Regulations on the regional festival “Ecology.

Children. Regulations on the city correspondence environmental competition “Ecology. Creation. Children Theater competition “You and I are of the same blood”

For students to be convinced of their abilities, they only need to submit their work to All-Russian children's creativity competitions for schoolchildren. In a matter of hours, the contestant will receive confirmation and can confidently begin preparing for the next creative competitions. If you already have the practice of participating in such remote events, then our center will help expand your horizons and provide the opportunity to participate in international creative competitions.

When working with children, every preschool teacher adheres to a certain scheme for the development of the younger generation. Often, the methods of raising children are reflected in the teachers’ notes. Our center for organizing and conducting educational competitions decided not to ignore such useful and necessary materials, and created a competition of notes for educators.

A quick and useful competition of notes for teachers

Thus, “Pride of Russia” opens up wide opportunities for every child. Any child will be able to show off their artistic, literary and other talents quickly and without any difficulties. Don't miss the chance to support your child in a cause that interests him, and tell everyone about his talent!

Such competitions are aimed at developing gifted students and helping teachers understand their students. And the next goal that all-Russian competitions for teachers and schoolchildren help achieve is to establish a microclimate between students and their mentors. In this form, when team members strive for one result, the latter goal is realized as quickly as possible.

Do you enjoy reading your child's writings? Teachers are surprised: how can a student at such a young age give such an adult and clear assessment of historical events and literary characters? Your child definitely has a talent for writing essays that should be developed! Not only should young talents be supported in their school success, but they should also be given a chance to shine in essay competitions for schoolchildren.

Opportunity to improve your style: essay competition for schoolchildren

Such “competitions” between students are incredibly useful. They allow children to develop their own style of writing essays of this type, and also contribute to the emergence of a deep understanding of the problem that interests the child. Each essay competition for schoolchildren serves as a unique incentive to gain inspiration and search for new literary ways to convey the main idea of ​​their work to the public. Our center regularly organizes and conducts essay competitions for schoolchildren and allows every young writer to improve their skills.

In addition to works of this type, we accept for consideration projects in various areas completed by preschool students and their teachers.

Competition of teachers-organizers: do everything!

Anyone responsible for the creativity and individuality of an educational institution, or a teacher, can take part in such competitions. At the same time, you won’t have to look for a lot of time and money for this event, because correspondence competitions for teacher-organizers allow you to become a participant without leaving the walls of the educational institution or home. Multiple nominations provide a chance to submit multiple works for consideration at once. So, you can present a school presentation, a holiday script, or an unusual video of a theater production.

The teacher-organizer competition is the optimal solution for those who want to do everything at once, because remote evaluation of the competitive work will not last long. Also, children can be involved in participating in such quick competitions, who will be happy to share their achievements.

Correspondence competitions for a teacher who wants to develop are a real find. Even a busy work schedule is no longer an obstacle to the realization of your professional and creative ambitions. What's the secret?

1) correspondence competitions for teachers have no time limits, which means it is impossible to be late for them;

2) a free participation schedule will allow you to present your work in the best possible way;

3) a wide choice of topics allows you to reveal, if not all, then many facets of your talent (be it methodological, creative or social activity);

There is always room for creativity in life, the main thing is to want to show it.

On a creative wave, or what are the benefits of correspondence competitions for teachers and children

The creative impulse is probably the most unpredictable state. Sometimes it is born, seemingly out of nowhere, and persistently demands implementation, driving thoughts, sharpening feelings, and then the most incredible creations are born. It is at these moments that fear and uncertainty are forgotten, and new horizons open up. That's why it's important to take full advantage of such moments.

Many children, and others, say that it is difficult for them to work productively under tight or clearly defined deadlines. Inspiration doesn't come to order. Taking this into account, we offer correspondence competitions for teachers and children. Create whenever you want - we are always glad to see you. Whether it’s morning or night, send your work, and within a day you will know your result among equally active creators from all over the country. And for teachers, our correspondence competitions are also good because you always have enough time to finalize or properly format your work, because most competitions operate on an ongoing basis.

The Pride of Russia Center organizes open methodological competitions for teachers of various disciplines. But how can they be interesting?

What defines a teacher in a person? The ability to interest, give the basics of knowledge and teach how to apply them in the future. It is the ability to competently handle the material, bring it to current tasks and present it in an accessible way for the modern child that is the basis of pedagogical mastery.

It must develop and change as rapidly as the younger generation itself. That is why pedagogical skills need to be constantly checked for relevance. What could serve as better monitoring than a competition?

Competition of lessons for teachers - we create, compete, improve. If you look closely, a lesson competition for teachers is not something unusual. You take part in it every day, and the harshest jury - your students - determine the assessment by their activity and level of interest. And this, you see, is the most important result.

Do you want to improve further? Find out your skill level according to the standard of All-Russian and international competitions. We offer a variety of lesson competitions for teachers. In them you can present your best developments or projects, notes, interesting approaches to explaining complex topics. An objective jury will quickly and appropriately evaluate each idea, confirming its decision with an official diploma. A lesson competition for teachers is a great idea to evaluate your teaching potential, without spending extra money and effort. Open up to the world and it will see you!

Project activity is an integral part of the professional development of a teacher, who is always in search of new, more effective and original forms of work. Whether it is developments to implement new technologies or social projects, they require enormous methodological work and careful analysis.

Competitions of pedagogical projects, in addition to their direct functions: popularizing best practices and activating creative potential, are of great correctional importance, since they help to assess their productivity already at the first stages of implementation and, if necessary, make certain adjustments in time to achieve their goals.

Project competitions for teachers - a synthesis of new views and creative impulse

Thus, project competitions for teachers become a kind of creative laboratory. It is here that the future of pedagogy is formed, the foundations of progressive ideas and approaches are laid.

With its help, like a precious stone, the skill of creating methodological materials for popularizing a particular idea is cut and honed.

Teachers not only from schools, but also from preschool educational institutions can take part. A project competition for preschool teachers is a powerful means of maintaining creative activity and, as a result, developing a creative, educated and interested younger generation.

The average calendar contains from 80 to 250 holidays and holidays. Some are generally accepted, others are specific, for example, professional holidays. Many organizations have their own internal memorial dates. But in children's groups and institutions you can find completely unique and inimitable events in their atmosphere (initiation of first-graders, autumn day, name day, meeting of birds and much more). And behind the organization of each of them is the enormous work of the teacher and his students.

Script competition for teacher-organizers: let there be a holiday!

Another option for scenarios for various classroom and extracurricular activities, theatrical lessons and play activities is to submit your work to a scenario competition for teachers.

The Pride of Russia Center also offers script competitions for teacher-organizers. This is an All-Russian competition, the results of which will not only warm your soul with vivid memories of the holiday, but will also become a small investment in your treasure trove of professional achievements.

Center"The Pride of Russia" , organizes open methodological competitions for teachers of various disciplines. But how can they be interesting?

Pedagogical activity, by definition, has two basic tasks: the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations and the development of a system of skills for their application. To increase the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom, each teacher develops his own methodological system, which includes a set of the most productive methods and techniques to facilitate the implementation of these tasks.

Methodological competitions for teachers at school allow us to systematize the entire accumulated knowledge and present it in the form of a unique methodological style. Competitive activity is an excellent motive for a teacher’s self-development and improvement of his skills.

Contests of methodological developments for teachers - talent needs a frame

Lesson development is a complex, but certainly fascinating process, in which it is very important to balance the educational and methodological components. Often the success of a lesson depends to a large extent on methodological nuances: whether it is dynamic enough, whether it involves all areas of perception, and whether it will allow you to fully master the material. Trying to take into account these, and not only, questions, each teacher over time accumulates a solid baggage of methodological developments, manuals and techniques that make it possible to conduct an effective lesson even in the most unusual circumstances. And this, you see, is talent.

Methodological development competitions for teachers are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their achievements and findings in this area, present advanced ideas and receive their objective assessment. Our methodological competitions for teachers will allow you to take a fresh look at the fruits of your creativity.

In his practice, a teacher faces many competitions, success in which creates a holistic image of his pedagogical level. But the results of the teacher’s portfolio competition can be considered the most indicative of the overall assessment of his activities. This, to some extent, is the final touch to the image. Its composition and design do not imply strict limits and emphasize the originality of the author.

Teacher Portfolio Competition - the final touch to the image of a teacher

What is a portfolio? This is a collection of a teacher’s work over a certain period of time. It is usually created over several years in order to systematize the experience and facilitate its presentation.

A portfolio competition for a preschool teacher or teacher is the best way to summarize activities for a certain period, summarize the effectiveness of work and analyze strengths and weaknesses.

