Preparation for the pedagogical council on the topic:

1. Report-presentation “Intellectual development of preschool children.”

2. Master class for teachers “Use of Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks to develop the intellectual abilities of preschool children”

3. Consultations for parents

3. Report-presentation “Voskobovich’s educational games”

4. Report-presentation “Didactic games as a means of developing children’s intellectual and creative abilities”

Senior teacher


Appendix No. 1

Analytical information

based on the results of thematic control

“Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through games with logical and mathematical content”

The date of the:from 09.11.2015 to 13.11.2015

Who conducted: head Shilenina S.A., senior teacher Borisova L.V.

Target: determining the effectiveness of educational work in preschool educational institutions on the cognitive development of childrenthrough games of logical and mathematical content.


1) Analysis of calendar and thematic planning of educators

2) Study of the subject-development environment.

3) Assessment of professional skills of educators.

4) Analysis of the level of development of children.

5) Analysis of forms of interaction with parents on this issue.

Results of thematic control

Analysis of teachers' plans made it possible to generalize ideas about the system of games being played in groups, their focus and integration with other types of activities. From a young age, children begin to master mental operations associated with sensory development. For kids, this period is called: “What’s there?” Teachers plan Voskobovich games, games with Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks. Starting from the middle group, teachers encourage children to be cognitively active and take initiative. Children begin to master a system of actions to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Games are played that enrich children's development: checkers, chess, generalization games, association games, games with experimentation. In older preschool age, the child’s horizons broaden and their ability to navigate life around them improves. Independence, planning and outcome forecasting skills are developed. All this is taken into account by teachers in their work. Children of the older group, while playing, learn to build projects, put forward hypotheses and test their truth. In interviews with teachers, it was revealed: · sufficient knowledge of modern requirements for the mental development of preschool children; · use of traditional technologies in the system of working with children; however, games for the development of intelligence are mainly used in the form of organized activities with a teacher. As a result of checking the organization of the subject-development environment in the groups, the following was discovered:

  • Availability of equipment (all groups have game libraries with a selection of educational games, according to age)
  • There are guidelines for their use
  • The games are located in a free access area.

However, the availability of structural material, both for construction and for creativity, is still insufficient.

Assessment of a teacher’s professional skillswas carried out in the form of control of educational activities in the educational field “Cognitive Development”.

Open viewings were conducted by: teacher ………………. “In the autumn forest” (younger age), teacher………... “Journey to a fairy tale” (older age), teacher……….. “Piggy visiting the guys” (middle age). Teacher ………… “On a visit to the forest animals” (younger age)

Teachers………………………. During the lesson we used a variety of game techniques and methods of activating mental activity (problem situations were solved). Throughout the lesson, teachers stimulated the children’s speech activity. To satisfy the motor activity of children, we thought through the organization of physical exercises.

The teacher ……………….is recommended to take a more careful approach to preparing the lesson (in the selection of material, equipment and its placement). In the lesson, apply the integration of educational areas, use a variety of methods and techniques for working with children - methods of motivation, ensuring the emotional interest of children

In the process of analyzing the level of development of children, the method was usedobservations. During the observation of children in independent activities, teachers noted: in the younger group the level of choice of games is still quite low; in middle and older age, about 50 percent of children give preference in choosing games with logical and mathematical content

In the process of thematic control, the work system of teachers was studiedwith parents. All groups have stands for working with parents and have advisory material in this area.

Based on the results of the control, the commission prepared the following recommendations:

The effectiveness of teachers’ work on the intellectual development of children in preschool educational institutions through games of logical and mathematical content can be considered satisfactory if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Continue to replenish entertaining mathematics centers with games of logical and mathematical content, create an accessible, rich subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive interest in children.

Duration: permanent

  1. To ensure sustainable cognitive interests in children in the educational educational system, the following pedagogical conditions must be observed: inclusionentertainingin the content of GCD and regime moments; createproblem-search situations; use stagesanalysis, openness, different forms of organization of children (2, 3, 4 each)

Responsible: group teachers, music director

Duration: permanent

  1. Introduce parents at parent-teacher meetings to new games with logical and mathematical content.

Responsible: group teachers, music director

Deadline: until June 2016

Senior teacher _________________________________ L.V. Borisova


Pedagogical advice:

“Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through games of logical and mathematical content”

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers, allowing them to carry out the intellectual development of preschool children, using educational innovative gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions.

  • increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of modern educational technologies;
  • development of intellectual and creative activity of teachers;
  • training teachers in methods of using gaming
    innovative technologies.

1. Speech by head S.A. Shilenina

The path that a child goes through in his development in the preschool years is enormous; during this time he acquires much more than in his entire subsequent life. During preschool childhood, a person “forms.” The changes that occur in the development of the mind of a preschool child are surprising and elusive. Nevertheless, this amazing and elusive thing must be seen and understood.

Changes in recent years have shown the inconsistency of the “standard personality.” Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, original thinkers, creative, who can make non-standard decisions and not be afraid of it.

It is during the acquisition of mathematical concepts that the child receives a sufficiently sensory experience of orientation in the various properties of objects and the relationships between them, masters the techniques and methods of cognition, and applies the knowledge and skills formed during training in practice. This creates the prerequisites for the emergence of a materialistic worldview, connects learning with the surrounding life, and cultivates positive personality traits.

In the last decade, alarming trends have emerged, namely: in the educational system of kindergartens, school forms and teaching methods began to be used, which do not correspond to the age characteristics of children, their perception, thinking, and memory. We must not forget that the leading activity in kindergarten is play. Mathematics remains the most time-consuming subject in school. Parents, teachers, and students themselves talk about this. What about preschoolers? They don't know that mathematics is a difficult subject. And they should never know about it. Our task is to teach the child to comprehend mathematics with interest and pleasure and to always believe in themselves. Today we must decide for ourselves - mathematics for a preschooler is work or pleasure.

Results of thematic control (Appendix No. 1)

2. Report-presentation “The Concept of the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation” - senior teacher Borisova L.V.

(Appendix No. 2)

3. Master class for teachers “Use of Dienesh blocks in working with children” - teacher Khudyakova M.V.

(Appendix No. 3)

4. Making a decision of the pedagogical council.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten in the village of Divnoye

Master class “Using Dienesh blocks in working with preschool children.”

Compiled by:

teacher MBDOU d/s p. Divnoe


Target: To expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with the educational didactic games of Z. Dienesh, as a means of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers 4-6 years old.

Master class plan

  1. Theoretical substantiation of the relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh for the development of creative potential in children
  2. Practical part. A business game with participants in a master class based on Z. Dienesh’s cards indicating properties, cards with symbols for changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games.
  3. Reflection
  1. Relevance and effectiveness of the use of Dienesh's logical blocks in the pedagogical process of the senior group.

