Lesson notes


Software tasks:

  1. Continue to teach children to be friendly and tolerant of each other;
  2. To form an understanding of friendship by creating a visible “portrait” of it;
  3. Develop systematic thinking, imagination, creativity.

Progress of the lesson

Let's tune in to kindness and friendship.

What is our date today? Funny?

(you can run, shout joyfully - you can laugh and hug: bright - everything sparkles, shines, radiates).

On such a good morning, we came with you to kindergarten.

(scheme shown).

What is a kindergarten? This is a house, rooms, toys, furniture, etc. Models are exhibited. (The teacher brings the children to the main idea: the main thing in kindergarten is children and adults).

When is it good for children and teachers in kindergarten? (When they are friends).

What does it mean to be friends? Who is called a friend? What is friendship? Let's try to draw her “portrait”.

What color is it? (Models).

What does she smell like?

What does it taste like?

And if you touch it, what does it feel like?

What weather is associated with friendship?

What animals can you remember? When do you talk about friendship?

What words?

It's interesting to see what Friendship looks like.

Let's; Let's draw her face. What shape is it? With what eyes does Friendship “look” at us?

Every face has lips and a nose. What are they like at Friendship? Etc.

After drawing the “portrait of Friendship”.

Look, the group has become even more fun, brighter, more joyful. And we wanted to say kind, friendly words about everyone (the most, the most...).

An album entry is made.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of the open lesson “What is friendship and true friends.” “Speech development and health preservation.”

Lesnykh Tatyana Mikhailovna. Teacher of the 1st qualification category of the MKDOU "Verkhnemamonsky kindergarten No. 1" Program content: To form an understanding that friendly relations...

lesson "What is friendship"

The lesson is aimed at developing communicative qualities, laying the moral foundation of the individual....

Abstract of the GCD "What is friendship."

Direct educational activityEducational area: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development. “What is friendship?”...

Akishina Natalia Alexandrovna

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to the concept of “friendship”, “true friend”;

To develop in children the skill of establishing good, friendly relationships with each other;

Expand children’s communication capabilities, the ability to select adjectives for nouns that denote human qualities;

Cultivate an attentive, sensitive attitude towards others; the ability to understand and explain the meaning of proverbs;

Progress: Children enter the hall to the song “Strong Friendship” by V. Shainsky.

Educator: Guys, look, there is a flower in our hall, but our flower is not at all beautiful, it does not have enough petals. But I’ll tell you a secret, this is not an ordinary flower, but a magical one, and Friendship helps it bloom. Do you agree to restore the beauty of the flower?

Children's answers.

Now is the first test that we must pass and find out what a friend should be like and play the game “Magic Flower” (children pass a flower to each other and name the qualities that a friend should have).

Educator: Well done, you completed the task and never repeated yourself! And our flower has its first petal.

Educator: Now you have a difficult task ahead of you! You will need to remember and explain proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Children call: "One for all and all for one". “Alone in the field is not a warrior”, “You can’t cut a strong friendship with an ax”, “A tree has strong roots, but a person has friends”, “Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”, “A friend is known in trouble”, etc.

Educator: Guys, you know a lot of proverbs about friendship and know how to explain them. And our flower has another petal. Well, now a new task awaits you. And it’s called “A Ball of Kind Words”

Children stand in a circle, take turns saying kind words to each other and making a ball out of strings.

Educator: Now look what a big ball of kind words we have. What's your mood?

Children: The mood is joyful, cheerful, because everyone is pleased to hear kind words.

Educator: Did you enjoy saying such words to your friends?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Now the third petal has appeared on our flower. He was also pleased to listen to your kind words. Now look at the screen and see illustrations from which you need to guess what work we are talking about and answer the questions.

Illustrations from V. Oseeva’s stories “Three Comrades”, “Blue Leaves”, “The Magic Word” appear on the multimedia installation.

Questions for children:

Which work about friendship is the illustration suitable for?

Why do you think so?

Which of the heroes did the right thing, in a friendly way?

Which proverb is suitable for each of the stories?

How do you evaluate the hero's actions?

What do real friends do?

Anyone want to talk about their friend?

Answers and stories from children.

Educator: Great job guys! You are very familiar with stories about friendship. Look, our flower has another petal.

And now I suggest you relax and warm up.