On our website you will find not only portfolio competitions for teachers and educators, but also many other interesting offers. Everyone, be it a music teacher, a Russian or foreign language teacher, a mathematician, a historian or a geographer, will find a way to express themselves with us. Create your professional image with us!

The main task of preschool education is to form the basis for the further development of a harmonious personality. That is why the creative component of the educational process, especially in preschool educational institutions, has always occupied a special place. Musical education as a component of aesthetic feeling is the most widespread. That is why it is very important to develop in children an understanding of music as an art. Given the speed at which trends in the arts and education change, the educator must have a tremendous ability to adapt one to the other, drawing parallels from the past to the present and the future.

Competitions for music school teachers

Our music competitions for teachers will help you evaluate your capabilities in this matter. They are carried out remotely; all materials in the form of projects can be provided via the Internet, which simplifies the procedure and saves your energy and time.

Specialized online competitions for teachers of music schools provide an opportunity to compare their potential with the achievements of colleagues from all over the country. Music competitions for preschool teachers are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and creative approach to the design of a wide variety of events.

The work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution is not easy, painstaking, but interesting work. The emotionality of the students, unusual situations, and psychological stress are more than compensated by the children’s love for a good teacher and their gratitude.

To make the process of communicating with them more interesting and informative, each teacher has his own techniques and techniques. By combining them into a single whole, we get a unique project - a fusion of skill, experience and resourcefulness. The best examples are quickly gaining popularity, and a project competition for educators will help determine the best of the best..

Participation in a project competition for educators

Participation in such a competition will cost only 100 rubles, which is undoubtedly quite affordable even for a novice teacher.

Project competitions for preschool teachers are a unique opportunity to express themselves and show their strengths in professional competition, evaluate their professional level, get acquainted with the “secrets of the profession,” make their work more interesting, bring a fresh creative component to it and, in the end, make their students a little better happier.

We often compare life and activity to a train. Like him, we move from one station to another. And if on the route of personal life they are played by certain important events, then the professional route is determined by the stations of our achievements.

Competitions for educators and teachers for 100 rubles as a ticket to the next station on your pedagogical path

Center"The Pride of Russia" - your reliable guide on this route, who offers a comfortable ride to the “my next achievement” station. We offer competitions for teachers for 100 rubles. A wide selection of topics and forms of participation will interest everyone. Teachers can present their developments, scripts, projects, presentations and other materials, which will be evaluated by an objective jury within 24 hours. All competitions for teachers for 100 rubles each have the official status of all-Russian ones, and their diplomas are taken into account during certification and can be used in the teacher’s portfolio as confirmation of his professional level and activity.

We are an interesting travel companion, so travel with us!

Going through the certification procedure is not always a pleasant experience. However, there is a way out of this situation. Competitions for teacher certification will make this process more interesting, exciting and painless. Remote confirmation of your teaching abilities is a real find in today's life, filled with events and important matters!

How to quickly conduct certification competitions for teachers?

Center"The Pride of Russia" provides various directions for checking the qualification level of teachers. With the help of our center, you can quickly pass certification and receive the necessary documents confirming your professionalism in the shortest possible time. Competitions for teachers for certification will not take much time and money. All you need to do is fill out the appropriate forms and submit your entry.

Competitions for certification of teachers on an international scale

In addition to participating in domestic competitions, you have a wonderful opportunity to express yourself at the international level and participate in an international competition for teachers for certification. The beauty of this process is that you can go through the qualification confirmation procedure without leaving your school or home. Of course, this method is much cheaper and more pleasant than having to waste time and effort going on a long journey to get your testimony. Correspondence competitions using modern Internet technologies will forever destroy the stereotype that certification is a complex and unpleasant process. With a more rational approach and a new look at this procedure, you will find many positive aspects in this event!

Over time, more and more events are being organized aimed at developing creative skills in the younger generation. Teachers of preschool educational institutions are largely responsible for education in this direction. Competitions for preschoolers and teachers will help develop aesthetic taste in children.

What are international competitions for preschool teachers?

Thanks to such competitions, each participant has the opportunity to express themselves, as well as demonstrate their creative and intellectual abilities. Many international competitions for preschool teachers make it possible to discover new talents in the field of pedagogical skills and find original methods of educating the younger generation. Such events are an excellent platform for exchanging experience, information and finding alternative ways to solve pressing problems in everyday professional activities. Every education worker can take part in this kind of competition. To do this, you need to leave an application and send your competition work to the organizer of the tournament among teachers.

Are there competitions for preschoolers and teachers?

Today, international competitions for teachers and preschoolers are not uncommon. Such events allow you to establish and strengthen connections between adults and children, create a trusting atmosphere between students and teachers, and also teach children to work in a team and develop their creative abilities. From the above, we can conclude that competitions for preschool teachers have not been spared. The latter, by the way, play a key role in conducting these events, because, one way or another, all competitions in this area are held to improve the quality of education and the work of the teaching staff of any children's institution.

International competitions for teachers provide an excellent opportunity for this. Taking part is easier than you might think at first glance. All you need is a computer with Internet access and our website. There you will find many international teaching competitions, which can be an excellent highlight of your activities and a reliable step in your career.

International competitions for teachers and children - it all starts with the exchange of experience

Are you or your students already confidently showing themselves at all-Russian competitions? Are you active and full of desire to participate and win further? Congratulations and we offer a new level of polishing your skills - international competitions for teachers and students.

Participation in competitions of this level is, first of all, an excellent motive for developing the creative and research potential of both students and teachers. In addition, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the originality of your ideas and exchange long-term plans, best practices, achievements, learn something new and establish yourself at the international level.

This is especially true for those who, having good potential, are deprived due to certain life circumstances of the opportunity to widely present it personally. For such people, our competitions are one of the best opportunities. Center "Pride of Russia" strives to make its implementation as comfortable and accessible as possible. We offer quick international competitions for teachers and children, the results of which can become just the incentive for you that leads to your cherished dreams. Documents reflecting your participation in these competitions will be available for downloading within the timeframes already customary for our regular participants.

Pedagogical skill is mastery because it implies simultaneous:

    availability of thorough knowledge;

    fluency in the material;

    virtuosity in presentation and organization of the learning process;

    compliance with the requirements of the time.

Another important criterion for determining a true master of the teaching craft is the constant desire, and sometimes even the need, for development. And even if this last factor is not alien to you, how do you know how relevant your skills are?

All-Russian competitions for teachers, which you can find on our website, provide an excellent opportunity to receive an independent, objective assessment of your achievements in a variety of categories. Among them there are also topics that can certainly reveal your best practices, innovations, personal achievements and the results of self-educational research.

All-Russian competitions for teachers and children - the first steps towards a high goal

Every successful person in his business once set a goal for himself, and gradually walked towards it through a series of more accessible, but invariably more complex intermediate achievements. It was as if he was creating his own triumphal ladder, each step of which not only exalted him above the previous level, but also brought him closer to his most cherished. And, importantly, along this path he gained experience, without which it is difficult to move forward.

Experience is our most important achievement on the path of life. We have been obtaining it since childhood in different ways - from a full-fledged trial and error path to borrowing the results, which is the easiest, but at the same time the least interesting. Indeed, in our research we sometimes come to conclusions that we could not even think about initially.

All-Russian competitions for teachers and children allow not only to compete with each other, but also to exchange experiences and interesting ideas with opponents from all over the country. Such an exchange in itself has an important cognitive effect. And the opportunity to compare your strengths with others is a good motive for further development and, in case of victory, a pleasant bonus to personal achievements.

By inviting children and teachers to participate in all-Russian competitions, we hope that the experience gained in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, and research projects will help someone achieve high goals, and for others will pave the way to future achievements.

Teachers, especially those working with children under school age, are special people: creative, constantly striving for excellence and open to new knowledge and sharing their experience. It is precisely these educators who are waiting for an international competition, in which they can also participate remotely.

The path to recognition: an international competition for educators and children

In order to take part in various competitions for teachers and children, you do not need to perform heroic deeds or discover another America. It is enough to present to the jury your best methodological developments or scenarios for children's parties (naturally, “tested” on your students). It is worth noting that teachers who are not just interested in such competitions, but take an active part in them, submitting more than a dozen works, receive additional gratitude.

International competitions for educators are held in different categories, so each teacher will be able to choose what is closest to him and present his best development, be it a festive scenario, an interesting activity or an unusual walk.

What do international competitions provide for preschool teachers?

Many competitions between teachers require enormous effort and investment, but not all of them bring satisfaction with the result, and sometimes you have to wait a very long time for the latter. The main difference that makes our international competitions for preschool teachers so interesting is their transparency and efficiency, because work is evaluated daily, so you won’t have to wait long. The criterion is prize places (traditionally there are three of them), and you can receive a diploma confirming participation on the same day on which you submitted your application.

