1. keep your head up!

In order to avoid morning swelling on the face, it is very important to choose the right pillow. She must be tall. Thus, if you don’t have one, place a second pillow under your head: the outflow of blood and lymph from the head will help prevent swelling on the face.

2. keep your back.

Those who like to sleep on their stomach will have to change their usual ritual, because this position is harmful to the skin of the face. There is a significantly high risk of waking up with creases in the skin or even wrinkles. Dermatologists, for example, can accurately determine which side you prefer to sleep on by the number of wrinkles. So raise the head of the bed and try to sleep on your back.

3. Don't waste time sleeping.

Only if you absolutely do not have enough time to fully take care of yourself, this can be done during night sleep! For example, apply a nourishing mask or conditioner to your hair, make an oil compress for your heels, or apply anti-cellulite cream to problem areas. During sleep, skin renewal processes go faster, so in the morning you will notice how much softer the dry skin of your legs has become, and your hair will become smoother from the night mask.

4. add shine.

It's no secret that tanned skin looks healthier and various imperfections are less noticeable. Add a drop of auto-bronzant to your usual night cream or simply use a self-tanner with a “Cumulative” effect. Already in the morning, the skin will become a tone darker, the complexion will be fresh and radiant, as if you spent the night on a sunny beach, and not in your own bed.

5. don't refuse dinner.

One of the rules of dietetics states that those who want to lose weight should avoid snacking at night. If you believe the star dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, then, on the contrary, you should not refuse dinner. The main thing is to do it right. For example, an evening meal consisting of foods rich in protein and with a minimum amount of sugar will help you wake up without swelling. A good option is salmon with steamed asparagus. From carbohydrate-containing foods, there is a high probability of waking up with a “loose” face.

6. hair will not be frizzy.

Only if you sleep on satin bed linen or put a satin scarf on your head before going to bed. Silk and satin will make your hair less electrified and frizzy.

7. if you don’t have time to do your hair in the morning.

Before going to bed, take a shower, wash your hair, dry it with a hairdryer and twist it into a bun on top of your head. In the morning, when you let your hair down, you will get a voluminous hairstyle with light waves.

8. delicate area.

At night, you can successfully care for the delicate area around the eyes. For example, use special stickers - patches, make masks, or use a thick cream that is completely unsuitable for daytime.

9. Be sure to remove makeup at night.

No matter how tired you are during the day, before going to bed, be sure to remove your makeup in any way convenient for you. Evening and night are a great time for skin care. During this period, she gratefully accepts and absorbs beneficial substances from creams and tonics.

10. Vitamins.

Oddly enough, it is best to take vitamins at night. This rule especially applies to “Women’s” vitamin complexes. At night, nutrients will be better absorbed and help you wake up faster. ?Vika?

How to look fresh and rested: practical tips

Circles under the eyes

Women after 30 years of age (and some even earlier) begin to notice that the slightest disregard for sleep has a negative impact on their appearance. Dark circles under the eyes give away hours of sleep deprivation especially strongly. You will look much fresher if you eliminate them with concealer or corrector. If you don't have a special product on hand to disguise dark circles, take a regular foundation. Light eye makeup will also save you from looking tired. Puffy eyelids will be less noticeable if you apply dark eye shadow and mascara to your eyelashes. Bright lipstick that you apply to your lips will help distract attention from tired eyes. And don't forget to buy eye drops that will remove redness in your eyes in minutes! Your look will immediately take on a rested look, and your eyes will also be less tired from sitting at the computer.


Our skin is sensitive to any changes in lifestyle. If after a vacation our face and body look like they belong on the cover of a magazine, then after a series of working days we are unlikely to risk wearing an open dress and appearing in public without makeup. Let's try to look rested, bringing the skin closer to the condition it finds after a vacation! For example, you can buy a self-tanning cream, and within a few hours your skin will acquire a healthy, tanned tone. Visits to a tanning salon will do the same thing, only over a longer period of time. Pallor on the face can be hidden with light blush. Give tired skin a radiant look with a luminous moisturizer. Also, an express mask that relieves fatigue will not be superfluous. Such masks are sold in any cosmetics store and can help you out in difficult times when you simply don’t have time to visit a cosmetologist.