One of the main tasks of preschool education is the formation of key competencies of preschool children in accordance with State Educational Standards programs. Formed competencies, developed communication and information culture of the individual are now considered as the basis for the successful adaptation of a modern person in society.

In the world of information civilization, it is not enough to teach children to count, measure, and calculate. It is important to develop the ability to think independently and creatively.

I believe that educational games play a major role in developing children’s ability to think independently and creatively. And I found didactic materials that were unique in their developmental capabilities - logical blocks by Zolton Dienesh.

These private methods are distinguished by their characteristics: universality, abstraction, and high efficiency. They allow, “through the hands” of the child, to form the concepts of “longer - shorter”, “between”, the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number. Dienes blocks are a set on which equivalence and order relations are easily discovered.

Zolton Dienesh's logical blocks in my work are both a tool for the teacher's professional work and a tool for the child's educational and cognitive activity. The entertaining nature of this didactic material enlivens mathematics, which many consider dry, uninteresting and far from the lives of children.


Development of cognitive interests and methods of mental activity;

Developing the ability to think independently and creatively; see, discover properties, relationships and dependencies in the surrounding world;

Expanding your horizons.



  • ability to design and model;
  • ability to operate with objects, signs, symbols;
  • visual – figurative, logical, non-standard – creative thinking(the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle);
  • imagination, intelligence, curiosity, memory, attention;
  • observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.
  • mental functions associated with speech activity.
  • Foster independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Forms of organizing work with logical blocks:

Dienesh's logic blocks and Cuisenaire's sticks can be used in a playful way in organized, complex, integrated educational activities. Dienesh's logical blocks provide clarity, consistency and accessibility, and change of activities. For example, in the field of “Cognitive Development”, with their help children operate

  • sensory standards (geometric concepts)
  • learn what a set is, a subset
  • with values
  • with spatial representations
  • arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.

In the field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”, in the process of modeling, children replace real objects with a structure made of sticks and blocks using creative imagination, on the basis of which creative thinking is formed; using drawing and appliqué, we model a pattern, an ornament using sticks and blocks, and experiment with the consonance of colors .

In the area of ​​“Physical Development” we conduct outdoor games with sticks and blocks - these are landmark objects.

  • Playing together with Dienesh's logical blocks makes it possible to consolidate the multilingual component:
  • in didactic games, printed board games, mobile games, role-playing games (shapes, colors, spatial orientation and much more)
  • in outdoor games (object landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);
  • in desktop-printed (working with maps for games, diagrams, albums, algorithms);
  • in role-playing games:Store - money is indicated by blocks, prices for goods are indicated by code cards. Mail - the address on a parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by blocks, the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Likewise. Train - tickets, seats.
  • In independent and collective play activities (they design, work with albums, diagrams, play board and printed games, organize role-playing games).

Literature that will help teachers when working with these techniques:

  • Kamarova L.D. “How to work with Cuisenaire rods?” - reveals all stages of teaching preschoolers the basics of mathematics with the help of colored Cuisenaire sticks.
  • Nosova E.A. Nepomnyashchaya R. L. “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers.” In this book, Nosova talks about Dienesh's logical blocks. The manual presents 4 groups of gradually more complex games and exercises with logic blocks and includes diagrams. R.L. Nepomnyashchaya introduces Cuisenaire sticks, initial exercises for playing with them, and gives several sample exercises with them.
  • In practical guides, Panova E.N. “Didactic games - activities in preschool educational institutions” for younger and older children, presented didactic games and activities using Dienesh blocks for younger children and colored Cuisenaire sticks for older preschool age.
  • Game activities are presented in the manuals by V. P. Novikova, L. I. Tikhonova “Educational games and activities with Cuisenaire sticks. For working with children 3–7 years old"

Methodological support necessary for games with blocks and sticks:

  1. A business game with participants of the master class based on Dienesh cards indicating properties, cards with symbols of changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games.

Game “Where is the carrot hidden?”Target. Development of logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using signs and symbols and decode it.

Material. Logic blocks, cards with properties.

(in the book by Nosova E.A., each game or exercise is presented in three versions, for complication: operating with 1 property, 2 and 3)

Game "Highway or build a track"

Target. Developing the ability to identify properties in objects, abstract these properties from others, follow certain rules, and independently create an algorithm.

Material. Tables with rules for building roads (Table 1-3), logical blocks.

Contents - To lay out tracks, rules are used that require focusing on two properties of blocks - these are tables. (alternating by one property - color or shape, by two properties - color and shape, shape and thickness of blocks, shape and size. To maintain interest, I offer various game tasks: build a path from the Snow Queen's palace to help Kai and Gerda escape; decorate the cake, make beads (literature by E.A. Nosov)

Game "Build a house"

Target. Development of logical thinking and attention.

Material. Set of logical figures in a bag, house cards, rectangles according to the size of the cells.

Game “Help the figures get out of the forest” (literary by E.A. Nosova)

Target. Development of logical thinking and reasoning skills. Material.Logical figures or blocks, tables. Contents - There is a table in front of the children. It depicts a forest in which the figures are lost. We need to help them get out of the thicket.

Children determine why signs are placed at road forks. Signs that are not crossed out allow only figures like themselves to follow their path; crossed out signs - to all figures not like them. Then the children take apart the figures (blocks) and take them out of the forest one by one. At the same time, they reason out loud which path they should take each time.

Game "Architect" (album "Let's Play")
Goal: develop the ability to work with the algorithm, act strictly according to the rules. Material: Algorithms No. 1,2 Dienesh blocks
Game description:
Children are invited to develop a playground project
select the required building material
build playground facilities
Selection of building material in strict accordance with the rules (according to algorithm No. 1 or algorithm No. 2). How to choose a building material? Let's do this together using algorithm No. 1.
We take any block. Let it be, for example, a blue large thick triangular block. The word “beginning” tells us where to start the path (movement according to the block diagram).

Game "Cargo Delivery".

Goal: The ability to modify the properties of objects in accordance with the diagram shown on the card.

Option 1. You need to deliver valuable cargo - blocks from city A to city B (you can come up with the names of the cities yourself). You can transport cargo along any of the 12 proposed routes. Changes occur with cargo along the way. You can play this game with your friends by agreeing on which routes you will take to transport goods.

Game "Labyrinths" (album “Rescuers Come to the Rescue”)

Goal: the ability to act consistently in strict accordance with the rules.
Before us is a labyrinth. If you manage to pass the labyrinth A, you will help the prince free the enchanted princess (the blocks are magic stones for freeing the princess).

Rules: take any block, move it only in a straight line, not obliquely. We bypass the black cages of the trap. The path of the block must be built in accordance with the signs - symbols. Any block can move along empty cells.
While going through labyrinth B, you will participate in the delivery of tea to England from India (blocks are containers with tea).