Probably every person has experienced this amazing feeling at least once in his life - tense anticipation of evaluation of the results of his activities, a premonition of victory. And the closer and more tangible it is, the sharper and more pleasant it is...

Participation in many competitions, especially those held throughout Russia, requires a certain temporary delay between the start of participation and the announcement of results. And waiting, you see, sometimes dulls emotions a little. This especially applies to the youngest and most active participants in competitions - preschoolers. They enthusiastically indulge in all kinds of competitions and really want to immediately know the results of their labors. Such is the nature of little creators.

But is it possible to get the results of the competition quickly? The Pride of Russia Center answers - you can! We offer quick competitions for kindergarten teachers and children, the results of which are announced within 24 hours. Thus, you and your students will be able to join the exciting world of competitions, and well-deserved awards will not be long in coming.

Amuse yourself - express competitions for kindergarten teachers and children with diplomas

Children are not the only ones who are impatient when it comes to evaluating their achievements. That is why, among other categories, we offer quick competitions for preschool teachers. This is an excellent opportunity not only to be in constant search of interesting solutions for the educational process, but also to immediately apply the forms you have discovered, competing with colleagues across the country. If you participate in express competitions for teachers, you will never have problems with diplomas to pass the next certification. Express competitions for educators have many nominations and are very versatile, so you have a chance to show your professional and personal qualities and talents.

If you have creative abilities, are active and full of desire to learn something new, want to try your hand at various competitions and enjoy the results achieved, then we invite you to participate in our various competitions.

Quick competitions for teachers and children are a great opportunity to demonstrate your own work and receive expert assessment. You can submit original teaching materials, lesson plans, or interesting scenarios for holiday events.

Quick competitions for teachers are held precisely so that your creative achievements can receive public recognition.

The main feature of these competitions is that you can get results quite quickly. Thanks to the prompt work of our professional jury, it takes 2 days to sum up the results and generate diplomas. In 2 days you will be able to receive a diploma confirming your participation in one or another quick competition.

Our accelerated competitions for teachers, held via the Internet, are the best way to test your erudition and find application for the wealth of knowledge that you possess. From the many options for quick competitions in which we invite you to take part, you can find a topic that is close to you, or vice versa - try your hand at a completely different area.

Express competitions for teachers: fast and easy!

Express competitions for teachers are competitions in which participation will not require much effort from you. In order to register, you do not need to submit numerous documents and applications, the completion of which takes a lot of time and effort. All you need to do is decide which competition you want to participate in, submit an application electronically, pay the registration fee and prepare your creative work.

An express competition for a preschool teacher is one of the most popular competitions today, in which a teacher can demonstrate the ability to interest, motivate and effectively communicate with children to achieve certain goals.

Such competitions allow participants to share their professional experience and provide a wonderful opportunity to borrow innovative work methods from colleagues. And the diplomas received after passing our competitions will be an excellent addition to your resume.

We also invite you to pay attention to professional pedagogical competitions for teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions.

General information about the events of our Center:

While studying in kindergarten, each child gradually begins to develop his creative abilities. At this initial stage, it is very important to support the baby in his desire to learn something new and interesting. Competitions for kindergarten children will be an excellent incentive to achieve new victories. These events will allow each child to take the first confident steps on the creative path.

Internet competitions for kindergarten children - a convenient and modern type of competition

Sometimes, in order to take part in a particular children's competition, it is necessary to travel many kilometers and spend a considerable amount of money. But today, all-Russian competitions for preschool children provide the simplest conditions for participation. So, in order to make a statement, a child, accompanied by his mother and father, is not required to go to another city. It is enough just to fill out the necessary forms and send them along with the competition work to the “Pride of Russia” center, which is also a mass media outlet. Such online competitions for kindergarten children allow them not only to spend less time, but also to demonstrate their abilities in several categories at once.

International quick competitions for preschool children

Remote competitions for preschool children will help young talents become famous far beyond the borders of our state. These days, all little creators have the opportunity to “attend” international competitions for kindergarten children without leaving home.
Thus, “The Pride of Russia!” opens up wide opportunities for every child. Any child will be able to show off their artistic, literary and other talents quickly and without any difficulties. Don't miss the chance to support your child in a cause that interests him, and tell everyone about his talent!

Is there not enough space in the house for your child’s drawings? Send them to us! Center"The Pride of Russia" organizes the most interesting children's art competitions that will allow you to make good use of your child's creations.

Children's art competitions develop talents

Such events are organized with the aim of awakening in children the desire to create with even greater zeal and love. The goal is achieved by encouraging all participants, because there are no losers, and all young artists receive a diploma of participation. There are many branches of children's art competitions, which give kids a chance to try their hand at many categories. This is very convenient and very interesting, because who knows, perhaps, in addition to wonderful landscapes, your child also has considerable inclinations as a portrait painter? Demonstration of drawings at children's art competitions will help determine this.

The child’s creative energy can be directed in a new direction and invited to develop together with our center. We evaluate works of all directions, so if you also discover poems by a growing genius of art, share his creations with us, and the result will not be long in coming!

Combining efforts is known to give the best results. Therefore, various all-Russian competitions for schoolchildren and their mentors are very popular. Thanks to the creation of such a tandem, a cohesive team is obtained that combines experience and a fresh, direct approach to solving assigned problems.

All-Russian competitions for teachers and schoolchildren

Such competitions are aimed at developing gifted students and helping teachers understand their students. And the next goal that all-Russian competitions for teachers and schoolchildren help achieve is to establish a microclimate between students and their mentors. In this form, when team members strive for one result, the latter goal is realized as quickly as possible.

For students to be convinced of their abilities, they only need to submit their work to All-Russian children's creativity competitions for schoolchildren. In a matter of hours, the contestant will receive confirmation and can confidently begin preparing for the next creative competition. If you already have the practice of participating in such domestic events, then our center will help expand your horizons and provide the opportunity to participate in international competitions.

The creative development of a child is an important part of the process of his upbringing. International competitions for schoolchildren will contribute to achieving high results and will not cause any hassle during the application process. Center"The Pride of Russia" provides each student with an excellent chance to demonstrate their strengths in one direction or another of their creative activity.

Participate in international competitions for schoolchildren from the Pride of Russia center

Sooner or later, children of primary and senior school age seriously think about why not show their abilities? The most ambitious children immediately begin to storm the world Olympus of art. Their aspirations are very justified and laudable! Today, everyone can try their hand at it through remote international competitions for schoolchildren. This type of competition is gaining more and more popularity day by day. It’s not difficult to guess why, because with the help of these events, every child, without leaving their hometown, gets the opportunity to express themselves to the whole world. Tempting, isn't it? International competitions for schoolchildren receive works from young poets, artists, photographers, designers and many other representatives of various creative directions. It should be noted that essays, presentations of various collections, as well as design projects are increasingly being submitted as competition entries.

In order to become one step closer to your dream, you just need to register on our center’s portal, fill out a form and submit your child’s achievements for consideration. Don't put off what can bring results now!

Improving a child’s skills and developing his talents largely depends on his parents. Sometimes children are afraid to perform on stage or demonstrate their achievements in front of a large audience. How can you make sure that your child from childhood is not afraid to overcome difficulties and strive for victory?

What are remote children's competitions?

Remote competitions for children have long become an integral part of the development of children around the world. In our country, these types of competitions appeared relatively recently, but they have already become popular and have gained considerable popularity. Thanks to such events, children can try their hand at any category remotely for the first time. In order to participate in such a competition, it is enough to send a photo of a craft, the text of a poem, essay or other achievements of your child. The results will not be long in coming, and after a while you will be able to receive a diploma by downloading it from your personal account.

Center "Pride of Russia" provides an excellent opportunity to take part in a remote children's competition in the most unusual categories. So, if your child is a LEGO fan or dreams of conquering space, he can always demonstrate his skills and knowledge in our center.

Remote competitions for children and parents

Remote children's competitions can become a great family tradition! With reliable support, it will not be so difficult for a child to create his first masterpieces and wait for the results of the competition. Together with your child, you can draw, photograph nature, come up with various stories and submit works to remote competitions for children and parents. Don’t miss the opportunity to give your young participant an unforgettable impression and useful experience by introducing him to such competitions. The child will certainly be satisfied, and most importantly, will acquire the desire to conquer new heights.

Does your child have obvious makings of a future Aivazovsky? Or, in a burst of creative inspiration, does he depict the world around him in the same unique way as Dali? Then you just need to send his works to drawing competitions for children! This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills and get a decent reward for them.