The teacher organizes a dynamic break, the children stand in a circle.

- Good afternoon my dear friend (handshake)

Look around you (we turn our heads from side to side).

There you are (we place our right hand on the neighbor’s shoulder).

I am here (we place our right hand on our chest).

Let's be together (we connect both hands with our palms to the hands of our neighbor).

Live (clap your hands)

Make friends (join hands with palms).

Educator: So we rested. Today we talked a lot about friends and friendship. Do you have friends?

Children's answers.

Educator: I suggest you play the “finish the phrase” game, because they are also friends with you and choose the best qualities. Listen to the phrase and complete it: “I think they are friends with me because...”

Children's answers.

Educator: You see how many good qualities of friendship you named. Look at our “Flower of Friendship”, it has bloomed and pleases us with its beautiful appearance. This shows that you guys know how to be true friends. Take care of your friends and you will have a happier life in the world! I invite you to stand in a circle, hold hands and sing the song “If you went on a journey with a friend.”

Summary of GCD on communication in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Friendship and Friends"



To promote the moral development of a child by developing his ideas about friendship.

Continue learning to select definitions for a given word

Develop expressive speech.

Develop imagination, verbal-logical thinking, auditory memory

Reinforce knowledge of proverbs about friendship.

To develop learning skills in children (the ability to answer questions with complete answers, listen carefully to their comrades, pronounce words clearly and distinctly).

Develop a sense of community among children in the group.

Materials and equipment:recording of Shainsky's musical work

"Friendship is strong." Presentation “My Friends”

Progress of the lesson:

Org. moment. Music plays (about friendship) Children stand in a circle.

Training exercise

IN. - I'm glad to see you. Today we will talk about friendship. And I invite you to a country called “Friendship” and in order to get to this country we must convey our friendship to each other.

Friendship relay.

The teacher begins (shaking hands): “I will convey my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally returns to me again. I feel like there is more friendship as each of you added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Good morning, guys!

Speech. We are all friendly guys. We are preschool children. We don't offend anyone. We know how to care. We will not leave anyone in trouble. We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it. May everyone be happy, happy and light!

IN: These are the good, handsome people I invite to class. Come in, sit down.

IN: Guys, who do you think can be called a true friend?

(The one who comes to the aid of another person, does not leave him in difficult times, does not stand aside).

A true friend should be: “kind”, “generous”, “loyal”, “honest”, “brave”, “selfless”, “friendly”, “loyal”, “courageous”, “sympathetic”, “reliable”.

IN: Children, how do you understand the words “friendly”, “selfless”, “devoted”

Children's answers.

IN: What is friendship and what does it consist of?

Children's answers.

IN: This means that friendship lies in the ability to share with a friend, to try to help him do what he cannot do. The ability not to argue over trifles, to rejoice in each other’s successes and good fortune.

IN: Which one of you has a boyfriend or girlfriend? Who wants to tell about their best friend. (Children's stories)

A teacher's story about children with disabilities and friendship with them.

Reading a poem


Y. Dubenskaya

They live together on a huge planet. Different adults, different children. We are different in appearance and skin color, but of course we are similar in some ways!

We all want to be happy, to discover new stars in the sky, to be strong friends, and not to be afraid of “the other.” My friend is in a stroller, what’s wrong with that?

He races with us, and we fish together by the river. There are no barriers or insults between us, He is the best, our disabled friend!

Years will pass, and we will become more mature, taller, wiser in life, and the whole world around us will change, but a devoted friend will remain nearby!

IN: Did you guys like the poem? What does it say?

IN: We are all different, each has its own characteristics, but we are all people and we should be friends.

Finger gymnastics. "Friendship"

Girls and boys are friends in our group. (Join your fingers into a “lock”).

We will make friends with you Little fingers. (Touching the fingertips of both hands.)

One, two, three, four, five - Start counting again. (Paired touch of fingers from the little fingers.)

One, two, three, four, five - We're done counting. (Hands down, shake hands)

IN: Now imagine this situation: you invite a friend to play checkers or lotto, and he says that he wants to ride a bike. What will you do in this case?

Children's answers.

IN: Well done, well done!

IN: Now imagine this situation: you are swinging on a swing, and there are guys standing around who are waiting for their turn. What are you going to do?

Children's answers.