  1. Reflection

At the end of our master classIt is proposed to compose "Cinquain". “Cinquain” (from the English “way of thought”) has a certain scheme according to which we reveal the essence of concepts, definitions, rules.

1 line – 1 noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

Line 2 – 2 adjectives.

3rd line – 3 verbs

4th line – on the fourth line there is a whole phrase, a sentence with which you will evaluate our activities. This could be a catchphrase, a quote. And we will determine what happened to you during our meeting. Maybe you learned something, maybe someone was interested. Maybe our master class has inspired you to do new things.


"Master Class

Exciting, interesting

Beckons, Teaches. Inspiring.

It excites thoughts and awakens confidence!”


Slide captions:

Using Dienesh Blocks to develop the intellectual abilities of preschool children

Relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh in the pedagogical process of the senior group. One of the main tasks of preschool education is the formation of key competencies of preschool children in accordance with State Educational Standards programs. Formed competencies, developed communication and information culture of the individual are now considered as the basis for the successful adaptation of a modern person in society. In the world of information civilization, it is not enough to teach children to count, measure, and calculate. It is important to develop the ability to think independently and creatively. I believe that educational games play a major role in developing children’s ability to think independently and creatively. And I found teaching materials that were unique in their developmental capabilities—Zolton Dienesh’s logic blocks and George Cuisenaire’s sticks. These private techniques are distinguished by their characteristics: universality, abstraction, and high efficiency. They allow, “through the hands” of the child, to form the concepts of “longer - shorter”, “between”, the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number. Cuisenaire rods and Dienes blocks are a set on which equivalence and order relations are easily discovered. In my work, the logical blocks of Zolton Dienesh and the sticks of George Cuisenaire are both a tool for the professional work of a teacher and an instrument for the educational and cognitive activity of a child. The entertaining nature of this didactic material enlivens mathematics, which many consider dry, uninteresting and far from the lives of children.

Goals: - development of cognitive interests and methods of mental activity; - development of the ability to think independently and creatively; see, discover properties, relationships and dependencies in the surrounding world; - broadening your horizons. Tasks. Develop: the ability to design and model; ability to operate with objects, signs, symbols; visual - figurative, logical, non-standard - creative thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle); imagination, intelligence, curiosity, memory, attention; observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality. mental functions associated with speech activity. Foster independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Forms of organizing work with logical blocks and colored sticks I use Dienesh's logical blocks and Cuisenaire's rods in a playful way in organized, complex, integrated learning activities. Dienesh's logical blocks and Cuisenaire's rods provide clarity, consistency and accessibility, and change of activities.

Master class “Using logical blocks by Z. Dienesh”

Goal: To expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with the educational didactic games of Z. Dienesh as a means of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers 4-6 years old. Plan for the master class Theoretical substantiation of the relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh and colored sticks by D. Cuisenaire for the development of creative potential in children Practical part. A business game with participants in a master class based on Z. Dienesh’s cards indicating properties, cards with symbols for changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games. Reflection

Socio-communicative development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature. Social and communicative development

role-playing games Shop - money is indicated by blocks, product prices are indicated by code cards. Mail - the address on a parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by blocks, the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Likewise. Train - tickets, seats.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.), about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. Cognitive development

Game "Where is Jerry hiding?" Target. Development of logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using signs and symbols and decode it. Material. Logic blocks, cards with properties. Contents: The presenter each time uses cards to indicate three properties of the block under which Jerry the mouse is hidden. It denotes block properties with crossed out and uncrossed signs. Game “Under which bush is the carrot” Game “Arrange the hives”

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write. Speech development

Games: “Magic bag” “Name it correctly” Games with Dienesh blocks contribute to the development of speech: children learn to reason, enter into dialogue with their peers, build their statements using the conjunctions “and”, “or”, “not”, and in sentences etc., willingly enter into verbal contact with adults, their vocabulary is enriched, and a keen interest in learning is awakened.

Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.). Artistic and aesthetic development In drawing and appliqué we model patterns and ornaments.

Physical development includes gaining experience in the following types of children’s activities: motor, including those associated with performing exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; promoting the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, gross and fine motor skills of both hands, as well as the correct, non-damaging to the body, execution of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of healthy lifestyle values, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.). Physical development

Outdoor games: “Find a pair” “Find your house”

At the end of our master class, I propose to compose “Sinquain” on the topic of the master class: 1 line - 1 noun. This is the theme of syncwine. Line 2 – 2 adjectives. Line 3 – 3 verbs Line 4 – the fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence with which you will evaluate our activities. This could be a catchphrase, a quote.


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Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation

Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r

I. The importance of mathematics in the modern world Quality mathematical education is necessary for everyone for a successful life in modern society. Without a high level of mathematical education, it is impossible to fulfill the task of creating an innovative economy, implementing long-term goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. Increasing the level of mathematical education will make the life of Russians in modern society more fulfilling and will meet the need for qualified specialists for knowledge-intensive and high-tech production.

II. Problems of development of mathematics education Problems of a motivational nature: - low educational motivation of schoolchildren associated with public underestimation of the importance of mathematics education; - outdated content and lack of training programs that meet the needs of students and the actual level of their training. 2. Problems of a substantive nature: - the content of mathematical education continues to become outdated and remains formal and detached from life; - the needs of future specialists in mathematical knowledge are not sufficiently taken into account; - replacing training with “coaching” for an exam.

II. Problems of development of mathematical education 3. Personnel problems - Graduates of educational organizations of higher education with a pedagogical orientation for the most part do not meet qualification requirements, professional standards, have little experience in teaching and experience in applying pedagogical knowledge.

III. Goals and objectives of the Concept The goal is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world.

III. Goals and objectives Concepts Objectives: modernization of the content of mathematics education curricula at all levels (ensuring their continuity); ensuring that there are no gaps in basic knowledge for each student; ensuring the availability of publicly available information resources necessary for the implementation of mathematics education curricula; improving the quality of work of mathematics teachers; supporting mathematics education leaders; providing students who are highly motivated and exhibit outstanding mathematical abilities with all the conditions for the development and application of these abilities; popularization of mathematical knowledge and mathematical education.

IV. The main directions of implementation of the Concept of Preschool and primary general education: The system of educational programs for mathematics education with the participation of the family should provide: in preschool education - conditions (primarily the subject-spatial and information environment, educational situations, means of pedagogical support for the child) for pupils to master forms of activity, primary mathematical concepts and images used in life;

IV. The main directions of implementation of the Concept Preschool and primary general education: in primary education - a wide range of mathematical employment of students in lessons and in extracurricular activities, material, information and personnel conditions for the development of students by means of mathematics

IV. Main directions of implementation of the Concept 2 . Basic general and secondary general education Mathematics education should: provide each student with the opportunity to achieve the level of mathematical knowledge necessary for further successful life in society; provide each student with developing intellectual activity at an accessible level; provide the number of graduates required by the country, whose mathematical support is sufficient to continue education in various directions and for practical activities, including teaching mathematics.

