Do you want to give a birthday (or other occasion) gift to your loved ones in an unusual way? There is a great solution - test your ingenuity and ingenuity! Let the gift not come so easily. The hero of the occasion must find a gift, following cunning clues that will gradually lead him to his cherished goal.

This quest (tasks) is suitable for both children from 8 years old and adults (for example, husband, wife, friend, young man, etc.).

Quest script for finding a gift

  1. You hand the birthday boy a beautifully packaged small box, and in it lies a crumpled note. (you can fill the box with confetti, raffia, strips of paper, etc., so that you still have to find the note):

You didn't expect such a gift -

A piece of paper gathered into a ball?

But this is just the beginning of the marathon!

You'll have to work hard, my friend!

To get the first clue, solve the riddle:

Two bellies, four ears - what is it?

Answer: pillow.

The next riddle lies under any pillow in the apartment (on which one sleeps or in sofa or decorative pillows).

  1. Hint #2

Choose a book from your home library. Now you need to make up a word for the next hide and seek place from numbers that will indicate the page, row and serial number of the desired letter.

We write on paper by hand or print it out. We put the note in this book, and the book under the pillow. Encrypt the word PLATE (You can also add color or purpose for complexity, for example, GREEN PLATE, SOUP PLATE).

For example:

The note will look like this (“address” of each letter on a new line):

page row. letter(we don’t indicate this in the note, the detective must guess what these numbers are)

That is, the letter " T" is located in your book on page 150, row 10 from the top, and it is the 4th letter from the beginning of the line. It seems like it takes a long time, but in fact everything is easy and quick to do. It will be interesting for the quest participant, the main thing is to remember, well, or write down the letters.

P.S. Instead of a plate there can be: a flower pot, a favorite cup, the bottom of a lid. In general, anything, but the bottom of something is better. 🙂

3.Hint #3

Glue to the bottom of the selected plate (or something else) QR code. You can download it here ->

How to use the application:

  1. Take a mobile phone with a camera,
  2. Launch the program to scan the code,
  3. Point the camera lens at the code,
  4. Get the information!

You'll have to be well prepared. 🙂 If a detective looks at the code like you know who (there have been cases:), then don’t give up, let him think. Well, or give him the phone and let him try to call you.

The following is encoded: It's time to refresh yourself, my friend! Eat a delicious pie!

As an option: if it’s not possible, or you didn’t have time to print it, then tip #2 we encode the word not plate, but COMPUTER (laptop, tablet), because The code can also be read from the monitor or tablet screen. The quest participant must lift the lid of the laptop, or move the mouse on the PC, turn on the tablet, and there will be a picture with a code open.

  1. Hint #4

Prepare a separate pie (bun, cupcake, cake) in advance (either bake it yourself and hide a note inside, or buy a pie and put the hint at the bottom of the plate/box in a small bag.) You can put it in the refrigerator.

In the hint: Get the word right and you'll get the next clue!

The letters are written randomly (preferably in different colors), or you can cut out each letter separately and put it in a small envelope and attach it to the note.

We write the letters of the next cache: OVEN

Alternatively: microwave, bottle, saucepan, coffee pot.

  1. Hint #5

We continue our home quest to find a gift.

In the oven (can be hidden under pans and pots if they are stored in the oven) the following task:

Just a little more, just a little more! And the difficult journey will end!

Solve the riddle and get the following clue:

In a fairy tale he can fly,

At home, become a decoration.

Answer: Carpet

  1. Hint #6

Let's hide the next message under the rug! It’s good if there are several carpets in the apartment, the search will take longer!

There's a mystery under the carpet:

Round, smooth like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.

Answer: balloon

Prepare a balloon.

  1. Hint #7

Place the following clue in the balloon and inflate it. The ball itself must be hidden somewhere, let the quest participant look carefully, it’s not that simple)).

Examples of hide and seek: on/in the closet, under the bed, on the balcony, in a bag.

As an option: you can inflate several opaque balloons so that you still need to determine which balloon contains the clue. You can also use a helium balloon.

To get the clue, you need to burst the ball.

The test participant finds a task in the ball where he must guess the place of hide and seek.

In the note: Next clue in white high-rise building!

Answer: closet.(replace with the color of your cabinet)

We hide the note on a shelf in the largest closet in the house so that a piece of paper (an envelope, a tail of string tied to the note) sticks out.

