Master class “Napkin in Tenerife style on a hexagonal frame”

Karaeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "CDOD" s/p "Rovesnik" Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.
Description: This master class is intended for children of secondary school age, additional education teachers, educators, and simply creative people who love to create something special with their own hands.
Purpose: handmade gift.
Target: making a napkin in Tenerife style on a hexagonal frame.
Introduce how to make a Tenerife-style napkin on a hexagonal frame;
Learn to use a shuttle instead of a needle;
Teach the technology of weaving a frame with mesh in two layers;
Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye;
Develop creativity, fantasy, imagination.
Preface to the work.
What is weaving in Tenerife and in the Tenerife style?
In the 16th - 17th centuries in South and Central America, Brazilian and Bolivian craftsmen wove their famous lace called “Sols” (Spanish sol - sun). In the initial version, these laces were made on the basis of linen and were considered a type of openwork weaving products on linen with pulling out threads along the mesh. Gradually, the weaving method changed and improved, and began to be called Tenerife lace knitting in Europe. These laces are no longer woven on linen, but are now a separate method of weaving various motifs with a multi-row position of threads.
The Tenerife style includes weaving on templates, weaving on frames, knitting on a fork and a ruler.
Tenerife are called devices on which individual elements are woven, which are later assembled using a hook into a single whole. Templates are round, square, hexagonal. You can also make a whole product in the form of napkins on frames. Frames are rectangular, square and hexagonal.
Tenerife-lace weaving style

Tools and materials:
White acrylic threads with lurex for the top layer of the napkin
Blue cotton threads with viscose for the bottom layer of the napkin.
Threads 45 ml or thin capronite.
Medium and small scissors with sharp ends
Hexagonal frame with 30 screws for making napkin
A shuttle for winding threads and using it instead of a needle.

Safety rules when working with scissors
1.Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
2. Store the scissors in a specific place (box or stand).
3. When using scissors, be as careful and disciplined as possible.
4. When passing the scissors, hold them by the closed blades.
5 Place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you.
6. When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be down.

Work sequence
1. Preparatory work. We take the shuttle and tie a thread to it. We will use a shuttle instead of a needle. If you don’t have a shuttle, take a tapestry embroidery needle and thread.

2. We wind the threads onto the shuttle. The shuttle is ready for work.

3. Take a small hexagonal frame for making napkins with 30 screws screwed into it with a step of 2 centimeters along the perimeter of the frame. We make the frame ourselves or order it. Screws are used to ensure that the thread braided around the frame does not slide up and is always on the surface of the frame. We tie a blue thread on any second screw from the corner screw.

4. We begin to braid the frame with a mesh clockwise parallel to two opposite sides of the frame, making two twists of thread on each pair of screws. And so on until the end of the frame.

5. The first layer of mesh is ready. Then we turn the frame clockwise 120 degrees and braid the frame with mesh parallel to the two opposite sides of the frame, making two wraps of thread on each pair of screws. And so on until the end of the frame.

6. The second layer of mesh is ready. Then we again turn the frame clockwise 120 degrees and braid the frame with mesh parallel to the two opposite sides of the frame, making two twists of thread on each pair of screws. And so on until the end of the frame.

7.The third layer of mesh is ready. The first blue grid is ready. It consists of three layers.

8. Next, we braid the frame with white threads, creating a second mesh in three layers. We braid the frame with the mesh clockwise, parallel to the two opposite sides of the frame, making three twists of thread on each pair of screws for a fluffier top layer of the napkin. And so on until the end of the frame.

9. The first layer of the second mesh is ready. Then we turn the frame clockwise 120 degrees and braid the frame with a mesh parallel to two opposite sides of the frame, making three twists of thread on each pair of screws. And so on until the end of the frame.

10.The second layer of the second mesh is ready. Then we again turn the frame clockwise 120 degrees and braid the frame with a mesh parallel to the two opposite sides of the frame, making three twists of thread on each pair of screws. And so on until the end of the frame.

11. The third layer of the second mesh is ready. All two grids are ready. We got a mesh of blue threads in three layers and a mesh of white threads in three layers.

12. Turn the frame over to the wrong side and tie the shuttle thread exactly in the middle of the weave of the napkin threads.

13. The technique of securing threads consists of pulling together the entwining threads and tying them with a shuttle thread into a knot (knot stitch) three times, tightening the opposite triangles. The first three knotted stitches are done.