IV. Main directions for the implementation of Concept 2. Basic general and secondary general education It is necessary to provide each student with the opportunity to achieve compliance with any level of training, taking into account his individual needs and abilities. The possibility of achieving a high level of training should be ensured by the development of a system of specialized educational institutions and specialized classes, a system of additional education for children in field of mathematics. It is necessary to stimulate an individual approach and individual forms of work with lagging students, first of all, attracting teachers with extensive experience.

IV. Main directions for the implementation of Concept 3.Vocational education The vocational education system must provide the necessary level of mathematical training for the needs of mathematical science, economics, scientific and technological progress, safety and medicine. To do this, it is necessary to develop modern programs, to include the main mathematical areas in the corresponding priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

IV. Main directions of implementation of Concept 4. Additional professional education, training of scientific and pedagogical workers of educational organizations of higher education and scientific workers of scientific organizations, mathematical science For successful teachers, the opportunity for their professional growth should be provided in the form of scientific and applied work, additional professional education, including internship in organizations that are leaders in fundamental and applied research in the field of mathematics and mathematics education. It is important to support in Russia world organizations that solve the problem of training top-level researchers and teachers, including the creation of world-class scientific and educational centers that invite scientists to conduct research and participate in the development of educational programs.

IV. Main directions of implementation of the Concept 5 . Mathematical education and popularization of mathematics, additional education For mathematical education and popularization of mathematics, the following is provided: Ensuring state support for the accessibility of mathematics for all age groups of the population; creating a public atmosphere of a positive attitude towards the achievements of mathematical science and work in this field; Providing ongoing support and improvement in mathematical knowledge. Additional education system: mathematical clubs, competitions, distance learning in mathematics, interactive museums of mathematics, mathematical projects on Internet portals, professional mathematical online communities.

V. Implementation of the Concept Implementation of this Concept will provide a new level of mathematical education, which will improve the teaching of other subjects and accelerate the development of not only mathematics, but also other sciences and technologies.

One of the most important tasks in raising a small child is the development of the mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.

Intelligence is the thinking ability of a person - mind, reason, mind; level of mental development.

Intellectual development is both the process and the level of cognitive activity of a growing person in all its manifestations: knowledge, cognitive processes, abilities, etc.; it is carried out as a result of the influence of life circumstances and the environment on the child. The leading role in intellectual development belongs to systematic intellectual education.

The intellectual development of a child presupposes that the child has an outlook and a stock of specific knowledge. The child must master perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, and semantic memorization.

Intellectual development presupposes:

Differentiated perception;

Analytical thinking (ability to reproduce a pattern);

Rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy);

Logical memorization;

Interest in knowledge and the process of obtaining it through additional efforts;

Mastery of spoken language by ear and the ability to understand and use symbols;

Development of fine hand movements and visual-motor coordination.

The goal is to create conditions and promote the intellectual development of children.

The main task of a teacher in working with children is to help each child set feasible tasks, master techniques for solving them, and help them find application for the results of their activities.


1. Formation of techniques for mental operations of preschoolers (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, ability to think and plan their actions.

2. Development in children of variable thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the ability to give reasons for their statements, and build simple conclusions.

3. Developing children’s ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults, and see themselves through the eyes of others.

The basis for organizing work with children is the following system of didactic principles:

an educational environment is created that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process (the principle of psychological comfort);

new knowledge is not introduced in a ready-made form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children (the principle of activity);

it is possible for each child to advance at his own pace (minimax principle);

with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed (the principle of a holistic view of the world);

Children develop the ability to make their own choices and are systematically given the opportunity to choose (the principle of variability);

the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience of creative activity (the principle of creativity);

continuous connections are ensured between all levels of education (principle of continuity).

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development of each child.

Methods and techniques:

Practical (game) ;






Didactic tools: Visual material (games, demonstration material, diagrams, symbols, models).

Form of organization of children's activities:

Individual creative activity;

Creative activity in a small subgroup (3-6 people);

Educational and gaming activities (cognitive games, activities);

All this is based on the development environment:

1. Math fun:

Plane modeling games (Tangram, etc.);

Puzzle games;

Games with Dienesh blocks and Kuzner sticks;

Joke problems.

2. Didactic games:


Modeling character;

Specially designed by the teacher for teaching children;

3. Educational games are games that help solve mental abilities and develop intelligence. Games are based on simulation, the process of finding solutions.

The intellectual development of preschool children is carried out through the joint efforts of educators and parents, who are united by a common view of children. Its essence is to recognize the ability of children to have deep intellectual experiences and joy, the uniqueness of each child, the uniqueness of his personality. At the same time, adults, respecting the child’s personality, create a number of immutable truths: the child is not an object to be studied, but a person who needs to be known in development; children have an innate tendency to grow and mature and have an inner intuitive wisdom; Interest in the mysterious lives in any person from birth, every baby is an explorer.

Children under the age of six can already assign roles before the game begins and build their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech, which both in content and intonation corresponds to the role taken. Speech to accompany children's real relationships differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relationships and understand the subordination of positions in various types of adult activities; some roles become more attractive to them than others. The distribution of roles may be accompanied by conflicts regarding the subordination of role behavior. You can notice the organization of the playing space, in which it is possible to distinguish a semantic “center” and “periphery”. (For example, in the game “Hospital” such a center is represented by a doctor’s office, in the game “Barbershop” by a haircut room, and the waiting room is the periphery of the playing space.) Children’s actions in games are characterized by diversity.

Children's visual activity develops. This is the age when children are most active in drawing. Over the course of a year, children can create up to two thousand drawings. The content of the drawings can be very different: these are children’s life experiences, imaginary situations, and illustrations for films and books. Typically, the drawings of children of this age are represented by schematic images of various objects, but they can also have an original compositional solution, conveying static and dynamic relationships. The drawings have a plot character; quite often you can notice repeated plots in which small or, conversely, significant changes are made. The image of a person is now more detailed and proportional. The figure shows the gender and emotional state of the person depicted.

When designing, the ability to analyze the conditions in which this activity takes place is noticeable. Children use various parts of wooden construction sets and can replace parts of the building depending on the available material. Master a generalized method of examining a sample. Children identify the main parts of the proposed building. Constructive activities can be carried out based on a scheme, according to a plan or according to conditions. Construction occurs in the process of joint activity.

Children can design from paper by folding it several times (two, four, six folds); from natural material. They master two methods of design, according to M.A. Cold:

  • 1) from natural material to an artistic image (the child creates a complete image from natural material, adding various details to it);
  • 2) from an artistic image to natural material (the child selects the necessary material to embody the image).