All-Russian children's drawing competition - a useful event

Before sending drawings to such competitions, you should decide on the category in which the child will take part. The Pride of Russia Center provides the opportunity to submit drawings in several categories at once. Thus, an all-Russian children's drawing competition can be dedicated to various holidays or events. In addition to traditional nominations, you can even take part in a competition that involves drawing with your palms! Such a fun activity will appeal to both parents and kids, and will give amazing emotions!

In addition, remote children's drawing competitions are a great time saver for parents, as there is no need to travel to another city. You just need to fill out the necessary applications, submit your entry and wait a little before the results are announced. Of course, there are no losers in such competitions, because each drawing is distinguished by its originality and unique technique of execution by young masters.

The international children's drawing competition will glorify talents!

If your child is sure that participation in domestic competitions is too small for him, then an international children's drawing competition will appreciate his efforts. Participants from all over the world submit their masterpieces in the hope of being the best. And your child has every chance! Each drawing will be evaluated, and each participant will receive a diploma confirming his talent.

The experience of participating in international competitions will not pass without a trace. Such events instill in children the desire not to stop there and develop their skills every day, which means that sooner or later young Serov will grow into a new artist with his own name!

International competitions for children's creativity will help you achieve world fame!

Well, what kid doesn’t dream of being famous since childhood? To shine on stage, performing world hits, or to fill the halls at their performances, or to organize world-famous exhibitions, which will attract connoisseurs of beauty from different parts of the Earth - these are the cherished dreams of most children. International competitions for children's creativity will help them get one step closer to their goal, in which you can take part with the help of our center “Pride of Russia”. You can find a suitable nomination and send your child’s competition work. The competition procedure has never been simpler, has it? Now you don’t need to fly to another city and stand in kilometer-long queues to register. You just need to fill out a few applications and that’s it! This competition of children's works allows you to try your hand at several categories at once, and not lose in any of them!

All-Russian children's creativity competition - a great start!

It is not necessary to immediately participate in a worldwide competition. First, you can demonstrate your creativity in a similar domestic event. All-Russian children's creativity competitions have been happily looking for talent for many years and, of course, find them. The age of the child does not matter. Maybe he is still very young, but he is already amazing you with his abilities, or maybe he is already a diligent student who is not indifferent to art - in any case, all kids and students can reveal their talent in this competition. The main thing is to give them a chance and support them at every stage of creative activity!

Every representative of the younger generation, sooner or later, wants to show what he has succeeded in, doing what he loves. Remote competitions for students will help him with this. Today, the interests of children are quite diverse, so our center guarantees a wide selection of nominations in which your child can test his strength.

Distance competitions for students are a great find

Indeed, such competitions are very useful and simple. If previously a child had to go on a journey that was not always nearby, today all he needs to do is register on the portal and send a portfolio of work for evaluation. This is perhaps the main beauty of distance competitions for students. In addition, these competitions do not distract children from their basic education and allow them to achieve success in two fields at the same time. A child can demonstrate his intellectual, musical, applied and many other abilities by competing with his peers.

Young designers and constructors, speakers and inventors, collectors and travelers can start their careers here. They submit their work, sketches, designs of various projects for consideration and receive rewards for their love for their work. Thanks to distance competitions for students, children will decide on the correct choice of their creative route and will follow it, reaching new heights. Such competitions will also be of interest to the younger creative generation, which, at times, is in no way inferior to their older friends.

How many crafts, drawings, poems and other noteworthy materials does your little one have accumulated on the shelves? In fact, the quantity is not so important, because you can start your journey to the top of the creative Olympus without any special preparation, but with great desire. This is why our center “Pride of Russia” exists, which regularly holds competitions for younger schoolchildren. These competitions, of course, have been extremely popular for many years now. Thanks to such events, all contestants have the opportunity to express themselves and become part of the creative intelligentsia of our state.

All-Russian competitions for junior schoolchildren

This type of competition has a huge number of nominations and the age of the competitor is absolutely unimportant. Thus, every day a team of specialists reviews dozens and sometimes hundreds of works by talented children from different parts of our vast homeland. I wonder why they still haven’t met the masterpiece made by your child? All-Russian competitions for junior schoolchildren are an excellent incentive for new achievements. Having participated just once, the child will certainly want to expand the horizons of his creativity and will work on himself even harder, which means he will certainly achieve the highest results.

It is also important that no participant will be left unattended. By taking part in a competition for junior schoolchildren, the growing creative personality will receive a diploma that will testify to her abilities and aspirations. Support your child's endeavors and help him take the first step.

Smart, talented children live in every settlement of our vast country. We, adults, are obliged to make every effort so that the children learn, develop and can show themselves worthily at all kinds of competitions and olympiads.

Why are all-Russian competitions for preschool children needed?

While attending kindergarten, children learn a lot and watch how their friends cope with the same tasks. Mentors often organize work shows, competitions, and fairs, allowing the child to demonstrate his abilities and at the same time take something into account.

Center"The pride of Russia "offers all-Russian competitions for preschoolers, which provide an opportunity to try their hand at competing for championship among peers from different cities of our country. Participation in such competitions will help the child raise self-esteem, as well as broaden his horizons and add another achievement to his portfolio.

All-Russian children's competitions for preschoolers are available to everyone

We hold all-Russian correspondence competitions for preschool children throughout the year. At any convenient time, you can go to our Center’s website and choose a topic that suits your child. Participating in our competitions is very simple. You register, select a competition category, fill out an application and upload your children's work.

All-Russian children's competitions for preschoolers, which we conduct remotely, are available to absolutely everyone. To participate in the event, all you need is Internet access and a few tens of rubles. Don't let your children's unique works gather dust on the shelves, send them to the competition, and let the child receive his reward.

Please note: the “Pride of Russia” center opens up opportunities for preschool children to participate not only in the All-Russian, but also in the international competition, and this is an invaluable experience for a growing creative personality.

Send your children's work to the "Pride of Russia" center and rejoice in the success of your little geniuses!

It's no secret that the generation of children of the 21st century is growing up much faster than its predecessors. Therefore, a very important point in raising children is their comprehensive development. An international competition for preschoolers will help you demonstrate your talents and take the first step towards achieving high goals. This event will allow your child to open up and gain self-confidence, which will be an important factor for his further development.

What international competitions are there for preschoolers?

Today, kids can express themselves in almost all areas. Thus, competitions in which children present their posters, photographs, crafts and costumes are very popular. Each of the above nominations allows us to identify children’s skills for a specific type of activity and, in addition, awakens in the participants the desire not to stop there and create new bright works.

Song competitions are also well known. Young talents, who no longer have enough parents as an appreciative audience, will be happy to demonstrate their skills in such an event.

Of course, we can’t help but remember the choreography. International dance competitions for preschoolers were perhaps one of the first to emerge. Such competitions are the best way to instill team spirit in children and, of course, allow them to express those emotions that cannot be described in words.

The above list is not the entire list of competitions in which preschoolers can express themselves. A child can achieve new creative victories in reciting, composing his own poetry, and writing prose. It is enough just to pay attention to the baby’s strengths and help him in their further development.

It's hard to argue with the fact that the most popular pastime among children is drawing. By creating truly unique drawings, kids convey their inner world. Often, parents are not even aware of the hidden talents of their children and are not particularly enthusiastic about the development of their child’s creative qualities. In order to verify the child’s talent and give him the opportunity to express himself, there are all-Russian drawing competitions for preschool children. Carrying out such creative tournaments allows the child to become familiar with art and develops the desire to achieve new heights.

How long have all-Russian creative competitions for preschoolers existed?

Such events have quite a rich history. The first children's creative competitions for preschoolers were held in the early 90s. Since then, much has changed both in the organization and in the scale of holding these “tournaments”. However, identifying and developing children’s abilities remains a fundamental element of these competitions. At first, the most famous competitions for children were song competitions. Guys from all over the country came to the capital to take their first steps on stage and prove themselves. Today, thanks to the development of technology, all-Russian creative competitions for preschoolers are not limited to songs, and you can take part in them without leaving your hometown.

How often are fine art competitions held for preschoolers?

The number of drawing competitions per year is very large. These events are timed to coincide with almost all the main holidays of our country. Of course, the most popular holidays that are dedicated to fine arts competitions for preschoolers are the following: New Year, International Women's Day, Family Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day. However, besides them, there are many other topics that may also be close to the child. You can always find out about the dates of competitions from your teacher or on the Internet.

When entering any preschool educational institution, a child finds a second family. For parents, this step is also very important, because the development and health of the younger generation depends on the atmosphere in which preschool children find themselves. Therefore, each parent approaches the choice of an educational institution with special responsibility. One of the main criteria influencing the idea of ​​a particular kindergarten is the availability of qualified specialists. Often an indicator of professionalism is the presence of certificates, diplomas or certificates of gratitude for participation in competitions for preschool teachers.