14. We perform all subsequent knot stitches clockwise. All knots are made at the intersection of the entwining threads. And so on until the end. All knots are tied.

15. Front side of the napkin.

16. Now we use scissors to cut the top layer of white threads exactly in the middle, between the tied knots, leaving the blue threads intact. We start from the second row from the edge of the napkin.

17. The threads of the first two rows of the top layer of the napkin are cut.

18. All threads of the top layer of the napkin are cut.

19. Cut the threads of the edge of the napkin. Remove the napkin from the frame.

20. The napkin is removed from the frame.

21. Align the edges of the napkin with scissors. The napkin is ready.

You can make a napkin on a medium hexagonal frame (48 screws) with a pattern. The pattern is made by pulling out the threads of the top layer of the mesh.

You can make a napkin on a square frame using a regular wooden frame by screwing screws into it at a certain distance.

You can make a napkin on a large hexagonal frame with a pattern (54 screws)

You can make a tablecloth for a coffee table on a large frame (145 screws)

You can make a napkin on a small hexagonal template (18 nails without heads), consisting of 7 parts

You can make a napkin on a small square template
(24 cloves without caps), consisting of 9 parts

Children's works

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary general education

school No. 1 named after. B.N. Kulikova



Developed and implemented:

Salnikova Lilia

student of 8th grade "A".

Project Manager:

Kolykhalina S. S.

    Relevance of the work. Justification of the problem and need .

    Goals and objectives of the work;

    Historical reference.

    Technological process:

Drawing up a thinking scheme

Tools, devices, materials and equipment

Workplace organization

Safe work techniques

Product manufacturing sequence

    Ecological and economic feasibility study

Cost calculation

Ecological justification

    Self-assessment of the result


Relevance of the work. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen.

Weaving napkins on a frame is an ancient type of needlework that belongs to the arts and crafts. Decorative and applied art is an amazing form of creativity that gives anyone the opportunity to reveal their abilities. In recent years, one can observe the following feature - the more beautiful and necessary things are sold in stores, the more people pick up various tools and try to create special and unique products. Thus, many try to move away from the standard that surrounds us throughout our lives.

Weaving is a fairly simple and interesting activity, although it requires care and accuracy. Only skills of independence, the ability to work concentratedly, without distraction, for a long time, repeating an endless series of the same movements and finding a peculiar rhythm and beauty in this, will ensure the compatibility of a person and this type of needlework.
You can make beautiful and amazing things with your own hands using a simple machine and thread. But despite this, products made using this technique amaze with their diversity and originality. Weaving will help you make useful and sometimes necessary things for your home. These can be various interior items, and especially interesting entire compositions made in the same style.
Weaving promotes the development of creativity, which will help you become a good housewife in the future. Use materials rationally, create beautiful things for your family and apartment. Each completed item is unique, individual, retains the warmth of the master’s hands and will always be an original souvenir and gift for friends and family.
With your own hands you can make rugs, bedspreads, blankets that will create comfort and creativity in the room. These things are easy to make.

That's why object my research began weaving napkins on a frame.

Practical significance

This work involves using technology in lessons, extracurricular activities, and clubs.

Target: study the history of weaving, improve your abilities in the field of frame weaving and design activities.

To achieve this goal, I need to solve a series tasks:

    Develop and implement the project.

    According to the project, make woven napkins on a frame.

    Create an algorithm for working on a napkin.

    Conduct research work, during which you survey students and teachers on their knowledge of this technique

    Explore the history of weaving

    Learn the technology of weaving a napkin on a frame

    Conduct a master class for students in your class;

    Draw attention to this type of handicraft weaving napkins on a frame

    Evaluate the work done

Hypothesis :

If I can do it myself, I can teach others how to weave napkins on a frame. Creating a napkin is not only a pleasant activity, but also an excellent way to express yourself and decorate your interior with decorative items that meet individual preferences.

Item research :

When choosing a product, I was based mainly on my knowledge and skills.

You need to select the threads so that the color scheme of the main material matches well

It is necessary that work creates comfort in the home. When choosing a project I had to consider:

Your skill level.

The need for such items in the interior of my apartment.

Costs of purchasing materials and tools for work

Amount of time required to craft items

Research methods:

    Study literature on this topic in the library and on the Internet.


    Research and analysis of the results obtained.

    Practical production

Theoretical significance of the study:

study of weaving technology on a frame

Practical significance of the study:

learn for yourself and teach your friends

At the beginning of my research, I decided to ask my classmates what they knew about weaving on a frame. To do this, we developed a questionnaire that included six questions:

    Would you like to purchase this product?

