How to put on a circle for bathing newborns.

Circle for bathing newborns. At what months can a baby be bathed in it?


Circles designed for bathing babies are gaining increasing popularity and recognition from many parents. The main characteristics of these devices are ease of use and affordable price. If you have a child (baby) and want to make it safe for him to swim in an adult bathtub, then be sure to buy a newborn bathing ring.

What is a circle for bathing newborns

A neck ring for bathing newborns is an inflatable product that consists of two horseshoe-shaped inflatable chambers that do not communicate with each other. On the one hand, this product for performing water procedures is equipped with special Velcro, both at the bottom of the circle and at the top of it - stretching them in water is completely excluded. In addition, in the contour of the circle there is a special recess for the chin, which gives the baby additional comfort during bathing and secures the head.

  • What are the benefits of a circle for bathing newborns?
  • Before you buy a swimming ring for newborns, find out what advantages it has: free body position and warm water perfectly remove muscle hypertonicity. Many pediatricians recommend that parents not neglect such a purchase, explaining this by its usefulness and functionality. At the same time, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate to be sure that this water accessory is made of safe materials. Both chambers must be inflated before use. The benefits of a children's inflatable ring are:
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • equalization of intrathoracic pressure;
  • improving metabolic processes in the body;
  • prevention of colic and constipation;
  • development and strengthening of the immune system;

normalization of intracranial pressure;

Water procedures are best done before bedtime. This hydrotherapy promotes muscle relaxation, which is the key to a restful night's sleep. The optimal age to start bathing a newborn with a circle on the neck is considered to be 1.5-2 months. At this time, the child will get used to daily water procedures and will begin to perceive bathing as a game. This accessory can be used until your child reaches two years of age. It is recommended to bathe the baby in a bathtub or swimming pool, but not in open water.

How to put on a circle for bathing newborns

When you decide to purchase an inflatable ring for bathing babies, learn how to put it on correctly. To begin with, it would be a good idea to introduce your baby to a new toy so that he begins to recognize it and get used to it. After a few days, you can begin your first water procedures using the new accessory. You need to put on the circle, which, by the way, has two valves (they should be “sinked” inward) outside the water. To do this, spread the Velcro edges to the sides, then put them around your neck and bring the ends together. At the end, you need to close the Velcro and check whether the child’s chin is in a special recess.

How to bathe a baby in a newborn circle

You can purchase a children's inflatable accessory of a large or smaller size, which will help make bathing easier, in any specialized online store with delivery by mail. In addition, some companies often hold promotions and sales, where you can buy the desired model of detachable cameras at a good discount. To answer the question of how to bathe a child with a circle on his neck, remember that this procedure should not be carried out in a child’s bath – you need an adult one. The required water temperature should be 37 degrees.

Having prepared the bath, proceed to the following steps:

  • Loosely inflate the selected circle and place it on your baby.
  • Carefully lower the baby into the bath, let him dabble his legs on the surface of the water for a while.
  • Hold your baby by the special handle on the product and gently pull him to the other side of the bath, then turn him around and pull him back.
  • Start spinning the device slowly, showing your baby that he can spin around himself.
  • If you notice that your baby begins to get tired, be sure to stop the activity.

Circles for bathing newborns

Children who regularly spend 15-30 minutes in the bathroom develop faster, i.e. they begin to sit, stand and walk earlier. Over time, the child will learn to swim independently. But no matter how many months or years old he is, you should not leave your baby alone in the bathroom, even in a circle, which provides additional safety. The choice of the optimal swimming device must be competent. Today there are many special devices of this type with rattles, balls, and special fasteners.

Baby Swimmer

Circles from the manufacturer Baby Swimmer are designed for bathing newborns and children under 3 years old, both at home and in reservoirs at a depth of no more than one meter. The details of the accessory ensure a tight fit to the neck, preventing the child’s head from popping out of it. It is better to give preference to a product in the manufacture of which seamless technology was used, because When it comes into contact with the baby’s delicate skin, the circle should not injure it. An excellent purchase could be:

  • Model name: BS12Y;
  • price: 348 rubles;
  • characteristics: designed for a child’s weight 6-35 kg, age 0-36 months, internal diameter - 8.8-9.1 cm, external diameter - 37-38 cm;
  • pros: cheap, made of quality materials;

When buying a circle for bathing babies, do not forget that the fasteners must be reliable, like all other parts. If the described model does not suit you, then take a closer look at:

  • Model name: BS01;
  • price: 434 rubles;
  • characteristics: designed for a child’s weight 3-12 kg, age 0-24 months, outer diameter - 36-37 cm, inner diameter - 8-8.3 cm;
  • pros: low cost, high-quality materials;
  • Cons: not very convenient to put on a very small child.