What types of competitions are there for preschool teachers?

To participate in such a tournament, all you need is desire and love for your work. Teachers can be nominated either independently or with their students. In addition to domestic ones, there are also international competitions for preschoolers and educators, which have been especially popular in recent years. In each of the competitions there are many areas, and participants can choose the one that is closest to them and in which they have some experience. Thus, preschool competitions are divided into several sections: holiday scenarios, arts and crafts, acting, choreography, etc. All-Russian competitions for teachers and preschoolers accept teaching aids, presentations, research papers, poems, videos, etc. as materials.

Internet competitions for teachers and preschoolers

Today, preschool education is at a higher level than before, and in order to demonstrate your talents, you do not need to travel hundreds of kilometers. Fast Internet competitions for teachers and preschoolers come to the aid of everyone. This approach to organizing such events significantly simplifies the competition procedure and allows all interested educators and children to take part.

As you can see, you can highlight your professionalism and excellent teaching skills with the help of an exciting and useful competition, in which kindergarten students can also take part.

Introducing children to one form of art or another is an integral part of the comprehensive development of every child. All-Russian children's competitions will help your child demonstrate his skills.

All-Russian children's competitions and their varieties

In our country, children's events are held regularly, and every year the number of participants in such tournaments is constantly growing. At the same time, the number of areas in which kids can compete increases every year. Young talents have a choice of: an all-Russian children's vocal competition, an acting competition, a poetry and prose reading competition, and many others. Children can try their hand not only in the Russian, but also in the international competition, the nominations in which are not much different from domestic ones.

Family All-Russian competitions for children and parents

What could bring a family together even more than all-Russian competitions for children and parents? In such competitions, adults and children will learn to understand each other even more, will begin to listen to the opinion of each family member, and most importantly, parents will be reliable support and support for their children at every stage of the competition. With such support, children feel much more confident, and their first experience of participating in big competitions will be a great memory for the whole family.

All-Russian competitions for children and adults are an excellent option for improving younger participants’ communication skills with peers. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to find friends from different parts of our state. To participate in the competition, a family only needs to decide on the direction in which it wants to demonstrate its skills. Of course, first of all, you should start from the interests of the child, because in the end it is he who is the main component of any team! When preparing for a competition, you should give your child the opportunity to take the initiative, and then the next tournaments in his life will be much easier for him, and most importantly, more joyful!

Most kids want to become famous in one area of ​​life since childhood. So, some dream of becoming astronauts, others - artists, and still others - performers. International competitions for children, which are created so that children can demonstrate their abilities and develop them throughout their lives, will help bring young talents closer to achieving their goals. However, what to do if it is not possible to attend the event in person? For this purpose, special tournaments are held, which are becoming more and more popular every day. Let's take a closer look at the features of their implementation.

Why are international distance children's competitions needed?

Often there are some difficulties in the family so that the child has the opportunity to take part in competitions. Difficulties may be caused by insufficient time for parents to accompany their child to international tournaments, or insufficient funds. Fortunately, today you can try your hand at any industry with the help of international children's distance competitions. Such events provide a unique chance for each child to express themselves and their abilities, as well as achieve high results in their favorite activity.

How to take part in an international emergency competition for children?

Urgent international competitions for children offer a huge number of nominations to demonstrate their skills. The most popular sections include: musical and literary creativity, acting, “skillful hands”, photo competition, fine arts, as well as choreography and many others. In order to be among the contenders for victory, you must send an application and files with your competition work. Almost all international express competitions for children announce the results within a few days. Some even provide results within hours! As you can see, being among the number of creative children from all over the world is not so difficult. This experience will help the child become one step closer to his dream and give him an incentive to improve his abilities.

Quick competitions for preschoolers are offered by the Pride of Russia center. Our experts have developed many competitions and quizzes on various topics, among which you can easily choose the one that best suits your baby. All preschool competitions for children are age-appropriate and educational.

Children's educational competitions held by our Center are evaluated very quickly. During the day you took part, and in the evening you will know the result. Please note that we constantly hold children's work competitions, so you can take part in them at any convenient time.

Children are very active and inquisitive. Knowing the physical and psychological characteristics of preschool children and skillfully using modern information technologies, you can productively engage in the training, development and upbringing of children.

What are quick competitions for preschoolers on the Internet?

The game is the leading activity of a preschooler, so expanding one’s horizons occurs more effectively in the game process. During this period, children are most willing to take part in various competitions. It is important that adults do not miss such a favorable time and try to participate with the baby in all available activities.

Today, the doors of many preschool institutions are open to children, where professionals are engaged in their development. In addition, there are online competitions for preschoolers, in which they can test their erudition and receive a well-deserved reward. Online competitions take little time and quickly produce results, which is important for restless people.

Where can I find distance competitions for preschool children?

Quick competitions for preschoolers are offered by the Pride of Russia center. Our specialists have developed many competitions and quizzes on various topics, among which you can easily choose the one that is most suitable for your child. All preschool competitions for children are age-appropriate and educational.

Children's educational competitions held by our Center are evaluated very quickly - 2 days. Please note that we constantly hold children's work competitions, so you can take part in them at any convenient time.

Often parents do not understand why distance competitions for preschoolers are needed if the child is busy every day in a preschool institution. But competitions in kindergarten are held only in one’s own group, while remotely you can compete with peers from across the country and even the world. In addition, online competitions help out when the baby is at home for some reason.

The Pride of Russia Center holds paid competitions for preschool children, but it must be said that the contribution is symbolic and does not affect the family budget. But you will be able to see the happy eyes of the little one who received a diploma for his work.

You can see all the competitions that the center holds by visiting our website. To participate in any of them, you must click the “Submit Application” button and fill out the form. Completing tasks in the comfort of your home and then posting them on the Internet to participate in a competition is simple and convenient, as it saves effort, time and money. This is especially important when it comes to the All-Russian competition of children's works.

The acceptance of applications for participation in the international creative competitions of the Moscow Zoo as part of the festival “Ecology. Creation. Children". Deadline April 1, 2015.

Organizer: Moscow Zoo.

The main goal of the festival is for children to understand environmental problems through their creativity. The competition accepts poems, stories, fairy tales, plays, performances, films and cartoons based on original scripts, photographs, artistic and applied works on environmental topics.

Any young citizen of Russia and other countries whose creativity, individual or collective, does not contradict the goals and objectives of the festival can be a participant in the festival.

Main directions:

1. Literary competition. Nominations:

  • “Our home is planet Earth”

Poems, stories, fairy tales, plays are considered. The best works will form the basis of the Festival’s literary readings

2. Theater competition.


  • "We're the same blood!"
  • "SOS!"
Our official VKontakte group:, our telegram, classmates ,

Performances, theatrical performances, thematic game programs, as well as performances by propaganda teams are presented.

3. Fine and applied creativity.

For participation in exhibitions of fine and applied creativity of children's art schools and studios, as well as individual young authors, the following nominations are offered:

Painting and graphics

  • "The World of Seas and Oceans"
  • "World of Insects"
  • "On the forest path"

Animal sculpture

  • “They are still with us” (animals of the Red Book)

Poster competition “SOS!”

  • "Second Life"

Works made from recycled materials are accepted.

4. Photo-video.

  • "Animals close up"

Photo portraits of animals and films based on original scripts are presented: educational, game, animated.



1. General provisions

1.1. The founders of the Regional Festival “Ecology. Creation. Children" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) are:

Department of Education of the Omsk City Administration;

Budgetary educational institution of additional education for children of the city of Omsk “Children’s Ecological and Biological Center”;

Omsk regional children's and youth public organization for environmental protection "Ecological Center".

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. The festival is held with the aim of drawing the attention of the younger generation to the problems of environmental protection and promoting the activities of environmental groups.

2.2. Tasks:

Identification of students' creative abilities;

Attracting students' attention to environmental issues;

Formation of an active life position in the younger generation.

3. Festival participants

3.1. Students of educational institutions of all types and types aged from 6 to 17 years, teachers and leaders of creative groups can take part in the Festival.

4. Procedure and timing of the Festival

4.1. The festival is held in the following categories:

- literary competition “Our home is planet Earth”;

Theater competition “You and I are of the same blood”;

Fine art;

Applied arts “Second Life”;

Video film competition “The World Around Me”;

Photo competition “My Zoo”.

4.2. A package of documents (application, list of works, questionnaires) is submitted to the Festival organizing committee in printed form until January 25, 2013 (see Appendix).