    Do you have?

    When making, you...?

you need a product

I really liked the model;

decided to revive the interior of the house.

    Do you think products are needed in the home?

    Would you like to make similar things yourself?

Girls from 8th grade (30 people) took part in our survey.

Conclusion: According to the results of the study, the majority of respondents do not know how, would like to make or at least purchase something similar, and they all believe that knitted products are a necessary thing in the house.

History of weaving.

Weaving is one of the most ancient and amazing types of needlework. Man may have tied the first knot when he needed to make a trapping net to get food. At different times, humanity treated knots differently. Many signs and superstitions were associated with knots in people's lives. Many peoples believed in the magical properties of knots and wore knots as amulets, believing that they protected against evil spirits. There were periods when some nodes were simply prohibited. In Rus', the word “nauzit” meant to cast a spell, to bewitch. It was believed that this or that knot would strengthen marriage bonds, preserve the home, and protect from the enemy. Christianity persecuted pagan customs and witchcraft and therefore condemned the use of knots for such a purpose.

The “happiness knot” is the most common of all possible knots. It is very ancient and was known back in the third millennium BC; its image is in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. It is also called the “eternal knot”. He was credited with magical powers. He is known in the art of all the peoples of Europe and Asia. The most ancient ornament on stone, wood carving, and women's jewelry brought to us the outline of this knot.

At first, ropes were replaced by strips of leather, plant fibers, and wool. They were also used to weave clothes, baskets, and hunting bags. When people discovered the spinning properties of the fibers of some plants (nettle, hemp) and learned to make ropes from them, then they learned to tie knots. Many signs and superstitions were associated with knots in people’s lives. Indeed, the ability to tie knots is very ancient. Also, by connecting small napkins, you can make a tablecloth, bedspread, chair covers and much more (your imagination). Napkins not only create coziness in the home, but can also serve as a wonderful gift. We learned how to make napkins, you can get creative. You can weave a blanket on the sofa or throws on the chairs.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, some knots were used to treat fractures and tighten wounds, and during public festivities, competitions were held to tie and untie ingenious knots.

Frame weaving is an ancient technique for making napkins. You can also make a tablecloth, bedspreads, chair covers and much more by combining small napkins (your imagination). They not only create coziness in the home, but can serve as a wonderful gift.

Tools, devices, materials

a wooden frame of a 6-corner shape or a 4-corner shape (its size depends on the size of the napkin)

Frame is a wooden frame on which threads are stretched. For convenience, it is better to take a large frame, because... the product will be smaller due to the fringe, and the fringe reduces the appearance of the product.

To work, you need a hexagonal frame, fastened from planks, cut from thick plywood.


The following materials are used for weaving:

    Colored darning


    Wool and synthetic yarn (both new and used)

For a napkin to have an aesthetic appearance, you need to know color harmony, i.e. consistency in color combinations. After all, color is one of the most expressive means on a napkin. The basis for a harmonious selection of colors is a color wheel consisting of the same colors as the rainbow:








Each color is separated from the other by a whole range of intermediate colors. Each color is characterized by:




Hue is the chromaticity:



      Yellow, etc.

Brightness b – This is the degree of color density. All colors are divided into chromatic and achromatic. In Greek, “chromo” means color, “a” means negation. Therefore, the colors of the spectrum are chromatic. These are colorless, uncolored tones, they have no saturation and hue, differing from each other only in brightness, and black has no brightness.

Colors located on different sides of the spectral circle are called complementary. For example, yellow - blue, red - green, orange - blue. When complementary colors are placed side by side, they enhance the color saturation. The same color appears lighter when surrounded by dark colors, and darker when surrounded by light colors.

A harmonious combination is obtained from shades located close to each other in the spectral circle. A contrasting combination is made up of colors lying opposite each other. Achromatic colors combine well with each other and harmonize with any color. Saturated colors look good with black and white, while low-saturated colors look good with various shades of gray.

The correct selection of color combinations plays a big role in the weaving of a napkin on a frame. Pure bright colors delight the eye and create an uplifting mood, while gloomy, faded and inexpressive colors can depress and cause a feeling of depression.

When choosing a material for weaving a napkin on a frame, a creative approach is required, and even some courage, and then the color scheme can give your product an original and unique look.

Safety regulations

When working with scissors:

    You should handle the scissors carefully, without swinging them around.