The perception of color, shape and size, and the structure of objects continues to be improved; Children's ideas are systematized. They understand not only primary colors and their shades, but also intermediate color shades; in the shapes of rectangles, ovals, triangles. They perceive the size of objects and easily line up up to 10 objects in ascending or descending order.

However, children may only have difficulty analyzing the spatial position of objects if the shapes and their spatial arrangement are not consistent. This suggests that in certain situations perception is difficult for preschoolers, especially if they have to simultaneously take into account several different and at the same time opposing signs.

In older preschool age, the development of imaginative thinking continues. Children can not only solve the problem visually, but also transform the object, indicate in what sequence the objects interact, etc. However, such decisions are correct only if children use adequate thinking tools. They are represented by schematized representations that appear in the process of visual modeling; complex ideas that reflect children’s ideas about the system of attributes that objects may have, as well as ideas that reflect the stages of transformation of various objects and phenomena (ideas about the cyclical nature of changes): ideas about the change of seasons, day and night, about the increase and decrease of objects at different influences, ideas about development, etc. In addition, the improvement of generalization continues, which is the basis of verbal-logical thinking. At preschool age, children do not yet have ideas about classes of objects. Children group objects based on characteristics that can change, but the beginning of the formation of operations of logical addition and multiplication of classes is noted. For example, when grouping objects, older preschoolers can proceed from two characteristics: color and shape (material), etc.

As can be seen from studies conducted by domestic psychologists, children of senior preschool age can reason and give adequate exemplary explanations if the relationships in question are not outside the scope of visual experience, as L.S. says. Vygotsky. Thanks to their developed imagination, at this age children can create quite original and sequential stories. The development of imagination will proceed actively if special work is carried out to activate it.

There is further development of stability, distribution, and switchability of attention. Transitions from involuntary to voluntary attention are possible.

The improvement of speech, including its sound aspect, continues. Children can correctly reproduce hissing, whistling and sonorant sounds. The development of phonemic hearing and intonation expressiveness of speech is noted when reading poetry in role-playing games, as well as in everyday life.

There is an improvement in the grammatical structure of speech. Children use almost all parts of speech and actively use synonyms and antonyms.

Achievement of this age implies the distribution of roles in play activities; structuring the playing space; further development of visual activities characterized by high productivity; application in the design of a generalized method for examining a sample; mastering generalized methods of depicting objects of the same shape.

Perception at this age is characterized by analysis of complex shapes of objects; the development of thinking involves the development of mental tools (schematized ideas, complex ideas, ideas about the cyclical nature of change); the development of the ability to generalize, causal thinking, imagination, voluntary attention, speech, and self-image continues.

In children of senior preschool age, memory capabilities increase, intentional memorization appears for subsequent reproduction of material, and attention becomes more stable. All cognitive mental processes develop. The improvement of speech (coherent, monologue) continues.

Also, this age is characterized by the development of productive imagination, the ability to perceive and imagine, based on verbal descriptions, various worlds, for example, space, wizards, etc. these achievements are embodied in children's games, theatrical activities, drawings, and children's stories.

The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is a pressing problem of modern preschool education. Today there is a particularly acute need in society to educate creative people who have an unconventional view of problems, who know how to work with people, information flows, and quickly adapt to changing conditions.

At preschool age, inclinations and abilities for certain activities begin to form. As V. Serebryakov notes, “Inclinations are natural capabilities that may or may not turn into abilities.”

When working with young children, it is especially important to pay attention not only to abilities that have already appeared, but also to those that may appear. As a rule, gifted children excel in several activities at once.

In childhood, abilities and personality as a whole are formed, the child’s psyche is faced with rapid integrative processes. At this age there are certain favorable periods to develop the child’s abilities. Neurophysiologists, psychologists, and teachers identify sensitive periods for development, that is, at this time there is a qualitative leap in the development of the child.

According to psychologists, the sensitive period is characterized by a speed of perception that is 10-15 times higher than during normal periods. This is influenced by the development of the functions of the child’s brain and endocrine system. On average, a child has 5-15 small sensitive periods of development during the year, medium ones occur approximately once every 4 to 5 months, and large ones occur once every few years. At the end of each age period, new properties and qualities are formed that were not characteristic of the previous age, but each child develops at his own pace.

It follows from this that preschool age is the most favorable period in a person’s life to reveal existing abilities and form new ones, this gives the right to celebrate “age-related giftedness.” Gifted children tend to have high curiosity.

The dominance of cognitive motivation in a child is expressed in activities such as research, search activity, and implies lower thresholds for the novelty of the stimulus and the unusualness of the situation. Gifted children usually have excellent memory, which is based on early language acquisition. They have the ability to classify and categorize information and experience, and the ability to actively use accumulated knowledge.

Creative thinking, which is inherent in a gifted child, has the following characteristic properties: fluency (the ability to produce many ideas in a short time), flexibility (the ability to use different approaches and strategies), originality (the ability to generate unique ideas and solutions), development activity (the ability to develop in detail concepts and plots). Such children are also distinguished by increased concentration and perseverance in achieving results in an area of ​​interest to them. The early development of abilities significantly influences the entire style of behavior. Due to the relative ease of mastering educational material, self-confidence arises and independence from the opinions of others in decision making.

As evidenced by the data of psychological and pedagogical research, some children with a high level of development of abilities are characterized by a decrease in the leading role in communication, which signals that there are difficulties in relationships with peers. In this case, children are divided into popular and unpopular. The former can evoke sympathy from their peers and communicate quite freely, while the latter try to be in solitude more often and fall into the category of outcasts. It is for this reason that specialists who understand the specifics of their development, the problems of their socialization and the difficulties of personality development should actively participate in the upbringing and training of children with advanced development.

Thus, as a result of the study, we found that intellectual development in senior preschool age is at the stage of final development - at this age all types of intellectual activity of an individual are formed. At the same time, intellectual development is largely connected with the psychological development of the individual.

Chapter 1 Conclusions

In the process of conducting the study, we found out that the moral sphere is an integral psychological formation, which includes a set of universal human values ​​and beliefs, feelings and experiences, motives, needs and actions of the individual on the basis of free choice. We also looked at three components of the moral sphere: emotional, cognitive and behavioral.

In older preschool age, the initial formation of the child’s personality occurs. At this age, the motives and social needs of children are formed, new types of motivation and social values ​​of the individual arise.

The main features of the moral development of children of senior preschool age are:

  • - formation of children’s first moral judgments and assessments; initial awareness of the social meaning of moral standards;
  • - increasing the effectiveness of moral ideas;
  • - the emergence of conscious morality, that is, mediation by a moral norm begins to appear in the child’s behavior.