  1. Hint #8

Clue found in the closet:

Just a little left! Well done!

The centipede will help you find the next clue,

who has a back, but never lies down!

Answer: chair

We hide the next clue on the chair (glue it to the bottom or to the leg with tape).

9. Hint #9

There is one last step left and the quest to find the gift will be completed!

In the last clue under the chair:

Looks like the whim was a success!

You were able to find the answer to everything!

And you can get your prize

Where does the sun's light come from!

Answer: window

Hiding the gift behind the curtains on the windowsill!

Cards for the quest

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in electronic form) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 minutes) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the “Place an order” button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill out the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around your apartment.
What is included:
1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys)
2. Blank cards for your own corrections or assignments
3. Individual letters (of the entire alphabet) for task No. 4
4. QR code (encryption for this scenario)
5. Additionally - a stylish “happy birthday” card. It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in tech. support (address listed below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the “place order” button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

"In search of treasure."

Game - competition


    uniting the children's team;

    teach you to make decisions quickly;

    show the need to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the team.


    introducing children to collective play activities;

    developing in children the skill of working in groups, the ability to make collective decisions in the process of discussing tips;

    identifying leaders.

Equipment: hoops, glue, 7 cards, A3 paper, prizes, tasks on sheets, signs with the names of stations.

Progress of the event

Presenter. An island is a small piece of land surrounded on all sides by water. We can say that this is a small dot lost in the ocean. We will get to this island by ship. On a mysterious island, unforgettable adventures await you with the pirates and their leader. Pirate cocked hats, cutlasses, old maps with buried treasure, old Billy Bones' riddles and a search for a chest of gold coins.

Are you ready for adventure? (children's answer)

Then join our coastal brotherhood!

Hidden on this mysterious island is an ancient map that shows the path that leads to a treasure chest. But getting to the treasure will not be so easy! Since the map is cut into several parts and hidden throughout the island. There will be many obstacles on the island, as a result of which you will have to stop and complete various tasks.

Each team selects a captain and comes up with a team name. You run around the island and look for stations. At the stations you will need to complete a task to get a piece of the map. In terms of time, you need to complete the task as quickly as possible and run to look for the next station. Then, as you visit all the stations, you will have all the parts of the map. You will need to collect a map and go along the indicated route in search of treasure. Whichever team gets to the treasure first gets it.

Station 1. Swamp. - Guys, you have arrived at a station calledSwamp. To get part of the map, you need to solve riddles about the inhabitants of the swamp.

1. Jumps through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs.

Her name is... (frog).

2. She lives in the reeds,

Her house is among the swamps,

Where the frogs are.

Tsap! - and there is no wah. (Heron)

3. There’s someone’s house on the branch here.

There are no doors in it, no windows.

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.

This is the name of the house... (Nest)

4. It may break,

It might cook

And if he wants, he will hit the bird

Might turn . (Egg)

5. Reeds grow by the river,

A baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face. (Little Frog)

6. This is an old friend of ours,

He lives on the roof of the house.

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp . (Stork)

7. People live under water.

Walks backwards. (Cancer)

8. In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

9. There is something in this swamp.

You will pass along them by jumping.

There are tubercles in the swamp -

Small islands.

These little islands

Everyone calls ... (bumps).


Station 2. Box meetings.

Box meetings.

Box meets are fun sporting events. They are called “meetings” because they are held as a “counter relay race”. And they are “boxed” becauseAll relay races use only one apparatus - ordinaryMatchbox (no matches!).

In box relays, like all others, several teams from two to ten participate. The most optimal number of teams is three. With so many of them, it is very convenient to determine the winners both at each stage and based on the results of the entire competition.If the team completes the task first, it is awarded 3 points, the second - 2 points, the third - one . Whoever has more points after all stages is the winner of the “Box Matches”.

In box relays, as in all head-to-head relays, teams must consist of an even number of players: 4, 6, 8 or 10. In this case, half of the team must be on one line of the playing distance, and the other half on the other line. The distance between these lines is 5 meters (10 meters for older children). The challenge for players in head-to-head relays is simple: carry a box one way and pass it to a teammate to carry it back. When the last team member delivers the boxes to the place from which the movement began, the stage is completed.

And in totalStages in "Box Encounters" 6:

1 . Carry the box, placing it on the top of your head.