    During operation, the scissors should lie on the right side of the table with the blades closed.

    You need to pick up and pass the scissors with the blades closed towards you.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

    Before starting work, you must wash your hands.

    The light source should be on the left.

    Every 1 - 1.5 hours the eyes need rest to restore eye function.

    To stay healthy while working, it is useful to warm up your arms, eyes and back.

    Do not bite the floss with your teeth; This deteriorates the enamel of the teeth, in addition, you can injure your lips, gums and tongue.

    While working, be attentive, do not get distracted and do not distract others.

    While working, you need to sit up straight and not bring the work close to your eyes.

Product manufacturing technology:

To work, you need a hexagonal frame, fastened from planks, cut from thick plywood. Beginners can use a frame that has three slats, painted red, blue, and yellow (see Figure No. 1).

Create a demotivator

The dimensions of the frame depend on the size of the product being manufactured. If it is made from synthetic threads, it must be taken into account that they stretch greatly, so the frame should be twice the size of the product.
On each side, an equal number of small nails are driven in at an equal distance from each other. The density of the weaving depends on the frequency of nails.

We begin weaving by pulling threads onto nails in the form of a mesh, which will serve as the base. At one of the corners you need to fasten a thread to a nail, go around two nails and pull the threads parallel to the red side

Create a demotivator

Then fill the surface in the same way in the other direction - parallel to the blue side, obtaining a second layer of mesh.

Create a demotivator

Create a demotivator

You need to tighten the thread so that it does not sag. After this, secure the end of the thread with a knot. The result is a “snowflake” with six cells.

For the following floorings, intended for making a pattern (for example, flowers), threads of other colors are needed (taking into account the combination of colors). They are stretched in the same way as the mesh - the base. The more layers, the more magnificent the flowers are.

Next, you need to secure the napkin in the places where the flowers will be. Thread (for example, “iris”), tuck into a pin and tie, insert into the cell and output through the opposite cell 1a, fasten, output into cell 2 and output through cell 2a, and so on.

Create a demotivator

Thus, the thread must be passed through all six cells of the “snowflake” and secured on the wrong side with a knot. The thread is transferred to the other “snowflake” from the wrong side and secured in the same way.
After all the “snowflakes” are secured, the napkin must be removed from the frame. To do this, the threads between the nails are cut in the middle on the back side of the frame.

Create a demotivator

In this case, the length of the fringe is determined by the distance from the line of nails to the inner edge of the frame. After this, you need to cut the threads from the front side using sharp nail scissors as shown in the figure and pull them out.

It turned out to be a beautiful napkin.

Economic calculation



Price for 1 piece.

Dad's gift

Red threads

White threads


135 rub.

The cost of a bouquet of knitted flowers is 640 rubles. C Contrary to my expectations, the cost of producing this bouquet of flowers turned out to be small. If I had to purchase this design work in a store, I would probably spend a much larger amount. I am satisfied with the result of my work. This composition will be a wonderful gift for my friends and relatives, as well as an original decoration for the interior of the apartment.

Environmental justification for the project

The manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life. Making flowers from threads makes it possible to reuse the material (iris threads and artificial greenery, cut dried flowers) for the manufacture of many other arts and crafts products used for apartment interior design.

Product quality control

The resulting product is beautiful and original. The manufacturing technique is not difficult to perform. The product is durable.

I did the job. The rug looks neat and beautiful.


The result fully met my expectations. The napkin I made looks neat, beautiful and original. I really liked the look of the work. I think my sister will really like it. My classmates liked the work. My napkin turned out to be inexpensive and meets the quality standards of the finished product.

While doing this work, I learned how to weave threads well, which is very important to me. I'm not going to stop there. After all, using this technique you can make many different napkins. I think my project is successful. In my opinion, I completely completed the tasks assigned to me.






8. School and production No. 5 2003 “Weaving napkins on a frame”


MASTER CLASS on making napkins on a frame.

Frame is a wooden frame on which threads are stretched. For convenience, it is better to take a large frame, because... the product will be smaller due to the fringe, and the fringe reduces the appearance of the product.

To work, you need a hexagonal frame, fastened from planks, cut from thick plywood. Beginners can use a frame that has three slats, painted red, blue, and yellow (see Figure No. 1).