Intellectual development in senior preschool age is at the stage of final development - at this age all types of intellectual activity of the individual are formed. At the same time, intellectual development is largely connected with the psychological development of the individual. Based on this, we assume that there may be a connection between the intellectual and moral development of an older preschooler. We assume that children with a higher level of intelligence have a higher level of development of the cognitive and behavioral component of the moral sphere, while we assume that the emotional component has no connection with intelligence. We made a similar conclusion based on the fact that, based on the results of a theoretical analysis, it was found that intelligence is associated with the child’s knowledge and behavior, but at the same time, the connection with the emotional sphere is less significant. This is what led to the acceptance of this hypothesis. This is what our empirical study will be devoted to.

Preschool age is a period of active development and personality formation. It is at this age that an important stage of intellectual development occurs. The foundation of intelligence that is laid in preschool age will have an impact on mental intelligence throughout life.

You will learn about what intellectual development is in preschool age, as well as how to help your child develop intellectually, from this article.

Not only his further education at school, but also his success in life depends on how intellectually developed a preschooler is.

Therefore, it is very important for parents to realize the full responsibility of intellectual development in preschool age, and not shift it to educational institutions.

Intelligence is an important quality of the human psyche, which is responsible for absolutely all areas of activity, therefore it is extremely important to begin its development at a very early age.

A child’s intelligence begins to form from the first days of life, with each new experience acquired, a phenomenon seen, a word heard. The intelligence of a preschooler is already developed to a certain extent, but it is during this period that he needs outside help, additional incentives and tasks.

It is important for parents and teachers to understand that preschool age is the ideal time to discover a child’s abilities and maximize the development of intelligence, since this stage of personality formation is more favorable than ever for developmental activities.

Intellectual development in preschool age - stages

During different periods of childhood, the baby develops differently and at different rates. The same applies to the intellectual development of a preschooler.

The development of mental abilities also depends on how much attention parents pay to the baby.

We can roughly distinguish several stages of a child’s intellectual development in preschool age.

How to promote the development of a child's intelligence in preschool age

Parents can and should contribute to the development of the child’s intelligence in preschool age. Since the main activity of a preschooler during this period of life is play, it is necessary to use its potential for the benefit and development of the preschooler.

You can play just for fun, but why do it if you can combine the gameplay with active development. Let's look at several ways to do this.

  • From early childhood, you can buy educational toys for your son or daughter. Let them not only be bright and attractive for the baby, but also perform some function. This could be a construction set, nesting dolls, pyramids, sound toys.
  • Role-playing games also contribute to the development of the child's social, communicative and intellectual abilities. It is very useful for the development of creative intelligence to invite your son or daughter to independently come up with a scenario for your games.
  • From about four years old, you can purchase or make educational dolls for the puppet theater with your own hands. Show your little one how to use them and prepare small performances with him for other family members. This interesting game can also be combined with the moral development of the child by inventing or using stories that have an instructive meaning.
  • Riddles contribute to the development of intelligence, which is why they are actively used in preschool educational institutions. Children also develop logical thinking and memory with the help of riddles.
  • One of the non-standard, but incredibly effective ways to develop the intelligence of preschoolers is the opportunity to take apart things that interest them. Parents often scold their children for spoiling toys or books, and do not see the benefits of such behavior for intellectual development. The child is actively interested in the structure of this world and all the things that surround it. But for a preschooler to develop, it is not enough just the information received from his parents - he needs to be convinced of everything from his own experience.
  • Reading together is the best way to develop intelligence, creative thinking, and attentiveness. Interest your preschooler in books that are interesting in terms of plot, and which must have bright, interesting pictures. Read to your child, and then ask him to read to you and encourage him in every possible way to read independently.
  • Talk to your child more, and in these conversations teach him to analyze, compare, and reflect on certain things. Teach your son or daughter to draw a conclusion through logical reasoning, tell them how and why you came to a certain conclusion. And never ignore your child’s questions, and they will be numerous. Even if you currently do not have time to explain the essence of a phenomenon to your child, promise that you will explain it later, and be sure to be true to your word.
  • Joint creativity also contributes to the development of a child’s intellectual abilities. Therefore, you should not save on buying all kinds of educational kits for creativity. Plasticine, polymer clay, applique kits, paints and pencils and other educational things must be at the disposal of a preschooler. If your daughter or son is not interested in the art kits you purchased, take the initiative into your own hands, interest him and praise him for every smallest achievement.
  • Musical development - in preschool age, attention must also be paid to this, since music contributes to the development of creative intelligence.
  • Sports activities not only contribute to the development of intelligence, but also teach a preschooler to interact with people around him, train his will, endurance and ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles, which will undoubtedly be useful in adult life.
  • Learning a foreign language promotes the development of both hemispheres of the brain and intellectual development. There are specially developed methods that will help a child speak fluently in his native language and one foreign language by the age of five.
  • A child’s imagination also develops rapidly in preschool age, and manifestations of a child’s imagination often frighten parents. You should not punish your child for embellishing reality a little or making things up. In fact, the process of developing imagination is an integral part of the development of intelligence. Therefore, it is important that parents encourage the child’s wild imagination in every possible way and help him direct his imagination in the right direction.
  • For example, write a fairy tale with your child, the plot of which he will invent on his own. Ask him to tell you an interesting fictional story. If you understand that a child does not distinguish fantasy from reality, try to draw invented stories and reality scenes with him and compare them and analyze them.
  • Counting and studying simple mathematical problems and examples also contributes to the development of intellectual abilities and, in particular, logical thinking. You can learn the basics of mathematics with your child in a playful way.

Remember that the development of a child’s intelligence in preschool age is directly proportional to the time you devote to this activity, as well as the effort you put into it.

His future depends on how intellectually developed your baby is, so do everything to ensure that your child achieves maximum success and is a reason for parental pride.

Intellectually developed, smart individuals have always been at a high price. A person characterized by a good store of knowledge in various fields has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activities. It is necessary to distinguish between developed intelligence and erudition. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but not be able to analyze, compare, or think logically. Today, there are many ways to develop intelligence that can be used from a very early age.

Child's intelligence

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive the world around us in a certain way and react to it, it is not difficult to understand what intelligence is. - quality of the psyche, covering all aspects of human activity: mental, emotional, and physical. It is the ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on one's level of development. In other words, a well-developed intellect is synonymous with a harmoniously developed personality, a combination of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

“Did you know that the development of a child’s intellectual abilities is an integral part of harmonious development, which includes spiritual and physical education?”

Many parents will ask the question: why develop a child’s intelligence? The answer is obvious: in order for the child to become able to learn quickly, easily and effectively, to successfully use acquired knowledge, to make discoveries in the future, or to learn to do something that others cannot. Therefore, attention should be paid to the development of intelligence from early childhood.