4.3. No more than 10 works per participant can be submitted to the Festival. In case of exceeding the number of works, the organizing committee reserves the right to independently select 10 works, which will then be allowed to participate in the Festival.

Literary competition“Our home is planet Earth”

The competition has an environmental focus. Based on its results, the jury identifies laureates in the following categories:


The jury consists of professional writers, ecologists, and teachers.

Requirements for competitive works:

Genres are chosen at will.

Criteria for evaluation:



Rhetorical devices;


General impression;

Compliance with the chosen topic (environmental focus);


Works must be typed with 1.5 spacing and no more than 24 typewritten pages. Teachers and directors of creative groups can also take part in the play competition.

Theater competition “You and I are of the same blood”

The competition includes performances, theatrical performances, thematic game programs, as well as performances by propaganda teams lasting no more than 10 minutes. If the time limits are not met, the submitted works will not be allowed to participate in the competition.

Criteria for evaluation:


Sound accompaniment;

Originality of costumes;

Relevance of the topic;

Acting skills;

Culture of behavior on stage.

All musical accompaniment of performances and game programs is accepted on digital media CD - R, in CD - DA format (audio disk) or a flash card in mp3 format. Participants in the competition submit a video recording of a performance, game program, etc.

Fine art

The competition is held in the following categories:

Painting and graphics;

Animal sculpture;

Poster competition.

Painting and graphics

The nomination includes the following topics:

- “The World of Seas and Oceans”;

- “On a forest path”;

- “We are walking through the zoo.”

Each work must have 2 mats. The first copy is firmly attached to the back of the work, the second is attached to the application. All works must be mounted for display at an exhibition (Appendix).

Criteria for evaluation:

General impression;

Matching theme and idea;

Execution technique;



Animal sculpture

- “They are still with us” (animals listed in the Red Book of the Omsk Region, the Red Book of the Russian Federation). The sculpture must be accompanied by a brief zoological information about the animal, printed with 1.5 intervals, no more than a page of typewritten text. A passe-partout is attached to the work (Appendix).

Poster competition

Creative work is performed on a sheet of Whatman paper in A2 format. The passe-partout is placed on the reverse side of the work in its central part (Appendix No. 1).

When performing collective work - full name of the authors, name of the organization (according to the Charter), full postal address, telephone number, title of the work (Appendix).

Criteria for evaluation:

Technique for performing the work;

Novelty and relevance of the work;

Completeness of coverage of the chosen topic, imagery;


Contest applied creativity “Second Life”

Works made from recycled materials (bottles, CDs, napkins, tetrapacks, etc.) with a size of no more than 30 cm x 40 cm are accepted. When accepting works, the features of the submitted works (fragility, reliability of fastening parts, etc.) are taken into account for their postal delivery.

Criteria for evaluation:

General impression;

Matching theme and idea;

Execution technique;



A passe-partout is attached to the work (Appendix).

The jury consists of teachers and leaders of creative associations. Works that do not make it to the final stage of the competition are returned to the authors after the end of the Festival within a month.

Video film competition “The World Around Me”

Films based on original scripts are submitted to the competition: educational, game, animated. The duration of the film is no more than 10 minutes. Video materials are accepted in MPEG4 format. An explanatory text is required for the film. The jury consists of professional directors, photographers, artists, and sound engineers.

Criteria for evaluation:

General impression;

Matching theme and idea;

Execution technique;


Sound accompaniment.

Photo competition “My Zoo”

Photographs of animals are accepted. Both teams and individual authors can participate in the competition. An explanatory text containing information about the animal shown in the photograph is required.

Photos submitted to the photo competition can be made in black and white or color, as well as using special laboratory techniques. A series is considered one work (no more than 4 photographs). Photo size no more than 30 cm x 40 cm.

On the reverse side of each photograph it is indicated in block letters:


Name of the institution submitting the work;

Full name of the head.

Criteria for evaluation:

Relevance of the topic and its implementation;

Relevance of the title of the work;

Performance technique;

Artistic merit;

Registration of work.

5. Summarizing

Summing up the results of the Festival will take place on February 12, 2013.

Contestants who score 10 points are awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region, 7 points - diplomas from the Department of Education of the Omsk City Administration"; 5 points - diplomas from the Omsk Children's EcoCenter, participants with certificates from the Omsk regional children's and youth public organization "Ecological Center".

6. Management

The organization and holding of the Festival is carried out by the Omsk Children's Educational Institution "Children's EcoCenter" and the Omsk regional children's and youth public organization for environmental protection "Ecological Center".

7. Financing

The organization and holding of the Festival is carried out through the receipt of sponsorship funds.

For questions regarding the Festival, please contact the organizing committee of the city of Omsk. Responsible: , head of the organizational and mass department,



Passepartout size – 150 mm x 50 mm.



Application form

To be completed in printed form or in block letters

1. Name of the competition ________________________________________________

2. Nomination in the competition__________________________________________________________

3. Title of work ________________________________________________

5. Date of birth ________________________________________________

6. Educational institution (according to the Charter), class: ______________

10. Last name, first name, patronymic of the manager: ______________________________

manager's contact phone number ___________________________________

11.Institution that submitted the work (according to the Charter):


I have read the terms of the competition and agree _________________________


Date of completion "___" _______ 20 ___

Signature of the person filling out the form __________________

· The questionnaire is filled out for each Festival participant and sent to the organizing committee along with the competition work.

· Works are stored for one month.

· Photocopies of the passport or birth certificate, and a photocopy of the participant’s TIN are attached to the application form.

To the director of the budgetary educational institution for additional education of children in the city of Omsk "Children's Ecological and Biological Center"

Sitnikova Galina Vladimirovna


for the processing of personal data


(last name, first name, patronymic, date, month, year of birth, position)


residing at:


(postal code, full address, actual residential address)


name and details of the identity document: ___________________________________________________________________

series _________________________ number _________________________ by whom and when issued _____________________________________________________

In accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.01 “On Personal Data” and in order to comply with other regulations, assistance in training and career advancement, ensuring personal safety, recording the results of the performance of official duties and ensuring the safety of property, I agree to the processing of my personal data (receipt, storage, combination, transfer or any other use of personal data):

Passport documents, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN), military registration document (for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service), documents on education, qualifications or special knowledge (upon entry to work requiring special knowledge or special training);

Personal data submitted by me when applying for a job or in the process of work, including autobiography, information about marital status, change of name, presence of children and dependents), medical report;

- employment contract, orders for admission, transfers, dismissal, salary increases, bonuses, incentives and penalties, personal card (unified form No. T-2), statements, explanatory and service notes, documents on certification, interviews, advanced training, job responsibilities.

I also agree to submit a request to my previous place of work in order to determine the accuracy of entries in the work book or my professional qualities, a request to an educational institution to verify the authenticity of an education document, a request to a medical institution about the accuracy of a medical document.

The consent to the processing of my personal data is valid until the date of filing an application to revoke this consent.

___________ ____________________ ______________________________

(date) (signature of the applicant) (surname, initials of the applicant)

___________ ______________________ ____________________________

(date) (signature of the person who accepted the application) (surname, initials of the person who accepted the application)


about the city correspondence environmental competition

"Ecology. Creation. Children"
I. General provisions

  1. The organizers of the city correspondence environmental competition “Ecology. Creation. Children" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) are the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Smolensk City Administration, the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Ecological and Biological Center "Smolensk Zoo" of the city of Smolensk and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Park "Smolenskoe Poozerye".

  2. The purpose of the Competition: to comprehend the amazing world of wildlife of the Smolensk Poozerie National Park through the creativity of children.

  3. Tasks:
- actualization of environmental problems through various forms of creativity;

Identification of creatively gifted children.
II. Competitors

Teaching staff (in the category “Plays” of the literary direction) and students aged 5 to 18 years (in all areas of the Competition) of educational institutions in the city of Smolensk can take part in the Competition.
III.Conditions of participation in the Competition

1. To participate in the Competition, an educational institution can provide work in the following areas:

Literary - no more than 9 works from students in each nomination, no more than 6 works from teachers.

Theatrical – no more than 3 performances in each category.

Fine and applied creativity - no more than 36 works in the category “ Painting and graphics", no more than 9 works in the category “ Animalistic sculpture",“Poster Competition”, “Second Life”.

- “Photo and video film competition” - no more than 36 photographs and 9 videos.

2. Pupils of preschool educational institutions take part in all directions and nominations of the Competition, with the exception of the direction “Photo and Video Film Competition” and the nomination “Poster Competition” in the direction “Fine Creativity”.

3. The works presented in each direction of the Competition must correspond to the topic of the nomination and the requirements.