IN: Right! Sway a little and give in to the other guys. In the poem "Swing" children also know how to make friends.


Imagine a swing - an airplane carpet.

I'm going on a long flight with it.

I'm flying over the fields, I'm flying over the river,

And I’ll wave goodbye to you.

Then I’ll land with my friends in the yard,

I'll let you fly on the magic carpet.

IN: I have prepared another poem for you, listen to it more carefully.


I have a crane

I'll play with him myself!

My faucet is brand new, shiny,

It's just like the real thing.

I won't give it to anyone -

This is my crane!

IN: What can you say about this child?

Children's answers.

IN: Of course, the poem is about a greedy boy. But it’s not for nothing that people noticed:

He who is greedy is not good in friendship,

And he who is generous is faithful in friendship.

IN: The Russian people have long valued true, strong friendship and came up with the idea of ​​friendship and

Friends have many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember them.

IN: A true friend is found in trouble.

IN: What other proverbs do you know about friendship?

One for all and all for one.

In true friendship it’s like this: get lost yourself and help your friend out.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.

Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.

Friendship is an assistant in business.

Remember friendship, but forget evil.

A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.

Friends, water will not spill.

Phys. just a minute.

Wider, our wonderful circle (move back, make the circle wider)

I am your friend and you are my friend (stretch your arms forward, press them to your chest)

Left, right, turn around (turn left, right)

And smile at each other

Stretch your hands towards the sun (raise your hands up)

The rays take it (squeeze, unclench your hands)

And press it to your chest (they press their hands to their chest)

With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more clearly.

IN: Guys, I want to tell you another story today:

Two girlfriends were walking in the park, walking along the sidewalk, and they all didn’t have enough space: they would either push each other or pass each other. They saw the artist and asked him to draw them. And you know, the picture turned out to be very strange. HE drew girls dressed in the same dress. And the artist signed the picture like this: “Together it’s cramped, but apart there’s even crying.”

IN: Can you explain this picture and proverb?

Children's answers.

IN: Well done boys. Friends are those who are always there and with whom you feel good together.

IN: Today we talked about friendship and friends.

IN: I suggest playing the game “finish the phrase” because they are also friends with you and

choose your best qualities.

Listen to the phrase and complete it: “I think they are friends with me because.”

Children's answers.

IN: You see how many good qualities there are in friendship.

Now I suggest you sit on the chairs.

You and I talked a lot about friendship, and I did something about you, friendly children,

A short movie. Let's see it.

View the presentation “My Friends”

Lesson summary for the preparatory group

"House of Friendship"

Teacher 1st category: GBOU Kindergarten

No. 000 Moscow


Enrich preschoolers' vocabulary with synonyms and epithets;

Concretize children's knowledge of proverbs and sayings about friendship;

Form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance);

Fostering friendliness, empathy, and a friendly attitude towards each other;

Lay the moral foundations of the individual in the process of forming ideas about friendship;

Develop the ability to understand and differentiate between positive and negative social emotions;

Continue to work on awareness of basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear;

Learn to express your emotional state using facial expressions and gestures;


1. Greeting.

2. Make up a word.

3. Brainstorming.

4. Game "Word Families".

5. Game "World without a friend."

6. Game “Web of Kind Words.”

7. “Joyful fireworks.”

8. Physical education minute.”

9. Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

10. Game "Determine the mood."

11. Game “Show your mood.”

12. Game exercise “Define the action.”

13. Make rules.

14. Portrait of a friend.

15. Completion of the lesson.

Equipment:letter, cardboard bricks for the house, letters, watercolors, brushes, cocktail straws, wax crayons; small and large circles for drawing; emotion pictograms.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Guests came to us today.

You will now turn to them,

Smile, make friends.

Educator: Guys, how do you greet each other when you come to kindergarten in the morning?

Children: Say “Hello”, “Good morning”, “Hello!”

Educator: Let's greet our comrades not with words, but with our bodies. When I clap, you will shake hands once. Two claps - touch your elbows. Three claps - with your backs.

Game "Let's say hello."


Guys! Someone threw it to us at the window,

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

While flying, did you drop it?

Want to know who the letter is from? Try to guess from this song.

The song Shapoklyak is playing.

Children: The letter was sent by Shapoklyak. Well done, you guessed correctly. Do you remember what happened to Shapoklyak?