Stages of intelligence development

First of all, the level of intelligence (intelligence quotient, IQ) is manifested in the child’s thinking ability. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. By moving, crawling, running, stomping through puddles or playing in the sand, the baby learns about the reality around him, developing his brain. It is in this regard that one should not limit the baby’s motor activity, allowing him to independently explore the world. Prohibitions and restrictions inhibit the baby’s brain activity.

Younger schoolchildren will develop intellectually by playing board or computer logic games. Play is a great way to organize learning about anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive environment.

Even more interesting is how to intellectually develop teenagers. The school curriculum becomes more complex year after year, and therefore the first exams can become a real test for students with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence is characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as a slight decrease in cognitive interest. This is where parents need to think carefully about how to stimulate the intellectual development of teenagers, not just by forcing them to read more.

Factors of intellectual development

“Did you know that breastfeeding a baby activates its mental development?”

The mental development of a child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. This refers to the one that a child receives from his parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of a child’s intellectual development largely depend on these factors.

2. Factors that arise during the mother's pregnancy. The kind of lifestyle a pregnant woman had affects the mental development of the child. For example, mental retardation of the unborn child can be affected by:

  • malnutrition
  • lack of iodine in the mother's body
  • illnesses during pregnancy
  • taking medications
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking.

3. Environmental factors. Impairments in the mental activity of children can arise due to:

  • poor child nutrition
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions on motor and cognitive activity
  • single-parent family.

4. Large family factor. Studies have shown that firstborns are more mentally developed than other children in the family. However, in large families, children develop better socially: they easily acquire communication skills and quickly adapt to society.
5. Factor of the family's social status. Children from very poor families do not always please their parents with their school performance.
6. School influence factor. In most secondary schools, teachers still consider a good student to be a student who is calm, answers questions as required, and does nothing without asking. These characteristics do not correspond to children with high creative potential: those who take a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and student-oriented approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children in school today.
7. Factor of the child’s personal qualities. The development of mental abilities is also influenced by what kind of character and temperament a child has. Thoughtful children are attentive to difficult tasks, but they lack self-confidence and are afraid of failure. Easily excitable children are somewhat superficial, but are capable of spontaneously expressing creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. It’s good when parents are intellectually developed, successful, self-confident, and love their work: in such conditions, children develop faster. However, this is not the main condition for raising a smart child. The main thing in education is the care of parents and faith in the strength of children.

Intelligence of preschoolers

"This is interesting. A child’s brain is 80% formed before the age of three. Try not to miss this moment to shape your baby’s intelligence.”

Having seen the toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: examines it, twists it, shakes it, tastes it, listens to it. Knowing this "exploratory" nature of young children, we need to offer them toys that stimulate their thinking ability:

  • block constructors
  • toys that can be taken apart
  • simple household items that you can play with.

How else can a baby explore the world while developing his brain?

  1. Try not to buy all the toys. You can make toys with your own hands, transform household objects into toys: this will make it more interesting to study them.
  2. Involve your child in joint creativity. Make a toy together with your child and play with him.
  3. Allow your child to use different objects that interest him as toys. Naturally, within reasonable limits: they must be safe.
  1. Many toys distract attention. Therefore, it is better to remove excess toys.
  2. Children love multifunctional toys.
  3. Children usually get bored with toys from the store quickly.
  4. The child will be more interested in complex toys that can be explored endlessly.

Along with playing with toys, engage in didactic (educational) games with your child, play sports games outside, read and teach your child to read, start learning the basics of a foreign language with your little one, do drawing and modeling, develop your child musically. There is no need to overload the child. It is ideal when classes are held in a playful way, are exciting and bring pleasure. Only then will the preschooler’s intellect develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch a video about how you can develop the mental abilities of children

Features of intellectual development of schoolchildren

Study becomes the leading activity for younger schoolchildren. Based on this type of activity, children actively develop thinking, related features (analysis, planning, etc.), the need for learning and motivation for it. The development of the student’s personality depends on how interesting the learning activity is and how successful it is. In the process of learning activities, children acquire the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the period of intensification of intellectual development. Mental development also stimulates other qualities of the student. Thanks to this, awareness of the need for educational activity comes, voluntary and intentional memorization occurs, attention and the ability to concentrate develop, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the personality and activities of the teacher, his ability to take a creative approach to teaching children, to use modern teaching methods, aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

It is interesting that school-age children develop a mentality. Some students have an analytical mindset, other students have a visual-figurative one, and others are characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmoniously develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to influence both the logical and figurative components of the mind, presenting educational material in a voluminous manner.

Successful learning is facilitated by the presence of the following components of schoolchildren’s thinking:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, summarize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • be able to think critically, having several options for solving a problem;
  • be able to highlight the main thing, see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use the ideas of developmental education. This pedagogical technology assumes that the tasks are of a problematic nature, which stimulates the active development of the student’s intelligence.

Diagnosis of intelligence

Knowing the level of mental development of a child, you can choose the right teaching methods for him. To determine the IQ level, special ones are used. For kids - bright pictures, by looking at which and answering questions, the child demonstrates a certain level of his intelligence. Preschoolers can undergo diagnostics using special tasks and questionnaires.

Psychological tests are used to check the IQ of schoolchildren. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at studying intelligence in different areas. By focusing on the results, you can find out how he perceives information best.

Ways to develop intelligence

What can improve a child's mental qualities?

  1. Games that develop the brain. These can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logic, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and exact sciences. Mathematics teaches you to structure concepts and treat everything with order.
  3. Reading. A good fiction book will always give you something to think about. Read to your child, teach yourself to read, discuss what you read.
  4. Education. The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Studying of foreign language.
  6. Learning something new. Read encyclopedias and reference books with your child, watch educational films and programs, go to. Create conditions in which your child will be interested in discovering something new every day. This will expand your horizons and erudition. Let the child be inquisitive.

How to stimulate the intellect?

  • constantly ask your child questions
  • use the words “Think”, “Be more attentive”, “Remember”
  • while walking, relaxing, give your child tasks (observe, count, solve a riddle)
  • teach your child to finish what he starts
  • Discuss with your child the results of his activities, identify shortcomings, and think about how to do better.


Develop your child harmoniously. Books alone are not enough to make a child smart. Create a whole system for your baby’s intellectual development at home. Study together, paying attention to the comprehensive development of mental abilities. Let the classes be fun and beneficial.

Tatyana Stanislavovna Kurtsaeva

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 01/09/2019

The most important role in the training program for children of senior preschool age is played by their creative and intellectual education. Preschool age is the most fertile time for the formation and education of an aesthetic and purposeful personality. The necessary basic knowledge laid down by parents at an early age will provide undeniable support both in the learning process and in later life. Based on this, every parent should clearly understand the seriousness of the role of mental development in the life of a child, and not shift it entirely to teachers and educators.