2. Carry the box, placing it on your shoulder like a shoulder strap.

3. Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.

4. Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar area.

5. Carry the box, placing it on your foot in the area of ​​the instep.

6. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck (the ends of the box should rest against the chin and neck).

Of course, if a box falls while moving, the relay participant must stop, put it back in place and only after that, continue on your way.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).Station 3. Cave. - Guys, you have arrived at the station calledCave. To get through the cave. You need to complete the following task. The team forms a column and stands still. Only two people are moving here, holding a hoop in their hands. They pass it through the entire team. One of the participants then stands at the back of the column, the other takes the first one as his partner. The path through the cave is repeated until the last one passes through it.- Well done! Guys, you crossed the cave and get part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 4. INTELLIGENCE. (Quiz)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledIntelligence

    If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?(It’s impossible, because in 72 hours, that is, in 3 days, it will be 12 o’clock at night again, and the sun doesn’t shine at night, unless it happens above the Arctic Circle on a polar day)

    Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative?("Are you sleeping?")

    If a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (2 kg)

    Why do they say “the buffoon”?(Because the jester had dried peas in his rattle)

    There were 4 birch trees, on each birch there were 4 large branches, on each large branch - 4 small branches, on each small branch - 4 apples. How many apples are there in total?(None: apples don’t grow on birch trees)

    Is there a year in this century that will not change if written in numbers and turned “upside down”?(1961)

    Where does the water stand?(In glass)

    The miller came to the mill. In each of the 4 corners I saw 3 bags, on each bag sat 3 cats, and each cat had 3 kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill?(Two: cats have paws)

    What could it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

    (Rider on a horse)

    Which city is sweet?(Raisin)

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 5. Tavern.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledTavern .

I’m going to read the assignments to you now, and you have to guess what it’s about. After you answer all the questions, you will receive a piece of the map. - So, listen carefully!


  • 1.I really like this thing.

2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults.

3. Once she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.

4. It looks like a grenade.

5. She has a string that you need to pull.


    1. They come in different colors.

2. The entire floor of our house was covered with them.

3. One day, mom got them confused in her head, and she couldn’t get them out.

4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.

5. My dad makes them with a hole punch.


    1. This is something so long.

2. My mother decorated my suit with this.

3. It is so colorful and shiny.

4. It can be easily torn.

5. It is made from foil.


    1. When I was little, I never heard them.

2. They are only in Moscow.

3. And at this time everyone gets up and clinks their glasses.

4. They are always shown on TV.

5. Actually, they have arrows.


    1. My dad says that they could set the house on fire.

2. I have a whole pack.

3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands.

4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some people do it.

5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere.

(Bengal candles)

    1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.

2. And we had it in the sideboard for six months.

3. There first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”.

4. The most important thing is to make sure it doesn’t run away.

5. Our traffic jam almost broke a mirror.


- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 6. Mixed up newspapers. (This assignment requires several newspapers.)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledMixed up newspapers.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 7. Zoological quiz.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledZoology quiz . To get a piece of the map, you need to answer the following questions.

Who can hear with their feet? (Answer: grasshopper)

Who runs the fastest? (Answer: cheetah)

Who has a lip to the ground? (Answer: elephant)

Who flies without wings? (Answer:flying squirrel )

Who is the most toothy and clawed? (Answer:armadillo )

Who has a house made of thin air? (Answer:lizards - pongolins )

Whose tongue is longer than the body? (Answer:chameleon )

Who is the dead one that bites? (Answer:crocodile caiman )

Who has a nose like a cucumber? (Answer:monkey - kahau )

ANSWERS: grasshopper, cheetah, elephant, flying squirrel, armadillo, lizards - pongolins, chameleon,

crocodile caiman, monkey - kahau.

Logical task.

    How many days will it take for a snail to reach the top of a tree 15 meters high if it manages to climb 5 meters during the day, and during sleep it will fall down 4 meters?