4. Original works must be submitted for the Competition.

5. Works in the literary direction are provided only in electronic form to an email address [email protected]with the note: “ETD competition, literary direction.”

6. The work must be completed independently by the participant in the Competition.

7. Competitive works of preschoolers (in the category “Second Life”) can be completed with the help of an adult; this must be indicated in the application form (clause 7 special notes) (Appendix No. 2).

8. Works must be designed in accordance with the requirements.

9. All works must be accompanied by applications, questionnaires and labels (Appendix No. 1, 2, 3). Works with a title page are not accompanied by labels (works of literary and theatrical directions).

10. Work without accompanying documents will not be considered.

11. The work of students from correctional classes and specialized institutions must have yellow labels.

12. Participant forms and an application from the institution are provided electronicallyin formatWord orPDFto email address[email protected]with the note: “ETD competition, application, questionnaires”(tel. for information: 55-21-96, methodologist - Medvedkova Zinaida Viktorovna).

IV. Conditions of the Competition

  1. The competition is held from December 19, 2016 to January 27, 2017.

  2. Works are accepted in MBU DO "EBC "Smolensk Zoo" at the address: Smolensk, st. Pamfilova, 3b from December 19, 2016 to January 19, 2017 on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00 (methodologist - Zinaida Viktorovna Medvedkova).

  3. Works are not accepted later than indicated in this Terms of Service.

  4. Submitted materials in all areas of the competition do not return.

  5. Grade sent to the Competition works carried out from January 20 to January 27, 2017.

  6. Written reviews of work are not issued.

  7. The organizers of the Competition have the right to use the works, incl. for filming and editing videos by television companies and Internet centers.

  8. Throughout the entire Competition, the organizers may involve third-party experts to evaluate competitive entries in each direction:

  • literary - representatives of the media, poets and writers of Smolensk, teachers of the educational institution who do not take part in this direction of the Competition.

  • theatrical and “Video Film Competition” - actors, directors, screenwriters and other workers of theaters, theater studios and other cultural institutions of the city.

  • fine and applied creativity - artists, art and technology teachers at educational institutions who do not take part in these areas of the Competition.

  • “Photo competition” - city photographers.
8. Works sent from correctional and specialized institutions, art schools and studios are considered separately from works from other educational institutions.

9. Summing up K The competition is carried out in each direction in each category:


Students of grades 1-4;

Students in grades 5-8;

Students in grades 9-11, where winners (1st place) and runners-up (2nd and 3rd place) are determined.

10. If two or fewer works that meet the requirements of the Competition are provided in a nomination in one age category, then it is considered invalid and prizes are not distributed.

11. The results of the Competition are not revised.

12. In the period from February 6 to February 16, 2017, the organizers of the Competition on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution “Smolensk Regional Universal Library named after. A.T. Tvardovsky" an exhibition of photographs and works of fine arts and crafts of the winners and prize-winners of the Competition is held (by agreement).

13. The works of winners and prize-winners in other areas are posted on the official website of the MBU DO “EBC “Smolensk Zoo” (

14. February 16, 2017 at 15-00 on the basis of the Smolensk Regional Universal Library named after. A.T. Tvardovsky" the results of the Competition are being summed up.

15. Winners and runners-up of the Competition are awarded certificates.

16. The best works of the city correspondence environmental competition “Ecology. Creation. Children" are sent to the State Autonomous Institution "Moscow Zoo" to participate in the XX II All-Russian festival"Ecology. Creation. Children".

17. Teaching staff who prepared winners, prize-winners, active participants, who became winners, prize-winners and active participants are awarded at the city environmental final conference dedicated to the Day of Environmental Education.

V. Main directions of the Competition

  1. Literary
Fairy tales, short stories, stories, plays by authors on the topic “Our home is planet Earth”, about the diversity of the living world of Poozerie and the need to preserve it are considered.

Prose (stories, fairy tales, novellas);

Only teaching staff and directors of creative teams can take part in the “Plays” category.

2. Theater

The direction is represented by nominations:

- "We're the same blood!", dedicated to representatives of the fauna of Poozerie.

  • “SOS!”, about current problems of protecting the territory of Poozerie, about rare and endangered species of plants and animals in the park.
Collectives (actors - children) who send video materials of performances and performances take part in the Competition.


The direction is represented by the following nominations:

- “Painting and graphics”;

- “Poster Competition”;

- “Animalistic sculpture”;

- "Second Life".

In the category "Painting and Graphics" accepted drawings in pencil, ink, felt-tip pens, gouache, oil painting, watercolor, black and white graphics, etc. on topics:

- “On a forest path”, depicting representatives of the flora and fauna of the Poozerie forests.

- “The World of Insects”, depicting representatives of the world entomology of Poozerie.

In the category “Poster Competition” on the theme “SOS!” Posters reflecting current problems of protecting the territory of Poozerie are accepted (illegal deforestation, fishing and hunting, etc.).

In the nomination “Animal sculpture” on the topic“They are still with us” (animals of Poozerie, listed in the Red Book) accepts round sculpture and relief panels, three-dimensional and flat compositions, etc.

In the “Second Life” nomination on the theme “Happy Birthday, Poozerye!” Works made from recycled materials (garbage or things that have lost their intended purpose) are accepted.


Are being considered photo portraits and videos about animals Poozerye in the “Animals close-up” category.

VI. Requirements for registration of competitive works

6.1. Literary direction

1. One participant can submit only one work in the nomination.

2. The work must be presented in one of the genres: poem, fable, true story, parable, fairy tale, story, story, play. Essays, essays, interviews, narrative stories are not accepted for the Competition.

3. Scenarios for environmental events are not accepted in the “Plays” category.

4. The competition entry must be original. The entry will be removed from the Competition if any copyright infringement is detected on the part of the Competition participant. When using poems and other works of other writers, you must indicate the title of the work and the author.

5. The work must have:

- The work must have a title page: title page with mandatory indication of the name of the educational institution, nomination of the work, age group, genre and title of the work, full name. author(s), class, full name work manager (in full), city and year of work;

Text of the work.

4. The work must be typed at 1.5-2 intervals and no more than 24 typewritten pages.

6.2. Theater direction

  1. Performances, theatrical performances, thematic game programs, as well as performances by propaganda teams are presented. Video recordings from open lessons and classes with dramatizations are not considered.

  2. Competition material is provided on digital media (CD, DVD).

  3. You must provide a printed text of the event script.

  4. The event script must have:
- title page with mandatory indication of the name of the educational institution, name of the event, full name. work manager (in full), city and year of work;

A program indicating the educational institution (school, class), name of the team, name of the presented work, author, characters and performers, full name. (their age must be indicated), director, venue, etc.

An explanatory note indicating the age of the participants, purpose, objectives, details, decorations, characters, recommendations for making costumes and other recommendations for organizing the event.

6.3. Fine and applied creativity

6.3.1. Fine art General requirements

    1. Works in the categories “Painting and Graphics” and “Poster Competition” are accepted in formats from A4 (landscape sheet) to A1 (Whatman paper).

    2. The work must be done in compliance with scale, proportions, etc.

    3. Works made using computer graphics, embroidery and other applied arts techniques are not accepted.

    4. The work must have a label. A label made of thick paper or cardboard measuring 10 cm by 5 cm is attached to the work with paper clips. For a sample of filling out the label, see Appendix No. 3.

    5. The work must be signed on the reverse side in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

    6. Only exhibition-designed works are allowed. Drawings and paintings must be placed in frames (without glass) or mounted in a mat.

    7. Works that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for consideration. Nomination "Animalistic sculpture".

      1. Works that convey images of Lake Lake animals listed in the Red Book are accepted.

      2. The sculpture must be made of the same material (plasticine, clay) and have a stand made of the same material as the work itself.

      3. The work must have an accompanying text with a brief description of the Lakeland animal from the Red Book.

      4. The accompanying text is provided on an A4 sheet and signed on the reverse side in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).
6.3.2. Phandicraft creativity

      1. The work must be made from any materials that are recycled materials.

      2. Works made from writing paper and natural materials will not be accepted.

      3. The work must have a label made of thick paper or cardboard measuring 10 cm by 5 cm. For a sample of filling out the label, see Appendix No. 3.

      4. The work must be signed in an inconspicuous place in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

      5. Works that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for consideration.
6.4. "Photo and video film competition"

6.4.1. Videos

          1. Films based on original scripts about the animals of Poozerie are presented: educational, game, animated. Presentations are not accepted.

          2. Works are provided in AVI format on electronic media (CD, DVD).

          3. The work must have a title.

          4. The disk is signed in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

          5. An accompanying text in printed and electronic form is attached to the competition work, revealing the author’s intention.