Intelligence is one of the primary qualities of the human psyche; its formation begins in infancy. The formation of a child’s character is reflected in every new word heard, sensation received, and phenomenon seen.

Creative abilities are individual traits inherent in each individual and influencing the quality of performance of any creative tasks.

Creativity development program

Every newborn has good artistic potential, the specifics of further improvement of which fall on the shoulders of parents and kindergarten teachers. Preschool age is the best period for nurturing in children a developed aesthetic personality, as well as the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

A person’s aesthetic abilities are determined by a number of his characteristics and skills.

  • The ability to come up with the maximum number of non-standard ideas in a short time;
  • The ability to apply knowledge gained as a result of performing some tasks when solving others;
  • The ability to perceive the surrounding reality as a whole;
  • The ability of memory to reproduce the necessary information at the right time;
  • Craving for experiments.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in order to develop creative abilities, it is first of all necessary to develop the child’s imagination, creative thinking and artistic potential.

Methods and means for quickly and maximizing creative potential include certain conditions and programs, following which children and parents can easily achieve positive results.

  • Physical activities with a baby play an important role in his development, and they must begin from the first months of his life.
  • Surround your child with toys that are slightly ahead of his needs. Their design features will encourage the baby to quickly develop creative thinking and imagination.
  • Give your child freedom to choose activities. Don’t force your opinion on him, let him decide for himself what kind of activity he likes.
  • During the implementation of the training program, provide your son or daughter with all possible, but not excessive help, and do not prompt them in cases where they are able to come up with the right solution on their own.

A warm and friendly atmosphere should be maintained in the family and children's educational institution. Parents and teachers should do their best to encourage children to engage in creativity, reward them for this, and console them in case of failure.

Features of intellectual development

The mental development of a preschooler can be divided into several stages corresponding to the child’s age. The main period in the formation of intelligence in a baby begins in the first months of his life, and is determined by the study of the world around him and the acquisition of new emotions and knowledge. Already at this time, the child begins to develop the rudiments of analytical thinking and accumulates his first acquired experience. The more experience a child gains at the beginning of his life’s journey, the more active his aesthetic development and education will be.

The next stage of intellectual development falls at a more conscious age of the child. A two-year-old baby watches with interest what is happening around him and gladly applies previously acquired experience to achieve new goals. During this period, the baby experiments a lot, he is active and inquisitive, and the task and role of the parents is to encourage his aspirations and characteristics by all possible means.

The third period of development of mental abilities takes place in the difficult conditions of the first age crisis of 3 years. At this stage, the child’s development is progressing by leaps and bounds, he learns about the world around him, learns to compare what he sees and hears with previously accumulated knowledge, and is even able to draw his first independent conclusions. He is very inquisitive and constantly asks adults various questions, which in no case should be left unanswered. The primary mission of parents and teachers is to satisfy and reward all manifestations of children's curiosity.

For children of senior preschool age, the fourth period is characteristic, which is distinguished not only by the formation of the child’s intelligence, but also by the development of his communicative characteristics.

Methods and means of developing intellectual abilities

The peculiarity of any classes for preschoolers, both older and younger, is that they are conducted in the form of a game. In this case, assimilation of the program is much easier and faster, children get tired less and do not lose interest in classes for a longer time.

The parents’ task is to provide the baby with the necessary toys, books, coloring books and other visual aids. From early childhood, it is necessary to buy him not just bright and beautiful trinkets, but to acquire those that, in addition to entertaining, will also play a developmental role. All kinds of pyramids, insert frames, various sorters, magic spheres, construction sets and musical toys are perfect for these purposes.

A variety of role-playing games and activities have a good effect on the intellectual development of older preschoolers, especially if the theme and plan of the game program are invented by the child himself.

At the age of 3–4 years, puppet shows will be an excellent educational entertainment for the baby, in which both he and other family members take part. The plots of entertainment programs and productions can be very diverse, but must certainly include a moral and instructive component.

Riddles that develop memory and the ability to think logically provide excellent assistance in developing an intellectual personality. And for the development of attentiveness and the ability to beautifully express one’s thoughts, joint reading of fairy tales and poems will play a good role.

Conducting dialogues with your son or daughter plays an important role in the formation of intelligence, logic and creative thinking. Answer their questions, explain why they need to do it this way and not otherwise, force them to analyze what they heard and saw, reflect and draw conclusions.

Music, physical education, and the study of foreign languages ​​have a positive impact on the aesthetic and intellectual development of preschool children.

One of the leading roles in nurturing the artistic and intellectual abilities of children is played by joint creativity. Do not save money when purchasing materials and various sets; modeling dough, all kinds of coloring books and applications, kinetic sand, paints and much more are ideal for such activities. If at first you did not manage to interest your child, take the initiative and show him what wonderful works he can create with his own hands, showing a little fantasy and imagination.

The role of games and activities in the formation of intellectual and creative abilities

Currently, in the field of preschool education, there are a large number of methods and programs aimed at the aesthetic education of children. But one of the important components of artistic and intellectual education is play. When starting classes with your child, it is enough to repeat two or three exercises, then the baby will not get confused in the rules, and your lessons will give a quick positive result.

  • Name any object and invite your child to come up with good and bad associations for this word. For example, “winter”, good associations are snow, New Year, sleds, skis, bad associations are slippery, you can fall, cold.
  • Blindfold the baby and give him any familiar object in his hands, with the help of tactile sensations he must guess what he is holding and tell from memory what this object looks like, and list its features and characteristics.
  • Even very young children will be very interested in modeling classes. Buy special “Modeling Dough” kits that include all kinds of molds, stacks and boards. Allow your child to fantasize and create, with a little help.
  • Draw geometric shapes on a piece of paper and invite him to use his imagination and turn them into something completely new, finishing and coloring them at his discretion.
  • During a walk, invite your son or daughter to play, coming up with opposites to the words you asked. For example, “sweet” - “sour”, “dry” - “wet”.

Get your child interested in various game programs using educational materials: cards, lotto, children's dominoes, mosaics.

  • Show your child a picture of several different objects, one of which is repeated twice. The child's task is to find two identical ones.
  • Offer him a card that shows several objects, 4-5 of which are the same, and one is significantly different. Offer to find him.
  • Draw a picture of a house without windows or doors, a bicycle without wheels, or a tree without leaves, and invite your child to find the missing parts and complete them themselves.
  • Place several objects on the table and invite the baby to remember their location, then he turns away, and in the meantime you either remove one of them, or add or swap toys. Turning around, he must guess what changes have occurred on the table.

When raising a child, it is necessary to pay attention not only to physical or mental development, but also to cultivate a versatile personality in him. And let him not become a great artist or musician, but over time he will turn into a harmoniously developed person, capable of finding a creative approach to any life situation.

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