Children: Yes, she flew away on balloons.

Educator: Let's see what Shapoklyak writes to us.

The teacher reads out the letter: Hello, dear children! Balloons brought me to your city. But even here I can’t find friends. And the house of friendship that Crocodile Gena and his friends built was left far behind. I'm so sad and bored alone, please help me find friends. I will never be mischievous or mischievous again. Goodbye, your Shapoklyak.

Educator: How can we help Shapoklyak?

Children: Let's invite you to live with us. Let's write an ad. Let's build a house of Friendship.

Educator: Let's build a house of friendship, like the heroes of the famous cartoon, and invite Shapoklyak to live there. But the bricks for the house will be special, we will receive them if we complete the tasks correctly. I hope you understand that the work is not so simple, we have a long way to go and more than one task to complete. Each task is one brick, and each brick is a part of the house, our house of Friendship.

Task 1: Make up a word. You need to make words from the letters that are in front of you on the board: r d u b a zh.

What word did you get? "Brainstorm" - what is friendship?

Educator: Where do you think friendship begins?

Educator: Who can you be friends with?

Children: With someone you like. With the one who shares with you. With someone who doesn't hurt you.

Educator: Do you think it is possible to live without friends?

Children: Without friends it’s boring and not interesting. There is no one to talk to or play with.

Educator: Are friends known in good times or in bad times?

Children: In times of trouble, friends will always help.

Educator: Do you enjoy it when your friends share your joy? What about troubles? What can friends do together?

Children: Play, work, study, relax, laugh, joke, talk, be silent, etc.

Educator: Well done! We have passed the first stage of the journey. And we can lay the first brick of the House of Friendship.

Game "Word Families". They approach the easel. On it is a drawing of a tree, in the roots of which the word “Friendship” is written.

Educator: What kind of word does this tree keep? (child reads). The word “friendship” has words - relatives. Let's name words similar to it.

Children: Friend, buddy, be friends, friendly, friends, make friends.

Educator: Well done! We have passed the second stage of the journey. And we can lay another brick of the house of friendship.

Educator: I want to offer you another game called “A World Without a Friend.” I will start the sentences and you will finish them:

A world without a friend would not be interesting because...

A world without a friend would be a bleak place because...

A world without a friend would be a dark place because...

Educator: We laid the third brick of the house of friendship. Go ahead.

Educator: And now friends, I want to know if your friendship is strong?

Game "Cobwebs". Exercise “Web of Kind Words.” I have a “ball of friendship” that I will pass on to Olya. She will wrap the free end of the thread around her palm twice and roll the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying the movement with a good wish or a compliment. The one who accepts the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

Educator: Now look at the web of kind words we have created. What's your mood now? Has it changed? Which way and why?

Children: The mood became joyful, cheerful, because it was nice to listen to kind words.

Educator: Was it pleasant to say such words to your friends?

Children: Yes, and it was nice to say kind words to friends.

Educator: We have laid the fourth brick of the house of friendship. And, since we are all in such a joyful mood, let’s arrange a “Joyful Fireworks.” Sit down at the table, take paints, brushes, drip colorful drops onto the paper, blow on them from tubes. Like this. Fine. Great. Wonderful. Wonderful. And they completed this task. Let's put the fifth brick.

Physical education minute

Goal: relieve physical tension, gather attention to move on to the next exercise.

Warm-up exercise. "Teremok". Duration 2 min.

There is a tower in the clearing,

(Palms folded like a house)

The door is locked

(Close your fingers into a lock).

Smoke is coming from the chimney

(Make rings from all fingers one by one)

There is a fence around the tower

(Hands in front of you, fingers spread).

To prevent a thief from getting in

(Click each finger alternately)

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

(knock on palm with fist)

Open up!

(Spread your arms wide to the sides).

I am your friend!

(Close your palms one across the other)

Educator: To get this brick, you and I must remember the proverbs about friendship.


Quarrel does not lead to good things.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

One for all and all for one.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Anyone who likes to lie should not be taken as a friend.

Better an honest enemy than a treacherous friend.

Holding on to each other means not being afraid of anything.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble gets into trouble himself.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.

Not the friend who walks at a feast, but the one who helps in trouble.

A friend argues, but an enemy agrees.