Today you can find a number of Flipper models on sale. You can order them without leaving your home in any city in the country, be it Moscow, St. Petersburg or another locality. Such water accessories have a Velcro fastener and a plastic carabiner: their presence facilitates quick and easy fixation of the swimming ring. If you don't know what to buy, you can order this product from Flipper:

  • Model name: FL001;
  • price: 490 rubles;
  • characteristics: designed for weight up to 18 kg, age from 0 to 2 years, size – 39x36 cm, weight – 0.3 kg, material – PVC, color – blue, “sea inhabitants”;
  • pros: there are two practical adjustable fasteners;
  • disadvantages: it is inconvenient to put on and take off for one person, it is more expensive compared to analogues.

Another safe and comfortable option, perfect for bathing a baby, which is made of durable polymer, is:

  • model name: Music (FL003);
  • price: 370 rubles;
  • characteristics: for children under 2 years old, made using 4-layer technology, size – 39x36 cm, weight – 240 g, material – PVC, color – purple;
  • pros: low cost, there is musical accompaniment;


Accessories that secure a child during water procedures are made from high-quality materials, but despite this, their choice should be approached thoroughly. The Baby-Krug company has developed a special circle, the use of which is not only a safety measure, but also an excellent incentive for the rapid development of the swimming reflex. This newborn bathing collar is more effective than conventional inflatable products. A good purchase might be:

  • model name: Baby-Krug;
  • price: 375 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions – 36x39 cm, age – from 0 to 2 years, maximum load – up to 12 kg, packaged weight – 180 g, material – PVC;
  • pros: brightness, fastener safety;
  • Cons: inconvenient to put on and take off for one person.

Before you buy the described option, check out the characteristics of the new product from the same company, which is an improved product:

  • model name: Baby-Krug 3D;
  • price: 435 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions – 44x45 cm, age – from 3 months to 6 years, maximum load – up to 36 kg, packaged weight – 320 g, material – PVC;
  • pros: brightness, fastener safety, strength;
  • Cons: it’s inconvenient to put it on yourself, you need the help of another person.

Roxy Kids

The Roxy Kids brand is quite popular among parents. Water accessories from this manufacturer, as a rule, have a smooth inner seam that does not squeeze or scratch the baby’s neck. A good purchase that will help your child explore the expanses of water is a model with a single air chamber with a rattle ball:

model name: Owl by Roxy Kids;

  • price: 238 rubles;
  • pros: bright design, low cost, has a rattle ball;

Another attractive and almost identical single air chamber option from the same brand is:

  • model name: Kengu from Roxy Kids;
  • price: 238 rubles;
  • characteristics: for ages from 0 to 18 months, load – up to 18 kg, size – 42x39 cm, material – PVC, weight – 200 g;
  • pros: bright design, quality, has a rattle ball;
  • Cons: It doesn’t work the first time to inflate.

Happy Baby

The water accessory for a newborn from Happy Baby is different in that it can be used from birth, when the baby is not yet able to hold his head on his own. Separately inflating contours (lower, upper) create additional comfort while swimming. An excellent purchase intended for children 3-24 months is considered:

  • Model name: Aquafun;
  • price: 399 rubles;
  • characteristics: load – up to 15 kg, material – PVC, package weight – 200 g, there is 1 Velcro and 2 plastic fasteners;
  • pros: good quality, safety;
  • cons: weight limit.

Here is another model that helps reduce anxiety while a child is in the water, which is suitable for children under 1 year of age:

  • model name: Swimmer;
  • price: 379 rubles;
  • characteristics: load – up to 10 kg, outer circle diameter – 36 cm, material – PVC, there is a rattle effect;
  • pluses: durability, convenient design;
  • Cons: strong restrictions on weight, age.

Cotton Club

When planning to purchase a quality product with a reliable clasp for convenient and safe fixation, take a closer look at products from Cotton Club. Being in the water with this safe accessory will bring joy to the child and contribute to the physical development of the baby. The product described below can be used in bathtubs, swimming pools and ponds with a depth of no more than one meter:

  • model name: Sun and Moon;
  • price: 546 rubles;
  • characteristics: for children from 6 months, material – PVC, rattle balls are made of polypropylene, buckles – of ABS plastic, Velcro – of nylon.
  • pros: durability, good quality;
  • cons: higher cost compared to analogues.