Your hair won't be able to hide your fatigue if you don't get enough sleep. Therefore, if you want to look fresh and rested, you cannot do without washing your hair. A fresh head is a guarantee of fresh thoughts and new ideas. Make your hair look fuller with volumizing products. You can curl your hair in hot rollers in the morning - it will take you 20 minutes, but it will make the right impression. A woman with a beautiful hairstyle simply cannot look tired!


To complete the look of a well-rested girl, you need to choose the right outfit. Avoid heels - your gait should be smooth and not show your legs are tired. Be sure to complement your outfit with a bright element, be it a handbag or a scarf around your neck. A bright spot in your outfit will distract others from the slight trace of fatigue on your face. Accessories will also not be superfluous. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. At the same time, you should not choose a sporty style, it immediately makes the girl look simpler.

Useful habits

The best way to look rested is to have a proper daily routine. First, sleep at least 8 hours (tired young mothers can get enough sleep during the day with their baby). Secondly, walks in the fresh air (even if it’s snowing outside, it’s quite possible to go out for half an hour if you’re well insulated and wearing warm shoes). Thirdly, regular exercise transforms us within a month. This means muscle tone, good mood, and attractive appearance! By playing sports, you become more resilient, easily overcome daily difficulties and begin to have a more positive attitude towards life. And one more thing - giving up external habits has made more than one girl more beautiful!
How to look fresh and rested all the time? If you still can’t stick to the regime, then you can only hope for a vacation that will put your appearance in order. Don't forget that no one will take better care of us than ourselves. Allow yourself to rest more often, especially if you see how fatigue is ruining your appearance and mood.

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Your choice is coloring that allows you to create the appearance of sun-bleached hair. Take a closer look at ombre, balayage and shatush techniques.

Dyeing shatush gives the effect of sun highlights on the hair. The master lightens your hair in a chaotic manner, making you look as if you lived on the sea coast for a couple of months, while moisturizing your hair with various kinds of masks almost every day.

With ombre, hair is dyed in horizontal rows, which creates a sharp contrast between the ends and roots.

Balayage combines shatush and ombre techniques. There is a contrast between the roots and ends, and highlights along the entire length.

Take into account your hair's natural resistance to fading and choose the coloring option that suits you best. Also, don’t forget to purchase leave-in conditioner, fluid and masks for colored hair. This will help keep your hair looking fresh for 6-8 weeks after coloring.

Don't overdo it with makeup

As a rule, women already feel quite attractive after a vacation. So your task is to learn how to do so-called “” makeup.

  • First of all, moisturize your skin thoroughly with lotion or cream.

  • Apply brightening concealer to the under-eye area.

  • Apply peach blush to the skin before (!) the foundation and let it absorb. Subsequently, this blush will look more natural.

  • Choose a light moisturizing foundation. Here, BB cream is the ideal choice as it has all the necessary properties.

  • The most you can do with your eyebrows is to comb them and style them using a light tint gel. No heavy eyebrow makeup! It can nullify all your other efforts.

  • Define the lash lines on the lower and upper eyelids using a brown waterproof pencil and blend well.

  • Using a large fluffy brush and bronzer, highlight the prominent parts of the face: the area above the eyebrows, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, chin. Don't forget about your collarbones too, they are also the first to tan. Add some bronzer to your eyelids using an angled brush.

  • Highlight your lips with lipstick and apply clear gloss on top.

Whiten your teeth

In fact, it is not as harmful as is commonly believed. Now there are many modern remedies for home use, but they do not give instant results - you will have to wait 1-2 weeks. If waiting is not part of your plans, contact a specialized dental clinic. Be sure to check the concentration of hydrogen peroxide: up to 25% is considered gentle. Otherwise, do not be surprised that tooth sensitivity will increase sharply during the procedure and return to normal only after a few hours.

Go through your cosmetic bag with creams

Creams with thick, rich textures are by no means suitable for summer. Opt for light emulsions and fluids, otherwise problems with clogged pores cannot be avoided. If possible, visit a beauty salon, get moisturizing treatment and light exfoliation.

A fresh-looking face, perfect hairstyle, no circles under the eyes - the ideal that every woman strives for. That’s why it’s worth listening to advice on how to look rested every day.