Educator: Well done, you know a lot of proverbs about friendship! The sixth brick was laid.

Game "Find out the mood." How can you tell a person’s mood? That's right, in the face. Here are pictures with different faces. Find a person who is in a sad mood, a happy one, a person who is scared, surprised, or angry. Let's play. Game “One, two, three... show me”... I will give you commands. For example, one-two-three, how scared I was (surprised, sad, angry, happy) show me. You must show fear on your face. How else can you find out a person’s mood? That's right, by the intonation with which he speaks. I will pronounce a phrase, and you will name the mood with which I said it.


How can I not cry? I had a wooden hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came. The fox's hut melted. She asked me to warm up, but she kicked me out.

That's how it is?! The fox has taken over my hut!

Let's go to. I'll kick her out.

I'm getting dressed. I'm putting on a fur coat.

How will I jump out, how will I jump out. Pieces will go down the back streets!

Educator: We completed the task, here is the next brick. The next task is called “1, 2, 3, tell me about the picture.”

Educator: We laid another brick in the house of Friendship. Now you know everything about friendship. It's time to create rules of friendship that you can use in life. And I will write these rules in our book of friends.

Help a friend.

To be honest.

Give in.

Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

Don't be rude.

Don't be greedy.

Don't get angry.

Educator: How many difficult tasks we have completed, how much you know about friendship. This means you can easily find friends and be loyal and good comrades. Thanks to your efforts, the House of Friendship turned out to be large and beautiful. But, in my opinion, is there something missing?

Children: Of people. Zhiltsov.

Educator: Who will live in the House of Friendship? You need to place friends in the windows to make it bright and fun!

They draw portraits of friends and place them in the windows of the House of Friendship.

Educator: You did wonderful work. Look how the House of Friendship was lit up with joyful smiles and warmed by the warmth of friendly hearts! At the end of the lesson, the exercise “Goodbye, everyone!” is carried out. - an exercise to unite and unite children in a group. Children form a circle, and then put their fists in a single “column” and loudly say: “Goodbye, everyone!”, then remove their fists.


1. , Nilova of communication: Development of the child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers. – “Childhood – Press”, 2003.

2. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten \ Ed. , . - St. Petersburg: “Childhood – Press”, 2001.

3. Plan - program of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: Methodological manual for kindergarten teachers. \ Comp. and etc.; edited by . – St. Petersburg: “Childhood – Press”, 2003.

4. Series Demonstration material for frontal classes, Proverbs and sayings: illustrations - “Book lover”, Moscow.

Summary of an open lesson. Theme of the lesson: “Secrets of friendship.”

Type of lesson: Social - personal.

Type of lesson: Cognitive.

Lesson topic:“Secrets of Friendship” (club work on social and personal development “The World of My Possibilities”).

Children's age: 6-7 years old (children of the preparatory group).

Method of organizing children in class: with a subgroup of children 10-12 people.

Preliminary work: holding a conversation on the topic “What is friendship?”, learning proverbs, poems and songs about friendship, outdoor games and physical education, conducting group work “The World of My Possibilities”; listening to audio recordings of children's songs about friendship: music by B. Savelyev, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “If you are kind”, music by V. Shainsky lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “Smile”, music by E. Krylatov lyrics. Yu. Yakovleva “Lullaby of the Bear”; music by B. Savelyev, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky “A True Friend, watching the cartoons “True Friends”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, etc.

Visual didactic material that ensures the formation of sensory experience in preschoolers: a three-dimensional “artificial tree” model, models of multi-colored candies, cards with letters (friends, friendship), plot pictures for the game “Encrypted Pictures”, pictures with the emotional state of people for the exercise “Facial expressions” "

Purpose of the lesson: Formation in children of friendly relationships and positive attitudes towards themselves and others.

Objectives: Educational: Teach children to reflect on the moral essence of actions and distinguish between each other’s emotional states;

Developmental: Develop social and moral feelings, mutual assistance, and also improve communication skills;

Educating: To foster a fair attitude towards each other and moral forms of behavior.

Main parts of the lesson:

Introductory part: Greetings

— Listen to the audio recording “Friendship begins with a smile”

— Exercise “Smile”;

— Exercise “Call your neighbor affectionately by name.”

