisa devotes more time to home rather than to her career. She will become a very caring mother who will take care of her children even when they no longer need it. She needs to pacify her custody of the children so as not to prevent them from growing as individuals. She can forgive her husband everything except betrayal.

Horoscope named Larisa

Aries - Powerful, selfish. He often makes mistakes in life. Pleasant to talk to, but does not know how to sympathize. Prefers fleeting novels.

Taurus – Tough, courageous. There is no challenge she cannot overcome. She is devoid of sentimentality and looks at the world soberly. Men admire her, but do not dare approach her.

Gemini - Sociable, restless. He has an excellent sense of humor, can discuss any topic, and is interested in everything in the world. Changes men like gloves.

Cancer – Changeable, active. Her mood changes several times a day, she is sensitive to criticism, and loves to be praised. She is often lazy.

Virgo - Sensitive, insecure. She hides her insecurities behind the mask of a strong and fatal woman. He has many talents, but due to his insecurity he cannot realize them.

Libra - Refined, amorous. If you fall madly in love, you may forget about work and hobbies. He has an excellent sense of humor and knows how to carry on any conversation.

Scorpio - Strong, distrustful. Her life is like a roller coaster, which prevents her from being happy. With his strong and domineering character he can suppress others, which they do not like.

Sagittarius – Freedom-loving, sociable. Can charm anyone, loves to travel. She will choose a similar man as her husband, with whom she will be happy.

Capricorn - Tenacious, patient. No obstacle will stop her on the way to her goal. You can rely on her in any situation, she will never let you down or leave you in trouble.

Aquarius – Calm, positive. Does not like to show emotions, has rational thinking. He calculates everything in advance. Her only drawback is gullibility, which causes her to suffer.