The dimensions of the frame depend on the size of the product being manufactured. If it is made from synthetic threads, it must be taken into account that they stretch greatly, so the frame should be twice the size of the product.
On each side, an equal number of small nails are driven in at an equal distance from each other. The density of the weaving depends on the frequency of nails.

First, we first wind the warp threads onto the frame, the thread tension should be medium:

When the base is ready, we also wind the threads for the pattern. Then we knit the pattern. The knot consists of three knots that capture each intersection of the threads. We take the bobby pin and thread a thread through it, fold it in half, tying the ends together. When the thread runs out, you need to thread a new thread through it.

After cutting the pattern, remove the excess threads. Tie the base in the same way as the pattern. When everything is ready, remove from the frame and trim the fringe.

Good luck with your work....

A napkin on a frame that we will make with nails is a very simple but original craft idea. It can be created by children over 8 years old, beginning needlewomen, in general, by all those who like to do things with their own hands. This napkin is perfect for decorating your home interior or as a gift to loved ones, relatives and friends. She can decorate a bedside table, dressing table, or holiday table. We stock up on time and try to make original napkins that will definitely surprise all your friends.

Working in this technique involves the development and formation of knowledge and skills in this type of arts and crafts. If it is performed by children, then there is also a cognitive mission for them, which consists in children learning various tools and devices, as well as a specific type of needlework. It is very good if the adult who supervises the work process tells the story of this type of needlework so that the child has a complete understanding of what he is doing. It is impossible not to say that this work is very painstaking, and, consequently, qualities such as accuracy, perseverance, hard work, patience, determination, patience are developed.

How to weave an unusual napkin on a frame with nails with your own hands

Weaving is one of the most ancient and interesting types of needlework. At first, leather, plant fibers or wool were used instead of ropes. They were used to weave clothes, baskets, and hunting bags. People learned to tie knots when people learned the spinning properties of certain plants, for example, nettle and hemp, from which ropes were made.

A napkin on a frame is a very original idea. Small napkins can be used to weave tablecloths, capes or bedspreads.

The material for weaving can be colored darning, iris, wool or synthetic yarn. You can use both new threads and those that have already been used, but have retained a good appearance. The color of the threads is of great importance for the beauty of the future napkin, since color is the main expressive means of the product.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • A hexagonal wooden frame (the size of the frame depends directly on the size of the napkin you need);
  • 2 black balls of thread, 100 grams each, for warping the first row;
  • 1 ball of orange color;
  • 2 balls of blue;
  • Homemade hook from wire and pins;
  • Scissors;
  • A hook with which the finished napkin is removed from the frame.

Let's get to work. Let's take a wooden frame and hammer in nails every 3 cm along its perimeter; first, remove the heads from them and process them with a file. The height of the hammered nails should be approximately 1.5 cm. If desired, the nails can be varnished.

Weaving should begin by pulling the threads in the form of a mesh. This will be the basis. At one of the corners we fix the thread on a nail and tie a knot. Let's start winding the black thread onto the frame. It should be borne in mind that the density of the base depends on the number of layers. 2-3 layers will be enough. After the first layer of threads is wound, turn the frame over and continue winding. As a result, we should have 3 layers of threads, which are stretched, respectively, in three directions. The thread must be secured in its original place by tying a knot on the back of the frame.

We wind orange and blue threads in the same way.

We thread two layers of thread into the eye of a homemade hook and tie a knot.

Tie a knot in the places where the threads intersect. Using a working thread, grab the warp thread and pull it under the frame. As a result of these actions, a snowflake should appear on the front side.

We also tie knots at all subsequent intersections of the main threads. Pay attention to the photo.

From the wrong side, the napkin on the frame looks like this.

Next, a very important step is removing the napkin from the frame, which requires special care. So that the edge of the napkin does not have to be cut, carefully hook the hook under the warp thread, lift the napkin, pulling the threads off the nails.

As a result, we get such an original and beautiful napkin, made by ourselves.

The edges of the napkin can be made into a fringe. To do this, the warp threads must be cut from the nails.

The pattern of weaving a napkin on a frame is shown below.

There are many variations of weaving on the frame. Only one option was presented here, which you can take as a basis and learn how to work in this technique, determine the main points for yourself, and work on more difficult areas. To get acquainted with other weaving options, we suggest you watch several videos. Enjoy watching!

Video selection on the topic of the article

Master class with step-by-step photos. Napkin on a frame.
Wicker napkin on a wooden frame. Master Class.

Allow me to introduce you, dear colleagues, to my master class.

Master Class. Weaving napkins.