Main part: Surprise moment mockup of an unusual tree with colorful candies

— Word game “A world without a friend”;

— Game “Collect the word”;

— Exercise “Continue the proverb”;

— Game “Encrypted Pictures”;

— Exercise “Facial expressions”;

Final part: Summarizing

— Exercise “Name the secrets of friendship”;

— Farewell ritual “Give a tulip to a friend”

Physical education break related to the content of the lesson:

— Finger gymnastics “Friendship”;

— Physical education lesson “We stood up together to warm up”

Follow up work:

— Conducting a quiz “Friendship is our strength”;

— Conducting classes on social and personal development “The World of My Possibilities”;

— Continue studying folklore (proverbs and sayings about friendship); children's songs and poems.

— Observation of children in various activities (games, educational activities, walks, sports events, themed matinees, participation in regional and city competitions).

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part of the lesson:

An audio recording of the song “Friendship Begins with a Smile” plays and the guys stand in a circle.

Social teacher:- Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you!

And it’s no coincidence that I included this song. Have each of you guessed what our meeting is about?

Children (in chorus):- Friendship!

Social teacher: That's right, friendship. And also guys, we have to go through various tests and unravel the “secrets of friendship.” Be careful!

So where does friendship begin?

Children (in chorus): With a smile!

Children perform the “Smile” exercise.

Social teacher: Well done boys! That’s how easily we unraveled the first “secret of friendship”, which was “hidden” in the song “Friendship begins with a smile.”

Now let’s greet each other with polite words!

The exercise “Call your neighbor affectionately by name” is carried out. Using polite words, you need to call your neighbor by an affectionate name. For example, a child turns to a neighbor on the left: “Hello, Slavik!” He turns to the next child: “Hello, Tanyusha!”, “Good afternoon, Vanyusha!” etc.

The children do it.

Social teacher: Well done boys! We were all friendly to each other now! This is the second “secret of friendship.”

Main part of the lesson:

Social teacher:(children sit on chairs, forming a circle).

- Guys, our tests do not end here, but continue, and this unusual tree on which colored candies grow will help me. And the “secrets of friendship” are encrypted in the candies - So, are you ready?

(The social teacher invites one child at a time and gives instructions).


- I take the yellow candy from the tree, what I will find in the candy, I don’t know yet, I open it...

Social teacher:“Is it possible to live without a friend?”

Social teacher:- I will start the sentences, and you will finish it.
The word game “A World Without a Friend” is being played.

— A world without a friend would not be interesting because...

- A world without a friend would be joyless because...

- The world without a friend would be dark because...

— A world without a friend would be boring because...

Social teacher:- Well done! We have passed this stage of testing too.
A social teacher conducts finger gymnastics “Friendship”

The girls and boys in our group are friends.

(Embrace your left palm with your right palm and sway it to the rhythm of the poem)
You and I will make friends with little fingers.

(Embrace your left palm with your right and sway it to the rhythm of the poem)
One two three four five.

Five, four, three, two, one. (Connect the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb. Then connect, starting with the little finger.

Social teacher: Well done everyone! Let's go through the next test.

Child:- I take the red candy off the tree, I don’t know what I’ll find in the candy yet, I open it...

Social teacher:— We need to collect two words from letters.

Child:- Oh, and I need a friend’s help!?!

(A friend comes to the rescue).

Children collect words. Social teacher (conducts the game “Collect the word!”)

The envelope contains cards with letters. You need to formulate the words correctly:
"friendship" and "friends". Children read words.

Social teacher: And we did it!

Child:- I take the blue candy off the tree, I don’t know what I’ll find in the candy yet, I open it...

Social teacher: You all know a lot of proverbs about friendship, I suggest you remember them. I will pronounce the beginning of the proverb, and you will pronounce its continuation.

(The child holding the candy in his hands starts.)

  • If you don’t have a friend, look for it (and if you find it, take care of it).
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed).
  • Don't leave your friend (in misfortune).
  • Strong friendship (you can’t cut it with an ax).
  • Where friendship is valued (where enemies also tremble).
  • He destroys himself (who does not love others).
  • Friendship and brotherhood (more valuable than any wealth).
  • An old friend is better than two new ones).
  • Friendship in business (assistant).
  • Friendship is like glass (if you break it, you can’t put it back together).
  • Remember friendship (and forget evil).
  • I make new friends (but don’t forget old ones).