How to choose a circle for bathing newborns

Here are some rules:

  1. First of all, pay attention to the size, depending on which the products can be divided into two categories: for children up to 6 months and for babies from 7 months to 1 year. Although some manufacturers have their own classification, because They produce circles for bathing newborns up to 3 years old. The difference is the size of the inner ring, which is intended for the neck.
  2. In addition, the selected model must be suitable for the child’s weight - this indicator is indicated on the label.
  3. Number of cameras. The best option is a product with two chambers. The fact is that if one of them suddenly starts to drain, the second one will protect the baby from getting water into the body.
  4. As for the manufacturing material, all water accessories of this type are made from latex, but it is not always of high quality.
  5. A product can be considered safe if it is made of environmentally friendly PVC. The seams should be made using internal seam technology so that the outer side is soft and does not rub the skin.

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A neck circle for bathing newborns has long ceased to be a curiosity. And the question of where to buy a circle for bathing babies is no longer relevant. Neck rings for bathing infants are sold in all major children's stores, but on the Internet their assortment is simply colossal. Therefore, buying a circle for bathing babies is not a problem at all now!

For those who have not yet heard about this accessory, let us explain - a circle for bathing a newborn baby, this is an ordinary inflatable circle that has a slot in one place, thanks to which you can easily put the circle on the baby’s neck so that the head is above the circle and not could have slipped down into the water.

To secure the circle around the neck, special fasteners are provided - Velcro or carabiners. It turns out that the child in this swimming circle seems to be hanging in the water - his head is above the circle and the surface of the water, and his body is all in the water.

Different manufacturers are trying to make their circles for bathing babies more comfortable, interesting, and adding various improvements, such as rattles in the circle itself. It turns out that the baby is swinging on the waves, and the rattle in the circle around his neck is jingling. In reality, this bloat is completely unnecessary. What is needed? What should you pay attention to when choosing a neck circle for bathing babies?

Choosing a circle around the neck for bathing babies

1. The most important thing you need to pay attention to is the product quality certificate of conformity! You are not just buying something for a child, you are purchasing an accessory that should ensure your child’s safety on the water! Unfortunately, cases where children drown in their own bathtub due to the negligence of their parents and because of a poor-quality swimming ring for infants are far from uncommon. Therefore, be sure to look at the certificate!

2. A neck circle for bathing a newborn should have two separate sections for air - top and bottom. That is, you must first inflate the lower half of the circle, and then the upper, through a separate hole for inflating. This is a very important point, because if for some reason one half of the swimming circle is deflated, the other half will not allow your baby to go under water!

3. We look at the fixing fasteners. The clasps that secure the baby bathing circle around the neck must be secure! They should not unfasten on their own, and an older baby should not be able to unfasten them accidentally. Well, they should be easy to fasten, so that it is convenient for you to quickly fasten them after putting the circle on the newborn’s neck.

The fastest fasteners are Velcro. They must be long enough so that the adhesive area is large enough, then such a fastener will hold securely. But Velcro has one drawback - an older child can accidentally unfasten such a fastener!

Therefore, the combination of Velcro and carabiner is optimal. That is, on one half, on the bottom, which is in the water and which the child can easily reach with his hands, there is a carabiner. And on the other half, which is on top and the child is not able to reach it, there is Velcro.

Why not two carbines? Because the carabiner can easily loosen when the baby is actively moving, and the child will simply slip out of the swimming circle into the water.

Newborn bathing circles Flipper

And so, we chose a circle for bathing a newborn on the neck. Now let's figure out how a child swims in it.

It's simple - the child's head is above the circle and the water and the baby looks at everything around him. And the baby’s body is completely in the water, and the child can freely move his arms and legs as he pleases.

Thanks to this, parents can calmly play with their child, show him something, tell him something, their hands are free, and there is no strain on their back. Such bathing is also very useful for a child!

When the baby is in such a suspended state in the water, all muscles are completely relaxed, spasms are relieved, and muscle blocks in the spine go away.

Free body position and warm water perfectly remove muscle hypertonicity and help normalize neurological processes.

Therefore, bathing newborns in a circle around the neck is welcomed by both pediatricians and neurologists.

Over time, the child may begin to roll over in the swimming circle, or rather together with it, onto his tummy and try to swim in this position, on his stomach. This is not something to be afraid of.

The child will not harm himself in any way, and at the same time he will train muscles that will soon help him roll over on land. Here you just need to make sure that the baby does not swallow water.