          6. The accompanying text is signed on the reverse side in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

          7. Works that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for consideration.
6.4.2. Photos

          1. At least 4 photographs are accepted from one participant.

          2. Photos should be dedicated to the animals of Lakeland.

          3. Photos of pets are not accepted.

          4. Photos made using the photo collage technique are not allowed to participate in the Competition.

          5. Photos must be provided in printed form in A4 format.

          6. Photos must be of good quality.

          7. Photos taken with a mobile phone are not accepted

          8. Photos must be placed in a file folder or frame without glass.

          9. Each photo must have a label. A label made of thick paper or cardboard measuring 10 cm by 5 cm is attached to the work with paper clips. For a sample of filling out the label, see Appendix No. 3.

          10. Each photograph must be signed on the reverse side in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

          11. For photographs, explanatory text is required, reflecting the author's intention, information about who is depicted in the photograph, where the photo was taken, and interesting observations of the animal.

          12. The explanatory text is drawn up separately and signed on the reverse side in accordance with the sample (Appendix No. 3).

          13. Works that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for consideration.

VII. Work evaluation criteria

Works are assessed on a 5-point system.

7.1. Literary direction

  1. Environmental and biological literacy.

  2. Compliance with Russian language standards.

  3. Genre-appropriate.

  4. Consistency of style and disclosure of the topic.

  5. The originality of the author.

  6. The ideological content of the competition work.

  7. Reflection the diversity of the living world of Poozerie and the need for its conservation.
7.2. Theater direction

  1. Video recording quality.

  2. Correspondence of the repertoire to the age of the performers.

  1. Compliance of the production with the nomination of the Competition.

  2. The depth of understanding of dramatic material, the persuasiveness of its implementation.

  3. The originality of the director's concept.

  4. Acting and performing skills (expressiveness and emotionality of performers, technique of playing the role).

  5. Stage speech of performers.

  6. Art design (costumes, makeup, scenery, lighting, props, music).
7. 3. Fine and applied creativity

7.3.1. Fine art

1. Technique for performing the work.

2. Composition.

3. Completeness of coverage of the topic and imagery.

4. Literacy in drawing in the categories “Painting and Graphics” and “Poster Competition”.

5. Line and plasticity in the category “Animalistic sculpture”.

6. Color scheme of the work.

7. Originality.

8. Design quality.

7.3.2. Applied creativity

        1. Originality of the idea.

        2. Workmanship.

        3. General artistic presentation of the work.

        4. Mastery.

        5. Use of recycled materials in the production of work.
7.4. "Photo and video film competition"

7.4.1. Videos

  1. Compliance of the plot with the nomination and theme of the Competition.

  2. Artistic integrity of the video film.

  3. Compositional solution (originality and novelty of the work performed).

  4. Professionalism, quality of installation, musical accompaniment.

  5. Originality.
7.4. 2. Photos

            1. Compliance with the nomination and theme of the Competition.

            2. The originality of the composition and color scheme of the work.

            3. Originality of the idea.

            4. Originality, brightness and expressiveness of performance.

            5. Artistic taste demonstrated in the preparation of the work.

            6. Image quality: crisp, clear.
Appendix No. 1

to participate in the city correspondence environmental competition

"Ecology. Creation. Children"
1. Name, number of educational institution.

2. Address, telephone.

3. Full name and the position of the person responsible for participation in the Competition (in full).

4. Information on the number of participants and works:



Total number of participants

Total number of works



Nomination "Poems"

Nomination "Prose"

Nomination "Plays"


Fine and applied creativity

Nomination "Poster Competition"

Nomination "Animalistic sculpture"

Nomination "Second Life"


"Painting and Graphics"


"On the forest path"


"World of Insects"




"Photo and video film competition"


Signature of the manager responsible for participation _____________ _____________

Director's signature ___________________ ____________________


* Is drawn up on the institution’s letterhead, translated into PDF format, and sent to the competition organizers by email [email protected] marked “ETD competition, application”

Appendix No. 2
Application form for a participant in the city correspondence environmental competition

"Ecology. Creation. Children"*
1. Full name (fully)

2. Year of birth.

3. Address, telephone.

5. Educational institution, class/group/name of circle or association.

6. Full name of the manager (in full).

7. Special notes.

8. Title of work***.

9. Legal representatives are familiar with the terms of the Competition and consent to the processing of personal data.
*Created electronically in Word format and sent to the competition organizers by email [email protected] marked “ETD competition, questionnaire”

** If a participant of the Competition takes part in several directions and nominations, then they are listed in clause 4 under subclauses 4.1., 4.2.

For example,

4.1. Literary direction, nomination “Prose”, theme“Our home is planet Earth”

4.2. Literary direction, nomination “Poems”, theme“Our home is planet Earth”

4.3. Fine and applied creativity, nomination “Poster Competition”, theme “SOS!”

*** Titles of works according to clause 4 are listed by subparagraphs.

For example,

8.1. "About bison"

8.2. "The Shaggy Bumblebee from Poozerie"

8.3. “Don’t destroy the primroses!”

Appendix No. 3

Label sample (10x5cm)

The procedure for filling out the label/signing accompanying and explanatory texts for the work:

Address (full).

Educational institution, class/group/name of circle or association.

Full name of the manager(s) (in full).

Execution technique and material.

Direction, nomination, topic.

This year the festival “Ecology.

Creation. Children" will be held at the Moscow Zoo for the sixth time. The duration of the festival is from March 25 to April 1, 2000.

Over the course of five years, our festival has improved, acquiring new friends and participants, but the goals and objectives of the festival have remained and remain unchanged: finding ways for children to understand environmental problems through their creativity; promoting the activities of children's groups focused on understanding environmental problems.

Last year, about one and a half thousand children from Moscow, the Moscow region, Ryazan, Vladimir, Pskov, Glazov, Kazan, Orsk, Krasnoyarsk, and other cities and regions of Russia took part in the festival.

It gathered an audience of thousands of spectators who came to the Moscow Zoo during the festival and took part in various events.

The festival has become an all-Russian phenomenon. Its organizers - the State Committee for Environmental Protection, the Russian Bird Conservation Union, the Federal Environmental Fund of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Zoo and the Tik-Tak children's theater - understand that this year is special: humanity is entering the third millennium. This gives us a reason to reflect on the past and look into the future. And now we can say with confidence that problems of ecology, harmony of man and the environment are the most pressing problems of the New Age.

The festival organizing committee and the creative jury hope that the current festival will continue the process of educating a new generation, acutely aware of the problems of the New Age.

Main directions

1. Literary competition. Poems, stories, plays by authors on the topic “Saving the Planet - the desire for harmony between Man and the Environment” are considered. Scenarios of creative events dedicated to environmental issues held in children's schools and educational institutions are also considered. The best works will be published in various magazines and in a collection of the best literary works.

2. Theater competition.
Theatrical groups taking part are working in the field of understanding environmental problems through the means of theatrical art, using entertaining forms of mastering scientific knowledge.

Groups wishing to take part in the competition must send video recordings of performances and performances.
3. Fine and applied creativity. For participation in exhibitions of fine and applied art, in which children’s art schools and studios, as well as individual young authors, can take part, the following directions are offered: “The World of Seas and Oceans”, “We are Walking through the Zoo”, “On a Forest Path”, "My home friend."

There will also be a poster competition “Planet Earth on the threshold of the 21st century” and a drawing and small sculpture competition for young animal artists “They are still with us” (animals of the Red Book).

4. Seminar for teachers, leaders of children's creative groups, environmental centers, magazine editors on the topic “Theatricalization of the scientific and educational process.”
Along with the main directions, this year it is planned to hold traditional creative workshops and master classes in origami, modeling, drawing, and theatrical creativity. Meetings will be organized with the editors of newspapers and magazines covering environmental problems, presentations of new publications within the framework of the motto “Ecology. Creation. Children", as well as children's environmental films, television and radio programs.

The organizing committee will be happy to get acquainted with your suggestions and wishes.

Regulations on the festival “Ecology. Creation. Children"

1. Any young citizen of Russia whose creativity, individual or collective, does not contradict the goals or objectives of the festival can be a participant in the festival.

3. For a theater competition, it is mandatory to provide video recordings of productions or performances and the full name of the work.

4. To participate in exhibitions of fine and applied art, it is mandatory to select works by the creative jury of the Organizing Committee.

5. The poster competition “Earth on the threshold of the 21st century” accepts works made on a full or half sheet of whatman paper, in any technique and manner. It is necessary to indicate the return address, last name, first name, age of the author, title of the work.

6. Art schools and studios will take part in the drawing and small sculpture competition “They are still with us” (animals of the Red Book). Individual works are not accepted for this competition.