Author: Borisova Tatyana Yuryevna teacher of additional education MBOU Central Children's Education Center of Children's Education in Askinsky district, Republic of Bashkortastan.

Purpose: teachers of additional education, this napkin can also be made by children from eight years old, primary school teachers, parents and anyone else who likes the master class.
Purpose: as a gift for any holiday, will serve for interior decoration.
Target: development of various types of arts and crafts, familiarization with the technology of weaving on a frame.
-to form basic knowledge and skills in the studied types of arts and crafts;
-teach children to use various tools and devices;
-introduce children to the history of the type of needlework being studied.
-develop memory, attention, thinking, aesthetic taste, fine motor skills, eye.
- to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, hard work, determination, patience, kind attitude towards comrades, frugality.
Methodical techniques: visual, verbal, practical.
Demo material: ready-made napkins.
History of weaving. Weaving is one of the most ancient and amazing types of needlework. Man may have tied the first knot when he needed to make a trapping net to get food. At first, ropes were replaced by strips of leather, plant fibers, and wool. They were also used to weave clothes, baskets, and hunting bags. When people discovered the spinning properties of the fibers of some plants (nettle, hemp) and learned to make ropes from them, then they learned to tie knots. Many signs and superstitions were associated with knots in people’s lives. Indeed, the ability to tie knots is very ancient. My grandmother also spoke very interestingly about wicker things that she made with her own hands. After all, they decorate our life, of course, my mother taught me that. What she could do herself. Grandma's kind hands could do a lot. After all, the man is a great inventor, he can come up with anything. And so my mother told me and showed me how to weave a napkin on a frame. I decided to teach the children, who had great pleasure in weaving such napkins in my classes. Also, by connecting small napkins, you can make a tablecloth, bedspread, chair covers and much more (your imagination). Napkins not only create coziness in the home, but can also serve as a wonderful gift.
Colored darning, iris, wool and synthetic yarn are used as weaving materials (both new and used). In order for a napkin to have an aesthetic appearance, you need to know color harmony. Color is one of the most expressive means on a napkin.
Necessary materials:
-a wooden frame of a 6-corner shape (its size depends on the size of the napkin)
-2 black balls of 100 grams each for the warp of the first row
-1 ball of orange color
-2 blue balls for the second row
-homemade wire hook or pin
-scissors with sharp ends
-hook for removing the napkin from the frame
Along the perimeter of the frame, nails are stuffed every 3 cm, the heads are removed, and the edges are filed with a file so as not to injure your hands. The height of the nails should be 1.5 cm (you can coat them with varnish).

We begin weaving by pulling threads onto nails in the form of a mesh, which will serve as the base. At one of the corners you need to fasten the thread to a nail and tie a knot.

We wind the thread around the frame: the thickness of the base depends on the number of layers (usually we do 2-3 layers).

When the first layer of thread is wound, turn and continue winding the thread.
As a result, you should get three layers of threads stretched in three directions; return the thread to the place of the original knot and secure it on the back side of the frame.

Using the same principle, we wind thread of other colors. We fix it on a corner nail so that there are no knots on the surface of the work.

We thread two layers of thread into the eye of the hook and tie a knot.

Tie knots where the threads intersect: grab the warp threads with the working thread and pull it under the work. As a result, you should get a snowflake on the front side of the work.

Similarly, tie knots at the following intersections of the main threads.

This is what the napkin looks like on the frame from the wrong side.

Remove the napkin from the frame. If you don’t want to cut the edge of the napkin, then carefully hook it under the warp threads and lift the work, slowly pulling the threads off the nails.

This is what the napkin looks like from the front side.

This is what the napkin looks like from the reverse side.

If you want to make the edge of the napkin, cut the fringed warp threads from the nails.

We learned how to make napkins, you can get creative. You can weave a blanket on the sofa or throws on the chairs. Fantasize, and the result will definitely please YOU! I wish YOU creative success! Thank you for your attention!

Don't waste your life with idleness -
Do some handicrafts!
Shay, knit - don’t be discouraged,
Or embroider using satin stitch.
Here is the frame, yarn and hook
For our nimble fingers.
Yarn, ribbons, border-
Head is spinning!
Files, forum, internet (oh, I forgot about lunch)…
We knit, sew what we love...
We arrange everything diligently.
The result is to our delight,
To our loved ones and friends,
And the work is finished
Here's a new job
Choose a job again
Sew, knit or embroider...