At what age can a newborn be bathed in an infant swimming ring?

You can bathe your baby in the newborn bathing circle from birth!

How to properly put a circle around the neck for bathing a newborn?

Here everyone comes up with their own way. It is very convenient for two people to put the swimming ring on the baby’s neck. One adult holds the baby tummy down, so that his head freely looks forward. The second adult, spreading the ends of the bathing circle wide apart, brings the edge of the circle to the baby’s neck, under the chin, and connects its ends from the side of the baby’s back, fastening the fasteners tightly.

While the baby is not holding his head, this is the only way to put a newborn bathing circle around the baby's neck. As you use the bathing ring, you will invent your own way of putting it on that is convenient for you.

How long should a baby bathe in a swimming ring?

The same amount as you would bathe a baby without a circle. That is, we start with 5-10 minutes and until the baby gets bored or tired!

But we increase the time gradually. In general, all recommendations for bathing children are also suitable for bathing newborns in a circle around the neck.

Until what age should a child be bathed in an infant bathing circle?

As long as it's comfortable in your bath. Or until the baby reaches the maximum weight for which the newborn bathing circle you purchased is designed for (usually 13 kg).

Is it possible to use a circle for bathing newborns in a pool or open water?

Hello, dear parents! We all want our kids to grow up strong and happy. But are we doing everything for this? It turns out that few people know that ordinary daily procedures can actually be turned into useful and interesting activities, which will subsequently serve as a real foundation for the health of the baby.

One of these is swimming. It can be done easily and simply using a simple device. His name is an inflatable ring around the neck for bathing newborns. You can always buy it in specialized stores. The main thing is to choose the right one, and also study the contraindications and features of use.

Practicing pediatricians have been talking about the need for early swimming for more than half a century, and they provide quite compelling arguments in favor of their point of view.

Pastime like this:

  • strengthens and develops the musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus;
  • uses all muscle groups, thanks to which the baby masters motor skills faster (crawling, walking);
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • improves digestion and prevents colic and constipation;
  • promotes full expansion of the lungs;
  • teaches you to control your body;
  • exhausts, helping children sleep soundly.

Moreover, it can be organized from the first days of a child’s life in his own bathroom. The main thing is to comply with all conditions and ensure safety. How? Just with the help of an inflatable ring on the neck.

Bright and practical, it not only frees up parents' hands, but also relieves them of the typical problems inherent in caring for a newborn. For the most part, they come down to pain in the back and arms, due to constant tension and holding a twisting baby. That is why it is popular.

2. When can it be used

Many people ask the question: “At what month of a baby’s life can you use an inflatable ring for swimming?” So here it is worth mentioning that everything depends on its variety.

The fact is that there are products that are intended for children from birth to two years. In fact, it is better to use them if the baby’s weight is 3–9 kg. How much do they cost? It depends on the manufacturer and quality, as well as their functionality.

3. Benefits of neck circle

Is it possible to buy a regular circle and use it to bathe a newborn? No, because he simply cannot provide adequate security. Judge for yourself: a special one is put on the child’s neck, so that in any position the baby’s head will be above the water.

In addition, it has a chin rest that prevents your baby from choking. The main thing is to make sure that water does not accumulate on it when swimming.

Where to buy a neck ring for newborns? In trusted places, because the child’s life depends on it. I really like this store: They have a large selection and reasonable prices.

4. Neck circle for swimming: instruction manual

The rules for using such a device are often contained on its packaging. If they were not specified by the manufacturer, you can always rely on the generally accepted ones.

So, how to properly use a neck circle for swimming:

  1. It is better not to remove a circle for bathing newborns brought in from the frost from the packaging until it warms up to room temperature. Otherwise it may crack.
  2. Before first use, you need to remove it from the packaging, straighten it and wash it thoroughly with soap.
  3. It is important to follow the order of inflating the bathing circle. It has 2 separate chambers that need to be inflated in turn (first the lower one, then the upper one).
  4. You need to bathe your baby with him in a regular adult bath, otherwise he will not be able to actively move.
  5. You need to pour enough water so that the child can swim, pushing off the bottom with his legs. If there is too little of it, resulting in him having to lie down, he is unlikely to appreciate such a procedure.
  6. If the baby starts crying when using the circle for the first time, it is better to put it off for a few days.

Despite all the precautions and the design of the product itself, under no circumstances should a child be left alone in the water with a circle!

5. How to put on a bathing circle

First of all, you need to put the child facing you and turn the circle so that the special recess under the chin falls into place. Another hand that will hold the baby is not superfluous in this matter.

Stretch the free ends of the product so that the child’s neck passes between them and put it on.

Make sure that when fastening the Velcro, you do not squeeze it (there should be a gap of 2 - 3 mm between the inside of the circle and the neck), and that the chin takes its place.

6. Contraindications

You cannot use a bathing ring on your neck:

  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • viral infections;
  • epidermolysis bullosa;
  • presence of pustules on the neck;
  • after fractures, dislocations and some birth injuries.

You can personally see the benefits of using a neck bathing circle thanks to this video:

7. Reviews


My husband and I chose the most beautiful circle, but the child didn’t like it. I never tried it, I cried all the time.


I read the reviews and bought this circle for swimming. True, my daughter was already two months old, but her happiness knew no bounds. Splashed in the water for 40 minutes.


We had a lot of problems in neurology. The doctors recommended a circle in addition to the main therapy and everything worked out.

So don’t be afraid to use a circle to bathe your baby! And also share this article on social networks and subscribe to our updates! See you later!

Devices for bathing newborns are very diverse in their appearance and functional features. Among all this diversity, the circle for bathing newborns is especially popular. From how many months is it used and what are its beneficial properties for a child? How to put on a circle for bathing newborns alone? Is it safe for babies? Adults think about these questions after the birth of a baby, because bathing becomes an obligatory action in the daily care of him.

Circle for bathing newborns. From what month can a baby be bathed in it?

You can bathe your baby with a circle immediately after the umbilical wound has healed. This occurs at approximately 1-1.5 months. The use of such a device is not only harmless, but also has significant benefits for the child. It is up to the parents to decide whether to use a circle for bathing newborns from at least how many months, but the health benefits for the baby when using it are beyond doubt. For parents, the circle will greatly facilitate the procedure of bathing the child.

What is a baby bathing circle?

This swimming device in its appearance resembles an ordinary swimming ring. But there are significant differences:

Despite the external similarity with a regular swimming ring, the baby bathing device is much smaller in size. The diameter of the circle is designed to fit around the baby’s neck and is determined by his age, which is always indicated on the product packaging.

What are the benefits of a bathing circle?

The advantage of bathing a baby in a circle is that it frees the parent's hands and body from an uncomfortable position, prevents back pain and allows you to have fun with the baby while bathing. Otherwise, it has objective benefits for the health of the newborn:

Regular bathing of the baby calms, develops coordination and has a beneficial effect on his physical development. Children bathing in the bath for 15-30 minutes. per day, they learn to crawl, stand up and walk faster.

How to put on a circle for bathing newborns alone

Before use, the circle should be washed with warm soapy water and dried. Under no circumstances should you put a ring on a newborn in the water; it is better to do this in a separate room for both parents. But how can you put on a circle for bathing newborns alone, is it possible? Of course, it is possible, but if the circle is put on by one parent independently, then maximum care must be taken. An adult should turn the child on his stomach, placing him on his lap, and when the child raises his head, carefully place the circle around his neck. The child's chin should fit into the recess specially designated for it. Then you should fasten the Velcro, adjusting the tightness to the baby’s skin.

How to properly bathe a child in a circle

They bathe the newborn in a regular bathtub filled to the top with water so that the baby’s feet do not rest against the bottom. The comfortable water temperature prescribed by pediatricians for bathing newborns is 37°C.

The circle firmly holds the child's head above the surface of the water, preventing it from slipping out. Thanks to the relaxed state, the baby’s movements are spontaneous, he can freely roll over onto his back and stomach. When the child adapts, you can move him around in the water using special handles on the circle. At an older age, the circle can be put on the child's back side, then he will be able to independently hold onto the arms when bathing.

Precautions when bathing a newborn

When bathing your baby in a newborn bathing circle, you must follow a number of simple rules to make bathing safe and comfortable for parents and baby:

Contraindications to the use of a bathing circle

Using the circle for newborns no matter how many months you have to use it may be contraindicated for health reasons. These include:

  • infectious diseases of various types;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, internal organs, including colds and ARVI;
  • for congenital and genetic abnormalities;
  • according to the testimony of a pediatrician.

After the birth of a child, physical activity plays an important role in its development. A circle for bathing newborns not only helps to carry out daily hygiene procedures in an entertaining way, but also develops coordination of movements and motor skills of the limbs.

How to bathe newborns correctly: video advice from Dr. Komarovsky

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