ANSWER: 11 days.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

The teams go around all the stations and collect pieces of the map. Having collected the map, they go to the last 8th station in search of treasure. The location of the treasure is indicated on the map. The team that finds the treasure first takes it.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Novoeniseiskaya secondary school"

Scenario game programs

« IN searching treasures »

For students: 1-4, 5-7 grades

Planned number of participants: 25 people

Prepared by: Senior counselor

Elkina Svetlana Alexandrovna

With. New Yeniseika 2014


    organization of children's leisure;


    diversify the forms of creative, playful, and physical activity of children.

    to form and unite a children's team through joint play activities.

    develop through motor tasks, games and relay races - memory, attention, logical thinking, observation; as well as physical qualities - agility, reaction speed, coordination of movements, endurance.

    cultivate creative activity and responsibility when performing collective tasks.


the room is decorated in a nautical style: ropes, steering wheel, anchor.

Equipment and props:

Rope, skittles, balls, pirate bandanas, paper clips, anchor, picture of sharks, world map, balloons, markers, ropes, chest.


(music plays, a pirate appears)


Hey half-hearted! All the way up!!

What kind of joke? What kind of laughter?

We can't stand fun

We take what we want, we don’t ask.

Arguing with us is of little use,

There are no barriers to the sea WOLF.

We know the treasures of all the seas

In the holds of different ships.

I want to tell you the good news that you have a treasure hidden somewhere. But only real pirates are allowed to search for treasure.

Who wants to become like that and find treasures?

Those interested must goINITIATION INTO PIRATES:

1. To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm.

You need to quickly walk along the rope and not fall (not get off it).

Place your feet strictly heel to toe!

2. Pirates must be accurate. Knock down at least one of the three pins arranged in a row with images of sharks attached to them.

(skittles, balls).

3. All sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow orders around the ship:

Left hand drive! - step to the left.

Right steering wheel! - step to the right.

Nose! - step forward.

Stern! - step back.

Raise the sails! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.

Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

Cannonball! - everyone squats.

The admiral is on board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and salutes.

4. Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. You need to quickly and correctly answer the riddles:

Fastest from fear

Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In your warm puddle

Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Walked along a steep mountain

Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

In the thicket I raised my head,

Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like in a bus salon

Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest

The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,

The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).

Takes hay with trunk

Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.

There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:

“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

Pirate: Great team - everyone is so smart, cunning, dexterous! Everyone receives a BANDANA. Future pirates are ready. But only real pirates can go in search of a real treasure, so all participants need to confirm a solemn oath:

“By joining the ranks of pirates and treasure hunters, I swear to honor the pirate code, not to be cowardly, not to be discouraged, to help my comrades, to divide the found treasures according to honor and conscience, otherwise let me be deprived of my share of the treasures and thrown to the sharks.” We swear! We swear! We swear!

The pirate reads a poem.

Before the last line in each quatrain, he shows the children a piece of paper with a hint line and the children pronounce the line loudly in chorus.

Raise the anchors

Let's go to the seas!

We are fearless guys...

Children: Because we are pirates!

There is a menacing wave in the sea,

Hurricanes and storms

Well, we are sailing somewhere...

Children: Because we are pirates!

We love all the animals

Inhabitants of the seas:

Octopus, dolphins, stingrays...

Children: Because we are pirates!

We sharpened our knives

Those who didn't hide - tremble!

Only we are not to blame

Children: Because we are pirates!

We're sailing straight to the island,

We'll find treasures there!

Let's live richly, friends...

Children: Because we are pirates!

Pirate: Now, to find the treasure, you need to know where to look for it, if you complete all my tasks, you will receive letters from which you will make a word, this will be a hint where to look for the treasure.

Exercise 1

“PIRATE-ERUDITE” (Check for knowledge of maritime terms)

Sea vessel or otherwise... (ship)

The main person on the ship after the captain (boatswain)

Sailor apprentice (cabin boy)

Tall wooden sail support (mast)

Board for launching from a ship (ladder)

Sea robbers (pirates)

Ship's rudder (wheel)

Sun setting over the horizon (sunset)

Duty on the ship (watch)

The most famous pirate (Flint)

Ship's cook (cook)

Accommodation for the captain or passengers (cabin)

A large body of salt water smaller than an ocean (sea)

The land is washed on all sides by what? What do you call something that is much larger than the sea? (ocean)

Stormy weather with thunder and lightning (thunderstorm)

Ship's rudder (wheel)

That which blows the sails (the wind)

What does a sailor dream of doing after a long voyage? (shore)

Convenient harbor for a ship (bay)

Sea storm (storm)

Rear part of the ship (stern)

Kitchen on a ship (galley)

Task 2


Each player is given a balloon and a felt-tip pen. We write the names of the participants on the balloons. It is necessary to populate the “deserted island” (ball) with aborigines (show with an example) - quickly draw little figures on the ball with felt-tip pens while music is playing. Whoever has the most aborigines is the winner.

Props: balls, felt-tip pens.

Task 3

"Sea Knots"

You need to tie as many knots on the ropes as quickly and as possible. And then quickly untie them

Props: ropes.

Task 4


Participants are given paper clips and an anchor, they must connect all the paper clips in a minute and attach the anchor to the chain

Props: paper clips, anchor.

Task 5


Participants receive a world map cut into several parts, which they must assemble like a puzzle in 1 minute.

Props: map.

Task 6

The music of the sea dance “Apple” sounds. All participants must dance it.

Task 7


A rope in the form of a web is stretched between 2 desks, so that a person can crawl through the holes. All participants must crawl through the web without touching it.

Props: rope.

When completing each task, participants received letters from which they must form a word.STADIUM. After which everyone goes to the stadium and looks for a chest hidden there in advance with sweet prizes based on the number of participants.

Travel game "Treasure"

Rules of the game: The game consists of 2 stages. At the first stage, the team collects chests (10 pieces), which at the end of the game must be exchanged for a key. At the second stage, the team collects clues that will need to be used to guess the password word. All competitions are completed within a certain period of time. At each stage, 1 person participates, and the team monitors the time, supports and advises.

Stage 1.

1. Labyrinth

In the playroom, a ball of thread is wound across the tables and chairs. At the start there is a chest tied to a string, and at the finish - scissors. The child must temporarily run the scissors along the thread to the chest, cut the string and pick up the chest.

2. Swamp

There are circles (bumps) with numbers from 1 to 20 laid out on the floor. On some of them the words are written: “only” (3), “attentive” (7), “will receive” (10), “chest” (12), “in” (15), “end” (18), “game” (20). You need to move to the other side only along them, otherwise you will drown. On the other side there are 20 cards with words, including the ones you need. You need to make a phrase out of them (in the order the words appear on the bumps) and glue them with tape. On the back it will be written where to look for the chest. (The chest is in the bottom drawer of the teacher's desk).

3. Lock and keys

The room is locked. A bunch of keys is connected to an apple. Two members of the team need to eat the apple, without using their hands. Take the key, open the lock, take the chest from the room.

4. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less" (time)

5. Float

There is a chest in a cut-off plastic bottle with a mark on the foam. You need to pour water into it with a spoon. You can pick up the chest only when the float reaches the mark.

6. Chips with numbers float in a basin of water. You need to catch the chip with a spoon, holding it in your teeth. The chip must be transferred to another player in the spoon. The player carries this piece through the team's obstacles. The team tells the number to two other players who are near the tree with the capsules. They need to cut off the desired capsule. There is a chest in it.

7. There are bags hanging on the tree, one of them contains a chest. A bag of pine cones, a jar of water, a bag of leaves, a jar of coins.

8. Each team member must find a special task and complete it.

9. The team must knock down all the wooden pins.

10. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?” (mirror reflection). (For younger children, you can use simple riddles: “What sprouts in the field, What are they filling pies with, What did Antoshka want to eat? We call her...” (potato).

Individual tasks:


How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -


Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.


Where the water falls like a waterfall,


When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me.




AT 3































26, 3, 6, 5, 19, 12, 1, 33 19, 20, 6, 15, 12, 1


We tumble on it,

It doesn't matter if we fall.

I'm so happy to lie here

Because it...


In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.


Find hidden objects in the pictures.


Find 5 differences in the pictures.


Guess the rebus.


Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.


They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head.

Stage 2

2. Listen to the poem and find a word that does not have the letter “s”.

The sun has set behind the village,

Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,

A mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,

The forest, the steppe, and the garden are sleeping.

The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog,

The dream took him to his country


Answer: the word "river". Hint - print.

3. Caches

The team is given a map of the area, on which the areas where caches are located are marked. In each cache, the team finds a clue word that needs to be crossed out from the list of suggested words. If all the caches are found, then all words except the correct one will be crossed out from the list, which will be useful when guessing the key word at the end of the game. (information)

4. You need to find a clue in the tent with balls. (Mouse).

5. There are a lot of folded pieces of paper in the box; find a clue among them - sheets of paper with letters (mat).

6. The ball needs to be burst with a dart. (Mo)

7. Hoop and airplanes. The paper airplane needs to hit the hoop 5 times. (Nor)

8. Threes are daring. Participants get to the place like frog travelers. At the meeting point they must construct a means for carrying objects (then)

9. There are 9 squares with different signs drawn on the board. For a few seconds, the child looks and remembers their location, and then must reproduce everything from memory. (Your clue is on the table)

10.Pour water into the bottle so that the hint appears. Two people carry water in a glass using two sticks. The third person pours water into a bottle. (R)

What do you need:

10 chests, thread, scissors, 40 circles, lock with key, 2 tents, apple, 2 riddles, plastic bottle, foam, basin, coins, 2 spoons, obstacles, capsules with numbers (10), 2 packages (cones, leaves) , 2 cans (water, pieces of paper), wooden skittles, individual tasks, 14 stars, riddle, mirror, card + 5 words + set of words, balls, pieces of paper with letters without, balloon (2) darts, hoop, paper airplanes - notebook, task with pictures, newspaper, gymnastic sticks, glass.

We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less.


Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








Here is our beautiful front entrance.

How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -

Find the way to the Island of Wonders on the veranda!

Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.

Two standing stumps and a board on them,

Look for the scroll, it is with them!

Where the water falls like a waterfall,

There is a loophole with a hint again.

When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me. (Search)



AT 3



























They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head. (search)

Find 5 differences in the pictures.

Guess the rebus.

Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.

Guess the rebus.













Goal: strengthening the physical health of children, developing intelligence, and the ability to work together.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years.

Venue: the entire camp area.

Materials: several sheets of paper, one prize.

Preparing the game: the counselor writes notes that covertly (in verse, allegorically, encrypted) describe the places of the camp territory. Each new note sends participants to the next one. Then the counselor must hide these notes in certain places in the camp. Now you can start the game.

Each team receives the first message and sets off on a signal. Each team runs along its own route, but there is only one note with the “treasure”. You must go through all the stages. At the end, the fastest team finds the final note with the inscription “Treasure” and goes to the counselor for the prize. Optimal number of teams: 3-4.

The sports event scenario is suitable for different ages. The goal of the participants in the sporting event is to win and find the treasure hidden in the camp (the legend of the treasure can be invented depending on what the treasure is). At the beginning, the teams come up with names for themselves and choose captains (1 minute).

I. Only the fastest will find the treasure - relay races (for each stage 1, 2 or 3 points (0 if the team failed at all))

  1. Relay race with a jump rope - jump to the checkpoint and return back, the team whose participants overcome the distance the fastest wins.
  2. Relay race with a skipping rope - take the skipping rope in one hand and jump over the rope to reach the control point, the team whose participants overcome the distance the fastest wins.
  3. Ball relay - bring the ball to the control point and return; the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  4. Relay race with three balls (Cheburashka) - 1 ball is held in your knees, the other two in your hands - you need to run to the checkpoint and return with 3 balls in your hands.
  5. Ball relay - bring the ball around the pins with your feet to the control point and return with the ball while running; the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  6. Relay with the ball in pairs - hold the ball between your heads and run to the control point, return with the ball sandwiched between your heads.
  7. Relay race with a hoop - jumping over a hoop to get to the checkpoint, return running, with a hoop in hands, the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  8. Relay race with a hoop and a ball - one team member (captain) stands on the control line with a hoop, team members take turns dribbling the ball to the control point and throwing from there, trying to hit the hoop (basketball) - you can catch balls with the hoop, the team that throws the most wins balls.
  9. Relay race with a hoop and pins - roll the hoop around the pins, trying not to knock them over, to the checkpoint, then run back with the hoop in your hand.
  10. Relay race with skittles (collect all the skittles) - at the checkpoint there are skittles (you can paste pictures of things necessary when searching for treasure and things that are useless - choose what you need (for speed and intelligence, “wrong” pins can be discarded so that other participants spend less time on choice)) participants run up, take 1 pin and return, the team that collects all the pins wins.

II. Search for a map. Team members must find map pieces (hints) hidden in various objects on the camp territory (each in their own square) (teams must be clearly instructed where to look and what to look for). By collecting these pieces together, you can read the clue (riddle) and determine where there is a treasure. At this stage, teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points.

III. Search for treasure. Using the map (based on a hint), team members search for the treasure - the team that finds the treasure wins.