A woman is not always happy with her own appearance. Fatigue caused by constant worries about the family makes itself felt. Therefore, it is worth adopting simple nuances that will always allow you to look fresh.

First of all, you need to try to follow the general rules.

The most effective remedy is to follow a daily routine. However, it is not always possible to go to bed on time and sleep the required number of hours. In this case, professional developments used by many stars of world and domestic show business will help achieve fresh skin.
You should definitely sleep on a high pillow to avoid facial swelling. Throughout the day you need to drink a large amount of water and significantly reduce the consumption of sweet and salty foods. Shortly before bedtime, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air and take a half-hour walk. You should not drink strongly brewed tea or coffee in an attempt to regain vigor. It is better to replace them with natural juices.

Dehydrated facial skin in the morning serves as a signal of lack of proper care in the evening. Before going to bed, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin and then use a suitable toner, lotion and moisturizer. Creams should be used sparingly; excess may cause swelling. The best choice is a little gel saturated with plant extracts or peptides.

You need to plan your day to make time for morning exercise. Light exercise will help increase blood circulation. As a result, even dark circles under the eyes will disappear. It is better to give preference to exercises during which the woman should tilt her head.
Very often, fatigue manifests itself in redness of the eyes. To eliminate this annoying defect in appearance, you can use eye drops. A good effect is achieved using the old method. Place brewed and cooled tea bags on the eye area for 15 minutes.
Chamomile decoction and black tea have a particularly good effect on blood vessels, due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties. A wonderful remedy that allows you to restore a fresh look to your face, a chilled mask, which you need to apply to swollen eyes with dark circles for only 5 to 10 minutes.
When deciding how to look rested, a woman sometimes tries to hide her stale gray skin by using an excessive amount of decorative cosmetics. This is one of the most common mistakes. In daylight, the face will look aged, devoid of naturalness.
For oily skin, it is recommended to use mineral powder. If your skin is dry, you can apply a light moisturizer. When applying makeup, you should use a concealer that can reflect light. Thus, a slight glow effect will appear in the eye area, perfectly masking imperfections.
Another wonderful product that allows you to give your skin freshness is powder, which contains reflective particles. Bronze in the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead, cream blush and there is no trace of fatigue!
To hide the redness of the inner lower lash line, professional cosmetologists use light beige eyeliner. You can distract attention from small swelling under the eyes by focusing on the upper eyelashes.
The choice of shadow color is of great importance. Thus, gray and marsh tones will give the skin a tired look, and a pink or purple palette will emphasize the redness of the eyes. Also, it is better to opt for a translucent lip gloss that has a pure berry color.
If you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists every day, you can achieve the effect of fresh skin even after a rather difficult day. At the same time, a blooming, well-groomed and, most importantly, fresh look will not require much effort.

It has been proven that during sleep the body relaxes, rejuvenates and restores its vitality. In this article, we have collected 6 tips that will help give your skin a glow and a peachy tint, and give you a rested, healthy appearance.

1. Aloe vera mask

Aloe vera is a unique plant that has many beneficial properties. It is widely used both in medicine and for cosmetic purposes, for example, in the fight against skin imperfections. To give it a healthy look, use this recipe: mix aloe pulp with lemon juice and apply the resulting mixture to a clean face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask. Repeat this procedure at least once a week and you will soon get stunning results!

2. Teeth whitening at home

Every time you brush your teeth, add a little baking soda to your toothpaste along with your toothpaste. This trick is easy to use and costs almost nothing! Don't forget that a smile is the main tool for attracting attention, as well as a symbol of attractiveness, health and even success.

3. Foot cream

Vaseline will give you soft skin on your feet and help you forget about rough heels. To do this, just apply a little cream, coconut and/or olive oil to your feet before going to bed. For the best effect, wear socks so that the cream or oil is completely absorbed. The result will surprise you!

4. Lip balm

Environmental influences can cause our lips to become dry and chapped. Coconut oil is one of the effective means for moisturizing the skin on the lips. Lubricate your lips with it before bed and you will soon notice the difference!

5. Massage

A massage is always beneficial, especially if you are tired or have had a very stressful day. If your loved one is ready to pamper you with a massage of their arms, legs, shoulders or back, then do not miss this opportunity! To improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension, apply a little coconut oil to the massaged areas.

6. Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows