It’s not uncommon for anyone to see such an oriental headdress as a turban on the catwalks, but this accessory came to the masses quite recently. This summer, the turban could already be found in “ready-made form” in clothing and accessories stores. Well, for those who want to recreate a truly oriental accessory, I will tell you how to tie a turban on your head. And if you don’t know what to wear with a turban or turban, then you should. Enjoy watching!

How to tie a turban on your head

There are more than a thousand ways to tie a turban on your head, and in this matter everything depends not only on your skill, but also on your imagination. I will share with you the simplest ways.
Method 1.
1. Make a high bun on your head with your hair so that it holds its shape better, use a special elastic band.
2. Seal your hair with hairspray to prevent it from falling on your face.
3. It is advisable to use a long scarf for a turban, not a square one. Pass it behind the back of the head above the hair, the ends should remain in front, the ears are half closed.
4. Tie a knot or simply cross it on your forehead, and then wrap it around the bun in the same way several times until there are short ends left that need to be hidden under layers of fabric.
5. To make the turban more voluminous, the ends can be tied with a rope and secured under a scarf.
6. For this method of tying, both a plain scarf and a colored one are suitable.

Method 2.
1. The simplest way to tie a turban is similar to the previous method, but the scarf is made not on top of the hair, but under it.
2. That is, pass the scarf under the back of the head under the hair, cross it over the forehead, pass it under the hair again and mask the ends under layers of fabric.
3. You can decorate such a turban with a brooch attached in the middle.

The photo shows my work for Young&Beautiful by Fashion Book magazine
Method 3.
1. And this method is also similar to the previous ones. To do this, place a scarf over your head and cross the ends behind your head.
2. Twist the ends of the scarf into a rope, and then wrap it around your head, overlapping them on top of each other.
3. Bring them back and, if length allows, forward again, and hide them under layers.

Method 4.
1. A turban made from two scarves will look very interesting. It will turn out more voluminous and bright.
2. To do this, tie the ends together (you will get a very long piece of fabric), secure them at the back of your head over your hair and pull them forward.
3. Cross the ends together and throw them back through the middle of your head to cover the top of your head with the scarf. Cross the ends again.
4. Twist the ends with strands and also cross them over each other until they become very short and hide them under the fabric.

The photo shows my work for Young&Beautiful by Fashion Book magazine
Method 5.
1. Using two scarves, you can also create voluminous decorations on a turban.
2. To do this, you need to secure the first scarf on a high bun, as in method 1.
3. And the second scarf is braided around the head in the same way as in method 3, but plaits from the scarf should be made at the very beginning.
4. Leave the ends of the second scarf somewhere around 20-30 cm and make a voluminous bow out of them.

The photo shows my work for Young&Beautiful by Fashion Book magazine
A few more ways to tie a turban in the video and photo below. Watch and be inspired!

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

A turban is an oriental headdress that is traditionally worn not only by women, but also by men. It is widespread in India, Asia and Africa. In the modern world, the turban has become an exquisite detail that will decorate any look. The most interesting look is a headdress made by yourself. Let's figure out how to tie a turban on your head to look attractive and fashionable.

A turban or turban is a Muslim tradition that they have preserved for centuries. The headdress came to Europe thanks to the French - representatives of the Burgundian nobility at the royal court began to wear the accessory. The turban became widespread after the Second World War: women did not always have enough money to care for their hair, and they covered their heads with scarves and stoles, tying them in a fancy way.

The turban can be used in various ways: as a scarf covering the entire head, or as a headband. If you want to protect yourself from the sun's rays and heat, tie a turban made of light translucent fabric. In the autumn season, take a warm stole, a scarf and make a turban - it will save you from the cold.

How to tie a turban on your head

There are many ways to elegantly tie a turban on your head. To ensure that the accessory is neat and does not fall off your head, you must choose a material that is at least 3 m long and more than 65 cm wide.

Let's look at several options for how to quickly and easily tie a turban on your head.

Common methods

Having selected a suitable fabric, stole, or scarf, you can begin making an original oriental accessory. First, let's look at a simplified diagram:

  1. fold the fabric into a triangle;
  2. attach the base of the triangle to the back of the head, direct the ends of the scarf (of the same length) to the temples and face;
  3. at the top, cross the ends twice, bring them back to the back of the head;
  4. at the back of the head, cross the ends twice again, tie in a knot;
  5. Tie the remaining ends under the scarf.

It’s enough to simply make a turban from an ordinary scarf:

  1. attach the middle length of the side of the scarf to the back of the head, pointing the ends upward;
  2. tie a knot from the side ends, then make a small bow;
  3. Wrap the central tip around the base of the bow.

Asymmetrical method of tying an accessory:

  1. attach the middle of the scarf to the back of the head, but the ends should have different lengths;
  2. point the ends towards the face, cross them on the forehead;
  3. Leave the shorter end free and wrap the second end around your head;
  4. hide both ends under the turban in front.

The stronger sex often wears the accessory with another headdress, usually a skullcap. How to tie a turban for a man:

  1. roll a wide scarf with a roller;
  2. put on a skullcap;
  3. twist the scarf around the skullcap, hiding the ends under it.

Exotic options

You can tie a turban in Turkish:

  1. place a stole over your head like a hood;
  2. cross the ends near the back of the head, move up to the forehead, cross twice;
  3. bring the ends back to the back of the head, tie a knot and leave them hanging freely.

Another extravagant way is to make an African-style turban:

  1. first you need to collect your hair in a high ponytail or a voluminous bun on the top of your head;
  2. throw a stole or scarf over your hair;
  3. cross the ends at forehead level, then pull them back;
  4. at the back of the head, cross the ends of the scarf again, bring them forward again;
  5. cross the ends again, but above the forehead;
  6. take them back and tie a knot.

A turban with plaits looks original:

  1. Throwing a scarf over your hair, you need to make a knot in the back of the head;
  2. twist both ends into strands, circle each strand in turn around the head - they should again
    meet from behind;
  3. secure the structure with a knot, hide the ends under a scarf.

An exquisite turban is a must for every fashionista. If desired, you can make it yourself.

A turban made from a scarf looks great in combination with loose curls; the accessory is made like this:

  1. wrap a long scarf around the back of your head, pointing the ends forward;
  2. cross them in the forehead area, bring them back;
  3. continue to wrap the scarf around your head, gradually moving towards the crown;
  4. tie a scarf, straighten it, hide the ends under the headdress.

The second option is to make a turban from a scarf, following the following recommendations:

  1. It’s better to take loose fabric;
  2. fold the scarf along a diagonal line;
  3. Tuck the upper corner of the triangle inward;
  4. Continue folding the scarf to create a strip.

From such a blank you can make a turban in any way you like.

Needlewomen can knit a headdress with knitting needles or make it from fabric with their own hands:

  1. you need to prepare a piece of fabric 20-30 cm wide, 3 m long;
  2. process the edges of the material using an overlocker;
  3. iron the workpiece;
  4. If desired, decorate the ends with tassels and fringe.

What do modern fashionistas wear with a turban?

In cold weather, a turban can easily replace a warm hat or beret; it goes well with coats, down jackets, and jackets. In summer, a beautiful dress will form a stylish ensemble with a tunic, sundress, and long skirt. To complete the look, large jewelry is used - massive earrings, bracelets, voluminous beads.

At her discretion, the girl can leave her hair loose or completely tuck it under her headdress.

Hello, dear craftswomen! Many girls are so fond of the turban hat that they dream of how to make a turban with their own hands so that it matches their outfits and decorates their image. It's very simple, just watch the master class.

Elegant headdress - turban

If you didn’t have time to make a beautiful one, but you need to look fashionable and elegant, put an elegant turban on your head.

The turban became fashionable among Europeans back in the 40s and remains very popular to this day. This headdress is loved because it makes it possible to create a feminine, charming image.

Oriental attire looks equally beautiful with a coat, as well as with long chiffon dresses, trouser suits made of shiny or matte silk.

At the most difficult moment, a bandage made from... will help out.

You can simply wrap the scarf around your head and then pin it with a brooch. But this is not a reliable structure; it is better to sew it yourself.

To sew a turban, all you need is a little time and a piece of plastic fabric.

The craftswomen learned how to sew a fashion accessory from a T-shirt, which was quite boring.

  1. Take a piece of fabric and fold it in half to make a rectangle measuring 60 by 30 cm.
  2. Round the edges at the top. If this is a piece from a T-shirt, then the hemmed edge will become the bottom of the product!
  3. Baste face inward, leaving the bottom edge.
  4. Machine sew the top and sides of the future product.
  5. Without removing the product from under the machine foot, pull the thread slightly, making the top and side sections gathered.
  6. Turn the product inside out, put it on a mannequin, if there is none, then on a three-liter jar.
  7. Grab the fabric from both sides, connect in the middle.
  8. Seal with stitches.
  9. Next, grab the material below to create a fold, and also secure with stitches.
  10. Make another group of folds and secure with thread.
  11. Cut off the remaining fabric, leaving 2 cm for the hem.
  12. Wrap the “tail” in folds and sew it onto your hands.
  13. Turn it inside out and place it over the can to create a gather at the back of the head.

  14. Try on the finished turban!

You can also watch a video on how to sew a turban from knitwear:

Knitted turban with brooch

We make a turban from knitwear. Choose a chunky knit for a truly warm beanie. This season, the most fashionable colors will be blue, chocolate, rich brown and gray.

You will need:

  • knitted fabric, 20-25 cm wide;
  • threads, needle, brooch for decoration.

The pattern is the simplest, as in the first case - a rectangle. Also fold the fabric in half, sew the side seams, and decorate the center of the product with a beautiful brooch. Next, proceed according to the scheme described above.

Is there a difference between a turban and a turban?

A turban is often called a turban.

A turban is also a headdress made from a sheet of fabric that is wrapped around the head several times. Such accessories are worn by the peoples of India, North Africa, and Asia.

To make a turban, they take 6-8 meters of fabric, sometimes even 20 meters of brocade, velvet, and cashmere. Mandatory decoration are brooches and strings of pearls.

In India, the cloth was soaked in water and then wrapped around the head to keep it cool all day. This is how they escaped the scorching sun.

Today you can see girls wearing a turban, hiding their heads from the sun or walking around the city in it.

Some fashionistas wrap pieces of fabric in different colors to create a fashionable look.

Indian men still decorate their heads with this intricate design.

A turban is much smaller than a turban. Initially, only the stronger half wore it, then they adapted it to suit themselves.

There are several ways to create this accessory. Each eastern people has its own way of tying this hat.

How to wrap a turban:

  • Take a long strip of material.
  • Take one end in your teeth (so that your hands are free), stretch the other diagonally.
  • Wrap it around your head at an angle, gradually covering open areas.
  • Continue this process until a small tip remains of the fabric.
  • Tuck it under the fabric and secure with a brooch.

The next method is from a scarf.

  • Take a long one and cover your head.
  • Throw one end over the other at the back of your head.
  • At the front, tie them on the forehead with a strong knot.
  • Next, wrap one end into a loop and pass through a loose knot.
  • Thread the other end through the loop, then do not pull too hard on the ends of the scarf.
  • Tuck the ends under the structure itself.
  • Instead of a knot, you can cross the ends of the scarf on your forehead, make a loop, and pass the other end of the scarf through it to form a second loop.
  • Tighten the loops tightly again to prevent the structure from falling apart.
  • Hide the ends.

Shawl turban

You can also create a beautiful headdress from a scarf. Drape the scarf over your head with the end hanging over your forehead. Cross the two ends and tie at the back of your head.

A wide stole will also make a beautiful headdress.

To keep the turban tighter on the head, a thin one is first put on. This is also one of the options for wearing a fashion accessory.

Option for tying from a large scarf.

Master class for those who know how to knit

You can knit a beautiful turban with your own hands. A knitted hat will not come undone, it does not need to be wrapped around your head, and it also looks feminine and elegant.

A turban pattern that is knitted on knitting needles.

Terry towel turban

A turban for drying hair is a very convenient thing. It can be wound according to the proposed scheme.

Or sew from!

A hand-sewn turban fits well on the head and looks very nice. It will also come in handy when applying masks, it will reliably hide your hair and open your face for procedures. You can take old towels, of which every housewife has a lot.

Goodbye. Now you know how to make a turban with your own hands, put everything aside and immediately make yourself a few elegant headdresses to diversify your wardrobe in the fall, just like in the summer.

Are you planning to make a New Year's Sultan costume for your child or do you need a summer Panama hat for your baby? Then find out how to sew a turban with your own hands. A master class on the simplest model of this headdress is presented in the form of step-by-step instructions. And the photos are given in addition to the stages of work.

From simple to complex

A turban is a headdress that is traditionally considered oriental. Its peculiarities are in the way of wrapping a piece of fabric on the head and the skillful formation of beautiful folds. You can tie a turban with your own hands in several ways. For residents of the southern regions of the Earth, the actions of forming a familiar turban on the head have become commonplace and everyday. But in order not to complicate the process, let’s try to sew a simple headdress that looks much like a real turban. Such a hat can be used not only as an element of a carnival costume, but also, for example, as a substitute for small children in the summer. The description presented is most likely suitable for making just such a thing.

DIY turban: necessary material

To make real turbans, expensive and beautiful fabrics are used - silk, brocade, etc. Thanks to the moderate density, the folds are both clear and soft. In addition, these materials hold their shape well. To sew the presented model, you need thinner fabric. You can use both fabric and knitted cotton fabric. But it should be borne in mind that it will be quite problematic to iron the finished turban due to the formed folds. Therefore, give preference to wrinkle-resistant materials with a small admixture of synthetic fibers.

Cutting the product

Sewing a turban with your own hands is very simple. Before work, take measurements to build a template. To do this, you need to use the help of determining two distances - the circumference of the head and the length from the base of the neck from the back to the top of the forehead. Draw a rectangle. Its width will be equal to half of the first measurement (plus 2 cm for freedom), and its height will be equal to the second (plus 8-10 cm for the pomp of the cap). When cutting, consider the following seam allowances:

1-1.2 cm on both sides in width.

2.5 cm along the bottom horizontal line for hemming the product.

The fabric must be folded in half, right side inward. The fold is located along the top edge of the pattern. As a result, only the sides remain unstitched. In addition, cut out a small rectangle, approximately 6x8 cm, for the front folds of the headdress.

How to sew a turban with your own hands? Stages of work

  1. Sew a placket to create the pleats on the front. To do this, fold a small rectangle in half lengthwise, face inward, and stitch along one short and long side, leaving the top edge free. Turn inside out and iron.
  2. At the main part, connect the side seams by inserting the prepared strip from the inside into one of the upper corners (with the unstitched edge facing out and flush with the seams).
  3. Turn the turban inside out and hem along the bottom edge.
  4. Turn it towards you with the edge where the finishing strip is sewn. Gather the seam into beautiful, uniform folds and cover them from top to bottom with a strip. Fold the braid to the wrong side, leaving a length of approximately 3-4 cm on the front side. Fasten the free end from the wrong side where the strip is attached in the corner.
  5. Next, the turban is made with your own hands from the back of the head. Wrap it with the other seam facing you. Place soft folds and secure them with a few stitches.

As you can see, it’s quite easy to sew a semblance of an oriental headdress with your own hands. When modeling a turban for a carnival costume, you can consider decorating it with beads, bright ribbons or feathers.

If you want to learn how to quickly and easily sew a turban on your head from a towel, welcome to my master class! It will be a great thing for going to the sauna and bathhouse; you can wrap your head after applying the mask, and just conveniently dry your hair after washing. It is easy to sew, consists of one seam and I don’t need a pattern.

Ready-made head turbans, which are sold in stores, are made from synthetics - microfiber, which does not absorb water, and the hair does not dry afterward. You can make a turban with your own hands from natural cotton fabric, which will be comfortable for your hair and head.

What did I need to sew a turban on my head from a towel?

  • towel 67 * 32 cm.
  • threads in color
  • cord - 9 cm, button
  • tailor's tools: seam ripper, scissors, sewing needle, measuring tape

How to sew a turban on your head from a towel step by step

1. Take a towel. It’s good if you have it double-sided - terry on both sides, without the front and back sides

2. I rip out the seams of the hem

3. I cut the towel on the bias

4. I place the resulting two turban parts on top of each other, cut off the upper corner

5. I sew a straight stitch along the edge using a sewing machine. Then I overlock the edges using an overlocker, maybe with a zigzag stitch.

6. I cut off the bottom edge at the seam, making it straight

7. I overlock the lower edges of the turban using an overlocker, using a zigzag stitch. Then I bend it inward by 0.5 cm and sew it on with a sewing machine.

8. I take a piece of cord 9 cm. I burn the edges with matches.

9. Sew a loop on the upper tip of the turban

10. I take a button, it’s better to take a larger one, it will be more convenient to fasten it. I sew it on the bottom of the turban, where it is shown by the arrow in the photo.