- “If only I had a friend, (there will be leisure)”
- “Don’t have a hundred rubles, (but have a hundred friends)”
- “Rye and wheat will be born every year, (and a faithful friend will always come in handy)”

Social teacher: Well done boys! What secrets of friendship are spoken about in proverbs?


— Friends in difficult times should help each other.

- Take care of friendly relations.

- Be friends sincerely.

- Support each other.

— Treats friends with respect.

- Remember about your friends.

Social teacher: This is how many “secrets of friendship” are contained in folk wisdom.

A social teacher conducts a physical education session: Physical education session “We stood up together to warm up.”

We stood up together to warm up

And bend the back back,

One-two, one-two, one-two-three,

Don't fall, look

(Children lean back, resting their palms on their lower backs)

Leaning forward

Who reaches the floor?

This difficult work

Together we do the counting.

(Bends forward).

Child:- I take the green candy from the tree, what I will find in the candy, I don’t know yet, I open it...

Social teacher: The next secret is “encrypted” in pictures.

(The social teacher shows story pictures).

Children consider and discuss the situations depicted.

- This is another secret of friendship - help everyone who needs help, and you will have many friends.

Child:- I take the orange candy off the tree, what I will find in the candy, I don’t know yet, I open it...

Social teacher:— Many dangers await friendly relationships: hurtful words, rudeness, fights, anger, tears over trifles, whims. Let's show our bad mood with facial expressions and strive for a good mood.

(The social educator shows pictures of people’s emotional states)

Children perform the “Facial expressions” exercise.

Social teacher:- So you managed to cope with a bad mood and reveal the “secret of friendship” - a good mood.

Child:- I take the purple candy from the tree, what I will find in the candy, I don’t know yet, I open it...

Social teacher:- Now let's try to recognize our friend by his voice. The next test is called “Find out by voice - who said it?”

The child driving, sitting with his back to the players, must find out which of the children said: “You won’t recognize my voice; you won’t guess who said it.”

Final part of the lesson:

Social teacher: Well done, you are real friends! How many different tests we have gone through, how much you know about friendship. This means you can easily find friends and be loyal and good comrades. So you and I are the most friendly family. Look how our group was lit up with joyful smiles and warmed by the warmth of friendly hearts! Let's call all the “secrets of friendship” again?

(Children call). Summing up the lesson.

- What do you need for life?

Children (answer in unison): Sun!

- What is needed for friendship?

Children (answer in unison): Heart!

- What does the heart need?

Children (answer in unison): Happiness!

- What is needed for happiness?

Children (answer in unison): World!

Farewell ritual “Give a tulip to a friend.”

Once upon a time there was a Tulip. (Palms represent an open bud).

Autumn has come and a cold wind has blown. (Blow cold air onto your palms).

The tulip became cold, he closed himself, he was sad. (Palms close, face sad).

Suddenly the sun came out and a warm breeze blew. (Blow warm air onto your palms).

The tulip opens its petals and enjoys the sun. (Palms open, children smell the flower, happy faces, clap their hands.)

Children give each other an imaginary tulip and say goodbye.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and say: “Goodbye, Nastenka!” Goodbye, Sasha! Etc.

Social teacher:- Goodbye, guys!

List of methodological literature that was used in preparing the lesson notes:

1. Akimova G.E. Activities with children from birth to six years: Growing, playing, developing! Ekaterinburg, "U-Factoria", 2006

2. Alyabyeva E.A. Kindergarten with love: games for children 4 -7 years old: development of speech and imagination, Moscow, “TC – Sfera”, 2009.

3. Grishechkina N.V. Golden collection of games - 150 best educational games for children 5 - 7 years old, Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 2008.

4. Dmitrieva V.G. 365 educational games and exercises for children from birth to 7 years, St. Petersburg, LLC "Sova", 2008.

5. Dobina N.I. Development of a child’s personality in kindergarten 5 – 7 years old, Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 2008.

6. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education lessons for preschoolers, Moscow, “VAKO”, 2006.

7. Kuznetsova A.E. The ABC of Development - 205 educational games for children 3 -7 years old, Moscow, RIPOL CLASSIC HOUSE LLC, 2008.

8. Smirnova M.V. 2500: tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, JSC "OLMA - MEDIA GROUP", 2009.